#nile goddess cruise
mpregstory · 2 months
Lukas and Daniel had been looking forward to their vacation in Egypt for a long time. After months of hard work and hectic city life, they longed for peace and adventure at the same time. When they landed in Cairo, the air was warm and spicy, filled with the smells of the street markets and the distant sound of Arabic music.
Lukas, the pregnant man, had become accustomed to the curious glances over the past few months. His belly was round and firm, and he often stroked it as if to comfort the unborn child. Daniel, his boyfriend, was always by his side and supported him lovingly.
Their first stop was the Egyptian Museum, where they marveled at the treasures of the pharaohs. Lukas felt a special connection to the ancient statues and reliefs, which often depicted fertile goddesses. "It's amazing how old these cultures are and how much they worshipped fertility," he said thoughtfully to Daniel as they stood in front of a statue of the goddess Isis.
The next day they decided to go on a desert safari. They rented a jeep and drove out into the endless sand dunes that glittered under the sun. Daniel had planned everything carefully and made sure they had enough water and provisions. Lukas, although a little exhausted from the heat, enjoyed the vastness of the desert and the silence that was only interrupted by the wind.
When they stopped at an oasis, Lukas sat down under a date palm and put his hands on his belly. "The little one is kicking," he said to Daniel with a smile. "He seems to like the warmth." Daniel knelt down next to him and also put his hand on Lukas' belly. "Maybe one day he will hear this story and be proud that he was in Egypt before he was born," he said with a loving look.
In the following days, they visited the Pyramids of Giza and took a cruise on the Nile. During the boat ride, they enjoyed the gentle breeze and the passing scenery. One evening, as the sun was setting over the Nile and the sky was bathed in a deep orange, Lukas felt a strong movement in his stomach. "It feels like it's dancing," he laughed. Daniel held him close and whispered, "We're going to be a wonderful family."
Their trip ended in Alexandria, where they visited the ancient library and strolled through the city's busy streets. The street markets were packed with people, and the sounds of vendors touting their wares filled the air. Suddenly, Lukas stopped and clutched his stomach. His face twisted in pain. "Daniel... I think it's starting," he groaned.
Passersby looked on, curious and worried, as Daniel frantically called for help. A kind woman in a colorful dress came over and led them to a nearby cafe, where they sat Lukas on a bench. "Breathe deeply, honey," Daniel said, holding Lukas' hand. The woman called an ambulance, but the contractions became more intense and regular.
Amid the hustle and bustle of the street, surrounded by curious and helpful strangers, the dramatic birth began. Lukas' screams mixed with the sounds of the market. Daniel remained calm and tried to calm Lukas, even though he himself was shaking with fear. Finally, after what seemed like endless minutes, the cry of a newborn was heard.
The crowd erupted in cheers when they saw the baby. The ambulance finally arrived, and the paramedics helped to care for Lukas and the baby. Daniel held the small, screaming bundle in his arms, tears of relief and joy streaming down his cheeks. "We did it," he whispered to Lukas, who was smiling exhausted but happy.
The journey that began as an adventure ended in an unforgettable event that Luke and Daniel would remember forever. They returned home not only with memories of the majestic monuments and enchanting culture of Egypt, but also with the birth of their child - a new chapter in their life together.
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santoschristos · 11 months
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A Moon Goddess Cruises the Magical Nile Joseph Weinreb
All reality manifests itself from this unfathomable space.
From her flows the creative cosmic energy we called Shakti.
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ash-and-books · 30 days
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Rating: 4/5
Book Blurb:
THE TIKTOK SENSATION FROM THE UK HAS COME TO NORTH AMERICA!   PRE-ORDER NOW to get a limited edition with sprayed edges—available only on the first printing! This special first edition hardcover will include a gorgeous, shimmering jacket with effects, beautifully illustrated endpapers and sprayed edges.   “Magical, murderous, romantic romp through a fantasy world as colorful as it is captivating.” Thea Guanzon, New York Times bestselling author of THE HURRICANE WARS
A mind-blowing murder mystery on a ship full of magical passengers. If Agatha Christie wrote fantasy, this would be it!
For a thousand years, Concordia has maintained peace between its provinces. To mark this incredible feat, the emperor’s ship embarks upon a twelve-day voyage to the sacred Goddess’s Mountain. Aboard are the twelve heirs of the provinces of Concordia, each graced with a unique and secret magical ability known as a Blessing.
All except one: Ganymedes Piscero—class clown, slacker and all-around disappointment.
When a beloved heir is murdered, everyone is a suspect. Stuck at sea and surrounded by powerful people and without a Blessing to protect him, Ganymedes’s odds of survival are slim.
But as the bodies pile higher, Ganymedes must become the hero he was not born to be. Can he unmask the killer and their secret Blessing before this bloody crusade reaches the shores of Concordia?
