9luttony · 2 years
ok so, a lot has changed since the last time i was here (last post july 17, 2021!) i'm not going to disclose too much about my personal life but many things have changed for me and i'm doing so much better now! initially i had stopped posting on this blog due to my ex who made me feel really silly for enjoying pretty much anything but i had stumbled back on this blog and had found an ask from @lordiavolo (hi!) and i was thinking about coming back
i know i've built a little following on this blog but im not sure how long you guys have even been here. i miss many old friends if they remember me, im sorry for disappearing. my predicament is that havent been into obey me in about two years. i don't plan to redownload the game so my options are as follows:
i can come back as i was ; an obey me blog and occasionally reblog fan art / make posts but i wouldn't be super active.
i wanted to revamp this blog perhaps for self shipping since that's what it was for me but i'm not sure how people would feel about the current things im into. id change my theme and username but ill try to still be recognizable..maybe.. <3 i still want to make aesthetic boards
don't come back i can just leave this up as an archive and maybe link to my new blog elsewhere. ( im in the process of switching the sideblog ownership to a different main account because i don't desire to have this main for it. )
if you have a better recommendation
i want to become reconnected with a bunch of things i used to do / be into and i remember how important this blog was for me to just learn how to enjoy things without feeling embarrassed and i want to get back into that. i miss the connections ive had to my online communities since ive been so irl focused these past few years. sorry for such a long post i really would like to use my blogs more personally now so id also just lifepost too if that would be annoying or too much idk.
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twentysixfourteen · 5 years
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abalathia · 3 years
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 LFRP                 ESJA FIALA ( eh - juh       fee - al - uh )
Age: Unknown.
Birthday: 16th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon.
Race: Veena Viera.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Marital Status: Single.
Server: Balmung.
Hair: Light ash brown in the summer and cool brown in the winter months.
Eyes: Pale violet, almost blue.
Height: 6′3″.
Build: Lithe.
Distinguishing Marks: Face paint; various scars and tattoos.
Common Accessories: Horn/bone earrings and brass jewelry.
Profession: Survivalist and bounty hunter.
Hobbies: Wood and leatherworking, exploration, hunting.
Languages: Common, Woodspeak.
Residence: Somewhere in the North Shroud.
Birthplace: Skatay Mountains.
Religion: One long forgotten; mostly nonpracticing.
Patron Deity: None.
Fears: ???
Spouse: None.
Children: None.
Parents: Estranged.
Siblings: Many; estranged.
Other Relatives: Many; all estranged.
Pets: Various critters she’s amassed along her travels.
TRAITS ––– -
* BOLD - Definitive ; ITALIC - Situational
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Smoking Habit: Socially. Drugs: Spiritually (nonfrequent). Alcohol: Frequently.
RP HOOKS ––– –
Viera: It is not often to see a Viera beyond the Wood, and while not exactly rare, Esja is instantly drawn to others who have defied the Green Word. 
Tracking: Esja is a skilled hunter with an appetite for excitement and a knack for cornering her prey. While she mostly assists adventurers with hunts, she has been known to assist in locating trophies of a more exotic (human) nature. Of course, bounties require more coin than a common pest, and persuading the Viera to assist might take a bit more than a silver tongue.
Survival: Esja often acts as a guide for fledging adventurers, teaching them to manage on their own. She offers “courses” in scavenging, navigation, first aid, and much more. Be warned: she is as strict as she is savvy, and she will not hesitate to leave the weak-willed behind.
Tavern: Whether it’s a bustling hotspot or a hidden gem on the road, Esja can almost always be found where there is alcohol and a warm bed - especially if there is a hunt board to peruse.
In Game: Esja Fiala @ Balmung Discord: Provided when asked for. Tumblr: I respond as soon as I can!
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aperrywilliams · 3 years
Maxcer HC/Blurbs: Forgotten Lunch
Hello people out there. Here is another one for Maxcer HC/Blurbs/Mini-fic! Anon, I hope you like it! As always, any like, reblog, or comment is appreciated.
Request: “Reid meeting Max’s friends or colleagues when bringing her lunch?”
Word Count: 1.2k.
Warnings: None.
When Spencer woke up that morning, he felt odd. It was Wednesday, and he didn't have to go to work. That was a nonfrequent occurrence, but after a case that kept them in California for two weeks, Emily had mercy and gave the team three days off.
Spencer rubbed his eyes and looked to the empty side of the bed. A slight pout shaped in his face. He had the day off, but Max didn't. Max knew Spencer barely slept during the case, and he needed the rest, so she didn't wake him up, leaving the apartment early and very quiet.
Max and Spencer were living together for two months now. After a year of relationship, he asked her to move in with him and she accepted. They were still adjusting to the routine, but they were doing pretty well.
