#nate's blog rates
rating-bears · 3 months
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Today’s wildcard is Nate from animal crossing!!
Nate is a lazy villager, but more than that he looks like an orange and I love it. Look at his coloring, the eyebrows, it’s all so orange. 🍊
He looks like —> 🍊
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5!!! I like it
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ladamedusoif · 6 months
Snowman (Dieter Bravo x OFC!Andie)
A Merry Fic-Mas - December 28
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Part of A Merry Fic-Mas: A Pedro Boy Holiday Fic Calendar - click for masterlist.
Follow my writing blog @ladameecrit and turn on notifications to keep up with my writing.
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x OFC!Andie (set in the Curls universe)
Rating: Teen
Warnings: None. This is pure unadulterated fluff. For those who haven’t read Curls (and should): Dieter and Andie have two kids, Charlie and Ezra. Nate is Dieter’s agent. 
Word count: 1047
A/N: For @agentjackdaniels, with love. 
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Charlie Bravo’s Frozen phase came with a special bonus. 
Every time a certain adorable snowman waddled onto the screen during one of her umpteenth rewatches, she would squeal with delight and point excitedly, yelling: “DADDY! It’s Daddy!”, before collapsing in fits of giggles. 
“I could murder Nate,” Dieter mutters to Andie in the kitchen as Charlie twirls around in the family room one hot summer day, belting out a garbled version of “Let It Go” at the top of her lungs, her little brother Ezra joining in with the occasional “GO” roared in harmony. “Why did he have to say I looked like Olaf? And why did he have to point it out to our Frozen-obsessed child?”
Andie ruffles his messy curls and smiles. “You can’t murder Nate, he’s an amazing agent and probably your best friend and I can’t possibly be responsible for you if he’s not around.” She takes a step back and surveys her husband. “And anyway, babe, he’s kinda got a point.”
Before Dieter can respond, his daughter appears, in search of some juice. 
“Why can’t we have snow?” Charlie asks, sipping on her juice box with great concentration.
“Because we live in LA, sweetheart, not Arendel.” Her father scoops her up and sits her on the counter, and Charlie traces the fading logo on Dieter’s well-worn t-shirt with her pointer finger.
“Can we go to Arendel?” 
Andie makes a “change the subject” face at Dieter behind Charlie’s back. 
“Oh, it’s very far away and I don’t think you’d like the long journey, Charlie. Hey - you want to go get some frozen yoghurt later?”
Charlie turns and stares solemnly at her father. “I would rather have snow.”
Nate makes it happen. On Charlie’s birthday, in late October, he hands her a Frozen-themed gift box and grins as she opens it to find a soft Olaf plush toy, before immediately giggling and pointing at Dieter.
The agent takes the little girl’s hand and dances her around the room, singing. “Do you want to build a snowmaaaaan? Well, do you, Charlie Bravo?”
She nods with great intensity.
“Ah, well.” A wide smile appears on Nate’s face. “In that case, ask your gorgeous mother there to have a look at what else is in the box.”
Andie reaches inside and finds a pale blue envelope. Inside is a brochure for a family-friendly ski resort in Aspen. 
“If snow can’t come to Charlie Bravo, Charlie Bravo shall come to the snow!” Nate beams and his husband Eamon offers a solo round of applause. 
“Nate, are you serious?” Andie is agog at the gorgeous photos of the chalets and restaurants, though already starting to worry about kitting out her entire family with ski gear. 
“Deadly serious, love. Booked it for early December, should be some lovely snow at that time. Don’t feel you need to do the whole skiing thing, either - actually, Dieter? Don’t go skiing. Please, for the love of all that’s holy, don’t go skiing. I’m not negotiating with production insurers for you again.”
The snow was, as Nate predicted, lovely. Perfect, in fact. 
Dieter did as he was bid and stuck to some sledding and playing with the kids, discovering Charlie’s impressive aim in a snowball fight within a few hours of their arrival. 
Andie is zipping Ezra out of his bright orange snowsuit, fearful he might get too cold, when Dieter and Charlie, still clad in their brightly-coloured winter gear, appear at the door of the chalet.
“Angel, she said you need to come and help her build the special snowman.”
Charlie bounces up and down with excitement and starts to sing loudly, startling her little brother and making him wail. Andie scrambles to her feet and hands Dieter his golden-haired son. 
“You take him, watch some Bluey if he won’t calm down. Me and Charlie have been planning our special snowman build for weeks. Alright, Charlie Bravo, let me just get my boots on and then…” She leans in to her little girl’s ear and sings quietly: “Do you want to build a snowman?”
Ezra has fallen asleep and Dieter feels like he’s about to nod off himself. He can still hear Charlie and Andie shrieking and laughing outside, so he scoops up the little boy and wanders towards the main bedroom in search of his favourite comfort clothing: green robe and Crocs, fleece-lined for the colder conditions.
He lays Ezra down on the bed and opens the closet, rifling through the clothing Andie has already hung up in search of his robe. 
No robe.
And only his older pair of Crocs, too. Did he forget? He never forgets. Not these things, anyway. He’s been packing them for every trip he’s taken for the last fifteen years.
He is about to slip on a hoodie when he hears Andie and Charlie calling to him from the front door.
