#neji hy��ga
thealvinatordraws · 1 year
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Neji | Naruto - (02/10/19) - OLD ART
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kyafalcone · 7 years
So I wrote a Thing
I blame all the Gamer fics and awesome SIs I’ve read
 Congratulations for completing Shinobi Way: Will of Fire Story Mode. Customization is now available.
Would you like to play again?
Finally, she thought.  It had taken forever to get through the first game.  She died countless times.  Always returning to this weird place and screen.  She honestly didn’t know how long she had been doing this, ‘playing’ this game.  This game that wasn’t really a game.  It couldn’t be.
At first she thought she was dreaming or in a coma.  Now she had no clue.  The best idea she had was that she died.  And was now in this limbo place where she died over and over again.
She gave herself one goal after the first ‘game failure,’ get to custom mode.  It was a silly kind of goal.  She died so often in this weird purgatory.  She died as all of the unlocked story characters.  And now she could create her own person.  She could be who she wanted to be.  And after going through the game as shinobi time after time, she hoped to be able to be normal, even in this weird shinobi/game world.
“Let’s play,” she stated to the green text.
Story Characters:
Yamanaka Ino
Uzumaki Naruto
Uchiha Sasuke
Rock Lee
Nara Shikamaru
Inuzuka Kiba
Hyūga Neji
Hyūga Hinata
Haruno Sakura
Akimichi Chouji
Aburame Shino
Custom Mode
Looking at the list, she felt some accomplishment.  Team Gai, as they were known in the game, were all unlocked characters she got through getting certain accomplishments.  Beating Neji as Hinata in the Chunin Exams.  Beating Lee as Sasuke right before the Exams.  Turning Sakura, Hinata, and Ino into weapon-mistresses before the Exams.
It all came back to those stupid Exams.  The Exams were like the actual start of the game. Everything before is training, the tutorial.  It had taken her a lot of starts to figure that out.  Since she had just started with the first option she recognized, Naruto. She knew it was a show, a comic book thing.  Her cousin watched it and had a lot of the video games based on the show.
Unfortunately, she didn’t know that Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura had some extra hurdles before the Exams.  She had originally stuck with those three after the first try.  She died a lot.  Surprisingly, she finally won the game with Hinata.  It was probably just luck, but it was nice to have finally won. And with a female character.  She had to get through to the Exams, then the two year span of random missions, then survive the Atatsuki, then figure out the mystery of Madara (which she finally realized changed with each decision she made in the game), then survive the rabbit goddess and aliens.
She sometimes wondered how long she had been here. She had failed before and during the Exams enough times to probably fill several decades.  With the two year ‘profession training’ period, that rose even higher. Hell, figuring out Madara probably added decades to the time she spent here.  
It felt like eternity.
Which probably explained her theory of this being limbo or purgatory.  And her want of the custom mode.  Which she had finally gotten.
Custom Mode Engaged
 Shinobi Clan or Civilian Clan?
Civilian.  It would be easier to be normal as a civilian.  No pressure to be a shinobi.
Point Distribution
 50 Attribute Points
Strength 0>
Vitality 0>
Dexterity 0>
Intelligence 0>
Wisdom 0>
Charisma 0>
Having played for so long, she already knew what attribute did what.  Strength and Vitality made up Health.  Intelligence determined chakra.  Wisdom: Chakra Control.  Dexterity had influence on speed.  Finally, Charisma helped with Reputation and purchases.
Naruto had ended up having a bunch of penalties toward Reputation which had made him the hardest to play.  She was pretty sure winning with him would be her next goal, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to try it.
Ino and Sakura had ‘fangirl’ statuses at the beginning that hurt their gains and base Intelligence.  Hinata did too with her personality status, but that was combatable with the Perks she got when starting.  Shikamaru had a ‘lazy’ status that hurt his chakra and physical attributes. Shino had some chakra penalties and charisma penalties too.
It was all maths though.  Which was her favorite subject.  Even after she had finished school.  Sometimes she wished to be able to bring items from play to play. She had worked out all the relationships between attributes and health and chakra once.  Only once since all that work disappeared when she got back to this screen.
