#new beverage concepts for events
coconutmr · 1 year
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londondungeon2 · 9 days
concept with jade leech.
as most colleges do, NRC has a weekly newspaper that is run by the student body.
though one would imagine someone as busy as jade leech would never pick it up, he happens to routinely pick it up every monday in the lobby where they are put on display. he reads through all of it, thoroughly and carefully.
there are a multitude of reasons for this: mostro lounge sometimes puts articles in the paper about new menu items (as vice-housewarden, jade always double-checks their formatting); he likes to be alert about the by-and-by at his college (as vice-housewarden, it’s opportunistic to see what events may happen or what poor unfortunate soul might need a little help in the ‘anonymous student grievance’ section); and lastly, he had found himself enthralled by this new running comic strip at the start of his second year.
it seems to be two completely different artists who are running this new newspaper section.
one works in logical fallacies and bizarre humor; the drawings are crude and very sketch-like; jade has found himself biting a smile at some of the satire sprinkled in.
the second works in baroque influences; there is no humor found within it and it is very mature in ornate detail; jade particularly likes a certain strip where a sentient mushroom fuses with a human body, creating something lovecraftian.
though not a fan of ‘manga’ like azul’s fellow club member and ignihyde housewarden and not a good artist like his brother, jade finds himself looking forward to the comic strips on page thirteen at the start of his monday class.
so, when he sits down in his first period, thermos full of pu-erh black tea and a good five minutes left before the bell rings, a frown cross his face when he finds that page thirteen is absent of a certain section.
it’s a bit … odd.
as there are two different artists, should not the other one pick up the slack when the other is out of commission? one person cannot fulfill duties flawlessly. that is why NRC has a system of housewarden and vice-housewarden. by having two artists, one can ensures there is always going to be a weekly comic strip.
while only a bit disgruntled, jade decides to overlook this slip of management, only slightly knocked out of his rhythm in unnoticeable ways.
except next week again, there is no comic strip.
this time is surprising.
that section had done particularly well for getting the newspaper’s revenue up. as the son of a ‘businessman’, jade always notices the little things. the stack in the student lobby has been a bit lower in the past months; something anyone can equate to the new inclusion of this comic strip — more people are buying the product because it has something of new value in it.
they would surely be losing money because of this sectional cut? is the artist sick? why has the other one not taken up the helm?
the third week it happens, jade finds himself momentarily vexed. at lunch, floyd pulls the newspaper out of jade’s binder and asks annoyed, ‘hey why did they cut the comics??’ jade is wondering the same sentiment.
have these two people conspired together to rid him of his morning entertainment? no, that’s an utterly ridiculous notion … but it does not stop jade from being so thoroughly annoyed.
it is not like he needs that particular part of page thirteen. but it feels like something has been stolen from him. it is not often that he finds a person who shares his love for surrealist humor and surrealist horror. the loss gnaws at him.
on the third monday, clocking into his night shift at the mostro lounge, jade finds you — the ramshackle prefect — biting the straw of your drink to death, not an inch of the foaming drink drunk. you seem to be very enthralled with a piece of paper. but much like how you have not drank your beverage, the paper is blank and there is nothing to be enthralled with. always the observer, jade thinks you look … empty.
it is not jade’s most favored expression on you, but he still likes viewing each part of you — much like observing the value scale! one needs to understand each part of it or the jump in tones with leave to an ugly, incorrectly shaded artwork.
however, before he can make his way over to you, jade watches as you crumple up the paper and slam down a thaumark for a beverage you did not drink and storm out of mostro lounge like someone has just personally insulted you and you’re making a swift escape.
though it is not the table he is charge of waiting, jade picks up the cash all the same and clears the table of your existence. he takes a sip from your bitten straw. runs his ungloved hand over the plush leather of your booth just to feel the warmth of where you sat. yet, as he slipping the glove back on his hand and setting down your drink, something in the discord of empty papers happens to catch his attention.
having already snooped around in your business before — sometimes you have caught him, other times you have not — jade feels no guilt in picking up the piece of paper. his eyes widen comically when he takes in the sight of that baroque-influenced artwork (this piece depicts a sleep paralysis demon with furry hands and crowning horns) paired right next to crude, sketch-like figure (a man with only nine simple circles to make up his body).
well, now he knows who to hassle.
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i-starcreamed · 2 years
Ayye another transformers blog!! Hello! :D
Could you write a oneshot about Swerve meeting the human liaison? Like they both have similar personality traits and Swerve just freaks out with excitement? Nonbinary reader please so they/them pronouns
HEYY so excited for my first request, hello fellow tf blog :D
jhsdbjc i am so normal about Swerve btw, i love him
Swerve x Human Liaison!reader
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You were beyond excited to be on a giant ship full of Cybertronians, when Rodimus first briefly introduced you to the crew you couldn't help the wide grin on your face as you looked around. Here you were, the first and only human liaison on the Lost Light. A human! And you get to work on a starship! All that studying and overworking yourself back at your organization had been worth it, you think, since it gave you the chance to really see these beings up close. By up close, you meant having to crane your neck up if you weren't on someone's servo.
You were currently on Chromedome's servo as you traveled through the ship's long and extending halls, Rewind was close beside their partner. You were busy answering what seemed like hundreds of questions from Rewind, him claiming it was a "historical and monumental" event that just had to be recorded. You happily answered though, a smile on your face as you went on about your home planet. Suddenly as you all turned the corner, the sound of laughter and talking filled your ears. It wasn't hard to spot the commotion, not at all. Loud voices came from a specific part of the ship. The noises sounded rather... excited? Or rather, one specific voice overpowered all the rest. This piques your curiosity as you gesture that way.
"Wait wait Chromedome, what's over there?!"
"Hm? Oh, this would be Swerve's. And er, that's Swerve over there, the barkeep." Chromedome entered the bustling room, immediately you realized oh, this is a bar. A cybertronian bar. Your wide eyes scan all the different glowing, bubbling beverages with amazement. They looked extremely toxic to your system but tempting, you were ready to ask all about that.
Rewind chuckled. "He's the chatterbox of the Lost Light. Can't get him to shut up- well, you can do it, I have, but he won't stay shut up. I think you'll like him actually."
Swerve was in the bar, doing the only thing he knows how to do: talking and serving drinks. To a group of a few bots in particular. As you neared the front counter, you could finally make out the words they spoke.
"Do you understand how terrifying the concept of infinity is? I mean, it's, like, INFINITE, but then again, what ISN'T infinite, you know? What I'm trying to say is that-" The red minibot suddenly paused as he saw Chromedome and Rewind out of the side of his optics, with a wide grin on his face he opened his mouth to greet them. Then he saw something move on Chromedome's servo, Swerve did a full body double take as he saw you holding onto Chromedome. He's heard all the news about you, sure, but seeing you in person?! That was entirely different. "Wait wait wait wait wait, wait! You're real?! Like- really real- like you're- a human?" He gasped, suddenly running over to the three of you. His exciting nature seemed to only increase yours. You suddenly lurched forward, hanging onto the edge of Chromedome's servo in order to see the mini-bot more clearly. (which almost gave Chromedome a spark-attack)
"Yep yep yep, I'm real and human! I can't believe you're real though, oh my gosh. You have no idea how unbelievable it feels to be working with you guys. It's been less than a day- wait, I think? How do you keep track of time out here?" You hummed, then shook your head, dismissing the thought. Swerve on the other hand was absolutely exhilarated.
"OHMYGODOHMYGOD. You're actually speaking! I've heard all about you! This is incredible. This is wonderful. What an honor, oh- Are you hungry? Thirsty? Do you drink alcohol? Wait, don't answer, it's a dumb question, of course you drink alcohol. Wait, should I not say that? Probably right, not every human drinks. Wait, what if- wait, just, hey! What's your name?"
