#no but i haven't recovered from the inhaler thing. give me your home address
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musicallisto · 4 years ago
the most you could potentially pay for giving birth is the car parking fee tbh,,, as for actual treatments, your health insurance covers up to 80% of hospital costs and sometimes 100% of pharmacy costs for prescribed medications. Say you break an arm in France; the total cost of the ER + surgery + anesthesia + overnight stay + cast & sling + medication is around like 1500€, which is approx. $1600
hold up,,,,, this has to be a full on ask because !!!!!!!! i'm cRYING?????
we all know the E.R. is expensive as hell, but you're telling me an E.R. overnight stay, and a super deluxe pack of surgery with your essentials is only $1,600? did you forget a zero, clara? pLEASE tell me you forgot a zero,,,, 😭😭😭😭😭 i've never broken an arm, but i just phoned a friend who did, and the surgery alone cost ~$15,000. admittedly, they didn't have insurance at the time, so that jacks up the price, but i still weep for them. 😭😭😭😭😭 a typical overnight E.R. stay in my state (minus any kind of tests) is ~$1,400 (with insurance) alone. can you imagine with a surgery? and medication is hell, i tell you. my little sister has asthma and for one (1) of her required inhalers, it's around $250 a month after insurance. 😭😭😭😭
if you want, i could pull up my medical records and tell you what it was for my heart surgery after insurance (which was a valve repair, wayyy cheaper than a replacement), but i'm pretty sure you'd cry.
interestingly enough, though, dental is pretty much the same! my sister got her wisdom teeth out (only 3 tho) and it was about the same price. i'm not sure how good or bad our dental is, though. i want to say it's good, but idk.
sadly, though, i don't have optical insurance, so that's a lot™.
in conclusion: i'm crying.
✧˖°࿐ I am 100% serious and I did not forget a zero! I used to go to the hospital all. the. time when I was a kid because I had severe allergies, and the last time I went (I was around 6) and they ran a battery on tests on me, my parents did not pay a dime. Or like, a ridiculously low price that insurance didn't cover. How it works is the public healthcare system (called Sécu) pays for 80% of the price for everyone regardless of insurance, and then if you have an insurance they cover the remaining expenses. According to a 2012 study, the average cost of a surgery in France was $5300 for heavy surgeries, and $1500 for light ones (which rounds up to $1060 and a whopping $300) after the Sécu has worked its magic). I found another, more recent article that claims a day at the hospital costs approximately $1500, and a day in intensive care is $3500. But what you really pay if you don't have insurance is more around $300 and $700 for intensive care. In some cases the Sécu covers all of your hospital charges and you effectively pay a grand amount of $0 without insurance (but that's rare cases, like a prolonged hospital stay or reconstructive surgeries).
I'm baffled that a hospital stay could be so expensive in the US, like,,,, how do you guys live?? I understand now why Americans are so prone to smiling through the pain and going to the doctor only when they're on the brink of death because holy shit- another instance of you being so much tougher than us lol
I'm curious about your medical records, even if I don't want to breach your privacy of course! But I feel like we will both just weep. Also, I do not want to shatter you but I checked the price of an inhaler in France and it's... $4. (According to Google, because my asthmatic friend is telling me it's more) Tell that to your sister and see how she reacts because I'm honestly crying for her 😭 When I was highly allergic I had an Epipen on me at all times (a pleasure many know too, I'm sure!), and one of them cost my parents something like $28.
(Ok, I'm not saying I don't believe you but I HAD to do some research because there is no way that an inhaler is so expensive. Like you need it to BREATHE?? but alas...)
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(there is no way that's real. There is NO WAY that's real.)
Funny to see that dentistry is the same though! I had the nightmare helmet machine that Katy Perry has in the TGIF video (or the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory thing) + braces so I know what it's like and it's a PAIN. And glasses are SO expensive too??? Like I just want to see,,, be a normal, functioning human being,,,, not run into every fucking lamppost on the street,,,,, I'm very short-sighted so my lenses are thick af and last time I changed them my glasses were like $800?????? bitch?????
no but also - you guys have different insurances for different things?? like you have one insurance for the dentist, one insurance for the ophtalmologist...??? i'm,,, i'm feeling anxious.
one last thing we need to discuss in the price of PHONE PLANS in the usa... i mean this is not a phone plans in the usa are overpriced thing, it's more so that phone plans are cheap as hell in France (because there's a lot of competition? idk shit about economics). i have nightmares on the daily when I think about your phone plans,,,
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