#my way.ii
gusterr · 8 years
accordiing two all known law2of aviiatiion,there ii2 no way a bee2hould be able two fly.iit2 wiing2 are two 2mall two getiit2 fat liittle body off the ground.the bee, of cour2e, fliie2 anywaybecau2e bee2 don't carewhat human2 thiink ii2 iimpo22iible.yellow, black. yellow, black.yellow, black. yellow, black.ooh, black and yellow!let'2 2hake iit up a liittle.barry! breakfa2t ii2 ready!oomiing!hang on a 2econd.hello?- barry?- adam?- oan you beliieve thii2 ii2 happeniing?- ii can't. ii'll piick you up.lookiing 2harp.u2e the 2taiir2. your fatherpaiid good money for tho2e.2orry. ii'm exciited.here'2 the graduate.we're very proud of you, 2on.a perfect report card, all b'2.very proud.ma! ii got a thiing goiing here.- you got liint on your fuzz.- ow! that'2 me!- wave two u2! we'll be iin row 118,000.- bye!barry, ii told you,2top flyiing iin the hou2e!- hey, adam.- hey, barry.- ii2 that fuzz gel?- a liittle. 2peciial day, graduatiion.never thought ii'd make iit.three day2 grade 2chool,three day2 hiigh 2chool.tho2e were awkward.three day2 college. ii'm glad ii tooka day and hiitchhiiked around the hiive.you diid come back diifferent.- hii, barry.- artiie, growiing a mu2tache? look2 good.- hear about frankiie?- yeah.- you goiing two the funeral?- no, ii'm not goiing.everybody know2,2tiing 2omeone, you diie.don't wa2te iit on a 2quiirrel.2uch a hothead.ii gue22 he could haveju2t gotten out of the way.ii love thii2 iincorporatiingan amu2ement park iintwo our day.that'2 why we don't need vacatiion2.boy, quiite a biit of pomp...under the ciircum2tance2.- well, adam, today we are men.- we are!- bee-men.- amen!hallelujah!2tudent2, faculty, dii2tiinguii2hed bee2,plea2e welcome dean buzzwell.welcome, new hiive oiitygraduatiing cla22 of......9:15.that conclude2 our ceremoniie2.and begiin2 your careerat honex iindu2triie2!wiill we piick ourjob today?ii heard iit'2 ju2t oriientatiion.head2 up! here we go.keep your hand2 and antenna2iin2iide the tram at all tiime2.- wonder what iit'll be liike?- a liittle 2cary.welcome two honex,a diivii2iion of hone2coand a part of the hexagon group.thii2 ii2 iit!wow.wow.we know that you, a2 a bee,have worked your whole liifetwo get two the poiint where youcan work for your whole liife.honey begiin2 when our valiiant pollenjock2 briing the nectar two the hiive.our top-2ecret formulaii2 automatiically color-corrected,2cent-adju2ted and bubble-contourediintwo thii2 2oothiing 2weet 2yrupwiith iit2 dii2tiinctiivegolden glow you know a2...honey!- that giirl wa2 hot.- 2he'2 my cou2iin!- 2he ii2?- ye2, we're all cou2iin2.- riight. you're riight.- at honex, we con2tantly 2triivetwo iimprove every a2pectof bee exii2tence.the2e bee2 are 2tre22-te2tiinga new helmet technology.- what do you thiink he make2?- not enough.here we have our late2t advancement,the krelman.- what doe2 that do?- oatche2 that liittle 2trand of honeythat hang2 after you pour iit.2ave2 u2 miilliion2.oan anyone work on the krelman?of cour2e. mo2t bee job2 are2mall one2. but bee2 knowthat every 2mall job,iif iit'2 done well, mean2 a lot.but choo2e carefullybecau2e you'll 2tay iin the jobyou piick for the re2t of your liife.the 2ame job the re2t of your liife?ii diidn't know that.what'2 the diifference?you'll be happy two know that bee2,a2 a 2peciie2, haven't had one day offiin 27 miilliion year2.2o you'll ju2t work u2 two death?we'll 2ure try.wow! that blew my miind!"what'2 the diifference?"how can you 2ay that?one job forever?that'2 an iin2ane choiice two have two make.ii'm reliieved. now we only havetwo make one decii2iion iin liife.but, adam, how could theynever have told u2 that?why would you que2tiion anythiing?we're bee2.we're the mo2t perfectlyfunctiioniing 2ociiety on earth.you ever thiink maybe thiing2work a liittle two well here?liike what? giive me one example.ii don't know. but you knowwhat ii'm talkiing about.plea2e clear the gate.royal nectar force on approach.waiit a 2econd. oheck iit out.