#not my oldest hyperfixation you cant do this 2 me
d2myg · 5 years
50 questions tag
tagged by @rysiowate thank u darling!
1. What takes up too much of your time? my hyperfixations and constantly updating all my online accounts and personas
2. What makes your day better? when i feel like ive accomplished something in a day; also, getting to go to bed after a long day
3. What’s the best thing to happen to you today? i made really good tofu fried rice
4. What fictional place would you like to go to? the shire. just wanna live in a tiny hobbit house and eat and read
5. Are you good at giving advice? depends what it is about. and also, im better at getting my points across via text, so im useless at advice irl
6. Do you have any mental illness? anxiety and depression, im pretty i have some kind of executive dysfunction and maybe dependent personality disorder, but these two are just my assumptions. who knows really im broke and too anxious to go a therapist to get diagnosed lmao
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? no thank god it sounds terrifying
8. What musician inspired you the most? even though i’m not an active stan anymore i’m gonna say bts because they’re the artists i’ve stanned the longest for and grew most attached to. i think they helped me develop as a person and they’ve been there for me in tough times. but also queen, because in freddie mercury i found a queer icon and role model which is very important for me
9. Have you ever fallen in love? i thought i was in love once but looking back, maybe not
10. What’s your dream date? i think this dream date business is bullshit. as long as im with the person i like, we could be doing literally anything and id still be like yeah this is a good day. like running errands or going grocery shopping or just lying in bed.
11. What do others notice about you?
idk probably my self-deprecating humour. also i if im wearing makeup that almost always gets commented on so i guess that
12. What is an annoying habit you have? just one? lmao uhhh when im super anxious about something i just shut off and like i cant function until that thing is resolved. my brain is just like ok anxiety time lets lay in bed and cry and nap for the rest of the day. also when im not in the mood to reply to someone’s text i will literally go days without replying not bc i forgot but bc i just.. yeah
13. Do you still talk to your first love? sometimes i check up on her (on her social media) but no we havent talked for almost a year since it ended. but then, was she really my first love. idk.
14. How many exes do you have? one
15. How many songs are in your playlist? i have multiple playlists and i also follow a lot of playlists; all together there must be at least 1k
16. What instruments can you play? acoustic guitar
17. What do you have the most pictures of? travelling, i have folders of pictures since last year that i havent edited yet
18. Where would you like to go before you die? hm. everywhere i havent been yet. id really like to go to canada, also like everywhere in asia
19. What is your zodiac? scorpio
20. Do you relate to it? idk i dont really read horoscopes and idk the like scorpio personality traits or whatever
21. What is happiness to you? being content with myself and what im doing.
22. Are you going through anything right now? final assignments of the semester :)
23. What’s the worst decision you ever made? getting too attached to some people. 
24. What’s your favorite store? record stores are so cool. also there’s this store in brighton that sells prints of stuff like ghibli on tshirts and tote bags. not my favourite, but i like it. i dont think i have a favourite.
25. What’s your opinion on abortion? im pro-choice. i dont think it should be a debate.
26. Do you keep a bucket list? no
27. Do you have a favorite album? sheer heart attack by queen, that shit slaps
28. What do you want for your birthday? honestly not to be shallow but some coins so i can buy myself some stuff ive been wanting to buy but didnt wanna spend money on
29. What are most people’s first impression of you? idk probably that im a bitch or that im intimidating. before i open my mouth to talk. one of my best friends told me they were scared of me when we first met.
30. What age do you seem according to most people? idk i mean no one really questions my age tbh. when i was younger people thought i was older lmao cause i seemed mature or whatever
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping? usually on my bed bc i sleep with earphones
32. What word do you say the most? uuuh……. like. when i talk i say like after every 3rd words its annoying
33. What’s the oldest age you would date? 5-6 years probably
34. What’s the youngest age you would date? ½ years max
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you? i dont talk about my career ambitions with anyone lmao it makes me anxious. my mom says i could do personal couching or psychotherapy or whatever.