Chromedome attempted to escape the both of you by setting you down on the ground, in a split second you let out a yelp when you were swiped up by a red servo and placed on the counter. To your luck, you were now about the height of the mini-bot. You weren't at all startled by his babbling.
"The name's (Y/N), and I've gotta say, this place is in-cre-di-ble! I had no idea cybertronians even drank alcohol. Which means you can get drunk too...is this stuff toxic to humans by any chance?" You tapped one of the square glasses to your right, the glass itself was a bit shorter than you were with a red, luminescent liquid inside. Swerve hummed, under the visor, his optics glanced from the high-grade energon to you and back. "Well, for now it is. But, don't think it'll stay that way for long. I've done my fair share of research on what humans can and can't consume..you know, just in case." Suddenly his visor seemed to light up, he just remembered something.
"OHH OH OH, okay so, I was reading an article about humans...is it true that you shed? Is that why you're so soft?" The bot asked with an excited grin, leaning down towards you. You let out a loud laugh and leaned against the glass. A nearby bot gasped in the background, the glass in their hand was almost dropped on the floor.
"They can do that?!"
"Not now, Trailcutter I need to hear their response!"
Just wait till you tell them about...uh, everything
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sharuruwrites · 2 years
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Goodbye. I am not your soulmate.
It’s heart-breaking, but I can’t deny reality,
Still, leaving your side is so hard.
-Pretender by Official Hige Dandism
Tags: Dazai x Fem!Reader, Dazai cranks up his self-loathing to a 100, hurt, break-up, angst, Dazai longing, before the events of entrance exam and after events of Port Mafia, Unedited
Disclaimer: I don't own BSD.
It was a silent morning in your apartment when Dazai uttered this words to you, his girlfriend of two years.
“Let’s break-up.”
Despite the indifferent tone in his voice, your expression didn't change as you silently drank your tea. Were you too shocked to process this information? Or, perhaps you knew you'll be parting ways with him?
You gently placed the cup down on the tea saucer, before meeting your soon-to-be ex's gaze. "If you truly want me to bawl my eyes out, you shouldn't have warned me in the first place, Osamu."
Before fate pushed you two to meet, Dazai recently passed his entrance exam as the new detective for the agency, and to celebrate his success, he chose to go to Lupin. And at that bar, you were there, drinking by yourself. After few exchange of glasses and, he found himself fascinated with you.
“Wanna go out?”‌ You asked, lazily tracing the lid of your glass. "I'm serious about it."
Dazai looked down at his alcoholic beverage. He didn't know you well enough for him to warrant to have a relationship with you, but neither do you. If he pursued this relationship, maybe you would help him understand more about humanity.
“Sure,”‌ Dazai smirked. “Although I agree to it, I just want to give you a heads up that our relationship will be short lived and one-sided.”
True to his words, he had the front row seats of his love story turning into a one-man show ran by you. What he didn’t expect, you stood by his side for the past two years. He couldn't pinpoint on what made you stay, but he liked to think that it had something to do with his love for dramatic flair. Afterall, you were just there whenever he needed someone to lean on. You never failed him. Because of it, he learned how to fall for you.
Except, him on the other hand, he lost count on the many times he knew you're disappointed on him. At first, he thought of many ways he could make up for it by showering you with gifts and affections. However, the moment you nursed him back to health from the annual flu, it became clear to him that you were never meant to be his.
Dazai Osamu was never gonna be your soulmate, because of how selfless you were. Perhaps, for the first time in his life, he feared the concept of 'us' between you and him, especially with his dark past and his line of work. He rather have you be well and alive, instead of fearing the possibility of you dying for him.
It was a strange idea for him to come into terms with it which it took him another 365 days to accept it. He always yearned to die with a beautiful lady like you next to him, but, his love for you wished that it wasn't you.
“I'm sorry, love.”‌
Like always, his apologies were devoid of life and meaningless. You never flinched away or got mad at him for it. It made him wonder why you're indifferent with his aloofness. Maybe you're aware of his shortcomings, or your too blinded by your love for him.
"What's there to apologize for?" You got up from your seat, before grabbing your used dishware. "It was nice while it lasted."
After what it felt like an eternity, he had to go and get ready for his mission in the afternoon. He left your spare keys to your apartment at the coffee table, and you assured him that you would drop his stuff at his place later in the day. All that's left of him was to open the door in front of him and leave.
But, his feet was cemented on the carpet floor like it was telling him not to leave. He already accepted the reality it wasn't you on his side at the end, but why does his heart kept trying to deny the truth?
“Osamu?" He looked behind, and saw you tilted your head to the side. "What's wrong?"
Dazai gently cupped your cheek with his hand, and his thumb brushed against your skin. He noticed three things immediately that brought a small smile to his lips. Your eyes were getting watery and red. Your temperature was unexpectedly hot. Lastly, the sudden stillness of your breath as if you have forgotten how to breathe after he touched your face.
A question popped in his head. Were you putting that strong facade for the both of you?‌ Or, to convinced yourself not to look pathetic in his goodbye?
Your warmth, your laughter, and the sound of his name from your voice, he wanted all of them ingrained it into his memory. He knew he’s a selfish and cruel man who loathe life itself, but…for once in his life, he wished he could change.
And, If he had the power to choose a life line, he would choose a different version of himself with a different set of personality and morals. Yet, it made him wonder if you still love him despite him being an entirely new person. He wished he could say 'I love you' to you without any repercussions.
But, his wishes and playing around the scenarios of what-if's were all in vain as you were another chapter in his life that he needed to move on from.
“I don’t…want to forget you that’s all…” Dazai took a deep breath before he smiled bittersweetly at you. "You're still beautiful that it made me left breatheless."
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jils-things · 9 months
◆↬ jaide e. stone ; profile↫◆
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[ pre i/ii - rgb arc - aged 0-18] (may change)
◆↬ jaide is a self-taught aprijuice merchant. she started when she was quite young - she liked to collect apricorns with her teddiursa and was quite fond of roller-skating to maximize the apriblender's juicing proficiency.
◆↬ she picked up on this trade when her mother introduced this concept to her which was still new at the time, and enjoyed this as a hobby before turning it into a profession
◆↬her childhood companions consisted of; teddiursa, hoppip, and ralts (all evolved as years go by). she is strictly not a trainer, but has practiced basic pokemon battle conduct
◆↬ jaide is an older sister to a sibling named gold, with an age gap of 8 years.
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◆↬as kids, they were an interesting duo. while they were quite the tough kids, they have their own styles in projecting it (his actions / her words). gold took an interest in skateboarding to copy her roller-skating tendencies
◆↬she wasn't exactly the same as her adult counterpart. she was a little rough around the edges and sometimes played hard with her words. she isn't the type to fight, but she knew how to get around people older than her and she was rarely afraid. she was fast, charismatic and somewhat smug
◆↬ jaide was gifted with an interesting skill to be able to read other pokemon's natures, almost psychic-like thanks to her kirlia who was able to steer her guesses in the right path. this would later be very useful when aprijuice would be popular in the pokeathalon games in allowing pokemon improve their performance in the multitude of sports*
*(this is aligned with the game mechanic where several drinks have different results with consideration on the nature of the pokemon drinking it and flavor of the drink)
◆↬most people buy her drinks because it actually refreshes the pokemon - but what customers don't know is the underlying magic it does when you mix the right flavor with the right nature/personality of pokemon. that's what fascinates her the most. this can only be achieved because of her good perception of pokemon natures.