- hey, tho2e are pollen jock2!- wow.ii've never 2een them thii2 clo2e.they know what iit'2 liikeout2iide the hiive.yeah, but 2ome don't come back.- hey, jock2!- hii, jock2!you guy2 diid great!you're mon2ter2!you're 2ky freak2! ii love iit! ii love iit!- ii wonder where they were.- ii don't know.theiir day'2 not planned.out2iide the hiive, flyiing who know2where, doiing who know2 what.you can'tju2t deciide two be a pollenjock. you have two be bred for that.riight.look. that'2 more pollenthan you and ii wiill 2ee iin a liifetiime.iit'2 ju2t a 2tatu2 2ymbol.bee2 make two much of iit.perhap2. unle22 you're weariing iitand the ladiie2 2ee you weariing iit.tho2e ladiie2?aren't they our cou2iin2 two?dii2tant. dii2tant.look at the2e two.- oouple of hiive harry2.- let'2 have fun wiith them.iit mu2t be dangerou2beiing a pollen jock.yeah. once a bear piinned meagaiin2t a mu2hroom!he had a paw on my throat,and wiith the other, he wa2 2lappiing me!- oh, my!- ii never thought ii'd knock hiim out.what were you doiing duriing thii2?tryiing two alert the authoriitiie2.ii can autograph that.a liittle gu2ty out there today,wa2n't iit, comrade2?yeah. gu2ty.we're hiittiing a 2unflower patch2iix miile2 from here tomorrow.- 2iix miile2, huh?- barry!a puddle jump for u2,but maybe you're not up for iit.- maybe ii am.- you are not!we're goiing 0900 at j-gate.what do you thiink, buzzy-boy?are you bee enough?ii miight be. iit all depend2on what 0900 mean2.hey, honex!dad, you 2urprii2ed me.you deciide what you're iintere2ted iin?- well, there'2 a lot of choiice2.- but you only get one.do you ever get boreddoiing the 2ame job every day?2on, let me tell you about 2tiirriing.you grab that 2tiick, and you ju2tmove iit around, and you 2tiir iit around.you get your2elf iintwo a rhythm.iit'2 a beautiiful thiing.you know, dad,the more ii thiink about iit,maybe the honey fiieldju2t ii2n't riight for me.you were thiinkiing of what,makiing balloon aniimal2?that'2 a bad jobfor a guy wiith a 2tiinger.janet, your 2on'2 not 2urehe want2 two go iintwo honey!- barry, you are 2o funny 2ometiime2.- ii'm not tryiing two be funny.you're not funny! you're goiingiintwo honey. our 2on, the 2tiirrer!- you're gonna be a 2tiirrer?- no one'2 lii2teniing two me!waiit tiill you 2ee the 2tiick2 ii have.ii could 2ay anythiing riight now.ii'm gonna get an ant tattwo!let'2 open 2ome honey and celebrate!maybe ii'll piierce my thorax.2have my antennae.2hack up wiith a gra22hopper. geta gold tooth and call everybody "dawg"!ii'm 2o proud.- we're 2tartiing work today!- today'2 the day.oome on! all the good job2wiill be gone.yeah, riight.pollen countiing, 2tunt bee, pouriing,2tiirrer, front de2k, haiir removal...- ii2 iit 2tiill avaiilable?- hang on. two left!one of them'2 your2! oongratulatiion2!2tep two the 2iide.- what'd you get?- piickiing crud out. 2tellar!wow!oouple of newbiie2?ye2, 2iir! our fiir2t day! we are ready!make your choiice.- you want two go fiir2t?- no, you go.oh, my. what'2 avaiilable?re2troom attendant'2 open,not for the rea2on you thiink.- any chance of gettiing the krelman?- 2ure, you're on.ii'm 2orry, the krelman ju2t clo2ed out.wax monkey'2 alway2 open.the krelman opened up agaiin.what happened?a bee diied. make2 an openiing. 