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Laboratory logs 6
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: Trauma, hints to human trafficking and Sex Trafficking.
Wooo, it's the weekend, which means more fanfic.
Enjoy how the stories come together.
Request and ask are open.
"Feelin betta?" Rattler asked the smaller speedster. Traxies vented softly against Rattler's plating as he slowly onlines his optics after his emotional shut down. "...A little," he replied at last, voice gravelly from raw-edged sobs.
"Why...help me?" Traxies field flickered, "You don't know me. I could be anyone"
A rumbling chuckle answered Traxies. "You looked like you needed it. Ain't no crime in that." Servos rubbed his back reassuringly. "We all get tumbled by life sometimes. Best to lend a hand up when we can."
"Rattler! Fuck sake man! Why did you take off!" A voice over the hill yells, the firm if a human comes into view, he stands there panting, hands resting on his knees. When his eyes land on the blue mech that was pressed against Rattler's side the young man lets out a noise. "Oh my god Rattle really?, hookup right now?" .
Traxies tenses before head floods his linescand his fans kick on in embarrassment. But the shuttler seemed unconcerned, chuckling softly as he hailed the newcomer.
"Ain't like that, Tony! Just lendin' servo' is all." Rattler greeted. "Poor mech was tumbled up good." Tony slowly makes his way down to the two mechs, "fuck you have long legs, some of us can't Fly remember!" He huffs out before his eyes move back to the rather dishevelled looking younger mech.
Traixes peered at the man, still rather embarrassed over the situation. "Thank you for checking on me. But...where am I, precisely?" Carefully extricating himself from Rattler's hold, Traixes faced them both. " Kosciuszko National Park, Rattler here was meant to be helping me with plant documentation and seed collection!" He huffs out. "What you expect from me T, those plants are minuscule!. Ain't my fault you fleshies so small!." Rattler rumbled a laugh, unbothered by Tony's grumbling.
Traixes cycled a soft vent, anxiety uncoiling as he watched the two bicker, “I outta rearrange your wires, maybe take a crowbar to you!” Tony threatened only for Rattler to laugh loudly while getting treated by the human.
"What plants were you studying?” Traxies voice is faint, but the curiosity in his optics is rather vivid. “ At the moment, Gentianella diemensis and Brachyscome, but really all of them, collecting seeds for storage and documenting and also just taking notes of what else grows in this area, makes it easier for foraging guilds." Tony hums while taking down notes. Traxies optics lit with interest, Over Earth-based botany.
"Fascinating! Brachycomes are so diverse in form and colour. Gentianellas produce such vibrant blooms - so much beauty packed into such tiny packages." Field rippling with eagerly with excitement over someone else outside of Brainstorm and Perceptor.
“Well would ya look at that, got ya Self an apprentice Tones” Rattler chuckled. “ Could I tag along?." Traxies was barely containing the urge to leap up and explore. The shuttler's field pulsed in amusement at the speedster's enthusiasm. "Course you can join, kid. Sounds useful to have extra hands and optics. Just watch your step - some critters out here got teeth meaner than Tony's bark!"
"Yea and I'm the one who's gotta worry about getting bitten by a Mulga Snake. Cause you know, not made of metal!" Tony shoots back at Rattler. The shuttle burst into hearty guffaws at Tony's backhand comment. "Ain't that the truth! These pede just bounce the fangs right off. You thought - one lil' nip and it's bye-bye Tony Time." He teased down at the disgruntled human.
"Fuck you Rattler, here I am housing and hiding you from the Government and your war and this is the way you treat me, might just leave you out on the airstrip " He calls out while flipping the mech off. In truth it was all fun and games between the two, neither of them took it to heart. "Aww, you know you love me really! Who else gonna haul your scrawny aft outta snake-infested bushes, eh?"
"Come on let's get these seeds and photos, I wanna get out of here before tourist start showing up and asking questions, and I'd rather not get pinged for being around you lot, last time you were out you nearly ended up in a scuffle between bots and cons" Tony huffs out while continuing to find the dried flowers taking samples and notes.
Traixes cast Rattler a sidelong glance, field rippling question. The shuttler responded gently, "Ain't easy bein' mech's on an organic world. Factions clashed here and there; we wanna avoid notice. We keep our heads down, stick to backcountry. Don't want Megatron's attention or lackies on us"
It makes Traxies stop for a moment. The war was over, where were the Decepticons and Autobots fighting on earth?Was it the DJD?, or some other side faction. Did he miss hear Rattler? Questions and unease slowly settle into the pit of his tanks. "Rattler, did you say Megatron?." He inquiries softly.
Rattler glanced down at the Blue speedster. "Megatron's Decepticons came lookin' for energy way back. Went up against Optimus Prime and his Autobots, nearly got cuaght in the crossfire, it's How Tones and I met."
"Megatron, now - he's one pit-spawn mech you don't wanna meet, bits. Ruthless as they come." Traixes cycled a soft vent, studying flora to ground swelling emotions. Worry wells up in him. What time was this Earth year, had he jumped back really far again. Megatron had renounced the Decepticon cause, he was now Co-captain of the Lost Light, how far back had he jumped in time?.
His spark pulsed a frantic staccato as fear crashed over him. Megatron leading Decepticons - the brutal tyrant had not yet walked his road to redemption. And Traxies was out here without his crew. He needed to get out of here. "Easy there, youngling. Breathe for me now, in and out...you're alright. ain't no Cons to hurt you here."
he choked out, "Time...jumped...how...far..." His spark whirled in helplessness and confusion.Tony spun around seeing the young Mech having a panic attack and quickly moving towards both Rattler and Traxies. “Hey, hey, He's not here can't hurt ya” the human man states while patting Traxies leg.
"C-Can't stop it... ability… it hurts, please...." He choked on static, struggling to regain control over his processor and the memory. He had only ever felt this fear for Megatron once in his lifetime, but he had been grabbed by Ratchet when Optimus and Megatron ended up in a standoff.
Slowly, through sheer force of will, He blinks. The sound of the wind over hills, the wildlife of earth disappears and it's replaced with talking, gears, engines and mechanical components. His energy field flickers like a dying flame. He slumped, utterly spent.
"I'm...sorry. Not meant for time-hopping. Dangerous." He rasped shakily against Rattler's plating, optics dim and blurry. Never had his outlier gifts backlashed so violently. He never had trouble with it when he was younger, but it was only ever little jumps. What if he couldn't return?
Tony's mouth opens and closes, almost stunned at the scenery around them, Rattler holds Traxies close trying to sooth him. "Easy, easy. Think of your happy place, where do you feel happy" Rattler asked, trying to calm the young mech. "Easy Kiddo, it's alright, it's alright" Tony says softly. Their touch almost feels like the memory, similar to when the Ambassador would hug him.
This time he settles quicker, doesn't turn into a sobbing mess he had been when he had jumped to Earth, his optics flickering open, he gazed around also taking in the scenery, reading concern, his optics flicker up to the sky and there they are again, the Two unscared moons staring back at him. Traixes' vocalizer glitched. "Frag I've jumped, it feels like I'm losing control."
He dared not think what becoming truly unmoored between space and time might drive one to. He needed to get back to his crew, back to Ratchet. But exhaustion weighed heavily on his frame as he slumped against Rattler.
Rattler hadn't seen this in Millennium, it was Cybertron alive and beautiful as it once was. Tony stands there just looking stunned as he looks around. "Cybertron? But how...my ability, it never brought others along before!" Steadying himself, Traxies met their gazes, "I will get us back, I swear, frag im so sorry!."
"I think it's best if we find somewhere to lay low pits. I haven't seen this place in stellar cycles" Rattler states. "I second that" Tony's eyes watch the movement of such large bots in awe. "Whatever you do, don't put me on the ground!" The young man says quickly while trying to climb onto Traxies leg.
Traxies’ leans down to grab the young man, helping him to get settled on his shoulder plating
"If I can remember how to get there I might know a place, Don't trust anyone, nor the mech we are staying with" Rattler states, he takes an uneven vent, "Ain't safe, not here at least, list of all for Him" Rattler states motioning to Tony. "Once we have somewhere safe then I'll try and get us some Fuel, ya look half offline Mech" The shuttler didn't like being here. He tries to push it away, optics flickering to Traxies. "Outlier?" He asked softly trying not to make a scene of it.
Traixes nodded, His optics dimmed briefly at the question, but met Rattler's steadily. "Time and space are...difficult for me to fully grasp. Sometimes I slip between - it is not a talent I have mastered controlling, I'm sorry I brought you here." Shame washed his field.
“Ya don't tell anyone, if this Pre-war Cybertron Outlier isn't safe here, it's also best we switch over to Cybertronix, sorry Tony ” he explains and apologies to the human riding on Traxies shoulder.
“Yea, yea. I get it, just keep me updated so I'm not out of the loop” Tony shoots him a nervous look, not liking The dread of being on another planet, but he'd deal with it later.
As they move through the streets a few mech's eye them, watching intensity, Rattler keeps an optic out trying his best to make sure he knows where Traxies and Tony were at all times, not wanting to risk them out here. When he finally leads them to a rather boring looking building, one that Rattler is hoping is the mech he's looking for.
Rattler hammered his massive servo against the nondescript entry, venting gustily as he warily scanned their surroundings. Please let this rustbucket be home - his plating prickled under the stares, every sense attuned for threats.
Finally the latch hissed open, revealing the Yellow and purple Combaticon within. His optics brightened in surprise that swiftly shifted to avarice as optics landed on Rattler's bulk. "Well, well! Never thought I'd see your aft round here after the last hoist, you elusive brute." Swindle's calculating smirk widened as he caught sight of the blue speedster and Organic standing rather close to him.
Rattler growled. "Needa lay low, Swindle, and you owe me. We stay, you keep yaps shut an' servos to yourself. Clear?" He nearly demands while pushing past the mech. His field rippled warning at Swindle who huffed annoyance but stepped aside. His optics focus on the pretty blue bot who nearly sticks to Rattler's side.
“Cozying up with an exotic beauty now, Rattler? My, my, standards slipping or is there profit to be had? And an organic too, you never fail to surprise!” Rattler rounded on him with an engine-rumbling snarl. “Watch it, Swindle. We stay one cycle, no more. Keep your grimy servos and optics to yourself, you hear?” His field radiated violence barely leashed.
Traxies shifted closer to Rattler’s bulk, discomfort writ clear in his field despite Swindle’s conspicuous absence of Decepticon branding. This mech made his platting crawl worse than scraplets.
Swindle lifted his servos in a mockery of contrition. “Easy now, no need for dramatics. Yesh, what crawled up your booster .” His visor roved hungrily over Traxies once more before Rattler’s snarl deepened.“One cycle. Then we vanish, and your glossa with us.” Rattler rumbled, all too aware what kinds of “exchanges” interested Swindle most.
The three vanish into one of the back rooms, huddled together.
Swindle sent out a private notice to one of his clients. // you'll never guess the treasures Rattler just dragged through my doors. A sleek blue speedster, practically untouched - if you catch my meaning. Plus an organic, a real live alien. And i know you have exotic tastes.//
He sends another ping through. //Rattler's never stayed long. I can have them ready for transport within the joor. Knowing him he's going to do a fuel run shortly//
A response comes through only a few kliks after. //The speedster sounds very much one I would like, it's been a while since we have had a new one. But the organic…I want it alive, it be a lovely little message to a Mech which has been a truth thorn in my side. Have them ready within Breem. And this conversation never occurred, is that clear? I trust our transactions remain as discreet as ever, Swindle.//
Swindle's engine revved. //Perfectly clear. Credits it is then. My docking bay, one Breem.// He cut the comm. After all, now it was the waiting game.
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(art from above is by @/sleepinginmute.)
Hello everyone! I’m Stargazer0001! But you can just call me Star :3
my pronouns are she/they/he/it/astro in no particular order. I like em all so use them interchangeably
I'm your local lil space critter, who has declared themself the CEO of the rainworld ship Stargazer (spearmaster x rivulet x nightcat)
I'm a silly littol spacegender fellar :3 How can I be lesbian and spacegender at the same time you ask? Fuck you thats how!/j Im also asexual so no NSFW please! This blog is meant to be at least a bit more kid friendly, even if there are more mature topics
I am also a furry so if you do not like them then please leave here
I am also questioning if I am a therian and fictionkin. I have done research on both and I am now taking them into consideration. Im not gonna label myself yet because I still might not be, but if anyone has helpful info on them then please do share :)
I have a secret draw box! if you wanna draw for me anonymously, you can go here to do it! I check every couple days.
Ask box: Open
Ship requests: closed. Uhhh i frogor to update this for a while so uh yeagh.
Ask me stuff: Always open unless the ask box is closed
Tell me silly things: Yes I want to talk to people!! Please give me silly asks i need them....
art requests: not open sorry :( artblock is blocking my art so
I wanna make my blog more organized now so I am going to start tagging stuff
#my art Art that is made by me
#Art request anytime my art requests are open I will tag it with this
#ask An ask that I have answered, this also applies to anon asks
#Star.TXT document this is for anytime I am just talking
#vent this if for anytime I just need to talk and vent about stuff
#lil starz art this is for my really old art, such as the ones near the beginning of my Tumblr journey
#Silly chat this is me and my mutuals little chats! Like if they send a lighthearted friend ask I will tag it with silly chat
I rarely block people but I still will on occasion. Please don't take any hard feelings if I do block you.
Basic DNI such as NSFW blogs, homophobes, transphobes, fatphobes, racists, antifurries and antitherians, and zionists
Cool moots who you should go check out if you like my blog:
@critter2: My IRL bestie that ive been with for a long time. We've been together through the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. The bestie ever :3
@cookieeevee: An amazing friend! The first person to ever really DM me on here and I'd like to say that we've grown to be good friends. We have amazing little chats and she's an amazing person! Their art is also so soft and squishable! Go check em out
@sleepinginmute: one of my first moots! Such an amazing and silly creature. Its art is amazing, and even though im unsure if it considers me a friend, I know that I do. I really do wish the best for it and I hope that it can be truly happy someday
@cumulusbrume: we dont interact very often anymore, but I still find him a great moot to this day
@athofear: I fun lil fello!! Always a fun time interacting with em. Their art is also superrr shaped and silly!! Always a treat to see them on my dash
@meowyncherry: we dont interact much but he gave me the kinitopet brainrot and their art is also super blorbo so :3
@suburbandrifts: once again, we dont interact very often but they seem very cool and silly/pos and their art is incredibly good! mm the colors are coloring/pos @weeeeblr:!!! The art ever actually!!! Idk how we're mutuals cause hes super cool actually. Great art, and his designs for basically everything is peak/srs
@bananacat76: the bestie does indeed make art!!! And said art is amazing!! Such a cool person and fren :3 their style is also incredibly interesting I need to study it under a microscope/aff
@keeper-of-magic:!!! Cool person alert!!! Their art is amazing and their worldbuiding skills are super awesome!!! I also gotta try and play DND with them sometime.... I have no idea how to but it seems fun, just like them!
@badgerfrost: the silly ever!!! Its art is very well colored and its basically eye candy at this point, and ever time we interact I KNOW its gonna be a goood time
@draagu: ohhhh the silly!!! We dont interact much but shes a super cool moot and idk how we're mutuals like. ??? awesome person with awesome art FOLLOWED ME????? Awesome
@dazzoot: we have interacted a total of like 1 time but cool mutual deserves an honorary tag
GO CHECK ALL OF THESE SILLY PPL OUT!!! THEY'RE AWESOME :333 (if I forgor anyone i am so sorry. Also if you want me to untag you just ask. I dont wanna make anyone uncomfy)
Talking to people spooks me
I have anxiety so please be patient with me, I usually overthink what I am going to say and then end up saying something either really stupid, kinda weird, or I just don't respond.
I am mentally a 5 year old so please inform me if I did something wrong, I usually wont notice or I will think its not an issue. Please be patient with me.
if you sat through all of that, congrats! You get rw gifs now :)
#Intro#rainworld#rainworld downpour#rw shipping#hiii#tag navigation ->#my art#Art request#ask#Star.TXT document#vent#lil starz art
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I typically don’t do asks (I've only ever gotten a few), but a recent one got my gears turning and I wanted to reply.
(This is a secondary blog, so I can’t answer asks in the usual way.)
