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nanomyre · 1 year
For every {love me more by mitski} on a character playlist there must be an equal and opposite {I will by mitski} on their lovers playlist.
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requiem-on-water · 1 year
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Sence of Space by Alex Nanoc
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blackjackkent · 1 year
All right, let's de-petrify these fine and no doubt supremely capable adventurers.
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In fairness to this guy, this would probably be a pretty terrifying state of affairs.
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Bondari, Nanoc, and Tim. Names to conjure with.
The party is capital-U Unimpressed.
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Not that I don't get where you're coming from, Jaheira, but they are standing right there. Don't be rude.
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Classic D&D party shenanigans. Good thing we came along to unpetrify you or you would have been here a LONG time.
Let's go ahead with the idea to contract out our work to them and see what happens.
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I love it. This is now the adventuring party and we are the NPC questgiver sending them off on their task.
(We had the option to not give them anything but realistically we have SO much gold. And these guys seem to need it more than us.)
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The game then faded to black briefly and popped up some text reading "Several days later..."
Which...is hilarious, because wtf did Caden and co. do that whole time? Pinochle?
The fade in rises on Bondari making some Big Plans.
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We then got a cutscene which I had zero control over, in which Caden instantly turned into the Slayer form and absolutely obliterated all three of them.
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And then:
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I love this. I am always a fan of a good fourth wall break.
Thanks. Take your gold and get on out of here and maybe don't punch above your challenge rating next time, kiddo.
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ceejaykayess · 2 years
Medium to large spoilers for the original AI, small to medium spoilers for Nirvana Initiative. 
Lowkey pissed how they retconned how the Prototype Psync Machine works in NI to preserve the mystery of Tearer’s identity for another like two hours, even though revealing Tearer’s face then would have made shit so much juicier. 
Both the Psyncer and the subject need to have their left eyes out of the socket so the not-so-nanocables can feel up the brain, but instead Mizook hops in with Aiba still in there and Tearer is, as stated, still masked. Is this part of why people out here saying it might just be healthier to assume NI takes place in a straight alternate universe of AI where some shit is just slightly different? Is this why Ryuki got an AI-Ball, because they also stealth retconned requiring one to Psync when you really don’t, as evidenced by everything in AI? Or is that more reasonably implied to just be because it’s easier to do your job with one, as evidenced by Date? 
Point is, this hoe mad, and morbidly curious if Uchikoshi already confronted this on Twitter.
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nutmegpirate · 2 years
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On this my beloved Nanoc’s 11th birthday, we recognize how his canon birthday is celebrated as well.
(His canon age is 25-30 btw, as that is when the story takes place. He could be anywhere in that range with any given drawing.)
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insurgentepress · 7 days
Elaboran investigadores nanocables de oro para conectar sistema nervioso en Suecia
Investigadores de la Universidad de @liu_universitet han logrado crear nanocables de oro y desarrollar electrodos blandos que se pueden conectar al sistema nervioso.
Agencias/ Ciudad de México.- Investigadores de la Universidad de Linköping han logrado crear nanocables de oro y desarrollar electrodos blandos que se pueden conectar al sistema nervioso. Los electrodos son blandos como los nervios, estirables y conductores de electricidad, y se prevé que duren mucho tiempo en el cuerpo. En el futuro, puede ser posible utilizar este metal precioso en interfaces…
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bella123lin · 2 months
Research - Retail and shopfront
Punto y Coma Bookstore / Verduzco + Guerra
A bookstore and cultural centre that seeks to spark spontaneous interactions, fostering a network of collaborative knowledge exchange. 
Leverages the existing architectural structure of the old condominium, developing a fluid, doorless layout. The design is characterized by curved walls, inviting users to explore and freely discover every corner of the space, thus creating a dynamic and welcoming experience.
With a simple linear gesture, a long display table unifies the layout and creates a circuit that promotes a continuous discovery experience. The space includes various corners adapted to different needs: from open areas for rest and socializing to intimate spaces ideal for reading and reflection. For example, the Reflective Space is an area with undefined use that creates an intimate atmosphere for the various activities of the cultural center. At the back of the premises, there is a collaborative area offering three distinct work modes: a central blue table, a booth with individual tables, and a long desk with views of a small courtyard.
Materials and fixed furniture: The intervention of the premises consisted of understanding the potential of the space and selecting materials that highlight its qualities. The pre-existing tile, which was part of the initial construction, was removed to reveal the original slab from the 1980s construction. This resulted in a polished and rough concrete finish on the floors. On the walls and ceilings, fine lime stucco by Nanocal was applied, providing a smooth and continuous surface, and homogenizing the different spaces.
