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imma-bunni · 2 months ago
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Fox/Huli Jing Wei Wuxian! <3 This design is actually based on a fanfiction that I'm writing (my first ever!) \(°♡°)/
I don't have any kind of time frame for when it might be readable, but I do plan to post it on AO3 at some point! It's about a fox wwx (obviously) who ends up saving a certain cultivator in a pinch, gets whomped by a monster and then taken care of by said cultivator (all while in fox form) and then shenanigans and shape shifting reveals and all that good stuff! ♡
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delmonicovfidelia · 2 months ago
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moonwoodhollow · 8 months ago
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Griselda Oreolo - a vampire origin story in 5 parts (I-II-III-IV-V)) a Venetian Aristocrat vampire for @thebramblewood
[muffled scratching and knocking]
Griselda: I had always thought I'd awake in paradise once I'd died...
... but instead, I found myself buried alive in a coffin. I didn't know what was happening. I remembered that I had died but somehow I wasn't dead.
When I finally escaped the confines of the coffin, I realised I was in my family's crypt.
I was scared and so sure someone had made a mistake in bringing me to this place, which was filled with the bones of my ancestors.
At that moment, I didn't know how wrong I was, but I would find out soon, very soon.
To be continued.
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theroyalsims · 2 months ago
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Happy Winterfest!
The Royal Family surprised their loyal subjects to a brand new family portrait to celebrate the holidays!
The whole family stunned, especially the ladies, who wore shades of blue. Although there was no tiara sighting for this year's portrait, there was still no shortage of diamonds, thanks to Anya's diamond fringe earrings, Ingrid's massive diamond and pearl brooch, and the queen's dazzling necklace.
Front and centre next to The Queen and Prince Jacques are the newlyweds, who recently celebrated their 6-month wedding milestone! How time flies!
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(Above: Prince Gus and Crown Princess Anya looked beautiful together in matching blue outfits. The couple recently marked their half-year anniversary as husband and wife.)
Glaringly absent, however, are the Harvelles. Although it might not be as dramatic as people make it out to be. An official statement from the Palace reveals that the Earl and Countess, along with their tiny tot, Lady Ella, are currently on a ski vacation overseas, and simply missed the picture-taking appointment:
"Their Highnesses are abroad on a private skiing holiday, and were unable to make it to the photo session."
We were hoping to see Lady Ella's official portrait debut! Maybe for New Year's, the Family will share another snap?
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venusiansim · 1 year ago
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Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive! - Sir Walter Scott, 1808
Special thanks to these creators: @backtrack-cc @seoulsoul-sims @daylifesims
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sheiireen · 3 days ago
Chapter 9 'Fuel to Fire' is up:
Summary: Izuku Midoriya is an earl from a wealthy family. When his uncle decides to name Izuku as his successor under the condition of an arranged marriage, Izuku meets the butler named Katsuki Bakugou, who will serve under him from now on. Izuku wants to befriend the mysterious boy despite his attempts of evading the young earl. Little does he know that Katsuki harbors more secrets than Izuku could comprehend and that the world he knows is about to change forever.
The wind is blowing. Izuku is staring into the distance, only a bright blue sky visible. His own reflection is clear on the ground. It feels like water. A strong wind blows and forces his eyes shut. When he opens them again, flower petals are dancing in the wind and guiding Izuku through the vast nothingness until he sees the shadow of a person in the distance. It's Katsuki. His back is turned as the flower petals begin to surround him. Izuku runs up to him, but he can't move from his position, no matter how hard he tries. He wants to speak, but his voice doesn't come out. Finally, Katsuki turns around. Some words are uttered, but they don't reach Izuku's ears. He watches how Katsuki jumps into the water.
Izuku wakes up, one arm in the air.
It happened again.
Izuku went through some papers and stopped at one sheet – a request by Katsuki to be absent for another day. It came as no surprise to Izuku after he was woken up by another servant this morning.
“It everything alright, Izuku?” All Might asked, who was sealing some letters at the opposite side of the study.
“I didn't know Kacchan would be away again today. He didn't notify me.”
All Might sighed softly. “...I didn't ask what his plans were, but he did say he wanted to pick up your finished portrait and order some fabric for the upcoming ball.”
Izuku's eyes twitched. Katsuki never mentioned the day he was going to get his painting done, did he purposely leave out Izuku to go by himself? The image of Katsuki alone with the painter in a setting as intimate as painting left him uneasy.
He exhaled to calm down and pinpoint the reason of his frustration. He could hear Katsuki's voice in his head saying that some days would be like this. It was not like Katsuki had to be stuck with Izuku throughout the whole day, right? Katsuki had other obligations as head butler, especially when a huge ball needed a lot of planning. It would be unreasonable to have Katsuki stand next to him while Izuku was signing contracts when Katsuki needed to work on other things at the same time. He was mature enough to understand that.
But still.
The fact that he didn't ask Izuku to join bothered him. He just left. When Izuku could have accompanied him. A strange feeling made its way into Izuku's head. What if he was tired of Izuku? Or angry at him? He tried to recall if he did anything to upset the other, but he couldn't find anything. Did he have a secret lover he wanted to see without Izuku knowing? Maybe he-
“You're mumbling, Izuku.” All Might said, amused.
“O- oh! Sorry.” Izuku scratched the back of his head.
“I didn't hear what it was about, but it sounds like something is bothering you.”
Izuku laughed awkwardly. He couldn't tell his uncle about his thoughts.
“Um...I was wondering about the new arrangements. How are we going to deal with my father?”
“We will offer him a new deal.”
“But he was so determined. I've rarely seen him like that.” Izuku recalled.
All Might walked up to Izuku and gave him a reassuring pat on his shoulder. “What he wants is more land and resources. I even convinced him to let his son go, no?”
Izuku nodded. “You...had to give up a lot for me.” Izuku remembered going through the negotiations between his uncle and father out of curiosity after the incident in Musutafu. He hadn't known how much All Might gave up to have Izuku by his side. He lost so much land and money - all things he had built up in his life.
“And I will give him more if he refrains from his new goal. What I care about is that you are here, Izuku.”
A warm feeling spread in Izuku. He tried to avoid the negative thoughts, but he hadn't proved himself to his uncle, yet. How could he make him proud? Did he deserve his kindness? Izuku felt warm tears fall from his face. His uncle's kind heart and Izuku's guilty conscience were too much for Izuku, too overwhelming. With a soft smile, All Might hugged him.
“Your mother would be proud of the person you've become.”
The grand ball was approaching and Izuku still wasn't able to play all the piano pieces his father chose for the opening performance. He accidentally pressed the wrong key again and stopped. A loud, cluster sound echoed through the room as he slammed his hands down the piano keys. So what if couldn't play all songs? Wouldn't two pieces be enough? It's not like he was joining a competition. He didn't even pick the songs himself.
Closing the sheet music book, he decided to play a different tune, his own composition. All his thoughts and worries left his mind in form of music resonating in the halls. Letting himself indulge in his own sadness strangely consoled him. It was comforting. Izuku played the last notes and slowed down for the final chords.
When Izuku decided to conclude his practice he didn't expect to see a familiar face in the hall. Leaning on the door, with his arms crossed, Katsuki stared at him with an unreadable expression.
“The last one was my favourite.”
Izuku was flustered. When did he arrive? Did he see his angry tantrum? Why was he here anyway?
“Weren't you in town?” Izuku's voice came out quiet. It was awkward. Somehow it felt like they had been in a fight.
Katsuki shrugged. “I just picked up some stuff. We want to unveil your portrait, wanna come?”
Izuku nodded and quietly followed him to the gallery where All Might stood with a few servants. Izuku positioned himself next to his uncle while Katsuki removed the red veil covering the painting. Some servants gasped at the details. There were a lot of gold details on his cape and in the background, giving the art piece an elegant touch – he almost looked royal. Izuku didn't know how to feel. It was strange seeing his own painting. Katsuki was the only one not awe-struck, instead, a frown formed on his face.
