#nhl au please let me write plot
exhuastedpigeon · 9 months
WIP Wednesday @wikiangela, @underwater-ninja-13, and @wildlife4life - thanks friends :)
the nhl au feels like a patchwork quilt right now and I really need to stop letting the vibes decide what to write and actually outline it, but that sounds like a tomorrow.
They left L.A. on a high after an afternoon game win against the Devils so they could have a full day at elevation before playing. Buck isn’t sure if it actually helps or not, but he’s not mad about being at a nice ass hotel in Denver with no game tomorrow and just an optional skate the next morning.  “Come out with us,” Buck pouts at Eddie, who’s already stretched out on his bed wearing joggers and a Kings shirt. His hair is damp from showering off their flight, something Buck basically never does and in the last week he’s learned Eddie does without fail.  “Stay in with me,” Eddie counters with a grin, holding up the room service menu and the remote. “I’m pretty sure I saw Fast Five on the movie channel.” Buck pretends to consider it before kicking his shoes off and shucking his jeans. He grabs his sweats from his bag and pulls them on before taking his shirt off and tugging his own Kings shirt over his head. He can feel Eddie’s eyes on him, tracking his movements. On anyone else it might have felt like a leer, but Eddie looking at him like that just made Buck want to drop to his knees.  He doesn’t. Instead he flops onto Eddie’s bed next to him and pulls out his phone, texting TK, Paul, and Ravi to tell them he’s staying in tonight and to make sure they don’t let Mateo get too drunk. The last time they’d all gone out, Mateo had tried to keep up with some of the bigger guys on the team and Buck had ended up having to carry him home.  “You said something about room service?” Buck says, taking the menu from Eddie and leaning in even closer to they can read it together.
No pressure tagging @thewolvesof1998 @jeeyuns @spagheddiediaz @malewifediaz @callmenewbie @daffi-990 @steadfastsaturnsrings @rosieposiepuddingnpie @rainbow-nerdss @cal-daisies-and-briars @thekristen999 @eddiebabygirldiaz @eddiebuckley-diaz @try-set-me-on-fire @organizedstardust @acountrygirlsfun @devirnis @king-buckley @loserdiaz @monsterrae1 @chronicowboy @butchdiaz @spotsandsocks and anyone else who wants to share!
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huttons · 1 year
Hi 👋 This is your fic exchange anon this is my first exchange so I probably will bother you again down the line
Very excited about making an OC, anything you want out of that (Name, looks, personality, job, etc)?
2. As far as plot any trope you want to read or topic you want to explore?
3. Out of your list of players is there someone you want to read the most or just let this anon take the wheel?
Hi!! I’m super excited as well, and feel free to send as many asks as you need to ❤️ I’ll do my best to answer as quick as possible as well! Also I hope these answers help out a bit as well:
1. I’m not too particular about the OC, as long as they fit into whatever world you create! It would be cool to see a non-binary/male/trans OC, but I also totally get that is not everyone’s thing when writing, so I’m really open to any character you create ❤️
2. It’s not a trope per say, but I do love a good AU! My favorites include soulmates, non-player (aka they work in anything outside of being in the NHL), coffee/flower shop, anything in that realm! As for actually tropes, I do have a soft spot for friends to lovers, sunny vs grumpy, forced proximity (ex. road trips).
3. Totally open to any of the players I listed and would love to read about any of them! I do have an extra soft spot for Kreider and Dougie, but if there’s someone else on the list that is speaking to you, please go with them!
Let me know if there’s anything else I can answer for you!!
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halfdesertedstreets · 6 years
OMGCP daemon!AU bullet fic
...except not, lmao.
Because, surprise! This bullet!fic is already an actual fic, to the tune of 75k words, written last fall for OMGCP Big Bang 2018. (@shipped-goldstandard made SUPER awesome playlists for it here, here, and here, and @khashanakalashtar made a podfic, too, for those interested
So, like, congrats if it’s the first time you ever heard about it, you don’t have to read this post and go, ‘frickety-frack, this person should actually write this fic instead of dangling these tantalizing plot points in front of me, like, wtf, bro, NOT COOL.’
To those of you who have heard of this fic (and are interested in “”the creative process””):
If you ever wonder how I plot/outline my stories, here it is in all its messy glory. Mind you, I only occasionally write it all out like this—mostly it gets talked out in conversations with my sister and my beta readers, but, generally speaking, this is how it goes, and I do often write significant plot points out in this way as a goalpost for me to reach.
So without further ado, here we go!!
(CW: mentions of homophobia, biphobia, toxic masculinity in pro sports/sports culture, canon-typical depictions of anxiety and drug abuse, including Jack’s overdose. proceed with caution if needed
red in tooth and claw, outlined
Intro POV: Jack. Focus on how he doesn’t settle until he’s 16, reflection of how who he is conflicts with who he thinks he’s supposed to be—spends half of juniors w/o settling; Isolde (meaning “ice queen”) fakes being a wolf most of the time, which is what Bad Bob’s daemon is
NHL and other contact sports have GOT to be interesting in this world—how do people handle having daemons??? Canonically, can’t get too far from your daemon w/o getting hurt so your daemon has to be a part of your sport. Easier with closer/smaller playing fields like tennis and golf, bit of a hassle when it comes to soccer and hockey 
(lmao, imagine track and field though? Daemons have to either be small or fast depending—interesting take on how early sports training shapes identity—imagine how all that focus/work/ambition would influence your personality, influence the shape your daemon takes)
Jack & Isolde do a pretty good job of not letting anyone know they haven’t settled, do the anxiety meds help with that? Or hurt??
