#no wait that's not a to-do.. maybe organize my clothes box. she is Not lookin good hhfbhsfhv
keeps-ache · 2 months
okay, my plotting
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bbrandy2002 · 3 years
Fool’s Rush In
Chapter 17
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This is my @wackydrabbles​ post for week 87. The prompt is bolded. "No offense, but I'm not interested."
Book: TRR
Pairing: Liam x Riley
Warnings: Drake and some language.
*I was in a silly mood and this turned into a dumpster fire lol and it feels very rushed but I was trying to meet the word count. There may be a little bit of plot in this.
Word count: 1999
Liam sat on the floor with his back pressed against the mattress; one leg bent upright with the other extended crookedly out in front of him. Half of a bottle of Don Julio dangled loosely from a hand settled on his knee while two shiny gold rings encircled the pinky tip of his other.
In a fit of anger late last night, he searched for and consumed the first bottle of alcohol he came across in the liquor cabinet. He had no intentions of getting hammered or even a little drunk; Liam just needed something to take the edge off the hurt. Not that he for one second believed a word Riley told him before she walked out and boarded a red-eye commercial flight back to the States. 
As Liam pondered her abrupt departure in the early hours of the morning, one thing was for sure: He'd never been in love before, but what he felt for Riley was real -- and reciprocated -- that, "no," she spewed from her mouth when asked if she loved him was a lie.  
But why? That was the question he just couldn't figure out.
Having racked his brain for hours and with the sun finally coloring in the darkness of his chambers, Liam set aside his drink and lifted himself off the ground. Every thought that consumed him for the last several hours was riddled with putting the pieces together of why she actually left and why she felt she couldn't tell him the truth. Nothing made sense, yet ruminating alone in his room until he figured it out wasn't going to solve anything; the only way to get to the bottom of this was to retrace Riley's steps from the time she left the ball to when he made his way up to join her a little later. 
Stumbling to the bathroom -- mostly from exhaustion and perhaps a little drunker than he realized -- Liam stripped off the tuxedo he wore the prior evening and took a quick shower before heading down to the security office.
Riley's heavily drooping eyelids popped wide open when the plane shook from another vigorous tremor of turbulence. Gripping the armrests on both sides of her seat, she hesitated to peek out the window but was relieved when she saw the billowy waters of the Pacific had transformed into small, mosaic blocks of land covered by a shadow of the nearly setting sun. 
When the aircraft settled again, Riley reached into her purse and pulled out her cell phone to check the time, grateful to be landing soon. She planned to go straight home, sink into her bed, and sleep the rest of her life away. Maybe wake up every once in a while to sob again before going back to sleep. Whatever Riley decided to do, she hated Madeleine, she hated Tyler, and she hated telling Liam she didn't love him; the more Riley thought about the stunned look on his face when she said it, the more nauseous her stomach felt.
And the nausea was getting worse.
Riley caught the eye of a nearby stewardess and waved her over; she needed ginger ale, and she needed it fast. 
"Can I help you, Miss?"
"I … I need, ginger ale, please." She asked through ragged breaths.
"Let me check and see if we have more." Riley nodded appreciatively.
"Hey. Don't I know you from somewhere?" A relatively large guy in the center seat, whose sweaty arm flab had been lodged in Riley's shoulder since takeoff, asked. Oh shit! Riley cupped a tight hand over her mouth and shook her head vigorously; the last thing she wanted was to be recognized. 
Or vomit.
While the stewardess searched the service cart for the requested drink, the gentleman's eyes enlarged. "Wait a minute. Yeah! You're that little gal who married some king, with ..." he snapped his fingers before adding in his thick Texan drawl, "the monkey and hookers and shit. Wow, my fiance wants to have a wedding just like yours." He held his hand out to her. "The names Beaver Calhoun, mayor of Slippery Nip, Texas. I guess you could say we're both royals, huh?"
Riley lowered her hand slightly; she was past the point of ginger ale helping, and this guy was blocking her way out. "Beaver, I need you to move." 
He stroked his chin in thought. "Well, I don't know, Queenie. I'm pretty content with my life there in Slippery Nip, Not really lookin' to uproot."
"No!' Riley's strained voice responded forcefully, "move out of the way--" She tried to fight it, but her head flung forward and everything came out with her last word.
Beaver looked down at his shirt and quirked a brow. "That's gonna leave a stain."
On the second floor of a run-down Motel 6, just off the beaten path in Las Vegas, Drake tossed in the last of his clothes and airline tickets in a duffle bag and zipped it. Stepping over to the window, he pulled aside the tattered curtains to check if the airport's shuttle van had arrived yet. Disappointed, he grumbled to himself, "Where the hell are you? I'm ready to get the fuck out of here." 
The past week had been intense -- well, frankly, the entire month had been nothing short of shit balls. Five weeks ago, Drake landed in Las Vegas for Liam's bachelor party and won big money at the casino, only to have it all pissed away on some old, decrepit hooker who stole his wallet, cell phone, dick health, and what little joy he had in the world. Liam left with a sexy ass wife, and all Drake got was the false claim of fathering triplets and his scowling face on the front cover of the National Enquirer with Dr. Ethan Ramsey detailing the entire sordid journey from pre-surgical rooster rot to the aftercare.
He made a quick $500 for the story, in which he badly needed the money, considering he couldn't leave Vegas until the paternity test results came back. It was enough for his lodging, a couple cans of Beenie-Weenies and a few boxes of pepperoni Hot Pockets; his stomach felt like oil sludge at this point. But as a joke, Leo had sent a box of Ding-Dongs, so it wasn't all bad.
The rotary phone in his room rang out, and he answered the call from the front desk, which let him know transportation had arrived. Drake grabbed his bag, flicked a cockroach off of it, and exited his room into the enclosed hallway.
After stepping onto the elevator and hitting the down button, another person strolled on in a black leather mini-skirt, white see-through halter top, and a pair of fishnet stockings that he'd recognize anywhere.
"You!" He growled at the chain-smoking hooker, backing her up into the corner. "Do you have any fucking idea what you did to me? And I WANT my wallet and cell phone back, now!" He hovered menacingly over the much smaller woman.
"No offense, but I'm not interested in giving them back to you," Pinquee Kittee sneered before reaching into her bra for mace and spraying him directly in the eyes. The rapid burn gave way to her next act of defense when a screaming, blinded Drake was doubled over by a swift karate kick to his newly transplanted organ. "Hiiiiyah!"
Drake cupped himself in anguish, fell to the floor, and slumped over as the elevator doors opened. Pinquee Kittee grabbed his duffle bag and peeked down the hallway to make sure no one was around before making her getaway.
Just outside of the palace's security office, Liam knocked on the door several times without an answer. It was rare that the King would personally pay a visit. Usually, he would call Bastien and have the head guard look into any issues. With him gone, this just felt like something Liam needed to do in person. 
After several more knocks, Liam reached for the door handle and slowly opened it to let himself inside. The lights were off, with only a few CCTV screens displaying various images of places within and surrounding the palace. Finding the light switch on the wall beside the door, Liam flipped them on, and his mouth fell agape at what he saw.
"What the hell happened in here?" He shouted as his hands shot to his hips, glaring around the room. 
On the floor was a maze of beer cans, whiskey bottles, remnants of silly string, a five-gallon bucket of butter next to a slip-n-slide, a voodoo doll with Liam's face on it, and half-a-dozen guards passed out. 
A furious Liam made his way through, kicking the feet of guardsmen as he stepped along. "Get up! All of you!"
One-by-one, they slowly roused until they realized it was the King in their presence, then they jumped to their feet at attention. 
"Would someone like to explain what the actual fuck happened in here?" Liam wasn't one to swear in front of his staff, but there was no way he could hold back after walking in on this scene. His glowering eyes shifted with expectancy from one man to the next, waiting for an answer, until someone finally called out, "We threw Rogers a going away party for his last night on the job, Your Majesty."
"And you thought having a wild party while you were ON DUTY to protect 400 members of the nobility for a major event was the time to do that?
The guard shook his head. "Not at all, Sir. I admit we weren't as attentive as we should have been last night ..." he pointed behind Liam, "but Prince Leo came by and suggested we kick it up a notch."
Liam turned around and caught Leo slithering along the edge of the wall toward the door. "Leo!"
The Prince stopped dead in his tracks, then flickered his eyes and jolted his body as if he were just waking up. Leo looked at Liam, acting surprised to see him. "Liam? Is that you? H-How did I get in here?"
Liam rolled his eyes. "Knock it off, Leo."
"What?” Leo shrugged innocently. “You know what I think happened. I must have been sleepwalking again. You know how I get when I watch The Duchess before bed." He cocked his head introspectively at his brother. “And you do look like the Duke from that movie, you handsome devil you?” He grinned impishly.
Liam stared blankly at his older brother for a few seconds, then turned around to face the others gathered around. "Who's in charge here?"
When one of the men raised a hand, the King stepped up to him and explained, "Alright, I need you to pull up security footage from last night. I want to review everything from the moment I stepped outside the ballroom to meet the Queen around 9:30, and where she went after I went back into the ballroom." 
If this were any other day, Liam would have fired every one of them on the spot and sent Leo to Antarctica, but he only had one concern: Finding out what happened to Riley.
As the guard typed in his computer to pull up footage from last night, Leo stepped up to Liam, who was hovering over the guard's shoulder with anticipation. "What's going on?"
