#no wait it's full of Fog. right that's a different beast entirely nvm
r1ngfinger · 7 months
sometimes wehn we're bored we like to plya a game of "what happens if we shove this thing into Inland's head" here's somee things that have happened so far:
it exploded
nothing (boring) (this is when i shoved my arm in their face)
nothing (thank god) (this is when i threw suggestion through her face)
it dematerialized
it got really pixelatedy
she gave me a kiss (this is when i gently put my face into hers :3)
generally speaking the consistency of the Pale in her face is like a slime? like the default slime texture you think of when you think of slime does that make sense. except it's also Sparkly and warm not cold like slime usually is. it's also tasteless btw.
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