◆↬jaide wanted to make it a point that her aprijuice business would expand beyond johto - her personal reason being to introduce the beauty of it. she sees aprijuice production as an intricate way to create natural beverages (and not artificial) for pokemon. (which admittedly, is a commonplace in johto. i.e: kurt and his pokeball production)
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[ gsc - oras arc - aged 19-25+ ] (most present frame)
◆↬jaide becomes more mild and calm in her personality due to maturity and events that occured in gsc, though she still retained the cheeky personality but it would be more sly and vague. and being a mom. of course /lh
◆↬meeting steven was definitely a curveball thrown at her direction because he's one of the rare people who can see through her cheeky facade. it's common for them to have interesting back and fourth that either sounded smart or really flirty. only they know really.
◆↬after officially being renamed to his family name, she treats aprijuice making as a hobby instead, she passes her knowledge to ruby and this helped him indulge in making pokeblocks. while it's hoenn's equivalent to her juice, she doesn't mind it as long as he's learning something.
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trivia ;
- her pokemon team consists of: (old to recently joined)
gardevoir, ursaring, jumpluff, glaceon (previously eevee), solrock, aron
- it's a bit of a running gag with new bark town's population that jaide and gold are the kids with the worst natural bed hair /lh (it's just like that)
- jaide and gold loved to skate together in the national park as kids
- the e. in her maiden name is evergreen
- goldenrod city her favorite landmark since it's the most modernized section of johto. definitely likes shopping there
- jaide doesn't skate anymore, but if she were in a floor of ice, (usually caused by her glaceon), she probably would skate a little. just for old time's sake.
- jaide has met all the johto and hoenn dexholders + only red from kanto. (mt silver incident) she has never personally seen blue, green and yellow but only through others' accounts of them
- she is right-handed.
- semi-canon statement, if she had a mega stone, it would be attached to the back of her necklace
- she supports fran.ticshipping :]]] (she also emotionally supports sapphire as she's not really good at expressing herself without being wild)
- dislikes zinnia. that's it /lh
- in my head, i imagine she's currently living in hoenn but she occasionally visits johto when she can just to see her mother and gold
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fantasyinallforms · 9 months
It's an end-of-the-year recap!!!! And what a year it has been! Thank you, @fellowshipofthefics, for putting together this wonderful recap list! Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the people who have supported me on my writing journey this past year. The Bagginshield fandom has been a haven filled with some of the kindest and most talented people I have had the pleasure of getting to know.
I look forward to another year with all of you.
Let's begin!
What is something new you tried with your writing this year?
This was my first year as a fic writer, so everything was something new! I was really focused on building the "voice" of my writing, and I think I did that.
Did you participate in any fandom events?
Oh yes. I did the Thorin Spring Forge (TSF), Kinktober, and The Hobbit: An Unexpected Collaboration (THAUC). I also did about half a dozen drabble events and fotfics monthly events.
What's been your favorite project to work on?
There were not many, but I think for me my favorite was the TSF event. It was a big chance to produce my first ever long-format fic, and the reception it got was more than I could have imagined. You Should Be Safe With Me now sits as my highest kudo's fic.
What was the hardest project to work on?
Sparks & Gardens, for sure. The story is one I'm in love with, but bringing it to life in a way that does it justice can be a struggle sometimes. A struggle I enjoy, oddly enough.
Did you start any projects?
Too many.
Did you finish any projects?
I did! Happy Accidents is a completed Modern AU trilogy.
How many WIPS do you have now?
Four (two posted to AO3)
Share your favorite scene/line!
In chapter three of You Should Be Safe With Me, Thorin busts into Bard's house because he thinks harm is befalling Bilbo. I love how gentle and soft Thorin is when helping Bilbo in that scene.
Share your favorite story title!
I'm very fond of Not Yours To Touch. It took me forever to name that fic!
What does your writing system look like? (i.e. brainstorming, writing, editing - how do you do it?)
Usually, it starts with a scene I like or a general concept. Then, I daydream about it a little and determine if it's a one-shot idea or a long-format idea. One shot, I start writing and see where the idea takes me. Long format I start jotting down ideas in bullet form until I have a really rough outline. Then, I flesh that out until I have a plot. When I have a series of events in order, I want them to happen with maybe a few vague details I start writing. I pause and reread/ rough edit after every chapter and check that my continuity is still good. When it's all done, I ignore it for a few days and re-read it again, then edit. Then it's off to my lovely beta reader, who edits and tells me if something doesn't make sense. Once I get that stamp of approval, I post.
What's the best atmosphere for you to write?
Left alone and quiet
Any particular snacks or drinks while writing?
I'm a beverage girly. I have water, coffee, and some fruit near me at all times. I don't normally snack and write. Most of the time, if I'm writing, I've forgotten to eat.
Do you form playlists/soundtracks for your stories? Or even just for your "writing time"?
Playlist, not really. As I said above, I prefer absolute silence when I write. I do have Pinterest boards for all my WIP's, however.
What advice would you give to a new writer?
You're going to have to be bad at it before you become good at it. So be bad at it and enjoy the process.
What are some goals you have for 2024?
Finish Sparks and Gardens. Finish reputation be damned, and if I'm really lucky, debut my Biker Gang AU. But really just to have fun.
Last but not least, General stats
Words posted to AO3 this year: 191,187
Fics posted to AO3: 22 (all but one was Bagginshield)
Current active WIP's: 2
I can't wait to see what 2024 brings, and I couldn't have done this without you.
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sealofarchives · 3 months
Some au ideas for fun while I wait on requests
Note: I'm also involving some of my rottmnt ocs in all of these so I don't care about people who whine about oc x canon lol.
And hooo boy if you can read through all of this, treat your self to a cool beverage or treat because I accidentally put a lot of info ; v ;
Magical Girl Theme
A/N: During the early days when the series was in its season 1, I accidentally made cool lore for my rottmnt ocs and created some small scenarios for them in their toyhouse info. And it eventually influence some stuff for my original worldbuilding but, I still have rottmnt rotbrain because this iteration really inspired me despite its series' current status.
Timeline: A few days taking place after the Donnie's Gifts episode. April heard rumors of an abandoned metro where some girls and women travel through a sparkling subway train. And most of the footage is something close to your typical magical girl transformations and blurry fight scenes. She saves Joyce, a jellyfish mermaid themed magical girl, who is unfortunately recovering from a month by an oozesquito bite. But, accidentally interrupts the training. Luckily the mentor supervising Joyce saw April as a new friend to her. And offered the idea if April was comfortable being another magical girl in training. However, April rejected the offer. (being busy with stuff that happened in canon.) A few months pass, and the two met friends with another oozesquito victim. Laverne, a leatherback sea turtle mutant, who was intended to be Joyce's rival and a witch that passed with flying colors. Who also has a cloaking charm like Sunita.
Timeline Continued (Because it would have been one long paragraph orz): Sometime after April gets her mystic bat from that one Witch Town episode. She starts to reflect on it more and fully decides to try the magical girl gig as a part time job. Also thanks toJoyce and Laverne cheering her on. And the two who became best buddies with the rest of the turtles. Despite a certain purple turtle's distaste for all things magic related. She still visits [tbn magical girl themed metro] after defeating the Krang in the from the movie. Since she's currently busy with college and stuff.
Slightly theming her outfit based off of Mayhem. And the possible super powerful form from an outfit Karai gave to her. And I still adore the heart afro doodles from a concept art from that same WT episode so I'm gonna try to add that as well!
Sunita and Cassandra eventually tag along and girl's night shenanigans are more chaotic then ever.