Never taking his eyes off the screen, he responded. "Riley went back to Las Vegas last night."
"Wh-Why? What happened?"
Liam let out a breath. "That's what I'm trying to find out."
Leo remained silent before giving his little brother's shoulder a reassuring squeeze and watching with him.
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary as different camera footages were switched to follow Riley walking from the main staircase, through several passages, and finally ending with the corridor outside of his quarters.
"Stop!" Liam leaned in closer as the guard paused the video; his entire body tensed up at what he saw.
"Is that ..." Leo scrunched up his face in disgust.
Tags: @burnsoslow​ @dcbbw​ @ao719​  @jessiembruno​ @texaskitten30​ @janezillow​ @merridithsmiscellany-blog @mskaneko @callmeellabella @queenjilian @sirbeepsalot @drakexwillow @jovialyouthmusic​ @forthebrokenheartedthings​s @bebepac​ @kingliam2019​ @lovablegranny​ @cordoniaqueensworld​ @amandablink​ @liamxs-world​ @choiceskatie @iaminlovewithtrr​ @hopelessromanticmonie​ @charlotteg234​ @annekebbphotography​ @txemrn​ @thecordoniandiaries @alyssalauren​ @cordonianroyalty @monsoonbloom12 @mom2000aggie​ @theroyalheirshadowhunter​ @princessleac1​ @kimmiedoo5​ @graceful-leah​ @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful​ @thegreentwin​ @gkittylove99​ @neotericthemis​ @pink-diamond13​ @walker7519 @natureblooms24 @yourmajesty09​ @gabesmommie1130​ @sweatyrysconnoisour @kat-tia801​ @debmcg1106 @lifeaskim @choicesstan650​ @emkay512​ @royalromancer​
Liam x MC: @cordonia-gothqueen​n
Anything with Drake:@tinkie1973
FRI Series Tags:   @narrytheworld​​  @queenwalton​  @cordonianprincess​        @zaffrenotes​ @zilch3​  @drrookie​ @sfb123​ @secretaryunpaid​ @masterofbluff​
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atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Fifty-Three
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Fluff, Smut, and some Angst.
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
Julia mostly kept her distance from Harry as much as she could for the rest of the week. She was embarrassed by what she had done, or what she had attempted to do. Harry couldn’t wait to get home to you. He felt slightly depressed Friday morning. It was your six month anniversary, and he wasn’t even there to be with you. He didn’t say much at breakfast.
“Everything alright, H? You should be happy, we’ve done great work this week.”
“I’m fine, I-“ His phone goes off. A notification from Instagram and Facebook.
You had edited together a video for him. It was of the two of you, different pictures and videos of the two of you over the last six months with one of your favorite songs in the background. It was a song you two had listened to on the way to New Hampshire. Your message in the caption was short and sweet.
To the man I’m lucky enough to call my boyfriend and the love of my life, six months may not seem like a long time to others, but I have loved nothing more than being with you all this time. You make every day better. I can’t wait to see what the next six months hold for us. I love you, Harry.
Harry put his phone down and put his face in his hands. He starts crying, leaving Christin and Julia deeply concerned and confused.
“Harry?” Christin puts a hand on his shoulder. He slides his phone over to her so she can watch the video. “Oh…honey…” He grabs a napkin and blows his nose. His eyes were red and puffy. “It’s your anniversary?” He nods his head yes. Christin had never seen him like this before. She finally understood he really had it bad. “This was shit timing, I’m so sorry.”
“I need to….I need to go call her, excuse me.” He sniffles and gets up to call you.
“Hi baby.” You coo.
“Hi…saw your video…”
“Are…are you crying?”
“No!” He wipes his eyes. “Okay, maybe a little, but only because it was so sweet and I just wish I was with you.”
“Oh, Harry.” You wish you were there to console him, your sensitive boy.
“Um…before I left I packed away something for you. Can I tell you where it is?”
“You don’t want me to wait until you get back?”
“No, it’s similar to what you did for me, so I want you to have it now.”
“Alright. Where would it be?”
“Go to where all of my picture boxes are.”
“Okay, one sec.” He hears you shuffle around. “Okay.”
“It’s in the box labeled London 2015.”
You open up the box and gasp, a smile grows on Harry’s face. Inside was a photo album with a picture of the two of you on the front. It looked like he had it made himself.
“Printed it at work.”
“Oh my god, Harry.”
“Flip through it later. Just wanted to know you had it.”
“I can’t wait to look through it, this is so sweet. I love you so much.” He feels tears prick at his eyes again.
“I love you too.”
“Only one more sleep baby.”
“I know.”
“I finished my period yesterday, so I’ll be good to go for you.” You joke, trying to make him happier.
“Well, that’s excellent news.” He chuckles, and then sighs. “I have to go…I’ll call you later.”
“Sounds good, can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”
“Me too, love you.”
“Love you too.”
He hangs up the phone and walks back over to the table. He slumps down in his chair. Christin looks at Julia, then to Harry.
“I’ll be fine.” He takes a sip of coffee. “I don’t want a word of this spread, do you both understand?” Christin smiles at him. “What?”
You sit down on the sofa with the book. The picture on the front was him kissing you on the cheek on the London Eye. You open it up, and on the first page was a message from him.
To my light, my love, my everything.
You smile big as you flip to the next page. It was the picture of the two of you laughing on the trail when you went to New Hampshire, just underneath was the picture he had taken of you, and the picture you had taken of him. The next page were of some silly selfies and pictures you had taken of each other when you had lazy days at each of your apartments. There were pictures from England he hadn’t shown you. Some from Christmas morning, and others while you walked around London. He must have been planning this book for a while. He had such an incredible eye, he was truly gifted at his craft. There were some pictures form your work party, and he had even managed to squeeze some pictures in from his birthday. When you were done you hugged it to your chest. You felt tears prick at your eyes, you were so overwhelmed.
You spent most of the morning organizing your linen closets, and medicine cabinets. Niall had been a big help all week. He help set up your wifi and TV. You had some pictures printed and put into frames. You left them on the floor under the walls where you wanted them. You didn’t want to hang anything up without Harry though, just to make sure he liked what you had put together.
During the midafternoon, you finally finished putting away all of yours and Harry’s clothes. You hoped he wouldn’t mind the way you folded his laundry, and chose the drawers each article should go in. Niall said he would meet you for dinner that night. At least you’d be able to go out with someone.
You meet him at an easy going bar after work.
“That video you posted was really sweet.”
“Thanks. He made me this really nice book filled with pictures of the two of us. I felt so bad, he called me crying this morning.” Your phone goes from a notification. “Oh wow.” You smile.
“He posted about me on his private insta, look.” It was just on photo, and there was no caption, but it meant the world to you. “God, he’s so sweet.” You and Niall dig in to your food. “Are you seeing Sarah tonight?”
“Yeah, she’s comin’ over for dessert.” You both giggle.
“I’m so happy you guys are together. Do you think you two will ever move in together?”
“At some point. I was thinkin’ of givin’ her a key soon.”
“Oh! That’s great.”
“I have to say, selfishly I can’t wait for you to come back to work Monday. Was a borin’ week without ya.”
“I’m so sorry to have done that to you.” You put your hand over his playfully as you speak with a sarcastic tone.
“I ate in my office all week, the one day I tried to eat in the breakroom the old biddies came in and tried to gossip with me.”
“About what?” You laugh.
“I have no idea! I pretended to get a call on my phone and left.” You both laugh.
Dinner with Niall was the perfect distraction from missing Harry. When you get up to your place, and key in, you notice a pair of black boots in the front hall that weren’t there before you left. You practically run into the living room.
“Harry?!” He turns around to look at you, and he smiles brighter than you think you’ve ever seen.
You run into his arms. He picks you up and swings you around, and you wrap your legs around his waist. He stands there, just holding you as close as he can nestling his face into your neck, taking in a deep breath. He never thought he’d miss the smell of apples and cinnamon so much.
“What? How? I’m delighted, but confused.” You say looking at him.
“While I was talking to you this mornin’…Chris saw how upset I was and she changed my flight immediately. She knows her way around a camera, she covered for me today.”
“When did you get here?”
“Like thirty minutes ago. I’ve just been lookin’ around at everything you did. It’s amazing in here, you did such a great job.”
You cup his cheeks in your hands and kiss him, you kiss him so hard you figure his lips will be bruised. He groans into you, and sucks your bottom lip into his mouth. Your tongues collide, and you suck on his. God you missed the way the mint from his gum tasted. He starts walking you both towards the bedroom. Your lips detach as he sets you down, both trying to catch your breaths. He tugs at the hem of your shirt to lift it up overhead.
“I missed you so fuckin’ much.” He says pulling you close and sinking his teeth down into your neck. You moan out, and unhook your bra for him.
“I missed you too.” You say breathlessly.
His hands go right for your breasts, and he twists your nipple piercings. Your head falls back. He plasters wet, open mouthed kisses down your chest, and he takes one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking harshly.
“Ah, fuck.” Your hands reach for his pants. “Want you so bad, Harry.” You undo his belt and unzip his pants.
He shimmies them down his legs, and tugs your pants down as well. He takes his shirt off, grabs you, and practically throws you on the bed. You giggle and take your panties off, throwing them to the floor.