Or will the empire as he knows it fall?
And Then There Were None meets a queer fantasy murder cruise with a splash of romance! In a world where heirs of provinces are gifted with powers known as "blessings" the heirs must embark on a twelve day voyage to the sacred Goddess's Mountains to maintain peace. Yet this year's heirs are different... one of the heirs does not have any ability. Ganymedes Piscero "Dee" to his friends, is the least liked heir and the disappointment amongst them, and he lied to the emperor about his powers. Yet things only get worse for Dee as the moment they get on the ship they were excited to meet their beloved, Ravi, heir to the Crow province only to be given the cold shoulder and to find that he is engaged to someone else. Dee is crushed... and then the heirs begin to be murdered one by one. Dee is determined to solve the mystery and save the heir to the Grasshopper province, a young girl. Dee finds himself being helped by the unlikely Wyatt, the sickly heir to the Bear province... yet is torn between his love for Ravi as well. Can Dee figure out who is the murderer before he is next... and when the truth comes out an he handle the repercussions of it? This was definitely an interesting ride that had a wild ending that just went from 0-100. The story had a slow build and the middle part definitely felt a bit dragged on but the ending picked up. Dee was an interesting character and the romance in this one was a bit twisted but I enjoyed it. It definitely had a "Death on the Nile" vibe (I adore Agatha Christie) and this was an enjoyable read in the end. It wraps up everything perfectly fine and overall, if you like fantasy murder mysteries then I'd absolutely recommend it!
Release Date: August 20,2024
Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (ash-and-books.tumblr.com)
*Thanks Netgalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing | MIRA for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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kyndaris · 1 year
Our last day at Aswan had us waking at a more reasonable hour than the day before. It was a good thing too as I’d embarrassed myself the night before when I was called up to dance when our cruise ship hosted a Nubian performance. And if you’re asking for proof, you won’t get it. I know not to reveal my true face on the internet! 
Popo, by now, was terribly tired. I, on the other hand, was still full of vim and vigour. So, while she stayed aboard the Jaz Celebrity, I disembarked with a few other members of the tour group.
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Our first stop was the High Dam. It should be noted that the High Dam was the second attempt to utilise the mighty Nile waters to bring benefits to the Egyptian people. Constructed in the years between 1960-1970, it saw Lake Nasser flood, threatening 40 temples in the area, including Abu Simbel. With the help of UNESCO, the Egyptian government was able to save the most important temples although some were taken overseas to other European countries. Only a few remained in Egypt including our next destination: Philae Temple.
The flooding of Lake Nasser also saw the relocation of the Nubians to their current location further north of the Nile and near Aswan, changing their lifestyles from living off the land through farming to becoming fishermen and relying on tourism for their livelihood. Which, as per my previous post, meant entertaining strangers in t heir houses and sharing the space with pet crocodiles!
Of course, constructing the dam also had its benefits. The first dam built atop the Nile in Aswan had been at the behest of the English and the French. When Egypt threw off the yoke of their previous ‘benefactors’ in the Suez Crisis, they sought the assistance of the World Bank and the USSR to help build a new power plant near the High Dam. This enabled Egypt to transform its economy and provide it with independence from other countries.
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Our second stop for the morning was a visit to Philae Temple, which was dedicated to the Goddess Isis. It also featured the most recent use of hieroglyphs with dating devices putting in the tiny wall scribble at about 350AD. It might not have been a very good engraving but it still showed that the language of the Ancient Egyptians was still being used when the country was under Roman Rule.
Philae Temple, it should be noted, seems to have mostly been constructed during the Greek occupation of the country. The Grecian-style to the columns was very distinctive to my well-trained eye, although not all had been completed. Another indication that it was built during the Greek era of Egypt’s history was the presence of a ‘birthing’ house, which was meant to illustrate how the Ancient Greek leaders were transformed into Egyptians in order to make their rule of the country more palatable to the common folk.
And although I wasn’t able to take a long look at it, I did note that on the map layout of the Temple, there was even a small dedication to the very first Roman emperor, and the focus of one of my Ancient History projects: Augustus.
Once we had finished touring the temple in the allotted time we were given, it was back on the motor boat and the coach as we headed back to the cruise ship to collect our luggage and head to El Dokku, a Nubian restaurant, for lunch. The novelty here was that the restaurant was on a small island that was only reachable by boat!
After lunch, we headed to the airport with only moments to spare in order to check in and board. Upon landing once more in Cairo, we visited the Khan El-Khalili bazaar where, instead of wandering the stalls and being the target of wily thieves, I simply sat at a local cafe and enjoyed a mango smoothie. Later, people would claim that the mango smoothie was the source of the diarrhoea that struck down quite a few of the tour group but let it be known that I was unaffected.
