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babyawacs · 1 year ago
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rausule · 2 years ago
RUSSIA fit status potentes
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D TE regnum Russiae saeculo nono auctore Rurik. A Norvegia condita. Ipse et alii piratae Norvegiae incolas Slavicas Russiae septentrionalis vicerunt et caput suum Novgorod fecerunt.
Postea Vladimirus Sanctus e principibus Russiae vocatus est. nupta reginae Annae de Constantinopoli. Ad eam instantiam vir Norvegianam religionem deserens fidemque christianam assumpsit. Hoc modo venit Russia sub Ecclesia Catholica Graeca (etiam Ecclesia Orthodoxa Graeca appellata) cum Pontifice Constantinopolitano in Capite, et non sub Ecclesia Catholica Romana, sicut in regionibus Europae occidentalibus. Per hunc contactum cum Constantinopolitano etiam Russia leviter impulsus civilis cultus civilis venit.
Processus civilis tertio decimo saeculo intermissus est cum Genghis Khan, princeps Tartariae, Russiam cum suis orientalibus multitudine praeoccupavit. Inde est quod Russia postea assimilatus est patriae orientalis secundum habitum et consuetudinem. Saeculo XV, posteri Rurik Tartaros e Russia pellere coeperunt. Negotium peractum est cum regnum Russiae Moscoviae, cum Moscuae caput suum exstitisset, exsisteret usque ad diem operarium in navalibus operari.
Sed maximum studium eius in nave erat.
navigatio et navigium. In Hollandia et Anglia fecit
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Proximus miliarius maximus in historia Russiae regula Tsar Petri Romanov est, quae Petrus Magnus appellatur. Russiam e semi-Orientali regione in modernam Europae regionem convertit.
Petrus admodum periculosus erat, et principi curriculo extraordinario. Propter animum fratris tsar coram eo, ipse et mater eius vitam in Kremlin, palatium Moscuae, secreta vivebant. Crevit in plateis et suburbiis Moscuae. Amicos cum peregrinis et nautis maxime amatus est, et in commercio cum iis perspexit patriam suam longe post Europam occidentalem esse.
Cum Petro successit fratri suo Tsar Russiae. Etiam amicissimos suos contrusit et saluti suae abscondit, cum repente animum amisit. Tota eius species ac mores magis quam principem viae barbarum simile. Sed ingenti operis facultate praeditus, patriaeque amore flagrans est animatus. Quapropter omnes suasit vires ad Russiam modernizandam eamque pari condicione cum aliis Occidentis regionibus deportandam.
RUSSIA accipit portum suum
Sicut legentes nostri Trekker, Petrus agnovit Russiam portum vocationis habere cum aliis terris in contactum habere. Sola Russian portum fuit Archangelus in septemtrionis
Sed octo menses extra annum frustra erat quod tunc constringebatur. Praeterea sita est via artis praecipui longius a. In bello contra Turcos, Taurus Asof in Ponto cepit, unde Russia primum portum suum in aqua calida dedit.
Hoc bellum Petro etiam magis persuasit Russiam maiorem partes habere non posse donec scientiam et apparatum Occidentis obtineret, quam ob rem Taar insolitum iter capere statuit et sibi videre quomodo res in Occidente fierent. .
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Anno 1697 suum extraordinarium iter incepit, contra ministrorum suorum acerbissimam oppositionem. Berolinum, Lutetiae, Amstelodamum et Londinum non principem, sed habitum studiosum ac saepe communem operarium invisit. Undique ivit. homines celeritate miratur qua res novas didicit. Rerum omnium fere quae ad se pervenire potuerunt prima manu habuit: machinationem, cursui, fabricandi chartarum et textorum, coriariorum, imprimendi, medicinae, etiam dentes extrahendi.
postea docere posse homines suos quomodo classem Russicam aedificaret. Ubique etiam studium administrationis patriae fecit.
Itinera eius seditione contra consilium occidentales interruptae sunt. Festinandum erat, ubi omnes principes seditionum interfecerunt.