“I don’t even know what I wanna do first, I just want all of you.” He looks down at your body.
“You have me, do whatever you want.” You tilt his chin up so he’ll look at you. “I said you could annihilate me, remember?” You smile. “That is, if you did what I said. Were you a good boy while you were away?”
“Yes, very good. I’m about ready to fuckin’ explode.” He starts to spread your legs apart. “Did you hold up your end? Were you a good girl?”
“Yes, but it wasn’t easy. I was so lonely here all week.” You whimper as his thumb rubs over your clit lightly.
“You were?”
“Yes, wanted you every night.”
“And I bet it was even worse from the hormones?”
“It was torture.” You gasp when his fingers plunge inside you. Your head rolls back into the pillow, and your hand moves to his hair. “Oh my god, oh my god, fuck!” His fingers were already curling up inside you, rubbing against that special spot. His thumb rubs hard against your clit. “Fuck, Harry!” You come on his fingers.
“Jesus, don’t think you’ve ever reacted so quickly.” He smirks.
“Just felt so good.” He takes his fingers out and sucks on them.
“Missed the way you tasted.”
Your tongue peaks out of your mouth and he leans down to kiss you. You wrap your arms and legs around him. He slides his tip against your folds, just grinding against you.
“Please, Harry.”
“Can’t hear ya, love.”
“Please, for the love of god, put it in! Fuck me!”
Harry grins, and pushes inside of you. You both gasp at how tight and snug the fit is.
“Christ, a week without me and you…I mean…this is how it was when I first fingered you.” He bites down on your neck again and you arch up into him. “Feels so fuckin’ good.” He breathes into your ear.
Your nails rake up his back as he starts to move. Your heels dig into the backs of his legs as he gets a rhythm going.
“You’re so big, Harry.” You say against his neck. “Love the way you fill me up.”
“Tell me you’ve never been fucked like this before.”
“I’ve never been fucked like this before. No one’s ever fucked me the way you do. I only ever want you inside me, forever.”
“Jesus, shit.” He pulls all the way out of you and flips you over. His ring clad hands squeeze your cheeks and you gasp. “Is this oaky? Can we do this?”
You look back at him over your shoulder, and grin.
“Wreck me, babe.”
His eyes grow wild. He grips your hips, and brings you up closer to him. You prop yourself onto your elbows. Harry lines himself up with your dripping center, and slowly slides in. The moan he makes is music to your ears, but you can’t help but clench tightly around him.
“Just me babe, you’re okay.” You relax slightly. He starts to move in and out of you slowly. “You have no idea how fuckin’ good this feels, and you looks beautiful from this angle.”
You moan in response and grip the blankets, your knuckles growing white. He keeps one hand on your hip and the other slides up your back. He desperately wanted to wrap his fist around your hair and pull you back to him, but he didn’t want to scare you.
“Doin’ alright?” He breathes harshly.
“Mhm.” You weren’t though. It felt really good, but you were struggling to stay in the moment.
He was hitting deep inside you. He lowers himself slightly, and reaches one of his hands around to rub your clit. You back your ass up against him.
“Shit, I’m not gonna last much longer.” He groans. You continue to grind back against him as he rubs your clit.
He fully lays on your back as he pumps in and out of you, making you collapse fully to the bed. The angle of his dick this was delicious and deep. You let out a loud moan, finally feeling like you could enjoy the position. You felt hot all over. Your orgasm was just around the corner.
“Harry, ngh, I’m gonna come. Holy shit! I’m gonna come!”
His release comes at the same time as yours. You weren’t sure what sound you let out, but you missed the way his hot come filled you up so much.
“Put your fingers in after you pull out.”
He does as you say and you arch up into him. He was still trying to catch his breath. You open your mouth for him and turn your head slightly to take his fingers into your mouth. You suck on his fingers and lap around them with your tongue. When you’re done, you roll over onto your back. You wipe your eyes. Your makeup got all fucked up.
“Were you okay?”
“Yeah.” You squeak.
“You’d tell me if you weren’t?”
“Yes, baby.” You push the hair that fell onto his forehead back.
“This room is huge.” He chuckles.
“I know! I put all our clothes away today. I’ve been loving the shower too, so much room.”
“Do you have plans tomorrow? Can we just stay here all day?”
“My only plans were picking you up from the airport.” You giggle. He turns your body towards his and squishes his nose to yours.
“Can I take ya out on a nice date tomorrow night? To make up for tonight?”
“You have nothing to make up for. Having you home a day early was the best surprise…but yes, I’d love to go on a date with you.”
“Good.” He kisses your lips lightly.
“Your gift was so lovely.”
“You looked through it?”
“Mhm, it was so sweet.”
“S’not all I got you.” He gets off the bed.
“Harry, we said no crazy gifts.” You sit up against the headboard.
“I know, it’s not crazy.” He rummages through his bag and takes out a long box. “Here.”
“Just open it.” You open the box and smile. “Got you a proper chain for my ring.”
“I love it, thank you so much.” He leans down so you can kiss him.
“Do we have any food, I’m starvin’.”
“Let me make you something!” You switch the ring to the new chain. You gesture to have him help you clasp it. “Thanks. How’s it look?”
“Absolutely perfect.”
“Have you taken your pearls off?”
“Not once.” He smiles.
You get up and grab your robe out of the closet. You grab a brand new one out for him.
“What’s this?”
“Got you a robe of your own.” You giggle.
“I’m honored.” He puts it on, and follows you out to the kitchen.
“My mom said she wants to take us shopping for a proper dining room table.”
“She doesn’t have to do tha’.”
“I told her over and over, but she insisted.” You shrug. “What are you hungry for? I’ve got a salad made up, some leftover veggies and rice, some-“
“Veggies and rice, please.”
“You got it.”
You take the container out of the fridge and put some in a bowl for him to heat up. He wraps his arms around you from behind, and he nuzzles into the back of your neck.
“Mm, so cozy.” You coo.
“Missed ya so much, I can’t wait to cuddle all night.”
“Me too, baby.”
And you did. Harry kept his arms and legs wrapped around you all night. You slept pretty peacefully until you woke up drenched in sweat. He was fully on top of you, with his head on your chest, drool dripping down his chin. You sigh and try to turn over, but there’s no use. You chuckle softly to yourself and try to fall back asleep.
Harry didn’t let you leave the bed for nearly two hours when you first got up. He was like a ravenous animal. But you didn’t mind, you pretty hungry for him too. Distance truly makes the heart grow fonder. His stamina never ceased to amaze you. After another quick fuck in your giant shower, he gave you some time to yourself to get dressed.
He was in the kitchen making you some eggs when you came out in a sports bra and leggings. He plated them up for you, and put some toast on the side.
“Mm, thank you, I’m starving!”
“I’ll bet.” He smirks.
“Shut up.” You shovel the food into your mouth.
“Noticed some pictures and frames lyin’ around.”
“I didn’t want to hang anything up without you, baby. It’s not just my place it’s ours.” He smiles.
“After we eat we can hang some up, yeah?”
“Sounds good, and I left the heavy stuff alone like you said.”
“Good. I’m gonna bring a ton of my pictures up to the loft. Was thinkin’ of havin’ Niall over tomorrow so he could help me put my desk back together.”
“I can do that, I’m pretty handy.”
“Oh really?” He smirks.
“Yes, actually. My dad’s an electrician remember? He practically rebuilt our entire house. I helped him a lot. I know how to use a drill.”
“Okay then, will yeh help me with that today? I’d like to get all my shit up and runnin’.”
“Sure!” You kiss him on his cheek and clean up your plate.
Harry gets the tool box out and you start hanging up various pictures, a mixture of what you had hung up at both of your places. You kept some of the family photos in the hallways so they weren’t so “in your face”. There were a few you had printed of the two of you that you wanted hung up as well.
“Where do yeh want these, love?”
“I don’t know, I don’t want to be obnoxious with how cute we are…” He laughs.
“We could put them on the book shelves instead of hangin’ ‘em up.”
“Oh good idea. I wanna keep this one on my night table actually.” You snatch one of them and go into your bedroom to put it where you want. You come back out and see him placing the others in various spots.
“Ready to do my desk?”
You help him carry up the pieces. Your desk was already up there and set up. It was the perfect space, and you enjoyed working up there.
“Can you hold the flashlight f’me, the screw holes on this thing are so fuckin’ dark.”
He gets under part of the desk with the screw driver and a few screws between his lips. You hold the flashlight for him how he asked. He gets the screws in, you loved watching him do this, you weren’t sure why. He stands up.
“There, didn’t need Niall at all.”
“Guess so.” He smirks. “Shall we break it in?”
“What?” You giggle.
“Let me bend ya over it.” He grabs at your hips.
“Little sore for that right now, you kept me pretty busy this morning.” He pouts his bottom lip out at you. “Oh stop it.” You swat an arm at him. “Let’s get your monitor and printer hooked up.”
“Fine.” He sighs.
You get him all set up, and move some of his equipment around so it looks nice and organized.
“Still plenty of room up here too.”
“I know! I was thinking when the holidays roll around we could decorate the staircase with lights and stuff, I think it would look really pretty.”
“I think that’s a great idea.” He kisses the top of your head and you both go down the spiral staircase.
“Do you think every apartment here has a loft?”
