#my working theory is that for a lot of them it was like 'oooohh i was wondering who that dan guy is and why he's my friend'
daz4i · 6 months
i don't use fb much esp outside of groups but usually when i make or share a post it gets like. 3 likes from my besties. maybe 5 if the algorithm is nice. this week i uploaded before and after pics for tdov and???? there's nearly 40 reacts?????? ppl i haven't talked to in years like since middle school i think are liking and heart reacting to this. that's so weird
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i-maybe-exist · 4 years
this is totally just me thinking off the top of my head and not going back to reread the asks you got oof sorry but i have been thinking about fire spirit sapnap. and how you mentioned you're not sure about george or dream. and i just think. what if they were like. fire + water + earth/nature. pokemon style babey
oooohh yeah thats a good idea!!!!
i’ve already figured out what to do with dream (archni-folk, so like a human/spider thing kinda) and george (potioneer/magic user, i still need to actually figure out like a system for how magic works ajioejoiojwfoejifjoeiw)
i’ve figured out some other mcyt’s that could be spirits (and also how it works kind of) so i’m gonna ramble about them ajifjoiwsekaw
i should probably like, explain the way it works. there are lots of different types of spirits, but its mostly agreed that there are two branches: ghosts and nature (and there are different types of each). i’m probably not gonna worry about how ghosts work cuz there’s only one ghost in this au so far 
the main types of elemental spirits are fire, water, rock, forest, and air. there are other types of spirits that are more specific (for example, a mountain spirit or a tree nymph), but they’re usually just called a rock spirit or forest spirit or something.
skeppy: rock spirit! technically a gemstone spirit, but he says that he’s a rock spirit for simplicity. he has aquamarine crystals growing out of his skin. 
awesamdude: forest spirit! this is kinda based off that game theory where creepers are like moss creatures. i have a fun design in mind for him
ranboo: i’m still not sure about what i want ranboo to be but i really want him in this au because his skin is Neat. maybe like a wind spirit corrupted by pollution or something?
i might add more but i think thats it for now
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dingletragedy · 4 years
hi, it’s your Ballum Secret Santa! 🤫🎅 What’s your top 3 Ballum moments? What’s your favourite colour? What draws you to Ballum (what do you like most about the pairing)?
ahh hello!!!! this is SUPER exciting! oooh tricky questions but here goes:
my favourite three scenes (i think) are — the very first cheek kiss, their “i don’t want to do this anymore” angsty as fuck argument, and ben’s first/the first mutual i love you 🥺
my favourite colour is yellow (and sometimes red) (i’m so indecisive)
oooohh lots and lots of things draw me to ben and callum, but some that stuck out the most include: the fact that they’re polar opposite who just work so well together — ben bad boy criminal mitchell and callum sunshine pc highway should not work on paper, but in theory they’re so good together, they just balance each other out so well. i also love how they’re both disaster without each other, they just simply do not work if they aren’t together. AND the fact they’re so bloody soft for each other, they’d give the other the world, or protect them from it, no questions about it!
i hope these answers are okay, love! i’m extremely excited to see what you do with this 👀 have a lovely weekend x
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chxoticpulse · 6 years
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nick robinson + male+ he/him + chaos manipulation.┊ ❛ ━ hey, is it just me or do you hear i’m still here by john rzeznik playing in the distance ? oh, that’s just robin haggis-latierre, a twenty year old student. according to my sources, i heard he can be true neutral and is intelligent, but also apathetic. that’s probably why they remind everyone of the sound of shattering glass, (post) apocalyptic scenarios & worn-out physics books so much ! anyway, whether or not they’re in favor of the supers, crystalline city is keeping a close eye on them !    ( if he had a super name it would probs be PARADOX, but it’s still a draft ).
( There is a TL; DR almost at the bottom bc I honestly exceeded myself )
Poor boy, he didn’t know what he was getting into when he saw his dad closing the door behind him. Robin thought he was just going for the groceries or maybe he was just going to get Christmas presents a bit too early in July... but he didn’t come back. Not that day and not any other, just late and secret phone calls when mommy wasn’t paying attention and for a couple of months, that was the reality.
He was a smart kid ( god bless the Haggis genes! Did you know a child inherits 80% of their intelligence from their mother? ), though, at the beginning he was also very hopeful... but that died with time. Robin didn’t take too long to realize what was happening and out of a little act of rebellion, he stopped calling his dad and he stopped giving bright smiles to his mother.   Quite selfish, maybe? But at that age, all a kid wants is a happy family.
He was still young when the revelation of his powers happened. His parents were arguing downstairs and he was watching from the stairs, shrunk and half hidden behind the posts of the rail. A lot of emotions started to ball inside him and when the stress and sadness became uncontainable, a wave of energy messed up the whole living room and caused some light cracks on the walls.     HOLY SHIT, THEIR SON WAS A MUTANT TOO!
It took them some time to really understand what kind of power Robin had, disintegration? Energy manipulation? Air manipulation? There were many options and theories, but there was something that didn’t change: whenever Robin touched something, it would cause it to crack, shake or completely break, depending on how strong his emotions were at the moment. Eventually, they found someone who could identify mutations and they resolved that what Robin had was   CHAOS MANIPULATION.   Nobody really understood what that was at all, since it was a very... generic name, but at least now the had an idea.