Inde occidentalem serio coepit. Cognitio fabrum, artificum. doctores et magistri, ex omnibus Europae partibus collecti, Russos omnes occidentales methodos adiuvare docebant et Russiam e somno diuturno excitant.
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Scholares convertendi libros de omnibus rebus in Universitatibus Russicis et in scholis instituebant. Tsar etiam externa civilis cultus Orientalis signa evellere conatus est, quidam nobilium, qui barbam radere nolebant, vel longas Orientales stolas pro brevibus tunicas commutare, in manus proprias assumpsit, secans vestem breviorem et incisam. barbam abrumpere. In portis principalium civitatum tonsores et sartores loca capiunt. ut omnem barbam transeuntis raderent et longam vestem abbreviarent. Foeminae detraherent tintinnabulis.
Omnes hae reformationes acriter repugnantiam provocaverunt, sed Petrus ubique manu ferrea contra incredulos egit. Cum uxore sua in coenobio obstitit quod reformationibus adversabatur. Per filium Alexim eadem de causa prosecutum est et tandem eum in carcerem coniectum et ad necem verberavit.
Magna urbs in palude oritur
Petrus etiam alium portum in Mare Balthico voluit. Hoc conflictum duxit cum Suetia, qui dominabatur omnium orarum Maris Baltici. Primus impetus defecit, sed anno MDCCIX omnes possessiones Sueticas in oram maris Baltici orientali cepit. Nunc magnum portum habet, St. Petersburg, late landing. Quadraginta milia corporum in hoc laborare coacti sunt. Multi perierunt morbo et frigore, inundationibus et incursu Sueonum sub Carolo XII rege, sed Petrus fecit. eos ibi prohibuit, donec ex paludibus caput novum ei constituerent. Omnes nobilitas hic domos aedificare et quibusdam in locis coacta est
anni temporibus incolere. In fine administrationis eius Petrus potuit cum
sufficientia testificata successu laboris sui Russiam exercitum, classem et urbem modernam, necnon fodinas, industrias et mercaturam florentissimam cum reliqua Europa habuit. Praeterea Russia potestas nunc erat quod ceterae nationes adnumerandum erat.
Petro Magno successit inbecillitatis series, quae fere opus suum pessum dedit. Fortunate, imperatrix Catharina Magna, cessavit. Illa erat germana principissa quae Petro III Tsar nupsit, consobrino suo. Quem cum deposuisset, in pugna in carcere strangulatus est. Ab ipsa Occidente, Petri Magni emendationes continuavit. Ea quoque consilium dilatationis ad meridiem et occidentem supplevit vincendo totam oram septentrionalem Ponti et magnam Poloniae partem.
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daziran1 · 5 years ago
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expertfront · 8 years ago
TD Ameritrade Essential Portfolios Reviews
TD Ameritrade has long received praise from investors who prefer an active trading approach for their innovative online trading platforms.In 2016, they launched a robo-advisor to give customers who prefer a more hands-off approach to investing an option.TD Ameritrade Essential Portfolios reviews are positive, and users are impressed with the fee structure and portfolio options.
To utilize the service, you’ll need a minimum investment of $5,000.Customers payan annual 0.30% management fee and are matched with oneof five portfolio options based on individual investment goals and risk tolerance.
Here, we’ll delve into the details on TD Ameritrade Essential Portfolios to help you better understand the niche they’ve carved out in the marketplace.We’ll examine how the account works, who it’s best suited for, and point out potential drawbacks to consider before signing up.
At A Glance Summary of TD Ameritrade Essential Portfolios
To better understand TD Ameritrade Essential Portfolios, we’ll break down the basics onaccount structure, associated fees, funds managed, and what the service includes.
Account Basics
There is a $5,000 account minimum to invest on this platform.
You’ll incur a few different fees.These include:
0.30% annual account management fee
0.06% to 0.08% investment expense ratios
$75 full transfer out fee.If your account has a balance of over $100,000, you’re exempt from this fee.
