#new white noise sleeping audio just dropped y'all
amayalul · 1 year
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artificialqueens · 8 years
Throwing Books At Poorly Constructed Walls (Bitney) -Lemonade
AN: Based on the prompt: “We live in adjacent apartments/hotel rooms and our bedrooms are on opposite sides of a very thin wall and one night I heard you crying and talked to you through the wall.” I think I deviated a bit from the original idea, but it laid the foundation for this fic. Most of the italics = inner monologue. Hope you guys enjoy!!! (also sorry to biadore shippers i got y'all next time) 
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Roy rolled his eyes, head falling back in frustration. “Does this kid ever take a fucking break? This is the fifth day in a row.” He sputtered under his breath as he stomped angrily across his bed room floor. “Hey, douchebag!” Roy pounded his fist against the dingy white wall. “These walls are paper fucking thin; You’ve kept me up for the past week, asshole.” There was a fleeting moment of silence which fooled Roy into thinking he’d actually be getting some sleep tonight. Keep going, was huffed out on the opposite side of his wall before the obnoxious moaning continued louder than before. Roy’s mouth dropped open. Now he was certain that his new neighbor was put on this earth for the sole purpose of making his life a living hell with a porno playing in the background. So for the fifth day in a row, Roy gathered up his pillows and blankets, headed for the living room couch. He was sure to throw the closest item, a book he never had the time to read, against the wall before exiting.
“Oh hell no.” The gross moaning almost everyday was one thing, but this? Absolutely not. Roy would rather have a constant audio loop of the Australian’s sexual escapades playing in his ear for the next five years than hear his shrill singing for the next five minutes. The blond was pulled out of his bubble as, yet again, his bitter old neighbor banged violently against his wall. “Would you shut the fuck up?! Seriously, are you incapable of being quiet for a millisecond?” Shane scoffed.
“Are you incapable of not complaining for a millisecond? You’ve been beating on my wall every goddamn day since I moved in!”
“Because you never shut up!”
“I can make all the noise I’d like to! It’s my apartment, I pay just as much rent here as you do.”
Shane heard an unknown object being tossed against their wall from the opposite side. “And throwing shit like a child isn’t going to solve anything.” He jumped as a heavier item was thrown.
It had to be a miracle. No sex noises. No singing. Just quiet. Peace and quiet. Roy pondered for a brief moment why exactly that was. Had he finally gained enough decency to not bring his hookups back home with him, keeping Roy up to all hours of the night? Was he just waiting until Roy got comfortable in bed before blowing him out of the water with some odd combination of his high pitched singing and kind of sexy, a hundred percent annoying moans and whimpers? Had he just dropped dead? Whatever the case may be, Roy wasn’t going to let this rare taste of serenity slip from his grasp. He hurriedly prepared for bed, hoping to be asleep before Shane inevitably started up his antics again.
Roy got in a few hours of sleep, admittedly more than he expected, before being awoken by his crude neighbor. He tossed and turned, attempting to ignore the sounds he was far too into unconsciousness to truly register. He danced on the line of slumber, ultimately giving up any chance of falling back to sleep when the racket emitting from the adjacent room grew more unsettling. Was he…crying? That was a new one.
Roy contemplated if he should even say anything. They hadn’t exactly been cordial to each other since Shane moved in. The sobbing grew more worrisome, no matter how malevolent Roy could come across he didn’t enjoy seeing (or hearing) anyone in distress. He knocked on the wall this time, a stark contrast to the usual aggressive pounding. A sniffle was audible through the thin structure. “What?” Shane answered with a sharp edge to his tone. Can’t this guy leave me alone for once? “I wanted to know if you were okay.” God, I try to be nice for once in my life and I get attitude in return. “I can hear you crying over there.” Oh, Shane thought. He felt embarrassed, more so by the standoffish way he first responded to Roy when he was only being kind, or the fact that Roy actually heard him crying, he wasn’t sure. Probably an even mixture of the two.