Robin was homeschooled for some time, at least until he managed to control his powers the best he could, but as soon as he was enrolled again, he didn’t take time to make some petty enemies. The problem was that Robin was intelligent and he knew it and he enjoyed calling out others on their mistakes and so on.
Poetically speaking, the boy had inherited the good heart of his mother, but the devious thoughts of his father. It was probably this ambiguity and the fact that his parents were the leaders of both factions, which made him grow annoyed and tired of both heroes and villains. He wanted nothing to do with it, he didn’t believe there was something as good or bad; Robin thought that eventually, whichever force was the one to win, would drown in power.   AND ROBIN WOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.    <------ but I’ll get to this a bit later on.
He eventually managed to enroll in a good university and decided to study Physics, partly ( greatly ) inspired by his mother, but on the other hand, as a necessity to understand his powers even better. Highly studious and ridiculously apathetic, Robin was a discreet sensation, mostly because of the surnames he carried. His mother as owner of Haggis Tech and his father as a renown forensic medical examiner. There was hardly a place he could go without giving away his identity.  AND YOU THINK THIS WOULD BOTHER HIM!  Oh, no, he always gloated over that fact and he would never doubt to introduce himself as the son of geniuses, but... being somehow related to HAZE and SILVER KNIGHT in any way was beyond embarrassing, since he wanted nothing to do with their secret lives.
Even with all this, Robin considers himself close to his parents, if he’s not doing his homework at Haggis Tech or the library, you can find him in the industrial area training by himself or maybe causing some mayhem with the villains at the back of his mother. I like to think this as the video game Infamous in which karma changes depending on the good and bad actions he does. His current karma is neutral, but let’s see how that changes, I have plans for both his hero and villain versions.  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Okaaay, I’m already done, I promise asdlkf;lg.
Oooohh going back to Robin doing something about the current situation of supers... if everything turns out bad and he loses all faith at the hands of black and white morality he is DECIDED TO END HIS PARENTS’ EMPIRES BY HIMSELF. IF THEY DON’T REACH AN AGREEMENT BEFORE ROBIN MANAGES TO CONTROL A BIG PART OF HIS POWERS... I WOULD TURN UP TO WHATEVER GOD YOU BELIEVE IN AND START PRAYING, BECAUSE IT WON’T BE PRETTY.
This is very complicated cause his power is... complicated?? Ofc I can’t have him do everything because that would be insanely off the charts, actually, he can do very little but very significant for now. There are lots of terms and names, but to avoid boring you, what he can do now is disintegration of small objects from afar and bigger objects but upon touch. He can... destabilize some other things, for example, he can create a hole in the ground or damage a bridge support, but he ( STILL ) can’t break and entire bridge. He is fascinated with molecules and is currently working on his thesis of matter alteration in which he could get to rearrange the molecules of an object to create another one and stuff like that. NERD BOY. There is also weather manipulation in his sack of abilities that belong to chaos manipulation ( primarily fire and water ) according to the wiki, but eehh that’s a lot so maybe not for now ( unless his dad offers him to teach him smoke manipulation or smthn like that ), but that’d be for the future. His powers are awfully connected to his emotions! The more he feels, the more power he accidentally releases, that’s something he hasn’t managed to control; that’s also why you will mostly see him very stern or serious. Different emotions cause different reactions, example, anger or sadness cause things around to break or crack, stress ( due whatever reason ) may cause things to float or glitch somehow ( like when in Spiderverse there were things blooming into other things ), stuff like that but to a waaaay lighter level, like a coffee cup glitching and a second cap appearing on the bottom or stuff like that.
IMPORTANT ( and funny ): Due his powers still being slightly out of his control, he tends to have a “bad luck aura” around him most of the times, causing little events like someone accidentally dropping their coffee on their recently printed homework, a dog peeing on you as you wait on the bus stop or tripping down and ripping your favorite pair of jeans and stuff like that. While he is aware of this, he never ( usually ) does him with malice, it actually just requires him to focus a little and the aura can stop, but he usually forgets about, so please, pardon the inconvenience.
TL ; DR. Robin is the son of the leader of the league and the leader of the syndicate. He is annoyed with both heroes and villains, but massively supports supers. Is studying physics, is apathetic and will cause you have to have bad luck. Is planning to conquer the city ( or the world ). Angel heart and devil thoughts.
Classmates and people he may have good or bad relationships with!
Neighbors. I love good a bad neighbors! Gimme petty neighborhood feuds or super nice friendships! Maybe Robin used to play with them in the local park when they were younger, why did they stop talking? (in vase they did)
Not a people’s person, but still... AN EX! Robin and this girl would have had a burning fire, but it was so wild that it burned them down. Their relationship eventually got toxic and maybe they broke up after she joined one of the leagues ( preferably the villains ). They still talk and the tension is HIGH! Probably end up hooking up every now and then.
Someone he accidentally ( or not ) hurt with his powers!
Villains / Heroes that know him bc he’s the baby boy of the leader (?)