Then it was back on the coach for a very late dinner at a restaurant near the pyramids. By the time we reached our hotel, St Regis Almasa, it was 11PM.
But it was better this than another hurried visit to the Papyrus and Essential Oils store - something that held zero appeal to me and felt like an attempt to shove in some sponsored shopping (something I very much detested in my cheap Chinese Europe trip back in 2009 with my mother).
And so ended our stay in Egypt. We might not have ticked off everything on our travel itinerary but we got to see most of it. 
Turkey (or Turkiye), here we come!
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lailaessam2910 · 2 years
Enjoy Egypt attractions during Safaga Excursions
During one of Egypt's Luxury tours that allows you to stay at the most outstanding hotels and Nile cruises or if you are traveling with a small amount of money and would like to save your time and expenses you can check our wide variety of Egypt cheap budget tours packages, if you have been on an accident and suffer from a physical injury don't ever worry because our professional operators customized a collection of Egypt wheelchair accessible tours packages that use all the accessible vehicles and different facilities for disabled people which is one of the main categories of our Egypt classic tours.
During one of Egypt's Luxury tours that allows you to stay at the most outstanding hotels and Nile cruises or if you are traveling with a small amount of money and would like to save your time and expenses you can check our wide variety of Egypt cheap budget tours packages, if you have been on an accident and suffer from a physical injury don't ever worry because our professional operators customized a collection of Egypt wheelchair accessible tours packages that use all the accessible vehicles and different facilities for disabled people which is one of the main categories of our Egypt classic tours.
Luxor Day Tours from Safaga Port: Spend an unforgettable day trip from Safaga to Luxor to explore Luxor’s tourist attrac
Luxor Day Tours from Safaga Port: Spend an unforgettable day trip from Safaga to Luxor to explore Luxor’s tourist attractions and understand the wonders of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs by visiting the Valley of the Kings, the temples of Karnak, the temple of Hatshepsut, and the Colossi of Memnon, before returning to Safaga port. 2 days to Luxor from Safaga port including a hot air balloon: Looking for a fast, easy way to see the sights in Luxor as you don’t have time for a lengthy journey? Then this trip is for you! Our 2-day shore excursion from Safaga port to Luxor is the perfect way to explore this amazing city—and what better way to get there than by hot air balloon?. Overnight Tour to Luxor from Safaga Port: From Safaga, you can spend an overnight tour in the great city of Luxor to see the most beautiful tourist attractions from our shore excursions from the port of Safaga. you can explore a mess of secrets in the land of Luxor. And take a tour Hurghada Snorkeling Trip from Safaga Port: Egypt Shore Excursions is your real chance to experience a Hurghada snorkeling trip and the thrill of diving at the Red Sea from Safaga port. This trip will cover watching plenty of Coral Reefs, colored fish, and more. Join us and enjoy an exceptional snorkeling excursion from Safaga port!. Tour to Dendera and Abydos from Safaga Port: YOU WILL Enjoy our day trip from Safaga Port to visit Dendera, one of the most outstanding temples of ancient Egypt, the temple which is dedicated to the cow goddess Hathor, during our Safaga Excursions and also visits the temple of Abydos which is dedicated to Osiris. And take a tour of the Red Sea Diving Safari From Safaga Port: The Red Sea is home to some of the most beautiful and diverse marine life in the world.
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lasthumaninwales · 2 years
Okay so, by way of an explanation of my blog title, which no pne asked for...
In my family, I am very much the one who is into spooky shit. I'm the one who likes horror movies, who reads scary stories, who wants to go on ghost walks and visit haunted places... but for whatever reason, I am not the one who ever sees anything.
However, what does happen is that people tend to see things around me.
When I was 19 I went to Egypt with my grandmother. We took a cruise down the Nile for a week, visited a lot of ruins and temples, as one does. And, about halfway through the week, we were in a visitors' centre for one of said temples, sat in the dark watching a video, and my grandmother had a full on supernatural experience sat right next to me.
Apparently, a woman dressed in traditional ancient Egyptian clothing - headdress, long white dress, the works - appeared at her side, hands held out to her in a 'prayer' position. I was sat on the next chair over, and I saw nothing. My grandmother said she was trying to get to me, to get my attention while this was happening, but despite us being inches apart she couldn't reach me.
The next day she saw a carving on a wall, and told me that it was the woman she saw. The carving was of the goddess Isis.
Everyone joked about it when we got home, talking about how my grandmother must have had too much to drink the night before, but like... we could barely afford to drink water on that trip, she hadn't had a glass of wine since the first night.
In more recent years it's my wife who keeps seeing ghosts. My wife... has come around to more spooky hit since we've been together, but neither really believes in nor in any way likes ghosts and haunted places. And yet...