Isolde = the dorky, sweet side of Jack. Perfectionist, drawn to people while still being introverted, harder on herself than she has to be, constantly trying to support Jack, be the daemon Jack wants; she’s all his softest bits personified as a cute furball, basically
Enter Kent & Valkyria—bad-ass lion, Valkyria = all the outrageous, ambitious bits of Kent, with a side of aloofness/representation of his distrust in the world/unwillingness to make himself smaller—wars with his people-pleasing nature, caring about what others think. She’s so unusual people have to notice him, so big she can’t be ignored, but how does that play in when the people they want most to notice them don’t???? 
His mom has a raven, history of witches in the family—he and Val can separate pretty far, makes them an asset in the eyes of NHL
Kent aggressively pursues Jack as a friend; Valkyria and Isolde get their act together waaaaaaay before the boys, wlw daemons anybody??? Cue all the touching and sitting in laps and cellys echoed by Val & Isolde’s physical relationship. Closeness of daemons lead to rumors
Everything’s going good in yr. 1 but then!!! BIG REVEAL: Jack loses his shit when he takes a bad hit, Isolde turns into a [lion?? Bear??? TIGER??? Something threatening] and defends Valkyria
Cue big mess, awkwardness, questions about whether Jack can hack it—Kent goes no, no, we can turn this around
They end Yr. 1 very close to being the champs thanks to phenomenal teamwork between Jack and Kent, taking advantage of Jack and Isolde not settling to transform into whatever form gives Isolde the advantage
Summer happens—Jack invites Kent over for first time!! Sometime in the midst of all their work-outs, training, chirping, etc., is The Get-Together!!!!
BUT OH NO!!!! ISOLDE SETTLES AT THE END OF THE SUMMER—AS A BADGER. Somewhat solitary, gentle except provoked, loyal, vicious when threatened aLSO NOT WHAT PEOPLE EXPECT A FUTURE NHL STAR TO SETTLE AS
Weirdly enough, Jack becoming comfortable around Kent meant he was more comfortable in his own skin, which lead to Isolde settling, which resulted in them spiralling towards self-loathing and stress, because they didn’t want to settle as a badger. D:
Val is fine with it, Kent is fine with it; deep down even Jack can feel how this is the form that suits the two of them best—but he still hasn’t fully accepted it. T.T
Around this time is the start of his heightened dependence on his meds
Pushes himself harder on the ice—even if his daemon isn’t the typical large, fast-moving, traditional apex predator expected of somebody aiming to make in the NHL, Isolde can still be an asset
(And even if she’s not, all Jack has to do is be good enough to make up for it right???)
Increased dependence on Val—what people used to see as awesome teamwork now gets thrown around as Jack using Kent’s daemon as a crutch. “Can he hack it if there wasn’t a fucking lioness guarding his back? I don’t think so.”
HILARIOUS if you think about it, b/c it’s not like there aren’t goons specifically with big, bad daemons in the NHL to help protect the guys whose daemons are less then optimal when playing?? Vegas literally has a bunch of daemons who could fill Val’s role, easy, lmao
Possibly work in some of the ableism/homophobia/misogyny aspects of NHL through treatment of daemons??—most NHL players naturally have female daemons, but are the daemons respected??? Probs not usually the focus of what teams look at, but DO play a lot into the image of a player.
A team’s daemons should be close, but not too close, haha. Should never speak in public, should always be an asset, seen more as tools than as living parts of a person’s soul, also vague sense that if a daemon isn’t always tough, put-together, ready to throw down, then the player is also “weak,” a “sissy,” etc.
Daemon teamwork is also looked down upon if it isn’t in the context of a fight—say you put somebody else’s daemon on a sled or something and another daemon drags it—technically allowed but not much used in hockey—a part of reason why Samwell is a good fit for Jack and later on Bitty is because they use unconventional methods like this
Most people eyeing the draft are of the opinion that Jack is the better player but Kent has the better daemon: “If only they’d switched,” is the usual lament.
34 perfect days
More underneath the cut!!!
THE OVERDOSE—is Kent the one to find Jack? Probs. Closeness to death results in Isolde almost disintegrating, but Kent and Val manage to keep them alive long enough for help to arrive.
Imagine Kent in the ambulance, not letting anybody else touch Isolde, Val growling at anybody who gets near.
Finally has to let her go so they can take them into the ER
Kent in a hospital waiting room, Val at his feet, taking up so much space but feeling so small and helpless
what if he dies
he doesn’t die; he wakes up and he doesn’t want them anymore; Kent’s not sure if that’s worse or better some days, selfish as that is
Kent goes first; Jack doesn’t
Jack cuts off contact; Isolde is Not Happy, but she does what Jack wants, b/c it’s what he needs
(he wouldn’t have overdosed if she could have been what he needed)
Eventually they end up at Samwell, as in canon; Samwell good fit b/c of unusual team dynamics; there are a number of unusual daemons there and Samwell is known for accommodating the unusual
Thanks to nearly dying, Jack and Isolde can separate pretty far now, though, so all the sports commentators were wrong about that aspect of them being a burden on a team. *cue bitter laughter*
Eleuthymia—red fox, or possibly arctic? I think red b/c they’re more social, but maybe arctic b/c hockey??? Idk, we’ll see. Name a combination of Eleuthera = freedom + suffix -thymia = soul; fake Greek obviously b/c I really don’t think that’s how those two works but who cares!!!