Anything else, really! Just hmu and I’m sure we will be able to brainstorm something <3
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sammyhale · 7 years
J2 TorCon 2017 Main Panel
J2 jump onstage!
Jensen: Do you know what week it is?? We premiere this Thursday. 
Jensen is also talking about Jared being on Jimmy Kimmel this Thursday as well :)
“My dear friend Mr. Jared Padalecki will be on Jimmy Kimmel Thursday Oct 12th so tune in” - Jensen promoting Jared. Jared: Ackles warmed him up for me...so tune in guys, we’re gonna have some fun. Jensen: Yeah, it’ll be a big night. We’re very excited about it. 
What memory would Sam and Dean stick to if they died (like Bobby with his memory of the boys)? Jared mentions the flashbacks in Swan Song and the “I’m proud of us” moment. Jensen says a collection of good moments (bros reuniting, stuff with John, Mary, Bobby, Cas) but also those moments of killing big bads. 
What story would you extend/elaborate on? Jared says Demon!Dean and Soulless!Sam. Jensen: Dean in Purgatory. 
Fan mentions her Russian blue cat named Winchester. Jensen: It’s a blue cat from Russia. That’s all you need to know. 
Boys go off on accents and jokes. At one point, Jared says: “If there was a place in Toronto that served Vladimir Poutine I would totally go and take Winchester with me.” Jensen and the audience crack up. Jensen: That dude’s got a blue cat. And he’s eating poutine. 
Who would you vote as the most ditchable prom date of the cast? Jensen: Cas. Jared: Story-wise, probably Sam. This is gonna sound the wrong way, but, Sam probably should’ve ditched Ruby. Jared got the better end of the deal lol. 
Young fan says her name is Lilith. J2 very quickly back up and Jared knocks over his chair lol. She asks their favorite monster. Jared: I’m gonna say Lilith. Jensen: Me too, because if they’re all as cute as you, they’re my favorite. She says her fav monster is a ghost. J2 tell her that if she ever meets one, she should call her friends Sam and Dean. 
Fav childhood memory? Jensen: Very happy childhood, lots of good memories. For his fourth birthday he got to ride a horse for the first time. Wore his cowboy vest. Jared: He still has it. 
Jared: Now I feel weird about my answer! Broke his arm when he was seven and was in the hospital for a week, got spoiled in the hospital, getting candy, baseball cards...At the time, there was a rare card available where a player had written bad words on the bottom of his bat and the card company only realized it appeared in the image halfway through printing, so everyone was searching for the rare versions that had been printed. Jared’s dad would bring him a pack of baseball cards every day. 
If you could create an episode, what would it be. Jared: The world’s most boring episode. The boys doing their laundry. Wants to see Sam and Dean doing behind the scenes stuff. 
Jensen talks about a movie “Sliding Doors.” One choice that creates two split timelines and following both. Thinks that would be cool.
Advice for Sam and Dean in s13: Jensen: Knowing what I know, I would tell Dean not to jump to conclusions...talk amongst yourselves! Jared laughs. 
 Jared is trying so hard not to spoil anything: “I would say...not to get too attached. TALK AMONGST YOURSELVES.” 
Jared is doing accents. Jensen: Keep going you’re killing it. 
Fav part about working together? Jared: Days off. Jensen: Then we’re not working together. Both: TALK AMONGST YOURSELVES lmao. 
Jensen: There are a lot of things, but one of the best is that we laugh so much. In case you couldn’t tell. 
Jared talks about how it doesn’t feel like work, especially with the Sam and Dean scenes. 
J2 have spiraled into Coffee Talk impressions.
Any spoilers? Jensen: Prepare yourselves...for some interesting characters this season. Jared laughs and pretends to be shocked: I can’t believe you said that! Jared: New characters and you’ll see some fan favorites come back. 
If Sam and Dean could bring back one character? Crowd starts shouting names. Jensen: Did someone just say Jon Snow?  
Jensen: Would love to bring back Azazel...so I could kill him again. 
Jared chose Charlie, because she brings out a different side of the boys. Jensen adds Benny to the list, Jared also mentions Sully. 
Fan: Do you think Ruby will come back, mentions wanting Danneel on the show. Jared jokes that he would have to watch the kids and do the real work. Gen was able to come back for French Mistake but not sure if she’d be able to now. Jared agrees that he wants to see Danneel on the show, too. Jensen: She’s rockin’ three kids, too!
Jensen says that those decisions aren’t up to him. Says if they were the show would have been canceled a long time ago. Jared jokes about how if it was up to J2 they would just cast all of their friends. “Who’s that guy?”
Jared: What character would Danneel play? Audience shouts, Baby! Jensen: That could complicate things. Boys want to make a dirty joke but they cut themselves off lol. 
Someone in the audience is yelling out Garth. Boys can’t understand what they’re saying. Bunch of fans start yelling Garth, boys finally get it. Jared laughs and says it reminds him of Finding Nemo when the seagulls are saying “mine, mine, mine” over and over. He looked into the crowd and just saw a bunch of people going, “Garth, Garth, Garth” lmao. 
Jensen: If Danneel came on the show would you want her to be good or bad? Fan: Good. Jensen: But she plays bad so well. Jared nods. Jensen nods, goes to make a comment and cuts himself off lol. 
