#nabe's lightning is no joke
imuditia · 4 years
The other wanderers. part 1
Some headcanons or details about my chosen muses in Teyvat.
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Clementine enjoys deception and slaughter with her three stillettos. Asides from being born at Mondstadt, she’s a bonafide mercenary who merely cares for slaughter, money and cares less on others. Pay her enough cash and she’ll spare you by a chance or kill you and take everything from your corpse.
Her thoughts on the Traveler is just a nuisance like how she merely thinks about the Knights of Favonius. She’s good at lockpicking and let alone, ambush. She bears a big dislike almost to hate towards Paimon that she wants to skewer that little one into pieces due to how annoying she was. She doesn’t drink alcoholic stuff and hates Hillchurls to the core. Her element is Wind.
Clementine is more on speed as her strength is bit moderate.
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A skilled electro mage-fighter, Narberal or ‘Nabe’ is a quiet but foul-mouthed explorer. She doesn’t mind going on exploration with the Traveler and the company as long as they don’t annoy her. Her strength when it comes to electro magic is equaled to Lisa. 
She doesn’t care about saving the world or the Traveler’s main goals. Only thing she cared is exploring vast places that Teyvat offers.
She is serious sometimes and doesn’t like jokes or she’ll electrocute you to death with her Electrosphere or her most powerful spell, Chain Dragon Lightning.
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Being born in Mondstadt after his sister died by the invading Hillchurls on their travels since they were young, Bernard only focuses on killing every single hillchurl he can see from small ones to the big ones like those shield-carrying Mitachurls. If there’s a hillchurl problem, this guy will do the job. Crafty with weapons and always wearing that armor while his element is Geo.
On how he got it since his birth is a mystery.
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As her parents were still thinking they’re nobility on Mondstadt, Arche still lives with them and really wished she could be running away from them along with her twin sisters due to how delusional they were that her money supposed to be used for survival, spent into random things.
She likes to read books on Lisa’s library and sometimes practicing magic to improve her electro skills mainly with her staff while her catalyst is optional. Arche is somehow a good and responsible elder sister and enjoys venturing with the Traveler and company.
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jojotier · 6 years
can i get fic recs for golden kamuy? longfics, preferably,,
Yea, totally!! I’ve already done a few genfic rec lists, but if we’re going with pure personal taste…
club lights by TRANSTOSHI - rated T - TsukiKoi - Basically, Koito’s at the bar with friends and sees Tsukishima on the outskirts of the crowd. This has happened more than once. It’s just that this time, he gets up the courage to go over and actually use a cheesy pickup line on him. A super cute oneshot all in all!! 
Catharsis by fizzyspines - rated T - Gen - Canon compliant; basically, during the war, Tanigaki is antagonized by Ogata and then just beats the shit out of him. Rightfully so, to be honest. It works as a gritty study on Tanigaki’s character and, as with all of Fizzy’s fics, is an absolute gem in terms of characterization! Especially with the focus on Tanigaki’s early nihilism- which, quite unfortunately, is never used to a fic’s advantage as often as it ought to be, haha.
Blessed Path by straydogs - rated T - Gen - Canon compliant; this goes over Ogata’s internal monologue and studies his character in the moment when he kills his father. In my opinion, this fic is the only good character study on Ogata and is a direct inspiration for the dream that would become my fic Ice Nabe. There’s no need for big gestures or pretending to care about a child or whatever- this fic is Ogata at his essence, musing as he prepares for Hanazawa’s death right in front of him, watching as his father’s terror slowly mounts and the deed is done.
New Traditions by kickassanakin - rated T - SugiShira - Modern au; Shiraishi hears Sugimoto has a special day planned for Valentine’s Day and won’t be doing things like he, Shiraishi, and Asirpa have been doing every year ;c but he does want to talk to Shiraishi in person first and foremost, for some reason….. Really, this is just a cute lil oneshot that makes light of a little miscommunication, but not in any overbearing way that would have you smacking your head against the wall, haha
Selfish by toxicbolts - rated M - TsukiKoi - Canon Compliant; basically, this mixes a little character study on how Tsukishima sees himself with some good old fashioned romance between him and Koito- and I for one cannot get enough of how heartbreaking and tender it is. It breaks me, how Tsukishima just doesn’t see himself as worthy enough to have things, how he views himself as selfish for daring to take what others offer…. aaa…..