Spencer got off the bed and padded to the kitchen to make coffee. When he was about to put the coffee in the machine, he saw Max’s packed lunch box. She forgot her lunch. Spencer frowned. They cooked last night for dinner, and Max was happy to get the leftovers for the next day.
He thought to call Max to tell her, but surely Max noticed her forgetfulness by now. Of course, she wouldn't make a fuss for that, and she simply would pay for a lunch in the cafeteria. But Spencer didn't want that: if she wanted the leftovers as lunch, he would give her that. It isn’t a big deal. He had this day off and plenty of time.
He showered, dressed, grabbed the lunch box, and headed to Max’s workplace. Spencer knew the place because he picked up Max several times, but he never put a foot inside the building before.
In the main door, the guard stopped him.
“Can I help you?”
“Yes. Good morning. I’m looking for Maxine Brenner; she works here.”
“Do you know the unit where she works?”
“Uhm, yes. Extension Programs and Children Diffusion.”
The guard typed his tablet and nodded. He asked for Spencer's ID and gave him a visitor pass.
“Third floor, first hall to the left,” he indicated. Spencer thanked him and walked to the elevators. When the doors opened on the third floor, Spencer stepped outside, walking for the hall looking for your office. It wasn’t difficult to locate. A plaque in the door said, “Extension Programs and Children Diffusion,” with the last names of Max’s team: Roland, Brenner, Turpin, Triplett, Rabb. Spencer knocked on the door that was ajar, and no one answered. Instead of voices talking aloud enough to not noticed the guest at the door. Spencer pushed open, and a pair of eyes settled on him.
“Hello. Can I help you?” the man asked Spencer, who was slightly nervous. He didn't know Max’s colleagues although she talked about them all the time.
“Yes. I’m looking for Maxine Brenner.” The guy narrowed his eyes, focusing on Spencer’s features.
“Are you Spencer?”
“Uh-yeah. It’s me.” Did Max tell enough about him to her colleagues to recognize him? The guy grinned at Spencer.
“I’m Johnny. Johnny Rabb. I work with Maxine. Nice to meet you already. We think we know you enough after everything Maxine talked about you,” the guy chuckled. Spencer blushed a little.
“Oh. Uh. Hope good things,” Spencer mumbled. Johnny let out a laugh.
“Don’t worry, man. She would never find a flaw in you. Let me call her,” the guy said. Spencer thought he would stand up to heading to Max’s desk, but he didn't expect what happened next.
“Brenner!!! Get your ass here! You have a visitor! And guys! The visitor is Maxine’s boyfriend, so grab your asses to here too,” Johnny shouted to the room.
Spencer could hear Max running from her desk in the back of the room. Almost breathless, she saw Spencer with a confused look.
“Hey, what are you doing here?”
“Uh. You - you forgot your lunch,” Spencer almost whispered, handing her the lunch box. Max flushed and gave a bright smile to Spencer.
“And you came here to bring my forgotten lunch?”
“Yep. You were so happy to have this leftover for lunch that I thought, you know...” Spencer trailed off. The young couple then realized that Max’s coworkers surrounded them. They let out a sweet “awe” almost in chorus. Max let out a nervous laugh, and Spencer didn't know what to say. He was scared about embarrassing Max in front of her coworkers.
“Maxine, we deserve an appropriate introduction, don’t you think? A year working with you and knowing your sweet boyfriend just now? So disrespectful from your part,” a girl teased. Max shook her head and huffed.
“It’s just because you’re so annoying sometimes; I didn't want to overwhelm Spencer with you guys,” Max joked back.
“Just be honest. You wanted to keep this adorable human being just for you,” another guy added. Spencer couldn't help but blush at the compliment. Max smirked.
“Yeah. I’m guilty here. Okay. Spencer, as you can guess, these annoying people are my team: this is Johnny Rabb, Jessica Triplett, Edgar Roland, and Victoria Turpin. Guys, he is Dr. Spencer Reid, my boyfriend,” Max finished the introduction. Spencer waved, and the rest greeted him with several “hi,” “nice to meet you,” “at last!” “Maxine didn't stop talking about you.”
“Well, I don't want to interrupt you from work. I just wanted to bring you lunch,” Spencer said as he headed to the entrance. Max following suit. They stopped at the door.
“You shouldn't have, baby. But thank you. It was a beautiful gesture of you,” Max said, subtitling, grabbing Spencer's hand and rubbing his knuckles. He smiled.
“Anything for my beautiful girlfriend. You know, when I woke up was strange not having you next to me,” Spencer acknowledged. Max bit her lip.
“Dr. Reid missed me this morning?” she teased, playing with his fingers on her hand.
“I always miss you when you’re not with me,” Spencer admitted. Max only wanted to wrap her arms around Spencer’s neck, but she knew her coworkers were looking at them.
“Me too. I would kiss you right here and right now, but I know you don't like PDA, and I know those human beings are very intimidating too,” she said.
