#no one knows what they're doing but we're all trying our best 😅
thornsnvultures · 2 years
How do you even get ideas for fics bc rn I’ve queen one 2 weeks ago and now my mind is a empty void of nothingness.
PSA: your new fic is 🤌 *chefs kiss*
First of all, tysm ily 😊🖤 Second, I don't know lol I wish I could plan out a whole ass fic with an outline and plot like some amazing writers on here do, but usually I'm afflicted with a horny little gremlin thot that rots my brain until I write it down and then I post it on here 😅
Best piece of advice is don't force it. Your brain is like a toddler. It's not gonna do anything it doesn't wanna do and if you try to force it, it will take you down with it kicking and screaming. Write every thought that pops in your head down and save if for later (ex. I have a note in my phone that just says "Eddie fishnets". Will anything come from that? Idk. Do those two words together make me foam at the mouth? Yes. So it gets written down.) Some days stuff sticks, some days they don't. Ride that wave and write as much as you can when inspiration comes.
Hope you get some rad ideas soon, bud! 🖤
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japhan2024 · 10 months
Hi there! It's me! 😅 Idk if you want to but, could you write some fluff Ianthony while they are writting the Food Battle script? Like they being cute and laughing and being dorks, some sweet shit like that? PLEASE 🙏🙏
Omg you give the cutest prompts, I'm MELTING. I will try my best!!!
Eye contact
Genre: fluff, angst
"Ian, we're so good together. We work. We... I want you to be happy, and stay happy, and I don't know how many times I have to say that I will stay with you forever, but I will say it as many times as it takes."
read on ao3
"The crinkles around Anthony's eyes when he smiles and laughs. His proud little smile when he talks about what they have accomplished together.
Ian looks sideways at him as they hold a Food Battle marathon at Ian's house. Lately, Ian allows himself to 'look' at his best friend more and more. It is hard not to stare, though. Because Anthony is beautiful. So unfairly beautiful. Being in his presence always excited Ian but he never dared to look at Anthony longer than a second.
But now, after everything that has happened... why not? Why not sneak a peek at that chiseled jaw, those inviting curls, and that olive skin, a mature version of his BFF he remembers from school. Ian catches himself sighing. And so does Anthony. As they lock eyes, Ian quickly looks away, smiling down into his lap.
"This scene is so dope, right," Anthony points at them on the screen.
"Yeah, you're right."
It's the next day. They're at Anthony's house to work on the new Food Battle script.
Anthony looks at Ian with soft, admiring eyes. He loves one thing most of all. Above anything in the world. And that is watching Ian's creative process at work.
"This is so dumb. But what if I just give her a comically large piece of chewed gum right out of my mouth?"
"Ew, that's so gross!! I love it."
Ian laughs. Not the reserved chuckle he gives other people. But the hearty, all-out goofy laugh he only shares with Anthony.
"So, the wife dies... Sorry feminism, but the twist is... YOU were the wife the whole ass time!!"
Anthony giggles. "That explains the seven-year pause so well, oh my god. But... If I'm your wife, how does sex work?"
Ian shrugged matter-of-factly. "Duct tape and an empty Gatorade bottle." He makes a plopping sound to match his zany ass explanation and sends Anthony into hysterical laughter.
"Fuck, we have to put this into the script! We might get demonetized, though."
"Hey, if we really cared about money, we would just steal TikTok videos and put them in compilations on YouTube for the rest of our lives."
"True. God, how I love this..." They smile at each other. God, Ian has such unnaturally light-blue eyes. Anthony notices that lately, Ian makes way more eye contact with him than before. Which is amazing, because he's always tried to get more out of him. More and deeper conversations. More emotion! But it seemed impossible.
At parties, Ian is outgoing, and Anthony gladly tags along. But when it's just the two of them, Ian likes to chill out with his thoughts. And that's fine with Anthony, but he can't help but want more. And now, since everything that happened, they finally talk. For hours!
"To think we both forget how great this is, writing together..." The sunlight that comes in from Anthony's window lights up Ian's eyes even more. Anthony wants to stare into them for all eternity. Those moments of direct eye contact send shivers down his spine, make all his hairs stand up and make him want to run some laps out of sheer excitement.
"Do you remember Star Stories?" Ian asks.
"Oh yeah, that shit was wild."
"Do you remember the George Michael one?"
They both laugh.
"Write about what you know, what you know, what you know..." Anthony mimics the old comedy show.
"There's this one bit," Ian says while laughing. Anthony loves it when Ian is so excited about something he already laughs at it before even telling Anthony.
"It's when George Michael cries about his band mate leaving, and it's all dramatic, and then he's suddenly like, super unbothered and says "I'm over it." We should put that in. Like I'm crying about my wife for 1.5 seconds and then I'm like, okay let's do Food Battle, biiitch!"
"That's amazing."
"I know, I didn't come up with it."
"Shut up, you come up with brilliant stuff all the time."
"If you say so."
"Let's take a break," Anthony says.
They order some lunch and hang out on Anthony's balcony. They are drinking some flavored water.
"Any new dates?" Anthony asks suggestively.
"Nope." Ian doesn't elaborate.
"Ian, have you even tried?"
"I guess I haven't. But I'm really happy, Anthony. The right girl will come along, I'm sure."
"Or the right guy?" They never talk about Ian's bisexuality but Anthony wants to bring it up. He wants to know how he can help Ian get a date. Above everything, he wants to make Ian happy.
"Or the right guy, I guess. Or just a person in general. But boobs are a plus."
"Are you into man boobs as well?"
"Hell yeah! As long as I can suck on them... oh no, this is a terrible idea..."
Anthony's eyes light up. Ian's terrible ideas are genius 100% of the time.
"Ian, you must tell me..."
"One of the challenges should be a breast milk pump."
Anthony compulsively giggles through his words. "Oh my god! Ian, we can't show that on YouTube..."
"Can I at least suggest it? You'll say 'ew gross' and I will say, "Oh yeah, you're right... damn it!" And I'll look disappointed."
"We will work it in there somewhere."
Ian squints at Anthony. "Are you giving me more leeway because you're still cheesing about our reunion?"
"You know you're playing with fire."
"Yeah, I know, hahaha."
"By the way, I'm still willing to burn Smosh to the ground with you."
"I think our fire will light up Smosh, warm the place up."
"With our looove," Ian says in his mocking voice.
Anthony kicks him fondly.
The bell rings: their lunch has arrived.
"I'll go get it," Anthony says, leaving Ian with his thoughts for the moment. He still can hardly believe how invigorating it is to work with his best friend again. It doesn't feel like work at all, they are just hanging out. This is them.
"Here is your gluten-free bagel," Anthony says with a tucked-in chin.
"Well have fun eating your vegan salad of misery," Ian counters.
"At least we are pretty and healthy!" Anthony uses his girly voice. He hasn't in quite a while.
"That voice takes me back."
Anthony laughs.
"For real though," Anthony continues in his normal voice, "you're becoming fitter by the day, the gluten-free diet is working, or are you also running again?"
"I'm hella running, dude. Every morning."
"That's awesome. I'm so happy for you, it used to be such a big part of who you were in high school."
"Yeah, it makes me feel so much better. And if I skip a day, I immediately feel worse. So it's kind of an addiction by now. Gotta go faaast!"
As they eat their lunch, a group of birds flies by. They are shimmering, bright green but their call sounds like nails on a chalkboard.
"Did you know birds have one hole for everything?" Ian suddenly says.
Anthony raises his eyebrows and snorts. "What?
"For everything." Ian looks him in the eye again. That sends Anthony and he doesn't recover from laughing until a few moments later, while Ian repeatedly says "It's called the cloaca, man, the cloaca!"
"Why are you so fucking funny, Ian. You're the funniest person I know. And that's saying something, with all our employees at Smosh."
