#nah that'll never happen cuz i'm his biggest fan and no one will love him as much as i do /j
self-ships-ahoy · 2 years
I, S, and Y for Dai Zong (since we got some cute art today XD)
Acrostic F/O Ask Game!
Aaaaa my underappreciated sweetie, I'm happy to give him love! This game tells me to answer the ones of my f/o's name, but if it's not too long, I'll also do S and Y as bonuses!
D - Danger - which of you is more likely to get into trouble? how well does your f/o handle danger?
Well, neither of us go seeking trouble, so that's a good thing. I'd say it'd take longer for me to get out of trouble because I'm not a trained fighter like he is. That's why he handles danger really well, though, and was even able to lead a team of warriors through it. Danger is a challenge to overcome to him, yet he approaches it logically and tactfully, and that's why he usually succeeds.
A - Art - do they draw or paint? what about any other kind of art? what’s their favorite style/subject/another artist who inspires them?
Dai Zong doesn't currently pursue any arts, but he does support the artists in Big Green like Lin Chung. He even poses for paintings sometimes!
I - Image - show us a picture of them that gives you a lot of feelings. if they aren’t a visual character, describe your mental image of them!
Tumblr media
Gotta be this one. He said out loud he never doubted that First Squad would make it out alive in this mission, but then he turns and makes this relieved face to himself. It's just such a touching moment, I love when he shows his heart. 🥺
Z - Zodiac - what’s their sign, or if you don’t know, what would you guess it is based on their personality? (Eastern or Western - personal preference)
I don't know enough about either zodiac, sorry! 😅 If I went to research it, we'd be here for ages. XD
O - Online - what is your f/o’s social media presence like, or what would it be like if they had internet in their world/era?
Oh man, First Squad meets the internet, imagine the possibilities. XD As for Dai Zong.... he might like Youtube a lot, and might even have a presence there doing a fitness video series. He also likes seeing people upload their outdoors experiences, and a few meme videos here and there (he's a tough audience, but there are some gems that always get him to laugh). Although... he might not be able to use any of it till he gets his hands cured.. <_<'''
N - Nostalgia - what’s your f/o’s favorite memory?
It might be when he won his first fighting tournament. He was a promising warrior from a young age, till he got cursed. A more touching one would be our first New Year together as a couple; the celebration was spectacular and we felt a lot of sparks in the air. Being together made us feel even more confident about the coming year ahead of us, that we could face whatever comes our way, together.
G - Gush! talk about how much you love them 💜
YES! It's been so long since I last talked about him. What a perfect way to finish the post.
I feel like, of all my f/os, Dai Zong is my rock: the sturdiest, most reliable one. He has a strong spirit and a loyal heart, and would be there right beside me during all the storms. He's encouraging and he believes in me always. I know where I stand with him, and where he stands on everything.
And I love how he's not just some stick in the mud either. He knows how to have fun and laugh! He just doesn't like when others complicate things and stress him out. He adheres to principles and routine, but he'll also make a silly pose with Jumpy for Lin Chung to paint. I just love him so much, and I know the self ship community will understand me saying that despite what he looks like and where he's from.
I'll bet he's the next one I marry, too. 😉
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