#never underestimate the power of reyna's hips
Reyna Writes: Polka Dots and Shell Patterns - A Ninette BTU Remix
Written for @edendaphne‘s birthday~ Now that the blackout is over, I can post it!
Again, happy birthday, Eden! I’m so glad you enjoyed your present! <3
Living in Paris in the age of Hawkmoth meant that Nino had seen a lot of weird shit in his lifetime.
But this moment had to take the cake.
Sure, Nino himself had gotten a Miraculous not too long ago, and was still coming to grips with all that entailed…but to stand here and stare at one of his best friends—a best friend who was smart and pretty—who also, apparently, had a kwami…
“…So it’s true. You’re…you’re Ladybug.”
Marinette smiled, and her eyes glowed with warmth and mischief…and an ancient power that Nino hadn’t registered until just that moment. Sure, he had always thought her brave, but he just hadn’t realized how brave…
“I’m Ladybug,” Marinette confirmed. The remaining shreds of doubt Nino had disappeared…and suddenly, he lost the strength to stand upright.
“I’m a superhero,” he muttered to himself as he slumped over, not for the first time since receiving the Turtle Miraculous. “And I’m friends with Ladybug.”
And then another realization dawned on him, this one much more horrible than the last:
“Alya is going to kill me.”
“Not if we don’t tell her,” Marinette pointed out, but that only made Nino gape at her. Were they…talking about the same Alya?
“You know how she is, ‘Nette,” he groaned, straightening up again. “I know she’s pissed that I’ve been flakey lately, but if we both start disappearing on her, she’s gonna start thinking something’s up, like we’re secretly dating, or…”
Nino paused, which gave his brain enough time to process what he was saying. Suddenly, it was way too hot in his living room, and he wanted to just bash his head into the wall. What did he have to go and say that for?!
Marinette appeared to register his sudden awkwardness, but what she made of it, Nino could only guess. In any case, she merely glanced away for a moment, clearing her throat.
“We’ll worry about Alya later,” she assured him, hands resting against her hips. Suddenly, Nino saw her in her red and black spotted suit, and he could have kicked himself. Of course Marinette was Ladybug; how had he not put it together before? “Right now, I want you to come with me.”
Nino blinked.
“Where?” He asked, suddenly and uncomfortably aware of the fact that he was in his PJs. Marinette smiled, as if she just noticed too, and Nino was wishing for sand so he could promptly bury his head in it.
“To Master Fu’s.” Her smile disappeared, her brows furrowing in a worrying way. “A new superhero isn’t something that should be kept from me. I’m Ladybug for god’s sake. So I want to see him, make sure there’s nothing else he’s been keeping from me…”
Ooh, she was mad. Nino was hesitant to point this out, due to the look on her face, but…
“It’s Christmas Eve, ‘Nette. Can’t we let the old man rest…?”
“He’s been doing nothing but resting lately,” Marinette asserted, shooing him away from the door to throw it open again. “Too much has been going on for me to put this off any longer. We all have a lot to talk about, so change, grab your coat, and let’s go.”
Wow, someone was bossy today. Again, how had Nino never noticed she was Ladybug before? Here he was, thinking he paid more attention to her than he should, but to miss out on this very obvious detail…
The fact that Alya still had no idea was astounding in its own right, but still, Nino felt dumb for not seeing it sooner. Hm, maybe the magic of the Miraculous prevented people from recognizing a hero until they chose to reveal themselves…?
“All right,” Nino said, pulling himself out of his own musings to eye the stubborn set of Marinette’s jaw nervously. “Just…lemme go get Wayzz…”
“Hurry up,” Marinette called after him as he headed into the kitchen. “We don’t have a lot of time—Alya’s supposed to be coming over to fix me up for the ball tonight.”
Nino paused.
Oh, right. The ball. The Christmas Eve date she had with Adrien. Right…
Nino swallowed his disappointment. The flare of hope that had burst within him, at the thought of having a secret this huge to share between just him and Marinette…well, that was just foolish. It wasn’t like anything would change between them just because they both happened to be superheroes fighting on the same team. Marinette was still Marinette—a brilliant fashion designer on the rise working in her parents’ bakery to pay the bills, and still probably sweet on Adrien Agreste, no matter what she said. She was brilliant, a shining star that Nino could not ever hope to come close to.
