#news flash: we're not your fuckin' maids and we're not your fuckin' Uber drivers
axewchao · 2 years
Is that relative gone?
Unfortunately, no.
Left for a bit then came back. I don't have all the details, but it sounds like he'll be crashing here for... who knows how long? Or at the very least he'll be here when he's got nowhere else to fuck off to.
Which means I'll have to deal with his mere presence, his friend (who seems chill but I don't like unfamiliar people coming in the house for what I assume are obvious reasons), and that god-awful weed smell.
Combine that with his younger sister's loud, obnoxious, neverending phone calls with her own friends (she's like... I dunno, middle school age), and the overall sloppy nature of both of them (mostly the sister; every time she shows up she leaves food everywhere and it pisses me off) and you've basically got hell on earth.
Pray for me, anon. Pray for me and my sanity.
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