#no real lore for her yet but we'll get there. i just thought this au would be fun to design for
wewerebornsextuplets · 2 months
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designed yokai au kiru today and then Promptly realized how tiny the matsus are compared to her in this au and now im giggling
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legendary-guest · 3 months
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All outfits I made for my Drakgo Teacher AU! Discussion under the cut. Lore/casual fic/part 1 here.
It was very important to me for all of these outfits to look like things that canon Dr. Drakken and Shego would wear, not just by lifting palettes from canon, but by incorporating design elements seen in the clothes they wear and finding outfits that feel appropriate for their ages.
I personally believe that the age gap between Dr. D and Shego is not insignificant, there's a clear difference in the way they behave and carry themselves in canon that signals this to me, aside from the fact that Drakken went to college with James. I'd say about 10-15 years, and their clothes should reflect that, not to mention their overall tastes. Dr. D's the butt of a lot of mid-life crisis jokes (by me, LOL), but he doesn't strike me as the sort to dress like he is going through one (this is what the villain career is for, aside from it being an extended and hilarious mental breakdown. The mullet is a holdover from the 80s, not trying to recapture his youth, in my opinion).
I wanted more 80s/70s older style clothes for Drakken, but a lot don't feel like him, and the brown palettes for many of them cross over with Mr. Barkin too much. Dr. D loses his identity with the shift in colour. He works well with deeper purples and reds, but him being listless, and honestly just plain depressed, had to be reflected in the colour choices. Even the long sleeves, hinting at this insecurity he has over his skin that I have made a point of in my Teacher AU. I've seen it a couple of times in fanfic, and I've enjoyed it immensely as an element of characterisation for him.
Chinos make their appearance here, and this Ms. Go's outfit is a slight remix of the original. I characterise that outfit, where she was effected by the Attitudinator and became Ms. Go, as something she would wear at the very beginning of her training as a teacher. Here, she has a bit more bite, more of the Shego we know and love, not as demure.
I gave her a tie in one of them because I love ties and she looks so chic with it. I really wanted to incorporate her belt from her original suit, but it's too garish to fit in with any of her outfits here, and it doesn't suit anything 'normal' or anything slightly professional/chic. Drakken's was easier to implement, more subtle.
Ms. Go palette is mostly green here for story reasons, too. It helps her in gaslighting the kids. If she wears greens and neutral colours, mostly, they won't be able to really tell that she IS green. I love the idea of a teacher Shego just seriously messing with kids' heads, I've had a few teachers like that in my life, who take great amusement in watching them trip over their words, or just outright lying to them to get a funny reaction.
The Good Ms. Go also has shorter hair, which I thought was so interesting - long hair as a hallmark of Shego's evilness - even Drakken's - so I just tied it up here. If I want her to go into evil, I can just by having her let her hair go, or if she just settles down with Dr. D, it's fine, too. It's also just practical as a teacher, makes her look put-together. Headbands make women look young, I find, there's a real girlishness to them. Ms. Go is a woman! And WHAT a woman!
Finding clothes that were professional yet edgy - o my God. The trek. Shego gave me a run for my money, I will tell you. If I had to redo any of this, I might be inclined to incorporate more asymmetry. I love her original suit, it's so striking and disorienting, it's actually insane to me that Stephen Silver designed that and everyone JUST AGREED, AND SAID IT WAS FINE, YEAH, WE'LL ANIMATE THAT?! Crazy. IN 2D, TOO!
Now, original Ms. Go has heels, and even Shego wears heels in So the Drama. Why no heels here? I didn't want to draw new feet and adjust the height, okay - BUT ALSO! She's still got that holdover from her hero days. She's got to be ready at any time, to spring into action!
FORGET THE FACT THAT SHE RUNS AND JUMPS AND SOMERSAULTS IN THE DAMN THINGS IN SO THE DRAMA, OKAY! She can afford to go to Mount Olympus and have Midas karate chop the calf and lower back pain away. She doesn't have a good masseuse/physio/chiropractor here in this AU. PRE-MIDAS! (Hm, maybe Dr. Lipsky could help with that?)