"Aww, thanks Anthony! I think we just share a kind of humor. My jokes don't land like this at the office." He chuckles.
"Kids these days..." Anthony scoffs.
"Hey, come here, your hair is messed up. I'll fix it for you," Ian says suddenly and comes up to Anthony, closer than he expects. He puts the wayward curl that the wind has blown in Anthony's face, back on top of his head. "That's better. Now you can go back to being pretty again," Ian jokes.
"I love it when you do that kind of stuff," Anthony murmurs.
"These little gestures of affection. I appreciate it so much."
Ian doesn't look him in the eye now. Anthony feels bad.
Because he knows.
He knows Ian likes him.
For all those years he's liked him. And he has sometimes taken advantage of that. Flirted with him so Ian would do work for him, that type of stuff. But he hasn't done anything like that since they reconnected. And he isn't planning to. This time, he wants to give Ian what he deserves. To truly appreciate him.
"Hey." Anthony takes Ian's hand.
"Don't do that," Ian tries to look the other way, but fails. They lock eyes once again.
"I'm being sincere, I promise," Anthony says. Ian blushes.
"Ian, we're so good together. We work. We... I want you to be happy, and stay happy, and I don't know how many times I have to say that I will stay with you forever, but I will say it as many times as it takes."
"That means a lot," Ian says. "Now cut it out with the sappy shit, you know I'm bad with that."
But Anthony holds onto Ian's hand stronger.
"It's not sappy, Ian, it's the honest truth. I love you."
Ian swallows. "Yes, and I love you, bro. I love you... and it's hard sometimes, you know? It's hard because when I look into your eyes, Anthony, I see... I see something I want to have. And it's this close, man. But I'll never have it and I've accepted that a long time ago."
"Come here," Anthony says softly, and pulls him into a tight embrace. He whispers: "I've done you wrong for so long, Ian. I want to give you everything... Anything you want. You can have it, whatever it is."
"Don't play with my feelings, Anthony."
"I'm not, I promise."
Ian slowly lets go, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Remember the staring contests?"
"Oh my god, those were always terrible hahaha."
Of course, Ian would break the tension.
"But this doesn't feel like a staring contest. We can finally look at each other honestly. Damn, it does feel good."
"But Anthony, we have a script to finish."
"Fine. But promise me you're staying over tonight?"
"Fine. Idiot."
They go back inside.
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this-is-krikkit · 4 months
A challenge was set, and I picked some of the unasked questions!! Lmaoo
23, 40 (but change it to any colour you wouldn't pick cause we're rebels here), 45, 53, 57, 61, 64 (curious to see what you pick), 73 (cause language nerd), and 77!
FFS NUBE THAT WAS NOT A CHALLENGE 😂 you're the worst i hate you thank you for the laugh ♥️
ask me some of the VERY FEW questions Terra and Nube have left unasked lmao
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23. what's popular with the people around you that you can't seem to get behind?
having children lmao?? no but fr, i have like 4 pregnant friends right now, who are either my age or a single year younger/older than me. i mean they're all happy about it and i'm glad for all of them, but it is kind of freaking me out that it's happening all at once.
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40. if you could dye your hair any color, what wouldn't you pick?
i think i've said before that i wouldn't try natural redhead, because i feel that would look terrible with my skin tone... but honestly? i might try it this summer, so what the fuck do i know?
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45. do you believe in fate?
i don't believe in it in the sense that our lives and destinies have been written in advance, i think our free will is what makes our lives into what they become. however, i'm aware that privileges of race, country/region of birth, sex, and health do determinate, because of the shitty world we live in, a good chunk of your "fate" in terms of the options you'll have access to.
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53. favorite emoji?
ooooh tough one. according to my phone my most used one is 👀 so ig this one? (i blame you, btw 👀👀👀)
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57. favorite movie?
i don't really have one! i'm not a big movie consumer
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61. do you believe in/follow any superstitions?
not really, except for one specific habit i have at work after difficult cases that's more for my own peace of mind than anything
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64. what's the best thing you can cook?
according to an outside opinion bc i couldn't think of anything, it's honeyed mustard chicken!
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73. what would you consider the most enjoyable accent to listen to?
i think i like all accents in english, they make me less self conscious about my own 😅 i love yours, specifically, because as we've discussed before it's like you sing the words more than speak them, and it's absolutely lovely to hear 🥰
in french, i love a specific type of southern accent that was my grandma's, as well as the québec accent/dialect. i used to not like/not understand that one before i went to live there for 3 months, now it sounds "homey" to me (there's only one thing keeping me from moving there for good at this point lmao)
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77. what's your plan for the apocalypse? (don't pretend you haven't thought about it a little bit.)
... is this a test?? obviously my apocalypse plan is to run to that secret mountain where you and i and our signifcant others will hide out, far away from the rest of the world, DUH!
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dividers source
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shadowsight-aster · 1 year
Hello, I am very much interested in hearing you rant about River Ripple x Grey Wing, pls and thank you. 🙏
I like their interactions with each other more than the moments they have with their canon mates 😅
MY TIME HAS FINALLY COME OH MY GOD YIPPEE YIPPEE AN EXCUSE TO RANT ABOUT MY GUYS!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU ANON!!!!!!!!!!!! ok ok so all of this is going to be really reachy because i'm ill in the brain about these guys but just trust me
(dotc and riverstar's home spoilers beneath)
as i said before, they've got something going on, even from their first (minor) interactions after the fire in clear sky's forest, grey runs to the shore to yowl for his brother...and river is the first to join in, even past his dislike for clear sky. we see from river's perspective that he's worried about grey wing and his asthma after the blaze their relationship really comes out after the great battle, where river does his best to ease grey's grief (taking excerpts from both dotc and riverstar's home)
when river ripple first picks up grey wing's scent heading toward fourtrees, he feels like he *needs* to go to him
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grey is literally his destiny i am not making this up
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they kitty kiss. THEY CAT KISS. OUGHGHHHHHH IM SO NORMAL ! and grey wing *wants* river to come be with the rest of the mountain cats on the moor even after river declines, grey wing goes on to ask if he'll see him again at the next meeting
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then, we skip ahead to the second time river finds grey wing at the grave, panicking because he believes grey to be hurt
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river ripple cares about grey wing so much for a cat who makes it VERY clear that he doesn't really enjoy the company of the colony from the mountains bro literally SPEEDS DOWN THE HOLLOW TO GET TO HIM. IT'S. UGH I LOVE THEM this is when river offers grey wing a place in the island camp and. words cannot describe how much exploding i was doing while reading this oh my god
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"he has to want this, too." OKAYYYYYYY. OKAY. I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE sorry. sorry he's so desperate for his love to be okay again. during these chapters, we're given an insight of grey's time living by the river istg they argue like a married couple i love them
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and then, possibly one of my FAVORITE lines from the blazing star:
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"you don't need to prove yourself to me." it is an affirmation, it is a confession, it is everything grey needed to hear. he doesn't have to keep pretending to be strong, to be "useful" around river. river sees him for how he is, understands that grey is more than his faults and his illness and his doubts !!!!! he takes him for who he is and expects nothing more. river is doing the bare minimum by being kind to him but like. in a world where your brother is 3 bad days away from murdering you in cold blood and there's a guy trying to take over your entire place of living (twice) and everybody's cold and hungry and mean, it can be a lot more impactful and then THEY KISS. AGAIN. GOD THESE FRUITASTIC CATS
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"he'd become a good friend" YEAH. HE'S YOUR HUSBAND, FOOL and then. slate's there...which, again, not to hate the women of warriors cause they get enough flack but slate and grey wing's relationship feels very rushed (like 1-2 pages from 2 chapters rushed. they have two interactions and grey is smitten) and it's a little odd that he's so enamored by sunningrocks cause he *lived by the river* for a good while but i digress grey's our bisexual king and we love that for him and then we move into the aftermath of moth flight's vision, and the discovery of the moonstone. ohhhhh boy. let me tell you. when clear sky and thunder come to deliver the news of grey wing's passing, this is what runs through river's head:
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--but ALSO appears for the first time after river drowns trying to save drizzle
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nagging his boy because he just lost a life. stars know grey wing was rolling his eyes so hard /j
while it's true that their interactions are few and far between, their dynamic and their relationship is literally everything to me they are so sweet to each other and that is the absolute truth ! they had time to fall in love ON SCREEN, spanning multiple books and did so in a meaningful way i'd like to imagine grey wing fell after being invited to the island, that he realized just how much he loved river as he was leaving and that it only grew stronger in the time they were apart and they connect so easily because they're both striving for the same goal: peace. river understands grey wing because pacifism has been all he's ever known. he emphasizes with grey, understands how hard it is in a world where nobody is willing to listen to you. they find that peace in each other, and it's unlike any kind of calm they've felt before. they love each other like how a moth loves its guiding light, how a current loves its banks, how the sun kisses inch of the world given to it, how hawks breathe in the open sky. they are unconditional in their adoration, even after one has passed young and the other is busied with duties they never asked for. they see each other in the lands that connect them, see silver fur in the eddies of the river, and golden eyes in the sunset that paints the moor warm again. i think they're kind of neat they devistate me. they jostle me around and make me weep so hard into my hands rghghghgh erins i'm tired of crumbs. give me my gay and my lesbian and my diamoric cats NOW ! i've actually been working on an overhaul of dotc and it includes more their love for each other (AND DOESN'T KILL OFF GREY YET BECAUSE I FELT LIKE HIS DEATH WAS TOO SOON PPUNCHING THE AIR)
BY THE WAY. i have a playlist about them smiley and i just want to say they're always very sleeping at last coded but ESPECIALLY light from atlas: i
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and also i was an island by john-allison weiss !!!