Elle for short
She is exactly as personable and kind and gregarious as Bitty, with more salt thrown in; if Isolde is all of Jack’s soft bits personified, then Ellie is all of Bitty’s teeth collected into a bundle of uncompromising, will-survive-at-all-costs, you-better-believe-she’ll-bite-the-hand-that-tries-to-feed-her-poison
Still nice and sweet to the people she loves, of course
Bitty’s freshman year goes as expected—bad first impression of Jack? Check. Haus still rowdy and stocked w/nothing but Sriracha? Check. 4 a.m. checking clinics? Check.
Bitty and Elle cannot believe that somebody as grumpy as Jack has a daemon as sweet as Isolde, btw. It’s just unreal.
(Oh Bitty. You and first impressions. You really should’ve taken a closer look at what it meant for Jack’s soul to be so sweet.)
((It’s even funnier with Val later on, lmaooo)) 
Concussion—turning point here, too. Isolde takes it v. hard that she wasn’t able to defend Elle; increased physical affection here
Sophomore Year: Bitty gets better at hockey, Jack gets courted by the Falcs, there’s baking of pies, blah blah blah BUT THEN!!!!
It goes pretty similar to canon, except more tension b/c 4 people are involved in this argument instead of just 2; Val actually tries to get Kent to cool down but he’s not listening, Isolde is trying to explain Jack’s thought process but it’s just. A Mess.
“I miss you.” “You always say that.”
Jack happens to cut off Isolde saying ‘I miss you, too’ to Val at that exact same second
Unlike Bitty, Elle pretty much goes up to the door to eavesdrop
Val is NOT HAPPY with Kent post-Epikegster; there’s going to be an interim chapter that is basically a Day in the Life of Kent Parson, Captain of the Aces and Raging Fire Dumpster.
Btw, Purrs and Kit are still around as their pets/part of Val’s makeshift pride :)
But anyway Val refuses to talk to Kent for a month after the Epikegster—really unusual for a daemon and their human, but if ever there was a character at war with themselves, it’s gonna be this idiot
Prompts Kent to finally fricking find a good therapist, AMEN.
((//Sidenote: In the process of writing this fic, I managed to literally externalize Jack and Kent’s issues, and I am still so pleased with myself that I’m going to quote my up-at-11-p.m-while-being-awake-since-6-a.m. ass:
i have finally articulated what i feel are the major problems in jack and kent's communication issues and i am so frickin' proud of myself, i didn't even realize i literally personified them in my fic but i did. and now i feel so smart!!
so, jack's issue is self-deception, and kent's is avoidance, and Isolde literally lies to Jack and Val literally avoids Kent
But yeah. Daemons, man, they’re super useful for making explicit what is implicit in a text. //ends sidenote))
Continuing on!
The Big Damn Kiss (of Yr2)
It happens
Imagine Isolde running alongside Jack across the quad, though, Elle just lounging on Bitty’s bed while they’re both holding back tears when Jack and Isolde burst in, lol
Year 3 & 4—goes differently. Jack still wins the Cup, but he and Bitty don’t come out; mostly this year goes by in a few paragraphs of description that leads into the time-skip
Falcs are great, though!! Lot of unusual daemons, too, which is why Jack is a good fit there
Sometime in the middle of this, Kent apologizes. Jack apologizes. They slowly become cautiously friendly acquaintances
Except ‘acquaintance’ is entirely the wrong word when what you mean is ‘the love of my previous life,’ and the wording of that is important, because it’s not as if they were the ‘previous love of my life’ to each other—no, it’s that somedays it feels like the Jack who was with Kent was a different person entirely, that life is so divergent from the fork that he eventually ended up taking
He still misses him though.
(Is he talking about the self he used to be? Is he talking about Kent? ARE WE EVER GOING TO KNOW FOR SURE????)
Post-grad—Bitty settling in with Jack, having a job as a media consultant or something??? I’LL SEE. Their relationship is very good, pretty awesome, etc., etc.
Except as fond as Isolde is of Elle, and as much as she likes Bitty, part of her is always, always, always going to long for Valkyria
Id vs. superego, Isolde as Jack’s id going pretty much directly over what his conscious mind has decided is the route for them
Except that Isolde is never going to act on her feelings, of course. That would hurt Jack, and she’s never going to hurt Jack
Cue Bitty and Elle, begrudgingly at first, trying to friend-woo Kent Parson so Isolde can date Valkyria
Kent has pretty much no idea why Jack’s boyfriend starts being so nice to him out of the blue??? But okay, he’ll take it, the kid’s pretty nice, even if he wants to murder him and take his place somedays
Val likes Bitty, though, the traitor
Listen to your subconscious Kent. You’d be happier if you just acknowledged what you wanted, Kent.
But anyway. Kent’s over Jack. He really is. Really really is.
…which is why, six months in, he’s sort of surprised to find out he’s kinda, sorta, maybe just a litttttttle bit fallen for Jack’s boyfriend.