“I don’t know, they could. Be really cool if they were all set up different.” He wraps his arms around you. “I appreciate you gettin’ so much done while I was gone. The place really looks great babe.” You lean up and kiss his nose.
“I was happy to do it.”
“I hope they don’t send me off like that again for a while. I had some fun while I was down there, but it would’ve been better with you.”
“You’re so cute.” You nuzzle your face into his chest. “Where you taking me tonight?”
“Somewhere really nice, way over the top.”
“Oh, Harry…I don’t wanna spend a lot of money.”
“You won’t be spendin’ a dime.” He pats your bum and goes to sit on the couch. He catches you rolling your eyes right as he sits down. “Don’t.”
“Don’t what?” You sit down next to him, turning the TV on.
“Roll your eyes at me.” You turn your face slowly towards him. “Don’t do it?”
“Why? What are you gonna do about it? Spank me?” You scoff. His mouth forms into a straight line. “You’re a freak.” You shake your head and turn back to the TV. Your face snaps back to him.
“You won’t spank our kids will you? I don’t believe in that.”
“Y/N…” He sighs. “How did your mind even just go there?”
“I don’t know!” You both start laughing hysterically.
“To answer your question, no I wouldn’t spank our kids. Only person gettin’ a spank to their ass in this house is you baby girl.” Your jaw drops.
“You need to stop.”  
“Why?” He smirks.
“Why do you want to spank me so bad?”
“Love watchin’ that ass ripple.”
“Harry!” You smack him in the arm and get up.
“What?” He says laughing.
“I’m very self-conscious about my butt.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” He gets up. “You have the most perfect ass I’ve ever seen in my life.”
“But it’s so jiggly.” You pout.
“Yeah…it’s sexy.”
“Stop it.”
“It is! Love that I have somethin’ to hold onto.” You scrunch your face at him.
“Don’t say stuff like that.”
“You know you have a beautiful body, why are you gettin’ like this?”
“I’m not getting like anything.” You pout. “I just don’t like everything about my body…”
“Would you rather have a flat ass?”
“No! That’s not what I’m saying…I don’t know. I have stretch marks and-“
“Y/N, please, I can’t listen to you talk about yourself like that.” He puts his hands on your shoulders. “I wouldn’t let anyone talk about you like that, including yourself. Just don’t.”
“I can’t help that I feel that way sometimes.”
“You take such good care of yourself, inside and out. You’re so beautiful, every part of you is beautiful, okay?” You nod reluctantly. “Thank you.” He kisses your forehead.
“I’m gonna go pick an outfit out.” He nods and lets you walk away.
Harry had been around women his whole life. There was plenty he understood, but the one thing he would never understand is how a woman’s mind could just flip a switch like that. One second you’re having fun banter, and the next you’re talking shit about yourself from simple comment he made. He had no idea you felt that way about yourself. He figured you just preferred the lights off most times because you were shy, not because you were self-conscious. He ran a hand through his hair and walked to go stand in the doorway of your bedroom.
You were standing in front of your closet pondering on what you might like to wear. It was a little colder out, and you weren’t sure you felt like a dress. You had a really nice pair of black dress pants that were slightly high waisted, so you pull those out and lay them on the bed. You turn and see Harry standing in the doorway.
“What are you doing?” You chuckle.
“Just makin’ sure you’re alright.”
“I’m fine.” You look back at your closest and pull out a few tops that would work with the pants. “Think I’m gonna go for slacks tonight.”
“Anything you wear will be perfect.”
“Alright mooshball.” You shake your head at him. You pick up a long sleeve pastel blue crop top and decide that would look nice with the pants. There was a cute ruffle on the bottom so your skin would barely even be showing. “I’m gonna take some time to do my hair and makeup, okay?”
Harry goes up to the loft to get a jump on his pictures form Florida. You shake your hair out and run your curler through it. You brush out the curls to get a nice wave. You put your clothes on and start to do your makeup. Harry comes down to get dressed himself. He didn’t see you because you were in the bathroom. He pulled out a white button up and a navy pair of dress pants. You come out of the bathroom and smile as he pulls up his pants.
“Handsome.” You coo. He turns to look at you.
“You look gorgeous.”
“Thanks baby.”
“Love the way my ring looks on that chain.” You twist it between your fingers.
“Me too.” You slip your feet into a pair of one inch black heels. You knew they wouldn’t hurt your feet too much.
Harry tucks his pearls under the collar of his shirt and smile at the way the rest of the dangle. You were happy he was happy with them. He runs his hands through his hair a couple times and turns towards you.
“Shall we?”
He keeps his hand on your thigh the entire car ride. He takes you to a fancy French restaurant that you had heard of, but had never been to. You go inside and are seated right away. Harry must have made the reservation when he thought he was still going to be away. Harry has your favorite wine ordered to the table, and you clink your glasses once it’s poured.
“Happy six months, love.”
“Happy six months.” You both smile and take a sip. You lick your lips after. You end up ordering a bowl of creamy tomato soup and a salad. Harry ordered ratatouille.
“Soup and salad is really all you want?” He looks slightly disappointed.
“Yeah, I love cream of tomato soup. I got a whole bowl, I’m excited.” You take another sip of the wine.
The food was delicious. You couldn’t help the small moan you let out when you tasted the soup. Harry told you more about his trip, and what it was like to dive under water.
“Wish I could’ve seen you in the wet suit.” You giggle.
“There was no wet suit, I went in with a t-shirt and trunks on. They hooked me up with some air and I went under.”
“Is that safe?”
“Yeah.” He shrugs. “Water was plenty warm for me.”
“I’m sure Julia enjoyed seeing you in a drenched t-shirt.”
“God, please, don’t say that.” He groans.
“Is everything going to be okay with her at work?”
“I think so. She sort of let me be the rest of the week. I think she was embarrassed.”
“Good, she should be. Trying to make a move on my man like that.” You take a bite of your salad.
“Didn’t seem too upset about it over the phone.” He smirks.
“I’m still not upset. I’m just saying, I’m glad you put her in her place. Hope it’s not weird for her next time I show up at the studio.”
“She’ll probably steer clear of you.” He gasps with excitement. “Maybe this means she’ll bother me less in general. Wouldn’t that be nice?” You laugh at him and shake your head. “I have to go to my old campus Wednesday night by the way.”
“For what?”
“Lou’s gonna pop the question to El.”
“That’s so exciting!”
“I’m going to hide somewhere to take pictures for them.”
“They both have the day off from work?”
“Guess so.” He shrugs.
“The day after that is Valentine’s Day, why wouldn’t he just propose then?”
“Didn’t want it to be too corny.”
“I get that, it’s kind of tacky to propose on a holiday now that I think about it.”
“What makes it tacky?”
“I don’t know, if something went wrong the holiday would be tainted forever. You’re also sharing it with everyone else in the world. A day like that should be special and totally your own. Props to him.” Harry takes in everything you’re saying and makes a mental note.
You look over out the window in the restaurant and notice that it’s snowing. You grimace.
“What’s wrong, love?”
“Nothing, I’m just done with winter I think. I’m counting down the days until I got to Aruba already.”
“Booked my flight while you were gone, I got a really good deal. I managed to get on the same flight as my mom too. You’d be fine having her spend the night with us before right? We have a really early flight and since you and I live closer to the airport I thought she could stay with us.”
“Yeah, that’s fine. When do you leave?”
“Um, a couple days before Easter I think. Has your mom and sister said if they’re coming here or not?”
“Haven’t exactly had a chance to talk about it with them.” His jaw tenses and you notice immediately.
“Are you mad at me?”
“No, why would you think that?”
“Just this whole vibe you’re giving off right now.” You gesture in his direction. “You’re allowed to leave for a week for a work thing, but I can’t go on a family trip?”
“I never said that.”
“Well, that’s how you’re acting.” You cross your arms.
“I’m not going to fight with you right now.”
“Who said we were fighting?”
“Y/N, cut the attitude, we’re in a restaurant.” You scoff at him.
“I’m not the one with the attitude, you are.”
“Don’t you think it would be nice for you and I to take a tip to some tropical island together?”
“Harry, of course I would love to do that with you, but my Nannie invited me to come on her annual trip, and I had a lot of fun last year. It’s really hard for her to go there by herself because her and my Papa went there together for like twenty years. She needs me there.” You feel tears start to prick at your eyes.
“Calm down, I never said you couldn’t go.” Your eyes widen with rage.
“As if I needed your permission.”
“S’not what I meant.” You roll your eyes at him. “Jesus, fuck, this was supposed to be a nice dinner.”
“And it is, the food is delicious.” He sighs heavily.
“I feel like I can never say anythin’ right sometimes.”
“You say a lot of things right, but I’m going to call you out of I notice something. I’ve known you long enough to pick up on when you’re mad about something.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah really. The second I saw your jaw tense.”
“It’s so cool how you put your communication degree to work like that. All that knowledge about nonverbal communication and shit.” He says facetiously.
“Alright, I’m done.” You say putting your fork down.
“What do you mean you’re done?”
“Please, get the check from the waiter.” You stand up and put your jacket on. “I’ve lost my appetite.” You reach into his jacket pocket and pull out his keys. “I’ll be in the car.” He grabs your wrist.
“Are you serious?”
“You wanna be a child and act up in a public place? I’m going to sit there and have you talk to me like that.” You yank your wrist free and walk out of the restaurant. You get into the passenger seat of the car and turn it on. You take a deep breath and wait for him. You truly didn’t understand him sometimes.