“Don’t believe her words, Spencer! We’re not intimidating. Just a group of curious and noisy people,” Jessy piped up. Spencer and Max chuckled.
Without warning, Spencer cupped Max’s cheeks and leaned to kiss her. She was shocked at first. Spencer was kissing her in front of her colleagues. She buried the thought and melted into the kiss. Some whispering and giggles were heard from the people around them. After they parted from that passionate kiss, they both looked at each other with a grin plastered on their faces.
“Yes. I’m not a fan of PDA, but if I want to kiss my girlfriend, nothing more should matter to me,” Spencer said softly. “And... you deserve an afternoon full of teasing for being distracted this morning,” he finished, a smirk on his face.
“Spencer!” she elbowed him. “That’s not fair,” she complained.
“I think it is. And, don’t worry, I love you although you forgot your lunch today. It gave me an excuse to see you.” Spencer proclaimed, pecking Max’s lips for the last time.
“Nice to meet you, guys,” Spencer said before leaving.
“Bye!” They all said at the same time.
Max shook her head, smiling. Sure she has the best and caring boyfriend in the world. If something like winning the lottery in life exists, this could be how it feels.
Permanent Reid’s Taglist: @dreatine @andiebeaword @calm-and-doctor @mind-of-a-girl  @katelynnwrites
Maxcer’s Army: @dreatine @andiebeaword @ironwoman18
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myhealthfitguru · 3 years
Fruits For Constipation During Pregnancy USA 2021
Fruits For Constipation During Pregnancy USA 2021
Fruits For Constipation During Pregnancy: Constipation during pregnancy is normal. About 70-80 percent of women may experience this during pregnancy. During pregnancy, they might feel hard stools, nonfrequent bowel movement, abdominal pain, and similar symptoms. To avoid all of these, doctors always suggest having plenty of water and eat healthy foods rich in fiber and essential vitamins. They…
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aevanfleet · 4 years
How To Calculate The Field Current In A Dc Motor
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  Direct current, electric motors transform electric energy to mechanical power similar to AC electrical motors. The mechanical energy is then utilised to energy ordinary things like electric hairdryers, electrical power tools, car alternators and a variety of other tools. DC motors change in AC motors in that they are not frequency-dependent like AC motors. AC motors call for 60 hertz power which is accessible through one hundred twenty voltage AC sockets. DC motors are powered with batteries or nonfrequency-dependent electricity supplies. Using the kw to amps calculator is the ideal choice for calculating KW to Ampere.
Find the DC voltage evaluation of the energy source or the battery powering the DC motor. Refer to the specification sheet of the battery or DC electrical power supply. For small batteries, then you can find the voltage rating over the outer shell of the battery. Call this value V.
Locate the field immunity or terminal immunity of the DC motor. Consult with this the specifications of the electric motorvehicle. Call this worth R.
Calculate the field current to your motor working with the formula I V/R where I'm the subject existing.
The Way to Figure DC Voltage
From that you might also figure out the ability at any stage while in the circuit.
The Best Way to Figure KVA to MVA
Volt-amperes really are a component used to spell out the electric load in technology. Volt amperes can be abbreviated VA.. You can even use metric prefixes these as"kilo-" and"mega-." It carries 1,000 volt-amperes to equal lone kilo-volt ampere along with 1,000,000 volt-amperes to equal lone mega-volt ampere. Therefore, it will take 1000 kilo-volt amperes to receive you mega-volt ampere.
Divide the number of all kVA from 1,000 to transform MVA. For example, in case you have 438 kVA, split 438 from 1000 to receive 0.438 MVA.
Multiply the number of most kVA from 0.001 to transform MVA. In this example, multi ply 438 by 0.001 to receive 0.438 MVA.
Assess your response in the calculator by going into the sum of kVA, compelling the division indication, inputting"1,000" and compelling the forward sign.
The way to Find KW Rating of the 3 Stage Electric Motor
The National Electric Code necessitates the nameplate of most motors to record the voltage and the full-load current of their motor, no matter voltage type or ion phase. The ability that a three-phase motor consumes while conducting under total load at its rated speed is given in watts or kilowatts. Watts along with kilowatts are components of electrical power. Ability can also be calculated directly from voltage and current in a easy calculation. You may locate kw to amps calculator through online.
Locate the motor voltage over the three-phase motor nameplate. Some engines might possibly possess even three voltages presented. Pick the very initial voltage for the ability calculation. As an instance, voltage: 230/460V or even 230/460V, pick 230 horsepower to your own ability calculation.