We went on holiday to Yorkshire, and in York I insisted on going to The Golden Fleece, the most haunted pub in a city that's already haunted as fuck. When I went to the bathroom, I got a text from her saying "Please can we leave soon." My signal was a bit rubbish so I didn't reply, just went back out to the bar to tell her that sure, of course we could leave.
Her: Thanks, sorry, I just got a bit freaked out because I thought I saw something behind the bar. It's okay though, I'm fine now.
Me: Really? What was it?
Her: Oh it's nothing, I just looked up and there was a guy behind the bar, and it was a different guy to the one who served us. I looked away for a second and he was gone. He must have just gone through to the other bar, it's nothing.
Me: Yeah? What did he look like,
Her: I don't know, he was facing away from me, tall, dark hair, wearing a big red coat.
Me: ... Did you not read the descriptions of the ghosts that are supposed to haunt this place? On the plaque outside?
Her: ... No?
Me: A red coat you said? Like, a modern one?
Her: No, like a long wool one, old fashioned...
Me: One of the most famous ghosts in this place is a highwayman called One Eyed Jack. He wears a long red coat.
Her: ... I wish you hadn't told me that.
Then closer to home, we were driving back from the next town over late one night a few weeks ago. It was cold and raining...
Her: I feel bad, I feel like we should have stopped for that girl.
Me: What girl?
Her: The girl stood by the side of the road back there.
Me: I didn't see anyone...
Her: She was stood looking out onto the road, on your side. She had a white coat on, did you not see?
Me:... A white coat?
Her: Yeah...?
Me: You know that bit of the road is meant to be haunted, right?
Her: NO?!
Me: Yeah, some kids coming back from a concert saw a young woman dressed in white at the side of the road back there. She stepped out in front of the car, they thought they'd hit her, felt it happen, but when they stopped there was no one, no body anywhere, not a mark on the car. I told you this story...
Me: Shit, babe...
A couple of nights later we were making the same journey.
Her: -sounding reluctant and strained- ... She was there again.
Me: ... the girl?
Her: Same outfit. Standing in the same spot. Identical.
Me: Babe... I was deliberately looking this time, and I didn't see anyone.
Her: ... Shit.
So, yeah.
I don't see ghosts, but I seem to facilitate other people seeing them.
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deltaegypt1 · 10 hours
Aswan Day Tour
Aswan Day Tour Aswan one day tour. Our daily tours will take you to the High Dam that created Lake Nasser, Unfinished Obelisk and Philae Temple, dedicated to the goddess Isis. Delta Egypt representative will pick you up from your hotel / cruise in Aswan to enjoy a day tour in the amazing city Aswan. Start your tour by a visit to the High Dam, an engineering miracle built in 1960 protecting Egypt from annual floods from the Nile. Then proceed to visit the Unfinished Obelisk which shows the techniques used by the ancient Egyptians to cut obelisks. Most probably this obelisk belongs to Queen Hatshepsut, one of the rulers of the 18th Dynasty and the royal wife of king Tuthmosis II. This queen was the owner of her Temple in the eastern bank of Luxor. Also there is an opinion said that it belongs to Queen Nefertiti. Move on to visit the majestic Philae Temple which was built on the honor of Goddess Isis the chief deity of the island. Later you will be transferred back to your hotel / cruise.
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egyptatours · 3 days
Luxury Sonesta Moon Goddess Nile Cruise
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Luxury Sonesta Moon Goddess Nile Cruise will make every moment feel like magic. Magnificent Gate Egypt Tours is the best travel agency in Egypt that will offer all our clients the best luxury services, including a tour guide specializing in Egyptology, a wonderful upscale Nile cruise, and a private air-conditioned vehicle during this amazing Nile cruise.
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All our guests will enjoy an exceptional Nile cruise on the deck of the luxurious 5-star Sonesta Moon Goddess Nile Cruise and capture the most incredible moments of your life.
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Sail in the most luxurious level to the best historical landmarks between Aswan and Luxor and head to the Valley of the Kings, the Temple of Hatshepsut, the Temple of Karnak, the Temple of Edfu, the Temple of Philae, the Temples of Abu Simbel and others with the best facilities and upscale accommodations. On board. Book this enchanting Nile cruise and discover the treasures of Upper Egypt.
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etbtoursegypt · 21 days
cruise down Nile river Egypt
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Embarking on a cruise down the Nile River in Egypt is a journey through time, offering unparalleled views of ancient wonders and modern comforts. Whether you choose the luxurious La Sara Nile Cruise or the elegant Opera Nile Cruise, each voyage promises a unique experience.
