#nnow i'm too tired
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hansama · 1 year ago
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Piggy back rides from Monaca's F/O (i thinks that's the way to say that, I'm not really into writing tumblr side lil. Just like a big sis figure i guess?)
> of course! And do not worry, Mod Angie understands what you are saying! They are under the cut! Hope you enjoy Anon! <
> and i tried to make it Gender neutral! Though i couldn't find any gender neutral for that.. also some bit of Servant x S/O <
> some blood and gore are here ! Please be careful ! <
< spoilers incoming ! <
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Monaca was having a bad day, she didn't have the chance to murder any Adults, and the kids killed hundreds, not leaving her one Adult, the kids honestly thought they were helping her since she's in a wheelchair. What's worse though is that her own wheelchair broke, making her burst out tears
Luckily her servant who she calls 'big sis F/O' saw what happened, they called Servant while Monaca was bursting out tears in her room.
" pppssstt, Servant! Monaca's wheelchair broke, can you fix it for me? I'll comfort Monaca. " Of course, Nagi- Servant nods " Aha, of course. I could do that..! " Nagito walks away to the direction the wheelchair was put in, as you climed on the ladder.. you walked to the door, bracing Monaca's hurtful words..
Though instead, you saw her sleeping, guess she slept. You closed the door, walking back to your and Servant's room.
" Servant, are you aware of when are you gonna fix it? " He nods " I think so, it may take 2-3 days fixing it. Though you shouldn't trust me and my scummy words F/O.. " Nagito sighed, laughing a bit " Servant.. Nevermind, will get out of here together, and fix your issues. It's clear that you need some deep help. " You looked at him, his face flushed with red, looking back at you, he let out a giggle " Ah F/O-san, your too nice.. " You smiled, you hugged him. And he hugged back.. eventually you two passed out.
You woke up by some 'awwwwws' you groggily moved up carefully removing Servants hands off of you. Then you realized who the people 'awwwed' your head snapped at the kids direction, quickly getting up making Servant wake up as well " K-Kids you don't understand, we just fell asleep- uh- um- that's all! I promise.. " Thats when Kotoko boo'ed " Maaannn, and here i thought that that you two had fun! That's no adorbs! " Nagito got up, blushing for a bit " H-hey, thats enough for now, we'll have to do our work later.. " " Awwwhhh man, nnow i thooughht this wiill make you two tell eeachootherrrrs feeeelinggss.. " Jataro gloomly said " Whatever.. let's just go. These two will tell eachothers feeling sooner or later. " Nagisa shot back, Masaru was quiet, a bit too quiet. He and the kids followed Nagisa.
You felt like you forgot something, then you realized. 'oh sHIT MONACA!' You hurriedly tried to dress up, and ran out of you and Servant's room then climbing up the ladder and
" monACA I'M HERE..! " you pant, trying to breathe. Monaca was quiet, looking at you from her bed, guess she just woke up too. She laughed " Ahaha! Don't worry it's not something to apologise over, i know you didn't mean it.. just try to don't do it again.. " her faced darkened at the last statement though you didn't catch it
Monaca looked around, trying to find her wheelchair. Thouhh it isn't there.. " A-Awe, my wh-wheelchair isn't here.. is mr. S*sob*-Servant fixing i-it Big sib F/O?? " she looked like she was gonna cry, you tried to cheer her up by he one thing you thought of.
" M-Monaca, don't worry- i can give you a piggyback ride while Mr. Servant fixes it..! " Though it was for the best, Monaca was surprised " Nobody has done that to Monaca before.. " She nodded happily and you gave her a piggyback ride, though it was hell when climing down the ladder. " Ahahah, this is fun Big sib F/O! " Monaca chirped , obviously having fun with this, you gently placed Monaca in the chair. Before going to make her food. As you placed it beside her, her eyes sparkled " W-Wow..! Monaca feels like a princess, thank you big sib F/O! " she bit the food you made, it tastes heavenly to her.. nobody has done that for Monaca. And she tried to eat it slowly to remember the food
Ah she finished her food, you went to wash the plate. After a few seconds you went back to Monaca, whos impatiently waiting " You took so long! How! Did! It! Take! So! Long! " Monaca cried out, you silently made her go on your back. Too tired to deal with her tantrums. As you two went out to find some adults, you found 4 adults. You killed them one by one, except for the last one, they ended up surviving but you still caught up, with Monaca praising you " P-please! I w-w-want to live, please g-give me a chance! I- I will do- do anything pLEA‐ " Whack. They layed there, not moving. Blood everywhere, and honestly it smelt bad, you felt really bad. But knowing the warriors of hope. They will kill you for betraying them. You dropped the bat you were holding a few seconds ago " Wooooow! Your really cool Big Sib F/O! " Monaca praised you once again. It's starting to feel like it's okay to do this stuff. it's scary how a child isn't scared of a dead body, their used to this stuff now? H-ho..
You ignored your thoughts " Thanks Monaca.. " you said to her, before going back but you two heard a crash. Its very loud. They must be close, you peaked at the people.. huh? Two people.. the other has the wrist band, must mean they are in the game also.. she also has a microphone, weird for a weapon but okay, the other girl seems to follow around her too. But she heard something
" Omaru? D-did you hear so-something? " The female with the long skirt asked, shit you must have been too loud. 'I gotta get out of here befo‐' " Toki, i didn't hear anything. Are you sure it's something? I mean we fought a Monokuma, it must've hit something.. " Oh okay, thank the lord that that girl is stupid " U-Ugh! Fi-fine!! But if something c-comes out then its your f-fault!! " the girl yelled at the other before the two walked away
Well thats an experience..
You walked back to the headquarters, Monaca still on your back of course " Ugghhhh, those demons will get what they get in the end! " Monaca yelled before plopping into bed, you tucked her in before leaving...
" you'll be a good use for us, F/O. "
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> Hey hey Anon ! Hope you like this , i am aware that it literally as no relavence for what you requested.. But i hope you still like it nonetheless ! Thank you for requesting . It feels so good writing for a WOH <
> please hydrate and stay safe ! There are people who deeply cares about you ! Love love ! <
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