Your post about the retcon is so fucking good, I wish every critter saw it and actually thought about how shitty it was done, but then their belief in the cast and show would probably start cracking.
Thank you for liking the retcon post. I’ve seen various people in the tags thank me for making that post and have said that it’s helped them ‘feel less insane’. None of us are insane. We are not delusional. We didn’t experience a mass hallucination. These things happened, and they’ve been thoroughly documented. Hundreds of hours of material over the course of three years.
The people who should read that post won’t ever see it because I have all those assholes blocked lol. If they did manage to find it somehow, I know they would just mock it, as they’re wont to do with any of our criticisms. They’re so far up CR’s ass, they’ve convinced themselves that a retcon didn’t happen. Even shoving the literal definition of the word in their faces wouldn’t wake them up.
It's just so fucking weird to see how the group is acting now, and I'm pretty sure we're never gonna get a Laura&Marisha episode picture and a TM episode with those 2 for the rest of the campaign. It feels like when a non-canon wlw ship gets big on a TV show and suddenly the actresses can't be seen or interact with each other anymore🙄 it's the same fucking pattern and like you, I thought I wouldn't have to deal with this on a d&d show.
I specifically want to address the “It feels like when a non-canon wlw ship gets big on a TV show and suddenly the actresses can't be seen or interact with each other anymore” because I’ve thought about that pattern too. (Not so much with Marisha/Laura ‘cause them being on TM together is already a rare combo. If they don’t appear much or at all going forward, I don’t think it’s because of this, though it really wouldn’t surprise me. But, I have been thinking about that specific pattern in regard to their characters.)
I can make a comparison between this situation and what happened with the show A/gent Carter and the way the ship Cart/inelli was handled.
I know that might sound weird, but stay with me here lol...
I want to make it clear that I’m not comparing the relationships at all. Cart/inelli did not have nearly the same amount of build-up and depth as Beaujester, (or quite frankly, their level of possibility.) What I am comparing is the creators over-the-top reactions to these characters being shipped so hard and the extreme measures they went to in order to ‘remedy’ that.
The ship included P/eggy Carter and A/ngie Martinelli. The show was set in New York. Angie was a waitress (who wanted to be an actress/be on Broadway) at the diner that Peggy frequented. They ended up talking quite a bit and became fairly close. That ended up kind of becoming the core relationship in the entire first season, and LOTS of people started shipping it.
At the time, no one was calling us crazy or delusional. At most it was, “This is ABC! They’re not gonna pair her with a woman!” and of course the obligatory “But Peggy’s not gay!”. But no one was calling us names or being generally cruel. And anyone who tried it was ignored because everyone else drowned them out. The ship became extremely popular on Tumblr and Twitter. Both actresses were very positive and supportive. They regularly liked/retweeted romantic Cart/inelli fanart on Twitter. Even one of the female writers on the show got behind it too. It was asked about frequently at conventions and no one booed or rolled their eyes. The questions were never dismissed or made into a joke. (Honestly, this was one of the better overall fandom experiences I’ve had on here.)
And all of us were super excited for S2. Not just because of all the support, but because they had ended S1 with Peggy and Angie moving in together. Peggy had purchased, either it was a really fancy apartment or house (my memory is fuzzy on this), and she literally asked Angie to stay with her. Needless to say, that fueled the flames even more.
But despite the actresses and at least one writer being on board, between S1 and S2, something shifted.
Clearly, the showrunner and/or the execs, took a look at all of this and deemed it a ‘problem’. When S2 finally came around, suddenly everything was different. Instead of both of them living together in New York, instead of it being an organic (I’m beginning to hate that word) continuation from where they left off, Peggy decided to move to Los Angeles to do work for some agency out there or something, and Angie stayed in New York. It’s never explained why. It’s never explained why a woman who so badly wanted to be an actress would NOT want to go to LA, where Hollywood is. LA was never mentioned in S1. There were no hints that Peggy might want to fly out to the West Coast at some point. She seemed perfectly happy in NY, basically setting up house with Angie.
And they didn’t even ease into the change. They just got rid of the character. The actress was bummed about it and Cart/inelli fans tried to put pressure on the showrunner/writers to bring Angie back, which the actress completely supported, but even that fell on deaf ears. So, Angie was simply no longer an entity on that show. Conveniently removed. All the excitement we had was crushed. And of course, the second that Peggy got out to LA, she suddenly had a very obvious male love interest. What a surprise.
The showrunner/writers were not subtle about what they thought about our ship and us. They made the most extreme, nonsensical writing decision in order to permanently separate these two characters. Because, hey, that’s the only way to get the shippers to STOP, right?
This was what I was reminded of when I started seeing the turn that post-hiatus CR was taking. It ended up being a weird combination of kneejerk erasure (BJ) and heavy-handed overcompensation (BY).
But of course, CR is not a TV show, it’s D&D. And they can’t force one of their PCs to just disappear, so what do they have to resort to? Not interacting.
We all know how severely neutered Beau and Jester’s general relationship has become. It’s clear to me that both Marisha and Laura felt they had to do that. They had to suddenly have their characters stay away from each other as much as possible so they could prioritize Fjord and Yasha, and speed-run into romances with them. They started acting as if either of them giving the other one ounce of affectionate attention (like they had been doing so often and so naturally before), would be breaking some sort of hidden ‘relationship code’. Almost like if they ever hugged again, the studio would go down in flames.
The very obvious fact that they went to these lengths, to me, proves two things...
One, it proves the retcon even more, because you can tell that the way they behaved with each other DID in fact change. The frequency of interactions and the way those interactions would play out. Whenever they interact now, it seems like they’re trying to keep it as short, thin, and almost comedic (to the point of goofiness, and not in a good way) as possible. Their engagement seems half-assed and dull. The sounds of their voices, their facial expressions... completely sanitized. Even all the physicality they had is gone; the touches, the hugs, the cuddling. Every single aspect is different and they absolutely did that intentionally. This had to happen because they needed to dupe the viewers into believing that despite overall interest waning, their threadbare connections to Fjord and Yasha are more important, and were always more important then their connection to each other, that we all watched them steadily build. (And watched them pick up steam from about ep70 onwards.)
And two, that whole intentional decision to cut themselves off from each other, proves to me that their interactions pre-hiatus were indeed tinged with ‘something extra’, that was more than just friendship. They both recognized it and that’s why they pulled back so hard. That’s why soft touches and hugs and cuddling are no longer ‘allowed’. That’s why quiet, heartfelt conversations are no longer ‘allowed’. Because if there was absolutely nothing there, if they didn’t see/feel any romantic chemistry simmering underneath, and it was all just platonic BFF stuff, why would they suppress their behavior so drastically?
I think that all of this really does cement what I said in my retcon post: That there are disingenuous patterns being used here that I’ve seen far too often in media. In A/gent Carter, it was a character separation, in CR it was a character dynamic separation. Both done on purpose, to make the shippers shut up, and to push a different plot.
One is scripted, the other is unscripted, but the situations feel disgustingly similar, don’t they?
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Woah! 500 of y’all? Should we have a party?
Anyway welcome to new folks :D If you’re here because of the mead post, here’s the followup:
I made that mess and that post two years ago.
The bottle is still in my basement.
I’m terrified to try drinking it.
Every time that post gets a new bunch of notes, I go “Oh fuck”, I remember that it is still in my basement, and then I try to forget about it again as quickly as possible.
Anyway! In general around here, you’ll see a lot of birds, bugs, frogs, and other critters that take my fancy. We’re not afraid of spiders around here, and we love and cherish them. <3 In the warmer seasons, I keep bees, and you’ll see me talking about all the challenges and joys that come with beekeeping.
There’s also a good bit of random fandom stuff, liveblogging the occasional videogame, and the occasional rant about people fundamentally misunderstanding how lighting works (I have a Master’s in lighting. There’s a lot of science behind shiny colors and I love it).
You will also find this to be a relentlessly positive space. On the occasions that I do post about politics and injustice, it is tagged ‘#resistance’ because I love to document ways that people fight to make a better world. Everyone is welcome here. If you need something tagged for blacklisting, please let me know!
I think that’s it :D Please enjoy, and if I ever work up the courage to try the science experiment in the basement, I will let y’all know how that goes.
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I’m trying to combine some of all the aspects of Beetlejuice media into a coherent algimation. For my own fic verse
So, long post, I can’t put a read more on mobile
Juno is Beetlejuices birth mom, she put him in foster care as soon as he was born.
Nat and Bea wanted to adopt him, even if he was a right troublemaker they still loved him and had raised him since infancy.
Around 8years or so the adoption papers wound up on Juno’s desk. She regained custody of him, pulled him out of regular schooling and made him work in the catacomb like offices.
She made his life hell, he never had any contact with Nat and Bea after that. She wasn’t physically abusive but she used her affection as a tool to make Beetlejuice do as told
Other office workers were physically abusive towards him but telling Juno just made things worse
Beetlejuice is a lot older that Miss Argentina but she’s like a mother figure to him.
Beetlejuice is emotionally stunted. He’s also extremely immature, either because he never learned better or actually went insane a long time ago.
He loves the hell out of Miss A, but would never say it outloud afraid Juno might put her down in the filing dungeon
He worked down there for a century, it was a never ending unorganized mess. On account of people always dying and all. He learned a lot about random people reading their files and can really spook some Neitherworld denizens by knowing every fact about them.
I’m calling it the Neitherworld not netherworld
The whole system is being computerized after Juno’s death.
After purposely fucking up continuously Juno banishes a Beetlejuice to the world of the living. And puts a name curse on him.
Events follow like the musical. But beetlejuice is more of a creepy haunting before he finds out Lydia can see him. The ‘wedding’ is way less creepy and Lydia is on board from the get go. It’s just a green card thing and she gets to be an honorary dead girl so she can freely travel to the Neitherworld to look for her mom.
They just can’t go through with it without a legal gardian signing a document. Juno stabs Beetlejuice and banishes him instead of Lydia stabbing him. Juno still gets eaten by a sandworm. But it’s Barbra and Beetlejuice who ride it into the living room.
beej is crazy good at writing up contracts and sometimes helps out Charles with his new business contracts. Beej can be scummy in them so Chuck always makes sure they aren’t too scummy.
Also, Chuck isn’t cowardly. He is easy to jump scare though.
Delia shows basically no reaction to any pranks. She laughs them off and sometimes gets Beej and the Maitlands to do creepy messed up poses and shapes so she can paint them.
Barbra is her favorite muse
Adam is really into miniatures
Charles bought the Maitland hardware store and a ‘sorry we almost exorcised you’ gift.
Adam still technically runs it and Lydia works there after school.
Delia has taught Barbra sculpting, and she likes it way better than pottery.
Ginger looks like a regular spider (her face bothers me in the cartoon) she’s redder, think red kneed tarantula, than in the cartoon and wears a pink tailcoat and top hat. Still tap dances but knows a lot of other dance styles too. She works as back up dancer but hopes to one day have her own show or dance studio
Jacques LaLean runs a gym in downtown, has a better less fake French accent.
Both rent from Beetlejuice who owns the roadhouse. He is actually a fair landlord and fixes things quickly.
Beetlejuice is still a slob in his own appartment. And kind of a hoarder.
The only thing organized are the books and documents wich are emacculant.
Beej enjoys reading but has some trouble actually reading and gets embarrassed when he pronounces something wrong. It takes him ages to finish a book.
Beej is Adhd hardcore. And on the autisic spectrum. Delia, Barbra, Adam, and Lydia are the only ones that know.
Most Neitherworld denizens hate Beetlejuice on priniciple, thinking he’d be like Juno. They quickly learn to hate him for other reasons.
He’s still a jerk but more prankster trickster than outright murderer. Thinks all problems can and should be solved with violence
Lydia is a little on the fence about this, on one hand she thinks some things can be talked out. On the other she totally agrees that guy needed a guilla monster set on him.
Doomie exists, and Lydia can summon him to the living world by clicking his car fob.
Lydia and Beej carry around compact mirrors to talk to each other anytime.
Clare is still a snobbish airhead. More of the school like her though and avoid the new kid Lydia.
Prudence and Bertha are still school friends with Lydia on account of thier shared social pariah status
Lydia dyes her hair black, it’s naturally blonde.
Adam and Barbra make frequent visits to the Neitherworld but aren’t ready to pass on yet.
Instead there’s a door in the attic that leads to Beej’s living room.
Beetlejuice is tempted to charge them rent for it
Charles and Delia occasionally vacation to the Neitherworld, Beej or the Maitlands tag along. Lydia loves showing them cool spots and weird flora and fauna. As well as introducing them to her friends.
There’s a room in Beejs appartment he rents out as a dead and breakfast.
During these times the appartments mess is localized to Beejs room. And eventually it stays like that.
Prudence and Bertha have never knowingly been in the Neitherworld. Lydia is afraid they wouldn’t want to be her friends if they knew most of her friends were dead or monsters.
Betty juice is still a thing, and is the ‘niece’ of Mister Beetleman. Who can be found sometimes conning the citizens of whatever that towns name is. It’s got like three names.
The school is coed instead of an all girls school (that makes no sense in a small town to have seperate schools)
There are some other weird kids that are friends with Lydia but I haven’t named them yet.
An alien enthusiast and conspiracy theory nut boy.
And a ditzy pastel horse girl she loves Lydia’s entomology projects. But the boy is terrified of all things six or more legged.
The kids hang out at the local grave yard. Some kids stole the g a long time ago and it never got replaced. There are sometimes secret dance parties on the empty side of the lot.
Lydia is still very into photography and with the help of prudence runs the school newspaper
The Deetz family donates large sums to the Girl Scouts every year.
Sky actually thinks Beetlejuice is cool and is very into horror now.
The kids think it’s weird Lydia hangs out with a smelly old guy but hey, it’s free adult supervision.
Most parents dont trust him at first, he claims to be Lydia’s uncle and the Deetz family assures all parents he’s not a pedophile. They don’t say not a sex offender because frankly they aren’t sure about that.
The parents are trusting after Beetlejuice beats some guy into pulp after harassing some school kids he didn’t even know.
The rest of the school like Lydia better after that and Beetlejuice is a local hero-ish. He still always has some kind of con he’s trying to run and no one wants another pyramid scheme after the last one involved and actual pyramid.
The pyramid is near a local park, and was made into an art gallery.
Lydia’s search for her mom lasts a long time, they eventually do find her. Emily adores Delia and had given Charles the go ahead to remarry after her death.
Emily will sometimes haunt the Deetz household, but she already has her own house in the Neitherworld which Lydia visits often.
Chuck, Delia, and Emily will sometimes go on group dates in the Neitherworld, it can be hard to find a place that living people can actually eat at though.
There is a bizarre ‘normal’ area in the Neitherworld. It looks just like any normal town. And the people there are usually newly deads.
Beetlejuice takes up bug farming, beetles actually got eged out as his favorite after he got his hands on some Dubia roaches. He loves the ‘Creamy filling’. he covers them in powdered sugar like reptile keepers would cover them in calcium.
Lydia likes to pick up weird feeder bugs for him in pairs so he can try raising them. She’s a pet store regular, the employees have no idea what critter she keeps.
When Emily found out about Juno and Beetlejuice she named him her honorary son. But really gave him a chewing out over the green card thing.
Lydia helps Beetlejuice reconnect with the Juice family and they finally legally adopt him.
Beejs full name is Lawrence Betlguise Juice
I can’t think of anymore at the moment but this is real long already
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writing process tag
thanks so much for tagging me @katiehahnbooks!! I loved reading your answers, btw. This looks like fun and I need a bit of a pick-me-up tonight, so here goes. :)
1. What are your favorite genres and/or styles to write in?
I tend toward historical fiction and action/adventure, sometimes with fantasy elements and usually (but not always) featuring romance. I’m not a super ‘realistic’ writer so all of my stuff takes on a cartoon/comic-world quality. Probably a side effect of all the comics and Disney I consumed growing up, but I’m going with it.
2. What was the last writing project you finished and felt successful with?
Mm. Kind of a tricky question at the moment. I recently wrote and posted a Tintin fanfiction one-shot series that I felt pretty happy with at the time, but it didn’t get a great reception. So, mixed results. I think I learned that I should stick to my more natural writing mode. (As in, long drawn-out 30+ chapter stories.)