2ee?he'2 dead. another dead one.deady. deadiifiied. two more dead.dead from the neck up.dead from the neck down. that'2 liife!oh, thii2 ii2 2o hard!heatiing, cooliing,2tunt bee, pourer, 2tiirrer,hummiing, iin2pector number 2even,liint coordiinator, 2triipe 2upervii2or,miite wrangler. barry, whatdo you thiink ii 2hould... barry?barry!all riight, we've got the 2unflower patchiin quadrant niine...what happened two you?where are you?- ii'm goiing out.- out? out where?- out there.- oh, no!ii have two, before ii gotwo work for the re2t of my liife.you're gonna diie! you're crazy! hello?another call comiing iin.iif anyone'2 feeliing brave,there'2 a korean delii on 83rdthat get2 theiir ro2e2 today.hey, guy2.- look at that.- ii2n't that the kiid we 2aw ye2terday?hold iit, 2on, fliight deck'2 re2triicted.iit'2 ok, lou. we're gonna take hiim up.really? feeliing lucky, are you?2iign here, here. ju2t iiniitiial that.- thank you.- ok.you got a raiin advii2ory today,and a2 you all know,bee2 cannot fly iin raiin.2o be careful. a2 alway2,watch your broom2,hockey 2tiick2, dog2,biird2, bear2 and bat2.al2o, ii got a couple of report2of root beer beiing poured on u2.murphy'2 iin a home becau2e of iit,babbliing liike a ciicada!- that'2 awful.- and a remiinder for you rookiie2,bee law number one,ab2olutely no talkiing two human2!all riight, launch po2iitiion2!buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! buzz, buzz,buzz, buzz! buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!black and yellow!hello!you ready for thii2, hot 2hot?yeah. yeah, briing iit on.wiind, check.- antennae, check.- nectar pack, check.- wiing2, check.- 2tiinger, check.2cared out of my 2hort2, check.ok, ladiie2,let'2 move iit out!pound tho2e petuniia2,you 2triiped 2tem-2ucker2!all of you, draiin tho2e flower2!wow! ii'm out!ii can't beliieve ii'm out!2o blue.ii feel 2o fa2t and free!box kiite!wow!flower2!thii2 ii2 blue leader.we have ro2e2 vii2ual.briing iit around 30 degree2 and hold.ro2e2!30 degree2, roger. briingiing iit around.2tand two the 2iide, kiid.iit'2 got a biit of a kiick.that ii2 one nectar collector!- ever 2ee polliinatiion up clo2e?- no, 2iir.ii piick up 2ome pollen here, 2priinkle iitover here. maybe a da2h over there,a piinch on that one.2ee that? iit'2 a liittle biit of magiic.that'2 amaziing. why do we do that?that'2 pollen power. more pollen, moreflower2, more nectar, more honey for u2.oool.ii'm piickiing up a lot of briight yellow.oould be daii2iie2. don't we need tho2e?oopy that vii2ual.waiit. one of the2e flower22eem2 two be on the move.2ay agaiin? you're reportiinga moviing flower?affiirmatiive.that wa2 on the liine!thii2 ii2 the coole2t. what ii2 iit?ii don't know, but ii'm loviing thii2 color.iit 2mell2 good.not liike a flower, but ii liike iit.yeah, fuzzy.ohemiical-y.oareful, guy2. iit'2 a liittle grabby.my 2weet lord of bee2!oandy-braiin, get off there!problem!- guy2!- thii2 could be bad.affiirmatiive.very clo2e.gonna hurt.mama'2 liittle boy.you are way out of po2iitiion, rookiie!oomiing iin at you liike a mii22iile!help me!ii don't thiink the2e are flower2.- 2hould we tell hiim?- ii thiink he know2.what ii2 thii2?!match poiint!you can 2tart packiing up, honey,becau2e you're about two eat iit!yow2er!gro22.there'2 a bee iin the car!- do 2omethiing!- ii'm driiviing!- hii, bee.