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overgrownmoon · 1 month
my thoughts on downpour
i like downpour but i do agree that some of its lore is weird. its in a weird state of canon yet not canon. its a canon AU
my solution: downpour is a story.
this is long as hell the rest is under the cut
vanilla slugcats feel like you are in charge, you are playing your own journey and experience. there is an ending, but you have to choose to go to it. everything is on you. even in hunter, your journey feels like your own, just with added challenge. downpour felt like i was playing a story. the scugs are characters that i dont have all the agency in; the plot has been written and im simply playing through it. i dont think this makes downpour bad, but it makes it fundamentally different from vanilla.
my take is that vanilla is what actually happened through the eyes of three slugcats. its their real journey through this world. they are incidental in a larger world, learning bits and pieces about the past, but never the main character. you are the slugcat, experiencing the world, making your journey.
downpour is the telling of stories about specific protagonists, perhaps oral traditions told by future slugcats. the campaigns of downpour have a plot, and you are not free to make your own choice in ending; you are led to it, as if this has already happened, and someone is recounting it. that is why the lore gets weird; these stories have been told and retold and changed, details have been lost and made up.
for me, this take would make the outlandishness of saint make sense; perhaps the real saint was a simple saintly traveler, whose story was told and exaggerated over time. maybe they became a fable, to explain the death of the computer gods. others, like rivulet, maybe really did happen, and we are reliving it like a play, acting out a story a mother tells her pups. maybe artificer became a warning about revenge and violence; gourmand a folk hero of a tribe who long ago led them to new lands.
(side note about spearmaster - i think their story is also what actually happened, but only through the eyes of the messenger. they dont have the whole story, just what they saw and did, and so not every detail is accurate. there is another thing to say here about rain world's themes of individual experiences. maybe spearmaster is recounting their own journey from their memories to SRS or another slugcat, who knows)
i like to think that this would make a place for survivor and monk's outer expanse endings make sense. they are another story, a tale of siblings who reunited, long after their original lives. it kinda leaves their journey open; did they choose to ascend or live to find each other? nobody really knows. the past has already happened and we'll never know the truth. i think thats a recurring theme of rain world; this story has already happened, this world is already dead, and you cant change it or ever know exactly what happened. you only have your own experiences and the words of others.
this is all just basically my justification for why in my own canon that im building my strategy with downpour is to just take the bits and pieces i like and leave the others behind, lmao. again, i like downpour! but i do agree that is is fundamentally different from the original game's intent. i preferred the ambiguity of the vanilla cats' endings. gourmand is still my favorite tho i love the chonk
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askfallenroyalty · 1 year
It occurs to me that we never saw kris or suzy in the epilogue (though I think the latter was mentioned once? Idk). Did uh… are they doing decently?
// the darkworld arc had been abandoned/retconned. while there IS a UT-universe version of Kris and Susie (assuming Frisk isn't Kris in UT, tho Kris is still very much their own person regardless) in AFR, we will only know Susie in the redraw. (again... assuming UT Susie is Suzy and not a sister like the catty and catti situation.)
x-x we just know too little about DR we don't even know how the universes mirror each other and the timelines are all WHACK. its a nightmare to write for or even theorize about. i esp dont wanna think about how they'd change in the time skips of AFR.
anyway in the redraw we'll see a LOT more of Susie as Frisk's whole journey is about befriending her. i didn't add her and MK into the epilogue because we need a proper foundation that the redraw will provide. at that point, my Susie would diverge from canon Suzy heavily as her story would be quite different.
uh. speaking of that arc...