3. If you have a WIP how do you feel it’s going? What stage are you in?
I have several fanfiction WIPs (read: too many) and one original WIP. I feel it’s going at about the rate I can expect considering my current school workload. I have a title, and the core cast of characters, and a very, very rough idea of the plot, but I’m still in the research/outlining stage. Right now I’m researching the involvement of British Secret Intelligence in the Spanish Civil War (yes, England was all up in Spain’s business and, no, they were not supporting the democratic side) because my female MC’s love interest is a female British spy. Anyway, I love live for research so I may be in this stage for a while...
4. What is your favorite place to write?
Anywhere it’s quiet. Although ever since I got noise-cancelling headphones (best purchase of my life, worth every penny) that can pretty much be anywhere! I am easily distracted by other people though, so unless I’m really in The Zone I prefer to be alone.
5. Do you prefer to write long hand or type? Or some other method?
I prefer to type. I use copy and paste quite a lot when writing, and I keep a spare document open to dump discarded paragraphs/descriptions in case I feel like coming back to them. But I do brainstorming and middle-of-the-night idea scribbling by hand. Last summer when I had a job with a 1-hour both ways commute, I would record myself talking out loud about my story while stuck in traffic.
6. Do you remember your first character? If so can we meet them?
Hah, okay. I could start with my LOTR hobbit OC, Jessica, whom I invented while running around with my younger brother LARPing as Merry and Pippin (we were like 8 and 10 years old, we had no idea what we were doing had a name, of course.) I would play one side of a conversation as Merry and then hop a foot away to play the other side as Jessica. (Who was also his love interest. Of course.) Or I guess I could talk about Fudgie the anthropomorphic stuffed dog who was the star of the first story I wrote at 7 years old, which detailed his voyage across the Pacific Ocean in a bathtub. Or... my Tintin fanfiction OC I created when I was 14, who was, well, not the pinnacle of originality by any means. But I have fond memories of her, and all of them, honestly. Love your ridiculous old characters. #end cringe culture 2018
7. Where do you get your inspiration?
So many places! Sometimes the architecture of an old building, or a dual-ownership home where the top half is painted a different color from the bottom half. (Which I actually saw once in Cambridge, MA. Like, imagine an enemies-to-lovers, ‘we’re stuck renting the same house because it’s a great location but we disagree on everything’ rom com!) Super mainstream action movies tend to inspire me, for some weird reason. (My favorite - the Jason Bourne movies.) I’m inspired by museums, paintings and illustrations, historical photography and comic books... lots of random stuff.
8. Do you outline a story before writing it, or does it all live in your head until the first draft gets put down?
I outline. I outline quite a bit. But I do believe that there is such a thing as too much outlining. You don’t want to entirely snuff out the element of unpredictability. You have to trust that the story might know better than you do, and let it take you unexpected places.
9. Where do you go/what do you do when you’re feeling stuck?
That’s usually when I hand write, or open up a separate word document and just start rambling. Eventually I land on the problem, and once I know the problem, I get an idea of how to fix it. Usually. If that doesn’t work, I’ll just take a break and ignore the whole thing for a while.
10. What got you started writing/doing art? (Because I always love origin stories)
The first time I put a story on paper was for a creative writing assignment in the 2nd grade. (Earlier I mentioned Fudgie the anthropomorphic stuffed dog? Yeah, this was his debut.) The page requirement was 5 and I wrote 20 before my teacher actually stopped me, explained that it was time to turn it in, and even though I wasn’t finished, I could use three magic words: “to be continued...” I never did finish it, but I think I can forgive 7-year-old me. I was probably too busy playing with my Calico Critters.
Okay, I’m tagging @kittensartsbooks, @cabaretofwords, @patomac, @gooseandcaboose, @thewriterexfriends, and @natsacespace. Please tag me if you do this, I’d love to read all your answers!! (But no pressure of course.) ♥︎
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A Simple Femme In Beast’s Suit, Part 1
Okay, so this work is on my AO3 user PetiteLepus and this work is inspired by Zekkoss. Check them out, they’re awesome. I’ll tag @rocksinmuffin, my Senpai, and everyday inspiration since I want her to name the Reader! But enjoy the story!
It was a regular day in Lost Light, or at least it would have been if it wasn’t for Swerve. The metallurgist had heard a broadcast sent to the whole ship by Rodimus about how they were passing by an artificial planet called Ovika 1.5 and the minibot couldn’t be in a greater rush. So he abandoned setting up his bar for the night and told Ten to carry him with his bigger legs to the observation deck. They came in, doors busting.
”Captain,” Swerve called, but was silenced by the sight of both Rodimus and Megatron staring out in the space until the smaller mech had burst in. He fixed his mistake quickly, ”I- I meant, captains! W- we must visit that planet, it’s my life long dream, besides managing a bar, please let’s go there, even for an hour or half, I’ll give you both free drinks and energy treats for tonight!”
Rodimus’ optics widened and mouth formed to a smile, but before he could agree Megatron stepped in, ”Swerve, that planet is abandoned. There is nothing there. It’s just dust and dirt covered artificial cyber asteroid floating in space.”
”That’s exactly it!” Swerve smiled broadly and jumped down from his bouncer’s arms and made his way to his two captains.
”I’ve read about Ovika 1.5 when I was back on Cybertron studying and I know it’s an artificial cyber planet that had historic and highly rare and these days NON-EXCITANT energon chips planted on it for harvesting high functioning ancient energon, way more powerful than normal energon!” The white and red mech beamed excitedly.
”Wait, hold on, I don’t get this.” Rodimus interrupted before Swerve could start again and glanced him and Megatron in confusion, ”If this Ovika 1.5 is so great, then why it’s abandoned light-years away from Cybertron?”
Swerve was about to explain, with extra details that weren’t asked, but Megatron folded his arms and shot him a look. The metallurgist shut down immediately, even covering a little. The former warlord huffed and turned his grumpy look to Rodimus, ”The Ovika 1.5 was abandoned because it showed no sign of growing energon. Instead, it started to grow organic life forms. At that time it wasn’t wished result for such an expensive experiment so Council decided to launch it off to space and destroy all the data of it to cover up their mistake.”
”But the legend about the rich energon filled planet never died and mechs all around the Cybertron told stories about it and its location! I always wanted to find it and harvest the rich energon to make amazing new drink combinations that not only bring people happiness but nurse them also! They say that ancient energon can cure weak sparks, fuel mechs for a week with one sip, and even prolong life!” Swerve piped excitedly and clapped his hands, ”It’s also highly valuable! Worth millions!”
Rodimus brightened up like a light bulb and turned to mech in charge of controls. ”Park the ship here, we’re taking Rodpod and go take a look at that little planet!”
”Rodimus!” Megatron snarled and turned to his co-captain, ”This is not a good idea and you haven’t even consulted Ultra Magnus about this!”
”Relax, Magnus is having his armor checked by Brainstorm and Perceptor so he won’t a notice a thing if we disappear for an hour or two! We just get a couple mechs with us, get to the Rodpod and take a quick peek! If there is this ancient energon then we grab some and, well, let’s see what we’re doing then. For now, wham-bam in the van, let’s go! Swerve, you’re coming with us.”
”This is remarkable!” Brainstorm shouted from the bottom of his chassis as he threw his arms in the air as if he was expecting the planet to embrace him. Mechs exited the Rodpod one by one, but he had to be the first one on the land. Nautica was close behind him and once she was next to her best friend she copied him perfectly, ”This is amazing!”
The artificial cyber planet had grown into a beautiful organic looking planet. The grass was tall like a meadow’s no matter where it grew, flowers as big as minibot’s head and strangely reminding some of them from tentacles as they hang from a bulb looking like an onion…?
The trees looked like Earth’s palm trees, but they were even taller than normal mechs were and leaves were fuchsia-colored and flowers brown like they were almost dead, but still alive. The sky was bright blue, but that had to be the only normal thing on that planet since even the clouds were light green. Heavier clouds were almost poisonous looking.
”Okay everyone, I’m giving you all a job!” Rodimus shouted, getting everyone’s attention.
”Brainstorm will do his science thingies and Nautica accompanies him.”
The nerd duo high fived.
”Rewind takes records from this place and you watch after him Chromedome. I don’t want to put anyone in danger.”
”I’ll guard him with my life.” Chromedome said as he leaned over his smaller lover's shoulder to nuzzle his facial mask against his Conjunx Endura’s own. Rewind returned the sign of affection with as much love, ”Oh Domey…”
Rodimus cleared his intake, averting his gaze from the lovely dovely couple and fixed his optics on Skids and Swerve, ”You two take a look around and see if you can find anything. Remember to report back to me. And for all of you make sure to scout the area carefully! Don’t leave a stone or a twig turned and report everything to me by our comms if you find anything!” Rodimus shouted and made a pose, ”Until all are one, so go wild!”
”YES!” And just like that everyone except, Rewind, Brainstorm and Nautica, transformed and went on their different ways. Rodimus drove to the South, Skids and Swerve drove to West, Chromedome took Rewind on top of him and they drove to North and Brainstorm and Nautica went on their ways to East, each one on their own mission.
~~~ At East ~~~
”Look at this bug Nautica! It’s amazing! Not the biggest I’ve seen, but it’s still pretty amazing!” Brainstorm squealed excitedly as he used his sample taker to poke the beetle that he had kneeled down to inspect. The femme was right beside him, looking curiously the beetle that reached to their knee joints. It made cricking sounds and shook its shell each time Brainstorm poked it.
”I wonder why it’s shell is bright red… and what are those orange spots on it? Wouldn’t it be better for it to camouflage to its surroundings? There must be a reason for its absurd coloring!” The scientist said as he poked the chubby beetle straight between its antennas and suddenly the beetle hissed and-!
”Watch out!” Nautica screamed and quickly yanked Brainstorm out of the way danger’s way. The beetle spat a spray of bright yellow spit at him, but thanks to the mech’s best friend’s fast reflexes, the spit flew past him and hit the ground, and just like that, the beetle bolted and run away to the lush grass. The duo watched after it, then each other and finally the spit on the ground.
”I think it doesn’t need camouflage to hide.” Nautica noted. The spit hissed as it melted a giant hole on the ground and killed all the plants around it. Brainstorm squealed again and quickly got out his vials and took samples, ”Of course! It’s not trying to hide, but warn the predators that it’s dangerous and someone not to mess with! I must document this and run some tests on this acid to find out its composition to create more of it! Then I can mass produce it for my weapons! Imagine the possibilities!”
Nautica chuckled as she watched her friend blabber over how he needed to analyze the acid’s composition to create more of it and talk about all the great weapons he could create with it. While he took samples, she took a look around. The planet was weird but very pretty on its own way. Nautica couldn’t almost believe that it was accidentally created by Cybertronians, but if the massive animals were any indicator about their roots then it matched.
On the corner of her optic, she noticed a big bush shaking couple steps farther from them. She was curious to see what caused the shaking and since Brainstorm was busy, she decided to investigate. Nautica didn’t expect to find what she did.
”Uh, Brainstorm? You might wanna see this.”
”Oooh, what what, what is it? Another critter?” The scientist giggled and ran to his friend. Nautica shook her helm, not averting her eyes from the show bestowed before her. Two rodents that looked like super hairy fluffy puff rats with longs green lizard’s tails were mating like there was no tomorrow. Interesting, but kinda gross also…
”Yew… Neat, but still, yew.”
”I want to take them back to the ship!”
”No you don’t.” Nautica chuckled and walked off to look for something else magnificent. It wasn’t hard. Actually, wherever she looked they saw the planet’s habitats… Being all over each other. Avians with leathery wings, bugs with bright colors, mammals with their weird six eyes.
Noticing that Brainstorm was still watching critters bang, Nautica went to her friend and pulled if away, ”C’mon you, dork, let’s give those animals some privacy!”
”Noooo! I want to take them with me…!”
”You can take that ancient energon once we find it.”
”Even better! Let’s go, let’s go!” The scientist laughed as he bolted straight into the wilderness, trying to find the ancient energon. Nautica chuckled at her friend when she noticed a flock of avians circling the sky not so far away from where Brainstorm had run off to. She followed her friend to the flock of birds and she almost couldn’t believe her optics.
Bones. Giant bones everywhere. Bigger than her and any basic mech. The avian vultures pecked the squeaky clean bones, trying to find something to eat from them, but they had already been cleaned from meat.
The avians must have been hungry since they would only change a skeleton when Brainstorm went to inspect one of them.
”Nautica! This is amazing, these bones are gorgeous!” He squealed like a sparkling and straight out lifted one from the ground, ”So heavy, but almost hollow! This creature had wings to fly with, but the size of a fighter!”
He threw the bone away and went to inspect the skull with enormous sharp fangs. ”These fangs indicate that this creature was a carnivore because it lacks the blunt molars to grind it’s the food like herbivores do to plants. These fangs were purely for ripping meat apart!”
As Brainstorm rambled on, Nautica started counting bones and how many creatures they had in their pedes. According to skulls at least three giant carnivores. She couldn’t help but wonder why these animals had died.
”Hey Brains, you got any idea why these guys died?”
”I thought you would never ask!” Brainstorm giggled and jumped over the skull he was investigating to take a look at its neck.
”Look look! This one’s neck was crushed with such force that it not only snapped the cervical vertebrae but it CRUSHED IT! It’s in pieces! This monster had no chance against its competitor when it had its neck in enemy’s jaws!”
Nautica nodded as her friend made his way to another skeleton, disturbing vultures as he went to its ribs. ”Suspecting by the crushed sternum, this one received a fatal blow to straight into its heart! A real kill shot, am I right!?”
Brainstorm jumped to the third corpse, rolled over a giant skull that was more damaged than other skulls. Not only was it’s front almost black, but there was a huge hole in the middle of the forehead. He pulled servo through the skull’s black part, only to smudge his servo. ”These burnt marks are so deep, that this one had its whole face burnt before something smashed it’s head inside!”
Nautica nodded, eyeing the corpses. ”That sounds interesting Brains.”
”It is, isn’t it!”
”You do know what this means, don’t you Brainstorm?”
”That there is a giant creature here, vicious enough to crush competitor’s neck, strong enough to pierce a chest and able to breathe fire or strong acid through its mouth!”
A silence fell over them as two of them thought what was just said. And just like that, they both quickly opened comm links.
’This is your Captain? Did you find anything?’ Came Rodimus’ voice through the comm.
’Captain, uh, Rodimus? We have a problem!’ Nautica was saying when she was interrupted.
’Yeah, no shit. I found something. Something is seriously-! Hold on, Chromedome is contacting us.’
’This can’t wait-!’
’Rodimus? Is Brainstorm also on this comm?’ Came Chromedome’s voice.
’Nautica is here also!’ Brainstorm cheered.
’Hi Chromedome! We got the news! Bad news!’
’They can’t be as bad as our news!’ Rewind joined the link, ’There are hundreds of capsules here, from Cybertron!’
’Okay, that beats my news.’ Rodimus said, ’Nautica, Brainstorm, Chromedome, and Rewind, let’s all meet back at the Rodpod. I’ll contact Skids and Swerve and tell them to return-! Hold on, they’re just contacting me.’
’We’re in trouble!’ Skids yelled straight into comm link.
~~~ At North, Quarter Earlier ~~~
”Seeing anything Rewind?” Chromedome asked as he kept driving through the tall grass that seemed to go on and on forever. The minibot kept his visor and camera on the horizon, trying to see anything worth filming or noticing. Like a big rock that was coming up.
”Turn left to avoid a rock coming up-! No wait, it’s a sheep. It’s a sheep that looks like a rock. Just drive past it!”
”On it.” Chromedome drove past the sheep, only to hear unholy screeching behind him and Rewind’s hold on his roof tightened. ”Oh frag, it wasn’t a sheep, but a ram and it has big horns and it’s angry!”
The bigger mech laughed, ”How bad can it be, it’s organic. It won’t catch us-!” Chromedome had to swallow his words before they got past his vocalizer as hard and pointy horns rammed against his rear bumper.
”What did I tell you!” Rewind shouted, but there wasn’t even a hint of malice or sassiness in his voice as it was only laced with laughter, until the ram rammed against his lover again, almost knocking minibot off from him. Without another word, Chromedome sped up until they left the ram eating dust.
