#no response on my actual art blog but ik you guys love me here :'^)))))))))
noemilivv · 7 months
Love the blog theme and colours! Esp the header. Can I get a HH matchup? The description is mostly pasted from another ask I did before, but like, I really don't have a new way do describe myself. Idk if this is as bad as sending the same propmp to two blogs, lmk cause I don't want to be disrespectful here
★Gender and pref: I’m a he/she and choose how I present myself based on the setting bc I’m not that open with ppl (yeah, it’s important to express yourself but realistically that won’t get me far in certain settings in my country); no gender pref but I’m not too fond of some writing choices when it comes to women in Viv’s works, depends on a character though
★Looks: my style has a rockstar gf vibe? Sometimes softer colours too. I'm 5’7, athletic but not ripped, gray eyes and wavy blonde hair. Ironically (in this context) lots of ppl call me an angel/angelic-looking. Not going to lie, that feeds into my ego a little bit but I don't really get what they mean. I wear makeup too, love the fox eye trend
★Personality, hobbies: I’m social and extroverted. Usually that leaves me as a leader of whatever group I’m in. I have a little bit of a hater in me, but I don’t show it if ppl don’t encourage it. I do like when it’s being enabled though. It’s not convenient when you’re in a position where ppl ask you for opinions and actually follow your guide, yk, if I manage an event I’m not going to go around shit talking everything. It feels nice to have someone who does that though, makes it easier to join in and not feel like a jerk (or at least be jerks together I guess??). I write my own songs and am in a band as a backup vocal. Kinda proud that it’s my band but I need to get better until I step up as anything more. I’m a bit of a perfectionist. I like to tease ppl if given the opportunity. Others say I’m flirty. Bold with it at that. I’m ambitious too. Kind of a big thing but I have npd (if you want to look it up without reading scientific papers, go on tumblr, the rest of the internet is filled with ‘demonic narcissism’ bullshit) and it influences the way I am. I care lots about my image and don’t have a ton of empathy. I don’t go kicking puppies, but it’s noticeable how I lack in this department. Sometimes people say I’m ’too nice to have it’ 🙄 cause i do well with kids and do all the youth group volunteering. Also, I do some martial arts and other sports. Kinda sceptical of romance at this point cause I had lots of it and I don’t mix well with a lot of people, but maybe I could do something serious for once if I had the right person. I try to be responsible and respectful but I have no issue finding my place at a wild party or something. I'm pretty chill in general, but I can be soft-er if I want, like with children or if the few ppl I‘m close with (I've got many friend groups but I struggle to make meaningful connections) need me. Usually I just stay my highly analytical, laid back self and say my silly little comments every once in a while. Heard I’m pretty funny if I want to be. My love language is acts of service. I like small things and I do them a lot. I can do words too, but I don't care for them in return. Like, you can be an asshole (up to a limit, I know my worth) and it’s cool with me if I see you have your ways of caring like putting on a song I like in the car
★❤️&💔: love movies like Fight Club (my fav), American Psycho and Donnie Darko; hate sharks, they freak me out; my fav book is The Catcher in the Rye; hate it when people push me to open up and be emotional; love music and I unironically had a few guys play songs AT me and I actually like that too, tho I get why ppl clown on it
★My type: I like people who are more negative than me and aren't afraid to shittalk everything. Just saying whatever, not caring if they offend ppl (up to a point, some issues aren’t debatable ik). They have to be somewhat funny. Just… not serious all the time at least. Don't really care for morality (to a certain point, again) if you're charismatic and fun to be around, I’m along for the ride and happy to support whatever you get yourself into. I think I would get along with someone who had a little npd too, I like to be able to relate to my partner a bit. If they work somewhat similarly, I don't have to struggle with understanding some stuff, bc I already know how to manage an ego or grandiose behavior. As for looks. Idk, I don’t have a set type. I think maybe ppl that are bigger than me? I’m pretty athletic so it’s not hard, but I guess that’s been a pattern? Also, I do enough of leading as is so in relationships, I don’t mind watching from the side and supporting whatever my partner is doing
first of all, thx!! my blog is all lute themed because i love her sm haha, also imo it’s not disrespectful so dw, but if some other blog gives you crap, i gotchu, anyway this was such a hard tie between quite a few characters, but here’s who i decided to pair you with…
Angel Dust !!