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So. My original plan for the rewrite was for Gaster and Riverperson to have worked together in the prime timeline. then gaster got yeeted from time, leaving his work behind. Then, Chara would run away to the underground looking for a purpose and an escape from Asriel's BS and the island. (though, thinking on it, logically Mt.Ebott wouldn't be on monsterland... as that's exiled from humanity. so idk about that anyway)
Anyway exploring true lab Chara accidently uncovers an artificial darkworld and gets stuck as a ghostly narrator again, this time as a cherub with Feylow. Frisk, Susie and MK would be the party and they'd have to make their way home together. I've heavily considered this portion being a fangame-only material, for better play-value.
but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
ugghghh.... gaster.
The story itself can keep gaster to a bare minimum. The guy is scattered across time. he's not directly involved at all. at most we know he did SOMETHING to chara in the prime timeline with their soul and now things are on the fritz (what caused this AU) up until fake DW, where they're possessed again.
I just don't want to play with DR canon at all anymore. darkworlds are inherently going to tie into that. and granted, in UT canon there's entry #17 that implies a growing darkness... it's not a stretch that Gaster could of done this. And he DID have a DT extractor, and the timeline is vague but the similar wording (and how old the core is) could imply he was around Chara's time. None of this is a stretch
buuuut working with Darkworld, even if it's a fake one, is too close to DR canon and we just don't know much yet. when i first did the darkworld, i thought it'd be a fun excursion into the same chapter 1 area... but i got too into the improv and imagination side of things without understanding the original at all. (and bad improv) it didn't really hit me that DR was it's own game and lore until Chapter 2, and I realized just how early on we are into that game's story.
I just... I can work with what I've got, I can avoid DR canon as much as I can but ultimately, I'm working with 2/7ths worth of puzzle pieces.
I don't wanna do any of this. Gaster used to be a "free for all" in the fandom to do whatever timeline/lore thing you wanted to pull of cause he was free real-estate. but now DR is treating him more and more as a character and I don't wanna touch the guy as he's going to be jossing the story.
idk what to do in all honesty. The darkworld portion IS important, Chara goes through major character development that the Continue Arc is built on. But I've been struggling with Feylow as a concept, and well, this. what the hell am I going to do.
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dragongarden98 · 4 months
Sorry, for not posting as much as I should, I don't think I am going to use Tumblr as much as I thought I would. But here's my new plot bunnies. Hope you enjoy it at least. Never mind I might be using it a bit more than I thought, also I will be going through and editing my mistakes and bad grammar. It will take a while so I hope you can be patient with me.
Fandoms Danny phantom. Durarara!!
Title: lonely souls no longer lonely.
Plot Summary.
Danny has to leave home because it's no longer safe in Amity Park.
Danny was caught by the G I W and he was experimented on.
In this fanfic Danny was adopted by the Fenton's when he was a baby. He is actually the illegitimate son of Orihara Shirou and is Izaya's half brother, that he has no idea about and didn't even know existed in the first place.
The rest of this fic would be focusing on Danny just trying to survive in the Ikebukuro. But he keeps getting mistaken for izaya.
This will have Shizaya and Izaya and Shizuo adopting Danny. Shizaya is important to the story but it's not the main focus, instead it's a secondary one.
Title: X Marks The Spot.
Fandoms Danny Phantom. Teen Titans.
Plot Summary.
It isn't safe anymore for the Fenton siblings in their own universe, so they leave their home dimension and they go to the DC universe.
There were some complications leading to Danny and his clone Ellie (Dani, I'm calling her Ellie because it's easier) becoming babies in between the ages of 1 month and 6 months old.
It's mainly just BAMF Jazz, she's raising her kids, kicking ass, and stealing stuff from evil corporations and Rich assholes.
50/50 if it is Jazz X Dick, but we'll just have to see.
The story would pick up where the Teen Titans cartoon ended. Perhaps the black and white monster could have been a ghost. Maybe we learn why Tara came back. FYI I know that there's a Teen Titans comic called Teen Titans go, not the same as that cartoon, it's set in the original series. Point is I'm not following the comics I'm going to do my own thing.
Fandoms Durarara!! ark survival evolved.