He swallowed down the growing lump in his throat, trying desperately to build a convincing facade before answering again. “I’m fine.” Shane croaked out, voice breaking at the last second. Totally believable Shane, great job. He internally rolled his eyes at himself. “That’s a load of shit.” Roy was quick to call him out. He could literally hear him crying, what was the point of lying to him? “Boohooing alone in your room isn’t going to solve anything. Tell me what’s wrong.” Roy always had this protective instinct. He if knew someone was struggling, he had to help. He tried to push it down as much as he possibly could, though it was a futile effort for the most part. Roy Haylock just had to accept that, he was in fact, a decent human being with a heart of gold.
“I’m lonely.” Shane blurted out. He felt idiotic the moment he did. What he felt was valid, he knew that, but something about saying it out loud made him feel almost juvenile. “You don’t seem very lonely.” Roy couldn’t help but to crack a joke. A heart of gold that may be a little insensitive at times. He was working on it. Shane rolled his tear filled eyes. “That’s just sex…” He trailed off.
Silence filled the rooms. Roy wondered if he offended the man with his poorly timed joke. He figuratively kicked himself in the ass for it. You’ve got to stop doing that. Not everybody copes the way you do. “Everyone I care about is back in Australia.” Shane’s voice cut through the grueling quiet. Roy’s eyes darted up at the sound, thankful he hadn’t added to his anguish. “I came here, and I’m making less money than I did when I was eighteen, living in a rat hole of an apartment.” We live in the same apartment building, asshole. “It’s wearing on me. I don’t want to go home and have to say I couldn’t make it, but staying here seems more daunting everyday.”
Roy could hear the pain and disappointment laced in Shane’s words; It made him want to engulf the man in the largest, warmest hugs he could ever give someone. His feelings for Shane were quite literally changing overnight. If someone told Roy he’d feel anything other than a deep seeded hatred for his disruptive, discourteous neighbor he would have thrown up on their shoes. “Look, why don’t you come to my show tomorrow night?” It was the oldest cliché in the book, but Roy wholeheartedly believed laughter was the best medicine. He’d lost track of how many times someone came up to him after a gig saying that for a few hours he provided an escape for them, that they had forgotten all of their problems temporarily and laughed without a care in the world. Shane seemed like he could use that.
“Show? What do you do?” Oh that’s right, I hated him up until ten minutes ago. He knows virtually nothing about me. “I’m a comedian.” Shane found that…interesting. He didn’t know much about the man in the opposite apartment, but comedy was the absolute last career field he’d guess he was in. Professional pain in the ass seemed more likely–Or a school librarian. Roy shushed him through a wall everyday; Shane could perfectly picture him doing it to a rowdy group of high school students.
“I’ll slip the address under your door in the morning.” Roy added.
“Sounds good.”
Silence fell over them once again. They both wondered if the other had fallen asleep.
“Yeah, Shane?”
“If you really want to thank me you’ll be quiet for the rest of the night and let me sleep.”
What a cunt. I think I actually like him.
The next morning Shane found a piece of paper under his door as Roy promised. He was almost expecting the previous evening to have been a prank, or some hallucination brought on by extreme sadness. Anything seemed more probable than his perpetually disgruntled neighbor actually trying to cheer him up.
Shane briefly scanned the note, realizing Roy wrote more than an address:
I perform under Bianca, not Roy.
The opening act starts at 10:30, I go on a little after 11:00.
You should try to make the opening act. The kid’s extremely talented, he’s a singer too (though he doesn’t keep me up all night singing spice girls songs on the top of his lungs). I’ll introduce you to him after the show.
Though Shane rolled his eyes at the comment, he had to admit he was excited to meet this “extremely talented” singer. He would be excited to meet anyone new, really. He hadn’t exactly made friends since moving to America a few months ago. Still, all his curiosity laid with Roy–Bianca? He couldn’t picture him up on stage making people laugh instead of throwing books at poorly constructed walls.
