#never be afraid to make your own stories. its fanfiction and you're expressing yourself!
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Can other people write fanfics of durge as a compaion? Cause ive been writing a fic of durge as tavs traveling companion for a week now then I found your blog and realized you did it better than I could and I don't want to upset you by making a fic with a similar concept but completely different than you. ~š
Hey now!
I say that every iteration of a Durge Companion is Valid. Some people have different interpretations of how a Default Durge acts to things. Other people have their own Durges and Tavs and ideas with how the story is written with them in the game.
To anyone wanting to write a Durge Companion story of your own, take creative liberties! Mine isn't official. I'm just an artist on the internet that one day wanted to see this in art form and went "Fine I'll do it myself."
Besides, I find it more fun to see how different people write, draw, or create their own concept of this since Durge as a companion is something I definitely want expanded on with other people! I wanna see everyone's own Tavs running around with a Durge and causing chaos.
So be free and create, please!
#angie speaks#sorry got lengthy#i wanted to put my feelings down#never be afraid to make your own stories. its fanfiction and you're expressing yourself!#give baldur's gate some more fanfic tropes with the durge!!!
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Cleon hints in the novels
Before I read the novels by S. D. Perry, I was aware that Aeon was as canon as it gonna get for Capcom. In my opinion, the original RE2 offered nothing that could be interpreted as attraction between Claire and Leon...I still liked them together nonetheless. The obsession I have with Claire and Leon first started when I read the novels. 13 year old me was beyond ecstatic when there were actual hints towards a possible romantic relationship between Claire and Leon (which I thought was a 1000 % canon back then, it was Capcom approved after all). Since I now know the novels can be considered as very well written fanfiction, I came to the realization that Ms Perry probably shipped them too. So without further ado, I tried to collect all the Cleon hints from the novels... which are mostly from "Underworld" and "Code Veronica".
Underworld - Chapter One
David's thoughts
Rebecca was unloading clips and repacking the weapons, Leon and Claire sitting close together across from her, not talking. Those two were usually joined at the hip, and were still as tight as they'd been since David, John, and Rebecca had picked them up just outside of Raccoon less than a month earlier, dirty and damaged and reeling from their run-in with Umbrella. David didn't think there was a romantic connection there, at least not yet; it was more likely their shared nightmare. Nearly dying together could be quite a bonding experience. As far as David knew, Leon and Claire were the only survivors of the Raccoon disaster who knew about Umbrella's T-Virus spill.
Underworld - Chapter Two
Leon's thoughts
And what about Leon Kennedy? He'd stumbled into the fight without a clue, a cop fresh out of the academy on his way to his first day at work - which just happened to be with the Raccoon PD. There was Ada, true - but he'd known her less than half a day, and she had been killed just after admitting to him that she was some kind of an agent, sent to steal a sample of an Umbrella virus.
So I lost a job, and a possible relationship with a woman I barely knew and couldn't trust. Of course Umbrella should be stopped... but do I belong here?
He'd decided to become a cop because he wanted to help people, but he'd always figured that meant keeping the peace - busting drunk drivers, breaking up bar fights, catching crooks. Never in his wildest dreams would he have figured on being caught up in an international conspiracy, cloak-and-dagger infiltration-type stuff against a giant company that made war monsters. It was crime on a much bigger scale than he felt he was ready for...... and is that the real reason, Officer Kennedy? At exactly that moment, Claire mumbled something from her light doze, nuzzling her head against his arm before falling silent and still again - and making Leon uncomfortably aware of another facet to his involvement with the ex-S.T.A.R.S. Claire.
Claire was... she was an incredible woman. In the days after their escape from Raccoon City, they'd talked a lot about what had happened, the experiences they'd had both separately and together. At the time, it had felt like an exchange of information, filling in blanks - she'd told him about her run-in with Chief Irons and the creature she'd called Mr. X, and he'd told her all about Ada and the terrible thing that had once been William Birkin. Between them, they'd been able to come up with a continuous story, with information that was important to the fugitive team. In retrospect, though, he could see that those long, rambling conversations had been essential for another reason entirely - they'd been a way to leach out the poison of what had happened to them, like talking out a bad dream. If he'd had to keep it all inside, he thought, he might have gone crazy. In any case, the feelings he had for her now were convoluted ones - warmth, connection, dependence, respect, others that he had no name for. And that scared him, because he'd never felt so strongly about anyone before and because he wasn't sure how much of it was real and how much was just some kind of a post-traumatic stress thing.