Free automatic re-balancing is included as part of the service.
TD Ameritrade supports many different account types.These include:
Individual and joint non-retirement accounts
IRA’s- Roth, SIMPLE, SEP, traditional and rollover
401(k)s and Roth 401(k)s
Profit-sharing plans
Corporation accounts for nonprofits
A variety of business accounts with $100,000 minimum like S Corp, LLC, C Corp, Partnership and Unincorporated
The portfolio allocations include five funds from iShares and Vanguard and a percentage of cash.
Investment Information
Many online brokers who launch a robo-advisor product have their own proprietary funds where they allocate many of their investments.TD Ameritrade Essential Portfolios in an exception, asthey use non proprietary funds recommended by respected investment research and advisory firm, Morningstar Investment Management.This is important to note as many other brokers who have developed a solution in this space use their own funds to build customer portfolios which effectively allows them to profit twice.One from fund expenses and again from the fund management fees.
However, in this scenario, investors can rest assured that the funds were selected because they were a good match for the risk goals of each portfolio.The Essential Portfolios product uses a mix of iShares and Vanguard ETFs, but it’s limited to just five ETF’s per offering.
How it Works
Like you would expect from a robo-advisor, new clients take an initial assessment that reveals risk tolerance, investment goals, and time horizon.The results produce a recommendation that matches the investor with one of five portfolio options.Users can also navigate through the different portfolio choices to see how the recommendations change based on risk tolerance.
TD Ameritrade Essential Portfolios also provides detailed predictions about what you can expect regarding volatility in each of the five options, as well as the likelihood of accumulating various account balances with the selection.
TD Ameritrade Essential Portfolios Features
TD Ameritrade used their expertise in creating robust trading tools to develop this hands-off investment product.Here are a few features that differ from the competition.
Low Investment Expense Ratios
When you sign on with a robo-advisor, chances are good you’ll allocate a portion of your portfolio to exchange-traded funds (ETFs). TD Ameritrade follows that same model, but with a customer-friendly twist.They offer investment expense ratios ranging from 0.06% to 0.08%, some of the lowest in the marketplace.Combined with their competitive annual management fee, they provide a valuable service at an overall low cost.
Competitive Management Fee
As we mentioned above, TD Ameritrade’s 0.30% annual account management fee is right on par with what you’ll see from other robo-advisors launched by online brokers in the past year.There are options with slightly lower fees on the independent side, but you may need a larger minimum investment to qualify.
Robust Account Choice
While you are limited to just five ETFs in your portfolio, the list of account types you can choose seems endless.If you’re someone who loves having a plethora of choices, including accounts that aren’t typically managed by robo-advisors, the Essential Portfolios product may be the perfect fit.
Potential Drawbacks
When TD Ameritrade launched Essential Portfolios in 2016, they did a thorough job of covering all the bases.There are just a few considerations that might make you think twice before signing up for the services.
No Tax Strategy
The 2016 product soft launch included a stipulation fromTD Ameritrade that they would beadding the feature early in 2017, but asof April, itis not yet available.Tax-loss harvesting is a common feature in robo-advisors that helps investors limit their tax impact by selling off losses to offset gains.Some competitors offer this as a free feature to all their customers while others have a set minimum you need to meet to qualify.  It’s yet unknown which approach Essential Portfolios will take.
Bare Bones Portfolios
TD Ameritrade came up with the name for their robo product because it just includes the essentials.While other advisors may allow you to incorporate 10or more asset classes, with Essential Portfolios you’re limited to five ETFs per portfolio offering.TD Ameritrade believes that this minimalist approach still offers well-diversified options for their clients, but also has a more robust digital advisory option for investors who want more options.
Who Would Benefit
There are a few classes of investors who would make the perfect client on this new TDAmeritrade platform.If you’re someone who wants to have money in the market but doesn’t want to have to monitor it regularly, this is a good hands-off choice.