Because he…was just Nino.
Another night, another akuma purified. This time they had almost been bested by some brats, but whatever—a victory was a victory, and Emerald Shell would gratefully take it.
“You know, you probably made him fall in love with you just then,” Shell remarked as Ladybug approached. She snorted softly, something that amused and frustrated him, as if she was doubtful that anyone would fall in love with her just like that.
“He’s a kid; he can’t even spell ‘love’.”
“Don’t underestimate him because he’s young,” Shell warned her in a dire tone that was ruined by his grin. “He nearly conquered Paris in one night in his very short reign as king.”
“Hmm. Well, I have always wanted my own kingdom,” Ladybug mused as she and Shell scampered off before press or protesters could catch them unaware. “You know, big castle, moat, drawbridge—”
“I know someone who’s rich enough to pull that off,” Shell teased, grinning when Ladybug’s face flushed red to match her mask. She was so cute. “So when is that going to start being a thing again?”
“How many times do I have to say that ship has sailed before you’ll actually believe me?” Ladybug huffed, scowling at him with her fists on her hips. “And mind your own business. You’re almost as bad as Alya.”
Shell’s grin died at the mention of his friend/ex-girlfriend.
“Speaking of…she’s pissed at me, isn’t she?”
Ladybug side-eyed him as they ran through the streets of Paris.
“You did skip out on us for lunch yesterday. And I doubt it helps that we were both too busy to join her at Francoise’s today.”
Shell sighed as they paused to climb onto his favorite rooftop, the sight of the Seine gorgeous at this height. He kept his eyes focused on the river as he grumbled.
“Recording ran over yesterday. There was nothing I could do about it. Couple that with meeting Master Fu today when we were supposed to meet her for ice cream—” He gave a sigh, scratching the back of his hooded head. “This is hard, LB.”
Ladybug laid a brief, understanding hand on his shoulder as they leapt from the rooftop and raced off to complete their patrol.
“I know, Shell. I wish there was another way, too. But we’re still doing her birthday thing next week, right?”
“Oh, for sure,” Shell agreed, pacing his breath as they ran. “At this point, it’s not about just wanting to do it anymore: if we don’t do something to make things up to her soon, she’ll curse us both into toads.”
“Are you calling Alya a witch?”
“God no, especially not if there’s a chance it’ll get back to her. I’m just saying—”
Ladybug’s Miraculous gave a beep, and they paused, her hand going to it.
“How many dots?”
“Three,” Shell replied, counting quickly. Ladybug gave a shrug.
“Then we have time.”
“Yeah.” He eyed her for a moment as they paused to survey the area yet again, frowning to himself. He didn’t…particularly want to have this conversation with her, mostly because he didn’t want to tear open old wounds…and partially because he wasn’t sure he could stand to hear what she would have to say about the matter. But on the other hand, just how long could he stand to see that forlorn look that crossed her face every time they were out and about doing moonlight hero work? It was an expression Ladybug should never have to make, an expression that made Emerald Shell ache deep inside every time she made it…though she probably wasn’t aware of the effect it had on him…
Taking a deep breath and reminding himself to focus, Shell gave this potentially unpleasant conversation a shot.
“So…since we have time, I gotta ask you: you miss Chat Noir, don’t you?”
Ladybug froze, her gaze turned away from him.
“Didn’t I say you should mind your own business, Shelly?”
Shell frowned. So it was as he thought…
“Aren’t we teammates, Dots?”
Ladybug turned, giving him an incredulous look. Shell grinned at her.
“What? You’re not the only one who can come up with stupid nicknames.” His smile faded after a second. “Seriously, LB, talk to me.”
Ladybug regarded him for a long moment. Shell kept her gaze, feeling himself straighten, as if he wanted to physically prove to her that he was worthy of her trust, waiting as a low rumble of tension rolled through him...
Finally, she seemed to give up, and she sank down on their current rooftop with a sigh, drawing her legs up to her chest, her arms folded under them. She waited until Shell sat down too, an arm draped over a bent knee, before she spoke.