The natural wood blends with the tone of the walls, simplifying the spatial composition and leaving a neutral canvas to appropriately display the books and objects arranged on the shelves.
The prefabricated shelf system, based on brackets and natural aluminum strips by JM Villegas, offers remarkable flexibility to adapt the modules according to size and height needs. Meanwhile, natural steel accents, such as the central cylindrical light fixture, underscore the uniqueness and functionality of the space. The combination of materials and furniture contributes to the playful character of the space, inviting the user to feel, touch, and experience the elements that make up the project.
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ArchDaily. (n.d). Punto y Coma Bookstore / Verduzco + Guerra. Retrieved from https://www.archdaily.com/1020983/punto-y-coma-bookstore-verduzco-plus-guerra?ad_source=search&ad_medium=projects_tab
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ujjinatd · 2 months
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Investigadores crean nervios de "oro blando" utilizando nanocables conductores En una palabra: Cuando pensamos en ... https://ujjina.com/investigadores-crean-nervios-de-oro-blando-utilizando-nanocables-conductores/?feed_id=719885&_unique_id=66b36daa3201c
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sports-and-leisure · 5 months
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rebathroom · 8 months
كيفية التغلب على مشكلة الرطوبة عند استخدام الاسمنت
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تعتبر مشكلة الرطوبة أحد التحديات الرئيسية التي قد تواجه المشروعات الإنشائية عند استخدام الإسمنت. يعتبر اسمنت السويس مادة أساسية في البناء والتشييد، لكن الرطوبة قد تؤثر بشكل كبير على جودة الإسمنت وعلى المنشآت التي يتم بناؤها. في هذا المقال، سنتناول كيفية التغلب على مشكلة الرطوبة عند استخدام الإسمنت.
أولًا وقبل كل شيء، يجب فهم أسباب امتصاص الإسمنت للرطوبة. الإسمنت يمتص الرطوبة من الجو والبيئة المحيطة به، مما قد يؤدي إلى فقدان القوة اللازمة وتدهور جودته. لتجنب هذا، يمكن اتباع الإجراءات التالية:
استخدام مواد مقاومة للرطوبة: اختيار الإسمنت الذي يحتوي على إضافات مقاومة للرطوبة يعد خطوة مهمة مثل اسمنت حلوان. تقنيات مثل إضافة السيليكا النانوية أو البوليمرات يمكن أن تساعد في تقليل امتصاص الرطوبة.
تركيب العازلات الرطوبية: يجب تثبيت عوازل رطوبة في المناطق التي قد تكون معرضة لارتفاع مستويات الرطوبة. هذا يشمل استخدام أفلام ورقية خاصة أو أغشية بلاستيكية تحمي الإسمنت من الرطوبة الجوية.
ضبط البيئة المحيطة: يجب العمل على تحكم في البيئة المحيطة بالإسمنت. استخدام أنظمة تكييف الهواء أو تركيب معدات تجفيف يمكن أن يساعد في تقليل الرطوبة في المنطقة.
تخزين الإسمنت بشكل صحيح: يجب تخزين الإسمنت في أماكن جافة وبعيدة عن المياه المتراكمة. استخدام حواجز مائية مثل الحواجز البلاستيكية يمكن أن يساعد في حماية الإسمنت من الرطوبة.
استخدام الإسمنت السريع الجفاف: يتوفر في السوق اليوم العديد من أنواع الإسمنت السريع الجفاف مثل اسمنت طرة، والذي يمتص الرطوبة بسرعة ويتماسك بشكل فعال، مما يقلل من تأثير الرطوبة.
يجب أن يتم التعامل مع مشكلة الرطوبة باهتمام خاص لضمان جودة الإسمنت ومتانة المنشآت. باعتماد الإجراءات المناسبة واستخدام المواد الملائمة، يمكن التغلب على تأثيرات الرطوبة وضمان تحقيق النتائج المرجوة في مشاريع البناء والتشييد.
انواع الإسمنت المقاوم للرطوبة:
تعتبر مقاومة الإسمنت للرطوبة أمرًا حيويًا في مجال البناء والتشييد، وهناك عدة أنواع من الإسمنت المصممة خصيصًا لتحقيق هذا الهدف. من بين هذه الأنواع:
إسمنت مقاوم للماء (Waterproof Cement): يتميز اسمنت الواحة هذا النوع من الإسمنت بإضافة مواد خاصة تجعله غير قابل لامتصاص الماء بشكل كبير. يستخدم هذا الإسمنت في المشاريع التي تتعرض لتأثيرات الماء بشكل مباشر.