What an interesting turn of events. Just two days ago Roy had been scolding Shane through the wall that divided them, now Shane was sitting at a bar waiting to see Roy perform, as per Roy’s request. He ordered a drink and waited for this opening act that Roy insisted on him not missing.
“Please welcome to the stage, Adore Delano!” This must be it. Shane couldn’t decide if Adore was a woman or just a really pretty dude in a wig, but that was hardly important. Roy was right, the kid was talented. Shane had been completely enthralled by their performance. Adore had a beautiful energy that washed over the entire room, lighting Shane up right away, before Roy–Bianca even came on stage. By the end of Adore’s set Shane was about ten times more excited to meet them. What if they’re dating? The out of the blue, unwanted thought seeped into Shane’s mind. So what if they’re dating? I don’t like Roy like that, why am I even thinking about this? But did he like Roy? He had to admit, Roy even bothering to check on him last night caused an odd feeling of warmth towards the practically-stranger. Then being invited here, given a glimpse into his life, made him feel more connected to Roy than he ever thought possible. Hm, maybe I do like him.
“Please welcome to the stage, Bianca Del Rio!” The hosts voice shook Shane from his thoughts, his complete attention turning to the stage, awaiting to meet this ‘Bianca’ character. When she stepped out, Shane noticed two things right away: the roar of the crowd and how polar opposite to Adore she was. She wasn’t traditionally pretty like Adore, but still weirdly beautiful in her own unique way. She wore a royal blue gown that hugged her body perfectly, making Shane’s mouth go dry. Adore had on ripped tights, a black thong, and a crop top; just one look at Bianca convinced Shane that he’d never have the pleasure of seeing her in something like that.
Bianca’s set had to be at least an hour long, but time flew when you were having fun and Shane was sure he hadn’t laughed as hard as he did tonight in years. His cheeks stung by the end of the show. Bianca was…hateful. An insult comic. Shane should have guessed that Roy would make a living taking the piss out of people. “Hey!” Bianca’s voice cut through the intense buzz of the bar as she crept up behind Shane, embracing him in a quick hug that she wanted to give him last night. “What’d you think?” Why do you care what he thinks, Roy? You’ve never given a shit about what anybody thinks before. "Eh.” Bianca’s face dropped and Shane cackled at how utterly broken he appeared in that moment. “I’m just fucking with you. You were incredible, I haven’t laughed so much in my life.” Bianca’s glorious smile returned. Mission accomplished, Roy thought. God, those dimples are adorable, and I haven’t even seen his ass yet. “I’m gonna go take this shit off,” Roy leaned into him, Shane’s eyes falling to the expertly painted ruby lips. Why is he doing this to me? “I’ll be back in a few minutes. I’ll bring out Adore so you can meet her too.” Bianca turned to the bartender. “Get him a drink on me, Matt.” The guy nodded. “Sure, B.” Bianca patted Shane’s shoulder before plunging into the crowd. His eyes following her until she was no longer visible.
“You know,” the bartender began as he made Shane’s drink. “it’s really cool to see Bianca with someone. She seems like a hard ass, but she’s a real softie under all that bullshit.” Shane felt his heart drop in disappointment. “Is she dating Adore?” Shane inquired. Why. Do. You. Care? His inner voice berated him. The quizzed look on the young man’s face told Shane no before he did. So who? “Oh, I’m sorry, a-are you two not together?” Me? Why would he think I was Roy’s boyfriend? I’ve only know him properly for a day. “Absolutely not, I can’t stand the cunt.” Shane brushed off the suspicion. “Sorry,” the bartender handed Shane his drink. “it’s just the way you two look at each other.”
“Hurry up!” Danny threw a pillow from the couch he was sitting on at Roy as he peeled away Bianca. “I wanna meet your boyfriend.” Oh god, here we go. Roy hadn’t had a proper boyfriend in years, he hadn’t even brought a guy back home just for the night in months. It was so rare for Roy to have a person around, that when he did, all of his coworkers were immediately down his throat about every last detail.
