#need to figure out what my writing tag should be for nov? i understand why we aren't using the acronym nanowrimo anymore but uuuuugghhh
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nepthrene · 5 months ago
Midterms rolled around and I took a bit of a break - which is fine (I hope) but now I have to really bunch my muscles and get this story ready to go for nov.
I was hoping to have a project intro post out by now -but I still need to write a quick synopsis and figure out a working title (at the very LEAST)
Lacking a completed outline as well... things are get dicey over here
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chappedandfadedvds · 4 years ago
Nov 11th, Wednesday 21:12
„So why did you actually move here in the first place?“
They had finished dinner and sat on the sofa in the livingroom. Empty plates and half filled wine glasses left forgotten on the low table infront of them. Lucas had found a bottle I n one of the cupboards, presenting it to Jens with a grin. They hadn’t found any candles though, so their joked about candle-light-dinner fell a bit short.
Lucas’s legs were thrown over Jens’s lap, as the boy rested his back against the side arm of the couch.
They had talked a lot about the online classes till now and the huge amount of homework they had gotten. Til Jens remembered that he wanted to ask Lucas so many more private things, that hadn’t felt right over the phone. He wanted to see Lucas in person when he did.
„Difficult topic.“ The boy said, leaning his head against the back rest, as he looked at Jens, but went on quietly regardless. Only pausing occasionally as he elaborated: „My mother takes part in a 9 month long drug trial here at the university hospital... She suffers from severe depression with a moderate form of psychosis... becasue why not. And they have a new treatment in development, that her doctor suggested could help her balance the chemicals in her brain, or something... So I told her, that I thought it was a good idea and that I wouldn’t let her go on her own. Obviously I’m also underage... Now, here we are.“
It evidently was hard for Lucas to talk about his family situation. And Jens was instantly reminded back to Robbe and how he had been there for his best friend two years ago, while everything went to shit with his mother, while he himself dealt with Jana and their break-up.
But this wasn’t the time to dwell on old memories. This here only involved Lucas.
So Jens strechted his arm out far enough, that his fingers could comb though the brown locks on Lucas’s head.
„Sorry to hear that. How is she doing?“
„Pretty good actually. I felt so lost with her back in Utrecht, but now that we are here and I don’t have to constantly worry over her, I feel much better. She is much more energetic and happy when we spend a day or two together. She asks more, listens more. She feels much more like a parent for once in a very long time.“ Lucas smiled at him, certainly looking content with his current situation until Jens hit him with the next question, his expression dropping into a frown.
„And where is your father?“
„He moved to Amsterdam after my mom broke down one day. They were fighting for years already and I don’t really mind him being out of my life, he was a bit far leaning on the conservative site.“ The dutch boy explained vaguely, certainly being done with this subject. On his part at least.
„What about your parents? You also only live with your mom, right?“
“Yup.“ Being on the recieving end of the question hurt definitely more. He wasn’t about to lie though to Lucas, as the boy had been so honest with him. He just wasn’t ready to talk about his mom yet. He didn’t know how to start.
„Only with my mom, yes. I haven’t seen my dad in years. I’m not even sure if Robbe remembers him. He was home at best a couple of month a year. He is not a bad man, he just never was made for settling down and family life, I suppose.“
„What do you mean?“ Lucas interrupted, watching Jens curiously from his position, his hand lightly kneading the older boy’s neck in circles. It was a very calming feeling.
„Well, he studied marine biology and after having done his PhD, with me being two, he started going on all sorts of expeditions. He always came back with the coolest stories and gifts. A real adventurer. I loved listening to him as a boy, Only when I grew older and Lotte was born did I notice under how much pressure my mom stood. She broke it off with him, when I was eleven. They never divorced, but the last time I heard of him was a postcard on my birthday two years ago from Tasmania.“ Jens shrugged. „I don’t even have an adress or a phone number to contact him, so... Not sure if it makes him an asshole or not.“
Truth be told, Jens never really had felt much regarding his absent father. He also didn’t really think much about him. He only ever felt sad for his mom having to handle everything on her own.