“Yes, I miss him. It’s stupid, I know. And I can’t really explain it right…but when he’s not here…things don’t feel the same.”
Shell, for his part, didn’t know what to say. Just as Ladybug couldn’t explain it, he didn’t really get it, and it made him frown. After everything the guy had done, how could she still want him around? Wasn’t Shell himself doing a pretty good job? Or did it not matter because he would never be Chat Noir?
Immediately, he hated himself for his reaction. What was he, a jealous ex-boyfriend, covetous of every other relationship Ladybug had? That was so stupid. Yes, they had gotten closer ever since he had been Chosen, and yes, he cared about Ladybug’s happiness, and yes, he found that with every passing day he spent in her company, things shifted in a way that was both strangely new and horribly familiar, god help him, but—
As if she could feel him doubting himself—or maybe his feelings were obvious on his face—Ladybug bumped his shoulder with hers. Shell felt a jolt go through him that had nothing to do with the jostling movement.
“This isn’t to say I think any less of you, Shell,” she told him seriously. “You’ve been a godsend, honestly. If it weren’t for you when Poseidon showed up last month, I’d be dead. You’ve had only a short time to adapt, but you’ve been so amazing, and I’m proud of you.” She smiled. “Thank you, Shell.”
Oh jeez.
Shell could feel himself warm, and he laughed to distract from the fact that he was melting into a pile of goo, rubbing the back of his hooded head with a sheepish grin.
“Well, I think you’re really great too, LB,” he replied with a grin, but to his embarrassment, his words came out a bit too ardent.
Ladybug blinked for a moment, staring at him. Before Shell could rush to do damage control, his inner self-flogging was put on pause as red painted Ladybug’s cheeks once again. He stared. Oh…had he embarrassed her…?
Abruptly, her smile widened, as if to distract from the blush.
“Well…thank you,” she answered, ducking her head…almost shyly.
Emerald Shell swallowed.
‘Get a grip,’ he reminded himself fiercely before he could return to the topic at hand.
“I just worry sometimes…” He said slowly, leaning over to meet Ladybug’s gaze again so she could see how earnest he was. “I can tell you’re missing him by the look on your face when we beat an akuma. I just wish you didn’t have to.” For more reasons than one…
Ladybug laughed softly at that, and Shell’s heart nearly broke at the note of sadness in her voice.
“Believe me, I wish I didn’t have to, either. Stupid rogue cat.” She sighed, straightening her legs before she got up, standing tall, her silhouette striking an impressive figure against the moon and stars of the nighttime scenery. Standing there like that, if Shell didn’t know any better, he would claim that this was, without a doubt, an incredible woman who needed no support, who could stand on her own and be the hero Paris needed, and then some.
…But because he did have the privilege of knowing her so well, Shell knew what the height of such a pedestal did to Ladybug. And because he hated to see her alone up there, he stood with her, giving her back a pat, his hand maybe lingering a little longer than it should have.
“Well, I don’t get it…but I’ll leave it alone,” he promised her with a solemn nod. “You can’t help who you care about, right?”
Just then, something strange happened: instead of scoffing or rolling her eyes with a sarcastic twist of her lips or sardonic words, like Emerald Shell was half-expecting from her…she just stared at him. He blinked down at her, confused. Had he said something wrong?
He was about to ask…but something in her eyes made him stop, made him forget how to breathe as she stared up at him, the stars reflected in her eyes, red glossing her cheeks once again as they stood, suspended in this strange moment that made him anxious…and hopeful.
Slowly, after…however long they had stood there, Shell couldn’t remember, he had lost count—Ladybug’s lips parted, and she spoke.
“…I guess not,” she said softly, the look in her eyes evolving into something that made Shell’s heart jump into his throat.
Oh god. Oh god, he was so screwed, he had been trying to be good, trying not to complicate this new dynamic of their friendship, but now she was looking at him like that, and holy shit, he blew it—
His inner panic was mercifully interrupted by the beeping of her Miraculous once again. Their trance broke, and Ladybug looked away, biting her lip. Shell looked away too, clearing his throat and working to get his heartbeat back under control before he did something stupid.
