#nerin's ocs ; jen
nerin010 · 4 months
regretevator oc archive for me specifically
WAIVER [all pronouns, robot]
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JEN [she/her, robloxian]
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CARBON [ae/aer, qaern'ith/alien]
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KARANG/MRSUMMONER [they/he, ??????]
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assorted other OCS
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i'll save the infodumping about the ocs for a reblog and/or if someone asks for it.
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nerin010 · 20 days
updates on regretevator ocs i made
waiver got redesigned again. peeled some of the v2 aspects away to emphasize the retconned similarities between v1 waiver n melanie (who r now siblings 💥)
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jen has been lightly redesigned somehow became irish. don't know how that happened but fuck it we ball
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carbon (not shown here) has mysteriously become a fish alien species with no other changes. the only reason i don't have a shitty doodle of aer is because i haven't the slightest clue what to do for aer color palette
i killed karang off. sorry guys. someone had to go, and there was only room for one edgelord in the elevator (that edgelord being folly)
and last but definitely not least, a new and as-of-yet unnamed oc! they're the soul of a guard of the redball temple who just got awoken from a 5-millenium nap and is PISSED that the place is getting wrecked and/or capitalism'd. i am currently open to name and pronoun suggestions for them.
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