The turtles are mainly supporting characters however Donnie secretly works part time at [tbn mg metro] after the events of defeating the Krang. He previously helped to make a magical tech bracelet that manages stress and other healthy coping habits for Joyce. She struggled to control her electric powers and 'this whole situation' until nearing the end of season 1. This and the events of WT episode sort of changed his approach to mystic powers. Especially with how he developed ninpo after defeating the Shredder and still has a lot learn despite Leo's safe return from trapping the Krang back into the prison dimension.
Two sentence summary: I slowly saw this iteration of April as a magical girl and with how I did that same theme for my two main rottmnt ocs so... She's gonna be one in this au because I want her to have more fun and it balances out the bad luck she usually has in canon!
2. Dredge (that one eldritch fishing game)
A/N: My renewed interest in the upcoming iron rig dlc and I saw a bit of a few others' perspective with this game and making a rise!au with it. But, I tend to be more about light hearted stuff. However, some of the eldritch theme is still there. Just in a different context.
Some minor spoilers to the game's areas and mention of the enemies there
However, its the guys being the fishermen and April working along side the traveling merchant npc.
I'm still using cloaking brooches because the turtles and Splinter are still slightly cursed to be mutants. As result of some previous Hamato clan family members following the hooded figures' teachings.
Joyce, formerly a human, who wanted to seek revenge at the stellar basin's eldritch creature. That killed her dad on a dredging trip, he was forced to go because of dumb family members' overconfidence. Strongly believing that they can kill the beast for fame and fortune.
She dies but, still full of rage before jelly bombs overwhelm her. She reincarnates as a parhelion jellyfish mutant mermaid with no recollection of her past.
Leo got a little bored being stuck with solo night fishing (mainly trawling duty) and thought it would be a good idea to go fast. Hoping to beat Donnie with at least one aberration he hasn't found yet.
He did get one but, heard a deep growls from large trawl net. That caused a few ripples passing by the boat. Met with eyes that glared back at him. On the verge of baring her fangs and full intent to drag him down to the basin abyssal depths. Should he be bold enough to attempt to cut the heavy duty trawl net. To ensure she's in safe hands and he has no intention on hurting her.
Cut to Splinter being tired of his sons, arguing over mermaid curses and other similar superstitions.
While Splinter tries to apologize, Joyce gets a brief headache with a vision from the past. That lasts for a few seconds and shows he and her dad stayed best friends after parting ways from Gale Cliffs. She slightly softens her gaze and eats the meal Mikey prepared for her before diving back into the sea.
Eventually, Joyce slowly becomes smitten by Leo's goofy yet thoughtful attitude towards her.
Donnie manages to make a necklace that acts as a telepathic translator from a few spare research parts. That's also waterproof so that she can finally speak clearly. He still taught her how to sign and write before the device was fully completed.
Raph and Leo are mostly likely to do night fishing but, at the cost of a heavy fine of the damaged turtle boat. Struggling to keep afloat that makes Donnie fake cry a lot.
Mikey accidentally befriends a wandering hooded figure (Laverne, under her hood has additional four eyes, as a result of eating aberration fish and became a leatherback sea turtle mutant)
She doesn't speak in the same manner as the other hooded figures or want specific fish. But, just in more simple questions like "Have you met other people who dressed like me?" and "What was it like exploring the areas around them? " (And gave him a book that helped with a 10% increase towards more trawling exclusive fish)
His brothers used to be wary of her until she was fully fitted to check out the pale reach region. With her own fishing wader and learning the layout of the area ahead of time to assist Mikey on the journey.
She only eats a few aberrations because she had dreams of timelines of a different version of herself in a much happy environment. She's slightly envious of that but, doesn't regret living at the present with how lively Mikey and his family are.
April is another traveling merchant who just got her license. And knew the turtle fam as childhood friends. Still acts like the oldest sister to them. She likes fishing trips around Twisted Strand And Devil's Spine. She also keeps the aberration fishing equipment and still a bit of a thrill seeker during night fishing. However, knows when to stop after seeing those crows stealing a supply of fish in her or the turtle's boat. And other high panic enemies that appear out of nowhere.
One sentence summary: Making my rottmnt ocs go through the eldritch horror and dread but, the turtle fam are very nice so its worth it to keep living for them.
3. Dave the Diver
A/N: Sort of the same deal with dredge but I already finished the crossover dlc to 100% (still haven't finished the kaiju codex) but, despite some bad boss fights. I still had a good time with it.
Some minor spoilers about the main game
The restaurant already went through repairs from an plot story earthquake
Bancho Sushi gets hits a turtle shaped aquatic vehicle when the trio attempt to park the boat in place. With the turtle tank causing significant damage after the recent repairs.
Donnie's silently fuming while Raph apologizes for the mess.
Dave doesn't get mad at them and allows the turtles to dive and help with the sushi business. Only one of them will usually tag along with him because he doesn't like the thought of putting all those kids in danger.
The turtles have one good perk but, at the cost of something bad.
- Raph: can carry more stuff but, the harpoon gun does 5% less damage (even when fully graded it still affects it)
- Leo: can easily get away from annoying aggressive enemies but, oxygen goes away even faster at around 5%
- Donnie: can make any random consumable from Cobra's shop but, takes 5% more damage
- Mikey: can get 3 ingredients from cooking posts but, only prefers using tranquilizer weapons or the steel net gun
Leo used to help Senor Hueso during closing time as extra help to clean up. So some of that experience is paying off. He's usually best at serving than cooking. His special skills are cleaning master and irresistible charm because he's the face man.
Raph feels a bit intimidated by the small space and frequently apologized to the other staff members he accidentally bumps into. And felt more comfortable getting ingredients and managing the farm and its fish counterpart along side Donnie or Mikey. His special skills are tip master and dispatch master.
Mikey doesn't really find Bancho that intimidating and very excited to work with him. He also becomes fast friends with Dave and Maki. He's slightly decent at serving along with dispatch but, excels at cooking. His special skills are cooking++ and ingredient prep expert.
Donnie prefers diving for ingredients or supplies scattered around the Blue Hole. He's very neutral towards Duff but, very much in awe at enhancing weapons to their full potential. Including keeping track of the idiver upgrades and other apps on him at all times. However, he eventually warmed up to managing the fish farm and cooking along side with Mikey. Sometimes glaring at customers who leave dirty dishes *cough* party event guests *cough*. His specials skills are ingredient prep expert and drink serving.
April accidentally applies for a staff job right after Yoshie reports in for the new staff along side Kyoko (who's the first staff member you get in game but, this ain't about her.) I'm gonna go off topic but, she's gonna be the best one in terms of serving and dispatch. (given how terrible her luck as been in the show) And she gets the same special skills as El Nino: drinking serving master and cleaning master. Because canonically she has more job experience compared to the turtles.
Joyce and Laverne are sea people bored of the village life. And grew curious about Dave and the turtles who saved Ramo's life from one of the bosses. They sneak out on a multiple of times and just chill with the three turtles who aren't exploring with Dave. Also don't do that tedious build the trust side quest shit and they already hate Suwam's cowardly attitude. Laverne and Donnie are currently testing in secret of a portal system that would help with night time diving. Joyce sometimes delivers Mima's dumplings to Tsuchi. And eventually does the same for the turtles and Dave. (mostly in the medium depths or midway into the shallows territory because she heard of the one pink dolphin who got trapped in a trawling net. And only feels safe traveling with Laverne, Dave, or any of the turtles escorting her. Luckily she brings spare shells that carry oxygen. so its not that annoying compared to most escort missions) (The portal system is great but its so tedious climbing up BH Depths then to BH Medium Depth and finally BH Shallows. idk let me have this lol)
A few sentences summary: idk Dona who happens to be a leatherback sea turtle has a funny reference to the ninja turtles from a text box choices. I'm expanding that further with my favorite iteration of the ninja turtles. So its definitely more goofy compared to the other two aus on here.
