#no i'm not i've been getting pretty solid top grades in the subject i want to study
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aretrothing · 3 months ago
pretty damn cross rn
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shesasurvivor · 10 months ago
What's your headcanon for Katniss and Peeta's children?
How old was Katniss when give birth to their daughter?
How many years apart between them in age?
Your headcanon for their name?
Who gets the singing and art skill from their parent?
Bonus question : please give recs of your fav everlark post-Mockingjay fanfic.
Thank you :)
So many, @curiousthg! One I'm kind of into, though I'm not really sold on it being my actual, solidified head canon, is the idea that the girl was an unplanned pregnancy that took Katniss (and Peeta) by surprise. Finding out she was pregnant sent Katniss through a whole spiral of emotions that she wrestled with before ultimately deciding she wanted to keep the baby.
I've always placed Katniss as being somewhere around 35 before she had her first child. I give them a couple of years to sort through everything they've been through and figure out their relationship before the subject comes up in earnest for them. That places them around 20 years old when the first conversation comes up, and 15 years later, she's 35.
Well, Katniss tells us that the boy is a toddler, and that the girl is old enough not only to be in school, but to be in a grade that would begin teaching her about The Hunger Games. So I want to say maybe somewhere between 5 and 7 years between them? Sometimes I head canon that the 10 in "5, 10, 15 years" is the girl's birth, and the 15 is the boy's birth. But again, not entirely sold on that idea at all. But yeah, I'd say at least 5 years between them.
I like to follow the naming conventions that Suzanne Collins set in place. For the District 12 girls (at least in the original trilogy), she used a lot of flower names. This is especially the case with the Everdeen family. Yellow blossoms are especially pertinent to Everlark's future family (why I named my short-lived Everlark children series that name). Also, the meadow song is especially important, since it foreshadowed that Katniss and Peeta would one day have children together. As such, I've decided that their daughter's name is Daisy Mellark.
As for the boy, I've never been quite as solid on my choice of name for him, but I usually go with Orion. I like that it ties into mythology (even though it's Greek, not Roman), he was a hunter that is usually associated with Artemis, and I'm drawing a blank on this one, but I seem to remember there being a connection with fire. But the cherry on top? 'Orion' can be shortened to 'Ri,' which, of course, would be pronounced as Rye. ;) All that said and all these years later, I'm still not sold on the name for their son lol.
I always thought that their daughter was probably the more artistic one between the two, and liked to give their son the inclination for hunting. But honestly? They're probably both talented at both their parents' specialties, and it's probably more likely one tends to lean more towards art and one more towards hunting. As for singing, I think it's pretty clear that having a good singing voice seems to run in the Everdeen family, so I think both children would probably have equally good singing voices.
And man, it has been way, WAY too long since I've read any fics about the Mellark kids, and I don't know that I could even remember any at this point! So here's the link to my own mentioned above, lol. (That said, I know there's TONS out there that are amazing! I just haven't had my head in the fandom for a while.)
Yellow Blossoms
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bondsmagii · 3 years ago
never too old to turn your life path in another direction. you can still figure out a plan and become a meterologist
I'm looking into it! I'll have to go about it in a more roundabout way, because straightforward metereology degrees need a solid basis in maths, which has been the absolute bane of my existance in pretty much every scientific field I've ever wanted to go in.
see, the thing is, I have some measure of dyscalculia. it's not severe (for example, I am a proficient mapreader and I can follow instructions, two things which my mother -- who also has it -- cannot do no matter how hard she tries) but it makes me absolutely useless at maths. I mean, anything past the very basics and I cannot do it. I still have to use my fingers to count. I get mixed up counting backwards. for me, looking at numbers is like how a dyslexic person might see letters: they jumble up, they twist around, and sometimes I cannot read them at all. they're just sqiggles devoid of meaning. as you can imagine, this made me suck ass at maths in school, and there is no way I could study anything with maths at a university level.
