#not even mackay can't get rid of it
xenonmoon · 1 year
Soo the city of death preview [nervous laugh]
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undercity-princess · 9 months
This was heavily inspired by the song 'Your stupid face' by Kaden Mackay. I love the song, give it a listen!
I just had to make this lightcannon
'Please Pow, only one day. Take her to the under city, keep her safe and bring her back in one piece.'
'Why me?'
'She needs to find some magical thingy and if it's buyable somewhere, then in Zaun! And she can't be safer than being guarded by the biggest danger!'
'Ewww you sound like sheriff cupcake! Was it her idea?'
'Does it matter? Come on, if you do this, I'll make it possible for you to come topside and work with Victor! Deal?'
Jinx groaned in response. Vi had found her one weak point.
'Kaaaay, hope she ain't talky'
That's how Jinx ended up in the undercity with Luxanna Crownguard. A living speck of sunshine. Most men and a good portion of women oogled her, kids and elderly smiled at her. And she had the gall to actually smile back.
And god's was this girl talky! Blubbering all the time, making jokes as if they were friends! Jinx would have preferred the polite shyness, but somehow the prissy princes blossomed in her vicinity.
Her laugh was like a warning claxon, shrill and addled with loud snorts. Jinx would take a day on Singed's examination desk over this any day.
At least she could get rid of her in the evening.
Maybe Lux wasn't that bad. People liked her because she was pretty, Jinx had to admit that. And she had this aura around her that made it really hard to be in a bad mood. Her wonder about just everything she saw reminded Jinx of a baby poro.
Lux entered a store and Jinx waited outside. At least her scowl came back at that moment, but when the blonde came back, her face betrayed her and the Zaunite smiled (against her conscious will).
'Not a moody brooder anymore? You look way cuter when you smile! Glad you finally have fun' Lux laughed
'I'm not cute, I'm the most dangerous terrorist here, bane to both twin cities. And I'm only here to ensure your safety, not for fun!'
Awww shit. She had to lie already .
When the evening came she led Lux and her magical trinket over the bridge and disappeared without a word. Gone and done. No goodbye, no questions to meet again or whatever. Clean cut.
Except that it wasn't, at least not for Jinx. Somehow blondie had wormed herself into Jinx's cold heard.
But stupid her had to make herself as unlikable as possible, being rude, gross and silent, even when Lux had tried to spark a conversation.
She found herself close to the bridge, always high up to spot shining armour. Not that there was any chance right? She had forcefully warded off the one person who really tried to befriend her.
She went home.
A knock on her window, late at night, she opened it cautiously.
'Hi, Jinx!'
'What are you doing here?'
'You ran off without saying goodbye'
'I didn't run away! It was a... Strategic retreat!'
'I want to talk about it, about us'
'There's nothing to talk, no us, I jinxed it, I always do!'
'But are you sorry for your... Strategic retreat?'
'Yes of course, but...'
'Then I forgive you!'
'What?! But... You can't just... If you forgive me it will just be another chance to ruin it!'
'No. Because I think I might have fallen in love with you, Jinx.'
'... But... You should hate me for being rude! Or don't care for me at all!'
No one loved Jinx, everyone hated her, including herself. The best she could ever get was being tolerated. She stared at Lux, looking for trickery or deceit in her eyes, but only found nervous sincerity.
'But you do know who I am and what I've done?'
'Yeah and... I've got a whole list myself...'
This was stupid, she'd only drag the pretty girl down, make her worse, taint her... She'd....
'We could make it work, if you'd want to. I would love that' Lux looked up and smiled at Jinx who felt like seeing the sun rise just for her.
'I'd like that too, Lux.'
Maybe it was stupid, but Jinx couldn't shake the warm feeling of being wanted, of someone giving her the chance.
Even if Lux was too pretty and her laugh was obnoxious, Jinx wouldn't give her away for anything and break all hell loose to make them work.
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