Just his fucking luck.
But then! Kent meets someone new: Lena & her daemon, Samson.
Bitty and Elle are NOT pleased with this wrench thrown into their plans btw
Like. Not pleased AT ALL.
Isolde’s fucking heartbroken, not that she admits it, but she also wants to be happy for Val?? Like. That’s honestly so great for her. She’ll just. Be over here. Quietly devastated.
(Val’s over there smiling tightly and going ‘yes! here’s my new bae! he’s….great.’ *cue tight grimace-smile*)
He’s not as great as Isolde—nobody’s as great as Isolde. But it’s early days yet. Maybe he’ll grow on her. She liked him a lot at first, after all! These are probably just speed-bumps in the relationship.
(Spoiler alert: They are not speed-bumps. He does not grow on her.)
But anyway! Things go well for Kent and Val and their new significant others, until they don’t.
Basically they discover that Lena is biphobic, and a bit of an exclusionary feminist (not a TERF, but definitely the kind of feminist that looks down on housewives and women who like romance novels and Downton Abbey).
They still stick with her until Lena crosses gets upset that Val won’t let her touch her, and she breaks up with him at his own birthday party.
Cue Bitty and Elle reviving Plan Seduce Kent & Val to Make Isolde Happy!!!
((A/N: Regarding Lena—I wanted Kent to date, which he did, to varying degrees of success. And I wanted him to have a decent shot at moving on—enter Lena. 
I actually fleshed her out a little too much, initially, to the tune of 5k words I had to cut out which detailed their meet-cute and the early parts of their relationship. It just didn’t work out for the story though?? If it was endgame PB&J I couldn’t afford to have her be too likeable, for my own good if nothing else, because otherwise I’d have just had her run off with Kent into the sunset and that. Like. Would torpedo my plans.
So it’s honestly very unlikely I can write KentxOC WITHOUT them being endgame as a result unless I make the character unlikeable or have her move cross-country for no discernible reason. -deep sigh-
So yes I completely admit plot being a part of why I wrote Lena being a bitch, but I also really like her as a character, honestly.
Like. She’s very real to me, in the sense that what I eventually did was write her as someone close to Kent’s ideal: smart, funny, snarky, just a little bit mean, and just a little bit vulnerable underneath it all.
She likes Kent, very genuinely, and Kent likes her, very genuinely. If they’d both been slightly different people, they would’ve worked out together.
But I knew from the start that I wanted to show that Kent had grown. Kent at 19, at 20—hell, even at 24—might’ve stayed with Lena, but Kent at 27 knew that they weren’t good for each other in the long run.
Like, I wrote Lena as that one awesome person that you get closer to and find out that, oh, fucking hell, their politics do not align with yours. And not even on the big issues! You’re totally in-sync in the big issues! They just get the details wrong.
So, yes, Lena is the embodiment of my issues with white liberal feminists who fail ever-so-slightly at intersectionality, because so many of them would be so great!!! except I just cannot with the microagressions, holy hell.))  
Kent has absolutely no idea that Bitty and Elle, in the midst of Plan Seduce Kent & Val to Make Isolde Happy, have inadvertently fallen for him themselves.
“I do not believe this,” Bitty says, looking at Elle in stupefied horror. “You like her.”
“I don’t!” Elle protests, waving her tail frantically. “I just think she’s really nice to nap on!”
Bitty waves his arms, equally frantic. “That means you like her!”
Jack, in the meantime, is just. Conflicted. Like. What is he even supposed to feel? He’s glad that Bitty and Kent are becoming such surprisingly good friends, except it sort of hurts because Parse is still keeping him at an arm’s length, and now there’s not even the excuse of long distance, is there, if he’s so close to Bitty? It’s just Jack, isn’t it? He’s choosing not to be close to him, and Jack can’t blame him.
Still hurts, though.
Long story short—mutual pining, longing glances, the daemons (esp. Val) internally screaming ‘just get together already!!!’)
Then one day, while Kent is invited over to Jack and Bitty’s place in the summer
Val and Isolde are getting pretty cozy and close, but so are Elle and Val???? Kent doesn’t know what to make of this, other than he and his daemon are always super obvious about their feelings.
It’s probably just friendliness on Bitty’s part, though.
Don’t get your hopes up, Parson. Why do you always do this to yourself, Parson. You are such an idiot, Parson.
Bitty is just lounging in the living room one day, face-down on the couch dramatically de-compressing form the day as he recounts what went down at his work (a.k.a. he gossips shamelessly)
Someone shuffles closer to him, and sits on the couch next to him
He thinks it’s Isolde who jumped on the couch to be with him; she loves to cuddle; it’s the obvious assumption to make, honestly!!
It’s not Isolde
It’s Val
It’s Val, placing her head next to him
Bitty is just staring at Val at this point, his hand frozen in her fur as she stares back at him, both of them like deer in the headlights, lololol
Meanwhile, in the other room, Kent and Jack were just talking and chilling and low-key NOT-flirting when Kent cuts off in the middle of a sentence
Jack goes, “what’s wrong?”
Kent says, too fast to be believed, “Nothing.”
Jack, narrows eyes, suspicious, “whenever you say it like that, I know it’s something. Spit it out.”