She had started balancing the attributes early on, keeping them as even as possible.  Moving points around so every attribute had 6 was her first move.  Now she had 14 points to play with.  As she wasn’t planning on being a shinobi, if at all possible, she decided to focus on the attributes that helped dealing with people.
Point Distribution
 0 Attribute Points
Strength 6>
Vitality 6>
Dexterity 8>
Intelligence 10>
Wisdom 10>
Charisma 10>
While helpful towards charka, Intelligence also allowed her to learn more and learn faster.  Wisdom helped understand what went on around her, and with the idea of going a whole new route, she hoped a higher Wisdom would help.  Charisma was pretty straightforward in how it could help. The more people liked her, the better the product she got.
You can now pick 3 status perks.
Chakra Coils – Locked
Chakra Coils – Unlocked
Personality – Quiet and Shy
Personality – Quiet and Solemn
Personality – Shy and Unconfident
Personality – Blunt and Outgoing
Personality – Good Listener
Personality – Bookworm
Personality – Prankster
Personality – Fangirl
Personality – Lazy
Personality – Perverted
Personality - Vain
Body Type – Statuesque
Body Type – Flexible
Body Type – Rock Solid
Body Type – Fleet-Footed
Status – Clan Heir
Status – Genii
Status – Orphan
Other – Kinesthetic Learner
Other – Book Smart
Other – Team Player
Other – Religious
Profession – Chef
Profession – Writer
Profession – Blacksmith
Profession – Store Keep
Profession – Trader
Profession – Artist
Profession – Farmer
Profession – Rancher
She knew some of the statuses from being and meeting other characters.  She knew some of the benefits and penalties.  Some of them were new to her though.  Most of the profession statuses.  A few of the personality status were new too.  Every ‘heir’ status she had seen was for a shinobi clan, but it always helped with the family ‘business.’  The ‘other’ statuses were usually for experience gain.
The locked coil status would probably help with the civilian goal.  Lee had Damaged coils which meant he was more physical than jutsu as a fighter.  Locked coils would be her first choice, with heir as the next.  That left one more.  It would probably be a good idea to pick a profession.
With the attribute points, Blacksmith was probably a bad idea.  From Tenten she knew strength was big for that.  The only writer she had met was Jiraiya and that wasn’t exactly a good impression.  Akimichi were chefs, as were the ramen shop owners (Teuchi and Ayame), so she had some experience with cooking.  Artist was kind of what Sai did, though she hadn’t unlocked him, if she could.  Sai fought with ink.  Traders probably travelled a lot and that wouldn’t be so safe in later years.  
That left Store Keep, Farmer, and Rancher. She had done some farm work on D-Rank missions.  It wasn’t something she had enjoyed.  And while working with animals sounded nice, she didn’t know if she’d be good at it. Store Keep was ambiguous.  It could be any type store, even one she had no clues about.
Crap.  This wasn’t easy.  Maybe she should look at the personality ones.  Lazy, Vain, Perverted, and Fangirl were thrown out automatically.  Vain was the only one with a benefit and it was only to Charisma, with the penalty going to reputation gain.  Prankster wouldn’t really be helpful.  Hinata was the Shy and Unconfident and that gave penalties to reputation and charisma.  Blunt didn’t seem like a good idea.  The Quiets were all negative in reputation gain.  That left Good Listener and Bookworm.
From selecting the other statuses, she knew no information would pop up for her to learn about.  Best to go with something that seemed obvious.  Bookworm sounded the least able to be turned against her. She could be considered nosy with the Listener.
Please stand by while your profile is compiled.
Profile Complete
Haruno Kaede
That was… different.  She would be related to Sakura in some way.  From what she remembered, her chakra control is probably really high with her Wisdom attribute.  The chakra penalty would probably be high, but she might still have some to play with if she was lucky.
What the hell did Sakura’s family do?
Game will begin in
3 . . .
2 . . .
1 . . .
 You have slept in Your Bed.
HP and CP filled to 100%
Familiar with the ‘wake up’ message, she sat up to see where she was.  And got a fairly not nice surprise.
She was a boy.
Though she probably should have figured since the profile said heir instead of heiress like Ino had and Hinata could get.