If you are already familiar with TD Ameritrade products, their Essential Portfolios solution offers a similar look and feel and isan easy transition for a loyalist.
Customers who don’t want to pay high fees also like this option, asdo those who want a large choice of accounts when making their investment selections.
Final Thoughts
Broker-backed robo-advisors are becoming the norm, and most of the companies pay careful attention to what their competitors are doing. While this results in many great choices in the marketplace, it also means that most of the services offer the same things.
Essential Portfolios isno different.Their pricing, portfolios, and services onpar with industry standards, and while they have a few unique aspects, there isn’t a strong call to action to have investors signing upin droves.
That said, they did just launch in late 2016 and had promised some additional features throughout 2017, which gives us something to keep our eye on.In the meantime, the TD
Ameritrade Essential Portfolios reviews all suggest this is a good robo-advisor option for many different types of investors who could benefit from automated account management.
The post TD Ameritrade Essential Portfolios Reviews appeared first on ExpertFront.
from ExpertFront https://www.expertfront.com/2017/04/28/td-ameritrade-essential-portfolios-reviews/
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seputarbisnis · 8 years ago
SMPN 1 Sidikalang Boyong Piala Bergilir Olimpiade ASOFS
Sidikalang (SIB) -SMPN 1 Sidikalang berhasil menggeser posisi Yayasan Bintang Timur Pematangsiantar dan membawa piala bergilir Olimpiade A Step Of Future Succes (ASOFS) SMA Plus PMS Raya XV, Minggu (12/2) di gedung SMA Plus Raya. Yulerika berhasil meraih juara 1 dan Dodi juara harapan 3, serta secara keseluruhan SMPN 1 Sidikalang, berhasil menjadi juara umum. Saat ini juga, siswa-siswi SMPN 1 Sidikalang sedang dipersiapkan untuk mengikuti olimpiade yang sama di Yayasan Sopo Surung Balige. Demikian disampaikan Kepala SMPN 1 Sidikalang, Drs Jonner Situmorang kepada SIB, Senin (13/2) di Sidikalang. Menurutnya, seluruh pelajar yang berangkat merupakan kompetisi pertama dan penyegaran terhadap soal-soal yang akan diujikan nantinya pada ujian nasional (UN). Diharapkan, seluruh pelajar kelas IX nantinya tidak canggung lagi menghadapi UN. "Membawa trophi, medali dan hadiah lainnya merupakan sasaran kedua. Sasaran utama kita adalah melatih para siswa untuk lebih mampu nantinya menjawab soal UN. Selain itu, mereka juga sudah kita ajari untuk mampu berkompetisi dengan palajar sekolah lain," ujar Situmorang. Ditambahkan Situmorang, seluruh pelajar diberangkatkan dengan dampingan para guru. Situmorang juga sangat berterimakasih kepada seluruh guru yang aktif dalam membimbing, membina serta mendampingi para siswa dalam setiap kegiatan akademik dan non akademik. Disebutkannya, selain guru bidang studi yang diujikan, turut serta mendampingi para siswa. "Guru seluruhnya aktif mengikuti dan mendukung anak-anak. Hotmedi Purba SPd, Togar Tambunan SPd, Drs Juanton Angkat, Drs Saidi Anak Ampun SPd, Robet Tampubolon, Edison, Sinta Manullang SPd, Rosintan Manalu SS, Parlindungan Silalahi, Rianto O Purba SPd, Manahan Simbolon SPd dan Helmi Rohani Purba SPAK, secara bersama-sama mendampingi anak-anak," tambahnya. Situmorang juga berharap pelaksanaan Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer (UNBK) yang akan diikuti para anak didikannya, dapat berhasil dan memberikan hasil terbaik nantinya. Diakuinya, saat ini pihak sekolah sedang mempersiapkan sarana prasarana untuk pelaksanaan UNBK di SMPN 1 Sidikalang. "Kalau nanti komputernya tidak cukup, kita akan buat ujian bergelombang. Kita hanya berharap, seluruh pelajar sudah siap dan mempersiapkan diri nantinya. Karena kita telah diberikan kepercayaan untuk pelaksanaan UNBK, kita akan berusaha dengan maksimal melaksanakannya," imbuhnya. (B06/d) http://dlvr.it/NQlMfr