I had an idea for a story, but I have gotten some of the lore of ark completely wrong so my original story idea is completely scrapped.
Title: Records of a Forgotten Hero.
Fandoms Danny phantom. MHA.
Plot Summary.
Midoriya, Bakugou and Todoroki are in an accident that gives them multiple quirks? And they are very confused on what's going on.
Danny leaves behind a video diary for the three new halfas. So they can understand what is going on, and why they have multiple quirks now.
I don't have much of a plot figured out for this one yet.
Title: The Runaway Babies.
Fandom Durarara!!.
Plot Summary.
Two young girls come to Ikebukuro to make a new life for themselves. They end up getting a bit more than what they bargained for, but a happy ending all the same.
Don't have very much for the story except the OCs end up adopting both Izaya and Shizuo instead of being adopted by them. The OCs are similar to izaya and shizuo.
It's a shizaya kid fic. Kids adopting their parents instead of the parents adopting the kids.
Title: a bond between two souls.
Fandoms My Hero Academia. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
Bakugou and Deku wake up in the past and in the bodies of Izaya and Shizuo.
And they have no idea why, but now they have to figure out what happened to them and why they're here, and simultaneously deal with Izaya and Shizuo. Izaya and Shizuo are not happy that Bakugou and Deku are in their bodies.
I have no idea what I'm going to do with this fic, but I had so many ideas, but no real cohesive plot.
It's a reincarnation and soulmate AU. BakuDeku. Shizaya.
Bakugou is in Izaya's body and Deku is in Shizuo's.
Series title: Demons Of Gotham.
AKA, DOG. lol.
Fandoms Batman. Danny phantom.
Plot Summary.
Two demons have entered Gotham City and started attacking most of the rogues.
And at the same time Wayne Manor is being haunted by something or someone.
This is just going to be a series of one shots and maybe a few multi chapter fics. It's just meant to be a bunch of funny, wholesome, and horrifying (for the villains at least) stories about Thomas and Martha Wayne haunting Gotham (and kicking Joker's teeth out) for Jason, because he deserves better.
Series title: MHA Trip to DC.
Fandom MHA. DC animated universe. DC extended universe. Batman Wayne family adventures.
Plot Summary.
Just another series where MHA characters and DC characters. i don't have a story at the moment.
Just a bunch of ideas and scenes.
Title: The Missing Piece.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
I don't really have much of a story right now. but it would be a Shizaya x OC.
Title: only fleas.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
Shizuo has a onlyfans.
Izaya is a big fan of his.
Probably a one shot but could be multiple chapters. it's just meant to be some fun shizaya smut.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
Post Ketsu.
3 years have passed since Izaya left Ikebukuro and Izaya ended up getting kidnapped by a serial killer.
Izaya manages to escape but it's being hunted by the serial killer.
So thinking this is his last chance he calls his sisters and his friend Shinra, he even calls Shizuo and apologizes to them.
But no one picks up for whatever reason, except Shizuo.
Was inspired by an episode of SVU.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
Shizuo and Izaya wake up in a strange Lab. But they don't wake up together. Instead they wake up in different parts of the lab at different times.
They soon learn that the world has been overtaken by monsters. And they themselves are slowly turning into monsters as well.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
Mermaid AU. Inspired by the movie Deep Blue sea.
Essentially it's the plot of the movie but replacing the sharks with mermaids and one of the mermaids Izaya. Maybe the other two mermaids or his sisters.
Shizuo is the shark handler guy. but instead of sharks it's mermaids.
Not the exact plot of the movie but definitely inspired.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
Shizuo wake's up in bed with Izaya, and is mortified. He's not sure what happened. He's planning on leaving, but he wants answers (and he would feel a little scummy for just sleeping with someone and leaving them right after.)
During all of this Izaya is asleep.
one shot fic where mostly just shizuo unsure what to do.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
This is the story with all the alternate versions of Shizuo and Izaya.
Shinra thought it would be a fun idea to clone them. that goes as well as you would think.