“Come see, Daddy! Come seeeeee!”
“Don’t worry about getting Ezra dressed back up, Dee!” Andie adds cheerily. “You’ll see the surprise from the front door.”
There, just outside their holiday chalet, is Charlie’s perfect snowman. Not Olaf, but her daddy. Literally.
The snowman has some twigs stuck here and there in lieu of Dieter’s messy hair, and a pair of his Ray-Bans rest on the snowman’s carrot nose. Dieter spies his new Crocs tucked in at the base of the figure, already covered in snow. 
So much for the fleece lining, he thinks to himself.
And, as the finishing touch: the green robe, carefully wrapped around the bright white figure. 
“It’s a Daddy Olaf!” Charlie squeals, and Dieter immediately forgets about the waterlogged Crocs and the fact that his precious green robe is going to be soaking wet and just revels in his daughter’s joy, pure as the driven snow.
Andie beams at him, dark curls poking out from under her bright pink pom-pom ski hat.
His girls. His little boy, in his arms. And a new, frozen addition to the family. 
“It’s beautiful, Charlie!” he calls out to her. “Tomorrow, how about we make him a friend, hmmm? Mama’s got plenty of clothes that would look just great on a snowlady.”
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melioramuses · 12 days
✧ BYF:: Rules // Muse List ✧
Info & Rules
This blog is a hub blog, not a multi-muse blog. This means that each muse has their own inbox, their own drafts, etc.
PLEASE send asks to the individual blog of the muse you wanna interact with, NOT the hub blog! E.g., if you wanna send something to All Might, send it to the ask box on @promisedpeace.
I don't have triggers, really, but I do tag triggers following the "{{ tw: trigger" format. E.g., "{{ tw: spiders".
I'm a very laidback/low pressure roleplayer. I don't do fancy formatting aside from some bolding and/or italics and making the font a bit smaller, and I'm not hella active. I'm not going to hunt you down for a reply after two days or two months, and I don't care if you've been MIA for a year then come back and post a response. Shit happens and I'm fine with it!
I generally write a couple paragraphs, semi-literate to literate, and omniscient third-person. However, I'm fine with matching length for longer posts. I don't really care if people match my length, so long as you're not giving me, like, two sentences to my four paragraphs. lol
On memes: I reblog memes to the hub blog, and all memes are open to ANY muse unless the tags state otherwise.
On NSFW: I'm open to PG-13 or occasionally even R-rated threads in established ships with writing partners I'm comfortable with. They'll always be put under a read more and tagged appropriately, and are only an option on muses who are 18+. (Also I do not feel comfortable aging up characters for the purpose of smut.)
On shipping: I ship chemistry only. I do not write romantic ships for muses who are underage.
OC's: I fuckin' love them. My MC from my novel trilogy project is an OC I've had for well over a decade and I have a blog for her, too. If you wanna write your OC with my muse, let's go! I'm happy to ship with OC's, too.
My muse is MY muse. If you don't like my interpretation, please just unfollow and go find one that better suits how you view the character.
Muse List + My Other Blogs:
My art/personal blog - @rivenharlow
Toshinori Yagi/All Might (MHA) - @promisedpeace
Eijiro Kirishima/Red Riot (MHA) - @resoluteriot
Tenya Iida/Ingenium (MHA) - @ingeniuminherited
Mirio Togata/Lemillion (MHA) - @saveamillion
Tamaki Amajiki/Suneater (MHA) - @consumingchimera
Nejire Hado/Nejire Chan (MHA) - @wackywavelength
Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) - @avengerascended
Rock Lee (Naruto) - @bloomtwice
Snotlout Jorgensen (HTTYD) - @strongestrider
Viggo Grimborn (HTTYD) - @grimgambit
Frieza (DBZ) - @gildedemperor
Trunks (DBZ) - @henotichope
Kouga (Inuyasha) - @youkaishowl
Nate River/Near (Death Note) - @thetruesuccessor
Loz (FFVII:AC) - @breakneckboor
Kijonaia "Naia" Remiel (OC) - @thebastardlady
About Me
Hey! I'm Riven. I'm turning 30 in two days as of this writing (June 21st, 2024). I'm an artist and writer with a small business. I'm married with two kiddos and way too many pets (2 large dogs, 6 cats, a rabbit, and a bearded dragon). I'm genderfluid (they/them pronouns exclusively, though) and pagan.
Thanks for reading! No password needed but do feel free to message me or toss me an ask if you wanna start a thread!
This post was made on June 21st of 2024 and will be updated as I think of anything to add.
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Fexi Spotlight Interview
Hello everyone! I am excited to share our first Fexi Spotlight Interview with the amazing @fexiana! Most of you know Fexiana for her Euphoria Sims videos, but she also has written fics! In this interview, we talk about her love of Fexi, the creative and technical process of her videos, and future content plans. Enjoy and remember to check out her blog and other socials to watch her videos!
How did you get into Fexi?
Fexiana: It is really crazy because I never thought that they’d make a great couple in season one- not until season two episode one did I realize their potential and how much their opposition could attract. They have so many similarities as the season continued, but I’ve got to say, the chemistry on that sofa in season two episode one is how I got into Fexi.
What do you like about Fexi? 
