alritaklegacy · 11 months
Yucartio: Nesh, you're in denial.
Nesh: I'm comfortable with that.
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alritaklegacy · 7 months
Zumasha: Well I couldn't exactly say "Oops, my bad!" at that point but I had to do something to help. Despite my little outburst earlier I never actually wanted to hurt any of you.
Nesh: Um, you just killed a guy like two minutes ago for mildly sassing you.
Zumasha: Look! It was a very tense situation and I think it should pretty apparent by now that I'm not exactly the picture of grace under fire.
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alritaklegacy · 7 months
Nesh: You ever wonder if we'll meet someone normal?
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alritaklegacy · 7 months
Joyshum: You can't read?
Nesh: I may or may not be able to read, but either way, I choose not to.
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alritaklegacy · 7 months
Nesh: How slow does his heart rate need to be?
Yucartio: Very slow.
Nesh: How slow is very slow?
Yucartio: Nearly dead.
Joyshum: It's safe though, right?
Yucartio: Do you want me to answer honestly?
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alritaklegacy · 8 months
Zumasha: I didn't get any of what you just said. Is it worth repeating?
Nesh: No.
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alritaklegacy · 1 year
Nesh: I'm a very dangerous fellow when I don't know what I'm doing.
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alritaklegacy · 1 year
Nesh: Anything I can do?
Joyshum: Uh, it's pretty self-explanatory, really.
Nesh: Did you check to see if that little gizmo there is attached to that other giddy-bop?
Joyshum: Mmm. Not yet. You think that'll do it?
Nesh: If you spit on it. Sometimes that works.
Joyshum: All right.
Zumasha: Oh, come on!
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alritaklegacy · 1 year
Zumasha: Alright! Let's go crazy!
Rhianthi: No. No. No. No.
Nesh: Let's go crazy.
Rhianthi: Please don't go crazy.
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alritaklegacy · 1 year
Zumasha: Question. How's your hearing?
Nesh: Pretty good?
Zumasha: Then I guess you can hear that. That's the sound of revenge!
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alritaklegacy · 1 year
Kayari: Good afternoon. I am looking for Darth Nox.
Nesh: She's dead. Come back next week.
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alritaklegacy · 1 year
Rhianthi: We'll have to cut down on expenses. What can we live without?
Zumasha: Probably Joyshum and Nesh.
Khvani: That's a good start.
Nesh: Huh. Well that makes the things I was gonna cut irrelevant.
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alritaklegacy · 1 year
Yucartio: My sister wants to meet everybody. Because I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm making Nesh up. [sighs] He is very real.
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alritaklegacy · 1 year
Zumasha: Nesh, could you please inform Joyshum Alritak that he is being shunned?
Nesh: Joyshum, Zumasha says welcome back and she could use a hug.
Zumasha: Okay, tell him that that's not true.
Nesh: Zumasha says that she actually doesn't know one single fact about gundark attacks.
Zumasha: Okay, no, Nesh, tell him gundarks can climb faster than they can run. [Joyshum walks away] Nesh! Tell him!
Nesh: Joyshum... nah, that's too far.
Zumasha: Damn you.
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alritaklegacy · 1 year
Nesh: That was the moment that you knew you liked me.
Ansejynn: Yep.
Nesh: Wow. Can we make it a different moment?
Ansejynn: Nope.
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alritaklegacy · 1 year
Nesh: Do I need to be liked? Absolutely not. I like to be liked. I enjoy being liked. I have to be liked. But it's not like this compulsive need to be liked, like my need to be praised.
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