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i will pick apart these songs and do a study on them from a greyripple viewpoint at a later date because this post? is super long. like really fucking long i've been writing this for like 3 hours now (sweats) BUT YEAH !!! those are my thoughts !!!! it's not very coherent cause it's late and i have school in the morning but whatever i will go on about them more soon, specifically in my overhaul of dotc!! which. as an aside, i really *really* love dotc and i think it's overhated and underappreciated i need more animatics about how tragic the early settlers are damn it
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growandrecover · 27 days
I’m really struggling to accept my body because it feels like everywhere I look I see people smaller than me. All my friends are smaller than me, my parents and sister are smaller than me. I feel like most of the people I see on the street are smaller than me. It just feels like I must be doing something wrong if other people can be smaller than me without even trying to be. Like I should be trying to be like them.
Hey, Anon.
I have been exactly where you are, and sometimes still struggle with this. You're not alone.
My childhood best friend is much smaller than I am, and she always has been. I grew up comparing myself to her, and I catch myself doing it all these years later. As we've gotten older, two things have occurred to me in terms of comparing my body with hers:
She and I have very different genetic makeups. I could try every diet in the world and work out like my life depends on it, but I'm never going to look like her. It's just not going to happen. Not only is my family made up of really tall people, but our families are from opposite sides of the world. People are built differently everywhere you go, and that's a beautiful thing.
She's told me within the last year or so that she's uncomfortable in her body as well. She's listed off a few things that I won't put on the internet just for the sake of her privacy, but just because someone has the body we desire for ourselves doesn't mean they're happy with it.
Now as far as your family goes, here's my experience that may or may not be helpful:
my sibling and I both share the same mother and father, and while it's obvious in a lot of ways, we're built differently. They're at LEAST two heads taller than I am, and naturally more muscular.
Yes, we have similar DNA, but we're just different.
As for my parents, I'm a mixture of the two. My father is very tall and naturally skinny, while my mother is about average height and probably naturally average weight for her height.
Comparing your body to your parents and sister may seem like an obvious thing to do because you're related, right? (been there myself)
I know you know this, but both you and your sister are mixes of your parents and every ancestor they have ever had. No matter how much you may or may not look alike, the two of you aren't the same combinations. You're you, and she's her.
When you go everywhere and see people smaller than you, I want you to look a little bit harder. I used to think the same way too, but once I started paying a little bit more attention (i.e., more than just "wow, they're so skinny"), I noticed that the people around me were just average people, just like me. I was the one hyper focused on what everyone looked like. I promise, everyone around you is not smaller than you.
Another thing you could try is noticeably looking for something different about the people you're comparing your body to. My therapist in treatment suggested I look at their eyes because it makes them more human apparently. So notice what color their eyes are. What shade are they? Do you know someone with a similar shade? Or you could try to notice their hair. What color is it? How do they have it styled? etc etc
I'm not 100% sure how to respond to this, and I wrote this a few days ago and left it in the drafts to be sure this is what I wanted to say. I hope this is at least a little bit helpful? If this is not what you're looking for, please feel free to reach out again and spell it out for me 😅 I'm super sick rn and a little bit out of my mind hahaha
I know what you're going through, and I really hope it gets better for you, anon.
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austinslounge · 1 month
Imagine freaking out because Austin wore Kaia's merch. It's a white t-shirt. A t-shirt one could get for $7 on Amazon as opposed to the $50 Kaia is selling it for. The problem with these shippers is they think this kind of thing means it's true love. But they also treat this relationship like it's a game.
"Oh my god Austin is wearing Kaia's merch. Best boyfriend ever. See guys we WONNNNN. Suck it haters they are still very much together and in love" -- I truly get second hand embarrassment for twitter. Where is the love they speak of? I never see it with Austin and Kaia.
This relationship isn't a game. Shippers always want to prove "our side" wrong. They don't care about Austin or his happiness. I truly think deep down they are Kaia fans, not Austin fans. All they care about is being right. I think a lot of us knew Austin at some point was going to wear the shirt. I wasn't even surprised to see him wear it. But at least he was smart to wear it while promoting a watch brand. Unless you know the shirt is Kaia's merch, no one would think twice. But Austin was tagged wearing a popular watch brand. Nothing about Kaia's shirt was tagged.
Only shippers care about a shirt. Because they're desperate for any crumb that shows Austin is still tied to Kaia in some way. I know a lot of these girls are wrong. They are living vicariously through Kaia and this relationship. It's unhealthy.
Listen, the day these two break up, I won't lie I will be happy. Happy for Austin to be away from a loveless relationship. But it's not a game for us. It's not a THEY BROKE UP GUYS WE FINALLY WON -- no one will do that.
We just want Austin to be happy and I truly don't know how anyone can look at him when he's with Kaia, and see love and happiness. it' doesn't exist.
Imagine freaking out because Austin wore Kaia's merch. It's a white t-shirt. A t-shirt one could get for $7 on Amazon as opposed to the $50 Kaia is selling it for.
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Wait-- that ugly, plain shirt Kaia is promoting for her Library of Sciences thing is selling for $50??? 😲 🫨 😱
Oh girl -- Those fans are getting played. 👀 I feel sorry for anyone who shelled out $50 for a plain ol' white T-shirt they could have easily found at Wal-Mart rofl 🤣
Anyway, what people choose to do with their own money is their business, but there's no way I'm putting out $50 for a plain white t-shirt that didn't even have some type of artistic design lol 😅
They are living vicariously through Kaia and this relationship. It's unhealthy.
They are, and it's sad. 😔
Listen, the day these two break up, I won't lie I will be happy. Happy for Austin to be away from a loveless relationship.