She was also younger than what the others started out as, maybe two.  Usually she was seven or eight and beginning the Shinobi Academy.  She had thought she’d be older with 50 points instead of the total 30 she had in Story Mode.  Crap.
Profile, she thought quickly.  There was usually some new information in there.
Haruno Kaede
Occupation: (2 Available)
Level: 5  EXP to LV: 00.00%
HP: 90.00         HPR: 2.50/min
CP: 37.50         CPR: 4.38/min
Strength: 6
Vitality: 6
Dexterity: 8
Intelligence: 10 (+2.5) = 12.50
Wisdom: 10 (+2.5) = 12.50
Charisma: 10
(0 Attribute Points Available)
(1 Perk Point)
Status: [Locked Chakra Coils] -90% Chakra, Civilian; [Bookworm] +50% EXP gain from Skill Books, +0.5 to Wisdom per LV, +0.5 to Intelligence per LV; [Haruno Heir] +25% EXP gain towards [Haruno Family Practices]
Haruno Kaede is the eldest of the new generation of Harunos.  He is slotted to lead the family business (?) when an adult.  Born before the end of the Third Shinobi War, Kaede is one of the few children allowed to grow without shinobi training.
The Third Shinobi War was before any of the timeline she had played.  Naruto was born October 10 a year after the war.  There was some information she had, if she could remember it all.
Yondaime became the Yellow Flash in the Third War. Kushina was the Jinchūriki for Kyūbi.  How much longer until Sakura would be born?  A few years?
Why the hell did she have to be in a totally new situation?
What other surprises would Custom Mode have for her?
Shaking herself, she looked back at her stats. She had a Perk Point to play with. And there was also a question mark in the description.  That was new-ish.  Mentally tapping the question mark, a new screen popped up.
The Haruno Family is a Civilian Clan focused on a specific Profession. You will be in charge of managing all family businesses once Clan Head. Decide what Profession your family follows.
 Chefs – Your family is the civilian version of the Akimichi clan. Your family owns several restaurants and bakeries.  
Artisans – Your family focuses on art and the various roads an artisan can take.  From Architect to Sculptor to Weaver, your family holds them all.
Trade Shop – Your family owns a wide network of shops between villages. Any good can be found in your stores.
Farmers/Ranchers – Your family has owned land since the Founding and used this land to the village’s benefit.  From cattle to grain, your family provides a large portion of consumable goods.
None of these would have helped Sakura as a shinobi. Which made sense as a civilian clan. Going from what she read, Chefs and Trade Shop would have a lot of different things to know to run businesses successfully.  So would Farmers and Artisans but it sounded like there were specific sections that ran on their own.  Artisans honestly sounded the most interesting for her.  That decided that then.
Now the perk point.
1 Perk Point Available
Chakra Coils – Unlocked
Personality – Quiet and Shy
Personality – Quiet and Solemn
Personality – Good Listener
Personality – Lazy
Status – Genii
Other – Team Player
Other – Religious
Other - Artistic
Genii would give Intelligence and Wisdom points. Team Player was similar to Kiba’s Pack Member so ally EXP seemed likely.  In all honesty, the Artistic perk seemed the best for her now.
+25% EXP gain towards [Arts], +0.5 to Intelligence per LV, +10% to Wisdom, Adds Creativity to Attributes, +0.5 to Creativity per LV
Well that sounded helpful.  Though having a new attribute to manage would be interesting. Hopefully the 10 points a level kept so she had more than usual to play with.  The new attribute would help with her family profession though.  That decided that then.
Looking back through her profile, she spotted the blank Occupation.  Something else to look at.
Available Occupations:
Toddler (+50% EXP gain)
Family Heir (+25% Reputation gain with other Heirs)
Huh.  The Toddler would probably leave after she grew, but it would help for the moment. Getting a higher level would be nice. Now her profile looked complete.