The Blue Shadow Nile Cruise is known for its sophisticated design and excellent service, while the Movenpick Sunray offers a blend of modern amenities with traditional elegance. For a more intimate experience, the Movenpick Darakum Nile Cruise provides a refined atmosphere and exceptional service. Steigenberger Minerva, with its upscale accommodations, ensures a luxurious journey through the heart of Egypt.
The May Fair Nile Cruise combines comfort and style, while the Sonesta St. George Nile Cruise delivers a blend of opulence and tradition. For those seeking a unique experience, the Antares Nile Cruise offers a distinctive touch with its stylish design and personalized service. The Movenpick Hamees Nile Cruise, with its classic charm, provides a comfortable and scenic journey. The Sonesta Nile Goddess boasts a blend of luxury and tradition, ensuring a memorable voyage.
Jaz Regent Nile Cruise is celebrated for its elegant interiors and exceptional service, making it a top choice for travelers seeking comfort and style. These Nile cruises offer a range of experiences, from budget-friendly options to luxurious indulgences.
Whether you're exploring ancient temples, enjoying the serene beauty of the river, or simply relaxing on deck, each cruise offers a unique way to experience Egypt. With various options available, including Egypt tours, Egypt travel packages, and Egypt tour packages, travelers can find the perfect match for their preferences. Private tours, egypt budget tours, and egypt women tours are also available to cater to diverse needs and interests
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egyptonlinetours1 · 2 months
MS Sonesta Nile Goddess, Nile cruise boat\ http://www.egyptonlinetours.com/Egypt-Nile-Cruises/MS-Sonesta-Nile-Goddess-Nile-Cruise-Egypt.php \MS Sonesta Nile Goddess, Nile cruise boat,The MS Sonesta Nile Goddess is a sophisticated Nile cruise boat offering an exceptional blend of luxury and cultural exploration. This elegant vessel features tastefully decorated cabins with modern amenities, providing a comfortable and stylish retreat as it glides along the Nile. The onboard dining experience is a highlight, with a variety of gourmet meals served in a refined setting, while the ship’s lounge and bar areas offer a relaxing atmosphere to unwind after a day of sightseeing. The sun deck, complete with a pool and panoramic views, allows guests to enjoy the scenic beauty of the river in ultimate relaxation.
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roomchailimited · 2 months
Exploring Egypt: From the Pyramids to the Nile
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Egypt, a land of ancient wonders and captivating landscapes, beckons travelers with its rich tapestry of history and culture. From the awe-inspiring pyramids of Giza to the serene waters of the Nile, Egypt promises an adventure that transcends time. Roomchai Limited invites you to uncover the mysteries of this fascinating country, offering expertly curated travel packages and comprehensive services to ensure an unforgettable journey.
The Pyramids of Giza: Timeless Marvels
The pyramids of Giza stand as monumental testaments to Egypt’s ancient civilization, attracting millions of visitors each year.
Great Pyramid of Khufu: As the largest of the pyramids, this ancient wonder continues to amaze with its sheer size and intricate construction. It is a must-see for any traveler to Egypt.
Pyramid of Khafre and the Sphinx: Adjacent to the Great Pyramid, Khafre’s pyramid and the iconic Sphinx, with its enigmatic expression, are essential stops on your exploration.
Pyramid of Menkaure: Though smaller, this pyramid completes the trio and offers a unique perspective on the Giza plateau’s architectural prowess.
Cairo: The Heart of Egypt
Cairo, Egypt’s vibrant capital, is a city where ancient history and modern life coexist in a bustling metropolis.
Egyptian Museum: Housing an unparalleled collection of ancient artifacts, including the treasures of Tutankhamun, the museum provides a deep dive into Egypt's glorious past.
Khan El Khalili Bazaar: This historic market is a sensory delight, with its labyrinthine streets filled with shops selling spices, jewelry, and traditional crafts.
Islamic Cairo: Discover the rich Islamic heritage of Cairo through its magnificent mosques and historic sites, such as the Al-Azhar Mosque and the Citadel of Saladin.
Luxor: The Ancient City of Thebes
Luxor, often called the world’s greatest open-air museum, is home to some of Egypt’s most spectacular temples and tombs.
Karnak Temple: This sprawling temple complex, dedicated to the god Amun, is famous for its massive columns, statues, and hieroglyphics.
Valley of the Kings: Explore the final resting place of Egypt’s pharaohs, including the famous tomb of Tutankhamun, adorned with exquisite art and artifacts.
Temple of Hatshepsut: This stunning mortuary temple, built into the cliffs, honors one of Egypt’s few female pharaohs and offers breathtaking architectural beauty.
Aswan: A Gateway to Nubia
Aswan, known for its serene Nile views and rich Nubian culture, offers a unique blend of history and tranquility.
Philae Temple: Dedicated to the goddess Isis, this temple complex was relocated to Agilkia Island to save it from flooding, preserving its historical significance.