For real though. 💯
Shippers try to say that we're "jealous" because Austin is dating Kaia, but that's not what it is. I wasn't jealous when he was dating Vanessa, or having a fling with Lily, and I won't be jealous when he dates the next girl he dates.
Contrary to shippers, most of us as Austin fans just want to see Austin looking genuinely happy, fulfilled, in love, and with his best friend in a relationship again. 🥰 We want to see him glowing from the inside out. 😊 We want to see him laughing with his partner again. Being comfortable out in public with his woman again.
Whatever "thing" he has going on with Kaia is not it. 🥴
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quill-pen · 11 months
So there's going to be a part in one of my wips where I plan on Millie reading a school report about Bess aloud. I decided to try writing it to figure out Millie's writing style. She'd be about 9 or so in the timeline so that was very interesting to go back to. I can't remember how I wrote as a 9-year-old-- that was a long time ago.😅
Anyway, enjoy. This might change some in the final product.
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My Big Sister; by Millicent Sullivan-Scrooge
We're supposed to write this report on a great person. I've heard a lot of my friends say they're going to write their reports on kings and queens, war generals, or people in Parliament. I'm sure those people are really all great people, but I don't know how to find that out for sure because I don't know them. I don't know how to write a good report on someone I don't know. So I've decided to write one on someone I do know and is a great person: My big sister, Bess. Actually her real name is Elizabeth, but my brothers and sister and I always call her 'Bess', so she's Bessie to me, not Elizabeth.
My big sister was almost grown when I was born, and she's always been there for me. I can't remember a time when Bessie wasn't there. The furthest back I can remember is her rocking me and singing to me when I got sick for the first time I can remember. I don't remember where my mama was, but I do remember Bessie snuggling me when I felt cold and feeding me soup when I was hungry and reading my favorite stories to me.
I can't remember it, but my sister Josie says that Bessie was the one who helped me learn to crawl. And when I first started school back in Ohio, Bessie was the one who taught me how to write my letters and numbers. She even taught me how to read a little and spell my name. All the other kids my age had to learn how to do that in class, but I already knew it because of my sister.
I wouldn't know what to do without my big sister. She does so much for me. She washes and mends my clothes. She makes me food and a lot of the time it's my favorite. She takes care of me when I'm sick and makes me feel better when I'm hurt or sad. Her hugs and kisses are the best and always make me feel so warm and happy. She knows how to make me laugh really hard. All of my friends like my sister too, because she does all the same things for them too. She's Auntie Bess to them.
Bessie is the most beautiful lady I know, and I'm not saying that just because we're sisters. She's got freckles all over and long black hair that's all curly and so thick and soft. It smells so pretty when I hug her and hide my face in it. But I think her eyes are the prettiest thing to look at because they're so blue. My mama had blue eyes too, but Bessie's are a lot darker and prettier I think. My uncle Ebby says you can see how much Bessie loves you by looking in her eyes and I don't know exactly what that means, but I think it's true. I feel so warm and fuzzy when my big sister looks at me. Unless I've been bad and she's angry with me, then Bessie can look really scary. She never hurts me though, just scares me kind of because I know she's going to do something to punish me. When that happens I don't like it but I know Bessie only does it because she loves me and wants me to learn right from wrong so I can be a good lady like her when I grow up. And I want to be just likeher, smart, strong, pretty, brave.
I think that's my favorite thing about my sister, how brave she is. You see, Bessie hasn't had a very nice life. Our mama was always really hard on Bessie. A lot of times she was just plain mean and made Bessie do everything at home while she took us swimming or on picnics. I remember her yelling at my sister and hitting her a lot, but I don't ever remember Bessie crying, and Mama was really scary when she yelled.
Bessie was also really brave after Daddy and Mama died. She got everything together and brought us all here to England without knowing anything that would happen to us. I know she had to be really scared because I think I caught her a few times crying in the middle of the night. When I tried to ask her if she was okay, she'd turn right around and smile at me and tell me everything was going to be okay. And I could believe her easy, because I knew we had her to take care of us. Bessie always makes sure everything is okay.
Our teacher asked us to think about something we'd want to say to the person we chose to write about, or something we wished were different The only thing I wish was different about Bessie is that she stopped being so mean to herself. She always apologizes when she does something different than how Mama did it, and I know she still feels bad about moving us away from our home in Ohio. I wish she wouldn't because it's okay. It's okay that she does things different than Mama used to, because she's Bess, not Mama. And it's okay that we had to come here. If we hadn't, I never would have met all my friends, and I wouldn't have Granny or Uncle Ebby if we hadn't come here. I like having all of them.
And I wish Bessie would stop thinking she's not pretty. She has lots of marks she always hides, but I wish she wouldn't because all my friends think she looks super tough with them, and I think she looks really brave. When she's brave, Bessie is really pretty. I wish more people could see her like I see her.
And the one thing I want to say to Bessie is simple. I love you. And I'm really happy and proud that you're my big sister and my mama now. I want to be just like you when I grow up.
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@rom-e-o @ray-painter @m0nsterwife @crimson-phantom-designs @purgratoriat @thedivinelights @the-house-of-auditore-frye @oldmanlusting @christmasgaybusinessmen
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singinprincess · 6 months
if you're still doing the ask thingy; 🖇️📺✈️⭐️🌺💜 🩵 do you have any pets? (idk what this emoji is supposed to be) 🪐 favorite shows / series of all time pls and thx. feel free to pick and choose if you want
🖇️ what are your favourite asks to answer?
Any asks 😅 I miss when I used to get asks regularly tbh. But to try and be more specific, I love getting an ask from someone telling me that they're watching a show because I kept posting about it. That's so fun to me.
📺 last show you watched?
Coupling. Watching this one for Gina Bellman, my beloved.
✈️ favourite place you’ve travelled?
hmm I don't really have a favourite place tbh. I used to love when my family would go to Six Flags for a couple days! Haven't been in years. Also used to really love our trips to Goderich, it has the best beaches. We're mainly a road trip family. I haven't travelled by plane in probably more than 15 years so.
⭐️ what is one of your biggest accomplishments? Why is it so important to you?
My career. I can't believe how far I've come. It's important because I'm helping people for a living, and how rare is it to be able to do that?
🌺 what is the best gift someone has ever given you and why is it so important?
My aunt used to always send me jewelry and other accessories made by the political prisoners she was working with. My favourite was this necklace made from seeds. It was simple, not really my style at all, but I felt so close to her whenever I wore it... and I never took it off. Until I lost it one day. I'm still not over losing that necklace.
get to know me
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
Oh my godddd!! Kiss fic anon here.. I wasn’t trying to be mean but I’m sorry if you felt like i was😭 😭I’m always checking my bookmarked fics n I saw both of your fics there and idk it made me sent that ask.. I didn’t even reread the mesg. Tbh I’m very bad at putting whatever is on my mind into words😅
Anyways, you take all the time you need dear🤗. For me also these last few weeks were really hectic. I was trying to relax a little bit with ao3 you know 🫢 I’m really sorry if I was a bit harsh, it wasn’t intentional.. still, made me smile when I saw your reply 😁
hey anon! thank you so much for clarifying ❤️ you're all good! i did not read your initial ask in that way - although i do think it's crucial to tread very carefully with this kind of ask.
to be clear, this is not an attack on you personally, anon. not at all. but it is true that many writers (myself included) have unfortunately had bad experiences with this sort of thing, so i do want to just take a moment to explain why many of us might react badly to an ask along the lines of the first one you sent.
the thing is: writers on AO3 do this all for free, and we do it while also balancing our real lives. we do it because we love it and we love our readers, yes, but that doesn't mean it's always easy. writer's block and any number of real-life problems and reasons can come up at any time.
the problem comes in when we get an ask or a comment that doesn't seem to understand that. now, i do understand that this is often not the intention behind that comment, but it is all too easy for tumblr asks/comments asking for fic updates to seem like they're pressuring the writer.