Face it, stop bullshitting yourself. What you're really afraid of is that you're only here because she is, and you don't like what that says about you.
Leon nodded inwardly, realizing that it was the truth, the real reason behind his uncertainty. He'd always believed that want was okay, but need? He didn't like the idea of being led around by some neurotic compulsion to be close to Claire Redfield.
And what if it isn't need? Maybe it's want, and you just don't know it yet...
He scowled at his own pathetic attempts at self-analysis, deciding that maybe it would be best just to stop worrying about it so much. Whatever the reason for becoming involved, he was involved - he could kick ass with the best of them and Umbrella deserved to have their ass kicked, big time. For now, he had to pee, and then he was going to eat something and do his best to catch some sleep. Leon gently moved out from beneath Claire's warm, heavy head, doing his best not to wake her up. He slid out into the aisle, glancing around at the others.
Underworld - Chapter Five
Claire's and Leon's conversation
"Cold?" Leon asked. Claire turned away from the window, looking at him. He'd finished with the packs, and was holding one out to her. She took it, nodding in response to his question. "Aren't you?" He shook his head, grinning. "Thermal underwear. Could have used these in Raccoon..."Claire smiled. "How could I have used them? I was running around in a pair of shorts, you at least had your uniform. "Which was covered with lizard guts before I was halfway through the sewers," he said, and she was glad to hear him at least try to joke about it.
Underworld - Chapter 5
Claire's thougts
Leon put his hand on Claire's shoulder. "You up for this?" he asked softly, and Claire smiled inwardly, thinking of how sweet he was; she'd been thinking of asking him the same thing. In the days since Raccoon, they'd gotten pretty close- and although she wasn't positive, she'd picked up on a few signals that suggested he wouldn't mind getting closer. She still wasn't sure if that was a good idea
and now's not the time to be deciding. The sooner we get this code book, the sooner we get to Europe. To Chris.
"As up as I'm gonna be," she said, and Leon nodded, and they climbed out into the freezing night to join the others.
Underworld - Epilogue
With David and John supporting young Rebecca, and Leon and Claire smiling at one another like lovers, the five weary soldiers trudged off the screen and out into the gently blossoming Utah morning.
Code Veronica- Chapter Four
Leon receives Claire's message from the island and tells Chris and Barry about it
Leon had turned out to be a half decent hacker, he was in the next room on the computer; he'd hardly slept since Claire's capture, most of his time spent trying to track Umbrella's recent movements.
With both their parents dead, he and Claire had developed a close relationship, and he thought he knew her pretty well; she was smart and tough and resourceful, always had been... but she was also a college student, for Christ's sake. Unlike the rest of them, she didn't have any formal combat training. He couldn't help thinking that she'd been lucky so far, and when it came to Umbrella, luck just wasn't enough.
"Chris, get in here!"
Leon, and it sounded urgent. Chris and Barry looked at each other, Chris seeing his own worry mirrored in Barry's face, and they both stood up. His heart in his throat, Chris hurriedly led the way down the hall to where Leon was working, feeling eager and afraid at once. The young cop was standing next to the computer, his expression unreadable. "She's alive," Leon said simply. Chris hadn't even been aware of how bad things had been for him until those two words. It was like his heart had suddenly been released after being gripped hi a vise for ten days, the sense of relief as physical as it was emotional, his skin flushing with it.
Alive, she's alive...Barry clapped him on the shoulder, laughing. "Of course she is, she's a Redfield."
Chris grinned, turned his attention back to Leon and felt his smile slipping at the cop's carefully neutral expression. There was something else. Before he could ask, Leon motioned at the screen, taking a deep breath. "They've got her on an island, Chris... and there's been an accident."
Chris was leaning over the computer in a single stride. He read the brief message twice, the reality of it slow to sink in.
Infection trouble approximately 37S, 12W following attack, perps unknown. No bad guys left, I think, but stuck at the moment. Watch your back, bro, they know the city if not the street. Will try to be home soon.
Chris stood up, silently locking gazes with Leon as Barry read the message. Leon smiled, but it looked forced. "You didn't see her in Raccoon," he said. "She knows how to handle herself, Chris. And she managed to get to a computer, right?" Barry straightened up, took his cue from Leon. "That means she's not locked down," he said seriously. "And if Umbrella's got its hands full with another viral spill, they're not going to be paying attention to anything else. The important thing is that she's alive."