Nubian Villages: Visit these vibrant villages to experience the colorful culture and warm hospitality of the Nubian people.
Aswan High Dam: An impressive feat of engineering that created Lake Nasser, one of the world’s largest artificial lakes, and transformed the region’s landscape.
Cruising the Nile: A Journey of Discovery
A Nile cruise is an essential part of any Egyptian adventure, offering a unique way to explore the country’s rich history.
Traditional Felucca: Experience the tranquility of the Nile on a traditional wooden sailboat, providing a relaxing and authentic journey.
Luxury River Cruises: Enjoy modern comforts and amenities while gliding past ancient temples, bustling cities, and picturesque rural landscapes.
Sites Along the Nile: Visit significant sites such as the temples of Edfu and Kom Ombo, each offering unique historical insights and architectural beauty.
Red Sea Riviera: Coastal Paradise
The Red Sea coast is a haven for relaxation and adventure, with its stunning beaches and vibrant underwater ecosystems.
Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada: These popular resort towns are known for their luxurious accommodations, water sports, and lively nightlife.
Diving and Snorkeling: Explore the rich marine life and colorful coral reefs of the Red Sea, renowned for their beauty and biodiversity.
Desert Excursions: Venture into the desert for activities like camel rides, quad biking, and visits to Bedouin camps, offering a different perspective on Egypt’s landscapes.
Egypt, a land where the past and present intertwine, offers an endless array of experiences for the intrepid traveler. From the majestic pyramids and the tranquil Nile to the vibrant cities and the serene Red Sea coast, Egypt promises a journey filled with discovery and wonder. Roomchai Limited invites you to explore this captivating country with our customized travel packages and expert services. Begin your Egyptian adventure with us and create memories that will last a lifetime.
For more information on travel packages, visa services, and customizable tours to Egypt, visit Roomchai Limited and start planning your extraordinary journey today.
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lookategypttrips · 2 months
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egypt-travel-1 · 2 months
Aswan day Tours, Trips and Excursions
Aswan day tours offer an enchanting exploration of one of Egypt's most picturesque and historically rich regions. These tours often include a visit to the impressive Aswan High Dam, a marvel of modern engineering that controls the flow of the Nile River. You can explore the stunning Philae Temple, dedicated to the goddess Isis, which was meticulously relocated to Agilkia Island to save it from the rising waters of the dam. The tours also often feature a relaxing felucca ride on the Nile, providing breathtaking views of Elephantine Island and the botanical gardens. A visit to the Unfinished Obelisk offers insight into ancient stone-cutting techniques. With opportunities to explore Nubian villages and their vibrant culture, Aswan day tours provide a unique blend of natural beauty, ancient history, and cultural immersion, making for an unforgettable experience.
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lailaessam2910 · 2 years
Luxor’s Governor discusses preparations for the winter tourism season
Minister of Tourism and Antiquities for Tourism Affairs met with the Governor of Luxor to discuss a number of files that would contribute to pushing the incoming tourist movement to Luxor that will participate in Egypt Travel Packages.
she also met with a group of investors, owners, and managers of fixed and floating hotel establishments in the governorate to discuss preparations for the winter tourism season, stressing the need for all hotel and tourist establishments to adhere to all procedures and requirements for health and food safety standards that can be offered through Egypt Classic Tours and also one of the most unique tours that exists in Egypt which Egypt Nile Cruise Tours that allows you to discover the historical monuments in Luxor and Aswan sites that can be visited during Egypt Luxury Tours that offers high standard services in addition to the adventure that you can try during one of Egypt Cheap budget tours that can be easily accessed for people who suffer injuries through Egypt Wheelchair Accessible tour packages or while having fun during your Egypt Christmas tour which also can be done at the fresh air in April during Egypt Easter tours.
Only Luxor Governorate contains a third of the world's monuments that you can discover during the Luxor day tour to the east and the west Bank on both sides of the river while visiting the magnificent temple complex of Karnak and the Luxor temple on the east bank, before moving to the west bank to visit the valley of the kings. You'll take many tours and excursions in Luxor, visiting the western and eastern banks of Luxor, as well as in Aswan, where you can visit the High Dam and the Temple of Philae during the Luxor Aswan Cruise with Abu Simble tour. Experience the hot air balloon ride in Luxor which takes place over the largest open-air museum in the world it also overlooks the clear blue water of the Nile River and the green gardens of Luxor through the Luxor Hot Air Balloon Ride. discover the attractive antiques of the Egyptian Museum, the churches, and the mosques of Cairo you can have a Day trip to Cairo from Luxor by flight. Spend an unexceptional day Tour to Edfu and Kom Ombo temples from Luxor to enjoy the site where the kings of ancient Egypt built their palaces and temples. Enjoy fantastic nighttime that can never be ignored on the fascinating laser data show during the Sound and Light show in Karnak temple. Dendera and Abydos tour from Luxor is the way to discover the temple of Abydos which is dedicated to the god Osiris, the god of the underworld and death together with the temple of the cow Goddess Hathor at Dendera. Luxor West Bank tour will make you able to watch the impressive wonders of the west bank such as the Valley of the Queens and the Ramesseum temple of king Rameses II. Take the opportunity and visit Luxor East Bank including the temple of Luxor and Karnak temples. an Overnight tour to EL-Minya from Luxor is a chance to discover the secrets of upper Egypt where the ancient capital of King Akhenaton is at tell el Amarna. Banana Island Tour in Luxor can attract you with its little banana plantation, where you can know more about how they are being kept.