“Come on. Let’s finish up our patrol before you turn back,” Shell insisted, hopping onto his hover board to glide back down to the ground. He heard Ladybug huff behind him as she touched down onto the street, releasing her yo-yo from the roof.
“It is so unfair that you don’t have a time limit like I do.”
Ah, there it was—the lifeline he could seize to make this situation return to normal. Thank god.
“Excuse me, but all I have is a shield that can hover and generate force fields. You can make things out of thin air. It wouldn’t be fair if you could be Ladybug indefinitely.”
Ladybug laughed at that, and Shell let himself watch as the movement crinkled her eyes, her lips curving in mirth. He only let himself look for a moment, though, swiftly looking away afterwards.
“Point taken, I guess…though I think your powers are still pretty cool.”
Such small praise, and yet it still made him glow. Dear lord, he was so incredibly screwed…
“Me too, but I didn’t wanna be the first one to say it,” he teased, and Ladybug laughed again, the sound echoing around them and sending Emerald Shell’s heart soaring as they disappeared into the night.
Emerald Shell was not pleased.
Who the hell would be, in his situation?
He still couldn’t believe it—after months of struggling against him and the damn akumas the Butterfly just kept flinging at them, all it took was one evening of him not being there because Marinette was too damn stubborn to let him come back her up…and he was back.
The damn cat man was back.
And, apparently, no matter what Emerald Shell thought, he was here to stay.
Either Ladybug didn’t realize how tense things were at the moment, with Shell boring holes into the damn cat man’s impassive expression, or she was trying to ignore it—either way, she tried making nice for them.
“Shell, this is Chat Noir. Chat, Emerald Shell.”
Shell’s eyes narrowed behind his goggles, daring the cat man to stretch out his hand. Chat seemed to have some sense; he did not move. Neither did Shell.
When it was made clear that they wouldn’t be going along with a charade of politeness, Ladybug sighed.
“Seriously, guys?” She huffed, which made Shell think that she had some nerve, acting like that.
“What? Did you expect me to be happy about this?” He snapped at her. “Am I supposed to be jumping for joy at the fact that the homicidal cat bastard came crawling back with his tail between his legs?”
“Shell!” Ladybug cried, and Shell hated the anxious glance she threw at Chat, hated the way she felt the need to excuse herself and him, dragging Shell away as if he had been the one who had turned his back on everything a superhero was supposed to stand for, on Paris itself, on her. Why was she acting this way? She had gotten so mad at him when he suggested that she might be in love with Chat Noir, but she was doing her damnedest to make sure her actions contradicted her assertions, wasn’t she?
After they were a few rooftops away—presumably no longer within earshot of the cat man—Ladybug rounded on him, hands on her hips and her scowl fierce. Shell still found her incredibly attractive in this moment, and he was thoroughly annoyed about it.
“Look, I know you’re not happy about this—”
“I am way past ‘unhappy’, Dots,” Shell interrupted her, annoyed by her unjust frustration with him. He folded his arms and glared at her, letting her see just how hurt he was over this. “After everything he’s done, I cannot believe you’re just willing to take him back. And you didn’t even ask me what I thought first! I thought I was part of this team, too! Or am I just the sidekick to your one-woman show?”
This accusation appeared to startle Ladybug; she flinched, and immediately, Shell felt bad, but only got more annoyed because he felt bad. Why should he feel this way? He wasn’t in the wrong!
After a moment of tension, Ladybug pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.
“…You’re right,” she admitted, surprising Shell. “I should’ve asked you first, and I’m sorry. But isn’t it better to have him on the team than not at all?”
Honestly? That was debatable.
“He saved my life, Shell,” Ladybug reminded him softly. Rather than soften him, however, that just gave Shell another reason to be angry.
“He wouldn’t have had to step in if you had just told me where you were,” he grouched, his eyes tightening behind his goggles. “And I still think it’s suspicious: don’t you think it’s a little too convenient that he swooped in and saved you just in time?”
Apparently not; Ladybug’s pleading expression did not change.
“His apology to me was heartfelt,” she tried to assure him, touching his arm, as if that would calm him down. (He was loathe to admit that it helped.) “I trust him. If it weren’t for him, I’d be dead. I owe him my life, and for that, I trust that he genuinely wants to help us.”