it's like... i have written over two hundred and fifty THOUSAND words for this fandom, and i have done it completely for free, and in my own free time. now some person i don't know at all comes to me and basically DEMANDS that i do even more, on their schedule and not mine.
from a writer's perspective, it's easy to feel frustrated and/or demoralised by "when are you posting the next chapter" type comments. even if it is tempered by "i love your writing," as a writer it's easy to feel like you're not being appreciated for what you've already done. and, you know. we're humans too, not perfect writing machines who always stay exactly on schedule with everything. it's just nice to be treated like humans, y'know?
again, i understand that in many cases, none of the above is the intention of the ask/comment at all - which is why i think that phrasing is SO vitally important. instead of "when is the next chapter coming out? i miss this fic" it just feels kinder, to me at least, to say it more like "i love this fic SO MUCH... and i am so excited to see what happens next!! i will be here cheering you on for the next chapter (and rereading all the others in the meantime!!) thank you so much for sharing ❤️"
(istg just lost my entire ability to write a coherent comment when trying to do an example here 😭😭 but i hope you see what i'm trying to get at?)
speaking as a writer, one of THE best feelings in the world is to get a comment from someone who loved your story as much as you loved writing it. someone who's as excited for more as you are!! in my opinion, a good way to keep up this positive energy all around is simply to not ask the writer for a timeline. this is often impossible for us to provide - because like i said, we are HUMANS. life happens. writers can't predict it any more than you can.
just be excited with us. cheer for us and cheer WITH us. rather than demanding exact dates and putting pressure on a writer to try and create content faster when they might not be able to - just be there for the process, support us, and make us smile as much as our fics made YOU smile!!
... ah, wow, this has gotten to be quite a long reply 🙈🙈 i got on my soapbox a little bit, but this is something i feel quite passionately about, so i do hope it all makes sense! i also hope that you don't think i'm mad at you, dear anon who sent this - i'm not, not at all. i just wanted to take the opportunity to make things as clear as possible for everyone who might need to read this ❤️ thank you ever so and cheers to you if you've made it this far!! i appreciate you taking the time out of your day/night to give this a read 💙
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
If she didn’t want proposal she wouldn’t accept it with her new guy especially that they didn’t date as long her and her ex. I remember you saying she seems to throw shade and who knows it could be that she is bitter that he may promised her and didn’t stick to his words. I also can’t imagine being with someone for that long, I mean we’re talking almost 10 years of your life, and no ring no nothing. Especially with women, as you get older your options become more limited tbh you’d want security.
Oh I def think she would have said yes if he had proposed lol. I mean, did you see how they used to be with each other lol? 😂
She would have said yes in a heartbeat lol 😆
But even she was at a different stage of her life then too though. It's almost been 4 years.
But yea, the shade she's been throwing does make me feel like he dumped her. 👀 Idk if he promised anything to her (I'm not gonna pretend to know what happened cuz we really don't know), I just think he grew up and what he wanted at 19 may not have been what he wanted at 28.... ykwim? 🤷🏾‍♀️
Maybe there were red flags with her. We really don't know! That's why I just try to stay neutral cuz idk ppl's rlshp life and don't pretend to know.
A man once explained to me why the phenomenon happens when a guy dates you for years but doesn't put a ring on it, but still marry a girl he's only been dating for 6 months lol 😆
First off, man usually know pretty early on if they ever see you as their future WIFE. Let's be honest though, most ppl aren't dating at first for "ooo let's get married!", they're dating for fun and just being easygoing.
If a guy is shuffling his feet, it's up to the WOMAN (the one who has the time clock) to ask the man where this thing is going, cuz ummmm we can't waste time. 👀
I know it sounds harsh, But IF a woman knows deep down that she absolutely wants to get married within a certain period of time and have her own biological kids one day, then it's up to HER to make sure the man knows that and doesn't waste HER time.
A man can't "waste" your time unless you allow it. Think about it. You're an equal player in this rlshp right?
YOU have the clock that's ticking. Not him.
If he's not ready after like 3 years, it's time for me to bounce (this is for me lol). But now, if I'm not caring about marriage at all, then sure! I'll date a guy for 100 years without marriage.
Oprah isn't married. Goldie Hawn.... she and her man aren't married either right? So some ppl just are life partners and just never get married.
That is cool too! 😅
But if you KNOW you want marriage, you sit that dude down and tell him, "Look, I love you a lot, and I really want us to work, but it seems like we're both on different pages in life... and I'm sorry, but I want a HUSBAND and children within a marriage. I think it's best that we go our separate ways of this is not what you want with me... because I'm not going to waste time. I'm going to find a man who does want this with me. I still love you, but we just want different things in life"
Then... just WATCH what he does!! 👀
You'd be surprised, but a LOT of guys actually propose after that blunt sit down talk lol 😆 😅
If after that talk the guy is willing to let you go, then you KNOW that you might never have been his "wife" in his mind to begin with, and as sad as that may be, at least you didn't waste your time.
We women have power in the rlshp also! Idk why some women act like they can't put their foot down or let the guy know point blank where they stand lol 😂
I think some women are scared that if they tell the guy point blank what they want, that he will get scared off. But in reality, most men will respect you for it actually.
We don't one what that new woman is saying or doing in the new rlshp.
There's a saying that women grew up dreaming of marriage but men don't grow up that way lol 😆 A man only comes to that realization when he's with the RIGHT woman for him. Jmho 🤷🏾‍♀️
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jeongjaebae · 2 years
fic summary 2k22
ayeee so it's that time of year again!! i know i haven't posted much in 2022 (like... just a handful of fics oops) but i still hit a decent word count and made significant progress on long fic wips!
so yeahhh here's my 2022 fic summary which is... basically a chance to introduce my wips LOL
Total word count written: 89,033
Total word count published: 33,243
Fandoms written: tbz and svt
1. Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or what you predicted?
a bit less!! it's about half as much as i wrote last year (which was a whooping 150k word count LMAO), but this range is already more than the average for me in any given year so it's not too bad. in terms of what i POSTED though... i have no excuse for that 😅 most of my word count is from wips/ideas so i didn't have any finished content to post
2. What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
last january i definitely didn't know i would write for svt!! i kind of had a feeling that deobiblr was already dying at the time, and that's around when i started watching going seventeen to get into them... but yeah didn't know i'd slip so deep into the carat life (blaming you, kim mingyu 😒)
3. What’s your own favourite story of the year?
it's a time loop au wip that i've written about 19k so far!! where our mc is stuck in a loop trying to change their fate of unrequited love by meeting [boy group member] first before his current gf does. so mc tries to alter events and change the course of fate all while trying to figure out a way to leave the loop
4. Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
uhHHhhH the time loop au i suppose is a risk in itself... bc like... plotting it has been a complete pain when you're trying to consider multiple reruns of the same timeline. every detail has to be in the right place so that when the mc's actions change, we can directly see how that affects the events in the timeline
also writing domestic fluff like i did in best boy... can't say i enjoyed it but it was a good challenge!!