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I was debating so hard between him, Husk, or Charlie — but decided with Angel cause he’s a happy medium imo
I feel like you and Angel can bond well, but under the correct conditions and circumstances, like you both have been through shit and it sucked — and it probably still has a tight grip on you today, but you guys give each other the boost to keep trucking along, you’re each others reasons to get out of bed each day, each others cheerleaders for lack of a better term
You definitely enjoy Angel because he’s not afraid to talk a bit of shit, but he’s also not as serious as Husk, he can have a good time, he also matches your flirty energy a lot so you guys kinda just bounce comebacks and random shit off eachother
Angel is ALL IN for your “rockstar + angelic partner” look, thinks it’s hot asf, genuinely thinks you were in Heaven at one point or another because of how undeniably beautiful you are
Angel also enjoys the kickass hater in you, you guys could sit and gossip and talk shit for several hours, but you both kinda keep eachother in check from going too far — especially infront of others
Despite Hazbin being a musical, I’d like to think Angel is canonically a good singer, because cmon, how could he not be with a VA like Blake Roman?? So he could easily sing at and/or for you, bitch would serenade you😩😩
Also bro finds the fact that you hate sharks hilarious asf, I could see him deciding to be a little fucker and getting you a shark plush as a gag/joke gift on Christmas or smth (or I guess Hellsmas?? Idfk.)
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ellecdc · 4 months
ik my last ask was a lil more serious (and suuuper long, although this one probably wont be much better, sorry 😬) but now i'm here for the goofs n catching up. sorry its been another bit of time again, i had to recover from the fact that YOU! missed little old me?!?! immidiate bedrest as i come to terms with that fact. i figured id answer the questions i asked you (and respond to ur responses) bc i can't help myself!
34) i get not being up to people watching anymore, i'm there too, although i used to be quite the people watcher. there are definitely an influx of people in cities where just having to be in their presence without observing them is tiring (i live by a famous one, boy do i know this fact. one time a guy came up to me on the transit and just started telling me jokes. i didn't even respond, but that didn't matter to him lol. honestly some of the jokes were pretty good.) it's like they do all the people watching work for you.
69) as someone who has unfortunately had to both wash my hair with soap and body with shampoo (don't ask, they were both emergency instances lol) i can confirm that the shampoo option is indeed better by a long shot.
83) oh no sorry for putting you into a tough spot! your song choices are so fun tho, like i just feel happier listening to them, makes me wanna dance (also completely forgot how much chumbawumba's album art fucks me up lol). i got this answer mostly down pat and its like the complete opposite vibe to ur choices lol. my all time favorite song is going to california by led zeppelin so that's my choice, i am forever a slut for it's layered guitar parts and finger picking (and zeppelin in general). a close second is lover, you should've come over by jeff buckley. "broken down and hungry for your love with no way to feed it"?! "my kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder"?! "all my blood for the sweetness of her laughter"?! like stfu jeff this is too good for us mortals.
lastly, in my like 10 years of reading fanfic i have never once been inclined to write my own until now, and that's all thanks to you! idk if they will ever get done -one's a honker and it's maybe halfway written, the other is a smut fic which,,, idk man we'll see- much less posted, but you never know 🤷 maybe one day i'll be off anon and have a writing blog. but i want to say thanks for the inspiration to rediscover my love for writing!
hope ur having a wonderful day lovebug 🩷🩷🩷
People watching -> okay you’re so right though, people watching IS tiring. I don’t want to be perceived OR perceive!!
Body wash/shampoo -> Nooooo omg okay well I’m glad to know my answer was sound and should I ever find myself in a debacle I will choose wisely [thoughts and prayers to your hair]
Fave songs -> shut up did you actually look up the songs I listed?? That is so cool you’re so cool, what a cutie. Oof but your second song would be such good fic titles or prompts (hint hint you should do it)
And congratulations on your writing! I dont want to take credit at all though, I think you’re just a cool kid(tm) and are gonna do cool kid shit (i.e., writing fanfics) [no but fr, i think writing is so cathartic and good for the soul, it’s self care! I wrote for yeeeaaarrrrrssss before i ever thought to post anything, so even just writing for yourself is fucking tops, you rock it babes]
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plazmawulf · 5 years
Phandom Positivity post
For the new year I just wanted to spread some positivity and share some nice thoughts with people in the fandom, so let's go! (And this is in no particular order, you guys are all amazing!) @dannyphandump is always super nice! She puts up with all my dumb shenanigans and never see gets bothered, no matter how much I poke fun of her niche interest. Her rambling about milk always makes me smile (and snicker, reminds me of my cousins and their crazy milk obsession) and the countless blogs she runs are super enjoyable, even if she did draw that cursed egg (jkjk) She also a cool artist, great writer and can stay up way later then I can (maybe because of time zones... I'm always in bed regardless). Plus her and Vic are doing an awesome job with Phight Club and I'm looking forwards to it! She was super kind to me from the get go and I really appreciate it. Thanks for being my pal here! @d-o-t-s has an awesome blog with pretty colours! Her art is super gorgeous and I love her use of texture and colours she chooses! Really nice blending too (I'd die for her skillz). I enjoy the positivity posts that she has on her blog, honestly, a very nice break from all the countless other posts I see which can get a little intense at times. Not to mention she's super sweet and so relatable when she puts out progress comments (I feel ya dude!) Also the comics/memes she does are either hyper good or very hilarious and I'm super happy she's around ^^ @shinyspooks Soooo many great and hilarious ideas for AU's and otherwise. Like how do you come up with so many!?!!!  I always want to draw them all (if only I had the time!). Got me into Kaitou Joker which is actually super good, I need to continue watching it along side MaoMao. Awesome too chat with too, and we came up with a whole 3 way crossover with the sparkling phantom (which you guys may or may not of seen posts of here and there mentioning this) which I want to draw even more for! Also love all your responses to all the randomness that comes in your inbox. Amazing!!! I hope you are doing well, and I really loved all your extra submissions for fight club!