Find the full-load present in the three-phase motor nameplate. Motors that listing a lot more than one voltage will additionally list a similar selection of full-load currents. Pick the very initial current supplied for the energy calculation. As an Example, present: 20/10A or 20/10A, select 20 Amps to your own energy calculation
Assessing the engine voltage by the full-load recent. The result is really in watts. Divide watts by 1000 to give kilowatts. For instance, 230 volts x 20 Ampere = 4,600 g; 4,600 watts divided by 1000 = 4.6 kilowatts.
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kaythdeguia · 4 years
The Best Way To Calculate The Field Current In A Direct Current Motor
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  Direct current, electrical motors convert electrical energy to mechanical energy similar to AC electrical motors. The mechanical power is subsequently utilized to strength regular items such as electric hair-dryers, electrical power saws, automobile alternators and various other equipment. DC motors vary in AC motors in that they aren't frequency-dependent like AC motors. AC motors call for 60 hertz power that's accessible through a hundred and twenty voltage AC outlets. DC motors are run by batteries or nonfrequency-dependent strength supplies. Employing the kw to amps calculator is the ideal solution for calculating KW into Ampere.
Find the DC voltage rating of this ability source along with even the battery powering the DC motorvehicle. Refer to the specification sheet of this battery or DC power supply. For smaller batteries, you'll discover the voltage test on the outer casing of this battery. Call this value V.
Find the place immunity or terminal immunity of this DC motor. Consult with the schematic or the specifications of this electric motor. Telephone this value R.
Calculate the field current for the motor employing the system I = V/R at which I'm the field present.
How to Calculate DC Voltage
During Ohm's law, you can figure out the voltage (V), current (I) and resistance (R) of the DC circuit. From that you might also calculate the power at any stage while within the circuit.
How to Calculate KVA into MVA
Volt amperes are a unit employed to describe the electrical load in engineering. Volt-amperes could be abbreviated VA.. It is possible to even use metric prefixes such as"kilo-" and also"mega-." It carries 1,000 volt amperes to equal one kilo-volt ampere along with 1,000,000 volt-amperes to the same lone mega-volt ampere. So it will take 1,000 kilo-volt amperes to get you mega-volt ampere.
Split the range of all kVA from 1,000 to convert MVA. For instance, in case you have 438 kVA, divide 438 by 1,000 to receive 0.438 MVA.
Multiply the range of kVA by 0.001 to change to MVA. In this case, multiply 438 by 0.001 to receive 0.438 MVA.
Check your answer on the calculator by simply going into the quantity of kVA, pushing the branch indicator, inputting"1,000" and pushing the equals sign.
How to Work Kilowatt Rating of the Three Phase Electric Motor
The National Electric Code requires the nameplate of most motors to record the voltage and the full-load latest of this motor, regardless of voltage kind or ion phase. The ability that a three-phase motor consumes while running under total load in its rated speed is presented in watts or kilowatts. Watts along with kilowatts are units of electrical power. Power can also be computed directly from current and voltage in a simple calculation. You can find kw to amps calculator through online.
Locate the motor voltage on the three-phase motor nameplate. Some engines may possibly involve two or even three voltages provided. Choose the first voltage to the ability calculation. For instance, voltage: 230/460V or even 230/460V, decide on 230 volts for your own ability calculation.
Find the full-load latest on the three-phase motor nameplate. Motors that record more than one voltage will additionally set a similar selection of full-load currents. Pick the initial current given to the ability calculation. By Way of Example, current: 20/10A or even 20/10A, choose 20 Amps for your own power calculation
Assessing the engine voltage by the full-load latest. The outcome is in watts. Divide drops by 1000 to offer kilowatts. As an instance, 230 volts x 20 Amps = 4,600 watts; 4,600 watts divided by 1000 = 4.6 kilowatts.
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misanthropecopy · 5 years
" Your mega evolution... what does it looks like. "
         Serena had become one of the very few trainers who Mewtwo could afford, to allow into village and meet her. Not only had human retained that vow of secrecy (as scanning her mind proved), but was also wise enough to make rendezvous here nonfrequent. She comprehended that doing the opposite would raise questions from others, in turn it showed a certain wit which genetic Pokémon appreciated and found rare among mankind. The woman had managed to conciliate artificial creature’s curiousness at her best ability and continuously offered food despite never witnessing what ensued afterwards exactly, thus Psyche permitted a little increase on their interactions.
         The two were observing trainer’s Pokémon interacting with villagers, when her query breached atmosphere. It evoked no hints of astonishment, that Serena would be curious on synthetic one’s rather unique condition. The young lady was studying on such subjects, after all. The trick was finding a way to describe it without undermining what immense power lied, behind appearance. With tail swaying, Psyche answered her with usual aloofness.
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         “It is a bit more compacted, compared to how I normally am. However like those microchips you humans invented, my powers are enhanced greatly partially because of my diminished size. My eyes take on a scarlet sheen and these-” Psyche then extended had towards her left side, spreading fingers to emphasize claws. “-Become more akin to daggers.”
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