„Yeah, I don’t know either.“ Lucas said carefully, unsure of his response. Maybe he was afraid to say the wrong thing, or to hurt Jens? 
„Do you think he would have approved of us here?“ Lucas question caught him a bit off guard, until he remembered that the boy had told him his father to be „conservative“.
„I believe so, he was very much of the „live and let live“ attitude, as far as I can recall. And even if not, I don’t really care, because I get to cuddle and kiss this pretty boy right here.“
Lucas snorted at him, still sat straighter up and reaching over to kiss Jens, moving to settle on his lap.
„Do your friends know you are not straight?“ Lucas continued to ask, as his lips brushed along Jens’s jaw.
„No. I mean three weeks ago, I thought I was very straight.“ 
„Oh?“ Lucas feighned surprise and leaned his head back, his eyes searching for Jens’s gaze, as he grinned. „How come not now?“
„I haven’t the slightest clue. I may need something to remind me.“ Jens said, his arms wrapped around the body of Lucas, pulling him closer, his hips pushing up playfully into the other boy, who drew a sharp breath, his eyes falling shut.
If that wasn’t a beautiful sight to be seen.
„Jens.“ Lucas whispered nervously clearing his throat, his gaze driffted off over Jen’s head. Had he done something wrong?
„Sorry, should I..“
„No.“ Lucas quickly stopped Jens in his attempt to push Lucas a bit away. The fingers in his neck digging into him.
„Okay.“ Jens waited for Lucas to gather his thoughts. It only took the boy a minute to go on and elaborate.
„I’ve never...“
„You’ve never...“ Jens repeated, when the other boy once again stopped in his tracks.
„I’ve never done this. All of this.“ Lucas finally said.
„What? Was I your first kiss?“ Jens’s eyes grew wide as the thought hit him, and with it an actual punch in the chest from Lucas’s fist. Not that it was really hard or meant to hurt.
„No. I’ve kissed before. It just never went anywhere further than that. And also they were girls.“
„Eh same. You are also the first boy I’ve kissed.“ Jens said grinning brightly at the smiling boy rolling his eyes.
„That’s not what I mean, asshole.“
„Sorry.“ He pecked a kiss on Lucas’s lips, earning him another in return, before the boy on his lap grew a bit more serious again.
„You have so much experience with girls at least and I have none... What if you don’t like this? You said yourself, that you thought you were absolutely straight before. I’m scared I’m not good enough.“ The last words were a whisper so soft, Jens had trouble to understand them.
„Hey. I’m nervous too.“ Jens admitted as he locked eyes with Lucas. „You are the first boy for me as well. I have no fucking clue, what I am supposed to be doing here. I’ve never thought about it before, nor done reasearch on it. I just... We’ll just figure it out, okay? And if today is not the right day, then there is still tomorrow. So how about we kiss. And then you take my sweater and shirt off, and I’ll take yours off. Because honestly that is all I want right now. And then we’ll go from there.“
Lucas was back to smiling at him, eagerly nodding as his eyes dropped to Jens’s lips before he was pulled back into a tight embrace by the older boy. Their lips finding each other blind while their hands lost no time slipping under fabric and pulling their shirts off.
How hard could it be?
__ __ __ 
tagged: @odi-et-amo85, @tayspots
quick info:
so I am ace, but had my fair share of experiences, still I’m not comfortable going further than that in writing. If you expected some explicit content in my work, I’m afraid, I’ll have to disappoint you. Go read it somewhere and come back for the story, if you want 😭
hope you don’t mind and are able to fill the blanks to your fullest wishes!
thank you for reading!! ❤️
ps: if everything goes okay and I’m still motivated, I may continue my version of wtfock with another season exploring asexuality 🙈
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jessicakehoe · 6 years ago
5 Instagram Poets Who Will Warm Up Your Winter Blues
Blue Monday might have started as a press release to promote travel in January, but whether or not the equation—yes, there’s “math” to this—is total bologna-pseudoscience, it’s hard to deny the blues that come with cold weather. To help you through the chill, we’ve created an updated list of on-the-rise Instagram poets who have embraced the public platform as a way to make their voices heard. If you’re a fan of the insta-poets we’ve showcased in the past (Nikita Gill, Nayyirah Waheed and Yrsa Daley-Ward), these five talented writers are the perfect people to fill your day with sunshine and similes.