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@cairo-top-tours @sohilaesam @hagerkamal @travelegyptinstylewithme
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egypt-tours-gate · 3 months
Embark on a journey through the serene beauty and historical richness of Aswan with our Aswan Day Tours, designed to unveil the gems of Egypt's southern frontier in a single day. Begin your exploration at the magnificent Philae Temple, dedicated to the goddess Isis, situated on an island in the Nile. Marvel at the temple's well-preserved hieroglyphs and elegant colonnades, a testament to ancient Egyptian craftsmanship and devotion.
Continue to the towering Aswan High Dam, an engineering marvel that tamed the Nile's annual floods and created Lake Nasser, Egypt's largest artificial lake. Learn about the dam's impact on agriculture, industry, and daily life in Egypt while enjoying panoramic views of the river and surrounding landscape.
Cruise across the Nile aboard a traditional felucca, soaking in the tranquil beauty of Elephantine Island and the botanical gardens of Kitchener's Island. Visit the Unfinished Obelisk, an abandoned monument that offers insights into ancient quarrying techniques. Throughout your journey, our knowledgeable guides provide captivating narratives, blending historical insights with local anecdotes to enrich your understanding of Aswan's cultural significance.
Whether shopping for Nubian handicrafts in Aswan's vibrant markets or savoring a delicious meal overlooking the Nile, our Aswan Day Tours promise an immersive and educational experience, showcasing the beauty and history of one of Egypt's most enchanting cities in a single day.
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nileinfinitytours · 3 months
Experience Egypt in Style 10 Days Luxury Custom Aswan to Luxor Tour From USA : Nile Infinity Tours
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Join Nile Infinity Tours for a luxurious 10-day tailored tour from Aswan to Luxor from the USA, carefully validating the wondrous blend of ancient history and stunning natural beauty with unparalleled luxury. Each detail has been attended to to heighten your unforgettable exploration of the iconic sites scattered across the panorama of Egypt.
Discover Cairo & Luxor: The Heart of Ancient Egypt
The Cairo & Luxor Tour From the USA sets the tone for adventure, calling on you to explore the wonders of Ancient Egyptian Civilization. Start your journey in Cairo, where eternal majesty the Great Pyramids of Giza awaits you with the mysterious Sphinx. Drive down to the famous Egyptian Museum to feast your eyes on a treasure trove of historical pieces that frame a glimpse into the lives of the Pharaohs and the splendor that once was Egypt.
In Luxor, often called the world's most excellent open-air museum, are the temples of Karnak and Luxor. You can visit the Valley of the Kings, with its perpendicular cliffs hiding within them the remains of ancient rulers, and admire the mortuary temple of one of the first female pharaohs of Egypt Queen Hatshepsut. This part of the tour is arranged to combine visits to historical places of interest with knowledge about local culture.
Luxury Cairo and Luxor to Aswan Tour From USA: A Journey Through Time
For people who want a much more in-depth with adventure firmly centered on ancient Egypt, the 10-day Luxury Cairo and Luxor to Aswan Tour From the USA can be considered. This tour extends further your visit to the city of Aswan, known for its beautiful Nile scenery and essential site of archaeological interest. Activities in Aswan include visiting the Philae Temple, one dedicated to the goddess Isis, and admiring the engineering surprise of the Aswan High Dam. It is this Cairo to Aswan journey that exemplifies attention to detail in creating a luxury travel experience.
Unmatched Luxury: Luxury Egypt Tours From USA
Nile Infinity Tours specializes in Luxury Egypt Tours From USA, offering bespoke experiences that cater to the discerning traveler. From private guided tours to stays in Egypt’s most luxurious hotels, our tours are designed to provide the highest standards of comfort and exclusivity. Each tour is tailored to meet your personal preferences and interests, ensuring a truly unique and memorable journey.