271 notes · View notes
rosyredlipstick · 8 years
funny valentine
Mitchell is totally and completely ready for whatever Connor Stoll has planned for this Valentine's Day. He has a bag packed. He's planned for this. He's ready. - 
Or, in the total turn of events that shocks no one, Mitchell totally, completely really isn't.
Quick Note: There are small, quick references to earlier fics in my Conchell series. They're not required to read this fic, but a few things might make more sense :) You can find said fics at my ao3 page.
My funny valentine, sweet comic valentine
You make me smile with my heart Your looks are laughable, unphotographable But you're my favorite work of art Is your figure less than greek? Is your mouth a little weak?
“I’m ready.”
Sebastian stilled, his hands hovering over the dashboard, gave him a look. “To go to school? Good job?”
Mitchell pulled his worn duffel bag into his lap, staring ahead determinedly. “It’s Valentine’s Day.”
Sebastian went back to starting up the car, not looking up as he messed with with the heater. “Should I congratulate you on finally learning how to read a calendar or?”
Mitchell huffed out, the action overwhelmed by Sebastian finally getting the heater up and running. It was Sebastian’s turn to drive their crappy shared car, so there was really no guarantee they would even end up at school. A shady dive bar, maybe, a cheap fast food place, probably.
“I know you’re probably in on whatever scheme Connor is planning, so I’m just letting you know – I’m ready.”
Seb cocked his head to the side, “What are you talking about?”
Mitchell remained firm. “It’s Valentine’s Day. Connor’s going to try something, I know it.”
Seb nodded slowly. “Um, okay? Isn’t he in New York?”
Mitchell shook his head, “He should be on his way here now, if his plan goes accordingly.”
Seb clicked his tongue. “Well, okay. That’s a bit ridiculous, but ok-ay.”
Mitchell shrugged. It was Valentine’s Day. Last month, Connor flew over because the Harry Potter Marathon was on TV and apparently Travis “was more of a Lord of the Rings kind of guy and therefore does not deserve to bask in Harry’s heroic journey”.
So, Valentine’s Day?
Connor was going to be here. Mitchell knew it.
Seb nodded with all seriousness. “Well, since you’re apparently being stolen away for the weekend, I think that deserved celebration. Breakfast it is!” He declared, violently turning into the nearest IHOP.
“Sebastian. No!”
Mitchell fell against the row of lockers, dropping the bag to the floor dramatically.
“Going somewhere?” Naomi asked without looking up, only flipping onto another flashcard.
Mitchell gestured a bit widely to the duffel he had at his side. “I’m ready this time.”
She cocked her head to the side, the only clue he had that she was listening in. He continued to explain.
“Connor loves big, extravagant shows of his love. So, knowing this, I guessed that he would want to pull something on Valentine’s Day. So I packed some clothes, my tooth brush, and a few emergency fire starters. You, know – the usual.”
Naomi stared at him. “You guys have the oddest relationship.” She remarked. “Where did you meet again?”
“Camp.” He told her quickly, moving on. “But the only thing I’ve gotten from him all day was a text promising me we’ll video chat later tonight! It’s almost the end of the day and – nothing!” He bit his lip, “He’s usually here in the morning.”
She shrugged, “Maybe he just got busy. Maybe wherever he is, they have a Mr. Camden as well, bend on ruining their lives through testing and pop quizzes.”
Mitchell sighed, a small seed of disappointment blooming in his chest. “Yeah. Probably.”
School was school.
Everything went the same.
“Hey good-lookin’.” Connor grinned from the screen, “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Mitchell immediately melted, holding his phone closer to his face. Any drop of disappointment in him immediately faded at the sight of those dimples, surrounded by those curls. “Hey, sweetheart. How was your day?”
Connor immediately launched into the elaborate prank Katie was planning on pulling on Travis later that night, simultaneously swearing Mitchell to secrecy and demanding Mitchell somehow post the entire thing on YouTube when he sends it to him later tonight. Mitchell was just laughing his way through one of the finer details of Katie’s plan when there was a knock on his doorframe.
Sebastian peeked around the corner. “If you aren’t in at least second-base with your sexting I’ll be sourly disappointed.”
“We’re video chatting.” Mitchell corrected.
“Even better. Are his pants off yet?”
Mitchell groaned, ignoring Connor’s charming laughter coming from the speakers. “Go away Seb!” He threw a pillow at him, scowling and feeling a little shot of victory when it hit his face.
He held up his hands in surrender. “Pizza’s here and parents are getting ready to leave, thought you might wanna know, I’m gonna jump in the shower.”
“Don’t you have a date? Like, in ten minutes?” Mitchell asked, unimpressed.
Sebastian winked at him, “Who says I can’t multitask?”
Mitchell groaned, resisting the urge to throw his last pillow because, well, he liked that pillow. “Get out of my room.” He ordered, a bit pleased with the laughter still echoing out of his phone.
“Sorry bout that, darlin. Where were we?”
The next morning, Mitchell woke up half folded over desk, drooling onto his Trig textbook, and next to a completely blank phone.
Mitchell cursed under his breath later that morning, still angry that himself. “I forgot to charge my phone last night.” He complained, buckling himself in. “I must have fallen asleep Skyping Connor and it died in the middle of the night.”
Seb burst out laughing, which, um, it wasn’t that funny. Even if Mitchell was complaining about petty stuff, Seb once went on a tangent about the absurdity of hot weather. In the summer. In California.
He was just pissed he couldn’t wear his leather jacket, but still. Petty, and not hilarious.
Mitchell gave him a suspicious look.
“Today’s the best day you could have done that.” Seb told him sarcastic, laughter still filling his voice.
Mitchell paused, his eyebrows coming together in confusion. “What do you mean? Are you planning something?” Mitchell turned to him, a glare in his eyes. “Are you planning on pulling the fire alarm again?”
Seb waved off his anger. “Nah, just – just it’s supposed to be a really boring day. Coulda used the entertainment.”
Mitchell frowned. He wanted to argue that that didn’t make any sense, but Hades, it’s not like the boy made much sense on a good day.
Mitchell shrugged it off, pocketing the dead phone. “Whatever.” He glanced up, catching the other boy just in time. “And no! No, we’re not getting breakfast the second day in the row, I can’t be late, no.”
Mitchell sniffed at his shirt, wrinkling his nose at the lingering scent of bacon oil that he spilled on his collar. Ugh. Great.
He had managed to talk Seb into leaving earlier enough that their pitstop didn’t completely screw his schedule up, instead forcing them to walk in with only minutes to spare before the first bell.
Mitchell was at his locker, organizing his textbooks in color order just how he liked it when he felt a tap on his shoulder.
Mitchell turned and was greeted by an unfamiliar sight – namely, a student that Mitchell didn’t’ recognize, holding onto a brown rectangular box.
“These are for you.” He told Mitchell, grinning nicely. He was a jock, Mitchell could observe from the varsity jacket on his shoulders. Baseball, probably, he could tell from his lean build.
Mitchell took them, a bit numb. He stared down at them, confused. “What?”
The jock only grinned sweetly. “Happy February 15th!”
Mitchell only blinked a few more times. “I’m totally flattered, but sorry.” He gave the boy an apologetic smile, attempting to pass back the box. It was a shame, they were caramel chocolate turtles - Mitchell’s favorite. “I have a boyfriend.”
His grin only widened, and he took a few steps back from Mitchell extended arm. “Right answer.” He told Mitchell, “Also, they’re from Connor.”
With that, nameless jock disappeared into the crowd, leaving Mitchell staring in bewilderment after him.
Okay…so what was that?
Right after second period, when Mitchell was able to thankfully stop at his locker and drop off the mysteriously gifted chocolates, still itching to whip out his phone and text Connor, a smiling cheerleader grabbed onto his wrist.
“Happy February 15th.” She told him, impossibly perky for the early hour of the morning. He stared on in shock as another uniform-clad girl strolled up to them, holding a large bouquet
“I love lilies.” He blinked in surprise as the girls placed the bundle in his arms, both wearing matching gleeful grins.
“They’re beautiful.” The second one gushed. She fumbled with her pocket for a second, pulling out a small slip of paper. “Connor says – awe omg – they’re as beautiful as you! That’s so sweet!”
He held the large bouquet with numb arms, vaguely wondering how the hell he was going to fit these in his locker.
The girls bounced away, still happily eyeing him as he stared down at the colorful bundle.
He heard the warning bell – only more minute till class – and swallowed. After rushing to his locker he carefully – carefully – bound up the flowers in his backpack, careful to not break off any of the delicate stems.
He shook his head, blinking, and forced himself to not think about it as he grabbed his Physics textbook and ran off.
How the Hades was he supposed to focus on gravitational potential?? What the Hades even was that?
Oh gods.
He left the Physics classroom, his mind not even a little bit clearer on what was going on, when he heard his name yelled. Not for the first time that day.
Two of the art girls – Naomi knew one of them, he was sure – were waiting outside his classroom, staring at him happily. “Hey Mitchell!” they greeted, waving. One of them had paint all up her arm, staining her sleeve and skin in equal amounts. They were holding matching Starbucks cups, their empty hands tangled together at their side.