Fan: How does it feel to have fans like this? Jensen talks about how it took him awhile to really get it. Used to be more in his shell. Now he says it’s fuel for him seeing this kind of devotion. 
Jared is amazed at a fan’s incredible SPN body art. Boys are complimenting her on the amazing body art. 
Jared says don’t ever think that they think we’re “weird” for being too dedicated to the show. Because they are just as weird as us. Jared: If you’re crazy for spending 24 hours (on fan’s body art) then we’re crazy for spending 13 years. 
Fan: Was there a real Trickster, or was the lore about Gabriel? Jared thinks there was no Trickster, that it was just Gabriel hiding. 
Jared pronounced gif like jif. Jensen does not approve. Apologizes on his behalf for being silly lol. 
Any sport/activity you’ve always wanted to try? Jared mentions cricket, stunt driving courses...Jensen: Stunt driving is not a sport. Jared also mentions motocross. Doesn’t want to get himself hurt. Jensen: Kite surfing. Jensen says it needs to be a place without sharks. Fans: Great Lakes! Jensen: I don’t believe that. They’re in there. Just deep.
Funniest moment to film? Jensen: There are moments on a daily basis that make it impossible to film because they’re laughing. They mention the Chupacabra bit. 
Apparently Alex (who plays Jack) is like Misha 2.0 in terms of the boys messing with him lol :P J2M messed with Alex so bad the director, Nina Lopez-Corrado, actually kicked them off set. 
Jensen once told Jared to not speak in a scene so he didn’t mess around. Jared didn’t say a word and Jensen did his lines alone lol. 
Jensen says Jared can never get through telling a whole joke without busting out laughing before the punchline :P
Jared tries to make Jensen break during a scene, makes himself laugh and ruins the take even if Jensen is fine. 
Fan proposes Dark Angel crossover. Jensen thinks it would be neat, would want to recruit X5s to be on their side. 
If you had to live out a season of the show for a year, which season. Jared: Six, maybe?? At least I didn’t care, I was soulless. Also says season 9, maybe 10? Jensen: Season 4. Jared: What’d you do in four? Jensen: Nothing, that’s why I said four. 
Jensen is playing the keyboard for the last question. 
The fan is very flustered, it’s her first convention. Jared is comforting her. Jensen has been playing dramatic piano music all throughout the poor fan trying to get our the last question lol. The entire room is laughing and Jensen has not broken. The girl is overwhelmed and when Jared cuddles her to comfort her she pulled him into a hug aww lol. 
Question is about Adam’s whereabouts. She was a big fan of Adam’s and read a fan theory that maybe he got out of the cage. Jared: Now, to the cool stylings of Jensen Ackles...I think he’s in the cage. Fan joking around: Our half-brother’s in hell, let’s forget about him. Jared: Ehhh, yeah, it’s kinda true. But we do love Jake. 
Jared asks for Jensen’s opinion. Jensen, still playing: oooohh, yeaaaaahhhh.
Jensen snuck in a lower-back grab/pat on Jared as they headed offstage :)
Boys say thanks to the fans before taking off. 
Info via: Fangasm, Ally, Lysa, Tricia,  Sil’s livetweet list
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britishchick09 · 4 years
sherlock ep 3 the great game livewatch
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since i did a live-re-watch of ep 1 and a re/new livewatch of ep 2, i figured i’d finish off the season! i’ve never seen this one, so it’s the first totally new livewatch of the year! :D
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ooh spooky beginning!
sherlock is talking to a guy for a case why in an old school tho?
omg sherlock keeps correcting this guy’s grammar lol :D
the guy will get hung for it (sorry hanged) is this victorian england
dramatic intro strikes again!
sherlock just chillin
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john: “what the hell are you doing??” SAME WTF MR HOLMES
he’s shooting because he’s BORED OMG SHERLOCK LOL
omg john almost said the f word :o
ooh they referenced ep one’s title in john’s blog post!!!
does that mean john comes up with the ep titles coolio :D
sherlock doesn’t like it tho :/
he deletes things he doesn’t care about like the earth going around the sun woah sherlock computer! :o
sherlock just said ‘hard drive’ epic B)
sherlock: “UGH HELL, WHAT DOES THAT MATTER?? so we go around the sun or we go around the moon round and round the garden like a teddy bear IT WOULDN’T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE!” ...teddy bear?
oh hey mrs hudson
awww she called their argument ‘a little domestic’ :)
let me guess sherlock hates the quiet peaceful world
and she’s putting the smiley face on the rent ‘young man’ :/
hey is that sarah cool! :D
oh crap THE FLAT EXPLODED!!!!!
i thought this would happen in like s4 since that’s super dark not s1!!!!
lol sherlock’s just plucking his violin like nothing happened :D
yo is that moiarty mycroft?
ok this is his bro so according to google it’s... mycroft!
mycroft: “a case like this would require... ‘leg work’” ...leg work?
in my holmes inspired series the sherlock and mycroft characters hate each others guts and act like children around each other so it’s good to see that these bros just act cold and keep correcting each other
mycroft: “your business seems to be booming, ever since you and sherlock became.. ‘pals’’ johnlock shippers be like: ;)
mycroft wondered if it was hellish and my holmes character describes his bro as hellish COINCIDENCE I THINK TOTALLY!!! :o
the plans were on a ‘memory stick’ does mycroft mean ‘usb’?