Compared to his uncles' other portraits and art pieces in the gallery, his title under the portrait only included his name and title because he had no accomplishments to add.
All Might spoke first. “This is a fine first portrait, don't you think? Hopefully, we can add more in the future.”
Izuku gave him an awkward smile before his uncle and the other servants left. Katsuki was still trying to apply his title on the wall below the portrait. Izuku knew that the painting didn't look exactly like him, so he wasn't surprised that Katsuki was disappointed. “You don't like it.” Izuku said.
Katsuki turned around and blinked. “When did I say I didn't like it?”
“You looked unhappy when you unveiled it.”
Katsuki's eyes went up to the painting. “He forgot some details. Like here.” He gestured to Izuku's cheeks.
“My freckles?”
Katsuki gave him a slight nod.
“I told him to leave it out. I...didn't want to look soft and weak.”
Rolling his eyes, Katsuki scoffed. “Did your father tell you that?”
Izuku's eyes widened in surprise before he answered. “Yes.” Ever since he was little.
“He's probably just jealous because they look nice.”
Izuku couldn't tell if it was from the flicker of the candles, but Katsuki's eyes looked the softest he had ever seen.
A sudden urge to touch his cheeks filled Izuku. They felt warm. No one had ever told him his freckles are pretty and he never expected Katsuki to be the first person to do so.
“Thanks...” Izuku hated how insecure his voice came out. Katsuki stared at him, but kept his distance as his gaze went back to the painting. “He captured your eyes well, though.”
After analyzing more details in silence, Izuku spoke. “Did he get his wish granted?”
Katsuki seemed confused and didn't answer.
“Did he get to draw your painting?”
“Oh that? Not yet. I just picked yours up. But he is an interesting person. My guts tell me if he started to trust us, he might open up about the things he avoided mentioning. I will stay on his case.”
“Next time you go, inform me.” When Izuku said that, Katsuki's eyes twitched. He hesitated before he talked. “Our schedules don't always align. I doubt you can join me.”
Katsuki was right. With the ball approaching, Izuku's practices were longer and more challenging.
“You're not even telling me when you are leaving the house.”
“Do I have to?”
Izuku saw irritation grow in Katsuki's crimson eyes.
“I would at least like to know where you are.” What he didn't add is how he hated the thought of Katsuki meeting the painter. They don't know whether he was an ally or villain and Izuku couldn't help the anxiety rising in him whenever Katsuki wasn't here.
“What if I don't want to? Are you going to punish me?” The tension around them grew. Katsuki provoked Izuku on purpose, his voice low and challenging.
For a few seconds, Izuku was speechless. Why was the issue important enough to trigger Katsuki? Why did he exclude Izuku on purpose? Was he right about his assumptions?
Izuku swallowed away his pride. “Did I do something to hurt you?” He looked for any signs of truth in Katsuki's eyes, but only saw a hint of discomfort in them.
“No. You didn't do anything wrong.” Katsuki almost whispered. He closed his eyes and turned around. “I need to work now.”
Izuku hated how it felt like they were at the beginning of their relationship again. When Katsuki hid behind the wall. All that after Izuku showed him that he could open up in front of him and be his real self. It hurt.
Izuku tried to hold him back by reaching out his arm, but Katsuki was too fast. He was leaving again. Stop. He recalled what Eijirou said to him. Don't let him go, he had said. It felt like he was slipping away. His mind went back to the strange dream he had. Katsuki walked further and further away and Izuku started to run towards him. Don't go.
“Kacchan! Please wait.”
He didn't slow down.
“Kacchan! Stop! It's an order.”
His last sentence instantly halted Katsuki. The words echoed in the air. Before turning around, Katsuki clenched his fists and straightened his back. A stabbing pain went through Izuku's body when he noticed Katsuki's dull expression. Silence filled the air for a while before Katsuki spoke.
“...As you wish, master. From now on, I will report my absences to you.”
Biting his lips, Izuku's shoulders drooped.
“I didn't-”
“You have every right to do that. If there is nothing else you need, I will take my leave now.” With a bow, Katsuki left.
The pain was suffocating. Angry tears forced their way into Katsuki's eyes, but he shook his head to stop them. In the end, Izuku was no different from other nobles. He gave him an order and used his position on Katsuki. He was just like them. Katsuki scoffed when he passed the gallery and stopped at Izuku's portrait.
But he isn't like them.
Deep down, he knew that. Izuku was special – all the time, he had made sure their relationship was one of equals. He had always asked for Katsuki's opinion or permission first, no matter what issue. But not today. His heart was burning. It was scary, the power Izuku had over him. How he controlled him. Just a few angry words and frustration expressed wrongly, and Katsuki's inside was torn apart. Being in love with a human sucked.
His hand hovered over the painting. He looked so regal, so kind and powerful. His eyes were alive, but nothing compared to the real Izuku.
He felt bad for confusing the other. Could he even blame him for today? Katsuki was the one who put a distance between them first. He was still trying to figure out how his emotions worked.
Being with Izuku was unbearable, but being apart was excruciating.
He didn't know what to do about his despair either.
Why couldn't he fall in love like a normal person? What others felt, he felt ten times more - ten times worse. For people so strong, vampires were truly pathetic when it came to love. How could mere words feel like stab wounds?
Katsuki put his hand away from the painting and went into his room to get a brush and paint. With small movements, he carefully pressed small dots on the cheeks of Izuku's portrait. He took one step back to check his work before putting the brush down. It was perfect now.
Strangely, he felt calm again.
Taking a deep breath, he decided to focus on work. He went into the kitchen and instructed the other servants what to cook. Then he walked into the garden to rearrange some flowers and back into the kitchen. The clock told him it was almost time for Izuku's dance practice and Katsuki went towards the hall to pick up Izuku's dance teacher and lead him to his next lesson in the ball room. What he didn't expect was to see Melissa next to the instructor. He wasn't notified of her arrival.
“The next choreography is more challenging than the others so I decided to teach both partners together, if you don't mind.” The teacher explained.
“That's fine.” Katsuki said while another unfamiliar feeling made its way into his heart. They followed Katsuki to the room, where Izuku was expecting them already by the windowsill with a letter in his lap. When he noticed their arrival, his eyes went straight to Katsuki before putting his pen away. Izuku moved towards the door and Katsuki bowed slightly and left, unable to look at Izuku's hurt eyes.
Normally, Katsuki would stay during his lessons, but his heart started racing again. It was suffocating. He still couldn't pinpoint the cause of his attacks. Without warning, his feelings became too intense. The red trail appeared once more and he shut his eyes close.
As he walked down the stairs, his mind went through the emotions his body felt and he tried to recall when it hurt the most. The distant music from the ball room made him imagine how Izuku was holding Melissa's hand right now, his other hand firmly on her back. Both too close to each other as they moved together in synch.
His chest tightened in an instant and Katsuki laughed quietly. Was jealousy what caused this?
Gross. He wasn't even allowed to feel jealous. Izuku didn't belong to him.
If that was the source of his intense pain, he will just have to convince his body to keep away from Izuku. Addiction can be cured with strong will, right? He will admire Izuku from afar until at one point, he will stop loving him.
It will be alright.
Maybe the distance Izuku created today was good. Maybe it will help him get rid of the pain. He could make Izuku hate him, that would be the easiest way. But what would he tell him? How his kindness bothered him? That he hated his noble personality? That he despised how he snuck into Katsuki's life and made him miserable?
None of that was Izuku's fault, but his mind cleared up as Katsuki realized that all along, this was what he was scared of. Maybe he knew from the very beginning that Izuku would ruin him by destroying the walls he had carefully built around him.
Katsuki opened the shelf in his room and took out one of the blood candies. With trembling hands he swallowed one. Not long after, nausea crept up as he forced the blood down. If his body rejected it again, he'd die soon. His hunger was becoming unbearable. It's okay. I'll be fine. These feelings will pass. My body will not deny this blood. The same words kept repeating in his mind, but his throbbing head made him lose focus. A knock on his door made him swallow hard. Not now, he pleaded as a crimson strings appeared in the air. He tried to force his fangs back but he was unable to fight his instincts away.