Naomi’s-maybe-friend held out one of the cups. “Happy February 15th, Mitchell.” She grinned, tilting the cup towards him. “Caramel Macchiato with extra sugar. Connor says hello.”
Mitchell took the cup with a smile and a thank you, waving both girls off as they giggled after him.
He always complained how tired he was after Physics. It – it was something he often texted complaints about.
He sipped at the drink in his next class, thankful the teacher didn’t care, and credited the warm in his chest completely to the hot drink warming up his fingers.
Lunch couldn’t come quick enough.
Finally, alone with relatively sane friends at their everyday lunch table, he considered the situation.
Connor had somehow orchestrated an elaborate show of his love. Dating a Stoll, this was an obvious constant fact. Something Mitchell would probably never get used to, but it was expected.
But, Connor had somehow gotten into enough contact with his classmates and peers to orchestrate a large gift-giving campaign that Mitchell hadn’t even expected.
Mitchell had expected kidnapping. He expected Connor showing up without notification, probably with Hortencia and an already packed duffel bag in tow.
Not even a little bit.
“Hey Mitchell.”  Fiona – in drama club, one of the ensemble girls that could be counted mostly normal – interrupted his thoughts as she slid in next to him. This was normal, they usually sat together with a few other of the theater and archery kids. It was an odd group, one that he wasn’t sure how formed, but he liked it nonetheless.
“Hey Fi.” Mitchell smiled in greeting, taking a bit of his cafeteria ravioli.
“So.” She started, her voice absolutely filled with glee. Mitchell froze a bit as she reached into her bag, her cheeks flush with happiness. “Happy February 15th.”
“Et tu, Brute?” He asked, his voice weak as she slid over a beautifully wrapped box.
“I’m a sucker for love.” She winked, the others coming to fill up the table, all eyeing him in barely concealed interest. She had probably told them, never one to keep a secret.
Mitchell sighed, plucking off the ribbon easily. He was pro at present wrapping. That had nothing to do with his current situation, no, but he was always a little proud of that fact.
“Cologne, nice.” She grinned, turning to her pocket mirror to mess with her glittery eyeshadow. Usually, Mitchell would be right beside her, offering pointers, but he turned back to the box instead.
His favorite brand, of course. Because it was Connor, so it could be nothing less than his absolute favorite. He traced the elaborate logo, wishing for nothing more than a fully charged phone battery.
“You hungry, Mitchell?” Andrew – on the archery team with him, almost as good as Mitchell himself when it came to the 70 meters rounds – asked, coming up to the table. He was one of Mitchell good mortal friends. At least, until now.
Because Andrew was now sliding a silver box across the table, and Mitchell could ever-so-clearly see Connor’s messy handwriting on the side.
“Happy February 15th, Mitchell.” Andrew told him innocently earnestly.
Mitchell took the box, the cologne box still in his lap, and sighed.
“Oooo chocolate covered strawberries. Yummy.” Fiona was apparently done with her makeup, leaning over to read the messy marker. “Adorable. I’ve never met Connor but I love him. Keep him forever, Mitch.”
Mitchell read the smeared marker again, running his thumb over it. He was a sap, and would probably be keeping the box forever. He allowed himself a small smile and resisted the urge to hug the presents to his chest. “That’s the plan.” He only answered, ignoring their cat-calls and jokes for the rest of lunch.
He dropped the gifts off in his locker, vaguely wondering if he would get away with stealing Seb’s phone charger he kept in his locker. He was carful with the gifts, careful not to smash or squish anything against the metal, and grabbed his Econ notebook quickly.
He didn’t receive anything for his last two classes, if you didn’t count the gift of ‘immense and complete boredom’ a gift. He rushed to his last class, grabbing all his supplies quickly.
His last class was boring – mostly notes off a powerpoint, something he could have printed off easily at home – and it didn’t help that his completely dead phone was burning a hole into his jeans, onto there to remind Mitchell how much he wanted to text demands for information. Or Skype. Skype was better.
He packed up his things quickly as the bell rang, already going through his head his after school plans. He liked to checklist his plans – have them all mentally laid out so he knew exactly what to do. He held his notebooks to his side, and paused right in the doorway.
Because despite the fact she should be currently leaving P.E. on the other side of the school, Naomi was waiting outside his classroom, cheerfully glee, with a golden wrapped present cradled in her hands.
He groaned. “Not you too.”
Her grin was wicked, “Connor says hi.” She only said, dropping the small package off in his arms. “I think it’s a watch, very fancy. Been having a nice day, sweetie?” She asked, her voice sickingly sweet.
Mitchell huffed, not really wanting to share the fact that his chest has been warm and pleased for the entirely of the day. “It’s been interesting.” He allowed her, angling up his chin.
She smiled, her red lipstick dark against her tan skin. “Good.” She in equal allowed him. She flipped the edge of her headscarf over her shoulder, still grinning as she wove her arms through his. “Happy February 15th, Mitchell.”
He laughed a bit, wondering if she knew about the tightly packed mountain of gifts in his locker. Or how Connor even pulled this off. Yeah, that was the question. Although, before he had the chance to ask, another body slid up to their joined figures, grinning widely and hugely.
“Hey Naomi.” Seb grinned at her, interest in her eyes, his voice as slick and dripping as olive oil.“How are things, my love?”
Naomi rolled her eyes, “No, Sebastian.”
He gave her a look of mock offense. “How dare you, I’ve done nothing –“
She ignored him, turning completely to face Mitchell. “I’ve got to go. Moms are picking me up right after school for dance.” Her grin was vicious, “Have a wonderful night.” She told him, pecking Mitchell on the cheek as she left, flipping Seb off.
“What, I don’t get one?” Seb grinned after her, immediately becoming distracted with another passing guy.
Mitchell huffed out a mostly amused breath. He actually really wanted to know how Connor pulled this off from New York.
Sebastian, wearing the most shit-eating grin Mitchell had ever seen, leaned against Mitchell’s locker as they arrived in his section, “Nice day, huh?”
Mitchell huffed, “You totally knew, didn’t you? I hate you. I hate you so much.”
Sebastian tsked, moving out of the way. “It’s your first Valentine’s Day. He’s still in puppy love.”
Mitchell threw up his hands, unable to hide the pleased grin that slid onto his face as he opened his locker. “We agreed no presents till Spring Break!”
“Did you really trust a Stoll Brother to keep their word?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
Mitchell huffed, carefully pushing the gifts aside to get his textbooks out. He clicked at his phone, already knowing it was dead and useless but wanting to try anyways.
“Is he here?” Mitchell asked, the secret hope that had been lurking in the back of his mind all day.
“Sorry lover boy, looks like you’re gonna have to settle with the literal mountain of gifts to tide you over till Spring Break.” Seb gave him a sympathetic smile, mostly faux.
“And that reminds me…” Seb’s grin turned predatory as he flashed it on grinning passerby, “I’m not gonna be home till late.” Seb threw his keys over his shoulder, probably taking joy in how Mitchell had to stumble and trip in order to catch them. “Don’t wait up, I’ll take an Uber home.”
Mitchell sighed, “Will do.”
The giant plush teddy bear lovingly buckled into the passenger seat should not have been a surprise. Neither should have been Sebastian’s lovely note of February 15th wishes.
It took three trips from the car to get all the gifts in the house.
He laid out the gifts in the living room, itching to send a snapchat to his siblings, mostly to brag out how awesome his boyfriend was. What? It never hurt anyone to them of this fact. It was a simple, true fact – Mitchell had the best boyfriend in the world.
He managed to get a few minutes of battery from the car-charger, the little battery icon quickly dwindling and still an angry red. He’d plug his phone in, he decided, start dinner and Iris message while he waited for the phone to fully charge.
He was still glued to his barely charged phone as walked in his room backwards, his heavy backpack hanging off one shoulder. He dropped his bag to the floor as usual and flipped the lights on, spinning around just in time to have his hidden ankle blade already exposed and pointed out.
Mitchell froze as he took in the scene of his room, his hand still extended out with his knife.
“Nice reflexes.” Connor grinned at him, already sprawled shirtless out on Mitchell’s bed. “It’s good to have a man who can handle his own, ya know? Good job.”
He let out a heavy sigh of relief, instantly replaced by excitement. He dropped his phone and blade to the ground and dove forward, shrieking the other boy’s name as he did so.
Connor let out a puff of air as Mitchell fell on top of him, his hands coming up around Mitchell’s waist automatically. Mitchell immediately pulled him in for a kiss, the act fast and much dirtier than Mitchell initially intended. Connor pulled him in close, enjoying Mitchell’s weight against him as the other boy settled into a straddling position.
“Wait!” Mitchell pushed himself off the bed, ignoring Connor’s whine of protest. “You’re here!”
Connor gave him an obvious look. “I am. And I’m shirtless.” He gestured to himself to prove the point. “And we’re not making out, why?”
Mitchell pointed at him, “You gave me gifts! At school! From strangers!”
Connor gave him an amused look. “I know. I arranged everything. Facebook is a modern day godly gift, you know that right?” He stretched out, immediately drawing Mitchell to his shifting muscles. “Just saying, if you wanted to reward me with kisses, I totally would not protest. Like, at all.”
Mitchell thought of all the gifts currently laid out in his living room. “I get to give you my gift then.” He decided. “I thought we were waiting till Spring Break but I know with a Stoll I always have to be prepared.”