”This planet is weird! I love it!” Rewind laughed as he filmed over his shoulder how the ram was left behind. Surely mechs on the ship would love to see them getting chased by a rocky organic.
Chromedome laughed, his engine rumbling with mirth. Then his lover noticed something and patted the vehicle’s hood to get his attention. ���Domey, there is something in the distance.”
”More rams perhaps?”
Rewind focused his optics behind his visor and used his camera to zoom in. He saw many round things in the distance, but he couldn’t tell what they were. ”No, they look like them, but it’s not it. I don’t get any signs of life from there.”
”Should we check it out?”
”It wouldn’t hurt.”
The duo made their way to mysterious objects, only to be shocked out of their minds. Rewind got off from his Conjunx Endura so Chromedome could take his normal mode. The minibot was about to approach the mysterious round objects, when the bigger mech stopped him, pushing him behind himself and approaching objects first.
”What on old Cybertron…?” Chromedome muttered as he touched the weird grass-covered object. When nothing happened, he swiped his servos over the grass, pushing it to the side. He felt his optics widen behind his visor and without his notice Rewind creeping beside him. ”Primus. Domey, do you realize what these are?”
The bigger mech nodded before wiping both his hands over the plants, getting rid of them, and uncovering what they hid there. It was a capsule. Old as time and rusted through every protective layer of metal. Chromedome put some extra pressure on the rusted surface and the rotten metal shattered under his servos like crystal. He couldn’t almost believe what he saw.
A protoform of a cybertronian sparkling, not even fully evolved. It still had its white soft armor, black outlines, and nonexistent head. There were no other details in it that growing sparkling would have. Chromedome extended his hand and carefully felt the protoform. It was stone cold and not emitting any field.
”Rewind… what are these?” The big mech asked without looking away from the cybertronian baby.
”I heard rumors back in old times when the Council decided to get rid of Ovika 1.5 that they used it also as their way of getting rid of failed power spark experiments.” The minibot explained.
”Power spark?”
”They wanted to create an artificial spark that was stronger than normal cybertronian’s spark that could carry much bigger loads than other mechs’ sparks could. Imagine a mech who actually is as big as Ultra Magnus’ armor, but can put on armor much bigger than that.”
”Primus… Those would have changed the whole war.”
”Yeah, but they said that experiments went wrong. Sparklings took deformed forms, grew too small, became predacons, some were weaker than real sparks, and died out before even growing optics. I heard that all the protoforms were destroyed, but I guess that meant that they sent them off into space with Ovika 1.5…”
Chromedome grew silent. He took a look at small protoform, barely grown enough to form a face or alt mode. It had died in a locked capsule with no chances of ever seeing stars or life itself before its life was suffocated. He took a look at hundreds of other capsules and he could already tell that each one had a dead cybertronian sparkling in there.
”That is horrible…”
Rewind nodded, ”I tried to ask about it from Dominus, but he said his lips were shut and denied everything. Of course, I knew he wasn’t able to talk to me about everything but to hold this as a secret…”
The lovers gave a moment of silence to dead cybertronians that didn’t even see light but darkness before they probably starved to death. The moment was finally broken by the big mech. ”We should report to Rodimus and the rest of the crew. They should know about this.”
Rewind nodded and the duo contacted Rodimus through comm link. They connected to comm but were immediately met with Nautica saying something about waiting to the comm link.
’Rodimus? Is Brainstorm also on this comm?’ Chromedome asked about his friend.
’Nautica is here also!’ Brainstorm cheered through comm.
’Hi Chromedome! We got news! Bad news!’ Came Nautica’s voice.
’They can’t be as bad as our news!’ Rewind joined the link, ’There are hundreds of capsules here, full of protoforms from Cybertron!’
’Okay, that beats my news.’ Rodimus said, ’Nautica, Brainstorm, Chromedome, and Rewind, let’s all meet back at the Rodpod. I’ll contact Skids and Swerve and tell them to return-! Hold on, they’re just contacting me.’
’We’re in trouble!’ Skids yelled straight into comm link.
~~~ At South, Ten Minutes Earlier ~~~
Rodimus drove like a madman through the wilderness. For once he was in a planet where there were no speed limits and he wanted to let go a little bit and be wild youngster that he was. There was no Ultra Magnus telling him to slow down or Megatron nagging at him.
The wildlife ran as soon as they heard his motors revving and going off so there wasn’t danger of hitting anyone. He had even left the grassy landscape behind him to avoid rocks or other things that could have been hiding in tall grass.
Rodimus kept driving, occasionally stopping to drift a little and leave his tidemarks on the ground until he saw something rising in the distance. The colorful mech made his way to the object and transformed.
”Wow. Well, you don’t see this every day.” Rodimus whistled. A giant pillar of teal-colored energon grew straight from the ground, growing few heads taller than. It was even so wide that he wouldn’t be able to wrap his arms around it.
”This has to be that ancient energon Swerve was talking about.” The Captain muttered by himself as he eyed the impressive monument. Who would have thought that little chips could grow so tall? Rodimus took a look around the pillar, trying to see if there was a crack or small piece anywhere, and there just happened to be a tiny piece of energon on the ground, just by pillar’s base.
”Hmm, might as well taste this and figure out what so great about this stuff.” Rodimus hummed as he picked up the tiny piece and propped it into his mouth and bit down.
”Ouch! Frag!” The mech cursed and spit the energon out. ”Frag…! That hurt, what I tried to eat? A piece of diamond!?”
Rodimus felt around his mouth, trying to feel if he had cracked a dental plate, but everything seemed to be still intact. He sighed in relief. His perfect smile was still flawless. Then he noticed something. Teal powder at the base of energon pillar.
The Captain wiped his servo over the powder and felt it between his servos. A very fine energon powder. Despite anything he had learned during his life, he licked the powder off from his servo.
Rodimus moaned in delight. That had to be the best energon he had ever tasted in his life! So sweet like energon treat, but not overly sweet and it melted on his glossa like softest oil cake ever. How something that gorgeous tasting could be as hard as a diamond?
The captain looked up, wondering where the powder came from because he wanted to see where the powder came from and he saw four deep grooves just above his head in the pillar. He felt his spark drop. Whatever had left such marks to a energon that hard wasn’t normal.
He had to contact others. Something was seriously wrong on that planet. Rodimus was just about to open his comm link and contact others when he was contacted first. According to incoming information it was from Nautica and Brainstorm.
’This is your Captain? Did you find something?’Rodimus asked.
’Captain, uh, Rodimus? We have a problem!’ Nautica was saying something, but Captain beat her to it.
’Yeah, no shit. I found something. Something is seriously-! Hold on, Chromedome is contacting us.’
’This can’t wait-!’
’Rodimus? Is Brainstorm also on this comm?’Came Chromedome’s voice through comm.
’Nautica is here also!’ Brainstorm cheered.
’Hi Chromedome! We got news! Bad news!’ Nautica said, only to be cut off again.
’They can’t be as bad as our news!’ Rewind joined the link,’There are hundreds of capsules here, from Cybertron!’
’Okay, that beats my news.’Rodimus said,’Nautica, Brainstorm, Chromedome and Rewind, let’s all meet back at the Rodpod. I’ll contact Skids and Swerve and tell them to return-! Hold on, they’re just contacting me.’
’We’re in trouble!’ Skids yelled straight into comm link.
~~~ At West, Five Minutes Earlier ~~~
”Oh my Primus! Skids, look!” Swerve shouted and pointed to the distance. The blue mech turned his attention from two banging giant crickets to look at what his friend was pointing at and he almost couldn’t believe what he saw.
Energon. Pure, brightly glowing energon crystal pillars that were almost as big as Skids raising from the ground in bundles. They were gorgeous, glowing with soothing strong teal color as no other energon glowed. Skids turned to Swerve whose blue visor practically shined in excitement. ”Skids, we found the ancient energon!”
”We sure did.” Skids chuckled as his friend yanked his hand, trying to get more speed to him so they could inspect the mysterious pillars. After the third tug he walked to energon with his friend. As soon as they were next to pillars Swerve let go of him and touched the energon.
”Primus, it’s smooth! I’ve never seen pure energon this smooth! Usually, they’re like unpolished rocks, diamonds, or gemstones. Ragged and sharp! This is almost like it was made to look this perfect!” Swerve babbled excitedly as he felt around the energon pillar like it was a beautiful mech before him.
The metallurgist actually tried to crack the energon with his fist, only for it to bounce back to him. ”Man, this is hard! I think we might need a laser drill or something to get even a piece of this back to ship with us! C’mon, help me with this, find a rock or something!”
”Whatever you need buddy.” Skids shook his head, but turned and started to look around for a rock. Meanwhile, Swerve kept inspecting the pillars, going multiple times around them, taking in every detail he could get.
”Did you find anything?” The red and white mech asked without looking at his friend.
”No, not yet.”
”Keep looking, there must be something that can crack this beauty up! There are already some marks on it!”
”Marks? What kind?”
”I don’t know, I’m not a wilderness professional, I’m a metallurgist, and I know by this hard energon that there is something even harder than that that left these marks here.” Swerve said excitedly, before he ran to his friend’s side, ”Imagine everything we can make with this much ancient energon! We could maybe even grow it on Lost Light, and imagine all the drinks I can make with it!”
”Okay okay!” Skids laughed and snatched a nice sized rock from the ground and turned to face Swerve. ”I think we should try with this rock…” Skids grew silent in a way of danger. A large shadow rose over two mechs as a monster, bigger than Skids had ever seen climbed on top of energon pillars.
The monster was huge, sharp jagged scales black as endless space adorning its body and long tail whipping behind it, enormous wings folded over it’s back and bright crimson lights glowing from scales’ seams over its chest and legs. Big and sharp horns grew from beast’s head, the couple from jaws and it didn’t even have lips to cover sharp looking fangs. Skids was officially scared.
”What? What is it Skids? You look like you saw a ghost!” Swerve laughed, completely oblivious of what was behind him. Until there was a deep gurgling growl. The minibot froze in his place and glanced over his shoulder and Skids saw his friend’s visor flicker.
Bright crimson eyes glared down at small metallurgist and monster’s claws tightened around the energon and it actually cracked under the sharp claws that sank into it, like it was soft energon gelatine.
”Swerve… Back up slowly towards me and don’t take your optics off from that creature…” Skids instructed his friend quietly, trying to stay calm in a dangerous situation. Swerve slowly did as he was told, backing up away, careful not to take his optics off from the monster before them.
The monster stared at them, but when a twig snapped under Swerve’s pede, it growled again and Skids acted. He threw the rock with all his might at the beast and the stone hit it straight to its shoulder. ”Let’s get out of here!” Skids yelled to Swerve and friends quickly transformed and hit the gas and drove away as fast as their tires could take them.
The monster screeched behind them, but the mechs didn’t stay to listen to it, but kept driving. If they were fast they could lose it.
That hope died when the familiar giant shadow landed on top of them. The monster was flying after them. Skids did the right thing he knew was right and opened comm link to the rest of his friends.
’We’re in trouble!’ Skids yelled straight into comm link as soon as he got the line open. ’There is a giant monster chasing me and Swerve!’
’Monster!?’ Came Rodimus’ voice in the comm.
’That’s what we tried to tell you, that there is something seriously dangerous in this planet!’ Nautica screamed to comm link.
’Okay, everyone, get back to the Rodpod, and let’s get out of here! Skids, can you and Swerve lose the monster after you?’ Rodimus asked.
’I don’t think so! It’s flying after us!’
’It can fly!? Interesting! Can you shoot it?’ Brainstorm asked.
’Okay, new plan, Brainstorm get to Rodpod and send an emergency signal to Lost Light! Skids, lead the monster towards South to me! Everyone else, get to the Rodpod and we buy you time to get there before joining you!’
’Got it!’ Everyone shouted and put the plan in action.
”Swerve, head to the Rodpod! I’ll be a decoy so you can get to safety!” Skids shouted over monster’s roaring and Swerve was quick to do as he said. ”Got it, on my way, be safe!” Skids and Swerve made quick turns, each in a different direction, and Skids even flashed his rear light to get the monster’s attention.
Two of them went to complete different directions and Skids did everything he could to get the monster to follow him… but to his horror, the monster ignored him completely. It went after his bartender friend.
Skids tried to turn on all his audios, trying to get a monster to come to him with noises, but the beast only showed interest towards the speeding minibot.
”Frag!” Skids cursed and made a quick U-turn and drove after his friend. He quickly contacted Rodimus.
’Rodimus, plan failed! The monster is after Swerve and heading towards Rodpod!’
’Pit! Okay, try to get that creature’s attention at any cost! I’ll be there in a second!’
’Roger that!’
Skids tried to catch up with his friend as best as he could, but the distance between them had grown too big. He tried to contact Swerve with comm link, but something was jamming the connection. The blue mech cursed and drove faster than he ever remembered driving, but it was too late.
Rodpod came to view and so did all their friends waiting for them there. Chaos hit them all like a shooting star. Everything happened in such a short time that no one couldn’t almost understand it. There was a roar and all of sudden the monster was just before them and glaring each one of them that it saw as invaders.
When Rodimus made it to the scene the beast roared again and surprised everyone by shooting a long stream of pure bright blue flames towards the sky. The heat was overwhelming, even if it wasn’t directed at any mech on the scene and for bots who didn’t feel heat or cold like organics, it was a great shock.
”Primus, it’s enormous!” Nautica shouted.
”Be careful everyone! Get to the ship when you get the first chance!” Rodimus shouted, getting next to Skids.
The monster whipped its enormous head towards Rewind with a growl and Chromedome was in front of his Conjunx Endura in a second, shielding him with his whole body and being, ready to bounce at the monster with empty hands. There wasn’t even a hint of fear of death in his actions. Not towards his death though. If he was to lose Rewind when he had just gotten him back then he would have truly died.
The monster dug its claws into the ground and focused its optics on Nautica and Brainstorm who were standing side by side. When the crimson eyes made contact with the scientist’s optics, he squealed like a mouse and hid behind Nautica, who stood her ground bravely, ready to protect her friend.
The black beast turned its attention on the rest of the group. Rodimus and Skids were side by side, ready to fight together against the attacker, their fists clenched and arms in the right position to throw punches as powerful as possible. For a second, it appeared that the monster was going to back out. It didn’t stop growling, but it raised it’s head off from threatening snapping position and even took a step back to retreat… until its eyes landed on Swerve.
Small, weak, and vulnerable Swerve was hiding behind a tree. That didn’t seem to launch the upcoming attack, but the fact that Swerve was alone.
The monster roared and in a blink of an eye rotated it’s head in a circle, shooting flames all over itself. Mechs ran away from the danger and the monster used the panic it created for its advantage as it ran straight through the fire towards Swerve.
”Swerve!” Skids shouted and ran towards his friend, but the monster whipped around and hit him with its tail, sending him flying straight into the air. Swerve got down on his knees when the monster got to him, trying to appear as small as possible. The beast swiped its claws through the air and with that move sliced the whole tree in pieces.
”Oh Primus, Skids, Captain, somebody!” Swerve screamed in terror as the monster’s claws wrapped around him.
”Hold on Swerve!” Nautica and Rodimus yelled and ran to save their friend. They had no time to waste. The beast turned towards them, roared and with a flap of its great wings, sent a surge of wind at them, knocking them on their afts.
The beast roared again and took off to the sky, Swerve with him and screaming from the bottom of his chassis. ”HEEEEEEELP!”
”Swerve!” The Autobot’s got together, Skids already in a motion to save his friend.
”Where it’s taking Swerve!?” The blue mech shouted, looking at his friends and then towards the black dot on the sky, ”C’mon, we got to follow it before it hurts him!”
Rodimus, Chromedome, and Nautica nodded in agreement.
”Okay, here’s what we do! Brainstorm, you fly after the beast, me and Skids follow behind you while Nautica takes Rewind and Chromedome back to Lost Light and comes back with Megatron, Ultra Magnus, and Whirl!” The Captain shouted orders, ready to transform to go after the monster, when Brainstorm got in his way, ”Wait wait, hold on!”
”Brainstorm, what the frag!?” Rodimus shouted at the scientist, ”That beast might drop Swerve at any given second or rip him apart! We must hurry, now!”
