#ngl if warrior nun hadnt been cancelled i'd probably be over there rn
alicentsgf · 2 years
I’ve honestly been turned off by fans of both teams at this point. I find most of team black annoying and most of team green at this point acts no different. Other than the constant childish arguing, I’ve see a barrage of passive aggressive post against both actors and characters. Some who aren’t even on the show yet. Daenaera? I don’t get that. Atleast 5 people have long rants posted about this girl. People starting annoying shipping wars and hating on female characters over the males it’s ridiculous. This happens in every fandom but it’s turned up to max over here. When the season ended a user posted a drawing mocking Rhaena crying at Laena’s funeral with hundreds of likes and I just knew I would end up not supporting either side. I’m put off by the fandom and I’m just here for the plot.
I fully commiserate anon... the culture is sometimes more toxic than the sw fandom in 2017 and i had grown adults trying to doxx me back then lmaaoo. I really suggest everyone who wants to stick around (and i understand why people wouldnt) just blocks frequently and for the most minor reasons it doesnt even matter if the only reason 'bad vibes' just block away (tho its a struggle on mobile with a side-blog... thats the issue i've been having). I totally get wanting to engage I love to argue as much as the next bitch but its literally never worth it.
I thought about abandoning this blog approx 5 times yesterday fr. I had shit on my posts, dumbasses in my inbox, even blogs i like were beefing on one of my posts. Thats bad form guys. Really bad form. Especially fun to have that all happening on my birthday lol. But unfortunately I also really like talking about this stuff and I have some great mutals and followers I don't want to give up...
So, for now at least, I'm just gonna continue to curate who i interact with heavily, not take things too seriously, and not let myself feel like I owe anyone anything. I suggest everyone else do the same if they want to stick around and stay moderately sane. And for gods sake stay off twitter.
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