Connor sat up at that, wide-eyed. “You got me something?”
Mitchell turned, ruffling through one of his drawers. It was in here somewhere. “Of course Connor, don’t be silly.” He found the box quickly, and immediately blushed. He…forgot, exactly, what the gift giving would entail. Like sitting there as Connor opened it. That part.
“Nevermind, we can – we can do it later.” Mitchell tried to shove the box back into his clothes pile. Maybe, if he pounced at just the right angle and at just the right time, he could distract Connor long enough to push this moment out of his head.
Connor was already sitting up, his eyes excited. “No! Let’s do it now! Is it cool? I bet it’s cool. Katie got Travis a marshmallow shooter last Valentine’s Day, that was so cool.”
Mitchell bit his lip, his hand curled behind his back. “Well, uh, it’s not a marshmallow shooter. Or any type of shooter.”
Connor was still excited, “What is it?”
“It’s not cool or fun or anything, I just –“ Mitchell took a breath, stepping forward and dropping the box in Connor’s lap. “Here. Um. Happy February 15th.”
Connor froze a bit, probably realizing it was a fun or hugely spectacular gift he might have been expecting.
“It’s a ring.” Connor breathed out, his hands shaking a bit as he held the small silk box.
“It’s just like a ring, it’s not anything big, ya know? I just, I saw it in a magazine and it reminded me of you, and I just thought you’d like it. We can totally return it if like you want something different, that’s totally fine.” Mitchell rambled, his hands a tangled mess.
Connor took out the metal piece, placing the box to the side carefully. It was a nice band – and he managed to get the ring size from Travis without too many questions. It was nicely masculine, with a silver design and black inner band. He slid it onto his finger easily, moving his hand a bit to see it shine in the light.
Mitchell liked his lips, still awkwardly perched on the side of the bed.“So, um, do you like it?”
Connor, still staring at his finger, nodded. “I love it, Mitchell.” He turned to Mitchell, suddenly beaming. “Mitchell, I love it.”
Mitchell grinned, relief hitting him like a wave. “Really?” He asked,
Connor reached over, pulling Mitchell onto his chest in an easy movement. “I love it. It’s perfect.”
Mitchell laughed, resuming his previous position of straddling Connor’s hips. “Gods, that’s relieving.”
Connor leaned up, lip-locking Mitchell in such a dirty kiss, he would have blushed had he really considered the action. But he didn’t consider it; he fell into the intensity with equal eagerness, and returned the kiss with just as much tongue and heat.
He felt the ring dig into his hip as Connor clenched at him, and had to resist the urge to groan.
Mitchell pulled away, instead kissing himself down to the underside of Connor’s jaw, sucking and kissing a bright red mark into existence. Mitchell dragged his nails down Connor’s bare chest, enjoying how Connor’s chest was already starting to hitch under his hand. He sat up a bit, satisfied with his work.
“When are you parents coming home?” Connor breathed out, his lips shiny and pupils dilated.
Mitchell grinned, leaning in for a kiss. “Not till tomorrow. Valentine’s Day trip into the city. Seb’s not getting home till later tonight.”
Connor grinned, his hands coming up to rest in Mitchell’s hair. It was pink now – obnoxiously so, his siblings had told him in their latest Iris Message.
“We have time?” Connor asked, his hands coming down to Mitchell’s chest, and continued to lower and lower themselves.
Mitchell groaned, already reaching up to strip his shirt. He paused, the heat of the moment already starting to cloud his mind. He leaned down slowly, catching one of Connor’s hands. “Connor Stoll.” He smiled, his fingers catching on the cold metal of the ring. “I’ve always got time for you, darling.”
And the smile he got in return, well, that was just as enjoyable as what happened afterwards.
Notes:  Ahhh! A holiday fic in time for the holidays? CRAZY IKR? title & excerpt credited to the lovely Elvis Costello song 'My Funny Valentine' The ring is based on this design Thank you so so much for reading, my lovely Conchell fans. I really, really appreciate all the amazing support and reviews I've gotten from all of you - it really keeps me going! <3
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autumnpawtribe · 5 years
Seeking the Raptorblood - Jura
Xiao's smile widened slightly to something hopeful, giving her one last nod before standing up. "Celestials watch over you, Reshka." The wolf transformation both surprised and impressed him, looking at her once more before walking out. He knew where to go now. He didn't summon his cloud this time, it wasn't fast enough for such a long distance. He let out a sharp whistle and that beautiful thundering ruby cloud serpent of his came flying down to him so he could mount up. Within moments he was steady in the saddle and guiding her back up into the sky. He could only hope his mate was already there, waiting. If not, well... then it would be time to wait until he came back. He hoped for the former, he'd done enough waiting. When Xiao arrived at the spot Reshka had pointed out, there was a small cottage, human in style, log and stone on the outside.  There was a short fence, more the type of a small stone wall to keep little feet from running toward the cliff.  The door was not locked, but a familiar raptor pair was guarding the door.  Honor and Valor, both of Vol's favored hunting companions were curled up on the inside of the door, prepared to rip anyone who entered to shreds.  It was only when they recognized the Pandaren that they stood down and whistled a shrill hello.  They would let him in after sniffing him for a bit and then going out the door to hunt, leaving Xiao alone in the house. The house was empty of life, save for the retreating raptors and the pandaren. Xiao smiled at the two raptors. What a welcome sight. He actually went so far as to hug Honor, knowing he was the more stable and tame of the two, scritching those little head feathers gently. "Did you miss me, hm?" He cooed quietly before letting them go run off to hunt. He sighed and looked around the home. Empty, he was afraid of that. The fact that Honor and Valor were left, however, meant Vol wasn't going to be gone for too long, otherwise he'd have taken at least one with him normally. With an empty house, well... there was one thing to do. Snoop! Normally he would feel guilty invading someone's privacy, but it was his mate, it would be like invading his own privacy. After all, they were going to be married. "What's yours is mine, and mine is yours", that's the old saying, right? As such, he began to explore the home, partially out of curiosity and also just for some damned information. He'd come this far, if he could find any indication of what he could do next short of just playing the waiting game, he would.
There were two bedrooms, and spare items from all of the houses to furnish.  The bed from one of the spare rooms at the Vale was in one room, a crib at the foot of the mattress.  The crib was a deep stained brown, looking like it was used before, and trollish in nature.  Laying on the bed was a hammock, almost looking like a cradle that would be hung from the rafters with sturdy rope and chain.  A pile of soft furs, a bone rattle with fur and leather, and a small case of changing cloths and bottles was laid in a corner.  It looked as if the move was hasty, but organized. Xiao stopped when he saw that crib, walking over to it and smiling a bittersweet smile. All of this... he'd missed all of it just for some gold. To think his fiance would actually think he wouldn't want him anymore or this child. He took a slow calming breath to settle his emotions, his paw pads trailing along the worn wood slowly. He sighed and moved to sit on the bed, grabbing the rattle now and just holding it, feeling the leather and absorbing his emotions in that moment. It finally hit him how distant he'd been, how busy he'd been, how distracted he'd become trying to get gold when he knew Vol wouldn't care one way or another. He'd become so caught up trying to build this life for Vol when the only life either of them needed... was the one with each other.  For some time, he would just sit there, holding the rattle, and silently letting tears trail down his cheeks. There was a small knock on the door, a tall, familiar face wandering in, speaking rapid, lyrical Zandali.  The troll addressed Vol'raka but the rest was said too quickly for non native speakers to pick up.  The male troll went into the other room, not coming out.
Xiao was pulled out of his thoughts and hurriedly wiped the trails of tears down his fur, rustling the lush pelt just enough to try and make it look somewhat normal rather than being matted down where the tears trailed. He heard his mate's name, but knew it wasn't his voice. Anything beyond that was way too fast and way too foreign for him to understand. He bit his lower lip. Should he come out? He certainly couldn't just wait in there like some murderer and have the poor man wander in and see sudden surprise panda. Announcing himself seemed like the better option. He cleared his throat and spoke out, the heavily accented Pandaren voice starkly noticeable immediately as NOT Vol'raka by any means. He came out of the room as he spoke, peeking his head around the corner of the doorframe cautiously to see who the mystery Troll was addressing his mate. His guess was Jura but he couldn't be sure. "Hi, I uh... am not Vol'raka, obviously." He offered a sheepish smile. "Good to see you again, I was... well, I was waiting for him since I don't know where he is keeping Naddja." Jura, Vol’raka’s elder brother, turned, staring at the Pandaren for a moment, cursing himself for not realizing the life he sensed was not his brother.  "lil Mango Mon."  He gave a smirk and kept unpacking, knowing it was best he break out of these quick.  "What bring ja ta dis house, hmm?  Mah lil bruddah not be 'ere."  The look on Jura's face was neutral.  "An ja been cryin' ah smell ta salt from ja tears and ja eyes red."  He was still turned away, now unpacking a few soft toys, one a creepy looking black and gray doll.  "Ja gonna lay ja burdens out, or ja gonna wait til ja find his ovagrown Darkspeah ass?" Xiao hissed at himself inwardly for not accounting for those damned noses. He sighed and letting out a defeated chuckle. "I never was good at lying or uh... subterfuge. I was told Vol would either be here or with Naddja. Considering that Honor and Valor were outside, I figured he can't be gone from here for too long, so... I planned on just waiting." He said as he came closer. "Here, let me help?" He asked as he rounded the box to stand by Jura's side and help him unpack if the man allowed him.