“Kacchan? Are you in there?” A soft voice asked.
Katsuki tried to clear his throat, hoping to hide the panic in his voice. “Go away, Deku.” He sounded more aggressive than he intended.
“I just wanted to talk. Can I come in?”
Katsuki wiped his tears away. “Leave. I don't have anything to say.”
Izuku didn't budge and Katsuki felt his hands moving on their own, forcing his body towards the tempting smell behind the door. He tried to hold them back with all his strength. “I said go away!”
Izuku hesitated. “...Can I at least give you something?” His voice was still soft. It was soothing. Katsuki took a deep breath and closed his eyes, hoping he wouldn't choke on his words. “Hurry the fuck up.” He opened the door and held onto it firmly to stop any sudden movements from his body. Izuku's eyes were glassy and he had a letter firmly pressed against his chest. He blinked once when the door swung open and analyzed Katsuki's appearance, but didn't speak when he handed Katsuki the letter, who quickly snatched it and said “now fuck off! I don't want to see you. Go and live your life as a prince or whatever, but leave me alone!” With more force than necessary, he pushed the door shut as he quickly hurried back into his room. What he didn't expect was for Izuku to hold it open with his foot. That stubborn asshole.
He wanted to scream, but all his anger vanished when he noticed tears falling down from Izuku's face. “I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to use my power over you, but I don't know what to do.”
Katsuki took shallow breaths.
“With each day, you look more exhausted and I'm worried about you, but you're not letting me help. Don't push me away, Kacchan.”
Izuku's sadness made Katsuki's heart drop and a sudden pang of pain made him fall to his knees. Did Izuku's emotions cause Katsuki's attacks? He chuckled. Everything was so dumb. It was hard to focus with Izuku's scent all around him. He didn't even register Izuku running up to his side. How foolish of him, didn't he realize he was Katsuki's prey right now?
He pushed Izuku to the ground and with tears in his eyes, Katsuki swallowed hard. “You need to run.”
That was the last thing he said before he bit into Izuku's neck.
The bite was more intense than his usual ones, but Izuku didn't mind. The pain was the last thing on his mind. Katsuki held Izuku's body with strength that can only be described as animalistic, like he had to make sure his prey wouldn't escape. Izuku felt Katsuki's trembling hands on his body. Even after he stopped sucking his blood and his eyes returned to their normal state, his breath was shallow. A trail of blood was dripping from Katsuki's lips and unshed tears filled his eyes. “I- I'm still hungry. I can-t-” He choked on his words.
He was clearly still struggling with his instincts. Looking at Katsuki's guilt-ridden face, Izuku realized that he didn't care what happened to himself, as long as he helped Katsuki feel better.
“Tell me what to do.” Izuku whispered.
“You have to hold me back.” Katsuki pleaded.
Izuku reached out a hand to wipe away the blood on Katsuki's face. “But you look so beautiful with my blood on your lips.”
His hand softly trailed Katsuki's cheek. A pause followed, in which only Katsuki's shallow breaths were the only sound in the room. Then, Katsuki's eyes glanced at Izuku's lips and back to his eyes. They were full of desire, but unlike with his predatory instincts, they looked softer, yet at the same time more desperate. He leaned in, Izuku gulped and did the same. The kiss was soft and warm and tasted like blood. In that moment, he wanted nothing more than feel Katsuki's sweet intoxicating scent. Katsuki began to kiss him more eagerly and Izuku gladly allowed him to slip his tongue in. He slipped one hand under Katsuki's shirt and with the other, he pulled the blond closer. Izuku felt Katsuki's tongue on his neck and instantly closed his eyes. He soon lost track of all the places Katsuki's lips had touched on his body. Pulling his chin up with one hand, Izuku started kissing Katsuki again, while his other hand guided him to his bed. He gently pushed Katsuki onto it and blew out the candle.
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kerkosims · 1 month ago
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arya aged up, and became inseparable with aiden, ellyn met sidney's son and he proposed. their new blended family moved in with hopes to keep growing.
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thesimselfsworld · 24 days ago
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amanyxia · 2 years ago
Too paranoid to let people get close to me anymore.
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yeganekelimelercik · 2 months ago
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Bir yaş daha gülüp geçsin,
Çiçekli günler getirsin.
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paws-of-the-quill · 11 months ago
Alcohol and Assassins don’t mix
Jacob had recently moved into your apartment. He was still adjusting to 2024 but he was making progress. However some things never change.
You walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge early in the morning to consider what to make for your breakfast. Only to find… your cat?
“Myst? What are you doing here?” You ask the small fluffy grey cat. She looked like she wanted to commit manslaughter with a truck. She meowed angryily and jumped from the inside of the fridge.
Then you heard him.
“Here kitty, kitty” he sounded a mix of deranged and tired
You tiptoed into the living room. Jacob sprawled was on the floor surrounded by…. Beer bottles? You knew he drank but this was a little much. Jacob then grabbed the milk jug….?
“ Come on kitty……. I love you kitty……” he said as he dragged the milk jug towards him. “I love you kitty and then he squeezed the milk jug in a tight hug.
The milk jug spewed everywhere.
“NOOOOOOO!!!!KITTTY!!!!!!” Jacob began to sob. He got up and you hoped your boyfriend would come to his senses and clean up the mess. You were wrong.
“Y/N!!! Y/N!!! Kitty died!!! He had drunkenly walked over the beer bottles by some miracle and didn’t trip. Now he was skating you vonliently.
“Jacob that’s the milk jug. Myst is over there. “ you pointed over to Myst you looked ready to kill Jacob and then explode with anger. She was smacking her fluffy tail against the ground.
He stopped shaking you “No, that’s the milk. Why is it on the ground…… I MUST BURY KITTY“ he then let go and then marched over to the milk jug. Then he marched outside with a shovel.
—15 min later—
“KITTY YOU WERE BEUITUFUL!” Jacob sobbed as if he lost Evie. How he managed to burry the milk jug and not harm himself was beyond you. He was now on top of “kitty’s” grave in the fetal position.
And now he’s asleep. Myst don’t kill him..
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moonwoodhollow · 7 months ago
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Griselda Oreolo - a vampire origin story in 5 parts (I-II-III-IV-V) a Venetian Aristocrat vampire for @thebramblewood
Griselda: Even though the events from that night are supposed to be nothing more than distant memories, I feel like it only happened yesterday.
Some say that you'll never really forget your first kill, I find that to be true. I still vividly remember the fear in her eyes...
... her laboured breath as she tried to scramble away...
... her desperate pleas as she realised how hopeless her situation was...
... and finally...
... the sounds she made when I killed her.
I had never felt so powerful before and at that moment I truly realised I had been reborn.
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theroyalsims · 4 months ago
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Where should a Prince and Princess live? In a palace, of course, and the Queen seems to agree! Her Majesty gifted the royal newlyweds a lavish 112-room palace, located right in the heart of the country.
Several reports confirm that Her Majesty has handed over the keys of the magnificent Mulberry Palace to Gus and Anya! The impressive 270-year old Palace is among the privately-owned residences of the Royal Family.
Located in Brindlebridge, Mulberry Palace sits within Mulberry Park and boasts acres upon acres of land, complete with scenic views and thriving wildlife - perfect for outdoorsy Anya and Gus.
It also has a reflecting pool, a grand fountain, formal gardens, perfectly manicured lawns, and a detached observatory! We can only imagine the upkeep, because the property also boasts five kitchens, two ballrooms, an indoor pool, and even a bowling alley!
But as Palaces go, it's apparently on the "smaller" side, and the Queen thought it would be a great training ground, a "starter palace" of sorts, for the future Queen and her consort. A royal expert shares:
"Mulberry is a stunning property, and while its vast grounds and a hundred something rooms are certainly impressive, it's on the smaller scale, as palaces go. For context, Brindleton Palace has over 800 rooms, and Briar Palace - the Queen's country retreat - boasts over 600 rooms. But, again, that's not to diminish Mulberry in any way. I've been fortunate enough to visit, and its art collection alone will make your jaw drop. It may be small, but it's incredibly luxurious. It's big without being too big, and I think Her Majesty recognises its potential as the perfect setting to raise a young family... a starter palace, so to speak."