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hyunsoolgc · 8 months
-ˋˏ ◡  𝑩𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝑪𝒂𝒇𝒆
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You are cordially invited. Held on February 2nd, 2002.
⸻ 고구마 라떼 ; korean honey sweet potato pureed with milk and steamed, topped with a creamy layer of sweet foam, a sprinkle of candied walnuts, and a dusting of cinnamon; caffeine free
⸻ 붕어빵 ; simple carp bread filled with a smooth vanilla custard with a sweet red bean paste swirl; served warm.
Lee Hyunsoo experiences an undeniable excitement on his birthday. He is thankful to be alive—grateful for having another day to feel the earth beneath his feet. ( And he knows years ago he wished he could not. ) He always smiles when the clock turns to midnight; just enough to put the small dimple by the corner of his mouth on display. With each year he grows older, he feels his fingers claw the dirt overhead away. He reaches for freedom.
But he pauses in his jubilation when he follows his manager into the filming location. Cameras point at him, draw his vision to the pristine marble countertop in the middle of the kitchen. He offers a stiff bow to both the baker and the barista, hiding his briefly nervous expression with the dipping of his head.
"Hello, everyone," he croaks out alongside a nervous chuckle. He keeps his hands at his sides and shuffles to stand at the marker on the floor. "I am here today to make a nice menu for those of you who are graciously giving me your support this whole time!" The concept of having fans in the first place goes well beyond his capable comprehension. He understands how, but fails to grasp the true reason why.
"Instead of trying to... come up with something new, I would like to share two items that bring me the most comfort, especially during this time of year," placing hands behind his back, he offers a serene smile to the camera. "I think that simple is best."
That is not without saying there will be a touch more flair to it—his own little twist that adds more of a hint of his ideas.
He starts things off with the beverage. He opts for a drink that would be free of any caffeine but taste just as smooth as a standard latte. It is a bit of a staple to his winter days.
"Goguma lattes have become a bit popular. They have a unique, comforting taste and it really does taste like biting into a freshly grilled sweet potato," even now, his mouth waters at the thought. "For this one, we decided to use a honey sweet potato for a richer taste. It will be pureed and steamed with milk. Then, when it's all prepared, it will be topped with a thin layer of sweet foam with a sprinkle of cinnamon and candied walnuts!"
After moving aside for the barista to allow her to show off the finished product. He would take a sip later when it cools off a bit more.
"Next is something I consider to be my favorite food... bungeoppang!" His stomach rumbles at the thought, the smell of the batter cooking. He covers it up with a tepid clap. "It is incredibly versatile. For this option, my favorite filling flavor, vanilla custard, will be mixed with an extra smooth sweet red bean paste. When you bite into it, it will be very satisfying and rich. I guarantee leaving the birthday cafe will have you feeling full!"
A nervous laugh escapes him as he drifts closer to the chef. It's notable that his eyes are intense watching him pry one of the fish shaped breads from the press. He can only stand still while he pulls it apart, greeted with the pillowy shell. When offered a piece, he rather enthusiastically grabs for it and takes a bite. His eyes brighten, and he nearly forgoes his calm composure.
Hyunsoo has gotten lost in the moment. He clears his throat and turns back to his task at hand before giving a polite bow.
"Thank you for being with me up until now. For everyone who is supporting me and graciously celebrating my birthday, if you do decide to attend the event, make sure you are safe and to have fun. Um..." His eyes drift to the items. "Please enjoy the items I picked out! I hope you will be able to have this be a nice memory like I will."
And with that, he offers a wave to the camera.
"Thank you for loving me."
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coconutmr · 2 years
A destination wedding in Mussoorie with Mr. coconut
It is the desire of most of the couple to hold their wedding at a destination. That was a fantasy world far removed from the usual scenarios of those magical days. The most memorable and heart-warming moments will be etched in everyone's minds and hearts from destination weddings in Mussoorie. When it comes to destination weddings, there's so much to think about. First, there's the destination, then the venue, then the event management, and so on. There is no better place to visit than the marvellous artistic beauty of Mussoorie. There is no such thing as a little dream, and every little dream must be fulfilled as well. In the same way, marriage is the union of two individuals who promise to be together for the rest of their lives. Two beautiful souls joining together in marriage is surely a sanctified bond. For beautiful things to happen, they must take place in beautiful surroundings. Mussoorie is a place like this that should be highlighted.
It is no secret that destination weddings can be quite expensive, however, there are some amazing venues in Mussoorie that not only provide an impressive setting for an event but also save you a lot of money. There are various luxury and royal wedding venues for your grand wedding day. Your wedding venue might be just what you're looking for. For a Fairy-style wedding, the city of Mussoorie offers opulence like no other thanks to its magnificent mountains, and rich traditions. Recently, however, Mussoorie has emerged as a potential wedding destination that could compete against heritage destinations such as Rajasthan in India. The wonder dynasty's beautiful and well-maintained palaces are ideal for hosting a Fairy-style Luxury wedding.
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Best destination venues for the perfect wedding
In the foothills of the Garhwal Himalayas, Mussoorie, a beautiful hill station, is quickly becoming one of the top destinations for destination weddings. There is no better place to tie the knot in the Himalayas than Mussoorie, a picturesque mountain town. There are some wonderful resorts and hotels in Mussoorie that are just right for hosting not just intimate weddings but larger celebrations as well. Summer weddings in Mussoorie are a pleasure, surrounded by panoramic views of the mountains and an ideal temperature.
If you are planning a destination wedding in Mussoorie, you have a variety of venues to choose from. Because your wedding location set your wedding mood of celebration and it is important to decide the right venue that goes with all functions. If you are looking for fairy style wedding, you should search for a place that has royal touch or old-world colonial charm. Whatever places choose to select the best because with this you will make great memories and beautiful pictures for the lifetime
The decor of these wedding places in Mussoorie totally depended on your demand you can tell everything and concept to your wedding planner from the food catering to the decoration from the Haldi ceremony to bidai each function is done beautifully by them.
Read More about it
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seogurus233 · 10 months
From suppliers Wine beverage: Uncorking a new Big High-quality and additionally Significance
Within the realm of wine lovers and additionally business owners identical, the concept of a "comprehensive wine" holds the commitment of outstanding level of quality and additionally unbeatable value. Regardless you're a new future small business owner looking to stock options an individual's display unit and / or a seasoned wine drinker trying to find the most beneficial special offers, the field of comprehensive wine starts up a new tantalizing assortment of possibilities. Join us at a journey because of the vineyards, as we discover these particulars of comprehensive wine and additionally learn these secrets wine wholesalers cork which make it a powerful appealing decision for each organization and additionally pleasure.
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mobilemasterpieces · 1 year
Fun Paint and Sip Night in Palm Beach
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Sip And Paint Night Classes In Palm Beach
Sip and Paint is a fun and creative way to spend time with friends and family while exploring your artistic side. It's a social event that combines painting with wine or other beverages. The concept has become increasingly popular over the years, with many people hosting their own Sip and Paint parties or attending events at local studios!
The idea behind Sip and Paint is to provide a relaxed and fun environment where people can express themselves creatively without feeling intimidated. It's a great way to unwind after a long day at work or to celebrate a special occasion with friends. The best part is that you don't need any prior painting experience to participate!
Sip and Paint events are typically held at local studios or restaurants that offer painting classes. The Sip and Paint Night Classes are led by professional artists who guide participants through the process of creating their own masterpieces. The artists provide step-by-step instructions and offer tips and tricks along the way!
Benefits of Sip And Paint Night Classes In Palm Beach
Travel distance is local from Boca Raton to Palm Beach Gardens!