Fexiana: I think Fexi’s differences are what I like about them the most. Even though they were raised differently and have different morals, they have so many similarities that pronounce the differences to the point us Fexi lovers can feel the compatibility. “Opposites attract” is a famous saying, and Fexi’s differences can be compared to one another in such a healthy way that I see nothing but a positive outcome and future between the both of them. They both deserve each other—true happiness.
How did you get into making Fexi Sims?
Fexiana: Waiting for season 3 has been so hard that I had to create a vision for myself in terms of Euphoria Sims. It was a way for me to fulfill my Fexi needs, as well as a way to physically see them and control their lives as I missed Fezco and Lexi on my screen oh so much. And trust—in my game, I control their lives accordingly: going on dates, cooking together, watching movies, taking naps together, playing with their pet cat, having great yet intelligent conversations, Lexi joking with Ashtray. Really, it was for a piece of mind as we don’t see the gaps. Many Fexi lovers like myself wish there were more scenes between them, so I tried my best to capture that.
What is the creative and technical process for your videos? 
Fexiana: The creative parts of the videos have a lot to do with the fashion aspect. I try to pick an outfit I think the characters would really wear or go off references from actual episodes. I’ve even gone as far as to build Fezco’s home and business for the creative part—even Lexi and Cassie’s room, although, I do plan on finishing the Howard house and Rue’s house.
The technical part is a whole other story. I wish I could say it was easy and smooth, but it is indeed very technical. I recreated Lexi’s play episode and went through a lot of technical difficulties. Come to find out, I needed to update the processor on my computer. So, if you guys happen to watch that, forgive me because the video is very laggy, and I didn’t realize it until after I edited/finished the episode. I usually start by filming first, and then I edit the clips on a timeline and add subtitles/songs if necessary. No matter how simple the songs, trust, it is very tedious!
What is your favorite scene/detail from your video?
Fexiana: I would have to say I am the proudest of the recreation of Lexi’s play episode (minus the lagging). In this video, I had to have Fezco there in attendance for my own peace of mind. I do plan on making an aftermath of the play video to show them happily hanging out after her play (and Ash is still alive). 
What plans do you have for your videos? 
Fexiana: I have so many plans for videos! I could literally do one for every holiday if I wanted. My very first video was of Fexi having a baby (R rated). I would like to do other videos such as them going on a date to the skate park or restaurant, Fez helping Lexi do homework, Fexi partying, and even focusing on other characters in Euphoria such as Rue, Maddy, Cassie, Jules, and Nate. Even though I focus more on creating episodes, I find that there’s nothing wrong with not having subtitles. It’s so much easier to do a music video, which is another plan I have for Euphoria Sims. 
How do people find and interact with your videos?
Fexiana: You can interact with my videos on: 
Tumblr @fexiana
Instagram @ fexi_ana
Patreon @ fexiana (for my Euphoria Sims Rated X videos)
What are your hopes for Euphoria S3? 
Fexiana: My hopes for Season 3 are for everyone to be happy—mainly and selfishly, Lexi and Fezco. Hearing that it is set to be five years in the future, I hope to see their future TOGETHER and that they’ve accomplished their dreams, as well as all other goals to elevate them individually and as a couple.
Do you plan to make Fexi content outside of your videos? Like fics, playlists, art, collages, mood/vision boards, or social media AUs?
Fexiana: Yes! Before I started making Euphoria Sims videos, I wrote Fexi fics on AO3 by the name Fexiana. I started a painting of Lexi and Fezco that I was supposed to finish last year, and I do intend to make graphite drawings of them. I’ve made Fexi playlists, but rather than share them in writing with links, I incorporate them into my Euphoria Sims videos and put the names of the songs in the credits.
Any other news or facts do you want to share? 
Fexiana: I guess I’d like to share that I am a very approachable person who loves to execute ideas from other people because thinking alone can be boring and discouraging at times. I think that’s what made me take a break in the first place. So, please, I encourage everyone to give me ideas. What would you like to see me create in Euphoria Sims? It doesn’t even have to be Fexi related as I have ALL of the cast made. For instance, I wanted to make a video of Rue and Jules playfully messing with Nate, Maddy in her hot girl era, and Lexi and Cassie having a girl’s night with Suze—cute, simple things. I’d love to have a list of ideas from YOU ALL. This way I will always have a new video to make without questioning “What am I going to do next?”
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lupaeusarc · 5 months
slides my url in here
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do i follow them ? :  absolutely 🤍 why did i follow them ? :  part of me wants to say you followed me first but i can't remember for sure lmao i know i saw nate and ruby on the dash a lot so if i followed first it was probably bc of them do we role play ? :  we dooooo do i want to role play with them :  YES gimme all the dynamics i'll make a separate spreadsheet for our shit alone lmao an au idea for our muses :  well em and simon are in one rn and i love it but another cool one for anyone really could be like a truman show type of thing where like they start figuring it out together as time goes on idk this is incredibly half baked but some kind of like fishbowl type deal a song for our muses :  the summoning by sleep token
do i ship our muses ? :  a thousand percent i love all our ships and plots so far :') what i think about the mun :  literally one of the coolest people i've ever met i'm ???? so scared of you lmfao like in a good way i just think you're an incredible writer and the love you have for your muses is so visible and obvious and the detail you put into every aspect of their back stories and everything is insane and just yeah i think you're the coolest 🙌 overall opinion :  just such an awesome set of blogs it's so impressive 🥹 blog rate : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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serenpedac · 2 years
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I posted 858 times in 2022
That's 733 more posts than 2021!