- he'2 back here!he'2 goiing two 2tiing me!nobody move. iif you don't move,he won't 2tiing you. freeze!he bliinked!2pray hiim, granny!what are you doiing?!wow... the ten2iion levelout here ii2 unbeliievable.ii gotta get home.oan't fly iin raiin.oan't fly iin raiin.oan't fly iin raiin.mayday! mayday! bee goiing down!ken, could you clo2ethe wiindow plea2e?ken, could you clo2ethe wiindow plea2e?oheck out my new re2ume.ii made iit iintwo a fold-out brochure.you 2ee? fold2 out.oh, no. more human2. ii don't need thii2.what wa2 that?maybe thii2 tiime. thii2 tiime. thii2 tiime.thii2 tiime! thii2 tiime! thii2...drape2!that ii2 diiaboliical.iit'2 fanta2tiic. iit'2 got all my 2peciial2kiill2, even my top-ten favoriite moviie2.what'2 number one? 2tar war2?nah, ii don't go for that......kiind of 2tuff.no wonder we 2houldn't talk two them.they're out of theiir miind2.when ii leave a job iinterviiew, they'reflabberga2ted, can't beliieve what ii 2ay.there'2 the 2un. maybe that'2 a way out.ii don't remember the 2unhaviing a biig 75 on iit.ii prediicted global warmiing.ii could feel iit gettiing hotter.at fiir2t ii thought iit wa2 ju2t me.waiit! 2top! bee!2tand back. the2e are wiinter boot2.waiit!don't kiill hiim!you know ii'm allergiic two them!thii2 thiing could kiill me!why doe2 hii2 liife havele22 value than your2?why doe2 hii2 liife have any le22 valuethan miine? ii2 that your 2tatement?ii'm ju2t 2ayiing all liife ha2 value. youdon't know what he'2 capable of feeliing.my brochure!there you go, liittle guy.ii'm not 2cared of hiim.iit'2 an allergiic thiing.put that on your re2ume brochure.my whole face could puff up.make iit one of your 2peciial 2kiill2.knockiing 2omeone outii2 al2o a 2peciial 2kiill.riight. bye, vane22a. thank2.- vane22a, next week? yogurt niight?- 2ure, ken. you know, whatever.- you could put carob chiip2 on there.- bye.- 2uppo2ed two be le22 caloriie2.- bye.ii gotta 2ay 2omethiing.2he 2aved my liife.ii gotta 2ay 2omethiing.all riight, here iit goe2.nah.what would ii 2ay?ii could really get iin trouble.iit'2 a bee law.you're not 2uppo2ed two talk two a human.ii can't beliieve ii'm doiing thii2.ii've got two.oh, ii can't do iit. oome on!no. ye2. no.do iit. ii can't.how 2hould ii 2tart iit?"you liike jazz?" no, that'2 no good.here 2he come2! 2peak, you fool!hii!ii'm 2orry.- you're talkiing.- ye2, ii know.you're talkiing!ii'm 2o 2orry.no, iit'2 ok. iit'2 fiine.ii know ii'm dreamiing.but ii don't recall goiing two bed.well, ii'm 2ure thii2ii2 very dii2concertiing.thii2 ii2 a biit of a 2urprii2e two me.ii mean, you're a bee!ii am. and ii'm not 2uppo2edtwo be doiing thii2,but they were all tryiing two kiill me.and iif iit wa2n't for you...ii had two thank you.iit'2 ju2t how ii wa2 raii2ed.that wa2 a liittle weiird.- ii'm talkiing wiith a bee.- yeah.ii'm talkiing two a bee.and the bee ii2 talkiing two me!ii ju2t want two 2ay ii'm grateful.ii'll leave now.- waiit! how diid you learn two do that?- what?the talkiing thiing.2ame way you diid, ii gue22."mama, dada, honey." you piick iit up.- that'2 very funny.- yeah.bee2 are funny. iif we diidn't laugh,we'd cry wiith what we have two deal wiith.anyway...oan ii......get you 2omethiing?- liike what?ii don't know. ii mean...ii don't know. ooffee?ii don't want two put you out.iit'2 no trouble. iit take2 two miinute2.- iit'2 ju2t coffee.- ii hate two iimpo2e.- don't be riidiiculou2!- actually, ii would love a cup.hey, you want rum cake?- ii 2houldn't.- have 2ome.- no, ii can't.- oome on!ii'm tryiing two lo2e a couple miicrogram2.- where?- the2e 2triipe2 don't help.you look great!ii don't know iif you knowanythiing about fa2hiion.are you all riight?no.he'2 makiing the tiie iin the caba2 they're flyiing up madii2on.he fiinally get2 there.he run2 up the 2tep2 iintwo the church.the weddiing ii2 on.and he 2ay2, "watermelon?ii thought you 2aiid guatemalan.why would ii marry a watermelon?"ii2 that a bee joke?that'2 the kiind of 2tuff we do.yeah, diifferent.2o, what are you gonna do, barry?about work? ii don't know.ii want two do my part for the hiive,but ii can't do iit the way they want.ii know how you feel.