#nor is it forgiving to having 1000 of drafts
lasbrumas-archived · 4 years
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SAINTLESS –– a wip introduction
❝ there were sinners, and then there were the de la Cruz. ❞
GENRES ; high fantasy, lgbtq+
DEMOGRAPHIC ; adult (na)
THEMES & TROPES ; familial curses, cities in the sky, vaguely steampunk, found family, magical realism, finding forgiveness, forgiving yourself, redemption, eldritch angels, gothic & catholic aesthetics
NARRATION/POV ; 3rd, multi pov
STATUS ; drafting
Adelina Castillo de la Cruz is one of the infamous de la Cruz’s who live within the floating sky-city of Ascension. The family is cursed with mysterious afflictions the likes of which no doctor or priest can cure nor banish, and it’s said even one encounter with them can pass it to the unlucky bystander. To avoid trouble, Adelina hides behind her father’s surname and hides her affliction in layers of clothes.
But then her uncle goes missing the same night the Rot –– a mysterious entity that’s been slowly consuming other sky-cities –– first makes its presence known in Ascension. With her city and family in a panic, Adelina goes on a quest to discover the reason behind his disappearance and how it relates to the Rot. Joining her are her cousin, Emilio; Carlos, an orphan boy with mysterious ties to her family; and Salvador, an angel questioning his own faith. Plagued by their own curses and with time running out, what they will discover about themselves and their world may just be Ascension’s undoing.
☞ Adelina Castillo de la Cruz ; 25, with no life plan or goal. likes learning for the sake of learning and hates being asked what she’s doing with her life. hides from her responsibilities by going on adventures around the city. her curse makes her appearance difficult to remember and fuzzy, like looking at something from the corner of your eye.
☞ Emilio de la Cruz Sanchez ; 18, Adelina’s cousin and an avid scholar. avoids all forms of confrontation and decision-making. suffers from a curse which causes him to have a limited amount of words he can speak per day.
☞ Carlos Aguilar ; 18, orphaned at a young age with no clue who his parents are except for his name. currently lives at one of the smaller parishes in Ascension as ward and trainee to Padre. suffers from a curse which causes him to get lost often or to lose things. do not trust with a map.
☞ Salvador ; 1000s, one of the angels designated as a watcher to oversee the humans in Ascension. has a fondness for books, coffeeshops, and is allergic to sleep. if given the choice, he’d rather stay home. suffers from an unknown affliction.
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lasbrumas · 4 years
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SAINTLESS –– a wip introduction
❝ there were sinners, and then there were the de la Cruz. ❞
GENRES ; high fantasy, lgbtq+
DEMOGRAPHIC ; adult (na)
THEMES & TROPES ; familial curses, cities in the sky, vaguely steampunk, found family, magical realism, finding forgiveness, forgiving yourself, redemption, eldritch angels, gothic & catholic aesthetics
NARRATION/POV ; 3rd, multi pov
STATUS ; drafting
Adelina Castillo de la Cruz is one of the infamous de la Cruz’s who live within the floating sky-city of Ascension. The family is cursed with mysterious afflictions the likes of which no doctor or priest can cure nor banish, and it’s said even one encounter with them can pass it to the unlucky bystander. To avoid trouble, Adelina hides behind her father’s surname and hides her affliction in layers of clothes.
But then her uncle goes missing the same night the Rot –– a mysterious entity that’s been slowly consuming other sky-cities –– first makes its presence known in Ascension. With her city and family in a panic, Adelina goes on a quest to discover the reason behind his disappearance and how it relates to the Rot. Joining her are her cousin, Emilio; Carlos, an orphan boy with mysterious ties to her family; and Salvador, an angel questioning his own faith. Plagued by their own curses and with time running out, what they will discover about themselves and their world may just be Ascension’s undoing.
☞ Adelina Castillo de la Cruz ; 25, with no life plan or goal. likes learning for the sake of learning and hates being asked what she’s doing with her life. hides from her responsibilities by going on adventures around the city. her curse makes her appearance difficult to remember and fuzzy, like looking at something from the corner of your eye.
☞ Emilio de la Cruz Sanchez ; 18, Adelina’s cousin and an avid scholar. avoids all forms of confrontation and decision-making. suffers from a curse which causes him to have a limited amount of words he can speak per day.
☞ Carlos Aguilar ; 18, orphaned at a young age with no clue who his parents are except for his name. currently lives at one of the smaller parishes in Ascension as ward and trainee to Padre. suffers from a curse which causes him to get lost often or to lose things. do not trust with a map.
☞ Salvador ; 1000s, one of the angels designated as a watcher to oversee the humans in Ascension. has a fondness for books, coffeeshops, and is allergic to sleep. if given the choice, he’d rather stay home. suffers from an unknown affliction.