A Serene Voyage: Luxury Nile River Cruise From USA
No trip to Egypt is complete without experiencing the magic of the Nile. Our Luxury Nile River Cruise From USA offers an unparalleled way to explore the ancient wonders that line the riverbanks. As you sail from Aswan to Luxor, enjoy the luxurious amenities of your cruise vessel, savor gourmet cuisine, and take in the breathtaking views of the Nile. This serene voyage allows you to experience Egypt from a unique and tranquil perspective.
Tailored Luxury Trips to Egypt From USA
Our Luxury Trips To Egypt From USA are designed to meet the unique preferences and interests of each traveler. Whether you wish to delve into Egypt’s historical treasures, enjoy a relaxing cruise, or immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of its cities, Nile Infinity Tours provides the perfect itinerary. Our commitment to excellence ensures a journey that is as enriching as it is luxurious.
Exclusive Cairo to Aswan Luxury Tours From USA
Cairo to Aswan Luxury Tours From USA with Nile Infinity Tours promise an extraordinary level of service and attention to detail. From VIP airport transfers to private excursions and exclusive access to Egypt’s most iconic sites, every aspect of your tour is designed to provide a seamless and luxurious experience. This exclusive tour ensures that you experience Egypt’s wonders in the utmost comfort and style.
Majestic Luxury Nile Cruises From USA
The Luxury Nile Cruise From USA is a key highlight of any Egyptian adventure. These cruises combine modern comfort with historical exploration, allowing you to witness the wonders of ancient Egypt from the tranquil waters of the Nile. As you journey from Luxor to Aswan, visit spectacular temples and monuments, all while enjoying top-notch hospitality and amenities. This majestic cruise promises a luxurious and unforgettable experience.
Seamless Travel from Cairo to Luxor
The Cairo to Luxor Tour From USA offers a seamless and enriching journey from Egypt’s bustling capital to the historic city of Luxor. This tour is ideal for those who want to experience the best of both cities, with luxurious accommodations and expert guides ensuring an unforgettable travel experience. From the pyramids to the temples of Luxor, every moment is designed to leave a lasting impression.
Customized 10 Day Luxury Tours USA
Take our 10-Day Luxury Custom Tour USA for an incomparably personalized and indulgent journey through Egypt. This itinerary provides a full schedule, taking you to the main attractions in Cairo, Luxor, and Aswan. You have a say in the egret of daily activities based on your personal preference, so it also includes private museum tours and exceptional dining.
The trip will begin from Cairo and spend three days exploring the vivacious culture and ancient locations that dot this city. You make a flight connection to Luxor, where you spend three days exploring the history of the Pharaohs at the Valley of the Kings, the temples of Karnak and Luxor, and the mortuary temple of Queen Hatshepsut. The final leg of your journey will take you to Aswan, where you will spend four days exploring the Philae Temple and Aswan High Dam and enjoying a leisurely felucca ride on the Nile. And each evening, you will retire to sumptuous accommodations that entail travels not only in comfort but also in style.
The Best Egypt Tour Packages USA
At Nile Infinity Tours, we offer the Best Egypt Tour Packages USA, combining luxury, adventure, and cultural immersion. Our packages are meticulously planned to provide a seamless travel experience, with everything from international flights to local excursions taken care of. This ensures that you can focus on enjoying your journey without worrying about the details. Our Egypt tour packages include guided tours, luxurious accommodations, private transportation, and exclusive access to some of Egypt's most iconic sites.
The Best Nile River Cruises USA
Experience the Best Nile River Cruise From USA with Nile Infinity Tours, where every aspect of your cruise is designed to provide an unparalleled level of luxury. Our cruise ships are equipped with modern amenities, spacious suites, and exceptional dining options, ensuring a comfortable and memorable voyage. Along the way, expert guides will illuminate the history and significance of the sites you visit, making your cruise both educational and enjoyable.
Comprehensive Egypt Vacation Packages From USA
Our Egypt Vacation Packages from USA are designed to offer a comprehensive and luxurious exploration of Egypt’s most iconic destinations. From the bustling streets of Cairo to the tranquil waters of the Nile, these packages provide a perfect blend of adventure, relaxation, and cultural discovery. With Nile Infinity Tours, your dream vacation to Egypt becomes a reality. Our vacation packages include everything you need for a stress-free journey, including flights, accommodations, tours, and meals.
Conclusion: Experience Egypt in Luxury
Nile Infinity Tours is committed to delivering the most luxurious, genuinely immersive experiences of Egypt to travelers. Be it a 10-day Luxury Custom Aswan to Luxor Tour From the USA or a tranquil sojourn onto the waters in our Luxury Nile River Cruise From the USA, every detail from your trip will be carefully laid down to meet the excellence our guests expect. Experience the jewels of Egypt lavishly and luxuriously, making memories to last a lifetime. From arrival into Egypt until your final departure, Nile Infinity Tours ensures you have a place in our memory book.
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