56 posts created (7%)
802 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 846 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#twc - 289 posts
#the wayhaven chronicles - 165 posts
#redacted asmr - 102 posts
#dragon age - 88 posts
#others ocs - 62 posts
#<3 - 59 posts
#fic rec - 55 posts
#n sewell - 50 posts
#a du mortain - 37 posts
#agent m - 31 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#you're putting something out into the world that you've tried to make good and that has inherent value regardless of how it is perceived
My Top Posts in 2022:
WIP Whenever
Sharing a little from my longfic today, because the rest of this week is going to be busy.
She should have expected him. There is no reason why Nate wouldn’t be waiting for her at the Warehouse, even when she had told him there was no need for him to go with Morgan to pick her up at the airport. This isn’t the airport, after all.
She had expected him. He had been all she could think about as the world blurred past outside the window of the car.
She just hadn’t expected him to be so… him. Dark brown jacket zipped against the cold, hands in his pockets, Nate is standing there. Waiting. Waiting for her.
Perhaps she hadn’t believed this moment would come, her mind skirting the confrontation, skirting all of reality. But she can’t look away now, not when he’s standing right in front of her, so very tall, even with the slight bend to his shoulders that makes her heart ache for him. For— for them. For all they lost. 
She should— she should say something.
As for tags: if you’re reading this, please consider yourself tagged and please do tag me if you share something ^^ (I could use some fic snippets to get through this week, haha)
27 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
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With how Dragon Age has been on my mind this week (because of the title reveal ofc, but also because I started another DA2 run) this seemed like a good time to share this art I made ages ago ^^
28 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
Snippet Sunday
So... I recently tried to write a ficlet in German and it’s definitely not very good, but it has this snippet which is so like Yael and Nate, that I had to translate and share.
Nate’s eyes are dark, focused on her and her alone. They are open and honest, his every feeling there for her to see. She once thought she could lose herself in those depths. 
(She wished she would, for what could be sweeter?) 
She'd been wrong. In his eyes--in him--she does not lose, but she finds.
Tagging anyone reading this and:
(no pressure ^^): @ejunkiet , @devilbunnyking , @cleverblackcat , @wayhavenots , @lilyoffandoms , @roguelioness
Also, tentatively tagging @agentnatesewell . Had to think about you because this is the "home" fic. No pressure at all, but if you still want to share your thoughts about N, I'm here for it ♥️
33 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
Rating: Gen
Words: 307
Warnings: None
Maybe he fell into the wrong place, Caelum thinks for just one second, as sunlight blinds him and he can’t feel anything—it wouldn’t be the first time, and magic is hard, really hard, when he’s tired like this. But no, a thousand sounds and smells and colours and feelings wash over him as the world becomes ta– tan– real around him, everything bright, bright, bright. And he, he is standing right behind the counter with the cookies. 
Of course he is, he had been thinking about baking together with Freelancer when he phased here, but they had had no time. They really have to study hard right now. So he went here.
His eyes dart over the display. There are sugar cookies and oatmeal cookies and chocolate chip cookies and tiny cookies that are all puffed up and crinkled and that he doesn’t know the name of, but— They smell delicious. Caelum steps a little closer to the counter, careful not to stand in the way of anyone, and takes a deep breath in. These cookies are the best. 
A lot of people seem to think so: the café is full with them. They are sitting around the mismatched tables and perched on the pillows in the window sills—plushy pillows in just as many colours as the tables—talking and laughing as they drink their coffee or tea and eat their cookies, all happy. 
It makes him happy, too.
He slips between people and tables to an empty spot in the window sill. He tucks up his legs, fitting into the little corner, and closes his eyes. Sunlight warms his back, and happiness radiates through the space around him, just as nice and warm as the sun. Here, he doesn’t have to help anyone. Here, he can just sit and relax. And that feels good. It feels amazing.
55 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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The kind and talented @nerdferatum made this gorgeous commission of my Wayhaven detective Yael, and I’m very much in love with it! Just look at her!!