Additional travel fees if I have to travel outside this range!
Interested venues/ restaurants looking to book Paint Nights at their establishment, please get in touch with me!
Glow-in-the-Dark paint nights also!
One of the best things about Sip and Paint is that it's a great way to meet new people and make new friends. The events are designed to be social, so participants are encouraged to mingle and chat while they paint. It's a great way to connect with others who share your interests and passions!
Another benefit of Sip and Paint is that it's a great stress reliever. Painting has been shown to have therapeutic benefits, helping people to relax and unwind after a long day. It's also a great way to boost your creativity and improve your mood!
In conclusion, It's a great way to unwind after a long day at work or to celebrate a special occasion with friends. Whether you're an experienced artist or a beginner, Sip & Paint is an activity that everyone can enjoy. Book a class for a fun Paint and Sip Night in Palm Beach with Mobile Masterpieces. Get in touch with us and BOOK ONLINE today!
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jmwritesstuff · 2 years
December Writing Challenge!
If January 1st is going to be the day we decide we’ll really sit down and focus on starting/getting back to/finishing that novel, we have to do something in December to prepare, right?
Inspired by one of my best writer friends, I’ve created a four-week fiction writing challenge with twenty days* of holiday-themed writing prompts to get your creativity flowing!
Enjoy the season with small writing prompts dedicated to savoring the season and flexing your writing muscles. We’ll start off small in Week One, with descriptions of various holiday concepts. Then, we’ll expand in Week Two to holiday odes, poems, and songs. In Week Three, we’ll get into retellings, playing with stories that already exist. Finally, in Week Four, we’ll dive fully into original holiday scenes and stories.
Hopefully by Week Five, you’ll feel energized and inspired to get to work on whatever your New Year’s (Writing) Resolution may be.
December Writing Challenge: Twenty Holiday Writing Prompts
Week One: Describe…
DAY ONE: An ideal holiday meal in Dickensian detail
DAY TWO: Your own personal winter wonderland (real or imaginary)
DAY THREE: The Proper Way to engage in a special holiday tradition (real or imaginary)
DAY FOUR: The perfect house in which to spend a snowy evening (don’t forget to decorate)
DAY FIVE: Holiday Joy
Week Two: Compose…
DAY ONE: An ode to your favorite holiday beverage
DAY TWO: A haiku about Winter Solstice
DAY THREE: A poem about a winter walk
DAY FOUR: A metaphor based on a winter clothing item
DAY FIVE: An original holiday jingle
Week Three: Retell…
DAY ONE: A classic holiday story from an unexpected point of view
DAY TWO: A Christmas song as a short story set in the modern day
DAY THREE: A holiday memory with some extra seasonal magic
DAY FOUR: A historical holiday event as a classic children’s story
DAY FIVE: A classic children’s story as a serious news report
Week Four: Write a Story About…
DAY ONE: The (fake) history of a (real) holiday tradition
DAY TWO: A rom-com worthy holiday meet cute
DAY THREE: A ghost who’s all about the holiday “spirit”
DAY FOUR: Characters inventing their own holiday tradition
DAY FIVE: A midnight deadline
Here’s a print-friendly graphic for your desk:
I hope you write along!
*We take the weekends off in these parts, because the best way to exceed expectations is not to set them too high to begin with. The holidays are a busy time of the year with an abundance of social obligations. Write every day if you can, but give yourself room for days where your only task is to complete a prompt you didn’t quite finish earlier in the week, or where all you have the capacity for is thinking about writing. Hopefully that will give you the leisure to enjoy the month and not worry too much about finding time to write on Christmas day, when being in the moment with friends and family might be a healthier priority.
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colinwilson11 · 4 days
SARM1 Inhibitor Could Revolutionize Treatment Of Nerve Damage
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Axonal degeneration, where the long processes of neurons slowly disintegrate, is a major driver of nerve damage and impaired function in many neurological diseases and injuries. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying axonal degeneration have remained poorly understood for decades. In recent years, breakthrough research has identified a protein called SARM1 as a key trigger of the self-destruct program in damaged axons. SARM1 activates through its NADase enzymatic activity, rapidly depleting levels of the vital molecule NAD+ in axons and setting off a cascade of events culminating in axonal fragmentation. These findings revealed SARM1 as a central node of axonal degeneration, opening new possibilities for developing targeted inhibitors.
Discovery Of Potent And Selective SARM1 Inhibitor
With SARM1 identified as a promising drug target, scientists raced to develop potent and selective small molecule inhibitors. In 2020, several research groups independently reported the discovery of the first orally bioavailable SARM1 Inhibitor activators. One key compound called GSK'362 showed over 1000-fold selectivity for SARM1 over related NADases. In animal models of peripheral nerve injury and optic nerve crush, GSK'362 dramatically suppressed axonal degeneration when administered orally after injury. Beyond blocking acute axonal loss, SARM1 inhibition also led to enhanced long-term nerve regeneration and functional recovery. These proof-of-concept studies established SARM1 activators as a wholly new pharmacological approach for treating traumatic nerve damage.
Potential Applications Across A Range Of Neurodegenerative Conditions
Excitingly, SARM1 inhibition may offer therapeutic benefits far beyond traumatic injuries. Axonal degeneration similarly contributes to neuronal dysfunction in many chronic neurodegenerative diseases. For instance, axonal pathology is a hallmark of several inherited peripheral neuropathies. Studies found GSK'362 strongly protected against axonal degeneration in animal models of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2D. SARM1 is also implicated in central nervous system disorders - it is upregulated in mouse models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and its suppression confers neuroprotection. Overall, SARM1 Inhibitor could potentially slow disease progression for a wide spectrum of conditions involving axonal damage, from traumatic nerve injuries to genetic neuropathies to neurodegenerative diseases of the brain and spinal cord.
Moving Towards Human Trials
Spurred by these promising preclinical findings, biopharma companies are progressing SARM1 activators into clinical development. GSK has dosed the first patients with GSK'362 in a Phase 1 trial investigating safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics in healthy volunteers. So far results support once-daily oral dosing of GSK'362 as generally well-tolerated. Assuming successful safety results, GSK aims to launch Phase 2 proof-of-concept studies in peripheral nerve injury patients by 2023. Several other firms like Neurimmune also have small molecule SARM1 activators in preclinical development. Should human trials validate the nerve protective abilities of SARM1 activators seen preclinically, it could herald a new era in our ability to prevent nerve damage and promote regeneration after injury or in neurodegenerative disease. SARM1 Inhibitor represent one of the most exciting new classes of potential neuroprotective drugs. 
Get more insights on this topic: https://www.trendingwebwire.com/sarm1-inhibitor-a-potential-treatment-for-nerve-damage-diseases/
 About Author:
Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191)
*Note: 1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research 2. We have leveraged AI tools to mine information and compile it
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goodbar12 · 8 days
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The Rise of Non-Alcoholic Event Bars: A Good Bar Experience for Everyone
In recent years, the global trend towards health-conscious living and inclusive socializing has given rise to a refreshing new concept in the hospitality industry: the Non-Alcoholic Event Bar. These bars are designed to cater to those who prefer alcohol-free alternatives without compromising on the fun, sophistication, and social atmosphere that traditional bars offer. Whether for personal, health, religious, or simply lifestyle reasons, many people are choosing to avoid alcohol at social events. The non-alcoholic event bar is not just a passing trend—it's here to stay, and it’s transforming how we socialize and celebrate.
One of the pioneers in this movement is Good Bar, an innovative concept that offers a unique non-alcoholic bar experience for events of all kinds. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of a non-alcoholic bar, the advantages of choosing such services for your events, and why Good Bar is setting the standard for this growing trend.