Except Kent can’t just say that Jack’s boyfriend touched his daemon and now his heart is too warm for his body, can he?? Lbr, in-universe touching someone’s daemon is akin to touching somebody’s dick—like, it’s not always sexual or romantic necessarily but it usually is and it is ALSO definitely at that same level of intimacy, you feel??? Kent can’t just say that, oh my GOD
Except Bitty snaps out of it and starts yelling, “Oh my God! Oh my God I’m so SORRY I didn’t mean to DO THaT. OH MY GOD I thought you were ISOLDE.”
Kent and Jack slide into the room to find Bitty on his knees in front of Val, his hands raised like she’s got a gun pointed at him
Kent immediately tries to reassure him, “haha, it’s fine, dude, we didn’t mind”
“HOW CAN YOU NOT MIND,” Bitty yells
“YEAH,” Elle yells to second him
“Uh, no seriously, it’s fine???”
“No, but it’s not like you’re just anybody????”
Jack: wait what
Bitty: wait what
Elle: wait what
Kent: wait what
Val, exasperated: It’s fine. I liked it.
Jack, who knows what that means: O.O
Kent, who knows that Jack knows what that means: Val!! Why!!! WOULD YOU!!!! JUST SAY IT LIKE THAT!!!!! JESUS!!!!!!
Bitty: …does that mean what I think it means
Val, rolling her eyes: Yeah. Surprise! We like you!
Isolde: oh.
Jack: oh.
Val, hastening to reassure the other love of her life: We still like you, too, though, babe!!
Isolde: [pleased] Oh!
Kent: [stubbornly] well, I mean it like friends!!!!
Jack: [disappointedly] oh.
Elle: [suspiciously] …do you though
Kent: ………..ok, maybe just a little bit in the not-friends way
Also cue sex scene at this point, b/c that’s honestly how I roll ;) ;) ;)
Probs gonna end it with a cute epilogue of happy domesticity or something, because jeez did Val and Isolde and Elle earn it. :)
And ta-da! That’s the daemon fic in a nutshell, folks! Thanks for sticking it out this long, and if you want to see the fully-fleshed version of it, the link is here. :D
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porcupine-girl · 7 years
Fic I will write someday
Uh, the first version of this contained weird shit at the bottom, and Tumblr wouldn’t let me edit the post (maybe because of said weird shit?), so sorry for the repost...
I’m not allowed to really write any fic until my dissertation is done (so, September). After that I am going to write ALL THE FIC. However, even if I can’t write any of it down my brain is still churning it out.
Right now I’m taking a break from trying to understand how to interpret the results of multiple logistic regression (if anyone here knows, HELP PLEASE edit: I think I’m figuring it out), so I’m going to tell you guys about some of the fics I have either partially finished or like in outline/brainstorm form. Feel free to tell me which ones you think I should work on first!
My second FTH fic, the prompt was “social media witch Bitty.” I’ve taken that and combined it with the plot of the musical She Loves Me. The 45K first draft is done, but I’ve got a LOT of editing/rewriting to do. It currently sits around 48K. My top priority once I can focus on fic again.
A couple more stories for Oh., the compilation of alternate Jack/Bitty getting together scenes.
Random compilation of canon missing scenes (right after the kiss, in Madison, etc).
ABO: Jack and Bitty are both omegas and accidentally mate. Oops!
More in the A Lot Like Life ‘verse: some Bitty coming out to his parents stuff, some Bitty in Montreal stuff, plus lots of smut. We’ve got some sensory deprivation, some Bitty making Jack watch him dance with other guys at a club, some role reversal, and one doc titled “underwear” that just contains a text conversation of Bitty having a surprise for Jack and refusing to share details, which I’m guessing was going to involve Jack in panties? IDK, at some point there will be Jack in panties.
Academia AU: Jack is a first year Assistant Prof in the history department, Bitty is a 3rd(?maybe?) year grad student who is his TA for the fall. Bitty winds up dropping out of grad school, because I was working through my issues when I conceived this plot. Not because he had bad grades or anything, just because fuck academia. Anyhow, then they can date.
Woke up married in Vegas AU: What it says on the tin. Jack went to Samwell for two years then joined the Falconers, so didn’t meet Bitty there, but Shitty has been trying to get them together for years. So when Bitty is in Vegas for some kind of youtube awards or something, and Jack is there for a game against the Aces, they meet and hey, Shitty was right, they get along really well. Oops!
Jack hooks up with Camilla once at the start of his senior year. Three months later, he finds out she’s pregnant. She doesn’t want to have an abortion; she plans to give the baby up for adoption. Jack decides he wants to keep the baby, because his rookie year in the NHL needs to be more complicated. But his parents will help and he’ll get a nanny and stuff. Bitty, being Bitty, talks Jack into hiring him as his nanny for the summer. Because covering Jack with baking ingredients wasn’t enough, now he needs to see Jack taking care of a newborn
Okay I swear I’m going to finish Museum of Broken Relationships and The Breath Before the Phrase. Breath is… hm. I should have ended it where it is, but I thought I had one more chapter, but I’m not sure I actually do. There might be one more short chapter, or I might rewrite Ch 10 to tie it up. Either way, I actually have later stuff in the series written so I would really like to be able to move forward there.
ABO: Alternate S9, Kevin and Human!Cas are living in the bunker. Dean has to go off his suppressants to have a heat because he hasn’t had one in years and that’s not healthy. Surprise! Truemates! Who’dathunkit.