”I know I know, but listen! Me and Nautica made some important findings when we were exploring the planet! You see, it’s the start of the Spring season on this planet! Notice how flowers are blooming and those ancient energon bundles are glowing?” Brainstorm asked and pointed at each thing in his speech.
”Cut the chase Brainstorm and tell us what it matters!” Chromedome snapped, still holding Rewind tightly against his chassis, not showing any signs of letting his loved one touch the planet’s ground anymore. The scientist cleared his intake as a lousy cover up to his giddiness towards science, ”It’s animals’ breeding season! Me and Nautica took notes on many animals fragging in the safe places!”
Everyone glanced at Nautica and she nodded, ”Brainy tells the truth. We even saw a weird rodent with reptile tails doing it.”
”So what you’re saying is that-!”
”That’s right!” Brainstorm giggled like a madman, ”That monster saw a potential mate in Swerve, snatched him, and took him with him so it could breed with him!”
#reader#Reader insert#My Story#transformers#eventual smut#writing#Rodimus#Swerve#Nautica#Brainstorm#Chromedome#Rewind#Skids#simple femme
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What is your Magickal oddity?
The power I feel from within you is as raw and feral as the nocturnal critters that populate the forests, prowling while you slumber. You, my dearest, harbours an oddity befitting of the primal energy of the woodland itself
The exact nature of your vision remains to be seen as we only have the time to determine the approximate manifestation of your oddity. Those with the bestial vision oddity can be found with all sorts of different vision types. This can range from the night-seeing eyes of a cat, or the unwaveringly sharp gaze of an eagle. Typically, this oddity is permanent and the effects cannot be reversed or concealed. For most, only one eye is inflicted with this oddity and the other remains as it were before the transformation. However, there have been a few documented cases where both eyes are inflicted. The exact cause of such an occurrence is currently unknown, although some have theories, nothing can be proven.
While this oddity, in particular, can vary greatly, there are a few traits shared by all of those who possess this untamed oddity:
You have never considered yourself a people-person as you much prefer the company of animals. You enjoy the isolating beauty of mother nature and would prefer to spend your time within a natural landscape than a bustling city. This is, in part, due to your wild spirit which allows you to comfortably commune and understand animals.
You care for the critters that have existed in the planet long before you and it pains you to see them suffer. You are most likely very adamant on preservation and acknowledge the consequences of human intervention on our planet.
You are wild and untamed, feeling refreshed after spending time in the beauteous landscape than only nature can provide. Perhaps you enjoy outdoorsy activities such as hiking, camping, and swimming because all require you to be able to spend time outdoors where you feel the most alive.
Do not let the monotonous repetition of daily life quench your spirit. Always seek the console of mother nature when the world around you begins to grow too straining. But do not allow yourself to get lost in it. Remember where home is, there are people in this world who need you just as much as the animals. While humans may not be perfect, we are the only ones capable to fix the problems we've created. Figure out what is wrong, and change it.
Tagged by: Nobody! Found it myself Tagging: If you see this, DO IT
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The Personal Research study Animation Coursework
This homework document appeared to be undertaken to learn and examine character acting in computer animation, and the different methods used to express feeling and way of thinking. The post is focused all around how some sort of audience is actually influenced by just techniques with character representing, and what things contribute to its believability. Analysis of various novels, articles and also online methods have been ventured to aid the main analysis together with conclusion.
The research researched, shows that thought process have got to occur prior to an action comes together by the charm. Developing a charm with responsiveness through their very own emotions aids the audience relate to them all, contributing to the richer, a tad bit more believable outcome. Various approaches are used to communicate thought process along with emotion, nonetheless discovery has resulted in the knowning that body language might be just as expressive without debate. Internal spirit is best portrayed through a people eye actions in conjunction with body gesture.
Intro to probiotics benefits
The essence this analysis document would be to gain the deeper expertise and knowledge of how drama methods in character spirits can be utilised and articulated to express emotional baggage through the showcase of inside thought steps in a character. This research will look into the methods used by animators to produce the ‘illusion of life’ and discover the best way it can become believable and engaging for those audience.homework helper
“Acting is defined as the ability of practise about representing a character on a time or in advance of cameras and also derives from your Latin word ‘agere’, indicating to do… an out of date meaning for those word performing is living. ” (John Kundert-Gibbs, 2009, p4)
Analysis will be utilized on specific ways of real/stage performing to develop an understanding of acting in character animation.
Background towards Research
“Animate instant verb /annimayt/ 1 . bring to life or activity. a couple of give (a film or character) seen movement by using animation.
coordinating conjunction /annimt/ to life; having daily life.
Derives, animator noun.
Source, Latin animare, from espiritu ‘life, soul’. ” (Oxford English Dictionary)
Animation is actually thought to get originated above 35, 000 years ago, as soon as the discovery regarding ancient retaining wall paintings around places just like Altamira and also Lascaux; which inturn depicted a variety of humans, materials and critters as Richard Williams (2001, p13) makes clear, sometimes utilizing four twos of hip and legs to show actions. In the early on 1800’s, Williams shows (2001, p14-15) there were many different tools developed for your sole aim of creating some sort of illusion of motion such as the Thaumatrope, the Phenakistoscope, the Zoetrope, the Paxinoscope and the Flipper book. All of these devices were based on the rediscovery, in 1824, of ‘The persistence for vision’ by simply Peter Tag Roget. The essential of this breaks,
“…on the truth that our vision temporarily offer the image associated with anything they’ve just viewed. ” (Williams, 2001, p13)
In 1896, this sparked the interest associated with Thomas Edison, who finished up publicly relieving a combination of blueprints, drawn by means of James Stuart Blackton, in succession, one after another, continually called ‘Humorous Phases for Funny Faces’.
Since then, we have seen a variety of approaches to the very genre connected with animation. Together with the rise of Disney animation studios, throughout 1928, ‘Steamboat Willie’ had been introduced having synchronised perfectly a new personality, Mickey Mouse. Just by 1936, ‘Snow White and then the Seven Dwarfs’ was released which often received impressive success. It was the starting point of the ‘Golden Age’ associated with animation that had been shortly accompanied by the popular Disney titles: Pinocchio, Dumbo, Bambi and Fantasia.
It was not until December, 1995 this Toy Narrative, the first full-length computer super-hero film was released by Pixar Animation Broadcasters. This sparked another completely new era associated with animation. Ateliers like Dreamworks and Glowing blue Sky in the near future followed.
Acting in sprightliness has been obtained as the important thing for developing believability in an animated string,
“But to build these styles work, the very movements needs to be believable — which leads back in realism… The devices we want to attain isn’t realism, it’s believability. ” (Williams, 2001, delaware. 34)
All of animated performing is designed to provide a character individuality and believability. Just like around stage appearing. Doron Meir (2008) makes clear that believable acting is caused by the customers feeling the character’s things of some inner ulterior motives. Williams (2001) notes this animation ideas that were created Disney Ateliers very early, are still being utilized today in every types of spirits to bring roles to life.
Research Query
How are emotions along with internal considered processes depicted through procedures of drama in individuality animation to generate characters believable and engaging on the audience?
Survey regarding Literature & Works
Acting is definitely an broad subject matter, and can be utilized on many different types of appearing for step and surveillance camera. Animation has brought a direct affect by the strategies and finds on how to portray a character with movement. Because of this , ‘To the particular Actor: Around the Technique of Acting’ by Meters Chekhov is a perfect choice of which links directly to acting. Chekhov is notoriously known for her in-depth appearing methods, and features stood as an iconic educator for widely known actors presently. Chekhov reflects on the methods which is used to call up feelings, develop people and tone awareness as an actor. Every one of things help to develop specified ‘Psychological Gestures’ that he stated within the e-book, that demonstrate audience exactly what character is wanting to express via body language, which is the key to some character’s believability in an animated sequence.
To obtain a more precise understanding of ways characters move, and the principles surrounding charm animation being an art, ‘The Animators Medical Guide’ just by Richard Williams is an thorough manual around the style and techniques associated with hand-drawn animation. Containing the precise principles searched by animators to get believable activity.
“Williams have been one of the legitimate innovators, and also serves as a traffic between the glowing age of movement by hand and also new personal pc animation successes. ” (Williams, 2001, blurb)
Everything during this book pertains to the overall goal of producing a persona that techniques in a believable way. Representing relies on these types of techniques that can be shown through drawing tips to consider frame by frame computer animation. By taking on these skills, animators are usually taught to hit the books the information of the body to further discover how to produce thriving animated personas.
The evaluation of how heroes display passion needs to be factored in throughout the following research. ‘Acting for Animators’ by Edward Hooks describes the thouroughly tested methods around acting that reflect personality and experiencing within a nature. This ebook takes us through Hook’s lessons at acting as well as the theoretical tactic behind the techniques. Agreement occurs a lot in this reserve, answering the need to create personalities with emotion, for the target audience to empathise with.
Examination into identity movement as well as acting just by example permits the breakthrough of solutions used in common film. ‘Acting in Animation: A Look at fjorton Films’ is usually a second book by Ed Hooks, exactly where he examen twelve distinct animated video clips, going through segment by segment, describing the main expressive and even emotive methods used in each and every scene. Directed by all these film cases, the procedures discovered via research, may be firmly a suitable.
Theoretical Approach for Selecting Data
Data will likely be collected, analysed and showcased from a assortment of published legitimate sources which includes: books, article content, web article content, web and truck sites and group meetings. All information and crucial information will probably be collected when considering research, but will not all be related to the main analysis with animation. Drama technique as well as method is definitely the main subject matter source of researching, which will give a broader background ? backdrop ? setting to basic opinions, strategies and opinions discovered in second literature causes by other individuals in the industry. Novels sources that contains examples of proved practise to be used to further put in force the topic of research.
Explanation of Suggested Practise
By a long discovery and even analysis on the subject of character representing in computer animation, I propose to produce not less than six helpful and doable artefacts which will reflect the data gained with this analysis document, that will provide deeper understanding about how precisely emotion enables an customers to empathise with an cartoon character. The preliminary style practise would include the development of crucial character stances to emphasise specified emotions right influenced simply by an internal thought process. This will then simply indicate how a character will be developed additionally into a regarding believable birth sequences. Each artefact options to possess one of the six to eight basic sentiments, as stated just by Ed These sharp “claws”,
“…happiness, amazement, fear, fury, disgust as well as sadness…” (2000, p. 36)
Characters made use of will be developed and rigged by a legitimate source, that could provide a effortless, easy to use marionette for the purpose of sprightliness. Dialogue is definitely not used, since this may endure as a thoughts from the emotional baggage that are aimed to be stated through body gesture and face treatment expressions. All these artefacts will cover a clearer understanding of unconscious body routines that are normally overlooked.
Character sprightliness can take lots of forms with the context associated with animation both in the traditional feel as well as in present day computer movement.
“The using principles have been developed plus named:
– Squash and even Stretch… charge cards Timing and even Motion… a few. Anticipation… 3. Staging… 5 various. Follow Through together with Overlapping… 4. Straight Ahead Activity and Pose-to-Pose… 7. Sluggish In and Out… 8. Arcs… 9. Exaggeration… 12. Secondary Action… 11. Appeal…Personality in identity animation is definitely the goal of all of the above. ” (John Lasseter, 1987, pp. 35-44, twenty one: 4)
Lasseter explains that these specific typical animation key points and methods developed while in the 1930’s by way of Walt Disney Studios must be incorporated in to all super-hero media “…especially character animation…” to develop figures look to cause them to become “…more practical and entertaining” (Lasseter, 1987, pp. 35-44)
Richard Williams explains,
“The old information applies to any type of approach to the particular medium no matter the advances throughout technology. ” (2001, l. 20)
That shows that flourishing, believable toon of all forms have spawned the creation of on the structure and determine of these standard principles together with techniques. Rich Williams also tells us in which, in relation to ‘classical’ and laptop animation,
“Both share the exact same problems showing how to give a new performance by using movement, bodyweight, timing and even empathy. ” (2001, v. 20)
This specific underlines a key point into the breakthroughs of systems in computer animation, showing this 3D animation software plans only behave as a technique of animating but not an easier way to help influence believable movement.
Lasseter explains,
“To make a character’s personality seem to be real in an audience, she must be different than the other characters on the tv screen. A simple way to tell apart the celebrities of your characters is by contrast of movement. No 2 characters would definitely do the similar action just like. ” (1994)
Creating a different character, produces its character. John Kricfalusi (2006) reminisced of how he or she got drawn in by Toss Jones’ characters, noticing the original expressions this individual drew. Exclusively as an example, the manner in which he takes in two whites of the vision joined together, one larger than the other in order to create a “D-uh” expression.
You observe that characteristics is very important while introducing character to a figure, Chekhov (1953, p. 83) explains with regards to characterisation, that particular features native to a character; like a regular movement, types of speech, continual habit, odd way of jogging and so on, discloses the ‘finishing touches’ to the character. Roles become more still living and more individuals with this compact feature. These sharp “claws” (2000, g. 36) clarifies, “When we tend to speak of causing the illusion with life for animation, that boils down not to gestures and naturalistic movement, but for emotion”. Tow hooks continues to suggest that theoretically engaging, emotion would be the essential portion of acting because the point with empathy for any audience. Hooks,
“Empathy is often as essential to way acting simply because oxygen will be to water. ” (2000, delaware. 9)
Personalities of all grammar, in an attempt to cause them to become believable to the audience, should have a particular temperament. The market needs to be direct affected by some sort of character’s on-screen emotion, to actually feel a sense of empathy. With out, the target audience will lose interest easily along with the objectives in the storyline will be able to diminish.
Hooks (2000, delaware. 41), proves Charlie Chaplin as one of the nearly all influential comedians that put to use a great deal of sympathy in his do the job to touch the audiences’ inner thoughts. He makes clear that the innovation in the form of performer has already established a huge effect on the associated with comics plus animation. Like Chuck Andrews has said
“I admire Chaplin very much when you could find him imagine, and prepare, and you taken care of him. ” (Hooks, 2000, p. 40)
Chaplin’s different relationship considering the audience seems to have seen a superb influence in character cartoon from the beginning associated with Walt Disney’s profession. Prick Huemer (Hooks, 2000, delaware. 40), Disney storyman, informs us Walt had an image associated with Mickey Mouse to be a little Chaplin.
In order to correctly accomplish accord within a nature, there must be elements of personality to goad ? prod ? sting emotions. These kinds of can be made through uncomplicated recurring mannerisms that correspond with the character’s thoughts and even actions. In each and every respect, typically the audience has to be the main determine when making a decision a character’s actions.
Hooks states individuals express six basic feelings,
“…happiness, amazement, fear, anger, disgust as well as sadness…” (2000, p. 36)
He also tells us that there are disagreement about whether facial foundation expression can be primarily a reflection of the intrinsic emotional express, or when it’s simply a cultural ‘display’. Hook varieties concludes it could be whether, depending on the situation. Emotion can be expressed through both cosmetic expression and even body language, although influence of each one method could be different. Williams (2001, r. 324) believes that sayings should be saved to a smallest and as a good animator, help to make everything as clear as possible through mimodrame using only the bodies cells to tell situation. The routines of the shape are thought in regards to lot more by animators than real characters, as computer animators have to ‘create’ it and not just ‘do’ this, although the external expressive nature of inner thoughts are indistinguishable. Different types of sensations can be shown easily like Chekhov programs,
“…grasping or perhaps catching (greed, avarice, cupidity, miserliness)… roughly with hands turned earthward… lusts to overpower, for getting. ” (1953, p. 67)
Equally, Chekhov (1953, r. 73) stated here which in order to build your personalities expressive design, hands in addition to arms should really act first for example; possession up near to the chin conveys unavoidability plus loneliness, palms turned outwards displays self-defense, self-protection and bit of an humour is normally evoked as soon as bending three middle fingertips of each hand. Hooks says,
“The the reality is that our hands and wrists and fists are the almost all expressive parts of our bodies”. (2000, delaware. 60)
A sample to this, These sharp “claws” demonstrates,
“Arms folded over the chest indicate that the man or women is ‘closed’, intractable… When you are embarrassed, one tend to reduce in spot. ” (2000, p. 62)
This explains that many body gesture patterns with human stats are emphasised through the movement of arms and arms. Williams (2001, p. 324) explains a method called ‘Twinning’ where arms and hands and fingers are doing it same thing, symmetrically. He will teach that this is used to show expert by preachers, leaders, political figures and so forth. Kevan Shorey confirms that,
“Symmetry is a good manner of adding drive to an measures to get a way! ” (2008)
Both animators, believe that twinning should be separated to avoid an exact mirror image of actions that would generate unbelievable information to the crowd. Jeff Lew (2004) points out that to make twinning spirits look better, the perspective of shot should be changed to make sure they don’t yourself look identical at a specific camera approach.
