#never understand why men's restrooms only have urinals either. do men not shit or what
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if i need to piss and the only stall in the men's restroom is occupied i will literally walk out and immediately go into the women's restroom. nonbinary perks
#that's what happens if you don't provide ample gender neutral restrooms#never understand why men's restrooms only have urinals either. do men not shit or what#ramblings
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Echoes of Home: 10 - Tsu'na ("cleaning")
Echoes of Home: FFXIV AU OC – WoLs on Earth
Word notes:
shit: rude
poop: less rude, child word
excrete: very formal
use the restroom, use the bathroom: euphemism, common
powder my nose: euphemism, archaic, women only
pee: rude?
piss: more rude
urinate: very formal
use the restroom, use the bathroom, powder my nose: same
tinkle: child word
sex: formal, common
lovemaking: euphemism, uncommon
sleeping with someone: euphemism, common
fucking: rude
screw: rude, though less
fucking with, screwing with: rude euphemism for annoying or confusing someone
restroom: formal, common
bathroom: common
ladies' room, men's room: common
privy: foreign, uncommon
loo: foreign, common, rude?
toilet: common, though usually the thing in the room and not the room
latrine: ?
I learned how to make bullet lists.
We did not sweat in Eorzea. We would get dirty, but not wet from our skin. I sweat in this world. Husband sweats more than me. And the sweat smells. It is strange that I noticed it after Husband did cleaning but stopped noticing it some time after.
The server noticed it sooner. She is the wife of the innkeeper. They are Mr. and Mrs. Hartman. Mrs. Hartman woke us up after our second night cleaning. She said we should go take "showers". Husband said we did not have a place to do that. He later told me that bigger towns had "homeless shelters" where people with no money or homes could go, but Wyatt was too small to have those.
I thought Husband might do more theatre, so I tried to look small. But before he said anything she told us to come with her. Their house was near the diner. She took us there and let us in and told us to wash up and not make a mess. Then she went back to the diner. I think she is nicer and more trusting than Mr. Hartman.
Husband found the kitchen and told me what everything was, how it was like the diner kitchen but smaller. We saw but did not go into the two bedrooms. Husband said we would not look in the basement. I do not understand why he thought that was funny.
What I did find strange because I never thought of it before was that the Bismarck had stoves and ovens like these, and yet with all the cooking I did I never used them. All the cooking I did or Husband did was using our own portable kitchens. So I was an experienced Culinarian in a kitchen full of things I did not know how to use.
The shower was a wonder. I never saw a shower in Eorzea. There were waterfalls, and we would sometimes stand in one, but it was always cold. There were showers in Eulmore, but only in the "delousing station", and they were cold as well.�� One could not make the water warmer or colder, or point it the way one wanted it.
Husband talked about the "water company" and the "water heater", but at the time I did not care. I liked the warmth of the water on me. I liked the feel of the soap Husband used on me. I liked having him close to me in the water. I think the shower is my favorite thing in this world.
I did not know until I was clean that my clothes smelled too. We never needed to wash our armor in Eorzea either, other than a good rain or a waterfall. The Hartman clothes washer and dryer were meant for cloth. We use glamour plates that Husband calls "Earth normal" on top of our Monk armor, which is made of cloth, so we could wash those in the machines, but we do not know how to clean our leather or plate gear. Husband is thinking a "garden hose" if we need to.
We cleaned at the house to pay for the shower. Husband found me some liquid and cloths to use on the windows while he used a "vacume" on the floors. It was very loud and seemed to make the air dusty, but when he was done he dumped a lot of dirt into the trash. Is this world made of dirt? It needs so much cleaning.
We sat on the Hartmans' couch when we were done and Husband showed me the "television". He says this is a common thing found in people's homes. He showed me the different "shows" that are like our echo visions but in a box. There were shows for stories, shows for things happening, shows for cooking and fixing houses and animals and field games. Husband says some people spend hours at a time watching shows. I do not understand why people would watch shows about other people talking or haggling over warehouse goods.
Husband found a show about sunset at a beach. I asked, "Why would anyone watch a show about this rather than going to the beach?"
"Nearest beach is over a thousand miles away."
"Miles, not malms?"
"Inches, feet, yards, miles."
"Ilms, fulms, yalms, malms. Are they the same size?"
"Not sure about malms. The rest are close. Anyway, at least a couple days' travel from here."
So we sat and leaned on each other and watched the beach in the box. The sound of the wind and waves was soothing. I did not think about things. Husband seems to always think about things, but perhaps he did not right then.
When it was sunset outside the house as well as in the box, we got up and went to the diner to work.
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