إسمنت السيليكا النانوية (Silica Nanocement): يُعد إسمنت السيليكا النانوية حلاً فعّالًا لمشاكل الرطوبة. يتميز بالقدرة على تحسين مقاومته للماء وتحسين خصائصه الميكانيكية.
إسمنت مقاوم للتأكسد (Corrosion-Resistant Cement): يتم تصنيع هذا النوع من الإسمنت باستخدام مواد مقاومة للتآكل، مما يجعله مناسبًا للاستخدام في مناطق ذات بيئة قاسية حيث يمكن أن تكون الرطوبة مصاحبة لتأثيرات التآكل.
إسمنت البوليمر (Polymer Cement): يتم تعزيز هذا النوع من الإسمنت بإضافة مواد بوليمرية، مما يعزز من مقاومته للرطوبة ويسهم في تحسين قوته اللاصقة.
إسمنت البناء السريع الجفاف (Rapid Setting Cement): يتميز بقدرته على الجفاف بسرعة، مما يقلل من الوقت الذي يكون فيه معرضًا لامتصاص الرطوبة. يستخدم هذا النوع بشكل شائع في المشاريع التي تتطلب سرعة التشييد.
إسمنت البلاستيك (Plastic Cement): يحتوي على إضافات بلاستيكية تجعله مقاومًا لامتصاص الماء، ويستخدم بشكل رئيسي في الأعمال التي تتعرض لظروف رطوبة عالية.
يجب اختيار نوع الإسمنت المناسب وفقًا للتطبيق وظروف البيئة المحيطة، حيث يسهم ذلك في ضمان استدامة البناء وجودة المواد الإنشائية في وجه التحديات المتعلقة بالرطوبة.
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guncelkal · 1 year
If you’re passionate about IT and electronics, like being up to date on technology and don’t miss even the slightest details, buy USB Hub NANOCABLE AAOAUS0188 at an unbeatable price. Type: USB hub Colour: Black Connections: USB 2.0 USB 2.0 x 4 Ports: 4 Compatible: Windows Mac OS Cable length: 0,15 m Characteristics: Plug and play SKU: S0234588
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View On WordPress
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bluepoodle7 · 1 year
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#ComicJumperTheAdventuresOfCaptainSmiley #ObscureMerch #Comics #Sculpture #GameConsole #Merch
I was today years old.
A Captain Smiley and Star sculpture, comics, other merch exists.
Images not mine but links are there.
THE MANIACAL SMILE Comic Book feat. Captain Smiley of Comic Jumper Twisted Pixel | eBay
THE MANIACAL SMILE #12 (7.5 VF) Rare Signed Comic Book By Rhine "FAST SHIPPING" | eBay
The Maniacal Smile #1 SIGNED By Rhine RARE | eBay
MANIACAL SMILE VOL. 2: THE BLUES TPB (2015 Series) #1 Near Mint | eBay
Microsoft Xbox 360 Captain Smiley Console - Consolevariations
Comic Jumper - Steam Games (steam-games.org)
Microsoft Xbox 360 Comic Jumper - The Adventures of Captain Smiley Console - Consolevariations
Some Posters Signed by the devs.
Images not mine but link is there.
Comic Jumper Poster #1 Adventures of Captain Smiley Signed by Twisted Pixel Devs | eBay
Comic Jumper Poster #2 - Improbable Paper Pals! Signed by Twisted Pixel Devs | eBay
Comic Jumper Poster #3 - Cutie Cutie Kid Cupids Signed by Twisted Pixel Devs | eBay
Comic Jumper Poster #4 - Nanoc The Obliviator Signed by Twisted Pixel Devs | eBay
Video of the Captain Smiley Figure.
Video not mine but link is there.
Comic Jumper Captain Smiley Statue Unboxing | GameXcess.net - Gaming News, Videos and Editorials!
Comic Jumper Captain Smiley Statue Unboxing (1080p HD) - YouTube
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jucomx · 1 year
Why is like every human like "use metric, it's used by basically everyone around the globe", like no wth is a "meter" supposed to be, if you really want to avoid confusion and *checks notes* keep using base 10 to count, just multiply your km/h by 1,08 and you have a way more universally understandable nanoc, although some people might be confused why you have to multiply it by the seemingly arbitrary a^9 to get c but at least c/a^9 is more understandable than than one "meter" every "second"... like are you seriously using an ordinal as a unit of time, how tf does that even work?!