Tyler Knott Gregson
Best known for his Typewriter Series and book Chasers of the Light, Knott writes almost exclusively about love. His words are loaded with passion, softness and authenticity. Reading one of his poems feels like unfolding a love letter meant just for you—exposing, yet comforting. He’ll have you tagging your loved ones in the comments in no time, the perfect solution when your own words don’t feel like enough.
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Some days we are earth tones, all greys and greens and we fade into the landscape, into the weather. Some days we are neon, we pop and contrast the world around us. We explode in color and light. Some days all that rain makes one hell of a rainbow. . 📸 by @christinefigs
A post shared by Tyler Knott Gregson (@tylerknott) on Oct 6, 2018 at 7:04am PDT
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Typewriter Series #2441 by Tyler Knott Gregson
A post shared by Tyler Knott Gregson (@tylerknott) on Dec 2, 2018 at 4:58pm PST
Morgan Harper Nichols
Morgan Harper Nichols is the ultimate hype girl. She is the supportive, wisdom filled friend that we all need when the blues begin to weigh us down. Her profile, which she uses as a platform for mental wellness and self-care, is loaded with positivity and empathy. Nichols writes about personal growth, accepting your failures and moving forward. She is happy to share, with templates and phone wallpapers available for free download, so that her reminders are with you always. My own lock screen currently reads, “she does not know what the future holds, but she is grateful for slow and steady growth.”
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“Tell the story of the mountain you climbed. Your words could become a page in someone else’s survival guide.” I wrote these words for someone else, but I need this reminder too. ⠀ I have always naturally been a quieter, more inward type, and for most of life, expressing feelings and emotions was a challenge for me (Enneagram 5, INTJ). Because of that, I often thought that because I did not naturally have certain personality traits, there was no way I could connect with others, even when it came to the things I made. ⠀ I had a great family growing up, but outside of the home, I struggled to figure out where I “fit.” I struggled making friends and often blamed myself for not being more extroverted or “interesting.” This sent me inward: Deep inside my journals where I would say all the things I was never able to say during the day. I would write things for people but never knew how to share it with them. I would fill pages of composition books just to try to understand why I felt unheard and unseen. I started to convince myself that the best way to show up in the world was to not to be myself. Even in an environment where my parents lovingly encouraged my gifts as a writer and artist (I thank God for the encouragement my parents gave and still give me everyday), I still didn’t feel like I fit anywhere in the outside world. But there was this inside world where I could draw and write out all of the things I never figured out how to say during the day. Over time, I have finally begin to see: in the same way I learned to fill my journal page by page, I could learn to connect with others one by one. Showing up in the world does not mean that I have to show up everywhere all at once. Connecting around real people and real stories, in relationships and art is about the one. Impactful things can be said on big stages and in chart topping songs but they can also be said in hospital parking lots and handwritten letters. I have come to believe that in a world that often seems too crowded or busy to notice meaningful things, there is yet still room for each our stories and I just hope that the art I make, page by page, person by person is just one example of that.
A post shared by Morgan Harper Nichols (@morganharpernichols) on May 19, 2018 at 10:25am PDT
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When you start to feel like things should have been better this year, remember the mountains and valleys that brought you here. They are not accidents, and those moments were not in vain. You are not the same. You have grown and you are growing, you are breathing, you are living, you are wrapped in endless, boundless grace. And things will get better, there is more to you than yesterday. — Morgan Harper Nichols And if it happens to be one of these evenings/mornings/afternoons where reading it aloud or writing it down might bring some comfort, this is for you When I start to feel like things should have been better this year, I will remember the mountains and valleys that brought me here. They are not accidents, and those moments were not in vain. I am not the same. I have grown and I am growing, I am breathing, I am living, I am wrapped in endless, boundless grace. And things will get better, there is more to me than yesterday. ♥️🙏���
A post shared by Morgan Harper Nichols (@morganharpernichols) on Nov 7, 2018 at 8:28pm PST
Mustafa Ahmed
Raised in the public housing of Regent Park (a Canadian boy!), Ahmed, who goes by “Mustafa the Poet” is a proud Muslim songwriter, poet and spoken word artist. He writes about the struggles of mental illness, loss and poverty, but he is full of a hopefulness that is infectious to his audience. You may recognize his name from The Weeknd’s song “Attention,” which he co-wrote and performed, but his fame started at age twelve when he garnered attention from Toronto’s 2009 Hot Docs Festival for his poem “A Single Rose.” Watch Mustafa continue to bloom on his Instagram.