ABO Dean/Cas/Bela, Bela POV: Dean is an alpha, Cas is a beta, they’re mated. Cas can’t really handle Dean’s ruts, so they go to a sex club to find an omega when they need to. Bela has helped them out several times now. Although, this time she finds out that they aren’t quite who she thought they were.
Cas is a lecturer in religious studies at the University of Nebraska. He has a run-in with a crazy guy who tries to kill him. Two FBI agents show up to investigate; Cas discovers that their suspect, who definitely looks like the guy, is dead and they’re not FBI agents. He forces them to take him along to the grave desecration stuff, finds out it really was a ghost and the supernatural is real. Sam and Dean try to keep him from getting involved, but he’s a little shit and keeps popping up anyhow, at some point hooking up with Dean in the process. But Dean keeps pushing him away, won’t do it again. They finally give in and have their friend Charlie move in with him because at least he’ll have a babysitter if he insists on getting involved in all this shit. Then Rowena shows up, and things get really weird.
And Yet ‘verse (canon divergent D/s stuff): I actually have a story for this written, sitting there for like two years in need of editing. And an outline for a whole big series.
Academia AU: Yeah, another one. hahaha. Anyhow, I conceived of this like three years ago, then got stuck a few chapters in, I think because I just wasn’t a good enough writer to do the things I wanted. Maybe now I could finish it. Dean is a MechE PhD student, Cas is a first year Psychology Assistant Prof who needs a housemate.
Dean and Cas are MIT students who meet at a particular event. I’m not going to say more because I don’t want this post showing up on searches for particular terms (this fic would also be locked to AO3 members for that reason).
I just got my SPN ABO bingo card, so in addition to the two ABOs here you can count on a bunch more coming! I doubt I’ll get a blackout, but there will be at least 4-5 for a bingo.
I really wanna write Two/Nyx for Dark Matter.
Sherlock/Anthea pre-canon PWP that tried to grow a casefic plot so I gave up.
Sherlock/Sally pre-canon PWP, they meet at a college party and hook up
Started before S3 - John and Sherlock confess their feelings the morning of John and Mary’s wedding, which gets cancelled. They’re such assholes.
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petitloup · 7 years
@geniusorinsanity tagged me for the fic writer’s self rec which is very sweet though I FEEL BAD BECAUSE I’M NEW? I’m just posting my first fic and I kinda feel like that kid who transferred into your class in grade 11 and is a little late for the party, so to speak. Except I’m aware that I have a masters degree and that I’m in the Older Person Category of this fandom. Kinda.  SO I’m going to be giving y’all a link to my fic as well as 4 other amazing fics written by other omgcp writers. Sorry not sorry.
“Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers (◠‿◠✿)”
*note: these are in no particular order? just, like, five faves. so.
1) (I’ve got) fireflies where my caution should be (nursey/dex, e) (ao3)
Something in Dex’s jaw jumps, and he fidgets uncomfortably for a moment. “I was gonna ask if you wanted to come crash with me for a few weeks. You know. If you had nothing better to do.”
Nursey’s eyebrows have disappeared into his hairline. “Are you – I mean, I know you’re high but like. Brah. Are you serious?”
So this is my first fic for ao3, and I’m super overwhelmed at the feedback I’ve gotten from it. It’s your classic, trope-y “Maine for the Summer” fic that I needed in my life because things were getting hard. I’m a little bit of a binge-writer, so I admit to sacrificing quality for frequent postings. Unfinished, but feel free to leave me comments as I go!
2) streets a little kinder (when you’re home) by @geniusorinsanity (nursey-centric, implied pre-nursey/dex, t) (ao3) (tumblr)
Even as Derek hits the call button, he hears Dex’s voice in his head, telling him how privileged he is to be able to do this. All the same, he calls his mom, and when she picks up on the second ring, concern in her voice, he blurts out, “Can I come home for the weekend?”
I read this for the first time the other day and cried??? I grew up in new york, and I can’t explain how visceral the world building is. Also, shelly writes the most amazing version of nursey’s family I’ve ever seen. Obviously I’m a fan of nursey with anxiety, but the family interaction in this makes me want to weep. So lovely. Can’t recommend enough, honestly.
3) Little Sour Hearts by @omgericzimmermann (holster/esther s, g) (ao3)
The girl is wearing a candy stripe apron, and right as Holster walks into the shop, she makes a face like she’s just taken a bite out of a lemon.
“I can go,” Holster offers.
Branching out from my obvious otp, if you haven’t read Little Sour Hearts, I really sincerely wonder what you’re doing. Look, did you ask for a one-shot about Holster and Esther Shapiro? Probably not. But I promise - I PROMISE - this fic is WORTH it. Hayley also wrote Mechanics of Poetry, which is obviously well known, so I wanted to rec something else of hers because she Deserves It. 
4) Something Like This by @emmagrant01 (zimbits, m) (ao3)
Jack thought his first year in the NHL would be 100% about hockey, but the reality is so much more complicated. (AU where the Goodbye for the Summer comics didn’t happen, because I had already written 80K words of this. But just because it’s canon doesn’t mean we can’t still enjoy long, angsty, get-together stories, amirite?)