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The Queen also reportedly thought that the property would be perfect for Gus and Anya, who are both very active and love the outdoors. The expert further spills:
"It has all the modern luxuries anyone could want, and since Mulberry is a private residence, they can also explore the grounds in peace, without the nosy public prying and taking photos. This is a great place to relax and unwind for those two. I can already see Anya riding her horses, and Gus going on a run around the Palace grounds."
The wedding gift came in a little late, because, apparently, some minor renovations and improvements had to be done to ensure that everything is in tip-top shape for Their Royal Highnesses.
No news yet on whether Gus and Anya will be calling Mulberry their official residence. Currently, the lovebirds reside in Agneau House, and their office is also based there, too.
But seeing as Mulberry Palace is a long drive from the city (about three hours by car), we're guessing they'll continue to stay in Agneau and spend their holidays in Mulberry. Guess we'll have to see!
'Grats on the new digs, Your Royal Highnesses! When's the housewarming party, and are we invited?
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venusiansim · 11 months ago
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More from this day
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sheiireen · 3 months ago
Chapter 5 'Blood Moon' is up:
Summary: Izuku Midoriya is an earl from a wealthy family. When his uncle decides to name Izuku as his successor under the condition of an arranged marriage, Izuku meets the butler named Katsuki Bakugou, who will serve under him from now on. Izuku wants to befriend the mysterious boy despite his attempts of evading the young earl. Little does he know that Katsuki harbors more secrets than Izuku could comprehend and that the world he knows is about to change forever.
“Rise and shine, princess.” Izuku woke up to the sound of the curtains being moved and a sudden bright light hitting his eyes. Katsuki stood in front of the big, bright window, wearing his tailcoat and hair slicked back - in other words, he looked ready for the day. Izuku slowly rose from his bed and checked his pocket watch when he realized he overslept.
“I talked to your uncle about the problems in the town while you were sleeping. I don't know when he will return, but he has left a letter with your schedule for the upcoming days.” He handed Izuku the letter. “You will be announced heir in three days. Until then, you have to complete these tasks.” The lengthy list Katsuki pulled out included a lot of tasks Izuku didn't want to do, so he threw himself back to his bed. “Let me sleep for five more minutes?”
Katsuki pulled the blanket away.
“Get your ass up. Is this how you want to make me acknowledge you?” He mimicked Izuku's tone from the day before. Izuku rose up promptly, making a fist. “I'm completely awake and ready for the day!” Katsuki snorted, shaking his head.
While Katsuki helped Izuku with his ribbons and accessories of his outfit for the day, he asked Katsuki about All Might's reaction to the news. “You should have woken me up, it's not fair that you talked to him by yourself.”
“You can talk to him once he's back. A tailor for your new suit will be here soon. Now hurry up and eat your breakfast, there is a lot of annoying stuff to do today.” Katsuki was clearly trying to change the topic, because there were many things Izuku wanted to discuss with All Might and for that, he needed information from Katsuki. Three days left. He would finally be adopted by his uncle. Would Izuku be assigned a new butler? Did Katsuki tell All Might about their fight? What did they agree on? The letter didn't mention any of the questions Izuku was dying to know the answers to – answers he wouldn't get from his butler. He probably let Izuku oversleep on purpose.
“Oh come on, don't sulk.” Katsuki rolled his eyes. “I just told him what we have observed. He will be here for your ceremony anyway, it's not like he will be gone for a while.”
“Sir, I think a burgundy colored suit would be a nice option for you.” The tailor put a piece of fabric to Izuku's face. He took out another piece of fabric. “Hm...or maybe dark gray?”
“Whichever you think fits best, I trust your skills.” The man was delighted at the friendly tone Izuku replied with. “I will certainly create the best for you, Sir. What about accessories? I think this golden hair clip would look perfect in your hair.”
“I'd like to keep it simple, please.” Izuku glanced to Katsuki who was standing by the door every now and then to see if he'd give a nod of approval, but his face was so expressionless that it was hard to read. While the tailor noted down Izuku's measurements and pinned some fabrics together, Izuku slowly walked towards Katsuki.
“Do you want a new suit, too, Kacchan? I think a red jacket would suit you well.”
“I don't need one. What are you doing here? Go back to your couturier.” He angrily whispered back with a raised eyebrow. Noble etiquette could be tough, but the tailor was busy right now and Izuku didn't think he was doing anything rude by moving away from his spot. It's been almost an hour of picking outfits and fabrics and Izuku felt the tiredness of standing in one spot in his legs. “Can we go into the garden for a bit after we finish this?”
“You have a meeting with a jewelier right after.” The answer was not what Izuku hoped to hear. Wasn't Katsuki tired from standing around? “You can have a break, Kacchan. I can handle the next meeting alone.” He smiled.
“Do I look tired or something?” Katsuki muttered angrily. Izuku shook his head. If he said that he wanted Katsuki to relax around him he would probably misunderstand his intentions again, but he didn't have the chance to reply anyway because the courturier cleared his throat to signal that he was finished. “If my work is a bore, you may say that, Sir. I will try to be more entertaining next time.” Izuku held out his hands in defense. “No- I was just tired from last night and had to move around a bit. I'm sorry if I offended you! That was not my intention.”
The tailor's expression softened. “Well then. I will send my assistant with the finished suit tomorrow.” With a bow, the man left with a servant who accompanied him to the main gate. Once Katsuki closed the door, he said “told you so. They find offence in everything.”
Izuku sat down on a wing chair. “I really need to be careful my manners. What if he cancelled the order? We only have two days left.”
“Lucky for you, the dark circles around your eyes are so convincing that he had to believe you.”
Izuku looked for a mirror and checked for himself. He did look tired, but staying up was worth every second and he didn't regret it at all. Compared to him, Katsuki's face looked flawless.
“Aren't you tired from standing all the time?” Izuku asked.
A knock on the door announced the arrival of the jewelier, who entered the room with several assistants carrying boxes. The assistants left after they set up everything. “Take your time, Sir. I hope our collections are to your liking.”
Izuku was told to pick a gift for his future fiancee. The jewelier was a travelling merchant famous around the countries for his distinct collection. Not many have the honor of getting an appointment with him, as he was also known for never visiting a city twice and he was particular about his customers, so Izuku was eager to see the goods from all around the world with his own eyes. The room was filled with not only earrings, rings, necklaces, but also unique armors for soldiers and weapons adorned with jewels and gold. The man bowed whenever he started to explain where he purchased some items of his collection. It was nice to listen to his stories, but Izuku found it strange to buy something for a person he had never met before. He didn't even know what she liked. Did she wear earrings? A necklace would probably be the safest option. While Izuku picked out three necklaces for a closer inspection, the merchant walked up to Katsuki and pulled him by his arms. “Why are you standing there? Take a look! A man with your looks certainly has a significant other? Our necklace collection is new, all the women love it. I'm sure you will find something that suits her!”
“What the- let me go.” The movement was so sudden and out of place that even Katsuki couldn't respond quickly. No noble would ever dare to casually talk to the butlers of the host, let alone touch them.
Izuku stood still for a moment before he reacted. Had his father been the host, the merchant would have surely be punished, but Izuku was not his father and the merchant was clearly not accustomed to their laws, so it wouldn't be fair to punish him. Katsuki was pushed next to him and while the merchant continued his stories about what romantic symbols each necklace stood for, Katsuki just stared at Izuku with an annoyed expression. Izuku shrugged with a sheepy smile and handed Katsuki the three necklaces. If the man didn't care for their customs and laws, Izuku might as well take advantage of it. “Which of these do you think is the best, Kacchan?”
“Hell would I know.”
Despite him saying that, he noticed how Katsuki analyzed the items in his hands. Izuku's mind went back to what the merchant said about Katsuki having a significant other. Was there someone he loved? It wouldn't be too strange, right? He wasn't bound to the mansion and he had many friends in town. Maybe his lover was a commoner? Or maybe one of the servants? Did he have a type?