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rausule · 2 years ago
Getuienis, gentele, Gentile, geontele, geontile, geoleotile, leitike , l'età In die Latynse taal is die oudste getuienis van die term dié wat in die wette van die XII tabelle vervat is: "Si agnatus nec exit, gentilis familiam nancitor". In die skrywers van die klassieke tydperk is hierdie byvoeglike naamwoord nie gereeld gebruik nie en het dit gewoonlik 'n tegniese betekenis wat verband hou met privaatreg gehad (vgl. Cicero, wat Scaevola aanhaal, in Top. VI 29 " gentiles sunt qui inter se eodem nomine sunt, qui ab ingenuis oriundi sunt, quorum maiorum non nemo servit, de quimin caputie servitem non nemo servit). In figuurlike sin is die byvoeglike naamwoord ook toegeskryf aan dienaars wat die naam van hul meesters aangeneem het, aangesien hulle deel geword het van 'n gens, 'n selfstandige naamwoord waarvan die byvoeglike naamwoord heidene afkomstig is. ‛ Heidene se barbare is ook deur die Romeine genoem, nie-Jode deur Jode, nie-Christene deur Christene (sien vorige inskrywing).
In die dertiende eeu het die woord gereeld in liriese poësie gebruik, veral in liefde, tot die punt dat dit die wesenlike eienskap van die geliefde vrou vorm, wat haar meerderwaardigheid bo ander vroue bepaal.
In D. die definisie van die toestand van g. en van die deugde wat die essensie en terselfdertyd die manifestasie van 'g-wees', van 'vriendelikheid' uitmaak, word bowenal geformuleer in verhandeling IV van die Convivio, wat kommentaar lewer op die lied Le dolci rime, waar die digter oorgaan tot 'n werklike en behoorlike identifikasie van die begrip 'vriendelikheid' met dié van 'adellikheid', wat bedoel is met die van 'adelheid' (XIV I, wat bedoel is nie een ding, vergenbilitaezza o'). Laasgenoemde - met inagneming van die definisie van 'adel' wat D. self formuleer (nobilitade is volmaaktheid van sy eie aard in elke ding, XVI 4) en die etimologie van 'edel' wat deur hom aanvaar word (dit kom van "nie laf"; dus is "edel" amper "nie laf", § 6) - bepaal op grond van bepaalde situasies en omstandighede. Dus g. impliseer om die beurt 'vriendelikheid', 'nederigheid', 'gesondheid', 'genade', 'skoonheid', 'goedheid', 'jammerte', 'simpatie'.
Soms dring die aksent aan op die fisiese eienskappe, soms op die geestelike en veral etiese; maar meer dikwels word die twee aspekte - fisies en geestelik - saamgesmelt, soos hoofsaaklik gebeur wanneer die byvoeglike naamwoord na 'n vrou verwys. So in Vn XIX 9 31 (wat 'n menige mening wil hê) g. dit is die moeite werd "vol van al die deugde", in die subjektiewe en objektiewe sin, om te sê dat die vrou dit besit en genereer in wie haar bewonder. Daarom word in dieselfde Vita Nuova (XXIII 27 74 tu dei omai essere cosa gentile, en XXIII 9) gesê dat selfs die dood 'n sagte ding geword het: nadat dit die digter se vrou besoek het, word dit amper "verfynd", "veredel", asof dit haar deugde opgeneem het. Net so g. dit is die gedagte, wanneer hy redeneer van 'n sagte vrou (en ek sê sag [die gedagte] in soverre hy geredeneer het van 'n sagte vrou, Vn XXXVIII 4 en 8 1).