Chris nodded absently, mind already working on what he would need for the trip. The coordinates she'd listed put her in an incredibly isolated spot, deep in the South Atlantic, but he had an old Air Force buddy who owed him, could jet him down to Buenos Aires, maybe Capetown; he could rent a boat from there, survival gear, rope, medkit, an assload of firepower... "I'm going with you," Barry said, accurately reading his expression. They'd been friends a long time. "Me, too," Leon said. Chris shook his head. "No, absolutely not." Both men started to protest, and Chris raised his voice, talking over them.
"You saw what she said, about Umbrella homing in on me, on us," he said firmly. "That means we have to relocate, maybe one of the estates outside the city - some-one has to stay here, wait for Rebecca's team to get back, and someone else needs to scout out a new base of operations. And don't forget, Jill will be here any day now."
Barry frowned, scratched at his beard, his mouth set in a thin, tight line. "I don't like it. Going in alone is a bad idea..." "We're at a crucial phase right now, and you know it," Chris said. "Somebody's got to mind the shop, Barry, and you're the man. You've got the experience, you know all the contacts." "Fine, but at least take the kid," Barry said, gesturing toward Leon. For once, Leon didn't protest the label, only nodded, drawing himself up, shoulders back and head high.
"If you won't do it for yourself, think about Claire,"Barry continued. "What happens to her if you get your - self killed? You need a backup, somebody to pick up the ball if you fumble."Chris shook his head, immovable. "You know better, Barry, this has to be as quiet as possible. Umbrella may have already sent in a cleanup crew. One person, in and out before anyone even realizes I'm there."
Barry was still frowning, but he didn't push it. Neither did Leon, although Chris could see that he was working up to it; the cop and Claire had obviously gotten pretty close.
"I'll bring her back," Chris said, softening his tone, looking at Leon. Leon hesitated, then nodded, high color burning in his cheeks, making Chris wonder exactly how close Leon and his sister had become.
Later. I can worry about his intentions if we make it back alive... when we make it back alive, he quickly amended. If was not an option. "It's settled, then,"
Chris said. "Leon, find me a good map of the area, geographical, political, everything, you never know what might help. Also post back to Claire, just in case she gets another chance to check for mes - sages - tell her I'm on my way. Barry, I want to be pack - ing major influence, but lightweight, something I can hike in without too much trouble, maybe a Glock... you're the expert, you decide."
Both men nodded, turned away to get started, and Chris closed his eyes for just a second, quickly offering up a silent prayer.
Please, please stay safe until I get there, Claire.
It wasn't much - but then, Chris had the feeling he would be praying a lot more in the long hours to come.
Code Veronica - Chapter nine
Steve and Claire on the plane to Antarctica, Steveās thoughts
He looked down at her, at her tousled hair and long lashes, his heart pounding even though he was trying to relax. She moved again, shifting in her sleep, her head tilting back a little and her slightly parted lips were suddenly close enough for him to kiss, all he had to do was tip his face down a few inches, and he wanted to so bad that he actually started to do it, lowering his mouth toward hers... "Mmmm," she murmured, still totally asleep, and he stopped, pulling back, his heart beating even faster. He totally wanted to but not like that, not if she didn't want him to. He thought she did, but she'd also told him a little about her friend Leon, too, and he wasn't so sure that they were just friends. Feeling tortured, having her so close but not his, he was relieved when she rolled away from him a few seconds later.
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What do you think are some of your biggest flaws/shortcomings as a writer? Like what are things that you're trying to improve upon for yourself or what things do you try to seek out advice from others about? Just curious :)
I mean, I donāt really seek advice because I donāt have anyone to seek advice from. I look to works of writing that I respect and attempt to mimic those things, butāand this is going to sound arrogant and conceited and thatās fine I guessāIāve never been in a situation where my peers have been on the same level I am. That isnāt to say Iām the best writer in the world, because Iām not, but literally Iāve never been in a place where my peers and even teachers have anything to offer me in the way of helpful criticism. More often than not, I am leaned upon to be one of the few people that are able to edit and critique someone elseās work and actually be useful.
When I would submit stories for review, my profs would either, one, give me 100%s, which is silly because I did not deserve that, or tell me they have nothing to say because itās āso good.ā And if I sound irritated by this attitude, I am. I have grad students telling me my work is so good they canāt give me critique, yet my advisor wonāt let me take graduate level classes despite the fact that I am utterly wasted with my peers, who do little more than write stories for class because theyāre required and not because they bother to practice their craft everyday. And they consider themselves āwriters.ā
So no, I very rarely seek out advice because it has been a very useless endeavor a good majority of the time.