“He’s not my boyfriend.”
Roy tossed the pillow back in Danny’s face.
“He could be.”
Roy shot Danny a look that made him sink back into his seat.
“I’m just saying Roy, don’t be all cynical and ruin something before it even has the chance to happen. Let yourself be happy for once.”
Roy rolled his eyes. “You’re being a little dramatic, don’t you think? I barely know him. In fact, I hated him until twenty four hours ago.”
Danny shrugged his shoulders “So? You hated me at first too, we even got into that huge fight, remember? Now you love me.” He teased.
Roy was silent.
Shane was definitely his type, he could admit that, but what else was there? No, seriously Roy, what else is there? That was the problem: the most Roy knew about Shane was that he sung the spice girls on the top of his lugs at two in the morning, and his moaning was the sexiest (though annoying from a neighbors standpoint) sound he had ever heard. I wouldn’t mind being the one making him whimper like that. He knew he felt some sort of need to comfort him, to make him feel better. Then there was this strange want to impress him with his act tonight. And, truth be told, he did enjoy having someone in the audience watching just for him.
“You brought him here because he was sad. You never do anything nice for someone you genuinely hate.”
Shane and Danny hit it off immediately, finding their common ground in their love of music. The trio looked like old friends catching up, rather than strangers getting to know each other. Shane wasn’t half bad, Roy found out. The more they spoke the more he enjoyed being in his company. He had the same dry humor as Roy, and could keep up with his banter. Shane wasn’t as shocked as to find out Roy was fairly decent, he had already decided he liked him before coming out tonight. Maybe a little more than he’d actually admit to.
Roy and Shane took a lyft back to their apparent complex, neither were drunk, but far too buzzed to even think about driving themselves home. A comfortable silence had fallen over them as they walked back to their individual residence. Roy couldn’t have been more surprised at the way things were playing out. The two were getting in fights every day without even being in the same room, but once they got together it felt like they could have be best friends their whole life. “I had a really good time tonight, thank you. I needed it.” Roy chuckled. “What, did you think you’d have an awful time with me?” Shane narrowed his eyes at him. “Why do you always do that? Make everything a joke when someone’s trying to be sincere?”
Roy didn’t answer.
Good going Shane, call him out on a character flaw. That’ll really show him you like him.
Good going Roy, make him angry with you. That’s a great foot to start off on.
“I’m sorry.” They spoke in unison. The laughter erupting between them helping to break up the awkward tension. “I am really glad you enjoyed yourself tonight.” Roy said seriously. A soft smile bloomed on Shane’s face. Okay, he is pretty fucking adorable.
Roy thought back on what Danny said earlier that night, about not ruining a good thing before it even had the chance to start. He thought about how Danny only wanted the best for him, and how he would never give him advice he wasn’t a hundred percent sure of.
Shane was cute. Shane had a good sense of humor. Roy liked Shane.
Shane thought back on the plummet his heart took when he guessed Roy and Danny might have been dating. He thought back on the bartender, someone who must have known Roy for years, suspecting they were together just by the way they gazed at each other.
Shane didn’t have to think about it anymore, he had decided pretty early on in the evening, he liked Roy.
The two leaned into each other, neither anticipating the move from the other. Shane’s hand rested on Roy’s jaw, Roy’s arm snaked around Shane’s waist, yanking him closer to his body. The kiss came as second nature, as if they had lip locked a hundred times before. Roy’s lips had been softer than Shane expected them to be, they were perfectly plump and driving him mad.
Roy caught Shane’s lips in a series of pecks before finally letting them go. They stay pressed together, drunk on the moment with lust pumping through their veins. Shane reached behind him, grabbing for the door knob to his apparent.
“Would you like to come in?”
“I’d love to.”
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