#not even out of laziness i just don't want to look at other ppls fabart before i solidify my character designs and put them on paper
sneakystorms · 2 months
Still relistening to wolf 359 its sooooo good .... Eiffels writing is hitting me this time .. like it's not super in ur face but there's such a horribly consistent throughline in his self perception and treatment of himself... How early on he seems to find it depressing and then infuriating that his being on the Hephaestus has no purpose, that he was given a nonsense task to occupy him while himself being the subject of someone else's (supposedly) actually meaningful task. And ofc his backstory (extended version) feeds into this wrt to him feeling like he needs to be punished, but what breaks my heart is the "first day" mini ep because you can tell he really cares about doing a good job and wants to be useful and that is not only denied to him but then twisted horribly when he is "given" the "chance" to "contribute to something greater than himself" via the decima project. I honestly thought he might be persuaded eventually to allow hilbert to continue his experiments because it would make him feel like he had a purpose again. Like, I don't think it's bad writing or anything to have him not take hilbert up on that offer, but i do think it makes sense for his character to assume he did think about it. Anyway this post is prompted by his stunt in the hiccups method because it's so tragically fitting that his solution to the problem would be to put himself in danger, because Eiffel operates under the assumption that he lacks competence and that he could never help out by using his skills or knowledge or unique perspective, so when pressed for a way to be useful he goes to the only option he sees - to make use of his body, his simply being there, his ability to feel pain and be put in danger - his disposability, you could even say, although in this specific situation it's kind of his indispensability that makes the plan work. Ough now that i think about it this stunt is a WORD FOR WORD COPY AND PASTE of what minkowski did when she put a gun to Eiffel's head to get intel out of hilbert!!!!! Oughhhhhhh I'm unwell this podcast is so well written
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