Kind of a classic for omgcp fans, I can’t imagine anyone not having heard about this one somewhere or another, but if you’re looking for a behemoth of a zimbits fic? Can’t recommend one more than this. Featuring possibly the best OMC characters I’ve ever read, and presenting a story I wish was it’s own damn comic, it’s so good, go read this immediately. And then leave comments all over the other works in the series because do I want to see more Taylor Whitton/Kent Parson writing? yes, yes I do. I am not ashamed. 
5) push me or just pull me by @dizzy-redhead and another person whose tumblr I can’t find, but is easy to find on ao3 through the link! (nursey/dex, m) (ao3)
In which the team is completely oblivious to the amount of sex Dex and Nursey are having... until they aren’t.
(aka: five times Dex and Nursey have sex in semi-public places and one time they don’t)
All right so I had to bring it in with some more of my otp, and I am gonna be honest, this is 500% smut. But come on, we’re all friends here, let’s not pretend we aren’t totally here for amazing smut writing, and I will say that dizzy-redhead and ahausonfire from ao3 did an AMAZING job with this. classic 5+1, with an actual plot and smut in every chapter! what more could you ask for?? 
EDIT: I found them! Or rather they found me. The second person working on this was @hmslusitania (@ahausonfire ?) who is also amazing, go give them some love too!
I would love to tag people but from seeing this all over my main tumblrs dash, I’m gathering that most of the tumblr authors I know have done this already! If you’re seeing this and want to fill it in, please please do - I always want to see new work! 
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marvel & fallout & ocs, oh my!
hey there!
my name is m! i’ve recently lost my usual rp partner so i’m searching for another. i’m super down for one on one, modern/slice of life kind of rps, as well as historical ones. i’m 21, i reside in the mountain timezone, and i really adore writing and i’d love to write with you. 
i’ve got a few fandoms? i’ll list who i play from each in italics. the more *s, the more i’d be down to write it. if there are no stars, it means you’ll probs have to convince me/have a good plot. not a lot but here they are:
** marvel cinematic universe - steve rogers, tony stark - fave pairings are steve/tony and tony/bruce
*** other marvel - carol danvers/captain marvel, logan howlett/wolverine, erik lensherr/magneto, kitty pryde/shadowcat - i usually pull from both comics & movies for these in order to create our own worlds - random ship i love is carol danvers/sharon carter
* bioshock 1 & 2 - atlas, frank fontaine, tennenbaum; sofia lamb, eleanor lamb - ocs are rad too 
*** fallout: new vegas - arcade gannon, the king, ceasar - hella open to ocs
** fallout 4 - paladin danse, elder maxson - also hella open to ocs
red dead redemption - i usually do ocs. 
** mafia 2 - vito scaletta
the man in the high castle - ocs, please! 
*with fandom rps i am totally open to writing aus together*
i want to craft an interesting story with you. something with twists and turns, that’s actively engaging and exciting!? i like to build worlds around our characters and throw things their way that challenge them and break them. i’m all for drama. pls. break my character’s heart. kick them when they’re down.
i do love a decent bit of romance oh my gosh. when it comes to ocs, i tend to write older males (25-50 years of age tends to be the range i write within) and i love playing against younger males or males of the same age. i will gladly write m/m and m/f, and while i haven't played f/f before, i'm super down. 
some plot ideas/genres? honestly, i’d much rather build plots/stories with you, but here’s a handful. *s for the role i’d prefer to play. here we go:
professor x student
*closeted politician x your oc 
’*other man’ x your married oc (might be cool if your oc was in a hetero marriage?)
veteran x civilian 
*cop x criminal/prostitute 
historical setting- preferably, the second world war
this is kinda hella out of left field but something revolving around small town/equestrian life, if anyone out there is still interested in these sorts of rps pleeease get in touch with me. 
another out of left field kinda topic; something based around the nhl/the lives of professional hockey players. you don’t have to have an extensive knowledge of hockey for this one as i certainly don’t, but i have a few plot ideas for this one that i’d love to pitch to you! 
that’s kind of just the tip of the iceberg though so if any of this is vaguely interesting please get in touch with me. i’m open to a lot of different topics, i’m not too interested in fantasy. i may be interested in very light supernatural elements (ghosts and shit lol) but not fantasy. 
i only write fully literate, past tense sorts of roleplays. all-lowercase is kept to ooc. grammar is hugely important to me. spelling mistakes are okay on occasion but please be writing at a college/uni level. please, please please write upward of 3-4 paragraph posts on average! of course different situations call for different post lengths but responses should be fully fleshed out. i want to get inside your character’s head and know what makes them tick!
i am also looking for something long-term. i will mirror your enthusiasm for an rp, so as long as you’re invested and active within it, i will be, too! it does hurt my feelings to have people drop their rps with me but if you need to take a break, i understand that as well. i strongly prefer if we at least post once a day or once every couple of days. i will lose interest if the rp is moving at a slow pace/you disappear on me. i am typically able to post at least once a day. i understand that life happens and if you need a break just let me know. 
i don’t really have any limits when it comes to smut or violence. i refuse to do anything regarding toilet play, but that’s about it. no furries/bestiality either. most of my ocs are vaguely kinky though i do have some harder kinks (choking, gagging, facial slapping) that may not fly with some people. just let me know what you’re comfortable with and i’ll stick to that! most of my rps have some sort of smut in them.
ideally, i’d also like to be your friendo outside of the rp. it’d be sweet if we could talk about our characters and get excited about the rp ooc. i find that some of the best plot developments come out of passing conversation, so i’d really like that! 
once i’m super invested in an rp i’ll make little playlists and talk for hours about headcanons and one shots with you aaaa. c: 
please invest in my character as much as i invest in yours. seriously, this is so important. i want to move you to tears with how amazing our writing is, and i’m hoping you’ll invest in me to the same degree! 
please shoot me an email at [email protected] . we can talk things over and then we can rp through either email or skype. i may be open to other methods too, if the plot’s good! 
i look forward to hearing from you c: 
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ameslore · 8 years
A-Z have fun dude
my dude
bless you ella
A- already answered!