5. Do you have any fanfic goals for the new year?
post the damn hyunjae e2l already 💀 (takes one to know one)
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From my past year of writing, what was…
My best story of this year:
the time loop au ahahaha but if we're talking posted fic then the whole truth!! it has a bit of everything: decent flow and sentence structures, some important themes, tiny bit of humour, and gotta love f2l ju
My most popular story of this year:
the whole truth!! i reread this kind of recently and think it really is my best in terms of flow and sentence structure. also i really haven't posted anything else so.... yeah 😶
Most fun story to write:
hmm besides my two biggest wips i'd say it's this jogging au i wrote back in april!! where mc gets roped into a jogging date with [cute dating app boy] despite hating all kinds of exercise. it's definitely the typical jeongjaebae style of humour, secondhand embarrassment, and fluff. very fun to write and has me laughing every time i reread it LMAO
Story with the single sexiest moment:
probably the whole truth, the scene where they're making out in juyeon's room LMAO. srry i have no other contributions this year. BUT!!! my e2l wip has the full and extended scene from want so that's something to look forward to 👀
Most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story:
best boy. maybe it's not terrible but idk i haven't touched it since writing it bc i hate it 🤡 domestic fluff is... not my cup of tea. i suppose it was a good writing challenge tho. maaaaybe i'll write it one day but... needs a bit more practice
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
hmm maybe 1 plus 1? writing it made me obsessed with the (og) guy in it and he shot way up my bias list. and like. i'm still in that phase rn LOL
Hardest story to write:
oh boy it's deffs the time loop au. still stuck on the plot tbh? there's just so much planning and then... the thought of it reaching 50k or something... makes me tired OTL. it's exciting to think about but at the same time, there are way too many details i still have to write. it's a bit of a struggle
Biggest surprise:
surprise surprise who knew i would be writing for svt?!? and the one piece of angst that i wrote: all that we are
Most unintentionally telling story:
let's go with the whole truth. i loved some of the concepts and moral lessons in there, like how we're not made to be someone else's object of desire. why should we exist to be beautiful to others? and the other part about how love is deeper than what an app can tell us.
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Favourite opening lines:
ehh nothing i particularly like but here we go
[better than the movies]
the most relatable sentence
If your life was a movie, at this moment, you’d be that introvert at a party.
[jogging date wip]
ahh.... relatable once again. the opening here sets the tone perfectly
"Yeah, of course. A jogging date sounds perfect." That was the moment you knew you fucked up.
Favourite closing lines:
nothing will beat this is how we fall but here are some that i like
[takes one to know one]
this actually isn't at the veryyy end of my wip rn but will probably change it and make it the actual ending later bc it's so fitting!! potential spoiler i guess but not really bc we all knew what was coming right?
When he pulls back and you see the fondness in his eyes, you realize that maybe the two of you aren't so different. He may have been an asshole, but you'd pretty much been one too. You were insanely competitive but only so that you could match up to his level. And even though it took a while for you to understand your feelings for him, now you know that he's felt the same way all along. Indeed, the two of you are more similar than you think. But then again, it takes one to know one.
[the whole truth]
they went through so much and this wrapped it up nicely. the silence especially is a powerful symbol here
When Juyeon takes the final step and crosses into your range this time, the silence is something you’ve never been happier to hear.
Favourite lines from anywhere:
[the whole truth]
important life lessons 101. if someone doesn't like you that's their problem not yours LOL. why should it be your job to be likeable?
"It’s not embarrassing to not be loved back. Painful, yes, but not something to be ashamed of. You weren’t put on this world just to become someone else’s object of desire, okay?"
[time loop au wip]
not quite closing lines but could kind of be similar to that
The two of you don't talk about, but it's all too evident anyway. It's evident when you lean into him as the night gets colder, head against the crook of his shoulder, and then in the way he shifts so that his lips meet yours. It's evident in the way he kisses you, with the sweetest of a first kiss, the bitterness of a last kiss, and the constancy of making the same choice in every loop, every timeline, every lifetime.
Scenes from anywhere you would have choose to have illustrated:
for the sake of referencing posted fics, i would say the ending of redo where they're on the bench under the mistletoe!
(in terms of wips: time loop au where y/n and [redacted] are watching fireworks from homecoming week!!)
New year’s resolutions:
finish and post that damn hyunjae e2l already OTL. and like... probably finish the time loop au if possible
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Word Count Totals
Total finished, posted fic: 33,243
Longest posted fic:  the whole truth ~14.2k
Longest wip: hyunjae e2l is sitting at 25k still... and time loop au at 19k... 🥲
Total number of words written: 89,033
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(Coming in with an Adam-12 ask) Since you mentioned this in one of your posts, what are your favorite Jim and Pete "taking-care-of-one-another-centric" episodes ?
I am so excited to answer this. Sadly, I did not make a Comprehensive List of episodes for Adam 12 like I have for Combat and tmfu, but I should! This means going by the episode lists online and sometimes they rudely don't reference the Important Parts in the summaries but I'm trying my best to remember so here we go:
{this includes spoilers}
"You're Not the First Guy's Had the Problem" - this one is small and understated, but the moments Pete coaches Jim through losing a friend on the force are very dear to me. Hugs for Jim.
"It All Happened So Fast" - 😭 Again, I want to hug Jim so much. Might be an underrated "taking care of one another" but Jim's initial "I'm okay" and Pete just nodding solemnly at him, and then the way Peter watches him so carefully and balances his listening and talking Jim through it so well. The reassuring hand on Jim's shoulder. The offer of "sandwich? soup, aspirin?... six dancing girls?" to distract and cheer him. Bless.
"The Search" - episode of all time, as they say. One of my favorite episodes over all, though it's like physically painful to watch every time (kudos to Milner's acting for that). Jim really shines in this episode, he's not about to let Pete down and his instincts are proven true. Jim's "We're close, Mac, you know, real close" and his not giving up and his worried "are you injured, Pete?" and Pete's pained smile and "stubborn jerk" lkjsdfnsjkfsn my boys. 😭😭😭😭😭
"The Princess and the Pig" - this one is mostly just Jim centric, but Pete's concern for him throughout just warms my heart so much
"Killing Ground" - we love us some highly mentally unstable criminals kidnapping our boys right? 😬😅 I LOVE how Pete and Jim fall into character so quickly, without needing to communicate with words, to throw the bad guys off. Pete trying to get Jim medical attention, and Jim saving Pete at the last minute hhhhhh the stress but also they're the best best partners.
"Suspended" - Pete's unwavering belief in Jim, and the way he spends every spare second the entire episode trying to prove Jim's innocence, I cannot with this. 👏👏👏👏
"Trouble in the Bank" - we get the wonderful/terrible phone conversation between Pete, the hostage-taker, and Jim. Pete's vehement "he's a damn good cop" when he's so so worried about Jim (he's been through this before remember 😭) and "what other chance does Jim have?" hgfjgkhl "I owe you a steak dinner" "Do me a favor, from now on, do all your banking by mail."
"Operation Action" - Reed is the hero here, and it really feels like he's stepping into all the things Pete has taught him over the years to rescue his partner and meanwhile the kidnappers' treatment of Pete makes me want to scream (along with his desperate escape hhhh).
There are some really great moments in other episodes, but I would say those are the best taking-care-of-one-another centric episodes! Thank you so much for dropping in and letting me talk about my favorite officers of all time. 😊 (everybody else this is your semi-regular recommendation to watch Adam 12 ok bye)
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jodjuya · 3 months
Alrighty, bad guy defeated and Time Key Thingy recovered!
Back to the future we go, to hopefully get Masamune reforged with no further complications...
Lucca helping out with reforging the sword while Chrono and Marle stand in the corner making out because they have nothing better to do...
Off we go to find Frog!
I wonder when we'll finally be able to open up those Mysterious Seal chests...
Sweet, Lucia's dad made her some fire-resistant armour. Thanks dad!
Frog is in The Past I think? 🤔
Wait, Frog is a king?!?!????
Also, what, all four of us are supposed to snuggle up on Frog's one little bed while we stay the night? 😅
(who tf is Glenn?)
Ohh, THAT'S the Frog King!
Why did Frog King have the hero badge? I thought we gave that back to Regular Frog??
I bet Glenn turns into Frog...
Lucca: "nothing can beat science!"
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("Science" is the name of her gun)
All this trouble to obtain Masamune and I can't even equip it????
More tedious flashbacks about how Glenn was a frog the whole time even before he became Frog.