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kasitemotor · 1 year
Kasite Motor Linear Modules
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Suzhou Kasite Motor Technology has 3000 square meters of standard workshops and several assembly lines.We have more than 12 years of experience in linear motor actuators provide the development and production of (high load, high speed, high precision, long stroke)single-axis Linear Motor modules, linear robot . As early as 2018, we provide a perfect solution for BOE FPD handling with three advantages(ultra-high speed, high precision, long travel).
Kasite Motor Linear robots,single-axis Linear Motor module are widely used in liquid crystal display,semiconductor,new energy,automobile manufacturing,3C,precision Machining, experimental device,handling Package,CNC , robot and other automatic processing fields.
Kasite's business philosophy is innovation, pragmatism, service and common progress. With the development direction of "specialization, refinement, specialty and novelty", We will provide cost-effective solutions for our customers.
Call Us: +86-18021269950 Email Us: [email protected]
Website: https://www.kasite-linear-module.com Address: Building 20, Nanocity, 99 Jinjihu Avenue, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu, China
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mystiqueswati · 2 years
Silver Nanoparticles Market Business Overview, Trends Analysis, Growth, Demand and Forecast To 2029
Nanotechnology has been a highly promising technological innovation. By developing an intricate level of understanding of nanoparticles, their characteristics, and reactions in certain conditions, scientists have been able to unlock a whole plethora of scientific possibilities. For instance, silver nanoparticles have several peculiar properties which can be translated into numerous applications in the pharmaceuticals, electronics, cosmetics, and food industries. It is being used in the electronics industry amidst the growing trend of miniaturisation and its desirable corrosion resistance, thermal and electrical conductivity, and stability in extreme environmental conditions. On the other hand, silver nanoparticles are also used to develop antimicrobial textiles. The nanoparticles have notable viability in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly in developing new treatment methods. The growing application pool of this material is expected to create tremendous business outcomes for the global silver nanoparticles market in the study period.
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Sound Demand for Colloidal Silver Nanoparticles to Nurture Silver Nanoparticles Market  
Considering the promising applications in healthcare and pharmaceutical industries, market players are directing robust research and development funding in studying silver nanoparticles. To this end, the colloidal silver nanoparticles are expected to showcase an elevated increment in demand. This type of specialised silver nanoparticle has an enhanced ability in healing skin disorders and mending wounds. Moreover, it has been considerably successful in treating diseases such as flu, pneumonia, eye infections, and shingles among others. The applications of colloidal silver nanoparticles are expected to increase with each new pharmaceutical application. These developments are funnelling to benefit the growth of the global silver nanoparticles market.
Get a Sample/TOC Copy of Silver Nanoparticles Market:
Notable Pharmaceutical Industry Applications to Create Strong Tailwinds for Global Silver Nanoparticles Market
The occurrence of chronic illnesses has been growing at an alarming rate in the past few years. To combat this mounting healthcare challenge, scientists and drug manufacturers are actively exploring novel therapeutics. Several new studies are being conducted to research different components and chemicals. To this end, silver nanoparticles have showcased tremendous promise as an ingredient in medicines. It is being used to develop anti-cancer medications along with applications in bone healing and wound care. In addition, silver nanoparticles are also used for improving the immunogenicity of vaccines. Such promising medical science breakthroughs are creating sound business opportunities for the global silver nanoparticles market.
Nanotechnology Innovations in Pharmaceutical Sector to Establish North America’s Leadership in Silver Nanoparticles Market  
Increasing R&D efforts in regional pharmaceutical and electronics, coupled with a high concentration of key market players is boding well for the silver nanoparticles market in North America. The region has one of the most technologically advanced healthcare industries. Moreover, the growing occurrence of cancer in key regional economies such as the USA is incenting more research on silver nanoparticles. On the other end of the world, emerging economies in Asia Pacific are providing impetus for the silver nanoparticles market due to their paced industrial growth and high population.
Major Market Players
Some of the key major players in the global silver nanoparticles market include Sigma-Aldrich, Nanocs, EPRUI Nanoparticles & Microspheres, American Elements, US Research Nanomaterials, Nanoshel LLC, Ames Goldsmith Corporation, Advanced Nano Products Co. Ltd., Strem Chemicals Inc., Thermo Fischer Scientific, and Tanaka Holdings.
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