dragonfangart · 10 months
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Mynix saturate
I know this is basically a repost, but he just looks so cool! I love Mynix so much :D
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sky-scribbles · 6 years
OC Playlist Challenge
Tagged for this by @frozenabattoir - thank you!
Challenge: pick 3 songs from your current playlist that make you think of a character or fic and do a quick summary with the title. 
I’ll grab three SWTOR OCs for this, and see what happens:
Son - Sleeping At Last
Show me who I am and who I could be Initiate the heart within me, ‘til it opens properly Slow down, start again from the beginning I can’t keep my head from spinning out of control Is this what being vulnerable feels like?
This one fits perfectly for Zeth during SoR/early Kotfe, as he’s learning to form his own opinion of the Jedi Code, and live for himself beyond the restrictions of the order - which includes allowing himself to act on his rather dizzying feelings for Theron. He’s scared and insecure about allowing himself to grow like this, about letting down all the walls that have kept him safe, but when he pictures who he could become at the end... it’ll take time, but he knows it’s worth it.
Crack The Case - Dawes
Ignoring all of the remedies Believing all of the rumours With their endless database I wanna sit with my enemies And say, ‘We should have done this sooner’ While I look them in the face Maybe that will crack the case.
This would be for my Agent, Marokhai, after his class story, where he’s just... tired. Tired of living in a world driven by lies and misinformation and details filed away on datapads. Tired of seeing how the galaxy gets torn apart because of people just swallowing those things. But he’s reaching a stage where he finally feels ready to confront the people who’ve wronged him - maybe not to make his peace with them, but at least to tell them that he won’t let them have power over him any more.
Sorrow - Sleeping At Last
(One day I’ll be able to fill out a song challenge and only use one Sleeping At Last song. Some day. What even is favouritism)
I feel out of focus, or at least indisposed As this strange weather pattern inside me takes hold. Each brave step forward, I take three steps behind. It's mind over matter, matter over mind. Slowly, then all at once. A single loose thread, and it all comes undone.
And this is for my other Agent, Mynix. She was bred for obedience, in a similar manner to Watcher Two, just to a greater extent -  she was part of an experiment to see whether suppressing emotions like fear and attachment to others would produce more effective agents. Over time, however, her mental conditioning begins to break as she gathers more experience, leaving her confused in the grip of emotions she’s never felt before, but steadily working through them, learning to understand them. Until at last, at the end of act 2, the mind-control serum enables her to finally reject her conditioning completely.
Thanks again for tagging me, this was fun! Not gonna tag anyone else this time, but consider yourself tagged if you want to do this!
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dragonfangart · 10 months
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Mynix greyscale
I know this is basically a repost, but he just looks so cool! I'll post the coloured one later today :)
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dragonfangart · 1 year
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It's mynix! My Doppler (my own fey species) oc!
Look at that long, cheeky lizard creature!
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dragonfangart · 3 years
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A happy, grinning Mynix I like to call 'Grinyx'! Or 'Grynix'... Is this doppler scheming or just happy?
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sky-scribbles · 7 years
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Pen-drawn chibis of all my SWTOR OCs. I spent about four hours shading each one of them, but it was fun!
(My blog theme doesn’t let you enlarge ‘em for some reason, so a clearer view can be found on the DeviantArt version.)
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