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
tbh idk?
C - already answered!
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
i don’t have anything like that, actually. i either like a ship or i don’t.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
the chimney fic for the inception fandom’s 2016 secret saito. also the fic that fulfulled @drown-yourdarlings prompt about rose and lissa’s lehigh university experiences but that’s on my fanfiction.net account and let’s not talk about that........... right now or preferably ever
(rest is under the cut for length)
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
i’ve more or less been in the va fandom since... 2014?
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
see my answer to part (a)
(romitri was probably my first otp)
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
it used to be books, but i feel like there are so much unexplored depths in movies that it’s really to get inspiration for meta or fic, so nowadays it’s more movies.
I - already answered
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
the 00q fandom. of course i knew about james bond, but i hadn’t considered the ship
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
rose hathaway, vampire academy. over the course of six books and maybe ten months(?) she really found herself, got a lot more mature and self-confident
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
tasha ozera did not deserve what she got. she was a force of nature.
dominick cobb is a really fucking smart guy
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
the collective smh + lardo
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
for inception and 00q: more well-developed female characters. more poc. more woc. more screen time for all three.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
okay so haunted by beyonce always reminds me of arthur or q and I HAVE NO IDEA WHY BECAUSE THE SONG ISN’T REMOTELY RELEVANT TO EITHER OF THEM
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
okay i actually had this idea rolling around in my head for months. i’ve seen something kind of similar to my idea, but the premise is a little different-- “a little less sixteen candles”, arthur/eames, by osaki_nana_707 on ao3
just a sec. let me pull up my doc.
high school teacher-student CANON-DIVERGENT au except there’s no underage pedophilia because arthur’s not actually a minor, he’s a grownass man
so BASICALLY. arthur is part of running project somnacin with dom, mal, and stephen miles, but it gets shut down when the first soldier loses his grasp on reality and shoots himself in the head. topside. which is like, a mess for the military, so long story short everyone’s like “this is a NOPE program BYE”
after project somnacin gets shut down, dom, mal, and arthur open an architecture firm but arthur, who’s a beast at research and investigation and also knows shit about criminal justice (or is it criminology?), occasionally gets contacted by the military/sometimes the nsa/sometimes the cia to do consultant work.
by now arthur is twenty-four. he gets contacted by the military and it’s like “okay so someone may have stolen top secret files about project somnacin and because you know about the [highly confidential] project and you’re really good at investigative research we need you to help identify who this person is [spoiler alert: it’s our beloved thief and forger, eames], figure whether this information is in danger of getting leaked to the public, and all that good security shit??? we might need you to bring him in”
so arthur does his fancy-schmancy research, has a breakthrough and identifies a one mr. [first name redacted] eames, british ex-pat currently living in america and teaching english at a private high school.
due to his small frame and general twinkiness (i’m sorry but it’s true), arthur can pass for a seventeen or eighteen year old. SO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS? HE DECIDES TO ENROLL IN THE SCHOOL THAT EAMES TEACHES AT IN ORDER TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT EAMES. in rolls the teacher-student au
okay. that was a very long way to establish the premise of a fic, but anyway if anyone wants to write that because i am Tired and have no time, just tell me and i’ll be ecstatic
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
the carry on fandom, mostly because the big blogs stopped posting/moved onto other fandoms and the content generally dried up
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
i wrote a fic a couple months ago featuring adhd!arthur and adhd!eames. a genderfluid!eames fic is currently near completion. (i am so EXCITED)
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
*grabs my fucking megaphone*
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
arthur (inception), q (skyfall/spectre), eddie castile (vampire academy/bloodlines)
this is when you notice that i have a type: quiet bamfs who have been whumped by their fandoms quite hard
V - Which character do you relate to most?
arthur. my son my sun my heart.
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
“i wasn’t gay until i met you” or “i hate myself for being gay but loving you makes it feel better” because why do straight people think it works like that. also, not a fan of genderbending because the concept is inherently trans and nb exclusive, plus i kind of feel like it messes up the characterization.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
when both/all parties of the otp are absolute bamfs and surprise each other with their competency
and angsty soulmate aus. call me a cheesy, bright-eyed fucker but i love them so goddamn much
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
the NHL fandom (i do occasionally reblog stuff about the pens/marc-andre fleury onto my omgcp sideblog? and i watch a few games every once in a while but i’m not actively invested in it.)
also the yuri on ice! fandom. like i haven’t even watched ep. 12 but i’ll reblog a funny post about it every so often
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
please see all this inception meta that i have:
plot meta, character and plot meta, wardrobe meta
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