It has, however, taught me to be very self-reflective and progressive in my own attempts to learn and improve. I go out of my way to improve myself when I feel I am lacking, which is something a lot of writers apparently donāt do? I mean, if I were to be honestly critical, Iād tell you that everything I do is sub-par, because I know from experience that if I work hard enough, I can always come up with something better. I go in to edit a piece having already accepted that I could likely re-write the entire thing and itād be done better, but only the fact that I canāt do that my whole life and hope to be successful stops me from doing so.Ā
As far as specifics? It depends on the piece and what my focus is, really. Writing isnāt so much a game of what is best so much as it is picking whatās best for the story youāre trying to tell. My aptitude for writing overly emotional scenes might be well-suited to a story about relationships, but is only going to drag in a fantasy adventure story, where each scenes needs to serve as something to pull the story forward. Part of the mark of a good writer is being able to utilize different strategies for different scenes. Itās why my writing style will vary vastly from a romantic scene to an action scene. This isnāt a fault, itās a purposeful change in tone.Ā
But Iām not here to give advice, despite how I am used to doing so. As far as technical things I know I can improve on, I tend to put too many tags in dialogue, which I have been working on remedying for the last year or more. I also tend to focus far too much on eyebrows and facial expressions, which is a hold-over fanfiction habit that I am ruthlessly trying to break myself of, because me saying a character looks curious does not then require me to tell you how furrowed their eyebrows areāif a character looks curious, most people are more than capable of imagining what that looks like. I also tend to have too many one-sentence paragraphs, which harken back to my fondness for emotional melodrama. Iāve also gotten really lazy about describing locations, which is another bad habit picked up in fanfiction, as it is rare that description is required at all in fanfic. But it makes me all the more proud when I do a description of a place that I really enjoy reading, because it reminds me how much it can add to a story. What other annoying things do I do? I have a few words that I repeat too often, but every writer goes through that and there will always be words I get into the habit of using that I then have to break myself of, only for others to take their place anew. Thatās what editing is for I guess. What else do I do? I dunno, there are a lot of things I do that are shitty. Iām sure there are plenty more.Ā
But I get the feeling youāre looking for something moreā¦ vast? Like me coming in and saying, oh Iām bad at dialogue, or romance, or character building. But I donāt think Iām really very bad at any of that, as I work very hard to make sure that Iām not butchering any concept Iām going to write about? Like, if Iām writing a romance, I go out of my way to make sure that romance is well-executed by looking at examples of what good romance looks like. Like, I do research and seek out sources and references. And I also practice a lot. And Iām a boss at dialogue when I get my tagging reeled in, so that one is a moot point ;DĀ
I mean, maybe Iām a bit long-winded? Butā¦ I like reading long things, so I guess that fault is up for debate and varies from person to person. I think maybe I get a little repetitive in conceptāas in repeating the same things every couple of chapters because Iām afraid the reader wonāt remember. So I guess I do ask about that, as I will ask my family when they read my novel to tell me if there are certain ideas that get repeated too often or if they need those reminders. But thatās still up in the air soā¦ *shrugs*
Iā¦ am really bad at introducing minor character appropriately, which I again blame on fanfiction. And by minor characters, I mean things like pets. When you write fanfic, you can introduce these characters without explanation, which means I now have horses in my novel that go through half of it with no names and then suddenly they have names and I have not figured out an appropriate time to introduce their name formally into the narrative.Ā
A lot of the issues I guess Iām working on stem from separating fanfic practices from writing original pieces. Fanfic has itās positives, donāt get me wrong. I could write essays on the benefits of fanfic. But it does have a few quirks specific to its form that I now have to combat, hence my uncertainty about whether Iām elaborating on an idea too repetitively or not. In fanfic, thatās not an issue you normally have to deal with, as the writer is usually dealing with themes already apparent in the canon.Ā
I guess fanfic is my biggest weakness. At least as far as writing original stuff, lol. Funny though, it doesnāt work the other way around. I tackle writing fanfic the way I do original work and I get twice as much praise. Which basically tells me that fanfic shortcomings boil down to laziness the community has justā¦ accepted.Ā
Iām lazy. My writing has become lazy. Almost all my fanfic is lazy, even Serendipitous Fate to a certain extent. Youād probably all be shocked to read my original novel and all the detail and precision that comes with it, lol.Ā
Anyway, hope that answers your questions!
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