sherlock putting rosin on his bow during the conversation tho ♥
mycroft: “you need to find those plans, sherlock. don’t make me order you” wowoza older bro much?
is sherlock badly playing his violin to test it or to kick mycroft out faster lol :D
this is probably benedict cumberbatch really playing because he didn’t take violin lessons until s2 i think and even then there was an overdub!
sherlock: “i’d be lost without my blogger” aww he really does like the posts! ♥ also major johnlock squee there
sherlock likes the ‘funny cases’ ;)
hey is that lestrade cool he’s back
the first thing sherlock says while reading the letter is ‘nice stationary’
john: “that’s the pink phone!” guy: “from the study in pink!” sherlock: “you read his blog?” lestrade: “of course we all do!” awwww :D
everyone’s snickering at sherlock not believing the ‘earth sun’ theory lol :D
ooh a warning! :o
john: “hold on, what’s gonna happen again?” sherlock: “BOOM!” bada bing, bada... B O O M!!!”
mrs hudson can’t get anyone interested in the flat aww :(
some weird lady’s calling what
woah she was a hostage??
sherlock wants john to delete 8 mycroft texts lol :D
sherlock sarcastically called john ‘doctor’ lol :D
molly: “why did you say ‘gay’? we’re together!“ WAIT DID SHERLOCK JUST SAY THAT?? JOHNLOCK SQUEEE!!!!! also sherlock is aromantic sorry molly :/
molly: “he’s not gay!!” woah john much?
also that was about  her bf sorry johnlock shippers :/
sherlock says his makeup and underwear peeking out make the guy gay RUDE MUCH LOCKIE??
john: “that wasn’t kind” yeah LOCKIE
john: *figures out who the shoes belong to* how did i do?” sherlock: “well, john, really well! i mean, you missed almost everything important” lol :D
sherlock is great at finding out things props to him :D
the shoes were bought 20 years ago just like su lin!
sherlock: “a child with big feet-“ you mean senpai lol
1989 is 21 years ago here wowza :o
oh no the kid had a fit in a pool and died :(
someone stole his shoes! :o
aww john wants to help :)
mycroft is texting john now lol :D
john: “it’s of national importance.” sherlock: “how quaint.” john: “what is?” sherlock: “you are” :)
john is wearing a suit to see mycroft how quaint ♥
john: “he’s investigating now. investigating away” that’s sherlock for ya :D
mycroft knows it all just like sherlock what bros they are! :D
oh no the kid had poison! :o
it’s cool how a 21 year old mystery could tie into a bomb from a day ago :D
she lives in cornwall camilla who
ooh pager! :D
sherlock is bored WHY
oh no another mystery caller!
sherlock guessed he’s ‘stealing another voice’ ooh :o
aww they showed the guy he’s crying :(
they have 9 hours to solve the puzzle!
sherlock is faking being super sad to get info from this lady oh lockie!
random lady: “fishing! try fishing!” john’s reaction tho :D (this is like ‘daang that’s rad!’ but not as funny)
sherlock says ‘mazda’ weird but it’s cool :D
sherlock: “you’re very helpful” ...he’s not
sherlock: “mr. hewitt’s a liar” SEE I WAS RIGHT!!!
the drops in the lab look like the intro :D
phone guy: “we were made for each other, sherlock” woah woah YOU’RE NOT JOHN
ooh the blood was frozen :o
the way lestrade says ‘columbia?‘ is funny :D
the case is solved yet we’re only 37 minutes into the ep hmm....
sherlock: “i am on fire!” YAS LOCKIE!!! :D
great another call...
why is this guy constantly crying WHO HURT YOU SIR?
a restaurant scene... ep 1 was queerbaiting, ep 2 was stereotyping and this one is... SHERLOCK EATING??? :o
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epic 2010 smartphone ;)
john: “lucky for you mrs hudson and i watch too much telly” yas john!!! :D
throughout the scene there’s a snoring sound... is someone sleeping in the afternoon??
a dead 54 actress died 2 days ago... connection?
she cut her hand on a rusty nail dean from supernatural who
sherlock: “goodnight vienna!” *ringo voice* ♫ na na na na na na goodnight viennaaa!!!!!!! ♫ :D
lockie’s mind is racing again!!
john’s dr skills and sherlock’s mind are perfect for this :D
sherlock: “do you want to help?” john: “of course!” ♥
lestrade: “tell me, what are we dealing with?” sherlock: “...something new’ ;)
ughhhh her again!! THREE HOURS HAS IT EVEN BEEN 12 YET???