Now all the clones are loose, and Shizuo and Izaya don't know that they were cloned.
It is much chaos. In short the children have gotten loose and they're causing mayhem.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
The story just has one alternate version of Shizuo.
Delic is Shizuo's cousin and Izaya doesn't know about him.
But Delic knows about Izaya and decides to mess with him.
Examples are, flirting, calling Izaya cute while he's flustered, etc etc.
And all while he's pretending to be Shizuo. It also helps that he has Shizuo's strength.
Now what does Shizuo think about this? Who knows, maybe they both start messing with Izaya. And Izaya is just frustrated with whatever the hell is going on.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
Shizuo becomes an assassin and uses a cover named, Ruby No Yubiwa. Izaya became a manga artist by the pen name of Toudaimoto Kurashi.
I don't have that many ideas for the story.
Plus Toudaimoto Kurashi is kind of like an Izaya if he had never met Shinra.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary
Izaya was sold to the Oriharas by his mom, or he was kidnapped by the Oriharas when he was a baby.
So he had no idea that he was kidnapped and/or adopted.
Depending on which version it's either his grandparents were still looking for him, or his parents and grandparents were looking for him. And as a last resort they go to the media. Another thing they can do in their desperation to find him is go to a certain informant and that's how they find out the truth.
inspired by another fanfic as well as an episode of SVU. I'm not sure where the story would go. I think it would be an interesting idea if Izaya had a family he never knew about. how would he deal with that?
Izaya has a secret child that no one knows about. Not even his family.
Unfortunately the mother of the child went missing, leaving Izaya to raise the child on his own. Another unfortunate thing is that Ikebukuro learns that Izaya has a kid, and Izaya decides to hire Shizuo as a bodyguard to keep his daughter safe.
I'm not sure what to do with this story. I just think it would be interesting if Izaya had a secret child.
Possible shizaya?
Izaya wakes up injured and in an apartment that he doesn't recognize. Turns out the apartment is Shizuo's.
Unsure how he got there, Izaya tries to figure out what's going on and how he ended up in Shizuo's apartment.
Meanwhile Shizuo is trying to take care of Izaya and keep him from getting out of the apartment.
Every time Izaya is close to getting out of the apartments. Shizuo freaks out and stops him from getting out.
It almost seems like Shizuo is scared of something.
Erika and Kyouhei have made a bet. The bet is who is right about the nature of Shizuo and Izaya's relationship. If Erika is right. Or Kyouhei?
If Kyouhei is right and those two aren't in a romantic relationship then Erika can't talk about them being in love for one month straight.
But if Erika's right... Who Knows! I haven't really decided on that one.
Shizuo and Izaya are trapped in The Sims. (It's totally Shenra's fault for that one.)
Shinra keeps the two of them separated. He gives them their own rooms and different parts of the house he made with them just until he figures out a way to get them out.
Shizuo has his own space far away from the "Flea" and Izaya is far away from the "Protozoan." Why aren't they put on separate lots because Shinra wants them to stay in the same place so it's easier to get them out. But unfortunately (though fortunate for the reader) this will backfire for all three of them.
Because somehow Erika gets a hold of the game; she has no idea that it's the actual Shizuo and Izaya and proceeds to live out her Shizaya fantasies.
This is going to be absolutely chaotic and I love it.
So have you ever seen the show "The amazing world of gumball?"
Well if you haven't you don't have to for this all you need to know is that there was an episode where an obsessive yandere ice cream girl (this show is very weird) gets a hold of a fanfiction note? What's the fanfiction note, think of Death Note but instead of killing people it instead brought fanfiction to life.
Now imagine if Erika got a hold of such a book and all the stuff that would happen.
So it's up to Shizuo and Izaya to stop her because yeah it's all fanfiction about them together as a couple.
But will they be able to stop her before it's too late?