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Live in peace fam, there's no amount of money or pride or success that's worth your peace!! May you rest in it one day too
A post shared by Mustafa (@mustafathepoet) on Sep 11, 2017 at 2:39pm PDT
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Patience 🌥
A post shared by Mustafa (@mustafathepoet) on Feb 4, 2016 at 12:17am PST
Samantha Jayne
Samantha is less about inspiration and more about relatability. Under her handle @quarterlifepoems, she writes about mundane, millennial crises and honestly, it is comedy gold. She writes almost-limericks paired with colourful doodles about accidental double taps on Instagram, social anxiety and financial confusion, all of which make you feel slightly less alone. She uses social media to make a refreshing statement on who twenty-somethings truly are behind all of the perfectly curated profiles. Her work is clearly catching on, her popular poetry being picked up as a television series, which will premiere at Sundance and air on FX this Spring.
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got me a solar earring 💫
A post shared by Samantha Jayne (@samanthajayne) on Sep 6, 2018 at 7:17am PDT
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💁 #longhairdontcare #whatevs #selflove #instagood #me #smile #nyc #la #sunglasses #cute #photooftheday #poetry #quarterlifecrisis #twenties #girl #funny #happy #picoftheday #instadaily #attitude #ink #igers #fun #summer #drawing #bestoftheday #smile #painting #womenirl #instamood
A post shared by Quarter Life Poetry (@quarterlifepoetry) on Mar 24, 2015 at 10:27am PDT
Haley Macleod
Haley’s following isn’t as large as her fellow poets, with 25.5k, but the Calgary-born writer’s voice is genuine, and her fans are loyal. She writes about love, heartbreak and self-respect, advising readers, and likely herself as well, to choose a life of fulfilment and happiness. Her posts are visually stunning as well, with typewritten pages placed over photographs of seasides and city nights. They evoke a sense of peace and calm, the perfect escape from sharp winds and snowfalls.
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• i hope you find a love who always calls back who never shows up late who pulls you closer in the middle of the night who never again makes you question the word stay who touches you so wild you believe again in the hands of fate who does not rob you of your softness or grace who instead renovates the parts of you that you have labelled damage that you keep hidden away who plants flowers in your lungs so the smell of roses awakes you each day who makes the blood in your veins triumphantly rise who only says i will see you later who never has believed in the word goodbye who can see the universe that exists behind your emerald eyes i hope you find a love that makes you feel nothing but alive who will always always always take the time to see your sunrise • haley macLeod ☁️
A post shared by HM ♱ (@haleymacleod) on Sep 5, 2017 at 2:59pm PDT
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  who were you before this all – before the hands of grief turned off the lights of hope inside of your heart. before the lust poisoned your veins and made you forget how to love. before you became this person the world told you to be, instead of wearing the flesh of who you really are. who were you – i know, pain changes people, but healing does too. do your soul a favour; let the light in today. let it softly pour into the scars of your darkness. let it set fire to all of your darkness. bathe in the light. it will be the light that is going to save you; when it comes, let it 🌹•
A post shared by HM ♱ (@haleymacleod) on Nov 6, 2018 at 10:59am PST
The post 5 Instagram Poets Who Will Warm Up Your Winter Blues appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
5 Instagram Poets Who Will Warm Up Your Winter Blues published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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lindyhunt · 6 years ago
5 Instagram Poets Who Will Warm Up Your Winter Blues
Blue Monday might have started as a press release to promote travel in January, but whether or not the equation—yes, there’s “math” to this—is total bologna-pseudoscience, it’s hard to deny the blues that come with cold weather. To help you through the chill, we’ve created an updated list of on-the-rise Instagram poets who have embraced the public platform as a way to make their voices heard. If you’re a fan of the insta-poets we’ve showcased in the past (Nikita Gill, Nayyirah Waheed and Yrsa Daley-Ward), these five talented writers are the perfect people to fill your day with sunshine and similes.