Wat G. dui op 'n kompleks van gesindhede en innerlike maniere wat hulself uiterlik kan openbaar, dit wil sê, manifesteer hulself in die oë van ander, daar word gesê in Vn XXVI 3 het sy haarself so vriendelik en so vol van alle genot getoon, en 13 12 En dit is in haar handelinge so vriendelik, waar Beatrice gedefinieer word vriendelik met betrekking tot uiterlike handelinge, en daarom sien elkeen wat goed kyk; eweneens in Vn VIII 1 en XXVI 5 1. Die byvoeglike naamwoord behou 'n soortgelyke betekenis wanneer dit na 'n vrou in 'n allegoriese sin verwys word, soos in Cv III Amor che ne la mente 39 (hervat in VII 8 en XIV 9: qual donna gentil questo non crede), waar die digter soul vrou self verduidelik dat 'n vernuftige en vrye vrou in die rede is dat 'n vernuftige en vrye vrou van rede is; en weer in Amor che ne la mente 49 (Heden is in die vrou wat in haar gevind word, weergegee in VII 14 en XIV 12), waar daar gesê word dat al die deugde wat in die filosofie geopenbaar word, vriendelikheid by vroue bepaal en 'n voorbeeld uitmaak waarin hulle deur te kyk hulle [hulle] kan laat lyk, na aanleiding daarvan (VII). So ook in Rime XVI 12.
Altyd gekombineer met of verwysend na vrou en madonna - in 'n letterlike of allegoriese sin - kom die byvoeglike naamwoord in die volgende gedeeltes voor: Rime XLIX 14, L 9 en 55, LIX 4 en 10, LXVI 1, LXVII 73, LXIX 1, LXX 5, LXXX5312, XIIC , XVIII 8, XXVI 1 (dame ); Vn III 1, V 1 en 3, VI 1, VIII 5 8, IX 1 en 3, XVIII 1, XIX 1, XXI 4 14, XXII 9 5, XXIII 11, XXIV 3 en 6, XXVI 5 1 (en vgl. § 4), 9, XXXI, XXX2IV en 9, XXXI, XXX2III en XXXV 2 en 3, XXXVIII 1, XLI 1 en 13 12; Cv II II 1 (hier en op die volgende plek met spesifieke verwysing na die simboliese karakter van die Heidenvrou, v.), XII 6, III I 9 en 13, II 9, VII 11, XIV 9. Naamwoord in Rympies LXXXIII 62 en Rympies twyfelagtig III 15 2.
In If II 94 Donna è gentil nel ciel che si piange, g. dit verwys waarskynlik na die Maagd in die sin van "edel".
Met dieselfde waarde as "edel", word die byvoeglike naamwoord saam met ander selfstandige naamwoorde gebruik wat die betekenis daarvan beter bepaal.
a) Met 'hart' is dit opgeteken in Rime XLVIII 17, LXI 10, LXXXIII 107; Vn III 10 1, waar g. dit word deur D. edelman self verduidelik; VIII 5 5 Omdat villana morte in gentil kern, met die kontras tussen villana toegeskryf aan die dood en gentil toegeskryf aan kern; XX 3 1 (reeds aangehaal in § 2), XXXI 9 11, XXXII 5 2; As V 100 Amor, ch'al cor gentil ratto s'apprendi, wat die beroemde reël deur Guinizzelli weerspieël, aangehaal in Cv IV XX 7 (Al cor gentil semper rempaira Amore).
b) Met die naamwoord ding in die onbepaalde sin vorm dit 'n enkele lokusie wat die konteks van die diskoers bepaal en spesifiseer. In Vn XXXI 10 28 is Beatrice 'n edel ding, die draer van sulke goedhartigheid (v. 20) en vernedering (v. 21) dat dit by God die begeerte opwek om 'n skepsel in die hemel te hê wat soveel gesondheid besit, dit wil sê, wat "so volmaak" is. In Cv III Amor che ne la mente 20 sagte ding is nog Beatrice; en uiteindelik in III VI 1, XII 11 en 14 is vriendelike ding "filosofie".