@babypop-phantom is someone super awesome, she does so much around here, art, memes, runs multiple events (and is currently running fight club Tali and THEY ARE DOING SUCH A WONDERFUL JOB with it! I love you guys so much! Oh and the writers too, thanak all of yall, itès a pleasure to read!). You know that takes a heck load of dedication and time, and I don't think we give her enough credit for all she does so I'm going to say a huge thank you for all you do for the Phandom Vic! She's also super nice and the first person from the Phandom who interacted with me. She puts up with all my nervous rambles and is just so chill, even when I'm the worst with social queues and doesn't bite. Thanks for being so chill with me and I hope everything is well for you! You're absolutely amazing Vic!
@reallydumbdannyphantomaus You are such an awesome blog and super fun to mess with. That positivity post (and the idea I sent you anonimously about doing a positvity event, but then realized I wouldn't have enough time to organise it given how busy I am so I'm doing this instead) is the thing that inspired me to do this whole post in the first place. I know I've said this a million times (and probably sound like a broken record) But I'm so happy I messed with you and discovered your blog, some au's are just so hillarious and I still have quite a few on my to draw list. I really appreciate the kind message you sent and you, you're wonderful! I'm sure we all love you and don't let those rough thoughts get to you!
@lumanae is one of the countless amount of people who has told me their bad at getting back to their dm's (why does everyone keep telling me that? You guys aren't all as bad as you say), but is probably one of my favorites to chat with! I also really appreciate you putting up with me rambling about a character you've never heard of and all the compliments on the Ikea blog, those were fun times! Loves Merlin, which I have never seen, but is on my to watch list because of her and pretty darn funny too. HAVE YOU SEEN THE PIZZA ROLL EXCUSE??? I'll send you new pictures of diesel when I get the chance and I appreciate all the love you give to cat Jack Fenton. You're cool dude! @phantomgirl15 is someone who I've bumped into just recently, but such a nice person. Helped give me a few pointers with writing and so easy to chat with. You do awesome writing and take up requests too which is super dope, and I'll have to give you a shout if something comes to mind. Thanks for being so kind and generous, you're incredible!
@ghostgothgeek incredible. I don't think I've ever met someone who loves drinking milk so much and has so many posts about milk (sorry Tali, but I think steph takes the cake for this one, I still support your milk choices though!). She is also so genuinely sweet and kind and so chill when I take forever to get back to her (I have no idea why I always forget to respond or either the message won't go through, since it usually bugs me if I haven't responded to someone or have an unread message, but thank you for being ever so patient with me!). And not just that, she's kind to everyone and deserves her title as Phandom mom. I also love that she sends glitter bombs to people, I mean what's better then glitter? Stay awesome Steph! @phantombreadproject Really nice! I love reading the writing you have and checking out your art. You are so much better then you give yourself credit for and I think it's awesome. And also I love seeing how much you improve, in even just a short time it's amazing! I also was scrolling through your blog and found out you wrote musical stuff, which is dope as heck. Also super fun to chat with, and another person whom I found hilarious for phight club! I really appreciate ya dude, you're amazing!
@ectoblood Probably one of the funniest people I've bumped into here, met at Dalv-co. Leaves some of the most hilarious comments, has great ideas and like sneaking in the staff room despite being fired on the first day. Super cool ideas too! You're awesome!
@sunsifire Sunsiiiiii buddy! I love u my pal, you're the one who ran the imposter Tali blog and I snuck up with you to mess with her! I'm so glad we stayed pals after that whole fiasco because you are hella fun to chat with and I enjoy your company when I don't have to much going on! I also appreciate how you are so open to checking out all the other fandoms I jump into *coughpersonacough* and actually kinda got into persona! I'm so happy to have you around to ramble and you send me kitties on all my bad days and make me feel better, I'd die for you!!!!
@ectolights I haven't really interacted with you much bc I'm pretty shy, but I am always happy to see the countless Danny Phantom posts you Reblog all the time! Also I’ve seen you art my goodness you are so incredible! Truely astonishing, I hope to se more occasionally pass by on my dash. And thank you very mich for the compliment on that Dani I drew, I'm happy someone was able to enjoy it, and made me feel a little better since I was having a rough time. Always a pleasure to have you around!
AAAAAANNNNNDDD I think that's about it for people I know. If I haven't really met you but you're part of the Phandom I'm sure you're awesome too and are well loved too! If you want to add something or send something nice to someone who I have not mentioned (or did) feel free to add on to this post and reblog it! I hope you all have a wonderful day!
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