Tyler Knott Gregson
Best known for his Typewriter Series and book Chasers of the Light, Knott writes almost exclusively about love. His words are loaded with passion, softness and authenticity. Reading one of his poems feels like unfolding a love letter meant just for you—exposing, yet comforting. He’ll have you tagging your loved ones in the comments in no time, the perfect solution when your own words don’t feel like enough.
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Some days we are earth tones, all greys and greens and we fade into the landscape, into the weather. Some days we are neon, we pop and contrast the world around us. We explode in color and light. Some days all that rain makes one hell of a rainbow. . 📸 by @christinefigs
A post shared by Tyler Knott Gregson (@tylerknott) on Oct 6, 2018 at 7:04am PDT
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Typewriter Series #2441 by Tyler Knott Gregson
A post shared by Tyler Knott Gregson (@tylerknott) on Dec 2, 2018 at 4:58pm PST
Morgan Harper Nichols
Morgan Harper Nichols is the ultimate hype girl. She is the supportive, wisdom filled friend that we all need when the blues begin to weigh us down. Her profile, which she uses as a platform for mental wellness and self-care, is loaded with positivity and empathy. Nichols writes about personal growth, accepting your failures and moving forward. She is happy to share, with templates and phone wallpapers available for free download, so that her reminders are with you always. My own lock screen currently reads, “she does not know what the future holds, but she is grateful for slow and steady growth.”
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“Tell the story of the mountain you climbed. Your words could become a page in someone else’s survival guide.” I wrote these words for someone else, but I need this reminder too. ⠀ I have always naturally been a quieter, more inward type, and for most of life, expressing feelings and emotions was a challenge for me (Enneagram 5, INTJ). Because of that, I often thought that because I did not naturally have certain personality traits, there was no way I could connect with others, even when it came to the things I made. ⠀ I had a great family growing up, but outside of the home, I struggled to figure out where I “fit.” I struggled making friends and often blamed myself for not being more extroverted or “interesting.” This sent me inward: Deep inside my journals where I would say all the things I was never able to say during the day. I would write things for people but never knew how to share it with them. I would fill pages of composition books just to try to understand why I felt unheard and unseen. I started to convince myself that the best way to show up in the world was to not to be myself. Even in an environment where my parents lovingly encouraged my gifts as a writer and artist (I thank God for the encouragement my parents gave and still give me everyday), I still didn’t feel like I fit anywhere in the outside world. But there was this inside world where I could draw and write out all of the things I never figured out how to say during the day. Over time, I have finally begin to see: in the same way I learned to fill my journal page by page, I could learn to connect with others one by one. Showing up in the world does not mean that I have to show up everywhere all at once. Connecting around real people and real stories, in relationships and art is about the one. Impactful things can be said on big stages and in chart topping songs but they can also be said in hospital parking lots and handwritten letters. I have come to believe that in a world that often seems too crowded or busy to notice meaningful things, there is yet still room for each our stories and I just hope that the art I make, page by page, person by person is just one example of that.