“Ah wouldn't be waitin' long.  Last ah smelled dat girlie, she be closah ta er time den she be tinking."  He smiled, unpacking a little red stuffed raptor.  "Vol's.  Held on ta et fer em.  Nevah thought he be needin' et.  He left Honah an Valah 'ere fer weeks.  Not be countin' on dat  He got othas fer huntin'."  The room they were in seemed like it was meant to be a child's room, but was mostly bare save for the child size bed frame and wool blankets thrown over the windows to keep in the heat.  Jura finished pulling things out of his crate and set piles of clothes and blankets for both child and father against the wall.  There was a desk in the corner, a pile of accounting books and Vol's journal of raptor bloodlines.  These were things he kept with him when he could, some of his blood lines near and dear to him.  There were things missing, the pile of books strewn around and one missing.   "Not be used fer a baby fer a while.  Seem he moved 'is accountin' tings in 'ere.  Last day or two ah be tinkin, from da smells."
Xiao paled then as he helped, holding onto the little raptor plush. "Wait you mean he might not come back until after the baby is born...?" The fear was as clear as day on his face. Missing that birth would shatter him, who knew it'd mean so much to him, but there'd be no way for Jura to mistake that look.
"Not know what he gonna do.  Ah know he set ta come 'ere fer safety.  Ah see dat look, Xiao, ah can't help ja.  Vol not tell me where he smuggled da mama off ta.  Ah know he move some goats cuz he gonna be needin' milk.  Rest of et, ah been bringin' mah daughtah's clothes fer em  She out grow em, so et be good use."  He stood, dusting his legsoff.  "Dusty house fer a new one.  Dwarves know dey shit though.  Ja keep lookin'.  Ah smell da oil Reshka use.  Know where ja been.  With that, he picked up his crate and wandered out, barely ducking his head as the door was built for his brother. Xiao brought his hands up to his face to rub at it slowly, clearly stressed out as he bit back a groan. "Reshka doesn't know where he is either. I do not know what to do. I... I cannot miss that child being born, Jura... I want to see our child being born together..."  He whimpered. "Yes, our child. I do not know how much Vol told you, about he thinks I might leave him for this..." He shook his head. "I would never dare... he is my family, that baby... is my family. I... I cannot imagine him thinking anything but. I need to be there... I need to be there..." He leaned against the wall of the hallway now and let out a shaky sigh. "What do I do..." He whispered to himself before it hit him. He hurried back into the babies room and immediately opened that desk. It was Vol's accounting things, maybe it'd mention somewhere the other house. It was his last hope, he didn't care about pushing boundaries, he could apologize later if it meant finding the man he loved. In the pile, the notes for Krait's Jetty, The Vale house, and Jade forest were there.  Vol tended to keep detailed records of where he put his livestock and his money.  He'd killed too many people to not monitor where the gold went.  Accounts and payments, the flocks of raptors and small herds of goats were accounted for.  If Xiao looked, he would see that three goats were taken from each house and the Krait's jetty books settled completely.  The Animals from the camp had been moved to the Vale, all raptors accounted for, though many animals were sold or apparently butchered.  Three of his female raptors were marked with x's for some reason.  To the side of the desk was a contract, seemingly between mother and father.
*** Contract between Vol’raka, Son of Un’lai and Naddja, Daughter of Jansevet. The child born of this union will be named and cared for by its father.The mother will have no claim to the child after the birth.  This means that the mother may not return to claim the child later.In the event that something should happen to the father before the child is of age, the child will be raised by his family. The mother’s family has no claim to the child in any situation.  The mother agrees to leave, within three days of the birth.The mother agrees that she does not wish this child and all things shall lie upon the father as soon as her labor is complete.  The sum of ten thousand gold, three raptors, a herd of ten goats, and other goods equaling five thousand gold pieces shall be given.  These will be useful, but at the discretion of the father.** Below the writing, three people had signed.  All in Zandalari runes.  Next to the contract were the books of Vol's investments, the totaling fifteen thousand gold not quite a fourth of what was accounted in the record before him. Xiao furrowed his brows as he saw the contract. That was something he didn't expect. It made sense, but to see it all written so clinically like it was just some trade. Some things can't be avoided, but it still made him a bit uncomfortable for some reason that he couldn't quite pinpoint. Then he saw three signed runes. He knew one was Vol, one was the mother... who was the third. He assumed it had to be Kit, but again he had no way to get in touch with her that he knew of. "Celestials, please... something..." He whimpered to himself. "There has to be something I am missing..."
Xiao pored over the notes again, grumbling to himself. Such extensive notation, everything marked, everything kept track of. What was he missing. "Wait..." His eyes widened. "What is MISSING!" He hissed to himself and looked over the notes again. A book for each property; Krait's Jetty which was long done with, the Vale, the one near the monastery... he had more houses than that. "... Oh my sweet Celestials you have got to be kidding me." He said with a disbelieving chuckle. Just like that, he grabbed the stuffed raptor and the rattle before reaching for his hearthstone and using it to pull him back across Azeroth over to the Vale. From there, it was a very speedy flight over to the Kun'-Lai house. He landed silently, having taken his cloud as he abandoned his poor cloud serpent in the Eastern Kingdoms; though the greatly intelligent creature always found its way back. He took a deep, calming breath and opened the door. He could only hope he was right
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oflgtfol · 6 years
oh shit i had a weird dream last night and it was a mix of so many different things fhskdns
so first off. kids were being separated from their parents en masse. idk why. its just that literally every single kid in the country under the age of 18 was being moved to secure facilities away from their parents
so it was organized by location, age, and name, so i wound up being put on a. flying thing. with a ton of my classmates but no one who was my friend, they were all just passing acquaintances. the things we boarded were these large gray boxes, literally just flat sides with some geometric gravings on them, but they could fly via some blue jets on the bottom
so im in and its just this living room, but almost like a waiting room with the amount of chairs along the sides. i settle down in one chair. theres no adult on here with us. theres a window behind me. there are two boys near me. in my dream i recognized them but i literally have no idea who they are now that im awake like i cant even remember their faces (though i feel like maybe the one was this guy who used to be in my big friend groupchat back in eighth grade but ive only spoken to once since then)
so i join them in looking outside bc what else am i supposed to do! we’re all on the floor and we can see other box planes go by (thats the only reason i know what they look like, bc i dont remember actually boarding)
so we can see other box planes in the distance joining this Fleet and we’re over open ocean right now, but theres this one thats upside down, and a boy is standing on it. except hes huge bc i can see him clearly despite the distance. hes like “im stuck over here! what do i do!”
and somehow theres like, no window anymore? bc we’re all shouting at him, everyone on my box plane and we can hear ppl from other box planes too (ok im just gonna call them planes now this is Ridiculous) and we’re all trying to get him safe. so at some point it clicks with me that this is. magnus chase? and he somehow got the ability to teleport like i know it in my bones that in recent books he got that ability even tho i’ve fallen behind. but it looks like THIS magnus doesnt know he can do that yet but apparently WE all do so we’re all like
“TELEPORT!! YOU NEED TO TELEPORT!” and he looks so scared and unsure hes like why the fuck would i be able to teleport but we’re all screaming at him to do it and i guess he did it? but i was distracting bc suddenly theres this person. who is. a literal giant. standing in the ocean and reaching for him. god seeing this looming figure in the distance only like ankle deep in the water was wild
ok so then we dock at some place but idk what the place looks like bc fucking black bags are put over our heads like we’re hostages. so we get to the place but we’re still in the same layout of the plane. but i notice some doors. but im not about to go thru them yknow like idk where i am? so im sitting here for hours on end and at one point i saw some like, plane crash while docking and i was watching all the kids on it screaminf thru the window and i was like oh my god where the fuck am i why is this happening. and at some point.. fucking.. black widow and hawkeye got involved but they didnt succeed in breaking us out so a national warrant went out for their arrest fhskdbsksjslsn it was wild
gradually more and more people are leaving the room i guess thru the doors, i only realize whats up when the one door is open and its. a bedroom. and im like oh i should. probably get on that then. its now like 7 in the morning all i did was doze in my waiting room chair.
So i gather all my things in my tiny backpack and i make my way to the other door and its actually a hallway this time, with uh.. four? bedrooms each with 2-3 beds in each. im lookin into each room and all the beds are either occupied by a person or someones belongings, or unmade, so i make my way to the last room and nobodys in it. one bed has stuff on it but the two other beds are both unmade so im like... are they occupied or what??? i need a bed...
this old woman, maybe in her 60s, comes in and shes like “hello” in a soft voice. she explains that shes gonna be our adult caretaker. she helps me sort out my stuff and god ir was actually depressing, having to organize all my shoes and the few clothes i was able to bring. like my mom even gave me a pair of high heels because like we dont know when we’re gonna see each other again! who knows what i need! so i was just depressed organizing my shoes on the fucking floor near the bed and the woman was helping me and she was like “are you someone who wont drive unless you have high heels on” and idk i was confused i was like “....no??” i think she was asking if i was someone who always wears heels? and at my age thats the, Those girls. idk she was really nice though and it helped bc i had no friends there she made me go to sleep since i’d been up all night and had only just found the bed lmao
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