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awww kitty!!!! ♥
the kitty is so loud and cute awww :)
the tv lady taught mrs hudson how to do ‘colors’ aww :)
sherlock went to fan sites for the show coolio :D
...omg what if there are fan sites for him and people ship johnlock in the show besides mrs hudson :o
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awwww kittyyyy!!!!! :D
john thinks the lady got tetanus because of the cat NOT THE KITTY!!!
so are the shoe kid, tv lady and creepy phone people connected?
the phone people are bombers so at least that’s a connection
great the phone lady wants help UGHH
she’s telling sherlock things about the guy GIVE THE ADDRESS LADY!!!
wait was that a gunshot
it was another gas leak explosion! :o
the bomber killed the lady oooohh :o
sherlock: “heroes don’t exist and wouldn’t be one of them” oh but you are lockie ;)
sherlock: “you SEE you just don’t observe!” john: “okay, okay, girls calm down!!” GIRLS OMG LOL :D
sherlock: “you’ll never find him (some guy named gollem). but i know a man who can” lestrade: “who?” sherlock: “...me.” ;)
lady: “any change for a cup of tea?” sherlock: *gives her fifty* wowza what a generous lockie!
onto part 2!
the lady said a message was left ‘on the landline’ how 21st century of you...?
other lady: “am i supposed to be impressed?/” this is sherlock holmes we’re talking about here lady
lady 3: “we were having a night in...” *wallace and gromit intensities*
joe: “are you the police?” john: “sort of” he’s a consulting detective assistant thank you very much :)
sherlock sure likes giving lots of change to people in need :)
and he said earlier he doesn’t care about people unless it involves the case!
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aww moonlight walk ♥
they’re in the tunnels like the netflix pic! :D
i wonder if this inspired that pic...
the lady is watching a show on jupiter a gas planet hmmm...
she just wants neptune :D (i know her fave sailor senshi...)
the tape is going backwards it’s so weird
john: “let go or i will kill you” oooohhh gollem’s in trouble...
yo wtf is going on
who is this fancy french lady
sherlock s n a p !
the painting is a fake and that’s why she was killed?
some kid is counting down WHO ART THOU SMOL ONE???
sherlock: “shut up it only works if i figure it out!” yeah that’s true
aaand it worked!
the planet film helped sherlock discover the nova in the painting coolio :D
the mystery kid needs help! but where is he...
i still have no idea what’s going on tho it all went by so fast!
is this new french lady the one behind everything?
lockie be like ‘oh god...’ i’d be the same way if my mortal enemy was behind the case
why is john talking about strawberry jam with lestrade
oh it’s blood?
cool lifejackets :D
a wild sherlock appears!
is memory stick british slang for usb or just a holmes bro quirk because sherlock said it too
sherlock just broke into someone’s flat lol
and their last name is harrison... george much? ;)
so harrison stole the memory stick and gollem put in the bomb, moiarty hiring them both and having creepy people call sherlock and kill the tv lady, the guard at the gallery with the nova painting and maybe the shoe kid? is that how all this is connected?
john: “i’m not the world’s only consulting detective” aww he considers himself one too instead of just an assistant! :D
HOLD UP there’s a pool... is this the infamous tackle scene from the sarah z tjlc vid?
john is wearing a big coat hmm...
this is the pool where the kid died CONNECTION!!!!
oh no is this the calling guy
why does he sound like a silly american
YO he’s an american pulling off a brit accent
moiarty: “jim moiarty! hiiii!!!” lol :D
plz shoot him sherlock this guy sounds so stupid
the near fake kiss in that one ep makes sense now
moiarty in a sing-songy voice: “daddy’s had enough nowww!!!!’ DADDY WHAT
moiarty said gay :o
he just called sherlock ‘johnny boy’ why
i already hate moiarty so much but his lines are so funny what a villian!
sherlock: “what if i were to shoot you right now?” please do lockie
sherlock: “catch... you... later.” moiarty: “no you won’t!!! :D”
sherlock took off the jacket was that the scene?
john: “you ripping off my clothes in a darkened swimming pool...” THAT’S THE SCENE OMG JOHNLOCKERS ARE SQUEEING!!!!
omg moiarty’s back how stupid
the music is intensifying...
and it ended!! i’m guessing sherlock doesn’t shoot moiarty which is a bummer but hey at least we’ll get more lols next season with them! :D
this was a great season finale! the beginning was wild and it got crazier from there. this is my least fave ep so far, but i still really liked it for how insane it was (and that kitty/moiarty lols!). it took 4 years to reach the end of s1, but it was well worth the wait! :D
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crazykendal · 7 years
woah if I were you I would .totally. read though this
did you pay attention to anything you were being taught in health class?   health class.. like family life or what
what are your feelings regarding shopping?   I hate shopping
do you think people have any misconceptions about you? Honestly im mean around a lot of people and I think people think im mean to everyone which is not true. I can get really soft with some people
have you ever worn fishnets? nooo...
do you go somewhere to get your eyebrows done? nowhere:)
do you believe prayer really works? no
do you have one best friend who is always there for you? yeah she’s weird
describe one of your most emotional farewells. haha nonononononoonon
have you ever been tied up? like literally or mentally.. ohhh god no
how many times have you been cussed out? dunno
does it bother you when people ask personal questions? no, it just means that they might care more
do you know anyone who’s been in jail? a tonnnn
have you ever considered acupuncture? No
have you ever watched the same sex undress? no..?