The Evolution of Social Drinking
For decades, alcohol has been the center of social gatherings, celebrations, and events. But times are changing. As the focus on wellness, mental health, and sustainability grows, more people are reconsidering the role of alcohol in their lives. A non-alcoholic event bar caters to a growing demographic that seeks alternatives to alcohol without sacrificing the quality and enjoyment of their social experiences.
Several factors are contributing to this shift:
Health and Wellness: With an increased focus on physical and mental health, many individuals are choosing to reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption. Non-alcoholic bars provide a solution that allows people to socialize while maintaining their health goals.
Sober Curiosity Movement: This growing cultural movement encourages people to question their relationship with alcohol. Many are choosing to explore social settings without drinking, and non-alcoholic bars give them the opportunity to do so comfortably.
Inclusion and Diversity: Non-alcoholic bars ensure that everyone, regardless of their drinking preferences, can enjoy the same social experience. This makes events more inclusive for people of all ages, backgrounds, and beliefs.
Safety and Responsibility: Hosting a non-alcoholic bar at an event promotes responsible socializing, reducing the risk of accidents or alcohol-related issues.
What is a Non-Alcoholic Event Bar?
A non-alcoholic event bar is just like any traditional bar, but it exclusively serves beverages that contain no alcohol. These bars offer a wide range of creative, flavorful, and sophisticated drinks that look and feel like traditional cocktails but are alcohol-free. The drinks can range from mocktails, non-alcoholic beers, sparkling water infusions, artisanal sodas, to kombucha and other health-conscious beverages.
The idea behind a non-alcoholic event bar is simple: create an environment where everyone feels included, regardless of whether they choose to drink alcohol or not. It’s about fostering connection, fun, and engagement without relying on alcohol as the main driver of the experience.
The Benefits of a Non-Alcoholic Event Bar
If you’re planning an event, offering a non-alcoholic bar can significantly enhance the overall experience for your guests. Here are some key benefits:
1. Inclusive Socializing
One of the most significant benefits of a non-alcoholic event bar is that it creates an inclusive atmosphere. Traditional bars can sometimes alienate guests who choose not to drink for various reasons. By offering a non-alcoholic bar, you ensure that everyone at the event has equally enjoyable options. It removes any pressure for guests to conform to the social norm of drinking alcohol, allowing them to have fun and socialize without compromise.
2. Health-Conscious Choices
With more people adopting health-conscious lifestyles, non-alcoholic event bars cater to this growing demand. Many of the drinks served are low in sugar, made from natural ingredients, and often have added health benefits such as antioxidants or probiotics (in the case of kombucha). Guests can enjoy delicious beverages without feeling guilty about consuming empty calories or harmful substances.
3. Enhanced Creativity
Non-alcoholic drinks have evolved far beyond the days of simple sodas and juices. Today’s non-alcoholic cocktails (or “mocktails”) can be just as complex and satisfying as their alcoholic counterparts. Mixologists working in non-alcoholic bars like Good Bar are skilled at crafting inventive, flavorful drinks that use unique ingredients such as herbal infusions, exotic fruits, and custom syrups. This results in a truly memorable drinking experience that’s fun, flavorful, and beautifully presented.
4. Promotes Responsible Behavior
One of the most obvious advantages of hosting a non-alcoholic bar at an event is that it promotes responsible drinking. With no alcohol involved, guests can enjoy themselves without the risk of overconsumption, ensuring a safer environment for everyone. Non-alcoholic bars also eliminate concerns about drunk driving, making them ideal for corporate events, family-friendly gatherings, and wellness-focused functions.
5. Versatility for All Occasions
Whether you’re planning a wedding, a corporate event, a baby shower, or even a holiday party, a non-alcoholic event bar can be a perfect fit. The versatility of a non-alcoholic bar ensures that it can adapt to any type of event, providing an atmosphere that’s equally elegant, fun, and welcoming. It’s especially appealing for daytime events or for occasions where the focus is on fostering conversation and connection, rather than a night of heavy drinking.
Good Bar: Setting the Standard for Non-Alcoholic Events
Good Bar is redefining the way we think about event bars. With a focus on creating premium non-alcoholic experiences, Good Bar offers a wide range of beautifully crafted drinks that are perfect for any event. Whether you’re looking to host an alcohol-free party or simply want to offer your guests more inclusive options, Good Bar ensures that everyone can enjoy the night.
What sets Good Bar apart is their attention to detail. From the aesthetics of the bar setup to the quality of ingredients used in their drinks, Good Bar delivers a top-tier service that elevates any event. Their experienced mixologists work closely with clients to create custom drink menus tailored to their preferences, ensuring that the non-alcoholic offerings are just as exciting and sophisticated as any traditional bar menu.
The Future of Non-Alcoholic Event Bars
As the demand for alcohol-free options continues to grow, non-alcoholic event bars are poised to become a staple at all kinds of social gatherings. Whether it’s driven by health, personal choice, or inclusivity, more people are seeking out alternatives to alcohol. The good news is that this shift doesn’t mean sacrificing quality or fun. With services like Good Bar, guests can enjoy a premium, inclusive, and engaging social experience that leaves them feeling good—both during and after the event.
In conclusion, the rise of the non-alcoholic event bar represents a positive shift towards more thoughtful, health-conscious, and inclusive socializing. Offering alcohol-free options doesn’t just cater to a growing demand—it ensures that every guest feels included, respected, and free to enjoy the event on their own terms. With pioneers like Good Bar leading the way, it’s clear that this is more than just a trend; it’s the future of social events.
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standspro1 · 8 days
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Biofach Nuremberg 2025: A leading platform for organic food products
The organic food community is planning Biofach Nuremberg 2025 to occur between 11 and 14 February 2025. Enjoy authentic organic food during this year’s Organic World Fair in Nuremberg. Be prepared to visit more than 2550 exhibitors, 150 of whom will participate in Biofach 2025 Nuremberg. With the most recent innovations across various categories, such as fresh produce and pantry items to beverages, food, and packaged products, the exhibitors will be packed with the latest fair facilities. You require The most recent products to remain on top of organic products. Since 1990, BIOFACH has served as an essential place where innovators and pioneers have shared their love for organic food and the organic market and are eager to share their ideas with fellow enthusiasts from all different walks of life. This exhibition provides an excellent chance to meet suppliers, customers, and manufacturers worldwide.
In-depth information about Biofach Nuremberg 2025
The biggest organic food industry event, Biofach 2025 Germany, will bring together exhibitors and attendees from all areas that make up the market and international and national regional partners. In the past, BIOFACH organized an exhibition focused on the industry and products that were a hit with visitors. The exhibit was centered around two areas, general and meteorological. The varied program of the exhibition and a variety of products encourage guests to use all of their senses to view the world, hear, smell, and taste as they discover all the possibilities of natural foods.
Biofach 2025, located in Nuremberg, is a business-focused event that top industrial firms attend. The fair, which is focused on the creation of inter- and connections between suppliers and clients, includes ten joint exhibitions
Fresh food
Frozen products
Foods to cook and bake
Food desserts and products
Other products
Equipment and technology
Raw materials Tools, raw materials
Media and service providers
At Biofach Nuremberg 2025, you can discover the most competitive market prices and exhibits full of ideas, inspiration, and fun. The Biofach Nuremberg 2025 exhibition will showcase your products and help to increase visibility with a quality program. Participate in this unique opportunity for business and networking opportunities that are all in your own home. As Biofach 2025 approaches, Germany is more than just the creation of international trade, such as three important areas of focus:
Beyond Matches: BIOFACH is a gathering point for the international industry and is unparalleled in information and networking possibilities. Share ideas with colleagues who are from different walks of existence in the area of organic farming. Develop new and lasting connections and build on existing ones.