Walt Disney in 1930s found that will expression will work when the body is required and not only the eye,
“Movement takes place in the area of your company navel and also radiates outwards into your arms or legs. ” (Hooks, 2000, k. 60)
Jon Kricfalusi (2006) explains which animators include evolved a method that has become a great deal more stagy rather than live steps by examining characters’ thoughts through body gestures and creates. Evidentially, face treatment expressions are not enough in order to provoke a meaningful experiencing, and that the entire body needs to be articulating through palm gestures and even arm routines to match facial tour, to achieve the believable feelings through a nature.
In an case study from Gadget Story couple of, Hooks information,
“She (Jessie) doesn’t just greet Woody enthusiastically, the lady turns the pup over and presents him nuggies! She throws him in this manner and that. Her emotion is definitely leading the to animatedly celebrate. ” (2005, v. 90)
That is the specific example of how beahvior is reflecting emotion properly. If this same exact bit of working was served on the level, or facing a digicam with authentic actors rapid it would employ a different final result. The feeling may be identical, but other ways of emphasising actions applied to animation is normally through hyperbole. Shawn Kelly (2009) notifies us that he or she was trained to exceed something beyond it should be, after that double it. Exaggeration is one of the original animation principles. Lasseter (1987, pp. 35-44, 21 years old: 4) hints exaggeration associated with characters by way of the animator ought to be very carefully elected. If there is some sort of distortion it could actually result in a great unrealistic glimpse.
Looking back much early, to 1927, the classic movie “Sunrise: Some Song involving Two Humans” was released. Without the need of synchronised debate, films from this era were forced to rely on typically the character’s acting and the practice compositions when the two major elements in the story.
“Sunrise is considered among the finest shows of the tranquil era, along with Janet’s Gaynor’s performance is certainly one its biggest virtues… Your girlfriend supple experience and soulful eyes supply a range of imagination and emotional baggage that sites of talk could merely suggest. ” (DeFreitas, 2009)
Later, DeFreitas (2009) informs us that Sunrise became a success of the 1929 ‘Best Picture’ Oscar pertaining to ‘Unique plus Artistic’ Construction. This dvd sets as an evidential example of how working without discussion can have an impact on and empathise with an target audience just as good, if not more which means that.
Often for animation, Lasseter (1987, pp. 35-44) talks about that the observation can easily acquire when the movement of a character seems to kick the bucket, which can find as wanting particularly bogus and remarkable. To overwhelmed this lack of motion, Lasseter uses a ‘moving hold’ instant which is a technique used that continues the motions of a system part immediately after an action. This unique breaks up the main animation in addition to results in a new smoother and more believable pattern. Preston Blair (Hooks, 2001, p. 60), states make fish an actor must not pause without having a specific factor, and when any pause happens, it should be established for long enough so the target market can sign-up it. However these are both techniques that employ the customers into what character is acting away.
Before some movement of any organize can occur, notion processes will need to become evident through the personality. Hooks strains,
“Thinking tends to lead to data; emotion is likely to lead to steps. ” (2000, p. 1)
Hooks uses a spirit as a procedure in finding out about a finish. Lasseter (1994) mentions that many movement associated with a particular character must really exist for a rationale, and, in the end, develop thoughts in a charm through their valuable thought processes. As an remark, before a runner being positions his overall body into action, a way of thinking must happen. In toon, this spirit must be proven to the audience to show you believability of the action that features just been recently revealed. To teach a way of thinking in a character, Disney animator/teacher Eric Larson shows an approach, in Frank Thomas and even Ollie Johnson’s ‘Illusion involving Life’,
“The subject slowly lowered his particular brows into a frown aid paused rapid and then increased one brow and glanced to the side, one immediately might sense a big change from one consideration to another…” (Richard Williams, 2001, p. 320)
This action was initially discovered in the event the first Mickey Mouse shorts ended uphad been created, along with stands as being a key element straight into how switch of reflection can mirror a important thought process. Shawn Kelly (2009) expresses her ideas, telling you that there isn’t anything more essential than showing a character’s thought process and even changes of which occur in it to help provoke sentiments and tactics. It is down to these considered processes, this individual concludes, which drives almost everything we perform. Looking at figure animation on Toy Storyline 2, Tow hooks (2005, k. 87) makes clear how Woody’s realisation that Andy moved to camp out without the pup, leads him to the express despair (emotion) which in turn leads the pup to withdraw to the back spots, out of view. He includes that,
“The more specific the character’s thought process, so much the better the performance”. (2005, p. 87)
Way of thinking in personality animation, as stated, is very important meant for believability. It has been true for countless years since the beginning of Disney’s ‘Golden Age’ in spirits. Walt Disney said,
“In most occasions, the power behind the main action certainly is the mood, the very personality, the attitude in the character-or all three. Therefore , to get is the flier. We think associated with things prior to the body should them. ” (Lasseter, 1987, pp. 35-44, 21: 4)
It is widely agreed this thought process is an essential building block to be perfected together with shown effectively in any animated character. Charge Tytla (Hooks, 2005, l. 3), figured “the advertise is a a reaction to something”. Barbs refers to Aristotle,
“Aristotle observed this in the form of unity regarding action instant small activities that lead to more substantial action, or maybe objective. This specific simple rule lies with the base of most acting way of thinking. An action without getting a thought is normally impossible, along with action lacking objective is simply mechanical factor, moving parts of the body. ” (Hooks, 2005, s. 4-5)
Aristotle finds the fact that thought process on the character stands between a character through ‘life’ to a robotic, dull machine.
Many tools earlier, Joshua Larson’s a technique of showing a thought process inside a character is quite believable. And specifically, because of discovered that the exact eyes are the key parts of the character to express plus emphasis all these thoughts. Williams (2001, p. 325) states on how often the eyes are the focal point that individuals watch inside of a character. As an example, he notes,
“When jamming on the phone typically the eyes flicker around in a very Staccato manner reflecting the main listener’s moving thoughts on reaction the eyes are almost never still. ” (2001, g. 326)
The very eyes, the exact driving force guiding a character’s actions. Kelly agrees of which decisions will be reflected successfully with the eye,
“They can very often dart their sight around a tiny bit as they look at and think about their possibilities. It’s basically as if they’re reading any imaginary directory possible choices! ” (2009)
Lasseter (1987), explains which will eyes head before the steps, and that the only time they wouldn’t business lead, would be if there was an external force behaving upon the smoothness. He describes further, which the trick in order to showing way of thinking through the eye of a nature is with anticipation. The view should switch first, pursued by the head and the rest of the body.
“The sight of a personality are the home windows to it’s thoughts; the very character’s ideas are carried through the actions of their eyes. ” (Lasseter, 1987)
As well as eyesight movements, typically the timing plus speed associated with a character’s blinks can also affect the outcome of exactly what is portrayed being a thought process. Kelly (2009), details that unique blinks usually provide up some of our different perceptions of what exactly are the character is normally thinking.
“A ton connected with blinks may feel as though the type is going to weep, is worried, uncomfortable, scared, or possibly treated after a major build up; even while very little to no pulsating will sometimes feel dispatched, stoned uneasy, angry, or just very strong. ” (Kelly, 2009)
Kelly teaches that blinks really should be there for one reason to increase enhance an actual emotion. Prior to an tegnefilmstegner can even commence to animate a unique thought process, they want to know about the smoothness to be able to find out what they would end up being feeling for a certain point in time, in an attempt to achieve believable results.
The most important first step toward believable persona acting will start with figuring out about a distinct character. Williams states,
“Got to get into the character. Facing he/she/it intend? and even more intriguing – why does the character want to buy? ” (2001, p. 20)
To develop the understanding of how character will be thinking, and in order to provoke feeling in a nature, these questions need to be posed. Ed Hooks also describes to you and me that,
“Every character in a very scene are able to answer often the question. ‘What am I performing? ’ instant in a theatrical sense. To put it differently, what actions am I performing in pursuit of just what objective? And what is the obstacle/conflict? ” (2005, p. 89)
Just like this particular, in the wording of drama for an visitors, Michael Chekhov suggests to,
“Ask by yourself what the primary desires belonging to the character may be” (1953, p. 67)
This approach sinks the landscape for any individuality in order to discover exactly what the characters style is trying for you to portray in what they are considering or executing. Hooks information,
“If you would like to understand what a personality is emotion, it is best to alternative asking what character is certainly thinking and exactly his cost system is. ” (2000, delaware. 2)
To grasp how a identity must relocate, the tegnefilmstegner needs to have the atmosphere and even influence with the obstacle the fact that the character has been confronted with. Merely then can a thought process occur, as well as a feeling be evoked using a specific circumstances or clash. Jeff Lew (2004), conveys his applying for grants the development of any character’s biography before learning how a persona will reply in any cartoon scene. The develops additionally understanding of some sort of character’s track record that could be essential in impacting on the way most of their emotions happen to be expressed.
This unique evidence displays us that we now have a lot of characteristics contributing to having a character’s developmental state and to make it believable to the audience. To develop the understanding of a character and what they are really thinking, Impotence problems Hooks relies on a definition created by Erika Chekhov known as “Psychological Gesture”, which, Chekhov explains because the psychology of any character formulated with thoughts, emotions and a man free will certainly which is shown physically by external sentiments, thoughts in addition to desires. Hooks gives the illustration,
“Have anyone ever discovered someone who wrings his hands and wrists a lot while he’s speaking? … A new Bully your punches someone within the chest along with finger. That is the psychological motion. ” (2000, p. 66)
A brain gesture is an internal spirit, manifesting per se into a action to show an feelings. Chekhov gives you an drama example,
“The qualities which in turn fill along with permeate each muscle of the entire body, will probably provoke inside of you sensations of hatred and repugnance. ” (1953, p. 64)
The above, is very similar to the way animators process the cutting-edge of a character’s psychological posture by calling up concepts of how ideas can effect the emotional baggage that are exhibited.
Individuality animation, inside the traditional plus computer moderate, rely intensely on the genuine animation concepts that were identified by Disney Studios. This specific emphasises the way in which improvements in 3D animated software are employed as merely as a product for the development of sprightliness, and does not confidence the computer for making things appear believable on it’s own.
Analysis has shown us that behaving techniques in movement are almost identical to stage and also film drama. It is the hyperbole of beahvior and the capacity adapt a character in special detail the fact that sets it again apart.
It happens to be evident that the emotional assert of a persona is a direct influence associated with it’s way of thinking. Thought process is usually best stated through gesture to enhance the emotion. This unique research has produce discover that eyesight movements are among the focal points this enhance a good characters thought. Emotions need to be manifested within an external, external body action, however slight, in order to employ an customers.
The conclusion for the discussion has demonstrated that designing empathy as a result of expressing a great emotion, is the key element meant for engaging any kind of audience. Any character’s believability is successful when an target market can relate with it in some way or another. This is done by giving an character a good personality by mannerisms plus specific nonverbal communication.
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New Post has been published on https://travelonlinetips.com/10-reasons-why-you-should-go-to-the-state-fair/
10 reasons why you should go to the state fair
Stop what you’re doing and find out when your state fair takes place. Once you find out what you’ve been missing, you’ll want to make sure you clear your schedule to attend! If you haven’t been taking part in the time-honored tradition of visiting a state fair, here are 10 reasons why you need to be at the next one.
1. Animals
Fuzzy ducklings at the fair — Photo courtesy of iStock / ideabug
Farm animals headline at state fairs, whether they’re being shown for a 4-H contest or housed in educational exhibits. Those of us who haven’t had opportunities to visit farms or ranches will enjoy the experience of interacting with critters like cows, pigs, chickens, rabbits, goats, sheep and more. You might even get to pet some adorable baby animals!
2. Calorie-packed food
While it might seem impossible, there actually are ways to eat healthy at the state fair. But we’re not interested in that. It’s not a true state fair experience unless you leave reeking of oil and clutching a grease-soaked bag of fried Oreos to-go. Where else can you try a hot beef sundae, a Twinkie dog and any number of fried desserts all in one place?
Read more: Ranked: State fair foods that pack the most calories »
3. Crafts
From traditional arts and crafts to the more outside-the-box displays – like sand or butter sculptures – there is an amazing amount of handiwork to admire at the fair. Peruse the booths, pick out a souvenir to take home, or watch in awe as craftspeople create right in front of you.
4. Cook-offs
Among the many contests occurring at state fairs are cook-offs. You’ll find everything from the more conventional baking and chili competitions to the more bizarre like Goo Goo Clusters or Spam.
Read more: The most unique state fair cook-offs »
5. History
Great New York State Fair in 1954 — Photo courtesy of Great New York State Fair
Annual state fairs have taken place in the United States since the 1800s, so many have long and storied histories that are worth exploring. It’s amazing to observe how state fair culture has changed over the years.
Read more: A visual history of the oldest state fair in the country »
6. Eating contests
Cream puff eating contest at Wisconsin State Fair — Photo courtesy of Wisconsin State Fair
You might find eating contests to be an ill-mannered display, but it’s difficult to deny that this pastime is woven into the fabric of American culture. And not all eating contests have to be as revolting to watch as the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest.
At state fairs, many of the competitions include children, dialing down the “eww” factor and cranking up the “aww.” For instance, the Chug-a-Lug contest in Iowa, where kids see who can gulp down a glass of milk the fastest.
Read more: The most bizarre state fair eating contests »
7. Music
Concerts at state fairs are getting bigger and better — Photo courtesy of E+/South_agency
Musical performances have long been a tradition at state fairs, but it seems that the concerts get bigger and better with each passing year. Lineups are jam-packed with weeks of shows that highlight big names as well as up-and-coming musicians.
State fairs have also inspired many artists to relate their own views and experiences on the midway, making for a festive playlist that you can enjoy en route.
Read more: Add these 10 songs about going to the state fair to your playlist »
8. People
People-watching is an undeniably entertaining fair activity — Photo courtesy of iStock / Jacob Ammentorp Lund
One of the most fun things to at the state fair is completely free: people-watching. You can find hours of entertainment just sitting back and taking it all in, with folks trying to figure out just how to eat a giant turkey leg gracefully, families making new memories and crowds laughing themselves silly on rides.
9. Recipe sharing
This stunning cake is a blue ribbon winner — Photo courtesy of Pat McDonogh, The C-J
Food is a huge draw for fair-goers, and if you’re lucky, you might even be able to take home some recipes. Many events across the country have cooking demonstrations where you can learn how to make select dishes. And some cook-off winners are willing to share their recipes, allowing you to create award-winning items at home.
Read more: How to make the bourbon cream tipsy cake that won a blue ribbon »
10. Rides
The Ferris wheel is perhaps the most iconic fair ride of them all — Photo courtesy of iStock / kamisoka
Of course, the rides are a huge attraction at state fairs. There’s always something for everyone, whether you seek thrills on the Zipper, twisting-and-turning amusement on the Scrambler, or low-octane fun on a Ferris wheel.
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Tips for Traveling with Small Dogs
Traveling with small dogs can be pretty daunting. Whether you are going to fly or traveling on the ground with your puppy, it is not a 100% pleasure business that you can do.
Meanwhile, you might be one of the folks who can’t just leave their dogs behind. You won’t probably have peace of mind knowing your dogs are left at the dog's hotels, treated by strangers, and others. You can’t just be calm when handing over your small dogs with other people.
Your only choice is to travel with dogs with you the next time you travel. Here we’re about to share our useful tips that you can consider when traveling with your lovely dogs.
Make Your Destination Pet-Friendly
So, the holidays are around the corner. You will also want to spend the quality time with your furry buddies. There is no point if you visit the destination wherein you can’t tag along with your pets in the process. Make sure that your destination is pet-friendly. Make sure you do your research to find the places that are pet-friendly in hotels, restaurants, cafes, parks, hiking trails, and other places.
