#no offense intended to any christians who see this. you do you. i'll do me.
hylianengineer · 2 years
As an aromantic, misinterpreting songs is one of my favorite hobbies. Lately I’m discovering this applies to not only love songs (I like to apply them to friendships), but also those weird, vaguely Christian pop songs clearly targeted towards traumatized people going through shit. As long as they don’t mention god directly, I can pretend they’re talking about anyone. (In my head, this one is about my blorbos.) My powers of delusion know no bounds!
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phantomoftheorpheum · 4 months
I wouldn’t call a black character’s dislike of a creepy racist white guy melodramatic??
Sorry, that was a poor choice of words on my part, I'll own that. I sincerely apologize for any offense I have caused you.
I certainly didn't mean to imply that Christian disliking Wes, knowing what he knows about Wes, is unwarranted. I'm sorry for being careless with how I expressed my speculation.
*this post continues, but I'm editing to add a cut because I forgot to put one initially, and I've been adding this to all my posts with spoiler information for the season.
To clarify, what I mean is that we have not seen Christian interact with Wes all that much, but in the past few episodes a lot of his screen time and dialogue has been devoted to speaking negatively about Wes, specifically to Tabby, which (within the context of a murder mystery/slasher where we know any character could be lying and have ulterior motives, where we also know that conversations and character opinions have points and are included for specific purposes, and new characters are often particularly suspicious) feels like it could be Christian playing into Tabby's established (though entirely justified) feelings towards Wes, in an attempt to divert her suspicion and attention where he wants it to go.
While I would completely understand incredibly negative opinions from any character who we know has interacted a lot with Wes (there's a reason I've brought him up as a terrible person in every analysis I've done, and why he is at the top of my suspect board), and while it is possible we are meant to believe Wes and Christian have had other possibly key interactions at work that helped inform Christian's feelings towards him that we did not get a chance to see, because we've only seen him and Christian in a couple of scenes together, Christian's strong verbal dislike of Wes feels like it might not be so much a result exclusively of his negative experiences with him, but rather that it could be intentionally leading and playing into what Tabby already feels (or even a combination of those things).
This, along with how little suspicion Christian has seemed to garner from the girls, the fact that he is knowledgable about horror special effects, the theory that someone is making a movie, and the fact that the show is drawing attention to Wes now (instead of trying to hide him until the final episode, so I question whether that might mean someone is setting his character up to take the fall for things), are all just factors in why I was speculating that Christian's comments about Wes could be more than just his character seeing Wes for who he is, which is what I intended to point out. And there are a million other things that might point to someone else entirely. I certainly did not mean to imply that I think anything about Wes is appropriate, or that Christian's negative opinion of him is unwarranted. I was attempting (but clearly poorly, so I do absolutely apologize for that) to analyze this dialogue and writing choice with this character behavior from the standpoint of "is it possible we will look back at this behavior and realize it was a clue to where things were going?"
Clarification aside, as I have clearly caused offense, I will go back and attempt to to re-word that post in a better way. Sorry to anyone I hurt with that phrasing.
edit: I forgot to say that I appreciate you bringing your concerns about my use of language to me. I know it can be hard to speak up, and I will always appreciate people who are willing to point stuff like this out.
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