except... this is only theoretical maths. anything with applied maths -- like psychology, physics, chemistry, and meteorology, to name a few -- and I am fine. in fact, I'm more than fine. I'm good. my father is a pilot, and he had his own mini weather station at home so he knew if he should bother preparing for an easy day or not (he flies very small planes and helicopters, so bad weather = don't bother going into work). this mini station was mounted on the top of our garden shed and fed data to a small display screen in the kitchen. raw data. maths heavy. lots of numbers and shit. and little me, I mean age 11-13, would take those numbers and draw up a weather report for my dad for when he came down for breakfast. (he would of course check me, but I always managed to get it to a satisfactory level -- so I was equal to a grown adult who had studied this and had to know it well enough to not get nerfed out of the sky.) if I'm dealing with an application for my numbers, I can do very complex calculations in my head. I just cannot do theory.
unfortunately for me, there's no chance to explain this in this context. they look at grades first, and that's that. my grades in maths were shocking, but the second I applied it to something, suddenly it all made sense. this means it's very difficult to get my foot in the door, because on paper I look completely unqualified, but in reality I've been passionate about the weather from before I can even remember, and I've been making forecasts and predictions since I was barely double-digits. it does my fucking head in how unfair this is, but at the very least I can still get there by doing a related subject (something in natural science, for example) and getting work experience. if not for all this bullshit with maths, though, I would have gone straight into from high school, and I'd already be qualified.
tl;dr I quite literally can barely count but become a genius when numbers become weather data. there is no way to show this to universities. the world's boner for theoretical mathematics over applied mathematics once again commits hate crimes against me.
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darapnerd · 8 years ago
G33k HQ Presents: MC Front-A-Lot Interview
Interview Questions From G33K-HQ & Darealwordsound (Wordy): Nerdcore Interview Collaboration Questions
MC Front: Thank you for bearing with me! So sorry to continually drop the ball on this. Here you go.
Wordy: What was your first creative outlet? MC Front: I seem to remember kindergarten involving a lot of drawing. First and second grade had poetry exercises sometimes. But the way we played D&D between 2nd and 6th grades was how my imagination really got fired up. We didn\'t like dice and maps that much. We\'d take turns DMing and just sort of freestyle the stories to each other at recess. Wordy:  What was the first rap album you ever purchased? MC Front: It was also my first CD. DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince, He\'s the DJ, I\'m the Rapper. Wordy: Who are your biggest music inspirations?
  MC Front: Tom Waits, Public Enemy, Bjork
Wordy: Describe your studio to us.
  MC Front: I have an Ikea desk that\'s been out of print for 10 years so I get fussy when anyone leans on it. Creaky, cheap old thing. It\'s the only one where you can bolt the rotating side shelves at any height. Perfect for the near-field monitors and re-aiming them for any version of the stereo field. I mix there in my bedroom which isn\'t treated, but I\'ve been in there so long that I can work around most of the room effects. I have a coat closet fully treated, very dead and dry, for vocals. I keep some buttons in there to engineer myself, but everything\'s still happening on the studio computer. My pre-amp and mics and monitors are satisfactory. I could use a better ADC/DAC.
  I will record occasional hand percussion, etc, in that closet booth, but very little fits in there. For other acoustic capture, I\'ll rent time at a real studio (any time I\'m tracking my drummers) or I\'ll go field-record strings at someone\'s apartment.
  A solid two thirds of the non-vocal sound on the albums is electronic, and I can get keyboard performances or work on drum machine material in the project studio without worrying about the ambient noises of Brooklyn.
  Wordy: Describe your ideal home studio if money wasn\'t a problem.
  MC Front: A proper treatment of the mixing room would be great. I guess I\'d have twenty of these Avalon pre-amps and a little drum room, as well as a booth big enough for upright bass or cello. There is almost unlimited fanciness available in the hardware market... I guess I\'d have to make a hobby out of shopping. I\'d still use Reaper as my DAW, though -- the least expensive version of that kind of software, and also the best. I could probably spend sixty grand on plugins.