The Stuff to Bring
When you are traveling with small dogs, you will need to make a list of stuff that you need to bring with you. Keep in mind that the list of every owner can be different depending on the scenario. So, it can go like this:
Dog food
Water and food bowls
Leash, harness, or collar
Dog tags
Dog vaccination documentation
Dog toys
Portable dog daybed
Dog waste bags
And many more.
When You Hit the Road with Your Small Dogs
Before hitting the road for the long trip with your small dog, make a trial. Take some shorter drives and see how your small dog responds. Does he get sick, anxious, or excited? Here are the tips you could consider when hitting the roads with your puppy.
Has Your Dog Seated Safely and Well?
You and your dog need to buckle up. In the US itself, there were 30,000 reportedly accidents involving the dog in the front seat. We can’t overlook the fact that this number has been pretty concerning. Ensure that you and your little dog will have such a safe trip. Check all the safety equipment including your dog’s seat belt, pet seat, travel crate, and many more.
Keep Your Cute Dog Inside
Did you know that letting your dog head out the window can expose it to the risks of lung infections and ear damage? There have been many cases of the specified condition. Always keep your small dog inside to protect him from the outer environment.
Dog Tag
You can’t neglect the possibility that your dog could slip away from your supervision. You need to prepare for the worst. It can be his anxiety or nervousness that triggers him to run away from you and your vehicle. Here is when the dog tag in your pet’s collar can come in handy. Make sure you write down your active phone number and address.
Make Few Stops
When traveling with small dogs, you can’t expect them to follow your own pace. You need to stop every three or four hours to use the bathroom or exercise to keep your pet motivated.
Don’t Leave Your Dog Inside the Car
On a normal day, the temperature inside the car can make multiple to reach 110 degrees in 10 minutes. You know, this heat can be very deadly for a small dog. Instead of your car, leave your pet in a pet-friendly hotel room.
When You Fly with Your Dogs
Do your plan is for travel with dogs flying as well? Then you will really need to consider these tips too.
Cabin vs. Cargo
If you’re an old-fashioned dog owner, you might bring critter and put your dogs in the cargo. Well, many major airlines no longer such small breeds to fly in the cargo hold anymore. Instead, many airlines allow the owners to take their small breeds to the airplane cabin. That’s luck for you. Keep in mind to stick to the airlines which allow you to bring your pet into the cabin. You will be fine then.
The Airline's Regulations
As a good passenger, you need to be compliant with the airline's rules. If you can choose, avoid any airlines that consider the pet flies as the checked baggage. Well, it is just the same to put your pet in the cargo. Did you know that many pets are having breathing problem when putting in the cargo? Not to mention that you’ll be separated from him. It is not good at all.
Pet Airlines
If you are traveling around the US, you are in luck. The major airlines for a pet like Pet Airways can ensure the safety of your small dog. It is the pets-only airline that you need to consider. There’s a good reason why you should consider this option. The air vehicle is designed specifically for pets. The cabins are equipped with the individual crates that the flight attendant will check on the animals every 15 minutes. The moment they are landing, the Airways will bath the pets and treat them well. The owners then will pick their pets up at the airline’s Pet Lounge. Consider researching the airports that are participating in the Pet Airlines programme.
The Carrier
When it comes to travel with your small dog, you will want to make sure that you bring the top quality carrier. Although it is the small dog that you are carrying, make sure that the carrier is big enough so that your pet has such space to make him convenient.
Both on the ground, and when your pet flies, the ID tags can be the real savior for you and your pet.
Consult with the Vet
If you know that your pet is nervous, you could consult with the vet about the problem.
The vet will give you the prescribed sedative that can make your pet calmer. However, this practice is not the most recommended one because it comes with the side effects. The best way to get prepared is to train your dog to be adaptable to various circumstances.
Consider these tips when you have a good vacation plan with your furry friend. You know, when traveling with small dogs, any incident can happen. Doing these stuff properly will keep you and your pet happy and safe in the process.
Read more Dog Lovers Blog HellowDog is here to help.
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6 Animals That Get High More Than Humanity’s Biggest Stoners
Aww, look at that cute little animal doing human stuff. He thinks he’s people! He’s pushing a little cart, he’s wearing a hat, now he’s buying a speedball off of Scritchy Saul and overdosing in an alley! Yes, animals like to get just as recreationally wasted as us humans do. Sometimes, even more so …
#6. Gorillas Get Drunk As Fuck On Bamboo Wine
Gorillas have every reason to be stressed out. They’re critically endangered, their trees keep getting knocked down, poachers keep trying to shoot them … how do they deal with this day-to-day nightmare? The same way that we would: by getting riggity-riggity-wrecked, son!
“Gimme a double — Flash kicked my ass twice tonight.”
Gorillas in the mountains of Rwanda have discovered a local form of bamboo with naturally alcoholic sap. The locals call it ulanzi, or “bamboo wine.” The gorillas just call it “a damn good time.”
Curious George Takes A Ride On The Night Train
Wildlife photographer Andy Rouse discovered the jungle frat party when he went to Rwanda in search of a Gorillas In The Mist experience. What he found instead, in his own words, were “gorillas who were pissed.” As a result, he managed to take all of these great photographs that the embarrassed gorillas hope you don’t tag them in on Facebook. He’s also the first person in history to catch photographic evidence of gorilla hangovers:
The first step is admitting you have a problem. The second step is not ripping your sponsor’s limbs off.
#5. Dogs In Australia Trip Balls On Toad Sweat
Since the 1930s, Australia’s wildlife has been waging a war of extinction against the cane toad, an animal that Australia deliberately and stupidly introduced to control the beetle population. In a country where every second rock you turn over is actually some kind of fucking rock-snake that can murder your entire family, it’s hard to believe that the king of the food chain is a goddamn toad, but cane toads are so poisonous that they kill anything that eats them, and this is a continent where everything is trying to eat you.
“Giant, snake-eating spiders? I’ll take a pound to go.”
But dogs are taking those cane toads and making cane-toad-ade. It turns out that the chemical cane toads excrete through their skin is a mild hallucinogenic in small quantities, which animals can experience by licking them. Since dogs are uniquely prone to licking everything they see, it’s a foregone conclusion that they would eventually figure out that toads get them high.
Finally, an explanation for why only Snoopy can see the Red Baron.
The drugged dogs run in circles, their pupils dilate, they stare into space, and generally act tripped-out. And, like any human drug, overindulgence can lead to health problems. That’s why Australia has rehab programs to get your dog off their debilitating toad addiction.
Because turn on, tune in, drop out, roll over, play dead is no way to go through life.
#4. Marmots Tear Apart Cars To Get Wasted On Antifreeze
Here’s the yellow-bellied marmot, an animal to which we have unwittingly introduced a debilitating drug addiction that costs us thousands of dollars a year:
And judging by this picture, it ain’t smack.
Antifreeze is straight-up poison to most animals, but it’s a less straight-up poison to the marmots at Sequoia and Yosemite National Parks in California, who have taken to lurking in gangs of four or five underneath cars in parking lots, then chewing through brake lines, radiator hoses, and whatever else needs compromising in order to get at the antifreeze. Up to 40 cars are damaged this way every year.
It’s like a pub crawl full of assholes who showed up five minutes after closing time.
It’s become such a problem that people have taken to fortifying their cars with tarps and chicken wire to discourage the junkie vandals. People have even been known to leave bowls of antifreeze nearby as a more easily accessible option, like some sort of wildlife methadone program.
The woodland version of security bars on a ghetto liquor store.
Marmots have even been known to accidentally hitch a ride and end up being taken out of their specific habitat, outside of which they can’t survive. And there’s nothing sadder than a homeless Marmot in a strange town, sitting at the corner of the off-ramp, his tiny paws resting on a sign reading “Y lie? Need money 4 antifreeze.”
#3. Dolphins Pass Pufferfish Around Like Joints
It’s common knowledge that the pufferfish is incredibly poisonous, but in very small quantities, its poison is a powerful narcotic. Humans have much safer methods of getting high, but dolphins have to take what they can get, and pods of dolphins have been found lightly gnawing on pufferfish for the singular goal of getting adorably smashed.
“What if the universe was one giant can of tuna, inside an even bigger can of tuna?”
This probably isn’t pleasant for the pufferfish, but the dolphins don’t kill it — instead, they pass it around like a joint, sucking on the unfortunate critter just long enough to feel its effects before giving it over to the next aquatic stoner. When all the dolphins are blitzed out of their minds, they simply let the fish go free while they float about in the ocean, much like you float about on that beanbag in the basement. We’re all, like, one species, man.
Maybe if more dolphins passed the puffer on the left-hand side, they’d quit being such raping, murderous assholes all the time.
#2. There Is An Epidemic Of Alcoholic Squirrels
It turns out that squirrels have an alcohol problem. Like, collectively, as a species. They’ve been known to seek out fruit that has been rotting in the sun, probably lured by the pungent aroma, but it doesn’t take much fermented fruit juice to give a squirrel a head rush. As a result, there are several videos on YouTube of drunk squirrels trying to navigate a world that is suddenly spinning around them.
This is especially prevalent after Halloween, when some households take a little too long to deal with all the carved pumpkins lying around, which makes somewhere around Nov. 17 the squirrel equivalent of St. Patrick’s Day.
“Like you humans are ones to talk, with all your pumpkin spice bullshit.”
In July 2015, staff of an English private club came to work to find the place ransacked and the floor drenched in a lake of beer. Initially assuming they had been robbed, they eventually discovered the culprit still inside the building — an extremely intoxicated squirrel who had managed to turn on the beer taps and proceeded to party like a squirrel in a beer lake.
That is its own idiom now.
#1. Bears In Russia Huff Jet Fuel
At some point, somebody in Russia needed to dispose of a whole bunch of barrels of aviation fuel, and they decided that the virtually inaccessible Kronotsky Nature Reserve was their best option. Years later, scientists discovered a curious side effect — local brown bears had learned to open the barrels and were getting high as balls on the fumes.
The bears of the region have become accustomed to huffing fumes from the barrels until they get higher than Sputnik, finishing their binge by digging a ditch in the snow and passing out. And they’ve become so addicted that, according to witnesses, they will gather to ambush landing helicopters and other aircraft, lured by the gasoline like the most hilarious Mad Max sequel possible.
Starring Imperator Furryosa.
Wildlife photographer Igor Shpilenok documented the perpetually stoned bears for seven months, watching as they not only congregated to get high on fuel barrels but obsessively sniffed the ground under landing helicopters for the lingering scent of dripping fuel, like a desperate alcoholic slurping whiskey residue out of an ashtray.
Those pilots better watch it, lest the bear get a hankering for some beer nuts.
Naturally, this is Russia, so we’re not exactly surprised that animals are finding a way to get as drunk as their human compatriots. In fact, in Ukraine, there are even programs designed to detox alcoholic bears. And now, if you’ll excuse us, we have to buy a plane ticket and fulfill a lifelong dream of getting hammered with a bear.
It’s not just a Grindr tagline anymore.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/07/6-animals-that-get-high-more-than-humanitys-biggest-stoners/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2017/07/07/6-animals-that-get-high-more-than-humanitys-biggest-stoners/
0 notes
6 Animals That Get High More Than Humanity’s Biggest Stoners
Aww, look at that cute little animal doing human stuff. He thinks he’s people! He’s pushing a little cart, he’s wearing a hat, now he’s buying a speedball off of Scritchy Saul and overdosing in an alley! Yes, animals like to get just as recreationally wasted as us humans do. Sometimes, even more so …
#6. Gorillas Get Drunk As Fuck On Bamboo Wine
Gorillas have every reason to be stressed out. They’re critically endangered, their trees keep getting knocked down, poachers keep trying to shoot them … how do they deal with this day-to-day nightmare? The same way that we would: by getting riggity-riggity-wrecked, son!
“Gimme a double — Flash kicked my ass twice tonight.”
Gorillas in the mountains of Rwanda have discovered a local form of bamboo with naturally alcoholic sap. The locals call it ulanzi, or “bamboo wine.” The gorillas just call it “a damn good time.”
Curious George Takes A Ride On The Night Train
Wildlife photographer Andy Rouse discovered the jungle frat party when he went to Rwanda in search of a Gorillas In The Mist experience. What he found instead, in his own words, were “gorillas who were pissed.” As a result, he managed to take all of these great photographs that the embarrassed gorillas hope you don’t tag them in on Facebook. He’s also the first person in history to catch photographic evidence of gorilla hangovers:
The first step is admitting you have a problem. The second step is not ripping your sponsor’s limbs off.
#5. Dogs In Australia Trip Balls On Toad Sweat
Since the 1930s, Australia’s wildlife has been waging a war of extinction against the cane toad, an animal that Australia deliberately and stupidly introduced to control the beetle population. In a country where every second rock you turn over is actually some kind of fucking rock-snake that can murder your entire family, it’s hard to believe that the king of the food chain is a goddamn toad, but cane toads are so poisonous that they kill anything that eats them, and this is a continent where everything is trying to eat you.
“Giant, snake-eating spiders? I’ll take a pound to go.”
But dogs are taking those cane toads and making cane-toad-ade. It turns out that the chemical cane toads excrete through their skin is a mild hallucinogenic in small quantities, which animals can experience by licking them. Since dogs are uniquely prone to licking everything they see, it’s a foregone conclusion that they would eventually figure out that toads get them high.
Finally, an explanation for why only Snoopy can see the Red Baron.
The drugged dogs run in circles, their pupils dilate, they stare into space, and generally act tripped-out. And, like any human drug, overindulgence can lead to health problems. That’s why Australia has rehab programs to get your dog off their debilitating toad addiction.
Because turn on, tune in, drop out, roll over, play dead is no way to go through life.
#4. Marmots Tear Apart Cars To Get Wasted On Antifreeze
Here’s the yellow-bellied marmot, an animal to which we have unwittingly introduced a debilitating drug addiction that costs us thousands of dollars a year:
And judging by this picture, it ain’t smack.
Antifreeze is straight-up poison to most animals, but it’s a less straight-up poison to the marmots at Sequoia and Yosemite National Parks in California, who have taken to lurking in gangs of four or five underneath cars in parking lots, then chewing through brake lines, radiator hoses, and whatever else needs compromising in order to get at the antifreeze. Up to 40 cars are damaged this way every year.
It’s like a pub crawl full of assholes who showed up five minutes after closing time.
It’s become such a problem that people have taken to fortifying their cars with tarps and chicken wire to discourage the junkie vandals. People have even been known to leave bowls of antifreeze nearby as a more easily accessible option, like some sort of wildlife methadone program.
The woodland version of security bars on a ghetto liquor store.
Marmots have even been known to accidentally hitch a ride and end up being taken out of their specific habitat, outside of which they can’t survive. And there’s nothing sadder than a homeless Marmot in a strange town, sitting at the corner of the off-ramp, his tiny paws resting on a sign reading “Y lie? Need money 4 antifreeze.”
#3. Dolphins Pass Pufferfish Around Like Joints
It’s common knowledge that the pufferfish is incredibly poisonous, but in very small quantities, its poison is a powerful narcotic. Humans have much safer methods of getting high, but dolphins have to take what they can get, and pods of dolphins have been found lightly gnawing on pufferfish for the singular goal of getting adorably smashed.
“What if the universe was one giant can of tuna, inside an even bigger can of tuna?”
This probably isn’t pleasant for the pufferfish, but the dolphins don’t kill it — instead, they pass it around like a joint, sucking on the unfortunate critter just long enough to feel its effects before giving it over to the next aquatic stoner. When all the dolphins are blitzed out of their minds, they simply let the fish go free while they float about in the ocean, much like you float about on that beanbag in the basement. We’re all, like, one species, man.
Maybe if more dolphins passed the puffer on the left-hand side, they’d quit being such raping, murderous assholes all the time.
#2. There Is An Epidemic Of Alcoholic Squirrels
It turns out that squirrels have an alcohol problem. Like, collectively, as a species. They’ve been known to seek out fruit that has been rotting in the sun, probably lured by the pungent aroma, but it doesn’t take much fermented fruit juice to give a squirrel a head rush. As a result, there are several videos on YouTube of drunk squirrels trying to navigate a world that is suddenly spinning around them.
This is especially prevalent after Halloween, when some households take a little too long to deal with all the carved pumpkins lying around, which makes somewhere around Nov. 17 the squirrel equivalent of St. Patrick’s Day.