c) In gevalle waar g. vergesel of verwys na 'n persoonlike naam van die manlike geslag, behou die gewone betekenis van "edel", maar met 'n meer duidelike aksentuering van sosiale waardes. So stel D. in die lied Le dolci rime (Cv IV) vas dat die teenoorgestelde van g. hy is onbeskof (v. 70, weergegee in XV 4). Op soek dan na die tekens dat die gentil om tene (v. 80), dui hy die waarde / waarvoor werklik homo heiden is (v. 13) aan in 'n kompleks van tekens, dit wil sê van manifestasies aangaande intelligensie, wil, die morele en intellektuele sfeer, burgerlike verbintenis, aanstelling en sosiale glorie; en verwerp die mening van diegene wat glo dat g. óf iemand wat aan 'n jarelange ryk geslag behoort (v. 30) óf een wat uit so 'n waardige man gebore is, al is hy self 'n man van niks (v. 35, weer opgeneem in VII 2). Ook verwerp word die mening waarvolgens 'n gemene man nie g kan word nie. (Le dolci rime 61, weergegee in X 2, XIV 1 en 3), want as dit waar is dat die 'waarde' waarvoor die mens werklik goedhartig is (II 11) bestaan ​​uit 'n krag van die natuur, of ware goedheid vanaf daardie datum, is dit ook waar dat om daardie krag in aksie om te sit, 'n mens die intellektuele en morele toewyding van die individu nodig het, wat sy verantwoordelikheid en meriete bepaal, XII, IV, IV, III, IV, IV, IV, IV, IV, IV, IV 3 [4 keer] en 14, XV 2 [twee keer] en, met verwysing na die hele geslag, in Le dolci rime 63).
Weereens in If VII 3 word daardie wyse heer as "edel" verklaar (Porena, Sapegno en andere), met 'n mate van verwysing na glorie; op Bl XIV 102 sagte stok van klein onkruid, g. dit het die betekenis van "edel" in teenstelling met picciola wat "nederig" beteken: en die hele vers beteken "edele tak gegroei op 'n nederige stam" (Sapegno); terwyl uiteindelik in Bl VIII 53 regter Nin gentil, g. dit word deur Lana verduidelik as "noble and gentle de costumi e de virtude". Die waarde in If XXVI 60, Bl VIII 22 is steeds dieselfde.
d) Selfs in vereniging met die selfstandige naamwoorde 'anima' of 'gees' behou die byvoeglike naamwoord die betekenis wat in D. fundamenteel is van "edel", en verryk homself met die waarde van 'goedheid', 'hoflikheid', 'volmaaktheid' in die breë sin: soos in Rime LXXXBit 10, VIII 36, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2 0, Bl VI 79 en XXXIII 130. En meer opvallend in die etiese sin in Cv III Amor as in die verstand 64 (hervat en kommentaar gelewer in VIII 16), waar sagte gees die regte aptyt is, waarvoor en waaruit die oorsprong van goeie denke ontstaan, dit is "goeie morele neiging in die menslike aptyt-, en behoorlike aptytlike deel" (Bunellii). Analoge waarde in Rime XC 46, waar Liefde heer van so vriendelike aard is deurdat edelmoedigheid en goedheid van hom afkom; en uiteindelik in XCI 49, waar gentil desio die begeerte is om goed te doen gebore uit verliefde begeerte.