A post shared by Morgan Harper Nichols (@morganharpernichols) on May 19, 2018 at 10:25am PDT
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When you start to feel like things should have been better this year, remember the mountains and valleys that brought you here. They are not accidents, and those moments were not in vain. You are not the same. You have grown and you are growing, you are breathing, you are living, you are wrapped in endless, boundless grace. And things will get better, there is more to you than yesterday. — Morgan Harper Nichols And if it happens to be one of these evenings/mornings/afternoons where reading it aloud or writing it down might bring some comfort, this is for you When I start to feel like things should have been better this year, I will remember the mountains and valleys that brought me here. They are not accidents, and those moments were not in vain. I am not the same. I have grown and I am growing, I am breathing, I am living, I am wrapped in endless, boundless grace. And things will get better, there is more to me than yesterday. ♥️🙏✨
A post shared by Morgan Harper Nichols (@morganharpernichols) on Nov 7, 2018 at 8:28pm PST
Mustafa Ahmed
Raised in the public housing of Regent Park (a Canadian boy!), Ahmed, who goes by “Mustafa the Poet” is a proud Muslim songwriter, poet and spoken word artist. He writes about the struggles of mental illness, loss and poverty, but he is full of a hopefulness that is infectious to his audience. You may recognize his name from The Weeknd’s song “Attention,” which he co-wrote and performed, but his fame started at age twelve when he garnered attention from Toronto’s 2009 Hot Docs Festival for his poem “A Single Rose.” Watch Mustafa continue to bloom on his Instagram.
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Live in peace fam, there's no amount of money or pride or success that's worth your peace!! May you rest in it one day too
A post shared by Mustafa (@mustafathepoet) on Sep 11, 2017 at 2:39pm PDT
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Patience 🌥
A post shared by Mustafa (@mustafathepoet) on Feb 4, 2016 at 12:17am PST
Samantha Jayne
Samantha is less about inspiration and more about relatability. Under her handle @quarterlifepoems, she writes about mundane, millennial crises and honestly, it is comedy gold. She writes almost-limericks paired with colourful doodles about accidental double taps on Instagram, social anxiety and financial confusion, all of which make you feel slightly less alone. She uses social media to make a refreshing statement on who twenty-somethings truly are behind all of the perfectly curated profiles. Her work is clearly catching on, her popular poetry being picked up as a television series, which will premiere at Sundance and air on FX this Spring.
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got me a solar earring 💫
A post shared by Samantha Jayne (@samanthajayne) on Sep 6, 2018 at 7:17am PDT
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💁 #longhairdontcare #whatevs #selflove #instagood #me #smile #nyc #la #sunglasses #cute #photooftheday #poetry #quarterlifecrisis #twenties #girl #funny #happy #picoftheday #instadaily #attitude #ink #igers #fun #summer #drawing #bestoftheday #smile #painting #womenirl #instamood
A post shared by Quarter Life Poetry (@quarterlifepoetry) on Mar 24, 2015 at 10:27am PDT
Haley Macleod
Haley’s following isn’t as large as her fellow poets, with 25.5k, but the Calgary-born writer’s voice is genuine, and her fans are loyal. She writes about love, heartbreak and self-respect, advising readers, and likely herself as well, to choose a life of fulfilment and happiness. Her posts are visually stunning as well, with typewritten pages placed over photographs of seasides and city nights. They evoke a sense of peace and calm, the perfect escape from sharp winds and snowfalls.
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• i hope you find a love who always calls back who never shows up late who pulls you closer in the middle of the night who never again makes you question the word stay who touches you so wild you believe again in the hands of fate who does not rob you of your softness or grace who instead renovates the parts of you that you have labelled damage that you keep hidden away who plants flowers in your lungs so the smell of roses awakes you each day who makes the blood in your veins triumphantly rise who only says i will see you later who never has believed in the word goodbye who can see the universe that exists behind your emerald eyes i hope you find a love that makes you feel nothing but alive who will always always always take the time to see your sunrise • haley macLeod ☁️
A post shared by HM ♱ (@haleymacleod) on Sep 5, 2017 at 2:59pm PDT
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  who were you before this all – before the hands of grief turned off the lights of hope inside of your heart. before the lust poisoned your veins and made you forget how to love. before you became this person the world told you to be, instead of wearing the flesh of who you really are. who were you – i know, pain changes people, but healing does too. do your soul a favour; let the light in today. let it softly pour into the scars of your darkness. let it set fire to all of your darkness. bathe in the light. it will be the light that is going to save you; when it comes, let it 🌹•
A post shared by HM ♱ (@haleymacleod) on Nov 6, 2018 at 10:59am PST
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