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attackthepinata · 4 years
Flirting means Death (I think)
Pairing: Roceit
Word Count: Idk forgot to check, well over 1000 tho
Content & Warnings: Pride!Roman, Sympathetic!Janus, flirting, kissing, food mention, Roman is a smug bitch, Janus is in Love™
A/N: So like this was written at various 2-4 a.m’s throughout the week, so if it really choppy, I’m very sorry. This is just something I’ve kinda been craving for some reason so I wrote it. I don’t think this has any plot or continuity or anything but I’m posting it anyways because it took too damn long to write and I’m not going to let that sit in my drafts so, here you go. I’m sorry in advance.
Janus stumbled into the living room, “He’s flirting with me”
Virgil looked up from his phone and gave him a quizzical brow, “Who?”
Janus’ human cheek was flushed pink, he had a look of what was either disgust or love (maybe a mix of both), and he was rather mishappen. He looked up from his spot on the floor, “Pride”
An uneasiness settles over the room at the mention of the Side, like just by saying his name, he would show up. There was no real downside to him being around, it was just rather awkward.
“Well,” Logan started, “That can mean one of two things. One, he thinks you’re rather handsome and would like to date you. Or, two, he absolutely hates you and wants you to die”
“Those are two entirely opposite scenarios” Virgil commented.
Janus ran a hand over his face and groaned, “I think the second one fits best”
“Yeah, he does seem to really hate you,” Virgil pointed out.
Janus just glared at him and said, sarcastically, “Why thank you, Virgil, for that reassurance”
Virgil smirked, “Just doing my job,” he said as Janus sunk out.
Janus has locked himself in his room the rest of the day. It was his best chance on not getting murdered by Pride. He had allowed one person in his room that day and it was Remus. Actually, allowed is a lie. Janus had dropped something under his desk and bent down to find Remus smiling up at him. He didn’t force the Side to leave, and he didn’t mind his company too much.
Right now, Remus was laying on Janus’ bed, head hanging off the side looking at Janus upside down. Janus had seated himself in his office chair, making small talk with the chaotic Side.
“I don’t usually pride myself on being cowardly-” he was cut off by Remus snorting a laugh.
“Pride yourself! Get it? Because-”
“Yeah, I get it. Unintentional”
Janus sighed and leaned back in his chair, looking up at the ceiling. For some reason, he was so caught up about Pride, and what Logan and Virgil had said. That he was flirting with him, because he hated him. But there was still a slim chance he liked Janus.
Remus have a soft expression and rolled over so he was looking at the snake side properly, “You know, Jan,” Remus said softly, “If I didn’t know any better, you share the same feelings with Roman”
“I- what?” Janus sputtered, “I do not- He doesn’t- I shouldn’t- We could- I-” Remus cocked an eyebrow and Janus. Janus just sighed, “Roman hates me”
Remus let out a loud laugh, “You think he hates you?!” he cackled some more, “Wow! I guess love really does blind people!”
Janus looked up from his spot on the ground, “Wait, what?”
Remus jumped off the bed, “Well I gotta go now. It was nice talking with you J-Anus, why don’t we do this more often?” he said before sinking out.
Janus sighed and called after him, “That’s not how you pronounce my name!”
He groaned and buried his face in his hand. He couldn’t keep hiding in his room to avoid Pride. Though, the consistent thought of him was better than not being able to form a sentence as a tall handsome man dressed in dark clothing is towering over you saying your scales look pretty when they shimmer in the dark.
Oh, Janus was dead. Either it was because Pride took his sword and drove it through his heart or because he was so lovestriken that he would collapse.
What Remus had said didn’t help with his thoughts either. How could Roman possibly like him, he saw Janus as a villain. Maybe he did manipulate him once or twice, but the majority of that wasn’t a lie. When he did compliment him, he meant it… and there seemed to be a double use in complimenting someone. But Roman would never believe that.
Janus was suddenly pulled away from his thoughts when he heard a low grumble. He rested a hand over his stomach, and groaned for the eighteenths time that day. He needed something to eat.
He looked over at the time. 1:02 A.M. Surely Roman would be asleep right now, so Janus had nothing to worry about.
He got up from his chair and slipped out of his room down to the kitchen, careful not to make too much noise.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re avoiding me” a voice said from the shadows.
Janus jumped and stifled a scream. He turned to see a figure leaning against the wall, red eyes seemingly glowing in the shadows.
Janus let out his breath and tried to relax, “Pride” he said rather evenly.
“Deceit,” he returned smoothly, “What are you doing out here so late?”
Janus shrugged and fixed the capelet around his shoulders, “Midnight snack,” he answered quite honestly, “You?”
Roman stepped out from the shadows, eyes toning down from red to a softer brown. He unfolded his arms and let them rest at his sides as he said, “Just couldn’t sleep” Something flashed behind his eyes but Janus didn’t detect a lie nor did he push.