Yeah, okay. Shell had seen the way Chat looked at Ladybug when he first arrived—there was nothing about ‘trust’ involved there. And though she would probably never admit it, Ladybug totally had a type—though she and Adrien had decided to stay friends after their Christmas Eve date, it could not be more clear that she was weak to blondes and green eyes, and though Shell’s suit was green, he definitely didn’t meet her criteria. He had been an idiot to believe anything was changing between them…
“You don’t have to trust him right away,” Ladybug pressed, and Shell closed his eyes when her hand tightened around his bicep. “Just trust me, okay?”
“You don’t play fair, Dots,” he complained, shooting her an aggrieved look. And the cheeky little thing smirked at him, completely unrepentant. Shell’s heart thumped unevenly in his chest.
“Maybe not, but you love me anyway,” she teased with a wink. Shell made himself roll his eyes to hide how vulnerable such a statement made him, almost as if she could see right through him. He didn’t know if ‘love’ was the right word…but there was something there.
And, up until tonight, he thought she felt it, too…
But as he was forced to watch the woman he cared about scamper away, back towards the prodigal asshole she swore she wasn’t in love with…Shell couldn’t believe that he could ever be so stupid.
“You know I’m mad at you, right?”
He noticed. It seemed to be her default emotion for the night.
“I know,” he answered with a sigh. “But I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be spending too much time alone with Chat Noir.”
“That wasn’t what I was talking about,” Marinette said, surprising Nino. “Did you have to threaten him like that?”
“Yes,” Nino answered, unapologetic. “I wanted—no, I needed him to know that his actions have consequences.”
“Nino, Chat Noir is my partner—”
“Was,” Nino corrected, rounding on Marinette, his patience finally giving away for the night. “Was, Marinette. He left you. He left you, turned his back, and didn’t give a shit about you for months. If anything, I should be the one you consider your partner…”
Nino paused, wondering if these words would go too far, if having them confirmed would hurt as much as him thinking them…but then, in his mind’s eye, he saw Chat Noir wrapped around Ladybug in an emotional embrace…
“…Or…was I just a placeholder until he came back?”
Marinette’s mouth fell open, as if she could not believe that Nino had just asked her that. Honestly, Nino couldn’t believe it, either. But he wouldn’t take it back. He needed to get it out, or all of this confusion, insecurity, jealousy…if he let it build inside him, let it stew for too long…well, Adrien wouldn’t be the only one who would have to make an appointment to see Dr. Bruel before long…
“Nino,” Marinette began, touching his arm delicately. When he didn’t pull away, she closed her hand around his wrist, her blue eyes shimmering as she stared up at him, biting her lip. “Of course you’re not a placeholder. You’re an important part of the team. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you if you hadn’t shown up.”
“Then why am I, of all people, getting shafted here? Listen, I’m not trying to be a jerk—I’m really worried. You’ve never known what it’s like to be akumatized. You’ve never known the fear and the confusion that came after the fact, of not remember what you’ve been up to for half the day…only for people to tell you that you became a public menace, that…that you’ve hurt people.”
Marinette dropped her eyes, so Nino lifted her chin to meet his gaze, because she wouldn’t run from this, from what Chat Noir did. He would not let her.
“Imagine having people hate you for something you had no control over,” he said softly, though the words made him tense. “Imagine having someone you once thought was a hero turn his back on you and condemn you for being used in a psychopath’s quest for magic jewelry, or world domination, or whatever the fuck Hawkmoth was after. Imagine finally, finally gaining the power to do something about it, to fight back…only to have your other hero welcome back the threat you were fighting against the minute he changed his tune…”
Nino’s hand was suddenly caressing Marinette’s cheek. He didn’t remember consciously deciding to do that…but for the moment, he let it be. If Marinette didn’t like it, she would just move away, and Nino would drop his hand, pretend like it didn’t bother him, like Marinette’s rejection wouldn’t go any further than skin-deep…
“…Imagine that hero being one of your best friends, someone you care so deeply about, who you’d hate to see hurt again…all because she was a little too forgiving, and put her faith in the wrong person.”
