#not even sure whether i spelled 'grammatically' correct now lmfao
Tmr fic recs: favorite minewt fic
- other suitable category: angst no happy ending but i loved it
it's a hell of a world
- by sakura_freefall
author's summary: Kissing him feels like a drug, intoxicating and smoky and oh-so-addicting. Like you've got a deadly disease and his lips are the only possible cure.
(Minho/Newt, or what happens when the medicine runs out.)
tags: major character deatch, canon compliant, extremely poetic language, heavy angst, hurt no comfort, and in between all of this there's still healing
commentary: i don't usually seek out minewt fics, but i like them once they find their way to me. and this one has definitely stayed with me.
what made me like this fic: dear god. that's hard to put into words without giving the story away. let me instead focus on the feelings i had while and after reading this fic: it's incredible how the author managed to write something where you feel the despair of the characters as though it was your own, where the author takes your heart to the breaking point and beyond it, and then you still manage to grieve and heal. It left me feeling good, although (or maybe even because?) I was sobbing freely by the end of the fic.
and I think that's what good angsty fics do: they allow you to explore ranges of emotions that hurt, they take you to places so dark you hope you'll never have to go there yourself, where you suffer and grieve, but you'll come out feeling better on the other end of it. and i think that's because sadness is there to help us process stuff.
when you grieve for something, it lets you feel how much it means.
if there was no grief in the world, nothing would ever matter.
tag list: i think you might enjoy this @fandoms-princess
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