He just cleared his throat and turned to start back down towards the kitchen, “Well, it was nice seeing you, Roman. I’ll be off now”
“Ah, ah, ah,” Roman said disapprovingly while grabbed Janus’ wrist, spinning him back to face him… or to stare at his chest. Janus let out a small squeak of surprise at the sudden movement. Roman spoke again, “You didn’t answer my first question, are you or are you not avoiding me?”
“Well, see, when you first said it, it wasn’t really a question, it rather more of a statement that I was able to contradict…” he trailed off as he fought his gaze up from the centre of Roman’s chest to his face. Where he gave Janus a rather quizzical and smug look. Janus immediately stopped talking and shot his gaze back down to the dark red sash. He was way too obvious, but that smug smirk that Roman gave him just shut down all of his senses.
Roman let out a low chuckle at the sight of the flustered Side. he was still holding Janus’ wrist too. Actually, he was holding both of them. Janus didn’t realize when he did so, until he let go of it. He placed a finger underneath Janus’ chin a directed his gaze back up towards his face. Janus’ breath hitched at the contact.
“Are you or are you not avoiding me?” Roman asked again, a bit more clearly this time.
“I…” Janus trailed off again, trying to look away from Roman’s gaze. Eyes shooting from different places along the walls and behind the taller side.
He was suddenly brought back to reality, when he felt a thumb travelling up the jaw if the human side of his face. He looked back at Roman, who raised an eyebrow at the smaller Side, still wait for a response.
“No” Janus fought out a lie.
Roman didn’t seem to notice the lie, he just gave him a satisfied smirk and said, “Good”
Janus stared helplessly up at Roman. His had was still holding his wrist, and his finger was still under his chin, keeping his head and gaze up at the taller Side.
“You have such clear skin” Roman said, studying the human side of Janus’ face.
“I moisturize” Janus replied sheepishly at the compliment.
Roman softly smiled at the comment, the corner of his mouth lifting upwards.
“Breathtakingly beautiful,” he murmured, meeting Janus’ mismatched gaze again.
Janus’ face heated up, “You sure know how to compliment someone” he said as smoothly as he could muster.
“Learned from the best” Roman replied, alluding to Janus himself.
Janus’ gaze softened. And he remembered what Logan had said, that Roman was flirting with him because he wanted Janus dead. Maybe if Janus tried to apologize, “Listen, Roman, I didn’t-”
“You didn’t mean to?” Roman cut him off, “You weren’t trying to hurt me? And you’re sorry? Yeah, I’ve heard that speech multiple times”
Janus moved his eyes down in shame. There was nothing he could say. Roman would probably drive his sword into Janus any minute now.
“Don’t worry, though,” Roman whispered, moving his face closer to Janus, that there’s were almost touching, “I forgive you”
Janus lifted his gaze up to meet Roman’s. He was…astonished. Roman was never one for forgiving. His soft brown eyes spoke truth.
Roman chuckled at Janus’ shocked face. And the next thing Janus knew, was that his lips were on Roman’s and Janus’ eyes had fluttered closed.
Janus was up against the wall, Roman passionately kissing him back. Roman’s hands had migrated to his hips, and Janus was holding Roman’s elbows.
Roman pulled away after a bit, and brought his hand back up to Janus’ face, cupping it.
Janus’ eyes fluttered open to meet Roman’s find one. Janus spoke, “But I thought,” he sucked in a breath, “I thought you hated me”
Roman chuckled a bit at the statement, “Maybe just a little bit,” he said before kissing Janus again.
They were back again in the middle of the hallway, Janus’ hands on Roman’s chest, and Roman’s hands cupping Janus’ face.
They pulled away from each other’s lips, soft smiles adorned on their faces. Roman laughed as he moved his hands away from Janus’ face, and to his head, plucking the hat off his head and putting it on his head.
“You are officially forgiven,” he said with a large smile, fixing the hat atop of his head. He then softly nudged Janus back in the direction of the kitchen, “Now as much of a snack as I may be, you’re probably still hungry. So go get yourself something to eat or whatever” he said before turning in his heels and disappearing down the hallway.
Janus stood frozen in the hallway for a few more minutes before muttering a soft, “Right” and turning to go get food.
The next morning, or the same morning a few hours later, Janus woke up to a bouquet of roses. He picked them up, and noticed they had a note attached.
It said,
To my snake faced friend,
Thank you for the hat and the kiss. They’re almost as half as wonderful as you are.
- Prince Roman
Light or Dark, the Prince did not loose any of his signature touches, including his cheesiness. Janus smiled as he set them down again, before it him.
Memories of what had happened, flooded back to him now. He could have sworn it was a dream but the proof that it actually happened was sitting right in front of him.
He quickly got dressed into his regular clothes (minus his hat of course) and popped up in the living area, where Virgil, Logan and Remus were all sitting.
They all looked up from their various activities to see Janus, eyes wide with realization, standing there.
He finally looked up from his spot on the floor and said, “He kissed me”
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