It's Erika's birthday and she's had a Shity Month! (Again blame Shinra for what's about to happen.) Shinra wants to be a good friend and make her birthday special so he decides it's a good idea to get Shizuo and Izaya into a relationship with each other.
At least that's one version. I just want a fic where Shizuo and Izaya are forced to pretend that they are in a relationship.
Erika Was Right!
I just want a fic where Kyouhei has an existential crisis because "Holy Shit Erika Was Right!" What was she right about?
Well obviously she was right about Shizaya.
Post katsu.
Izaya had a one night stand before the events of post ketsu with Shizuo.
This resulted in Izaya getting Pregnant.
He gives the baby up for adoption after they're born, the birth happens eight or nine months after post-ketsu.
(Also the years have been altered slightly, instead of the events of the anime taking place in 2010 and 2015, instead it would be 2008 to 2009.)
The baby is all grown up and he's strong and ill-tempered just like his dear old dad Shizuo.
And now he wants to find out who his parents are? Will he ever get the answer? Who knows?
Eri compilation. Six villain stories and six hero stories.
Have some ideas for this.
The bat family ends up in the marvel universe. Will they get back home?
I don't have very many ideas for this.
The Bat family ended up in the 2004 The Batman series. Bat family minus Bruce and Alfred.
I have no idea for this one either. Well I have one idea but that's kind of it.
Jazz Fenton is female Tim Drake.
She left her home dimension because of some stuff that happened. The thing that ultimately gets her to leave is when Dick tries to have her put into Arkham.
She leaves to another dimension and she ends up getting turned back into a child. She finds a little baby boy that was abandoned in a dumpster and she would name him Danny, later gets adopted by the Fenton's.
Izaya is heartbroken after getting rejected by Shizuo, so he leaves Ikebukuro. Shizuo regrets what he said to Izaya. So now Shizuo is trying to find Izaya.
Will Shizuo be able to find Izaya, will he ever get the chance to apologize for the hurtful things he said to Izaya. Or will it be too late.
FYI the stuff that Shizuo said to Izaya was pretty damn hurtful. Like a really brutal rejection. Even people who hate Izaya or think that Shizuo was being way too mean towards Izaya.
Durarara crossover with Backrooms.
Izaya gets trapped in the Backrooms.
Crossover with Durarara and the SCP Foundation. Shizuo is some kind of entity that broke into site 19. Izaya is one of the agents and he fights Shizuo. Shizuo decides after their fight "this guy is really hot." And wants to make Izaya his husband.
Izaya is given a love potion.
Anri and Izaya are siblings. Similar to idea one they don't know their siblings.
Might combine this with idea 18.
Sayaka (Anri mom) had Izaya when she was a teenager and gave him up for adoption. The Orihara parents adopted and raised Izaya.
Izaya and Shiki are Father and son. Shiki knows that Izaya is his son. But Izaya doesn't know that Shiki is his dad.
This idea could also be combined with 18.
And could even be combined with the previous idea.
A crack fic.
A fusion of a few ideas, 1, 18, 35, 36, and Shiki now has a bunch of kids. And all three of them have issues. lol.
Secret relationship series.
A series of fanfictions about Izaya and Shizuo being in a secret relationship with each other.
Izaya and Shizuo are too horny for their own good.
They do it in Shinra and Celty's apartment. Don't worry they did clean up most of the condoms, but there were a few they missed.
And they do it in a dumpster and they get caught by Simon. Well at least they're no longer fighting.
I'm sure if this idea is Canon to 38
Danny phantom and Gargoyles crossover.
Durarara but everyone are cats.
Shiki and Shizuo have a talk.
It's a shovel talk.
Possibly Canon 38.
Izaya gets the aged and turns back into a small child. And now Shiki and Akabayashi are taking care of him.
Inspired by another fanfiction.
Shizuo has the ability to control Izaya thanks to the caller around Izaya's neck. But he ends up going too far, and hurts Izaya really badly.
Don't worry there is no SA stuff in this one.
Bakugou swaps bodies with yang.
crack one shot.
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