Wordy: What is your creative process for writing and or producing a song?
MC Front: Baddd Spellah, my Canadian beatsmithing partner, has been kind enough to work on grooves with me for the last fifteen years. Usually I will start with something he\'s been kicking around, or he\'ll take a pass at some live drum that I\'ve been chopping up, and we\'ll add keyboard material from Gm7 (Gaby Alter), my longtime music co-writer. When there is a verse-appropriate groove that is in pretty good shape, I\'ll leave it on loop and write. Once in a while, I\'ll write a hook over a groove that feels like a chorus, and start from there. After I\'ve got most of a lyric, I\'ll put down a scratch vocal so that Spellah and I can build a full song arrangement. Then I\'ll record too many takes of the final vocal, and spend too many months dicking around with the comp, the mix, and all the instrumental details. Finally I\'ll listen to it on as many different devices as I can, fine-tune the mix, and stay up for a week and a half making increasingly bad decisions about everything on the album, leading up to the mastering appointment I foolishly committed to several months prior.
  Wordy: What is your happiest On-Stage Moment?
  MC Front: I think a PAX crowd demanded a second encore once. That makes you feel like a superstar.
Wordy: What was your favorite song to write or record?
  MC Front: Maybe Stoop Sale? But that might be because the video came out so well. For the most part, my happiness with the process relies entirely on the result: it makes me happy to listen to a track if I don\'t just hear a barrage of fuckups that it\'s too late to go back and fix. But there aren\'t very many of those. Of all my lyrics, I\'m probably proudest of Two Dreamers from the Question Bedtime album. I feel like I worked out every bit of the story and then obscured it just enough that the listener\'s careful attention is rewarded.
Wordy: What advice do you have for aspiring artists?
  MC Front: Practice a lot, develop your talent. Get the skills you need to properly communicate with whoever your creative partners are. Take the craft seriously but give yourself a break for not having mastered it -- that is a lifelong process with no actual end goal.
Wordy: What project do you feel best describes you as an artist?
  MC Front: The Nerdcore Rising documentary probably says more about me and the band than I\'d ever be able to, and in kinder words. Of my own projects, I like the Zero Day and Solved albums as a window into whatever it is I\'m trying to say about nerdcore.
Wordy: How do you feel about the disconnect between \"Nerdcore\" and \"HipHop\"?
  MC Front: Well, hip-hop is a cultural movement with very specific origins and elements. Rap is a formal music style that emerged from hip-hop. Any \'variation\' or \'new perspective\' that someone brings to rap is fine -- if meaningless. It might matter that you came up with a new thing to say, but the fact that you chose an unusual form for your expression should be the least interesting thing about it. You can write a march for your peace movement, even if marches come from military music, because the march itself is just a formal style of composition. You\'d be smart to note the ironic relationship there, or you\'d be dumb to suggest that there isn\'t one, or that your choice to use a march as an expression of pacifism somehow reaches backward and affects the origin of the form. Anyone who thinks they\'re \'expanding\' or \'liberating\' hip-hop from its roots by rapping about things that haven\'t been rapped about traditionally is probably an idiot. 
  My idea about hip-hop was only to observe that it was cool. Like, it was the coolest thing happening in American culture when I was a kid, and it probably still is. Breakdancers were the coolest kids on the playground. Graffiti kids were the coolest outlaws in fourth grade. And rappers were the coolest possible composers of verse.
  To want to compose and perform verse in that formal style without having any direct connection to hip-hop, and without being cool, is the sort of desire nerd kids might express by themselves, away from arbiters of hipness, and share only with other uncool kids. The idea of nerdcore went no deeper than that, originally. I\'m glad that a lot of other DIY rappers have found that resonant enough to expand upon.
  Wordy: Do you feel more \"Nerdcore\" rappers should know about its roots in \"HipHop\"?