Katsuki's face was focused on one necklace and he smiled slightly when he assumed Izuku wasn't looking. He imagined Katsuki gifting the necklace to a person and the thought made a knot tighten in his stomach.
“This one.” Katsuki glanced at Izuku and caught him staring right into his eyes, so Izuku quickly looked away. “Ah- okay.”
“Excellent choice! The leaves around the pendant symbolize eternal love, it's very popular among young couples right now. I'm sure your fiancee will treasure it.” The merchant said happily.
Izuku's face dropped when the man walked away to put the necklace in a box.
“You don't have to buy this one if you don't like it.” Katsuki must have caught Izuku's slight change in emotion.
“No that's not- I think it's beautiful. But...it feels strange to gift such a meaningful piece to someone I don't know.”
“Most people probably don't even think about the deeper meaning, don't sweat it.”
Izuku closed his eyes. “Now that I know the meaning I don't think I can choose it.”
“You're such a hopeless romantic. Must be the books you're always reading.” Izuku's cheeks felt warmer. “S- so what? Is that a bad thing?”
Izuku knew what he was getting into when he agreed to the arrangement. A political marriage was common among all noble families, but the romantic in him wished that he would fall in love with the person he'd spend the rest of his life with.
“Let's find something else, then.” Katsuki said. They looked at other jewelry pieces, casually picking up some every now and then. Izuku found a black plated necklace with a beautiful pendeant depicting a wolf – a symbol of strength, protection and loyalty. “I like this one.”
Katsuki's eyes squinted. “...Are you blind? In what world would a noble girl wear a necklace for warriors?” Izuku laughed, lifting the necklace close to Katsuki's collarbone.
“It's not for her.” He caught Katsuki by surprise as he paused before he took the necklace and gave it a soft look. “I don't need it.”
Katsuki put the necklace away as Izuku lowered his head, a little disappointed at the reaction and Katsuki moved past Izuku to check some goods further away from him.
After checking other jewelry and hair accessories, Izuku arrived at the table with the weapons.
The collection was stunning. Izuku had never seen an arrangement of weapons that seemed to emit an enchanting aura, but despite their beauty, the atmosphere could only be described as melancholic. Who knows what stories were hiding in these objects? The swords had inscriptions on them and their scabbards were decorated with small flowers and symbols, same as the the ornate hilts of the daggers. Katsuki had a silver dagger in his hand and rotated it, probably trying to find the signature of the bladesmith.
“Were these ceremonial weapons?” Izuku swayed one sword slightly in front of him and tried to decipher the inscriptions, but the glyphs belonged to a foreign alphabet he had only encountered in stories about fantasy creatures. “This looks like a sword that I've read about in a novel about a witch. I tried to decipher the words, but I gave up once I realized they were made up.” He laughed.
Izuku noticed how Katsuki's shoulders tensed up, but it was subtle to the point that the merchant might not have noticed. The man cleared his throat before he replied.
“...I'm not quite sure, Sir. There are many legends surrounding their purposes. Some say that they were used for sacrificial rituals, others claim that these weapons were used to kill creatures that normal weapons could never touch.”
Katsuki traced one hand over the ornaments of the dagger in his hands. Two vines of wooden branches with small flower petals embraced a crimson gemstone, glowing with life despite its old origin. The flower petals formed clusters that adorned the dagger all the way down to its tip.
“Where did you get this from?” Katsuki asked the jewelier. His expression was pensive, the angry brow from before completely gone.
“I traded it with another merchant who found it among the ruins of an abandoned town. The area had no name, but I can show you the place on a map if you are interested.” Katsuki's gaze was still on the dagger before he slowly put it back. “There's no need.”
He walked back to the accessories, but Izuku wanted to have a closer look at the dagger that caught Katsuki's interest. Among all the weapons, this one was indeed the most beautiful one. The price tag showed that it cost a little less than a small mansion and Izuku assumed that this was why it has not been not sold yet despite its enchanting appearance. Izuku smiled to himself when he heard a knock on the door. A servant interrupted them, asking for Katsuki. He whispered something in Katsuki's ear, who gave Izuku a long stare.
Worry filled his body as Izuku made a move towards the two servants, but Katsuki bowed and left the room before Izuku reached the door. Once the door was closed, the merchant spoke first. “Well, have you picked something, Sir?” Izuku made his final decision on the goods he'd buy to end this meeting quickly. What he didn't expect was for the merchant to take out a piece of paper from a bag in the back of the room after wrapping up his purchase and hand it to Izuku.
“I advice you to never speak of the supernatural with other people. It's dangerous for you.”
“What do you mean?”
“You knew that the glyphs belonged to an alphabet. They're not made up.”
Izuku needed a moment to process what he just heard and the implications behind it.
“...If you want to learn more about ancient life, you can go to the address on the paper. When you tell them I sent you, they will help you. Don't tell anyone what I just told you and hide the paper well. Let no one know what you know.” He had an earnest look in his eyes as he gave Izuku his advice.
“Okay.” Izuku hesitated before he answered.
He said his farewell to the merchant at the door and walked into the main hall. As big as the urge to investigate the mysterious address on the paper was, he had no time to focus on it. He found Katsuki right away. He was serving tea to someone seated behind a wing chair, the silhouette barely visible. The person turned around as Izuku was apporoaching and his stomach twisted at the sight of the person in front of him.
„Hello, son.“ His voice was stern. Although a smile formed his lips, Izuku noticed him analyzing Izuku's appearance with narrowed eyes.
„Sit down, let's have a talk.“
When the servants called for Katsuki, he assumed they'd need help with something. That's why it was harder to hide his surprise when he heard that Duke Midoriya decided to pay a surprise visit. The man stood tall, with a strict demeanor looming around him. It was not enough to intimidate Katsuki, but he made sure to be careful with his behaviour in the presence of the uninvited guest. Sudden visits rarely meant noble intentions.
When Izuku noticed the guest, Katsuki felt a subtle change in his posture. He stood stiffer and when he sat down across from the other man, he played with his fingers under the table. Katsuki brought him tea while the two noblemen sat in awkward silence. Izuku was the first to speak.
„It's been a while, father. How have you been?“ He smiled politely, trying to change the tense atmosphere.
„Good. You seem to be doing well, too. I heard your negotiations with other families have been successful so far.“ He gave his son an acknowledging nod.
When Izuku picked up his cup to take a sip, the man observed his movements closely. „Your hand looks strange, is it alright?“ Izuku covered his right hand with his left one. He was wearing gloves, so his father didn't see the bandages and bruises around his fingers.
„Oh- yes, don't worry about it. I'm fine.“
„Take the gloves off.“
He hesitated, but obeyed. His father scoffed as he observed his bruised fingers. „What an ugly sight. You've added another unsightly scar to your body. Haven't I told you to be more careful? A nobleman has no need for scars.“ The man had a disgusting tone in his voice – seemingly calm and worried, but to Katsuki, there was a hint of pure disappointment. Katsuki had noticed before that Izuku had many scars on his arms, but he never asked him about them. Katsuki found scars fascinating. They told stories of human lives, each unique and admirable in their own way.
„How did you get it?“
Katsuki saw the sweat forming on Izuku's head. He was a bad liar, his eyes easily spoke the truth, so it was no surprise that his father didn't believe him when he said it was a small accident.
„I heard you went into town, is that true?“
„Didn't I tell you not to go somewhere by yourself?“ It sounded like a warning.
„I- I know, but I wanted to know more about this area, since I will be in charge soon.“
„You don't need to worry about the town of Musutafu, son. With the new agreement, we decided to give the town to a trusted friend of mine. Your uncle agreed to it.“ A look of confusion crossed Izuku's face. „You don't seem happy with the arrangement.“
„I'm not sure if it is reasonable to appoint the town to someone who does not live close. There is a lot of crime. And a harsh famine, did you know about that, father?“ Izuku's voice sounded soft.
