#nicki... quit while ur ahead
ihatebnha · 3 years
Pray for the day when people would stop associating blonde hair with yt peepole. The correlation is not there, idk why Nicki is reaching so hard. Nicki is so quick to defend someone doing blackface then have the nerves to look an actual black woman in the face and say that she’s “jealous”
Nicki has always rubbed me the wrong way when it comes to being a Black woman and how she speaks about Black women. She has no problem calling them roaches, calling them “black bitch”, monkeys, the list goes on and on. It’s women empowerment until it’s a Black Woman that’s a shade darker than her.
I used to like Nicki growing up, been a huge fan of her my whole life but there comes a point when the artist and the person behind it just doesn’t align with who you are and that’s just how I feel about Nicki🤷🏾‍♀️
Wow....... i am so glad you sent this.
i definitely think there's this sense that, you know... barbs aren't in the wrong for defending/supporting nicki simply because they're barbs or whatever... and despite everything that's happened so far, im glad to know that this situation is helping us get to the point where we see that that kind of behavior is actually so unacceptable.
not that it was ever really expected or seen from her, but supporting, uplifting and listening to black women (such as leigh-anne, i think) is so... instrumental... and for someone as influential as nicki NOT to do that in an industry that already devalues black women anyway (and then marry a r*pist)... is weird and sad.
like... she literally works w/ these people and KNOWS this? i dont understand how she can praise urself for getting ahead as a black woman and then shit on others for doing the same? what???? white people have done nothing to benefit her and yet thats who she sided with?? SO WEIRDDDDDDD :/
ANYWAY, thank u for sending this, anon! this whole ask is honestly so articulate and i couldn't agree w/ u more, esp given that i want to highlight voices besides my own when it comes to... talking about a subject like this. i appreciate u <3
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