Haruno Kaede
Occupation: Toddler (+50% EXP gain)
Level: 5  EXP to LV: 00.00%
HP: 90.00         HPR: 2.50/min
CP: 45.00         CPR: 4.63/min
Strength: 6
Vitality: 6
Dexterity: 8
Intelligence: 10 (+5) = 15.00
Wisdom: 10 (+3.5) = 13.50
Charisma: 10
Creativity: 6 (+2.5) = 8.50
(0 Attribute Points Available)
(0 Perk Points)
Status: [Locked Chakra Coils] -90% Chakra, Civilian; [Bookworm] +50% EXP gain from Skill Books, +0.5 to Wisdom per LV, +0.5 to Intelligence per LV; [Haruno Heir] +25% EXP gain towards [Haruno Art Practices], +25% EXP gain towards [Arts]; [Artistic] +25% EXP gain towards [Arts], +0.5 to Intelligence per LV, +10% to Wisdom, Adds Creativity to Attributes
Haruno Kaede is the eldest of the new generation of Harunos.  He is slotted to lead the family business of Artistry when an adult.  Born before the end of the Third Shinobi War, Kaede is one of the few children allowed to grow without shinobi training.
It certainly looked good for a toddler’s profile. Level 5 at just one or two.  She still had a bunch of questions about her new situation though.
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alessiamartine-blog · 4 years
Neji HyūGa was a ninja of the Hyūga clan. He was a whizz-kid even by the standards of his clan. Being a member of the clan’s brand house, he had decided to be in service to the Hyūga main house irrespective of how skillful he becomes. He believed that his fate was predestined, but his opinion changed when he saw Naruto’s denial of such an ideology. Neji came to the conclusion that it was up to him to decide his fate, and he started seeking all the strength he needed to make a future that he wanted for himself and his loved ones.
Neji ended up sacrificing his own life for the protection of his cousin Hinata during the Fourth Shinobi World War. It was crucial for Naruto since because of him, he was able to stop Kaguya. Since Naruto later married Hinata, Neji had unknowingly saved Naruto’s future wife. The story could have been much different if it wasn’t for his sacrifice for the greater good. So, it is not surprising that Naruto fans regard him as the most selfless heroes of the show. Only just recently Boruto has honored Neji with his unique move, and it is all coming together since Neji was his unofficial godfather.
Neji was able to challenge Naruto and Sasuke and pushed them to their limits with his chakra manipulations and palm style techniques. He was too good for everyone his age, and it was believed that he was going to become Konoha’s most exceptional shinobi. Unfortunately, that never happened because of his premature death. Boruto, aware of this history, honored him in his fight with Kirisaki.
While investigating the case of Hashirama Cells, Boruto’s Team 7 go to the Land of Silence. There they find black markets where many of the wanted criminals roam freely. Even though the ninja alliance knows them, they choose to turn a blind eye to all the shady business that goes on there. This shocks Boruto as he can’t comprehend why the alliance would decide to do anything even when they know about all of this.
Team 7 finds out that to get their hands on the Hashirama Cell and to solve the case, they will have to interrogate Kirisaki, the rogue medical ninja. Boruto uses his sexy jutsu to lure him into a trap so that he can be caught. But the trick fails as Kirisaki starts fighting him. He easily dodges some of Kirisaki’s attacks, but when he rushes in, Boruto uses the Wind Style: Gale Palm to create high-speed winds that knock him out.
Boruto accurately mimics Neji’s movements in his attack as though he was copying him subconsciously. This shows how much respect he must-have for his godfather Neji, as he wants to make Neji’s moves his own. This is undoubtedly an emotional tribute from Boruto to Neji, and it has left all fans teary-eyed.
Boruto’s sister, Himawari, has the famous Byakugan eye technique. It would be a perfect homage if the siblings just pair the ocular jutsu along with the fighting style of Neji. What was even more impressive was the demeanor of Boruto after he performed Neji’s moves. Also, though he usually gets very excited and makes jokes after completing his mind-blowing moves, he appeared much different this time. Neji used to have a very stoic aura around him. After Boruto had copied his move, he also seemed very dignified and majestic as if he were relishing the historical significance of his actions. Boruto has always been very compassionate and considerate towards others. His tribute to Neji proves that he is born for greatness like his father, Naruto Uzumaki.
My name is Alessia Martine. I am a security expert; I have been making the people aware of the security threats. My passion is about Cybersecurity, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet, and new media. I write for McAfee security products at mcafee.com/activate.
Source: https://gointersecure.com/articles/boruto-honors-neji-hy-ga/
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