#n now i'm staring down ye olde Bb playlist like. 'do i *need* to save these vibes?
hua-fei-hua · 1 year
i'm finally importing the last of my playlists to my new mp3 player (bc i have been lazy otherwise lol), n on one hand, i feel okay just letting some of them vanish into the aether forever, but on the other hand, the tiny archivist in me wants to at least keep an xml file for nostalgia purposes
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jinxthequeergirl · 5 years
Promise I'm Not Slipping Away (pt.1)
Poe Dameron x Solo! Reader
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Summary: You are placed in charge of finding the map to skywalker over your brother but it doesn't necessarily last long
Warning: swearing,idk star wars stuff basically?
Song: From the Pinnacle to the pit: by Ghost (PINSA Playlist X )
You walked down the path holding yourself high as you did so. Earning a look from the masked man who already stood at the end of the path.
"Y/n, how nice of you to join kylo and myself." You stared up at the image of snoke that towered in front of both of you. "Of course sir."
"I would like to congratulate you." He stated. Both you and your brother tensed up in confusion. "I...uh...Con...Congratulate me sir?"
"It was you who lead the last raid? And you who's idea it was to begin with? Was it not?"
You cleared your throat and stood up straight. "Yes..yes sir it was me."
"Very good! Because of your excellent lead we have more information than we could have hoped! I would like you to lead the next mission...Hux has all the information please find him and begin making arrangments."
"Yes sir!"
"You are dismissed!" You nodded again and turned quickly on your heels exiting the room.
"What about me sir?" You heard kylo ask as you headed for the door.
"You are also dismissed Ren." Kylo made a sound as if ready to speak but snoke cut him off.
"I simply needed you to see how your sister is thriving above you! She alone has taken the first order above and beyond! and strikes fear into the hearts of those who hear her name! All while you...what!?... sit around expecting the work to be done for you!?"
Kylo said nothing clutching his fists tightly. "Now leave me!" Snoke demanded.
Kylo stormed from the room thundering through the halls. And with in moments found himself tearing apart one of the rooms. Slashing and cutting through anything and everything in the room with his light saber.
"Awe poor big brother...things didn't go your way?" You mocked from the door way. He growled and turned to you throwing his helmet. You held a hand out stopping it mid air. "Really Kylo? Are you five? Because you are acting like a child!" You hissed lowering your hands allowing the piece of metal to move closer to you and land in the palm of your hands.
"I Am NOT a child!" He started angrily storming towards you. "You forget yourself little sister! You forget who was there to show you the way! Who saved you from being left alone Or killed? You forget I saved you from our parents! I saved you from Skywalker! If it wasn't for ME! you would be nothing but a lost CHILD!"
You looked at him with an almost unimpressed and bored look, Almost. He could see you felt the truth in his words by the way you avoided his gaze.
You let out a breath turning his helmet over in your hands. "Well...that all may be true Brother. But that doesn't change the fact that I am the one in charge of YOU! So if you are done throwing a tantrum." You pushed his helmet into his hands and turning to leave the door frame.
"You are more than welcome to include yourself while Hux and I make the arrangements for our next task." You walked down the hall briskly disappearing around the corner.
"Poe Dameron!" The old man smiled as the younger dark haired man stepped inside of the tent. "It's good to see you! Please have a seat." He nodded with a smile and sat down across from the man as offered.
A small orange droid rolled up and stayed besides him. "So..do you have it?" The old man smiled and pulled a small bag from beside himself.
"Took a helluva lot to get it." He handed it over to poe. Who was quick to open the bag and pull out the contents. A little piece of silver metal fell from the bag and into the palm of his hand. "So this is it?" He asked.
"Sure is...promise you won't let it fall into the wring hands." Poe grinned and closed his hand around it. "It's safe with the resistance."
Before another word could be muttered or even thought of a loud crash followed by a few screams filled the air outside of the tent.
The droid beside poe let out a string of deeps and whirs. "Yea I know BB." He leaned forward opening a compartment on the droid placing the metal inside and sliding it shut. The three of them left the tent in time enough to see several storm troopers shooting almost anyone and everyone they saw.
"Let's go BB-8!" He said quickly and the two of them moved fast over the sandy area in an attempt to make it back to the ship they had arrived on. They both dove behind a large pile of scraps in hopes to not be seen.
Poe peered over the edge trying to devise a plan in his head. As he did he watched a larger ship land and two figures dressed in black step off followed by more troopers.
Two of the already established group of storm troopers dragged the old man behind them presenting him to the two in black.
The smaller of the pair stepped forward drawing a yellow light saber and pointing it at the mans neck. "Where is it?" He could hear her say.
"Where is what?"
"Don't play Dumb with me old man, the map I want it!" She spit. And the old man winced as a sign that she had moved the saber closer to his neck threatening to cut it.
"I have no idea!" He cried out, sobbing now he begged and attempted to convince the pair.
Suddenly there was a flash of red and silence. Poe turned away pressing his back against the pile shutting his eyes tight.
"I want the entire area swept and searched! No one leaves until we have what we came for! Leave no rock unturned, no person unquestioned until we have it!"
"Yes ma'am"
Poe turned turned to his droid "Alright when i say so we make a break for it?" the BB unit beeped in response and poe stood ready to run. He heard clunky footsteps approach and placed a hand around his blaster.
"Ready....." He whispered.
You tensed up lifting your head from the pleading alien in front of you.
"What is it?" You heard Kylo ask from beside you. You turned away from him looking out at the shadowed area of the dessert.
"And...NOW BB GO!" the droid took off and as it did so poe turned around and shot a trooper before it could reach him. He took off only to stop mid stride.
You smirked at him. "Shit..."
You pulled him across the deserts floor the toes of his boots dragging across the sand until he reached you.
You dropped him and two troopers grabbed his shoulder forcing him to his knees infront of you and your brother. You knelt down in front of him. "You know where it is...don't you?"
He smirked at you. "Ah I would be more than happy to tell you....but i just met you for an answer like that i would require a couple dinners at least...even then...you'd be disappointed." He couldn't necessarily see your face do to the dark hood you wore but he could tell you weren't having it.
You stood up waving your hand in front if his face and instantly his eyes sgut and his head lulled forward. "Bring him a bored, finish up here we have what we need."
You turned and headed back to your ship kylo following behind you. "what are we doing with the pilot?" He asked watching the troopers drag his limp body abored.
"You found it necessary to kill the fist one...though we could have gotten much more from him. So you piece together why I'm keeping the pilot." You said sharply before moving away from him.
Tagging!: so no one asked to be tagged cause i didn’t put a thing out asking but if you where tagged uhhh you where very enthusiastic about this so i hope you enjoyed!
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