  MC Front: Definitely. I remember trying to write a Villanelle in a college poetry class. First, we had to read and dissect a sheaf of them. The professor was of the opinion that we would all flounder in the assignment, because there had been only a handful of good Villanelles ever written. I\'m sure none of us wrote one of lasting value. The point was to learn how formal composition connects works, and to appreciate the complications. You can always just do it anyway. But knowing where it comes from and how it\'s been attempted before teaches you how to try to do it well. I think anyone who wants to compose lyrics within the rap genre should know all they can about how raps have been composed so far.
  That doesn\'t even begin to address the cultural issue. Some artists misidentify nerdcore as comedy music, and worse yet, think the joke is \"it\'s rap, but white kids are doing it.\" I think that outlook leads to the weakest possible songs, and is generally disrespectful of hip-hop in a way that concerns me and offends anyone who cares about American culture. Of course, not all of the nerdcore rappers are white, but all of the schticky ones are. I wonder if a delve into hip-hop\'s history would cure them of that impulse, or at least afford them the humility to hush it up.
Wordy: Are you involved in any philanthropy in your local communities or abroad?
  MC Front: I try to do something in support of Child\'s Play every year. I\'m going to contribute to the upcoming Worldbuilders album project.
Wordy: Can you freestyle? Meaning rap off the top of the head? If so, can we see you drop a few bars next time live?
  MC Front: I never do this! I think I\'ve conditioned myself into a certain kind of vanity. Almost everything on the albums is rapped in complete sentences, with rhymes that I\'ve never used previously. Freestyling doesn\'t work that way. I\'m too ashamed to let anyone see me freestyling about the frog, on a log, in a bog, who got sog-gy.
Wordy: Do you consider yourself a “GEEK”?
  MC Front: Of course.
Wordy: In your own words, describe what the word “GEEK” means to you?
MC Front: I decided at some point a long time ago that geeks are all direct descendants of the side-show geek, whose job was biting heads off of chickens. They weren\'t special in any way, except that they were willing and able to do that thing, and it was a fairly extreme thing to do. But because nobody else at the carnival was willing to go to that extreme, the geekery came to seem like a highly specialized skill.
  That\'s why you can be a geek about anything. You just need a topic where your knowledge or expertise is so specialized that it seems distastefully extreme to non-geeks. You can geek out about fantasy novels or about robot AIs. But you can also geek out about car engines or cooking. You don\'t have to be a nerd to geek out.
  Nerds are almost always geeks, and their subjects of geekery are often recognizably nerdy. But a nerd is something else, a person who was already too weird or too smart, and felt alienated, and embraced geekery as an alternative to whatever broader pursuits the cool kids enjoyed.
  Wordy: What is your earliest geek memory?
  MC Front: I was a Star Wars geek starting at age three and a half when the first one came out. It was the only thing I wanted to do. I made adults take me to see it 11 times before Empire came out (I kept careful count). I collected the Kenner figures obsessively until they stopped making new ones a year or two after Jedi.
  Wordy: What is your \"Geek\" hobby? Do you collect comic books? Anime? Video games?
  MC Front: I do still love comics, but I own too many. Video games take up less space. I spend more time gaming than I do working on music, occasionally 70 or 80 hours in a week. It\'s as much an emotional self-medication as it is a hobby.
Wordy: Who are your Top 5 emcees dead or alive?
  MC Front: In no order: Busdriver, MF Doom, Del, Q-Tip, Chuck D
Wordy: When is your next show or tour?
  MC Front: When I get the dang old album done! Maybe spring 2017 for tour. PAX South is the soonest lone show.
Wordy: Do you have a new album coming out?
  MC Front: It\'s called INTERNET SUCKS, and it is going to have a heavy \'get off my lawn\' vibe. Everyone will be mad at me, yet secretly agree with every word on the record. Watch for it to take your feeds by storm.
more at darealwordsound
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