Hajime by edogai - rated G - TsukiGai - Canon Divergent (?). Listen, I’m a sucker for the idea of Tsukishima ever trusting someone so much that he finally says, “Just call me Hajime,” okay. Okay. Listen. Anyway, this is a short and sweet little oneshot and I enjoyed it!
As far as I’m concerned, there’s only 3 longfics worth keeping up with in the tag…
Symphony, ad Libitum by fizzyspines - rated M - OTani - about 30k words - modern magic au. Honestly, I’d recommend this even if you AREN’T into Otani- the plot thus far has been exciting and action packed, with a little air of mystery. The worldbuilding is the best you’re going to see in the tag, and every facet of the magic system put in place, from the mage government keeping mundane nonmagic users out of the loop to Sugimoto being an unclassifiable immortal being of pure lightning energy to how siren song poisons the human mind to charms and magic disciplines, is carefully constructed and has a set of logic that makes it grounded and believable. Even if Ogata is a main pov character, the pov also shifts to others, and you can see that Fizzy is damn good at characterizing every single character.
This is a good fic if you want to see action. It’s a good fic if you wanna see romance (like SugiShira down the line, or believable OTani), or if you wanna see family (like the Golden Trio). It’s a damn great fic if you wanna see Tsurumi and his lackeys as elemental mages who want to overthrow the government, or the Golden Trio as living with Huci in a perfectly preserved Ainu village that remains hidden when it wants to be due to almost everyone being a green mage in some capacity. If you wanna see siren Tanigaki with a powerful voice rooming with a completely mundane and nonmagical Ogata who doesn’t know what in the everloving hell he’s about to stumble into, this is the best fic.
While the romance is a big part of this fic, that isn’t everything this one has to offer- and as someone with some inside knowledge about the next unpublished arcs, I can tell you, the not romantic plot is about to get even more action filled and wild ;) If you have an afternoon, read it all, I beg of you
You’ll be my Lock and I’ll Be Your Key by strawberrycheesecake - rated T - SugiKoi - 4k words - modern day prison au. The premise is a doozy- Sugimoto is framed for murder and now sits in prison, forced to carry out any favors he owes to bigger dogs. Koito is a new prison guard who takes an interest in Sugimoto’s case when, upon reviewing Sugimoto’s case file, he finds many things wildly inconsistent with it and believes that there may be some truth to Sugimoto’s assertion that he’s been framed. If there’s anything I’m a sucker for, it’s a good mystery, and so far the fic has delivered on that promise!
The writing is good and the pace is decent, but the characterization takes the absolute cake- it’s come of the closest to canon that I’ve ever seen, and a lot of the humor is beat for beat what Noda likely would have written. I’m still laughing over the bit where everyone has to awkwardly sit by as Shiraishi painstakingly mouths his entire escape plan at Sugimoto, silently, through the glass. What a well meaning dumbass. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing more here!
owo by ogataencelo and PandoraTail - rated T - Gen - 1.6k words - If you say owo in the mirror 3 times, Usami will be summoned to you, or so Koito claims. Tsukishima thinks it’s a load of bullshit until he’s forced to do it. 
Yes. I am, in fact, saying you should keep an eye on this one. No. It’s not a joke.
It’s only just been posted, but on premise alone this sold me- a nonshippy fic that focuses on some mildly humorous “horror” where Usami is a weird cryptid? Sign me the FUCK up. It helps that this is certainly the most unique Tsukishima internal monologue I’ve ever read, because it just helps the comedic tone more. I hope to see more of this, all in all! And I mean that Genuinely.
Hope this helps!
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sj4iy · 7 years
Translation: “Ao no Exorcist” Chapter 89 Translation Summary (SPOILERS!!)