70 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Oneshots about my favorite characters
by mattsturniololvr Please write some requests in the comments!!!! Words: 9, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Video Blogging RPF, Stranger Things (TV 2016), Gossip Girl (TV 2007), Heartstopper (TV), Cobra Kai (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Chris Sturniolo, Matt Sturniolo, Nick Sturniolo, Will Byers, Mike Wheeler, Original Male Character(s), Chuck Bass, Blair Waldorf, Nate Archibald, Serena van der Woodsen, Dan Humphrey, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Tara Jones, Darcy Olsson, Elle Argent, Tao Xu, Miguel Diaz (Cobra Kai), Robby Keene, Tory Nichols, Daniel LaRusso, Johnny Lawrence, Samantha LaRusso Relationships: Chris Sturniolo/Matt Sturniolo, Chris Sturniolo/Matt Sturniolo/Nick Sturniolo, Matt Sturniolo/Nick Sturniolo, Will Byers/Mike Wheeler, Will Byers/Original Male Character(s), Matt Sturniolo/Original Male Character(s), Chuck Bass/Blair Waldorf, Nate Archibald/Serena van der Woodsen, Dan Humphrey/Serena van der Woodsen, Serena van der Woodsen/Blair Waldorf, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring, Tara Jones/Darcy Olsson, Elle Argent/Tao Xu, Miguel Diaz/Robby Keene, Robby Keene/Tory Nichols, Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence, Samantha LaRusso/Tory Nichols Additional Tags: Anal Sex, Vaginal Sex, Threesome - M/M/M, Rough Sex, Forced Orgasm, Forced Feminization, Sex Toys, Vibrators, Punishment, Spanking, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Loss of Virginity, Possessive Sex, Bottom Matt, Bottom Will Byers, Flirting, Drugged Sex, Other Additional Tags to Be Added via https://ift.tt/lhbSHIu
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thedarkestgreys · 2 years
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I posted 3,594 times in 2022
That's 3,284 more posts than 2021!
772 posts created (21%)
2,822 posts reblogged (79%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,336 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#it’s tearin’ up my heart when im with queue - 1,765 posts
#fexi - 213 posts
#bex answers - 198 posts
#hbo euphoria - 142 posts
#fic: your violent overnight rush - 140 posts
#fexi fic recs - 121 posts
#taylor swift - 76 posts
#lexi howard - 76 posts
#fexi fanfic - 69 posts
#drukkari - 68 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#honestly rue might be the most affectionate person in his life before lexi and even that’s probably very limited to the occasional bro-hug
My Top Posts in 2022:
sometimes my brain gets stuck on the fact that fezco took off that green sweater to go beat nate’s face in and collectively a bunch of us were like “that’s the hottest thing a man has ever done”
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69 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
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the stray lines that unwind you
a sleepover fic for @melo-baby
hbo euphoria // 6.7k one shot // rated m
“Are you sure this is going to be fine?” There’s a tone of self-doubt that creeps into her voice that has Fezco snickering softly into the receiver of his phone. “C’mon now Lex, actin’ like you ain’t sleep over before.” She sighs hella dramatically into her AirPods. “Yeah but like, that’s different. Like it’s one thing to fall asleep watching a movie with you and crawl into your bed at like, 3am when one of us wakes up, or to crash at yours when a party goes late. Tonight’s just like, a sleepover. Like I have with Rue sometimes.” “So you can have a sleepover with yo’ other best friend, but not me?”
72 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
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sometimes it’s all the same fic
90 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
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157 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
when I was in high school marching band circa 2007 we successfully petitioned our band director to get us the sheet music for Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance for our stand music and it worked because his name was Mr. Black and he thought it was HILARIOUS.
310 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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boston-babies · 1 year
The only questions I’m not comfortable answering are any nsfw questions about the kids and their SOs. I don’t want to speak for my anons on what they’re comfortable answering so I’ll let them respond to this as well
/// Hi anon! Hi Barbie!
I'm honestly okay with anything as long as it's not too rated or just overall bad vibes/non pleasant. 😊
And Barbie, please feel free to let me know if any questions you receive for CC/Nate make you uncomfortable or something you'd like to avoid it from your blog. You don't have to post them right away. 💖
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wayhavenots · 2 years
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I posted 1,144 times in 2022
That's 108 more posts than 2021!
162 posts created (14%)
982 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,023 of my posts in 2022
Only 11% of my posts had no tags
#avery lin - 43 posts
#nate x avery - 38 posts
#gray x daphne - 35 posts
#daphne wiseman - 31 posts
#rider mcqueen - 29 posts
#n sewell - 21 posts
#dove shepherd - 16 posts
#luz solano - 15 posts
#rose blum - 15 posts
#to blorbo tag later - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#it's been a while since i played the lt route but i always like to imagine that in the lt a is the one who drives them for maximal angst 😁
My Top Posts in 2022:
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but 😭 imagine n keeping this rabbit so pristine and clean and cared for over the centuries, especially after the death of the detective 😭
48 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
my n sewell thought of the day is that if n sewell were better with technology they would spend so much time reading fanfiction and leaving kind comments on everything they read. they would just adore this new way of interacting with stories *and* with other fans of stories.
(as it is they prefer physical books. so they print out the fanfiction when they first discover that they can find such things on the internet. but one day they sent 100k words of smut to the entire Agency listserv by accident and uh. anyway they stick to books.)
58 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
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Someday we'll find it The rainbow connection The lovers, the dreamers, and me
I was going to save this for later this month, but I can’t do it, I need everyone to see this right now immediately. Please feast your eyes on all of this serotonin I commissioned from @rickety-goose​ (and then go commission her yourself)!
This is my Nick Wiseman (from Mind Blind @mindblindbard​ ) and Kermit the Frog singing a little duet. I imagine that he was asked to film something with Kermit as some kind of PR thing for Unity (and brings it up like once a week for the rest of time). Inspired by a video I saw of Kermit singing with James Corden on the Late Late Show (can’t find the video rn, but I’ll put a still below the cut).
Ren was so great to work with and really made this vision come to life. Look at the lighting and the sparkles and the details and their faces, this was so perfect and I’m so pleased with how this turned out.