Also, didn't the manual say he was badly beaten and turned into a frog? Looks to me like he got turned into a frog first and then fell off a cliff about it...
Crono, you could have just handed him the sword rather than staking it into the turf and dulling its edge 🙄
Frog unlocked the power of being a simp! He can finally wield the sword sharp enough to cut a mountain in half!
Me during that fight: I should take Froglenn to The End Of Time and learn him some magic!
Crono after the fight: we should go to The End Of Time and learn you some magic!
Off we go on a Magical Detour!
That was quick and easy. :D
Back to our quest to Find and Fuck Up the Fiendlord!
Why is there a little bat following us around?? A spy??!
Froglenn and Marle learnt their Ice Water dual-tech after their very first fight together.
I've been battling with Froglenn and Lucca together through many battles and they ain't learnt shit. What gives?? 🤔
Oh, it depends on Froglenn's single-tech abilities which he hasn't learnt yet...
This castle is creepy AF but nobody's home?? 🤔🤔🤔
I bet that Spy Bat will attack when we try to leave...
Oof, the skeletons ask us to end their misery? Fucking necromancy.
Seems like a pretty bad sign that that little Spy Bat leaves when fighting starts then returns right after...
I knew it! Bat was secretly a bad guy!
Okay, we fucked up Magus in the middle of his ritual, and all got sucked into a time portal, and now Crono is married to Marle and they're living like Common People and also Crono is an unemployed layabout? I think we broke the timeline... 😬
Aaaaand we're also simultaneously 65mya?? Poor timeline 😭
"Red star in sky. See even daytime!" Yep, I knew it. This game is so good at foreshadowing! 😁
Something weird in the lava but we need a pterodactyl to get there. Good thing I know where those guys hang out: with the cowardly tribe!
Oh no! Cowardly tribe! 😭
Time to go exterminate some reptites! >:[
★Lightning II is my best friend.
Oh lol he's not going to fight us? He's just going up stand there doing upper body flexes forever? 😂
Oh I guess he changed his mind and/or remembered that he was supposed to be a bouncer and not just eye-candy. Silly himbo dinosaur.
Lmfao! The flexing was textual! 🤣
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No, Ayla, don't honour your fallen foe! Yeet that sonofabitch off the side of this castle and into the waiting lava below!
This jackass didn't even know what he was summoning?? He just wanted to apocalypse the planet the old fashioned way with a really big rock for giggles??
No! Ayla! No! Bad cave-woman! Don't rescue that piece of shit who tried to genocide your entire fucking clade! YEET HIM INTO THE LAVA!
Well at least he got vaporised. Small condolence... 😒
Good thinking, Marle! Go coup de gras that sonofabitch space monster while he's still groggy from his encounter with gravity!
Huh, cool. Ice age.
Is that a fucking flying mountain tethered to earth with a giant chain?! Fuck yeah! 🤩
The books light themselves on fire when you try to read them? Talk about hot secrets lmao
Hey kid, don't prophesize my doom! That's such a rude thing to do!
Valuable loot to the North, magical research secrets to the West. So many quests to undertake! :D
Definitely don't burn the sapling received from the guru of life.
"Discovered the Nu's itchy spot! 🥳" Uhhhh... okay?
This whole dream palace is powered by praying to Lavos?? Seems suss...
That Mammon Machine is the most sinister goddamn contraption I've ever seen in my life
Pretty sure we're not going to see that princess alive again 😬
But her amulet that looks like Marle's amulet unlocked the mysterious door! I wanna unlock the mysterious door too!
Haha! Yes! Charge my amulet you horribly sinister contraption!
Don't prophesy against me you dick! Fucking Chancellors!! All my homies hate Chancellors!!!
Back to 65mya to grind more TP from the Nu at the Hunting Grounds...
Enough of that. Let's go look for all of those sealed chests and doors I think I can open now...
Present Day Chancellor telling Marle that her dad 'killed' her mum. Dude, what the actual fuck is wrong with you?? What the fuck is the problem that all Chancellors in this fucking game have???
God, Marle's dad is such a little bitch. What the fuck do you mean that princesses aren't allowed to have friends??
Oof, just got disowned. Why would that scheming cunt of a Chancellor engineer this situation??
And all he has to say for himself is "oh dear..."
Aaaaand he's right back to threatening to have Crono put to death for no fucking reason. Dude, I am going to marry the princess purely for the sake of becoming prince consort & gaining the authority to have you defenestrated from the castle's tallest spire into a pit of spikes and broken glass.
Then he suggests bribing the king back into a good mood with spiced jerky. That's like the second or third person who's requested that now... I should track some down... 🤔
Kitchen hand doesn't have the recipe but says I can get it in Porre. Hmm.
(oh neat, the castle kitchen has a pair of ordinary domestic refrigerators!)
"Pierre is awaiting you downstairs". Fuck, that's ominous...
Oh, it's just my lawyer lol
He was able to change the king's mind so he no longer believes I kidnapped his daughter
Oof, the Chancellor hired all the prison guards... Who have creepy inhuman eyes and stares??? This is an insurrectionist plot from the supporters of the Fiendlord!!! REPTITE BODYSNATCHERS ARE INFILTRATING THE GOVERNMENT!
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Spiced jerky found. Let's go make the king less hangry...
Lmao!!! Whoops!! It's a lethal amount of spicy?? "This is the last straw! Now I truly know how much you hate me!" - That scheming fucking Chancellor set us up!!!
Can't believe bro has the gall to fuck with time-travellers. Bro I'm going to fucking unmake you! Gunna find your dad and cut his balls off!
Got my very own personal time machine, hurrah!
Going spelunking in that sinkhole that mysteriously opened up in 600AD...
Hell yeah, reverse that desertification! Go robo!
Hell yeah magical hat nun!
Hell yeah camping in the forest that we created!
This is some top tier foreshadowing! Who could be behind it all?!
Oh, I'm Lucca now?
Haha, Froglenn sleeps in his fell-off-a-cliff death pose 😂
Special portal for Lucca?
We've travelled back ten years to when Lucca thought science was stupid? 🤔
Oh shit! Mum's getting sucked into a machine.
Ohhhhhh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck she got her legs mangled right in front of my eyes a second time
Imma reload my save until I figure out how to save her. Jesus fucking Christ Chrono Trigger what the fuck
The password is his one true love? Lara?
Fuck that was a close call. At least Lucca no longer blames herself for her mother getting crippled. 😬
...how did Robo know what happened, and that Lucca blamed herself???
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Right, back to the Past, to go kick the ass of that evil prophesizing git of a scheming chancellor...
Climbed up the chain to the tethered floating mountain/s
These omnilock guys are annoying as heck. 😒
Ayla learnt Dino Tail and that is the single goofiest special attack I've ever seen in a video game before. 🤣
Unexpected boss battle because I wasn't paying attention to The Signs And Portents. (aka there being a save point there at the end of the dungeon)
Busted Giga Gaia to bits anyway. I feel sorry for the guy that every time he regrew his arms (a very neat technique for a boss monster to have) I immediately re-disintegrated them with Crono's nuclear bomb special move. 😅
Anyway, we freed Melchior from his prison!
Wait, why was Melchior imprisoned in a crystal? And why doesn't he recognise us? We've already seen him hanging out free in his house plus he reforged Masamune for us. Oh, of course, time-travel shenanigans!
"Oh dear, the queen is going Evil and Insane? Don't worry, Melchior, we know how to fix that!! [Crono cocks his sword like a pump-action shotgun. It makes the noise and everything. Ayla and Robo do the same with their forearms but Ayla clearly just made the sound effect with her own mouth. It sounded weird and cute way because she has no clue what sound she's supposed to be imitating.]"
Oh shit, the entire mountain is exploding because we freed Melchior? RIP those poor magicless folks living underneath it.