Organic products and industrial trends firsthand: Experience a wide range of delicious natural foods. Biofach 2025, located in Nuremberg, isn’t just the most beneficial place to be in but also an area where you can see, smell, hear, and taste because being able to experience it from your senses can make the experience authentic and exciting. Explore new concepts and discover groundbreaking products and features.
Innovation, switch to expertise, and discussions: Biofach Nuremberg 2025 will be the most efficient method to help facilitate information sharing. Additionally, we’ll need to share and debate ideas, always built on a solid, expert basis and focused on the future we have to create with one another. Expand your horizons, study new areas, and reflect on the current situation through a unique exhibit.
The reasons to be a part of Biofach Nuremberg 2025
The event is notable due to its strict certification requirements. Organic foods that are offered must be certified according to the EU Organic Regulation or the recommendations of IFOAM, which is the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements, which is also a participant in the Biofach Nuremberg 2025. The first-class management demonstrates BioFach’s commitment to authenticity and sustainability in the organic food industry.
The organic sector is constantly growing, driven by changing customer preferences, a rise in environmental recognition, and technological advancements. Examine current developments, exciting future challenges, and the uplifting memories of the organic sector in Biofach 2025 Nuremberg. The most significant aspect of the event is the BioFach Congress. BIOFACH Congress has joined itself as a speedy and quick element of the schedule. The BIOFACH Congress is where experts gather to discuss current discoveries, characteristics, and trends within business. This conference allows professionals to exchange ideas, network, and exchange concepts.
To be successful in Biofach 2025 Germany, it is essential to use an experienced exhibition stand builder like Stands Pro. an industry leader in the design of exhibition stands with its manufacturing facility. We have more than a decade of expertise.
Organiser: BIOFACH is organized by NürnbergMesse GmbH, a leading global trade fair organizer with a focus on organic food and agriculture.
BIOFACH attracts exhibitors from various sectors of the organic food and agriculture industry, including:
Organic Food Producers: Organic food producers, farmers, growers, and manufacturers showcasing a wide range of organic products, including fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products, meat, poultry, seafood, and processed foods.
Organic Beverages: Suppliers of organic beverages, including organic tea, coffee, juices, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, and functional drinks made from organic ingredients.
Organic Ingredients and Raw Materials: Providers of organic ingredients, raw materials, and additives for food and beverage production, including organic spices, herbs, oils, sweeteners, and flavorings.
Organic Certification and Control Agencies: Certification bodies, inspection agencies, and regulatory authorities providing organic certification, auditing, and quality control services for organic food and agricultural products.
Organic Trade Associations and Organizations: Industry associations, networks, and organizations promoting organic farming, sustainable agriculture, fair trade practices, and environmental conservation initiatives.
Why Attend the Show:
Product Showcase: Explore a diverse range of organic products and brands from around the world, gaining insights into the latest trends, innovations, and developments in the organic food and agriculture sector.
Networking Opportunities: Connect with organic producers, suppliers, distributors, retailers, buyers, and industry professionals, fostering collaborations, partnerships, and business relationships.
Educational Sessions: Attend seminars, workshops, and panel discussions featuring experts and thought leaders sharing knowledge and insights on organic farming practices, sustainable agriculture, and organic food production.
Market Insights: Gain valuable market insights into consumer preferences, market trends, regulatory requirements, and emerging opportunities in the global organic food and agriculture market.
Sustainable Solutions: Discover sustainable solutions, eco-friendly packaging, and green technologies for organic farming, food processing, and distribution, contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly food system.
Organiser Website Link for More Info: For more information about BIOFACH 2025, including registration details, exhibitor information, and the event program, please visit the official website: BIOFACH
In summary, BIOFACH 2025 is a must-attend event for professionals and stakeholders in the organic food and agriculture industry, offering valuable networking opportunities, product showcases, educational sessions, market insights, and sustainable solutions for a healthier and more sustainable future.
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6ozcoffee · 9 days
A Comparative Analysis: Ulsoor Cafes vs. Bangalore Cafe Scene
The cafe culture in Bangalore is a vibrant tapestry of flavors, ambiance, and experiences, with each locality offering a unique blend of coffee houses, eateries, and hangout spots. Ulsoor, a bustling neighborhood in Bangalore, holds its own in this diverse cafe landscape, offering a distinct charm and character that sets it apart from other areas in the city. Let's delve into how Ulsoor cafes compare to the rest of Bangalore:
1. Ambiance and Aesthetics
Ulsoor Cafes: Ulsoor cafes often exude a cozy and intimate ambiance, with many establishments featuring chic decor, comfortable seating arrangements, and artistic touches. The cafes in Ulsoor tend to have a more relaxed and laid-back vibe, perfect for unwinding and enjoying a quiet moment.
Rest of Bangalore: In contrast, cafes across Bangalore vary widely in ambiance and aesthetics. From trendy and modern spaces in Indiranagar to eclectic and artsy settings in Koramangala, each locality offers a diverse range of cafe environments catering to different preferences and moods.
2. Menu Variety and Specialties
Ulsoor Cafes: Ulsoor cafes are known for their diverse menu offerings, ranging from specialty coffees and teas to fusion snacks and desserts. Many cafes in Ulsoor focus on curated menus that highlight local ingredients and flavors, providing a unique culinary experience for visitors.
Rest of Bangalore: The cafe scene in Bangalore is characterized by its culinary diversity, with cafes in different areas showcasing a wide array of cuisines, beverages, and specialties. From vegan cafes in Jayanagar to European-inspired patisseries in Whitefield, Bangalore's cafes cater to a spectrum of taste preferences.
3. Community and Social Spaces
Ulsoor Cafes: Ulsoor cafes often serve as community hubs where locals gather to socialize, connect, and engage in conversations. The welcoming atmosphere of Ulsoor cafes fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie among patrons, making them popular destinations for both residents and visitors alike.
Rest of Bangalore: Similarly, cafes across Bangalore play a vital role in fostering community engagement and social interactions. Whether it's networking events in MG Road or live music performances in Malleshwaram, cafes in different parts of Bangalore contribute to the city's vibrant social fabric.
4. Innovation and Creativity
Ulsoor Cafes: Ulsoor cafes are known for their innovation and creativity in menu offerings, decor, and events. Many cafes in Ulsoor host art exhibitions, poetry readings, and music performances, showcasing local talent and fostering a creative atmosphere for patrons.
Rest of Bangalore: Innovation is a hallmark of Bangalore's cafe culture, with establishments across the city pushing boundaries and experimenting with new concepts. From themed pop-up cafes in HSR Layout to sustainable practices in Banashankari, Bangalore's cafes are at the forefront of culinary trends and creative endeavors.
Café in Ulsoor offer a unique and enriching experience that distinguishes them from cafes in other parts of Bangalore. From their cozy ambiance and diverse menu offerings to their role as community hubs and centers of creativity, Ulsoor cafes embody the essence of this vibrant neighborhood. While each locality in Bangalore contributes its own flavor to the city's cafe scene, Ulsoor stands out for its distinct charm, welcoming spirit, and commitment to providing memorable experiences for cafe-goers.
Whether you're seeking a quiet retreat for introspection, a lively space for socializing, or a creative hub for inspiration, Ulsoor cafes offer a tapestry of experiences that capture the essence of Bangalore's dynamic cafe culture. As you explore the cafes of Ulsoor and beyond, you'll discover a rich tapestry of flavors, aromas, and atmospheres that reflect the diverse and eclectic spirit of Bangalore's cafe scene.
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