have you ever seen the last person you kissed cry? no
have you ever seen your mom or dad drunk? no
do you enjoy mario games? like super mario yes my dads a hardcore fan
do you think that necessities should be free? (ex. food, toilet paper) no you must work for shit dood
does it bother you when dogs lick you? no they love me
do you feed your pets human food? yeah haru loves chicken
which is worse: being sexist or racist? both are absolutely horrible, but nothing is worse than a perachel shipper
do you think suicide is selfish? man.. it ends the pain but it starts more pain to people close to you. It seems selfish but it really depends
would you take a dirty picture of yourself for someone you are dating? No
what are the most embarrassing songs in your itunes library? i dont have any embarrassing shit that i can think of
how picky are you when it comes to choosing who to kiss or not kiss? oooohh man idk
do you feel that having sex anywhere but a bed is more exciting? ..yyeahh..
in your opinion, is it ever okay to get back with an ex? depends on who
what’s the first animal you go to see at the zoo?  i never go to the zoo
what’s the strangest or rarest creature you’ve seen at a zoo? idk
what animal is at a zoo that really, in your opinion, shouldn’t be? all of them they want to be FREED
do you like zoos or aren’t you bothered? why so much fucking zoo shit
i offer you a cigarette, you say… nope i dont want lung cancer
why do you think you were put on this earth? to fucking suffer and to make others suffer
is it ever okay to hit a child? when is this? no unless they are gonna kill you
do you think violence in video/computer games influences the nation also? no i hate people who believe this
are you in any shape or form, racist? no
are you in any shape or form, sexist? no but i kinda prefer girls if you know what i mean :)
how do you think the world will end? either a nuclear war or global warming haha
what natural phenomenon do you find the most beautiful? death :)
would you kill someone who killed a child? how about YOUR child? sure dood
what is your favorite cover of a song? halsey covered justin bieber’s love yourself and replaced love with fuck. i relate to this cover more than I do with my family
have you ever been in love with someone who was fatally ill? no?
have you ever received or given a make-over? no..
do you know anyone who is HIV+? not that i know of
have you ever been to a desert? idk but I feel like i live in a desert
do you know any trans* people? yeah and also I met MILES MCKENNA yussss
what is your favorite beatles song? uh..
what is the poorest you have ever been? when I first had no money haha
i’m sure you know of the gamer fad on youtube. who’s your favorite? like youtubers?? oh god. I used to love ihascupquake, dantdm, and ldshadowlady when I used to like minecraft but its now more vanoss gaming, zac cox tv, thegaminglemon, thedevildoggaming, and lets play games
is there something written on your shirt right now? it says Mavel
what is your favorite song to play on guitar hero or rock band? ooh I love those games I just dont have it
where do you find the surveys you take? I follow an account
what’s one weird/annoying thing your pet(s) tend to do? BUB ATTACKS THE SHIT OUT OF MY OTHER CATS
what’s your favorite song by your favorite artist?   Salt Skin by Ellie Goulding, Colors by Halsey, Secrets by The Weeknd
do you have an “original character?” what.. like something ive come up with myself? If so, dont even get me started. I literally have about 100 characters ive created for this huge long ass collection of stories ive been writing for about 3 years.
what about a persona/fursona?   wut
do you ever MAKE your own surveys? no way
why’s it the woman who have to give birth anyway if the man is physically stronger in most cases? because the man isnt strong enough ;)
do you get good internet where you live? no my room has no wifi but my backyard is gr8
ever had a cavity? how many? yeah idk how many haha
ever broken a tooth? I thought i did once
what did you do on the playground at your school as a child? idk
are you into comics? I recently wrote a 60-70 page comic for a series im writing
did you ever have computer disc games you played as a kid? yeah GTA San Andreas all the way homie
what do you think of people who have therapists? pretty brave, my parents think i need one but i could never
do you have any of those adult coloring books? no I hate coloring
ever ridden an elephant? no
deserts: dreary or beautiful?   dreary
ever seen a panda?   like once I think
what kind a camera do you have?   I only have my phone
do you have stretch marks? where? don’t be shy, they’re tiger stripes! no
lobsters: cool or scary? i pet one once
opposoms: total vermin or cute? what
what tv channel dominated your childhood?   idk
ever actually seen a snake in the wild? my friend stepped on one when we were little holy fuckk
have you ever had a PET snake? what kind? no
ever had an encounter with a snapping turtle? they’re scary! no
do you like oatmeal? no
wherever you live, have you ever seen your national bird? yes
ever had a reptile as a pet that you had to feed crickets? no i got cats
ever play hearthstone? no but I know a guy named Hearthstone :)
ever gone hunting? biggest thing you’ve ever shot?   no
how about fishing? biggest thing you’ve ever caught?   MY DAD IS OBSESSED WITH FISHING HE HAS SPECIAL KAYAKS FOR IT AND EVERYTHING. But sometimes ill go fishing (like never) I caught some fish before
coolest place you’ve ever been fishing?   santa cruz is my life
which is cooler: african or asian elephant? I didn't know there was a difference
craziest thing you’ve ever eaten? nothing
what’s in a camel’s back? Idk ask the camel
steve irwin: foolish for messing around with animals or brave for teaching us? who dat
what do you think of people who put their whole life on social media? fine with me if they put up there credit card info :)
don’t you think it’s a bit deceptive to wear a push-up bra?   idc
do you truly believe we came from chimps? not from chimps but from earlier ancestors of them
well, what do you think of extra bones and even organs in our bodies? why do we have them?   people are just sometimes born like that