See the full post
72 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
Hitting post before I can think about this anymore! This was written with the sole intention of expressing my high levels of thirst about this Nate art by @/greyhands . Tried to smoothe out the thirst with a rolling pin of context, but some of it doesn’t make sense ✌🏼 don’t think about it
Rating: 16+ (Nate is all suave and suggestive but nothing explicit)
Word count: 1325
Synopsis: Unit Bravo has a secret mission. Nate distracts Avery from her fears for him. (Nate x Avery)
Avery isn't supposed to be involved in this mission. She isn't even supposed to be at the Warehouse today. It’s an anxious pit in her stomach that brings her there, a foolish hope that Rebecca won’t notice her until she’s learned the details of the mission and it’s too late. Wouldn’t be the first time. 
Alas, no dice.
Thirty-three minutes after she is sent to her room---a command that makes Morgan snicker---her pacing is interrupted by a gentle knock on the door. “Avery?”
She almost doesn't want to see him, or rather, for him to see her. Not like this---frustrated and anxious and irrational and unable to hide it from his super-senses. 
"Come in," she says anyway. "Look, I can explain---”
But when Nate enters, Avery stops her pacing. Her eyes flick up to meet his, then roll slowly over his Agency-issued tactical suit and gear. The protective nylon material beneath his (bulletproof?) vest does nothing to hide the lines of his muscles as he turns to shut the door behind him. Holsters are buckled at his waist and high up his thighs. There are no thoughts in her head.
“Oh my God,” she says.
Nate turns away from the door and pauses in his path, looking like an action hero even as he fiddles with the walkie-talkie which is chattering away (Farah) in his pocket. He presses a button, the walkie-talkie falls silent, and he finally turns his full attention to her, lips curving into a smile at her attention.
"Is something the matter, Avery?" he asks. 
It’s suddenly sweltering beneath her hoodie, but she shakes her head, buying herself a moment to collect herself. "I've just never seen you in that," she says, tone as close to casual as she can manage. 
Trying in vain to hide his effect on her, like he can’t hear her accelerated pulse, like he can’t tell that she's drinking in his delicious features as if this might be her last chance. 
(Couldn’t it be?)
She shakes the thought away. "Are you wearing that on all your missions now?" she prods.
"I’m certainly tempted, seeing your reaction to it," he teases as he saunters closer. "But it's just a precaution for today."
"Precaution for...?"
“Just a precaution,” says Nate, sidestepping the question with a reassuring smile. “Nothing to be concerned about.”
She purses her lips. Nothing to be unconcerned about, either, since nothing is all she knows. “I don’t like this, Nate.”
He nods sympathetically. “I wish I could tell you more, Avery, but it’s---”
"Classified,” she finishes with an exasperated sigh. “For my safety. And considering all the things that haven’t been classified for my safety...” The Trappers that left Nate unresponsive in a hospital bed, for example. She crosses her arms over her chest. “It’s incredibly reassuring,” she says, a lump in her throat pushing her pitch higher than normal, “that this is the one I can’t know about, that you have to get all gussied up for this particular date with danger, and I can’t even know---”
She doesn’t realize she’s pacing again until Nate reaches out to still her by the shoulders. The comforting pressure of his hands and the familiar scent of his fancy soap help to loosen the knot in her stomach, steady her breathing, bring her down to Earth.
“I’m sorry,” she says softly. “You shouldn’t have to deal with this before the mission. I’ll be fine.” As long as you are.
"There’s nothing to apologize for,” he assures her. “Is there anything I could do to make you feel better?"
Don’t go, she wants to say. “Tell me the truth,” she says instead. “Is there a chance that you could leave here, all suited up, and not...make it back?”
See the full post
78 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
we have an RO and a best friend but tell me in the tags which ub member likes your detective(s) the least
91 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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americatransformed · 10 months
Going to try and make this a regular episode in my Temples of Light (Avatar) blog - The power of film, through the lens of an alternate universe: (I dare not post this on the Midjourney forum, because doubtful it would be approved!) 
Movies are all about the heroes journey. Imagine one where we go back in time! Visualize a place where anti-heroes are redeemed, after coming face to face with their fallen nature, and seeing a hidden reality they were once blind to. And then allowed to atone for their sins in present day, as a new man or woman, born again, never again doomed to make the same mistake twice.
In today’s Temples of Light Time Travel, we explore the question, “What if Woodrow Wilson screened 2015’s Birth of a Nation at the White House, rather than the 1915 version?” 
But alas, this is all fiction. The dead can never go back and redeem their past. That is the job of the living; to not make the same mistakes as those who never connected with higher consciousness, now stuck in the tombs of their ancestor’s shame!
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Upon his first private screening, Woodrow Wilson had an earth breaking awakening, shattering his heart wide open, after connecting to the power of 21st century cinema in the early 20th century. Somehow, a copy of Nate Parker’s 2015 Birth of a Nation, began playing in place of D. W. Griffith’s 1915 version.
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Because filmmakers of every generation continue to improve upon their craft, advancing their power to put the audience in the shoes of “the other,” Wilson had an awakening of consciousness, that brought into question his entire life path, and the respect he held for those who raised him.
