#no i'm not making a tag for trashcan dan
battle-of-alberta · 1 year
Does Ed ever use the royal we when speaking as the capital? Does he ever try to speak for the Providence as the capital? Also does he use his capital privileges to make the other cities do things they don’t want to?
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It would be redundant of me to say I may be biased since it's so self evident here but once again here's my bias and as usual I slap it directly onto Ed. And I thought I have enough emotional distance from the election to get properly mad about it again :)
Basically, there have only been two times when Ed felt appropriately represented by the provincial government since the province was founded (one of those times being something deliberately engineered in collaboration with the federal liberals to strengthen Edmonton's position the likes of which conspiracy theorists would go nuts over today; the other being the "accidental" vote split that led directly to the strongest official opposition in the history of the province.)
The rest of the time, being capital is a begrudging role that Ed plays not because he likes it but because he stubbornly refused to let it go a hundred years ago and the first past the post system continues to make his life hell in return. Ed would prefer to have a government that provides all the services government is supposed to, and most of the province would like to have as little government as possible (which, of course, in the Cash Money province means elected officials get paid Cash Money to spend on whatever they want instead of having to be held accountable by the law or by their constituents).
anyway i wish the last two panels were fake i WISH they weren't based on reality but it's par the course for how Edmonton is perceived by the provincial government. We're not "in charge", we're just the ones with the circus in town.
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