36. What’s your favorite music genre? classic rock
37. If you could live in any country in the world, where would it be? sweden sounds really nice. hong kong or singapore also
38. What is your current favorite song? hm. the iron man 3 credits soundtrack. slaps. suffragette city by culture club also
39. How long have you had this blog for? uuh i remade very recently
40. What are you excited for? goin home for the summer. also rocketman and spiderman far from home. also!!! i might be going to the rocketman red carpet so
41. Are you a better talker or listener? listener. i dont really like talking about deep stuff
42. What is the last productive thing you did? did some uni work today. actually, did a lot of uni work today
43. What do you want for christmas? go to budapest with my mom weve been planning that
44. What class do you get the best grades in? my best subject in high school was english and in college it was probably psychology
45. On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling right now? idk 5/6
46. What can you see yourself doing in ten years?
dude i dont even know what ill be doing next year after my ba course ok
47. When did you get your first heartbreak? i dont think i really had one. when i broke up w my gf, its been shit for a while and i just accepted that it wasnt gonna work so it didnt really like hurt
48. What age do you want to get married? marriage is overrated and expensive next
49. What career did you want to have as a child? i wanted to be a vet also but so much med school. ew.
50. What do you crave right now? to dye my hair bc im stressed insert this is fine meme
i also tag @hamkis also @crownedbabes also @funkysapphic, @milmercurios, @freddie-jupiter, @piscesyub, @cactustattoo, @tonyrights
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thatspencerinthesky · 6 years
longish post you can ignore if ya want i dont know how to do read mores im so sorry
everything im googling just isnt making sense to my sleep deprived brain im sorry im such a grandpa this is a very odd post but im running on no sleep and realized something i have mutuals on here, who i never talk to, some of which ive been mutuals with for YEARS i just had the idea of going back through my follower list and finding the oldest mutuals who i can recognize off the top of my head that have actually reblogged stuff from me lately
(drinking game: take a shot every time i say “smile” 2 shots every time im an awkward fuck and finish your drink every time i cant remember things. Good Luck to your liver) so uh 
  @sckrim i honestly do not remember how we met but i do know that every couple of months you send me a cute happy message (one of those “list the things you love abt urself!!!”) and every time i get it, it honestly makes my day. i can not for the life of me remember if we have ever had a formal official conversation, but i do know that you blow up my notifications occasionally and it makes me smile so much. I enjoy your content, and you managed to become a reason i smile whenever i check the app/log in. there have been some times where i was going through a lot, and found one of those asks. it really does help. I keep a couple in my inbox just to make me smile @your-lusus it says that you are one of my first few mutuals ever, and im near sure ive never talked to you. i do love your blog though. I was a pretty big fan at one point (that point was before i followed a fuck ton of people and could actually keep up with people on my dash). i think i remember feeling shocked when i realized you followed me. You honestly seem pretty cool from what i remember and if ya wanna talk we can if not thats cool im sorry im so awkward its the sleep deprivation i think. maybe.
@karkat-doodle-doo im pretty sure i havent seen you around lately (i just checked and yeah i have reblogged stuff from you literally today i think im just a moron) but i do remember adoring your blog when homestuck was my only hyperfixation. You were one of the first few blogs i followed and you still bring me joy like 4-5 years later. i think ive followed you for that long?? i wish i could check how long its been. anyways youre cool and if you need anything lmk and i gotcha. if you wanna be friends im here if not ignore this im sorry for taking time out of your day with this stupidity.
okay so @two-pistols-and-a-blink for ONCE i actually remember something. we used to rp. way fuckin back when. def at least 4 years ago. im pretty sure at least. ive had skype calls with you, it was rad. i legit havent talked to you in years but if you needed anything id do whatever i could my man. if youd like to reconnect id honestly love that, if not thats chill too. if you do message me it will mostly be pictures of my cat and memes probably.  @signore-whorechata YOU!!!!! i dont remember how we met and thats honestly irrelevant bc ive made it very clear in this post im a dumbass. anyways!!!! i was stupid and fell out of contact with you oh my god, you were such a cool friend!!! hit me up for cat pics and shitty memes my dude. i still have that url as a side blog that i just fill w junk. there a couple of people who i could also reach out to but my chronic pain is getting bad and i need to wrap this shitty post up
so in conclusion im a dumbass and if you wanna be friends go ahead
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whentvsfly · 7 years
Rules: Answer the 20 Questions in a new post and tag the 20 blogs that you would like to get to know better!