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This was painful for him to watch, knowing now about his complicity in a racist system, his ancestors helped defend and build. He wanted to turn away, but something inside him could not. Film had turned him into an Avatar, a pure witness that had now become Nat Turner, wearing his shoes, feeling his torment, pain, sorrow, and yes, rage!
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Like the hero within Nat Turner awoke, bearing witness to the evil he was complicit in serving, Woodrow awoke for the first time in the White House theater, knowing now what he must do, to end the insanity. He had to share this film, not only with his staff, allies and close friends, but with the entire American people.
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The next day at the White House Screening of Nate Parker’s Birth of a Nation, Woodrow (seated far right) knew some of his so called friends would walk out. It was a perfect test, to see what kind of company he now wanted to keep.
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The vivid color images, stunning sound and higher frame rate elicited a powerful reaction from the audience, most of whom could not take their eyes off the screen. At times, fits of crying and angry shouts erupted from viewers, compelling some to remain seated for the entirety of the film, while leading others to leave. By the end of the film, many who endured had a cathartic change of heart just like Woodrow.
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He knew he had to take action, and first thing he could think of, was invite his old nemesis back to the White House; William Monroe Trotter, to make amends and change course, offering him a position in his administration.  (Woodrow Wilson hugging one of William Trotter’s Civil Rights associates after offering his sincere apology.)
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Next on Woodrow’s agenda, to screen Parker’s Birth of a Nation on every screen in America, which infuriated D.W. Griffith. Soon the president started getting death threats, but this did not deter him. He was on the heroes journey!
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Audiences across America were mesmerized by the film, many having the same breakthrough in consciousness the president had.
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In city after city across America, the power of film was doing its work; awakening humans to higher consciousness.
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(Nat Turner played by Nate Parker in Birth of a Nation)
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The horrors of slavery for all to see, which was glorified in D.W. Griffith’s film.
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Audiences transported like an Avatar into the shoes of “the other”.
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The most powerful scene in Birth of Nation at the very end; freed slaves going into battle against Confederate troops in the American Civil War.
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A young Woodrow Wilson around the time he was once a professor at Wesleyan University.
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Wilson was not done, he thought back to that young man he used to be, brainwashed with racist ideology by parents just as blind as he once was. He wished he could go back in time, back to his days teaching at Wesleyan University. He was reminded of a beautiful student named Isabel, who had taken an interest in him, but he had to fight away feelings of attraction for her; their love would be forbidden. If only he could have gone back, as the changed new man he was today. He would find the moral courage to stand up to his racist father, declare his love and ask for her hand in marriage.
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And if only he had another life to live, to atone for the one he was now ashamed of. He would stand up and be a real man, on a heroes journey to redeem the soul of America. No longer inhibited or stopped from doing what was righteous.
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He would take a stand in the 2024 election, and do everything in his power to assure no more racists were ever elected president of the United States again!
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lupaeusarc · 5 months
drops url 🫣 and hides
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do i follow them ? :  yep !! why did i follow them ? :  i think i saw you on the dash bc of a mutual and i thought the character / your writing looked interesting :) do we role play ? :  yes we do ! do i want to role play with them :  of course lol an au idea for our muses :  hmmm i don't really know i kind of think just having something with the muses as themselves would be cool just bc i don't know a whole lot about felix yet lol it's mostly been his fake nate au so far which is super fun maybe we can plot some different things with emma and some of the muses on the multis !! a song for our muses :  jackie and wilson by hozier
do i ship our muses ? :  yess i think they're gonna be cute as hell what i think about the mun :  super sweet and so talented i don't know enough about the muse until i see the movie but your writing in itself and the plot ideas you come up with are so good !! overall opinion :  awesome all around i'm glad we started writing ! blog rate : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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kaitmoviereviews · 2 years
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I’m back with another review.  You may notice a name change, and from here on out there will no longer be any Nate Picks.
I watched Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark tonight, and it wasn’t my first time watching it but, I thought, I needed to update this blog. 
IMdB gives this movie a 6.2/10, and Rotten Tomatoes rates it at a 77%.
I grew up reading these books, and I was always in love with the creepy artwork and how, for a child, these stories were in fact bone chilling. When I heard they would be making this into a movie, I was so excited.
But I think they could have done more.
I will give this movie a 7/10, for nostalgia, for creativity, and the unique aspect of it. Ultimately, though, this movie fell flat.
