#no ok i'm painting with too broad a brush here... he has some Moments on btvs
imunbreakabledude · 1 month
idk why but last reblog as i was tagging it. it made me think. how losercringe (affectionate) (but also a little derogatory) it is that angel named himself angel. cuz like he's liam or whatever as a human, and then he is christened "Angelus" as a vampire. (I forget if canon makes it explicit who gave him that name - if it was just generally spawned by humans who feared him, 'the vampire with the angelic face', or if it was Darla who gave him that name?) but then anyway when he gets his soul back he's like. WHOA!!!! I'm a totally different person. wow I can't believe how fucked up I was as Angelus, he was a totally different guy than me. I need a new name, I am not Angelus anymore. but.... (blush) I kinda like that everyone thinks I'm cute. so let's make it just a little less menacing. just Angel~~~~ uwu
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