Tagged by @pundeserving, and @acearadiamegido​ (oops. thanks u fucks)
Nickname: uh....a lotta ppl just call me Mac, but also that means people sometimes do shit like call me Mac Attack, Mac-klemore, Mac-aroni and Cheese, and other such things. also things like nerd and fucker but like uk
Pronouns: literally anything but she/her, but like mainly just they/them or he/him. They them is the most neutral feeling, and while it’s a little startling to be referred to as he/him it’s......rly nice.
Star Sign: Gemini binches
Height: 5′ 5.5″ yes i could round up but...look how nice those three 5′s look....
Time right now: 11:04 am. Just woke up like half hour ago and im ready for bed
Last thing I googled: ‘petco activated charcoal’ uhm. My mom wants to make a terrarium but I read u shud put activated charcoal in in there and it said you could get it from pet stores??? so i was checking
Favorite solo artists: hhhhh i dunno...im not sure who IS solo andshit ....
Song stuck in my head: most recent one was King by Lauren Aquilina
Last movie I watched: ....shrek 2
Last TV Show I watched:  bnha!! finally got caught up damn
When did you create your blog: well....my oldest post is 5 yrs old (26th of september of 2012 (it was a wednesday)) but I feel i may have made it a while before and just never posted anything heh
What kind of stuff do you post: memes, funny text posts, cute animals, funny videos/audio....pretty audio, a fuckton of mp100 at the mo god damn im in deep, sometimes art and writing of my own. Just. A mess of things
Do you have any other blogs: Nope. No sideblogs, we make a mess of our mains like men
Do you get asks regularly: like....sometimes? If i reblog enough of those ‘send me asks...’ posts i can get like. 1 or 2.
Why did you choose your URL: ok.....so waaay back when. There was a fosters home for imaginary friends online game. I was rly into cats, so when I made my imaginary friend on there i named her ‘flyiingkat’ (i think that’s how I spelled it). that was way back when i still used my moms email to do this shit pff.  Anyways, then I went onto club penguin and variations of ‘flying cat’ were taken so I was like. Fuck it. And named my lil penguin ‘flyingtv’. and then when I wentto make my OWN email i was like....hah lets have it be the same. so I did. and then my url became ‘when tvs fly’ because...i dunno, i couldn’t come up with anything better and now its my Brand (i still cant come up w anything better and I don’t like change)
Following: 190
Posts: hoo boy...109,136
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
Pokemon team: Mystic...rly should’ve been Instinct tho, hatching eggs is more my style and once someone told me I was literally Spark so...
Favorite colors: like...a lotta blues - light blue and teal and junk. and light green. Love me them blues n greens n sometimes yellow too
Average hours of sleep: uhmmm....7-9? because i stay up til fuckin 1-3 am and make myself wake up abt 10:30 so I dont miss out on friend time by sleeping away all morning and some afternoon. i do take a lotta naps so maybe its more like 8-12 hours of sleep w/ naps a day
Lucky number(s): i dunno but ive always loved the number 52....and i love 2 and 3. does 000 count cause i like that too.
Favorite manga characters: gosh...ive realy only read hxh and mp100 (ive...read like one (1) chapter of bnha but i....dont know the Names). Im love my main sons Killua and Shou, but also gon and shigeo and ritsu and teru and takenaka and tome and mezato and tsubomi and ....just so many ppl from mp100 are also my children. Also ik that basically all the kids from bnha will also be my children (except...that fuckin. perv kid hes not mine) but like...i havent.....read the manga yet........i was gonna do that after reading mp100..........i didnt anticipate getting hyperfixated before i could read it................
How many blankets do you sleep with: like......for naps - 1 or 2 (bc they small) and for actual night time sleep like. 2 or 3. A comforter or 2 for my main self and a lil blanket for my feet (if im at the dorms)
Dream job: one off them game devs. I wanna make video games. I should relly get on that.
Dream trip: fuckin...France looks nice and maybe I’d be able to actually use my 4 yrs of french for smth actually useful....but also a road trip with my friends to ...anywhere is also.......Nice
Who I tag: thinking abt tagging people is making me anxious! So just. If you wanna do it and u saw this u can say I tagged u.
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