In dieselfde lyn - selfs meer in ooreenstemming met die temas van Stilnovistiese liefdespoësie - kom die byvoeglike naamwoord in Vn XXI 6 Maak alles wat hy sien vriendelik, waar D. self verduidelik dat ‛ doen g. ' beteken om Liefde in potensiaal te bring waar dit nie is nie; in Vn XXI 2 2 (per che si fa gentil waarna sy kyk), Barbi - parafraseer D. (XXI 6) - verduidelik dat ‛ wees g. ' is die "om potensieel gewillig te word om lief te hê". Daarom is die gebruik van g voor die hand liggend. in Rime LXXXVI 12 (Die bron van sagte spraakantwoorde) en Cv II Voi che 'ntendendo 42.
e) Laastens, vriendelikheid, in Vn XIX 6 11, vorm die enigste lokusie om die abstrakte selfstandige naamwoord "vriendelikheid" aan te dui, dit is "adel" (Barbi).
Die betekenisse wat tot dusver aangedui is, bestaan ​​saam gesublimeer in 'n byna heilige betekenis in Cv Il Voi che 'ntendendo 5 heidenskepsele che voi sete (hervat in VI 5), waar g. dit word toegeskryf aan die dryfengele van die derde hemel. Besondere gevalle is dié van Rime LVI 5, waar die byvoeglike naamwoord die selfstandige naamwoord blom vergesel om die skoonheid en fynheid daarvan te onderstreep; van Vn XII 15 43, waar die kwalifikasie aan die ballade toegeskryf word as gevolg van 'n artistieke eienaardigheid; en XXXVIII 9, waar 'n groot deel die oë is van die vrou wat getoon het dat sy medelydend is.
Sien ook Vn VIII 1 sagte aspek (ook in Bl III 107), XXXIII 8 26 intelletto... / heiden, XXXVI 4 4 (oë), Rime LXV 2 (lume), LXXI 12 (atto), LXXX 15 (signor), Rime dubbite X 8 (disio), (Cvop III Virgil, 4, Cv IIId, VI, 4, 8, 4, 8, 8). ). Gemotiveer in Rime Dubite VII 2 que' gentile waaruit gebore is dat / ch'Amor ne la memoria ti seala, en in Bl VI 110 Vien, wreed, kom kyk na die pressura / van jou heidene, waar dit dui op " graaf, markies en ander sagte manne en here van Italië " (Buti).
Die term kom 'n groot aantal kere voor wat gebruik word in die oortreffende graad van die vroulike geslag, met 28 teenwoordighede in die Vita Nuova en twee in die Convivio: 15 keer as 'n byvoeglike naamwoord in vereniging met die selfstandige naamwoorde donna en madonna en met die voornaam Beatrice. Die betekenis wat dit in hierdie gevalle bied, is die gewone een van "edel", "deugsaam in die hoogste graad". 'n Sintaktiese eienaardigheid is die gebruik van die partitiewe komplement na die absolute superlatief met relatiewe superlatiewe waarde, in Cv III VI 1 (mag dit wees ... baie soort van alle dinge). Die ander plekke waar sy baie vriendelik voorkom is: Vn III 1, IV 1, V 1, 2 en 3, VI 1, VIII 2, IX 3, X 2, XI 3, XII 6, XIV 1, 4, 5 en 7, XVIII 2 en 9, XXI 1, XXII 3, XX15, XX15, XX15, XX15, XXIII, XX15, XXIII, XXIII, XXIII, XXIII 6, XXXIX 2 en 3, XL 1, CV II XV 1.
Ten slotte is die term in die Fiore aanwesig, 8 keer as 'n byvoeglike naamwoord (LXX 5, LXXVI 1, XCI 10, CXIII 9, CXVIII 8, CXXXVIII 2, CXLIV 9, CXCV 3) en twee keer as 'n gemotiveerde byvoeglike naamwoord (CCV 4 en CCXXVIII 2). Die betekenis is dat - meer gereeld opgeteken in die ander werke van D. - van "edel" (XCI 10, CXIII 9, CXVIII 8); soms met meer duidelike verwysing na fisiese eienskappe (LXXVI1, CXLIV 9, CCV 4, CCXXVIII 2), of met ironiese toespelings op karakters wat g. dit lyk of hulle baie min het (vgl. LXXV 5 gentil companion; CXXXVIII 2 en CXCV 3 gentil madonna). Dr De Beer
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