„I have been informed.“ The man shrugged. „But there's nothing we can do.“ He poked his fork into a piece of cake and even from afar, Katsuki noticed Izuku's eyebrows drawing together.
„There is a way we can help. I found good resources from nobles who would surely be willing to lend a hand. We could offer them other goods for their own interest.“ His father kept looking at Izuku, who averted his gaze slowly.
„We have a lot, it wouldn't harm us.“ His voice faded when Izuku observed the rolling eyes from his father. „Izuku, don't be silly. What would be your benefit? Meeting all those people and forming new contracts – it would take up too much of your time. And for what? Some mere commoners who don't even know you?“ Izuku hesitated, then bit his lips.
„We are the ones collecting taxes. In return, we protect them. It's my duty to help them. I want to.“
The man shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose before he continued. „I thought I've taught you that kindness won't get you far. Do you want to ruin me?” He sighed. “Have you sent your requests out already?“ Izuku shook his head.
„Good. This will be a good lesson for you. I will let my friend know we are raising the taxes by five percent.“ Izuku stood up, his hands slamming the table. „What? Why?“
„Sit down.“
„Father, I just told you about the famine. You can't-“
„Ten percent.“ Izuku fell quiet and sat down.
His father sighed. “Izuku. I'm worried about you. I want to protect you, you know that, right? Do you want to be weak? Kindness will never get you anything. They will ask for more. They will use you. No one will thank you for being kind. You will only be seen as fragile. Look at what happened to your mother. Because she was weak, she-”
“Don't speak poorly of mother.” The sudden serious tone came as a surprise to the older man. He chuckled, but it had an eerie tone to it. Katsuki decided to interrupt them. He heard enough.
“Well, tea time seems to be over. I never told you why I came here, did I?” Izuku stared at his cup while the man explained that they wanted to host a ball here with debutantes. Izuku's future fiancee would be present and for the guests it would be a perfect story where they'd meet at the ball, dance together and fall in love rather than saying it was all arranged from the beginning. A cute fake story for the gossip of the court. It would benefit their family name. Their schedule was already full, but the man decided to add more things for Izuku to do. Katsuki held one of the cups firmer, clenching his teeth.
The man told Katsuki to stay by his side, much to Izuku's surprise. He wanted to speak, but when his father's gaze shifted from Katsuki to him, Izuku held his tongue, took a bundle of sheets and left the hall.
He didn't know why he said it. The words escaped his mouth before he could think. “It was my idea to go into town. As the head butler I determined that it would be good for him to know the main parts of this area.” The duke watched Katsuki for a long time.
“You're Katsuki from the Bakugou family, right? I'm looking for good servants who are well-trained in combat. How about you join me instead of staying at this boring mansion?” He smirked with a cold undertone.
“Not interested.” The man chuckled. “What a blunt way of speaking.” Katsuki put away some dishes. He could blow up anytime. Would it be worth it? Probably not. Did he have anything to lose? Maybe. Did he still want to punch this man's face? Fuck yes.
“I would pay you more than All Might. Think about it. I'd appreciate a good protector by my side. You seem capable. I watched your combat when you took the butler's test.” “My devotion is to All Might and the Toshinori family only. Someone who has knowledge on all noble families should surely know that.” Katsuki used a sharp tone. Fuck this man. What the hell was his goal? The way he was smirking was pissing him off.
“Does that include my son? What did he offer you for your loyalty?”
“You don't seem like a person who would follow just anyone. There clearly must be a benefit for you.” The man smiled coldly and looked out the window. “I won't force you to speak. My offer still stands, maybe you will reconsider it.”
Katsuki smirked. He was fed up with this man.
“Forget it. I can't stand the likes of you.” The man seemed amused. “Likes of me?”
“Hypocrites.” Manipulators. Assholes.
He laughed. Laughed. “That's too bad. But alright, I shall respect your choice. For now.” Why did that man speak as if he could force him to join his side? Whenever he stared at Katsuki, he felt as if he was searching for a weakness he could use against him. A piercing, uncomfortable gaze. But not too intimidating. Not powerful. Yet. The wedding would expand his position, but so would All Might's and Izuku's power. However, the Duke's hunger for power felt too different from Izuku's wish of becoming stronger. Katsuki knew that the main reason the duke didn't try to use his deceptive method on Katsuki was that he had a big influence on All Might's decisions. The duke's interest in benefitting himself held him back from making an enemy out of Katsuki, because it would only cost him. He was a strategic man, but Katsuki already blacklisted him in his mind and there was no going back.
“I will stay until the ceremony. I am looking forward to your service.”
A soft tone lead Katsuki to a place he had almost forgotten. He followed a melody whispering a story of grief, melancholy and freedom. He entered the room as quietly as possible and watched Izuku's back as he continued to play his piece on the piano, absorbed by the music. It felt as though the music he was playing narrated a story Katsuki could picture right in front of him – a boy lost in a maze, searching for a place to escape. He kept running and running, until he fell down a black hole. But instead of dying, he found peace. Izuku stopped and rubbed his right hand softly.
“Does it hurt?”
Izuku jumped a bit and turned around. “K- Kacchan, what are you doing here?”
“The piece didn't sound like a melody you'd play at a ball.”
Izuku huffed. “I got tired of practicing dance melodies and took a break.”
“By playing another song? Do you want a permanent injury on your fingers?”
“It doesn't hurt anymore, I'm fine.” Liar. It was almost funny how in moments like these, Izuku could lie without batting an eye while in other moments, his eyes were an open book to his soul.
Katsuki was considering different approaches on addressing the issue, but each option seemed unfitting, so he remained silent. The air was filled with an awkward silence before Izuku moved his gaze from Katsuki and looked down at the piano keys.
“...He wasn't always like that. He has always been strict, but over the years, it got worse. After my mom died he stopped taking me outside and his methods of discipline became harsher.”
He crossed his arms around his chest. “...but it's his way of teaching me what he believes is right. It comes from a form of love. He wouldn't do it on purpose, right? He wouldn't hurt me intentionally, right?” He looked at Katsuki, desperately searching for approval. Katsuki nodded and looked down.
“He's my father.” Izuku was clearly trying to convince himself that there was another reason behind the cruel treatment.
“He's a bastard.” Katsuki noticed tears forming in Izuku's eyes. He sniffled quietly for a while before he continued. “I couldn't do anything. Because he found out I went into town, everyone has to suffer now. You were right with everything. I'm useless. ” A sense of anger and frustration grew within Katsuki. It was not anger towards the other man, or even the duke, but towards himself. It was a strange sensation he couldn't process. He had the urge to apologize, but something inside held him back.
“Then show that asshole what you're capable of and win the town back.” Izuku wiped away his tears and stared at Katsuki. “Don't underestimate the common folk, noble boy. They are stronger than you think. They'll manage for a while.”
Izuku nodded softly. “I'll try my best.” He seemed calmer now. He could tell that Izuku had more to say, by the way he bit his lips to stop himself.
Katsuki thought about where to start from here. Thinking of the new list of tasks, he had a brilliant idea. “You want me to teach you a killer move?” Izuku's eyes grew bigger. Katsuki couldn't tell if it was from the crying or excitement, but sparkles lit up his eyes.
On their way back to Izuku's room, they discussed their upcoming training plan and how to incorporate it with his other obligations. Katsuki noticed first that the door to Izuku's room was open. The soft light from the fireplace in the room was visible even from the distance in the corridor. They never leave the doors open, so he had a hunch on who might be inside. They found Duke Midoriya collecting Izuku's books and putting them in a box. “Father, what are you doing here?” Despite his surprise, Izuku spoke softly.
The man held out a dark green book, looking at Izuku. “I told you to get rid of these ridiculous heathen books.” The book was thrown into the box, which was already almost full with fantasy novels.
Izuku clenched his fists and walked up to the man. “I don't understand why you need to do this, father. There is no harm in-” The duke cut off Izuku with a loud tone, startling him
“I've told you a million times that I do not want you to read these stupid stories. You are the heir to our families. Get rid of your childish hobbies and grow up!” Izuku didn't move despite the tense air.