“Nino…” Marinette began, but she appeared to have nothing else to say. Just his name. He hated how weak in the knees he felt with just a simple utterance of his name on her tongue. First his crush on her in collége, and now this. Why couldn’t he seem to escape her…?
“I…” Nino swallowed, his heart hammering in his chest. Oh, he had to calm down and be cool. There was no need to stir the pot further than this; if he did this now, let on just how much he cared, it would only confuse Marinette. As angry as he was at the situation, he knew she had to be feeling conflicting emotions about this whole situation as well—how could she not be, with everything that had happened? No need for him to add another burden to her shoulders…
“…I don’t want you to lose yourself, Marinette,” he said, letting his hand drop away from her face as he straightened up. “I know it’s not my place—it’s not like I’m your boyfriend or anything. But the way I see you look at him…I just—”
“Nino,” Marinette interrupted, and somehow, her delicate little hands were around his neck, pulling him down closer to her. Nino blinked, startled, as Marinette stared at him with a look he had never seen aimed at him before…at least, he didn’t think he’d ever seen it aimed at him before… “Why are you so concerned with how I look at other guys? When are you going to notice the way I look at you?”
…Okay, what?
“Wha—” Nino tried to ask, but his lips were suddenly occupied with Marinette’s as she stretched on her toes to kiss him. Nino allowed himself a split-second longer for his confusion, and then he thought ‘fuck it’ and kissed the woman of his dreams back, so enthusiastically that her feet probably left the ground at some point.
In that moment, Nino could only be thankful. He was thankful for the stars of the evening, he was thankful for the warmth of the woman in his arms, the blue of her eyes, the taste of her lips, and so very, very thankful that she was so much braver than he was, because if she wasn’t, he was almost certain this moment never would have come.
All too soon, they broke for air. Nino panted, blinking rapidly as he adjusted his glasses. Marinette giggled in his arms, red blooming in her cheeks.
“Uh…wow,” was the only thing Nino could think of to say. Marinette laughed harder.
“Yeah. If I had known you kissed like that, I would’ve done it a lot sooner,” she teased him, giggling a little more before she settled down, sobering. “Nino, if that kiss wasn’t obvious enough, let me make it clear: there is nothing going on between me and Chat Noir. And I know you’re worried, but I honestly do believe that he wants to fix what he broke. I know he hurt a lot of people—me included—but I’m willing to give him that chance.” She raised her hands to his face now, palms resting against his cheeks as the fire of determination, of assurance, burned in her eyes. “Please just trust me, Nino.”
Ugh. Well, how could he possibly say no to her, with her looking at him like that?
“…All right,” Nino allowed, and Marinette rewarded him with another kiss. “But I’m serious—he tries anything, and it’s skull-bashing time.”
“Okay, okay,” Marinette said, looking amused, “simmer down, tough guy. Just, please, try to be more civil from now on, okay?”
“I can’t promise anything,” said Nino with a dry look, “the cat man really knows how to get under someone’s skin.”
Marinette rolled her eyes, but then shrugged, as if conceding to his point. For a while they stood there in the cold, Nino distracted by the falling flakes…or he was pretending to be, in order to keep his thoughts off the warmth of the hand clutching his. Sure, nothing was official yet—they’d have to talk about it, first, and then there was Alya being Marinette’s best friend and Nino’s ex-girlfriend—but Nino was just so awed that something like this had happened in the first place that he couldn’t worry about anything else right now.
All he knew was that, if he could help it, he would not be letting go of this hand again anytime soon.
...I hate them.
They’re way too cute and I HATE them for doing this to me.
I’ve become multishipper trash and it’s a problem.
...Oh well. Hope you enjoyed! <3
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argo2sims · 11 years
I don't know what time it is where you are, but happy birthday to reyna-impersonator, possibly our biggest fan!
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Reyna wishes you a very happy day.
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And Octavian.
Reyna's favorite activities include:
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1. Not taking any of Octavian's schist.
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2. Floating.
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3. Swimming ~fabulously~ (and splashing Octavian).
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4. Dental hygiene.
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5. Dancing.
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Lots of dancing.
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