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0 notes
Oneshots about my favorite characters
https://ift.tt/lhbSHIu by mattsturniololvr Please write some requests in the comments!!!! Words: 9, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Video Blogging RPF, Stranger Things (TV 2016), Gossip Girl (TV 2007), Heartstopper (TV), Cobra Kai (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Chris Sturniolo, Matt Sturniolo, Nick Sturniolo, Will Byers, Mike Wheeler, Original Male Character(s), Chuck Bass, Blair Waldorf, Nate Archibald, Serena van der Woodsen, Dan Humphrey, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Tara Jones, Darcy Olsson, Elle Argent, Tao Xu, Miguel Diaz (Cobra Kai), Robby Keene, Tory Nichols, Daniel LaRusso, Johnny Lawrence, Samantha LaRusso Relationships: Chris Sturniolo/Matt Sturniolo, Chris Sturniolo/Matt Sturniolo/Nick Sturniolo, Matt Sturniolo/Nick Sturniolo, Will Byers/Mike Wheeler, Will Byers/Original Male Character(s), Matt Sturniolo/Original Male Character(s), Chuck Bass/Blair Waldorf, Nate Archibald/Serena van der Woodsen, Dan Humphrey/Serena van der Woodsen, Serena van der Woodsen/Blair Waldorf, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring, Tara Jones/Darcy Olsson, Elle Argent/Tao Xu, Miguel Diaz/Robby Keene, Robby Keene/Tory Nichols, Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence, Samantha LaRusso/Tory Nichols Additional Tags: Anal Sex, Vaginal Sex, Threesome - M/M/M, Rough Sex, Forced Orgasm, Forced Feminization, Sex Toys, Vibrators, Punishment, Spanking, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Loss of Virginity, Possessive Sex, Bottom Matt, Bottom Will Byers, Flirting, Drugged Sex, Other Additional Tags to Be Added source https://archiveofourown.org/works/51283930 November 01, 2023 at 08:50AM
0 notes
ao3feed-narlie · 8 months
Oneshots about my favorite characters
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/mhyM4AJ by mattsturniololvr Please write some requests in the comments!!!! Words: 9, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Video Blogging RPF, Stranger Things (TV 2016), Gossip Girl (TV 2007), Heartstopper (TV), Cobra Kai (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Chris Sturniolo, Matt Sturniolo, Nick Sturniolo, Will Byers, Mike Wheeler, Original Male Character(s), Chuck Bass, Blair Waldorf, Nate Archibald, Serena van der Woodsen, Dan Humphrey, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Tara Jones, Darcy Olsson, Elle Argent, Tao Xu, Miguel Diaz (Cobra Kai), Robby Keene, Tory Nichols, Daniel LaRusso, Johnny Lawrence, Samantha LaRusso Relationships: Chris Sturniolo/Matt Sturniolo, Chris Sturniolo/Matt Sturniolo/Nick Sturniolo, Matt Sturniolo/Nick Sturniolo, Will Byers/Mike Wheeler, Will Byers/Original Male Character(s), Matt Sturniolo/Original Male Character(s), Chuck Bass/Blair Waldorf, Nate Archibald/Serena van der Woodsen, Dan Humphrey/Serena van der Woodsen, Serena van der Woodsen/Blair Waldorf, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring, Tara Jones/Darcy Olsson, Elle Argent/Tao Xu, Miguel Diaz/Robby Keene, Robby Keene/Tory Nichols, Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence, Samantha LaRusso/Tory Nichols Additional Tags: Anal Sex, Vaginal Sex, Threesome - M/M/M, Rough Sex, Forced Orgasm, Forced Feminization, Sex Toys, Vibrators, Punishment, Spanking, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Loss of Virginity, Possessive Sex, Bottom Matt, Bottom Will Byers, Flirting, Drugged Sex, Other Additional Tags to Be Added read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/mhyM4AJ
0 notes
heartwcrk · 6 years
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nate’s 500 follower bullshit :)
since i hit 500 followers recently, i thought i’d show my appreciation by doing blog rates for the first time. i love every single one of you, and i hope you all know that!
in addition to the blog rates, i will be holding a contest! details and the format of the blog rates are under the cut
you must be following me to participate, and you have to send an ask with the following:
a favorite song of yours (+ if you’re entering the contest, your favorite dessert)
a url/blog for me to rate
blog rate format:
url: absolutely not | kinda cringey | it’s okay | amazing | you had to kill someone to get this. i know it.
desktop theme: please change it | maybe look for other options? | neutral/there are both pros and cons | good | you’ve unlocked the secrets of html
mobile theme: Yikes Fam | kinda garish | not the best, but not bad | good | aesthetic as hell
icon: what is that? | alright | awesome | really cool | dude, where did you get that from??
following?: no, sorry | i am now | yes! | if i unfollow you please assume i’ve been hacked
overall content: not my thing | we’ve got some similar interests | pretty cool | i like a lot of the stuff you post | are we the same fuckin person?
other comments:
if you don’t want to see the blog rates clogging up your dash, blacklist “nate’s blog rates”
out of everyone who enters, i’ll pick six people at random. out of these six will be:
3 third place winners
2 second place winners
1 first place winner
here are the prizes:
first place will be able to request literally any edit you want from me (within reason)
second place winners can either request a gifset of some sort, OR can give me an album to turn into a video game edit (like these ones)*
third place winners can give me a person/object and/or color and i will make them either a new icon OR a moodboard edit.
(you can ask to see examples of my work at any time. i know i haven’t posted a lot of my best work on here, but i still have a lot saved that i could send you if you would like to see it. you can also go through my edits tag to see what i have posted)
in order to enter, you need to reblog this post as well as indicate in your ask whether or not you wish to enter.
contest entries close midnight, august 16th (maybe earlier; depends on how many people enter). i ask that if you win, you give me time to make these edits. results will be posted sometime during the day of the 16th.
*for the video game ones, check the “games” tag on my blog to see which ones are already finished before requesting one. i have mania by fob to do as well so keep that in mind.
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