The duke gritted his teeth, his face close to Izuku, who didn't look away from his father's gaze even though he was smaller and stood with tense shoulders. The duke rolled his eyes, sighing. “If you don't throw them away, you leave me no choice. I will increase the taxes even more, is that what you want?” The room fell silent, the crackling fire the sole noise for a while. Izuku then looked at the box for a long while, before he spoke. „I will get rid of the books, but only if you withdraw your proposal for the tax increase.“ It wasn't a proposal, but a punishment, but Katsuki knew that Izuku wouldn't get far if he used the appropriate term. The duke raised an eyebrow, then scoffed. „You are offering a deal to me?“
„Yes, father.“ The man turned around, laughing. Then he looked at the book shelf in the room, at Katsuki, the box and back at Izuku.
„Alright. I will withdraw the increase. Burn the books, boy.“ He was referring to Katsuki. Izuku took one last look at the box before Katsuki picked it up and walked towards the fireplace. He felt the eyes of both Izuku and the duke on him as he put the books into the fire, one by one. The sound of the loud crackling of the pages filled the room as they watched the pages disintegrate in the fire. Katsuki caught glimpes of Izuku when he turned around, his green eyes absorbed by fire and reflecting its flames, flickering with an intensity Katsuki hasn't seen on him before. As someone who liked books, each book in the fire felt like a stabbing in Katsuki's heart. Throwing books away should be a crime.
Katsuki threw the last book into the fire and when he turned around, the duke was going through the bookshelf again. “There is one missing.”
Izuku bit his teeth. “Where is the book your mother gifted you for your birthday?”
Izuku was facing Katsuki, so the duke couldn't see his face as he continued to scan the shelf. “I don't know father. I thought it was in the box.”
“It was not. And it's not in the shelves either. It was the only black one with a lock, I would have known.” Katsuki saw Izuku carrying that particular book quite often, he sometimes wrote down notes in it. The duke clearly showed that it wasn't the books, but Izuku's memory of his mother, that he wanted to get rid of. What a cruel man. And he would not rest until he found that book, that was something Katsuki was certain of.
He could see that Izuku knew that, based on his posture and silent anger in his eyes.
“Unless you find that book, the deal is off.”
“We've burned all the other books already, was that all for nothing?” Izuku answered. “I don't remember where I put it.”
“Find it.” The man shifted his gaze from Izuku to Katsuki. When Izuku noticed that, he gritted his teeth. “It could be in the gardens or in the library.” Izuku quietly said to Katsuki with a blank face, no anger, no frown. Katsuki gave Izuku a slight bow and left.
He knew the book was in the library.
From the secret door in his room, Katsuki entered the vast chamber. He collected Izuku's notes and books he used the night before and walked all the way back, until he reached a small, old bookshelf. He moved it aside and put Izuku's belongings on a chair behind the shelf. Then, Katsuki lit a candle and scanned some books until he found a black one with the lock and brought it into Izuku's room.
The duke smiled. “Good.” Izuku gave Katsuki a long stare, with eyebrows gently furrowed. His glassy eyes followed Katsuki as he knelt down in front of the fireplace and threw the book into the flames.
“You managed to save the people from a tax rise. Be proud, son.” The duke gave Izuku a pat on his back and slowly walked out the room. From the hallway, he signalled Katsuki to follow him because he was still standing at the door to Izuku's room.
Izuku gently pushed Katsuki out. “You can leave, Kacchan. I don't need help with my garments.”
“Please go.” Izuku shut the door.
He was mad. How dare he close the door to his face? The strange feeling from before appeared in Katsuki's body, a feeling of frustration and rage. He felt a tightness in his chest because of the thoughts that were spiraling in his mind. He was trying to help Izuku and he rejected him? Who did he think he was? Despite the same questions repeatedly appearing in his head, trying to convince him that Izuku was the cause for his anger, deep down, Katsuki knew that the irritation he felt came from something else. Even if Katsuki tried to lie to himself, he knew that it was unfair to blame Izuku for his frustration. No, he was angry at himself. For assuming things before speaking. For his inability of admitting he was wrong. For being weak. He was angry because he was showing efforts to help, but Izuku didn't understand that. But how could he? He couldn't read Katsuki's mind.
That's why he marched up the stairs and passed the hallway, formed his hand into a fist and was ready to knock on the door he was thrown out from before. He was met with no response, so he tried again, with more force. “Open the door.” He couldn't hide his anger in his voice, which came out louder than intended. It was quiet for a while and then he heard a soft “...come in.”
He slapped the door open as fast as he could, making the door kiss the wall. Izuku looked at the wall, which probably had a small dent now. Katsuki's face was focused on the other man in the room, or rather, the mess he found. He was kneeling on the floor, his shirt half-done, with one hand stuck in the shirt and the ribbons on his back tangled with the tiny buttons that practically imprisoned him. His eyes were puffy with fresh tears. He looked pathetic, but in an endearing way.
Katsuki knelt down next to Izuku and started to untangle the mess. “How did you even end up this way?” After loosening the laces on the shirt, Izuku freed his hand and moved it towards his face to hide his eyes.
“I didn't want you to see me like this.”
“Noble attire is complex. I think they are doing it on purpose. To rob you of your freedom.” Izuku put away his hand from his face and gave Katsuki a questioning look. He was half-joking, half-serious, but Izuku seemed confused by what he said. “They make you dependant on people to dress you. No one needs that many laces and hooks on one shirt. And don't get me started on corsets.” Izuku nodded slightly. “I guess so.”
“Are you angry?”
Izuku didn't look angry at all, but he had every right to be.
“No.” He averted his eyes from Katsuki. “...Yes.” It was quiet for a while, before he continued.
“I don't understand. Why are my efforts never good enough to please him? Why did he destroy the only thing I enjoyed doing when he was gone for weeks- for months? He knew that the present was the only thing I had left of mother. Why did he order you to-” He formed fists and started to repeatedly pound Katsuki's chest, but it wasn't aggressive or strong. “I know you were only doing your job. I know that, but why did you listen to him? Didn't you say you'd do whatever you want? I though that you were-” Katsuki didn't stop him. “Why am I not good enough as master?”
Katsuki snickered in a delighted way. “Are you serious? Did you just insult me?” “Huh?” Izuku stopped the pounding to look up to him, confused and hurt.
“Do you really think I'd listen to a bastard like him?”
Katsuki stood up and took out the book from his tailcoat. It was a book with a black leather binding and a lock in the middle. “B-but, how? We watched it burn.”
“My secret is out. I'm a sorcerer.” It was fun seeing Izuku confused. He blinked twice, but his eyes looked serious, almost as if he believed Katsuki. He couldn't blame him. The book was a rare treasure, hidden for a long time and almost impossible to find. Now there was one copy less. Of course Katsuki didn't like to sacrifice his own treasure, but this was an exception. “I burnt mine.”
He handed Izuku the book. “It's better if you hide it well until he leaves.” Izuku held the book firm and in a fast movement, he put his arms around Katsuki's neck to hug him. Katsuki felt a sudden numbness in his body. It was a strange feeling he couldn't identify, but he didn't like it. “Thank you, Kacchan.” He pulled away from the embrace.
“I'm going to head to the library. If you want, I'll hide the book there. It's safer.” Izuku nodded.
Just as Katsuki was about to leave, Izuku stopped him by taking his hand. “Wait! I'm sorry for before.” Izuku didn't have to apologize, but after spending so much time with the other man, Katsuki figured out what he was scared of. Saying the proper words was too much of a challenge for Katsuki right now, so he decided to accept the apology to reassure Izuku that his fear was unfounded.
Izuku was exhausted. Izuku collapsed in his bed and closed his eyes. The whole day was emotionally draining, but all the anger he had felt before left him completely after Katsuki visited his room. He still had to process that Katsuki owned a copy of the same rare book that Izuku loved so dearly. He hoped that one day, they could have a conversation about it. His mother brought it as a present from her journey to a neighbouring country when he was nine years old. They loved to make up stories and play as different mystical creatures and write down notes together. He smiled fondly at the memory.