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Here is your translation summary for this month’s chapter of Ao no Exorcist.  As usual, I’m writing this up as I read it, so there could be mistakes or typos.  I’m also kind of tired right now as I spent most of yesterday on a plane or waiting in airports, but I wanted to get this out asap so I can get caught up.  Here it is:
Blue Exorcist 89:
Happy (Merry Christmas) Birthday
The chapter starts out with Rin cooking as Kuro looks on excitedly.  Everyone is doing their part to set up the Christmas party and it looks amazing.  They all go to get dressed (although Yukio refuses) and Rin puts on some reindeer ears.  Shiemi comes back in full Santa costume with a bag of presents and thanks Nii-chan for his hard work.  She says she’ll get him some water but then…everything goes wrong.  Nii-chan rolls over, which tips the tree, which catches the decorations…etc etc etc.  The tree even catches fire.  Shiemi falls flat on her face, and the only thing left untouched is the cake.  That is, until Konekomaru trips and knocks it over.  Everything’s a mess.  Shiemi is beside herself, but Rin and everyone else start laughing.  “I can’t believe it…in one moment, everything was gone…!!”  Rin says some stuff survived (the food), and that they would have a nabe party instead.  So, we see everyone cooking up nabe (which is a sort of community hot pot dish).  Mephisto, Shura and Lightning show up.  Shima gets a call from Juuzo asking him, Suguro and Konekomaru if they are coming back for New Year’s.  He tells them that he and Mamushi are having a baby and they want to celebrate.  He then puts them on with Mamushi and she asks if they can come, and when Suguro starts to say he can’t, Lightning interrupts and says he’s “sleeping” for now and to go home because family is important.  Everyone congratulates them and then they open their presents.  Shiemi then says “Oh, I forgot, I have a present for everyone”.  It’s a four-leaf clover.  She tells everyone good luck on their tests, and Rin gets upset and asks her if she doesn’t want to become an exorcist because she’s dying.  She’s shocked, and says that she’s sorry that she can’t tell them the reason, but she’s not dying, and that she’ll be there.  “Even though I can’t fight by your side, I’ll be supporting you with equipment and medicine from the exorcist shop!”
Later on, Rin says he’s really worried about Shiemi.  Just then Shura comes in and says she drank too much and wants some water.  Rin asks if it’s okay that she hasn’t gone home at this hour and she says she lives there on the second floor.  Yukio asks “Didn’t you know?” and Rin replies that he didn’t.  Shura says “You guys are 16 years old now” and says that she should give them a present since she’s dressed like Santa.  Then she drops a bombshell on them by telling them that she met their mother once…and her name was Yuri Egin.  Yukio practically yells at her “How did you know her!?  And why did you wait until now…”  She replies that it wasn’t a big deal and that she only spent a little time with her.  She asks them if they want to hear it, and while Yukio is very adamant that he does, Rin agrees in a very disinterested way.  
18 years ago, Shirou had brought her to Yuri asking for a favor.  He asked her to do something with Shura (because she stank) and that he didn’t know what to do because she was a girl.  Yuri gave her a bath and told her that her red hair was beautiful.  She found her some clothes while Shirou grumbled about picking her up during his mission and that Mephisto said he was stuck with her since the institution was full.  Yuri makes them food and Shirou asks Yuri if she can take care of Shura, and that if she can’t, he’ll have to put her in an asylum.  Shura screams “NO!!” and grabs onto him.  Yuri laughs and says that he’ll regret it if he lets her go.  Shirou is taken aback but then Yuri asks her if she wants to live there with them.  “Shirou would be your father, and I would be your mother…doesn’t that sound fun?”  Shirou then says “…that doesn’t sound fun.  Don’t make such stupid jokes, you perverted woman” (he’s really kind of cruel here).  Yuri just says “I guess you’re right, even though it would be wonderful”.  Shura says “your mother was a wonderful, kind, beautiful woman” and that she could never match up with her in her entire life.  She says that Rin has her eyes, and that Yukio has her facial moles.  That’s the entire story, and she tells them happy birthday and leaves.  
Later, Yukio asks Rin if he’s awake, and what he thought of the story.  He says he’s glad to know her name and what kind of person she was.  Yukio then asks him if he wants to know the details of their birth.  Yukio says “I want to know how I was born and why it’s a secret”.  He then says to Rin “…you still don’t see any need to find out, do you?”  and Rin replies “that’s right”.  Rin sits up and says “It’s obviously not a happy story, and nothing good will come out of knowing about it.  It’s enough for me to find out on our birthday that our mother was a beautiful and kind person.”  He then says he has to pee, and Yukio suddenly screams at him “Don’t fuck around!!  What birthday!  We don’t even know when we were really born!!!  Even though you run off as usual without ever thinking, why…why are you so half-hearted!  Which one of us is really afraid!!!!”
And that’s the end for this month.  Wow, Yukio really loses it in this chapter.  Nice to find out some backstory on their mother, although I feel like Shirou and Yuri have some history going on for him to treat her like that.  I’m glad that Rin asked Shiemi straight up if she was dying, but that just leaves us with the bigger question on why she’s leaving.  That’s it for this month, I may or may not write up a review of this chapter depending on time constraints.  Enjoy!
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