if you could choose anyone to be your father, who would it be? Han Solo
weirdest video game you’ve ever played? hmm gta v is weird for how inappropriate it can get sometimes even tho its the best game ever but probably sims 3
we’re having a pig-pickin’! whatcha eating? a what
ever been on a scary hay ride? no
ever been to a castle?   I went to Hearst Castle once
what’s your favorite kind of penguin? club penguin :) (ive never played before tho) rip
whales. should they be allowed in sea world? NO
ever seen an albino? whether it be human or animal?   yes
what do you think of the song “miss jackson” by panic! at the disco? omg have I never heard of that song whats wrong with me
what is the wallpaper on your best friends cell phone? my old bestfriend has a picture of her and new best friend, isnt that great haha fuck me
do you feel comfortable singing in front of others? depends :)
do you like using big words when you talk? No i dont know many big words
do you EVER use caps lock? NO WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT
are you loud when you’re having sex? well idk
have you ever wanted to drop out of school? i probably will want to in high school
when was the last time you watched south park? never
are you italian? nope
are you interested in photography at all? only in gta v
any survey takers that annoy you on tumblr? no
do you like bob marley? ive never heard any of his stuff
can you talk to your parents about anything without them judging or bickering at you? I never can or do
are you interested in art? sketch my life away
don’t you think we’re spending too much money on exploring the mere theory of climate change? No but when the worlds flooding they wont regret it haha
everyone always wants to know your favorite animal. what’s your SECOND favorite? I always say cats are my favorite but i also love chickens
who’s your favorite disney character? none
have you ever taken the eharmony personality quiz? no
do you take vitamins? if so, what kinds? idk
how much was your prom dress? what’s the most you’d spend? hahahahahahahaha kill me
would you marry someone of a different religion? ehh.. im not religious and i could never go to church every sunday so maybe not..
how did you learn the word “fuck”? my parents swear a lot
if you could make one of your enemies your best friend, who would it be? id rather stay enemies thank you very much
what is the last movie you saw in theaters? Spiderman Homecoming
have you ever got into a wreck?   not serious
do you think you are an argumentative person? yeah and i lose friends because of it :)
can you admit when you’re wrong?   all the time
are you easily confused? yeah people yell at me for it
do you think you would make a good wife/husband?  
probably not
have you ever caught a butterfly?   hey I used to be afraid of butterflies so no
have you ever deliberately tried to get someone drunk? no
do you like being kissed on the neck? never been kissed so yeah
favorite song by the band the offspring? never heard of them
how many times each morning do you press the snooze button? never had to, ever
when you go out to eat, what sides do your order with your food? idk
what video game or computer game are you best at? GTA V Online, ive become so good from 4 years of experience people think im a modder, fuck all those bitches, but its really funny when they think I can just drop money for them, id love to be a modder but I dont want to get banned
how do you normally come across new music? friends or the radio
what subject in school do you feel is the least necessary? science and english and history even though i love history
do you enjoy power outages or do you get annoyed? i dont care
are you pretty politically correct? kinda
have you ever behaved like a stalker?   no i have no idea what you are talking about :)
do you appreciate other people’s opinions?   depends on who
if you could pick your own pet name, what would it be?   I named my cat Bub so there
do you care what’s going on in the world? If it hurts me, yes
how many partners is too many? at one time, one is good but if youve had a lot in your life time i lose respect
do you examine the tissue after you blow your nose?   no
do you prefer boys to shave down there? uh..
how much does your mother know about your sex life (or lack thereof)? im 14 wtf
are any of your siblings married? what are their spouse’s names?   No but I think my sister is married to Finn Wolfhard
have you ever had a pet bird?   no
how many times have you moved in your lifetime? once
if you could get one piercing and one tattoo, where would you want them?   ahh only if it didn't hurt id get a red triangle on my right wrist (gotta be like ellie goulding) and a piercing? nose? maybe
would you consider yourself to be adventurous?   yes i love to adventure but no one ever wants to come with me :’(
has any part of your house ever been flooded?   no
is there anyone that you’re worried about right now? who and why? yeah, I cant say though. Their friend told me about some stuff
if you won a lot of money, would you donate any of it? to what organization would you donate it?                                                                 
describe the best friend you’ve ever had, or the best person you’ve ever known.   ive been friends with her for about 10 years and we've been fighting for months and ive finally come to realize she cares about me a lot more than I do about myself and she is really worried about me ever doing anything with myself. Ive just been really down with myself these past months
have you ever adopted a stray animal?   maybe
what time did you wake up this morning?   8:28 dont ask how I remebered
ever wonder if you’re someone’s everything? yeah but I know that it’ll never happen but like theres this one person id give my life for (just one person) she knows who she is
would you ever bleach your hair platinum blonde? like once ok stop it
what is your mom’s middle name?   Lei
do you know the color of your ex boyfriend/girlfriend’s eyes? n/a
have you had your wisdom teeth out?   no
your appendix?   no
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