Izuku reminisced about the first time he read about mystical creatures and found the beautiful symbols. His eyes snapped wide open. The glyphs! He quickly got up from his bed and checked his trouser pockets for the sheet with the address. He completely forgot that he had intended to go to the library today to find out where the mysterious address on the sheet was. Izuku sighed loudly. The entire knowledge he had preserved in the pages of all his books was lost. His plan was to go through the pages to find more hints or clues about what the merchant called ancient life. Now he'd have to start from the beginning. Izuku walked up to his window to stare at the forest, his usual routine whenever he had deep thoughts or wanted to daydream. A small part of him still was tempted to find out what was hidden in the dephts of the green sea. Maybe he could find a beautiful weapons like the ones the merchant was selling. He remembered a story in which magic weapons were always buried in enchanted forests.
The moon was casting a beautiful light at the trees. It was a peaceful quiet, until a soft noise interruped the silence. When Izuku looked for the source of it, he saw that it was the sound of keys locking the main entrance door. The moonlight illuminated the face of the person, making his features seem more ethereal than he already was. It was Katsuki. His eyes kept following his silhouette, until Izuku realized where he was headed.
Izuku was slow. He ran downstairs, but since the door was locked from the inside, he had to find another way out. He found a window and managed to climb out from there. Why did Katsuki go into the forest by himself? In the middle of the night. Was he out of his mind? Worry washed over Izuku's face as he ran towards the entrance of the deep green forest. The moonlight cast a soft silver glow on the trees and the eerie quiet was only interrupted by the wind softly rustling the leaves. He took a second to catch his breath, formed his hands into fists and with a determined gaze, he stepped into the dark woods.
It wasn't as dark as he assumed. Izuku could make out the paths leading to other branches. He even recognized Katsuki's footsteps and could follow them easily. Every now and then, Izuku heard a branch break, but he convinced himself that it was the wind. The trees seemed to watch his every move. Izuku reached a beautiful pond in a clearing and couldn't believe his eyes. The water was quiet, but the silver glow from the moon made it appear as if it was moving in all kinds of directions. It was mesmerizing.
A loud stamp brought Izuku back to reality. The ground shook with every stamp, but Izuku did not move from his spot, despite the sound coming closer. He felt a warm breath on his neck and a low, rumbling growl that made Izuku's body freeze instantly. He slowly turned around and was met with the sharp eyes of a beast unlike anything he had ever seen before. The jaw was lined with teeth, each as sharp as daggers. Some were tinted in red. It was fresh blood still dripping from its jaw. The beast let out an earth scattering roar before attacking. Izuku reacted fast enough to dodge the bite, but the next attack was too fast for him to move quickly. The beast threw Izuku aside with a motion of his jaw and made him hit a tree before he fell to the ground. Izuku was too slow to get up and before he could think, the black beast was towering over him, ready to strike again. He trapped Izuku with his claws and roared, then attacked to rip Izuku's head off. He shut his eyes before the impact, but a whistle made the creature stop instantly. They both looked to the source of the sound and the beast slowly closed his jaw and let go of Izuku to walk up to the person, each step creating a deep, resonating echo through the ground. There he stood, in the moonlight, petting the beast and whispering something in its ear with the sharpest, angriest eyes Izuku has ever seen on him as Katsuki stormed across the clearing and held Izuku up by his collar.
“What the fuck were you thinking?” His voice came out in a growl, low and menacing. His eyes resembled the eyes of the beast, glowing in an intense red. “You insane asshole. Are you out of your mind?” Izuku couldn't answer. He still had to catch his breath. He was shaking, but followed Katsuki as he stormed back to the entrance of the forest in complete silence. Izuku could feel the intense rage that surrounded Katsuki all the way back.
“Um, Kacchan. I- I don't know what to say. I'm sorry.” He wanted to ask Katsuki why he came here. Explain to him that he was worried, but nothing mattered right now. Katsuki would know his answer anyway.
Once they left the forest, Katsuki finally spoke. “If you have a death wish, do it somewhere else.” Izuku knew why he was angry. If Katsuki had been one second too late, Izuku would have been wolf's meal by now. It was reckless of him.
“You know that this forest is forbidden to enter. You know that no human ever came back alive.”
“I know! That's why I followed you. I was worried about you.” Izuku stared at the ground, while Katsuki scoffed. “I grew up here. I've been here my whole life. But-” He suddenly covered his face with his hand and stumbled. “Kacchan!” Izuku came closer.
“Are- are you injured?” Izuku was confused about the order of questions, but he checked his body. He felt fine, but he did find a severe cut on his elbow, bleeding heavily. Katsuki started to take in shallow breaths as he stumbled on the ground. His eyes looked terrified. “Kacchan, what happened?” Izuku ran up to him, but Katsuki almost screamed at him. “Don't come! Don't you dare come closer.” He was trying to sound menacing, but his voice cracked, struggling to form words. He held his chest and each breath sounded painful. His other hand covered his face, almost as if he was hiding something. Izuku pit his lips. How could he stay still when Katsuki was suffering so much? It pained Izuku to see him in that state. He was shaking and stammering, trying to repress his body from moving. Izuku couldn't watch this anymore. He came closer and held out his arm. “It's okay, Kacchan. You don't have to hold back.” Katsuki let out a pained growl as his eyes turned glowing red, his pupils narrowing into sharp slits, and lunged forward, throwing Izuku onto the ground with explosive speed.
The bite was painful. It felt like two needled penetrating his neck, but Izuku didn't care about that. The only thing he could think of was relief. He felt relieved to see that Katsuki's shaking stopped and his breath calmed down as he drank Izuku's blood. But mostly, he felt relief because finally, he was able to understand the other man more. It felt like a barrier had vanished between them. Izuku held his arms around Katsuki, trapping him in a hug. His body started to feel hotter and he held Katsuki firmer as his eyes started to blur. He couldn't tell how much time had passed, but when his grip weakened, Katsuki's suddenly moved, startling Izuku. His glowing eyes returned to their normal state and he blinked as he looked down at Izuku. He looked confused, his eyes looking at the bite marks on Izuku's neck and back at Izuku's face. It was as if he came back from a trance. He pushed himself away from Izuku, his eyes widened in terror as his body froze in place. “I-” His voice was shaking and Katsuki bit his lips. “If you tell anyone, I'll kill you.” His voice was trembling, but low. Despite his attempt at sounding threatening, Izuku noticed a hint of fear in his voice. He resembled a wounded animal that tried to push away his predator.
Izuku smiled. There was no going back now. “I won't.”
Izuku stood up. His legs were tingling, but he wanted to look into Katsuki's eyes when he continued. “I don't mind if you drink my blood, Kacchan.” He noticed how Katsuki's eyebrows furrowed. “Is that so?” He got up and held Izuku by his collar. “Then let me kill you now.” His anger was genuine, but Izuku didn't move, which made Katsuki angrier. “Why aren't you moving? What the hell is wrong with you?” He could see the frustration in Katsuki's eyes. He scoffed. “You really want to die?” “No.”
Katsuki bit his lips and hesitated. Whatever he wanted to say was lost in his thoughts. “I won't tell anyone. But I want you to promise to only drink my blood from now on.” “What the hell?” Katsuki was clearly confused. “Don't complain if you die. I drink a lot.”
“That's ok.”
Katsuki turned around to walk back to the mansion, so Izuku couldn't see his expression anymore when he continued. “And I know you won't kill me.”
“Oh yeah? What makes you so sure?”
“Because you're strong.”
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kerkosims · 2 months ago
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Raised with traditional values, Barbie Jane had a plan for her life. Have a family, ensure her children aimed higher and she would do whatever it took to get there.
Barbie Jane's life plan:
Meet a good man
Adopt a pet
Have 3 children
Complete Successful Lineage aspiration
Max Parenting and Cooking skills
Each child must complete at least one child aspiration and they must all max out their grades in school
Must have Family-Oriented trait
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