Oh 'good', that princess is here to help, and her brat of a brother.
Oh, the princess controls the machine, and is going to cut off her mother from the juice? I bet her life expectancy can be counted in minutes...
Dalton, we beat your ass already, don't make us do it a second time!
Ooh, he punched the brat across the room. That's kitten-kicking villainy right there.
"don't attack me or I'll kill the princess (whom I need to capture alive for this scheme to actually work)" bro I'm not sure you thought that one through. Killing her will achieve our goals and thwart yours.
Ooh, new chopper! Is it a weapon I can equip or just a mcguffin to lug around?
Boo, mcguffin.
Get wrecked, Dalton, you chump. Down we go to the ocean palace!
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 11 months
Hello gorgeous boi,
How are you coping, Tesoro? 🥺 I know how incredibly difficult this is for you. For everyone involved. Do you need anything that we can help you with at all? 🖤
How is Mama faring? Is she aware of everything that’s going on, so you think? 🥺
You are an amazing, compassionate, loving, selfless son, and I KNOW if knew all you have been, and are continuing to do for her, and how you’ve been making an effort as best you can to take care of yourself, AND everyone else as well, she would be SO proud of you, and SO grateful. I know how much she loves you, and the fam.
You make her (and my!) world much better places simply by existing.
Sending love, hugs, and sparkly healing vibes xx
(You don’t have to post this, I just wanted you to know we’re always thinking of you and the fam, and we are SO proud of how beautifully you are handling this completely un-handlable situation) ❤️‍🩹
Thank you 🥺🖤
I know I don't have to post it but it's very sweet and it's easier to explain everything in an answer than just trying to solidify all my thoughts in a new post. I don't deserve such caring people, thank you 🩷
Mom finally got to come home yesterday (that's why I was slow). She's mostly sleeping but I think she's aware. She keeps apologizing and telling us we're doing good so I think she's a little better mentally. We had a home health aid out this morning and mom answered all the questions properly and remembered it was dads birthday. The poor guy 😅 At least he's not spending it in a hospital. I'm genuinely worried about him- he told me last night he keeps thinking he should call his mom to update her but then remembers she's not here anymore. I hate that he has so much to deal with.
She's more cognitive but exhausted. She can't really get up yet and she's swollen EVERYWHERE from the IVs. She can barely eat and hasn't for a few weeks but... We're all trying our best. I'm just begging the universe to let us keep her for as long as possible. She doesn't want more surgery or radiation or anything... Glioblastomas don't wait long from what I've read. She's been sick and beaten down her whole life but is still the sweetest person you'd ever meet. I don't know why this is happening. Two types of cancer for one person?? Wtf...
Sorry, I'm trying to keep my emotions about it controlled but it's hard. I need her. It's as simple as that. But I don't want her in pain... My parents deserve better than this but they're handling it... Well. I think.
I don't think I need anything but I appreciate the understanding. I'll be slow on here because I have to focus on her. I hope you're all doing well, I miss you all and writing but I'm at least trying to keep up with updates. Once she heals a little from the surgery I'll be back more. It's scary but... We've got this. I love you all so much 🖤🖤🖤
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chikicha · 1 year
Hi I really appreciate your reply on that post about diagnostic criteria cause I was seriously raising my eyebrow at it and frankly kind of irritated everyone took what OP said at face value (especially the meat grinder thing). Like it feels so wild to come in with this claim that psychologists are trained to essentially vibe check their patients.
I think there is some understandable reasons people are mad at/criticize the psych industry but often it feels people on social media are so blinded by their disdain they’ll believe anything that supports the narrative that psychologists as a whole are ignorant and oppressive. I’m an undergrad psych student so hearing this kind of black and white attitude is super discouraging. I pulled up the post again recently just to see if anyone had challenged it.
Also learned a bit about HPD!
Oh dang, glad to hear you appreciated it!! Usually when I see something online I disagree with it, I just ignore it and keep on scrolling. (I think "choose your battles wisely" is especially important on the internet.) So I was admittedly unsure if I was making a mistake by commenting.. It seems that blatant misinformation about my career field is that one thing that keeps getting past my "it's just the internet, I don't care" barrier. 😅 I think I also had the strong urge to comment because multiple people I like and am friends with were reblogging the post.
I always try to keep in mind that people with disdain towards the psych industry usually have had bad experiences with a mental health provider, or know someone else who has. Often times with even more than one provider. While every profession ever is going to have its bad apples, I think it's especially impactful and harmful in the psych industry, 'cause I mean, this is our mental health we're talking about. My patients expose their most vulnerable inner selves to me and disclose the most horrible trauma. Mental health providers have the potential to inflict great harm if they're cruel or careless.
Keeping this in mind, I try not to invalidate the bad experiences people with disdain towards the psych industry have had with bad providers. While I certainly don't think having bad experiences with one or two providers is a valid excuse to overgeneralize a whole entire profession, the experiences themselves are valid.
(I also try to keep in mind that I probably make overgeneralizations about professions outside of my career field too!)
Unfortunately, confirmation bias and black-and-white attitudes are gonna exist about any topic ever that people don't have a ton of education in. :\ I think this is especially noticeable on the internet, since we're more likely to share stuff we agree with.
Really the most you can do is try to be the best mental health provider YOU can be!
(PS: Stop looking back at the post to see if anyone else has challenged it! Lol. All that's gonna do is cause more stress.)
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rainbowsky · 2 years
[redacted] asked:
Hi. I read a comment that Xiao Zhan's contract [redacted]. Yes this is a melon and I know its not credible at all. I just wanted to ask if you are aware if XZ still pays 50-60% of his earnings to Wajijiwa?
These rumors are constantly swirling around, but the truth is, no one really knows what is happening with his contract or how much money he makes. Anyone who claims to is trying to sell you something.
This particular rumor is uncannily similar to a rumor that was making the rounds a year or two ago.
Often these kinds of earnings rumors are spread by toxic fans to make GG seem more helpless and tragic than he really is, in an apparent attempt to justify their 'protective' (aka toxic) behavior toward other fans. I don't think they hold a lot of credibility.
Here's what we can be sure of:
GG will always work hard to ensure his interests are protected to the best of his ability (which, given his level of success, is extensive).
He will surround himself with people he trusts to give him good advice, and he will do his best to safeguard against an uncertain future (as all celebrities in such a volatile, fickle industry will want to do).
He is a smart, capable man.
He only has a few more years before that contract expires, so even if things were as bad as these rumors are always claiming, it's by no means permanent or set in stone. And even if it was all true, GG would still be a hell of a lot richer than any of us. 😅
And if WJJW has even one shred of business smarts (and we must assume that they are, at the very least, deeply self-interested), then they will probably want to spend these next few years trying to convince GG to stick with them. He is, after all, one of the top celebrities in China. And if they want him to stick with them, they're going to have to give him reason to (AKA, not go overboard exploiting or destroying him).
And even if they don't plan to stick with him, they'll want to let him continue to make a shit-ton of money for them (AKA, not go overboard exploiting or destroying him).
So I don't think we have any information whatsoever on any of this, but common sense dictates that a lot of what we're reading in these rumors is BS.
I trust GG to manage his career and protect his interests. I don't need to know the details of that. Those kinds of things are actually pretty private (who among our friends, acquiantances and strangers knows how much we make or what the terms of our employment are?), and I don't think we as fans have any right to (or really any need for) information on those things.
Some fans will try to dig into that stuff, and some will try to make other fans feel like it's something we should know, or something that should be important to us. But we don't need any of it to support GG, and especially not if we respect his privacy.
My advice would be to just ignore those kinds of melons, or to take them with an enormous grain of salt. Salted melon is actually quite tasty, too! 🧂🍈🍉
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