“Like you humans are ones to talk, with all your pumpkin spice bullshit.”
In July 2015, staff of an English private club came to work to find the place ransacked and the floor drenched in a lake of beer. Initially assuming they had been robbed, they eventually discovered the culprit still inside the building — an extremely intoxicated squirrel who had managed to turn on the beer taps and proceeded to party like a squirrel in a beer lake.
That is its own idiom now.
#1. Bears In Russia Huff Jet Fuel
At some point, somebody in Russia needed to dispose of a whole bunch of barrels of aviation fuel, and they decided that the virtually inaccessible Kronotsky Nature Reserve was their best option. Years later, scientists discovered a curious side effect — local brown bears had learned to open the barrels and were getting high as balls on the fumes.
The bears of the region have become accustomed to huffing fumes from the barrels until they get higher than Sputnik, finishing their binge by digging a ditch in the snow and passing out. And they’ve become so addicted that, according to witnesses, they will gather to ambush landing helicopters and other aircraft, lured by the gasoline like the most hilarious Mad Max sequel possible.
Starring Imperator Furryosa.
Wildlife photographer Igor Shpilenok documented the perpetually stoned bears for seven months, watching as they not only congregated to get high on fuel barrels but obsessively sniffed the ground under landing helicopters for the lingering scent of dripping fuel, like a desperate alcoholic slurping whiskey residue out of an ashtray.
Those pilots better watch it, lest the bear get a hankering for some beer nuts.
Naturally, this is Russia, so we’re not exactly surprised that animals are finding a way to get as drunk as their human compatriots. In fact, in Ukraine, there are even programs designed to detox alcoholic bears. And now, if you’ll excuse us, we have to buy a plane ticket and fulfill a lifelong dream of getting hammered with a bear.
It’s not just a Grindr tagline anymore.
source http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/07/6-animals-that-get-high-more-than-humanitys-biggest-stoners/ from All of Beer http://allofbeer.blogspot.com/2017/07/6-animals-that-get-high-more-than.html
0 notes
6 Animals That Get High More Than Humanity’s Biggest Stoners
Aww, look at that cute little animal doing human stuff. He thinks he’s people! He’s pushing a little cart, he’s wearing a hat, now he’s buying a speedball off of Scritchy Saul and overdosing in an alley! Yes, animals like to get just as recreationally wasted as us humans do. Sometimes, even more so …
#6. Gorillas Get Drunk As Fuck On Bamboo Wine
Gorillas have every reason to be stressed out. They’re critically endangered, their trees keep getting knocked down, poachers keep trying to shoot them … how do they deal with this day-to-day nightmare? The same way that we would: by getting riggity-riggity-wrecked, son!
“Gimme a double — Flash kicked my ass twice tonight.”
Gorillas in the mountains of Rwanda have discovered a local form of bamboo with naturally alcoholic sap. The locals call it ulanzi, or “bamboo wine.” The gorillas just call it “a damn good time.”
Curious George Takes A Ride On The Night Train
Wildlife photographer Andy Rouse discovered the jungle frat party when he went to Rwanda in search of a Gorillas In The Mist experience. What he found instead, in his own words, were “gorillas who were pissed.” As a result, he managed to take all of these great photographs that the embarrassed gorillas hope you don’t tag them in on Facebook. He’s also the first person in history to catch photographic evidence of gorilla hangovers:
The first step is admitting you have a problem. The second step is not ripping your sponsor’s limbs off.
#5. Dogs In Australia Trip Balls On Toad Sweat
Since the 1930s, Australia’s wildlife has been waging a war of extinction against the cane toad, an animal that Australia deliberately and stupidly introduced to control the beetle population. In a country where every second rock you turn over is actually some kind of fucking rock-snake that can murder your entire family, it’s hard to believe that the king of the food chain is a goddamn toad, but cane toads are so poisonous that they kill anything that eats them, and this is a continent where everything is trying to eat you.
“Giant, snake-eating spiders? I’ll take a pound to go.”
But dogs are taking those cane toads and making cane-toad-ade. It turns out that the chemical cane toads excrete through their skin is a mild hallucinogenic in small quantities, which animals can experience by licking them. Since dogs are uniquely prone to licking everything they see, it’s a foregone conclusion that they would eventually figure out that toads get them high.
Finally, an explanation for why only Snoopy can see the Red Baron.
The drugged dogs run in circles, their pupils dilate, they stare into space, and generally act tripped-out. And, like any human drug, overindulgence can lead to health problems. That’s why Australia has rehab programs to get your dog off their debilitating toad addiction.
Because turn on, tune in, drop out, roll over, play dead is no way to go through life.
#4. Marmots Tear Apart Cars To Get Wasted On Antifreeze
Here’s the yellow-bellied marmot, an animal to which we have unwittingly introduced a debilitating drug addiction that costs us thousands of dollars a year:
And judging by this picture, it ain’t smack.
Antifreeze is straight-up poison to most animals, but it’s a less straight-up poison to the marmots at Sequoia and Yosemite National Parks in California, who have taken to lurking in gangs of four or five underneath cars in parking lots, then chewing through brake lines, radiator hoses, and whatever else needs compromising in order to get at the antifreeze. Up to 40 cars are damaged this way every year.
It’s like a pub crawl full of assholes who showed up five minutes after closing time.
It’s become such a problem that people have taken to fortifying their cars with tarps and chicken wire to discourage the junkie vandals. People have even been known to leave bowls of antifreeze nearby as a more easily accessible option, like some sort of wildlife methadone program.
The woodland version of security bars on a ghetto liquor store.
Marmots have even been known to accidentally hitch a ride and end up being taken out of their specific habitat, outside of which they can’t survive. And there’s nothing sadder than a homeless Marmot in a strange town, sitting at the corner of the off-ramp, his tiny paws resting on a sign reading “Y lie? Need money 4 antifreeze.”
#3. Dolphins Pass Pufferfish Around Like Joints
It’s common knowledge that the pufferfish is incredibly poisonous, but in very small quantities, its poison is a powerful narcotic. Humans have much safer methods of getting high, but dolphins have to take what they can get, and pods of dolphins have been found lightly gnawing on pufferfish for the singular goal of getting adorably smashed.
“What if the universe was one giant can of tuna, inside an even bigger can of tuna?”
This probably isn’t pleasant for the pufferfish, but the dolphins don’t kill it — instead, they pass it around like a joint, sucking on the unfortunate critter just long enough to feel its effects before giving it over to the next aquatic stoner. When all the dolphins are blitzed out of their minds, they simply let the fish go free while they float about in the ocean, much like you float about on that beanbag in the basement. We’re all, like, one species, man.
Maybe if more dolphins passed the puffer on the left-hand side, they’d quit being such raping, murderous assholes all the time.
#2. There Is An Epidemic Of Alcoholic Squirrels
It turns out that squirrels have an alcohol problem. Like, collectively, as a species. They’ve been known to seek out fruit that has been rotting in the sun, probably lured by the pungent aroma, but it doesn’t take much fermented fruit juice to give a squirrel a head rush. As a result, there are several videos on YouTube of drunk squirrels trying to navigate a world that is suddenly spinning around them.
This is especially prevalent after Halloween, when some households take a little too long to deal with all the carved pumpkins lying around, which makes somewhere around Nov. 17 the squirrel equivalent of St. Patrick’s Day.
“Like you humans are ones to talk, with all your pumpkin spice bullshit.”
In July 2015, staff of an English private club came to work to find the place ransacked and the floor drenched in a lake of beer. Initially assuming they had been robbed, they eventually discovered the culprit still inside the building — an extremely intoxicated squirrel who had managed to turn on the beer taps and proceeded to party like a squirrel in a beer lake.
That is its own idiom now.
#1. Bears In Russia Huff Jet Fuel
At some point, somebody in Russia needed to dispose of a whole bunch of barrels of aviation fuel, and they decided that the virtually inaccessible Kronotsky Nature Reserve was their best option. Years later, scientists discovered a curious side effect — local brown bears had learned to open the barrels and were getting high as balls on the fumes.
The bears of the region have become accustomed to huffing fumes from the barrels until they get higher than Sputnik, finishing their binge by digging a ditch in the snow and passing out. And they’ve become so addicted that, according to witnesses, they will gather to ambush landing helicopters and other aircraft, lured by the gasoline like the most hilarious Mad Max sequel possible.
Starring Imperator Furryosa.
Wildlife photographer Igor Shpilenok documented the perpetually stoned bears for seven months, watching as they not only congregated to get high on fuel barrels but obsessively sniffed the ground under landing helicopters for the lingering scent of dripping fuel, like a desperate alcoholic slurping whiskey residue out of an ashtray.
Those pilots better watch it, lest the bear get a hankering for some beer nuts.
Naturally, this is Russia, so we’re not exactly surprised that animals are finding a way to get as drunk as their human compatriots. In fact, in Ukraine, there are even programs designed to detox alcoholic bears. And now, if you’ll excuse us, we have to buy a plane ticket and fulfill a lifelong dream of getting hammered with a bear.
It’s not just a Grindr tagline anymore.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/07/6-animals-that-get-high-more-than-humanitys-biggest-stoners/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/162722934392
0 notes
6 Animals That Get High More Than Humanity’s Biggest Stoners
Aww, look at that cute little animal doing human stuff. He thinks he’s people! He’s pushing a little cart, he’s wearing a hat, now he’s buying a speedball off of Scritchy Saul and overdosing in an alley! Yes, animals like to get just as recreationally wasted as us humans do. Sometimes, even more so …
#6. Gorillas Get Drunk As Fuck On Bamboo Wine
Gorillas have every reason to be stressed out. They’re critically endangered, their trees keep getting knocked down, poachers keep trying to shoot them … how do they deal with this day-to-day nightmare? The same way that we would: by getting riggity-riggity-wrecked, son!
“Gimme a double — Flash kicked my ass twice tonight.”
Gorillas in the mountains of Rwanda have discovered a local form of bamboo with naturally alcoholic sap. The locals call it ulanzi, or “bamboo wine.” The gorillas just call it “a damn good time.”
Curious George Takes A Ride On The Night Train
Wildlife photographer Andy Rouse discovered the jungle frat party when he went to Rwanda in search of a Gorillas In The Mist experience. What he found instead, in his own words, were “gorillas who were pissed.” As a result, he managed to take all of these great photographs that the embarrassed gorillas hope you don’t tag them in on Facebook. He’s also the first person in history to catch photographic evidence of gorilla hangovers:
The first step is admitting you have a problem. The second step is not ripping your sponsor’s limbs off.
#5. Dogs In Australia Trip Balls On Toad Sweat
Since the 1930s, Australia’s wildlife has been waging a war of extinction against the cane toad, an animal that Australia deliberately and stupidly introduced to control the beetle population. In a country where every second rock you turn over is actually some kind of fucking rock-snake that can murder your entire family, it’s hard to believe that the king of the food chain is a goddamn toad, but cane toads are so poisonous that they kill anything that eats them, and this is a continent where everything is trying to eat you.
“Giant, snake-eating spiders? I’ll take a pound to go.”
But dogs are taking those cane toads and making cane-toad-ade. It turns out that the chemical cane toads excrete through their skin is a mild hallucinogenic in small quantities, which animals can experience by licking them. Since dogs are uniquely prone to licking everything they see, it’s a foregone conclusion that they would eventually figure out that toads get them high.
Finally, an explanation for why only Snoopy can see the Red Baron.
The drugged dogs run in circles, their pupils dilate, they stare into space, and generally act tripped-out. And, like any human drug, overindulgence can lead to health problems. That’s why Australia has rehab programs to get your dog off their debilitating toad addiction.
Because turn on, tune in, drop out, roll over, play dead is no way to go through life.
#4. Marmots Tear Apart Cars To Get Wasted On Antifreeze
Here’s the yellow-bellied marmot, an animal to which we have unwittingly introduced a debilitating drug addiction that costs us thousands of dollars a year:
And judging by this picture, it ain’t smack.
Antifreeze is straight-up poison to most animals, but it’s a less straight-up poison to the marmots at Sequoia and Yosemite National Parks in California, who have taken to lurking in gangs of four or five underneath cars in parking lots, then chewing through brake lines, radiator hoses, and whatever else needs compromising in order to get at the antifreeze. Up to 40 cars are damaged this way every year.
It’s like a pub crawl full of assholes who showed up five minutes after closing time.
It’s become such a problem that people have taken to fortifying their cars with tarps and chicken wire to discourage the junkie vandals. People have even been known to leave bowls of antifreeze nearby as a more easily accessible option, like some sort of wildlife methadone program.
The woodland version of security bars on a ghetto liquor store.
Marmots have even been known to accidentally hitch a ride and end up being taken out of their specific habitat, outside of which they can’t survive. And there’s nothing sadder than a homeless Marmot in a strange town, sitting at the corner of the off-ramp, his tiny paws resting on a sign reading “Y lie? Need money 4 antifreeze.”
#3. Dolphins Pass Pufferfish Around Like Joints
It’s common knowledge that the pufferfish is incredibly poisonous, but in very small quantities, its poison is a powerful narcotic. Humans have much safer methods of getting high, but dolphins have to take what they can get, and pods of dolphins have been found lightly gnawing on pufferfish for the singular goal of getting adorably smashed.
“What if the universe was one giant can of tuna, inside an even bigger can of tuna?”
This probably isn’t pleasant for the pufferfish, but the dolphins don’t kill it — instead, they pass it around like a joint, sucking on the unfortunate critter just long enough to feel its effects before giving it over to the next aquatic stoner. When all the dolphins are blitzed out of their minds, they simply let the fish go free while they float about in the ocean, much like you float about on that beanbag in the basement. We’re all, like, one species, man.
Maybe if more dolphins passed the puffer on the left-hand side, they’d quit being such raping, murderous assholes all the time.
#2. There Is An Epidemic Of Alcoholic Squirrels
It turns out that squirrels have an alcohol problem. Like, collectively, as a species. They’ve been known to seek out fruit that has been rotting in the sun, probably lured by the pungent aroma, but it doesn’t take much fermented fruit juice to give a squirrel a head rush. As a result, there are several videos on YouTube of drunk squirrels trying to navigate a world that is suddenly spinning around them.
This is especially prevalent after Halloween, when some households take a little too long to deal with all the carved pumpkins lying around, which makes somewhere around Nov. 17 the squirrel equivalent of St. Patrick’s Day.
“Like you humans are ones to talk, with all your pumpkin spice bullshit.”
In July 2015, staff of an English private club came to work to find the place ransacked and the floor drenched in a lake of beer. Initially assuming they had been robbed, they eventually discovered the culprit still inside the building — an extremely intoxicated squirrel who had managed to turn on the beer taps and proceeded to party like a squirrel in a beer lake.
That is its own idiom now.
#1. Bears In Russia Huff Jet Fuel
At some point, somebody in Russia needed to dispose of a whole bunch of barrels of aviation fuel, and they decided that the virtually inaccessible Kronotsky Nature Reserve was their best option. Years later, scientists discovered a curious side effect — local brown bears had learned to open the barrels and were getting high as balls on the fumes.
The bears of the region have become accustomed to huffing fumes from the barrels until they get higher than Sputnik, finishing their binge by digging a ditch in the snow and passing out. And they’ve become so addicted that, according to witnesses, they will gather to ambush landing helicopters and other aircraft, lured by the gasoline like the most hilarious Mad Max sequel possible.
Starring Imperator Furryosa.
Wildlife photographer Igor Shpilenok documented the perpetually stoned bears for seven months, watching as they not only congregated to get high on fuel barrels but obsessively sniffed the ground under landing helicopters for the lingering scent of dripping fuel, like a desperate alcoholic slurping whiskey residue out of an ashtray.
Those pilots better watch it, lest the bear get a hankering for some beer nuts.
Naturally, this is Russia, so we’re not exactly surprised that animals are finding a way to get as drunk as their human compatriots. In fact, in Ukraine, there are even programs designed to detox alcoholic bears. And now, if you’ll excuse us, we have to buy a plane ticket and fulfill a lifelong dream of getting hammered with a bear.
It’s not just a Grindr tagline anymore.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/07/6-animals-that-get-high-more-than-humanitys-biggest-stoners/
0 notes