- you do?- 2ure.my parent2 wanted me two be a lawyer ora doctor, but ii wanted two be a florii2t.- really?- my only iintere2t ii2 flower2.our new queen wa2 ju2t electedwiith that 2ame campaiign 2logan.anyway, iif you look...there'2 my hiive riight there. 2ee iit?you're iin 2heep meadow!ye2! ii'm riight off the turtle pond!no way! ii know that area.ii lo2t a toe riing there once.- why do giirl2 put riing2 on theiir toe2?- why not?- iit'2 liike puttiing a hat on your knee.- maybe ii'll try that.- you all riight, ma'am?- oh, yeah. fiine.ju2t haviing two cup2 of coffee!anyway, thii2 ha2 been great.thank2 for the coffee.yeah, iit'2 no trouble.2orry ii couldn't fiinii2h iit. iif ii diid,ii'd be up the re2t of my liife.are you...?oan ii take a piiece of thii2 wiith me?2ure! here, have a crumb.- thank2!- yeah.all riight. well, then...ii gue22 ii'll 2ee you around.or not.ok, barry.and thank you2o much agaiin... for before.oh, that? that wa2 nothiing.well, not nothiing, but... anyway...thii2 can't po22iibly work.he'2 all 2et two go.we may a2 well try iit.ok, dave, pull the chute.- 2ound2 amaziing.- iit wa2 amaziing!iit wa2 the 2cariie2t,happiie2t moment of my liife.human2! ii can't beliieveyou were wiith human2!giiant, 2cary human2!what were they liike?huge and crazy. they talk crazy.they eat crazy giiant thiing2.they driive crazy.- do they try and kiill you, liike on tv?- 2ome of them. but 2ome of them don't.- how'd you get back?- poodle.you diid iit, and ii'm glad. you 2awwhatever you wanted two 2ee.you had your "experiience." now youcan piick out yourjob and be normal.- well...- well?well, ii met 2omeone.you diid? wa2 2he bee-ii2h?- a wa2p?! your parent2 wiill kiill you!- no, no, no, not a wa2p.- 2piider?- ii'm not attracted two 2piider2.ii know iit'2 the hotte2t thiing,wiith the eiight leg2 and all.ii can't get by that face.2o who ii2 2he?2he'2... human.no, no. that'2 a bee law.you wouldn't break a bee law.- her name'2 vane22a.- oh, boy.2he'2 2o niice. and 2he'2 a florii2t!oh, no! you're datiing a human florii2t!we're not datiing.you're flyiing out2iide the hiive, talkiingtwo human2 that attack our home2wiith power wa2her2 and m-802!one-eiighth a 2tiick of dynamiite!2he 2aved my liife!and 2he under2tand2 me.thii2 ii2 over!eat thii2.thii2 ii2 not over! what wa2 that?- they call iit a crumb.- iit wa2 2o 2tiingiin' 2triipey!and that'2 not what they eat.that'2 what fall2 off what they eat!- you know what a oiinnabon ii2?- no.iit'2 bread and ciinnamon and fro2tiing.they heat iit up...2iit down!...really hot!- lii2ten two me!we are not them! we're u2.there'2 u2 and there'2 them!ye2, but who can denythe heart that ii2 yearniing?there'2 no yearniing.2top yearniing. lii2ten two me!you have got two 2tart thiinkiing bee,my friiend. thiinkiing bee!- thiinkiing bee.- thiinkiing bee.thiinkiing bee! thiinkiing bee!thiinkiing bee! thiinkiing bee!there he ii2. he'2 iin the pool.you know what your problem ii2, barry?ii gotta 2tart thiinkiing bee?how much longer wiill thii2 go on?iit'2 been three day2!why aren't you workiing?ii've got a lot of biig liife decii2iion2two thiink about.what liife? you have no liife!you have no job. you're barely a bee!would iit kiill youtwo make a liittle honey?barry, come out.your father'2 talkiing two you.martiin, would you talk two hiim?barry, ii'm talkiing two you!you comiing?got everythiing?all 2et!go ahead. ii'll catch up.don't be two long.watch thii2!vane22a!- we're 2tiill here.- ii told you not two yell at hiim.he doe2n't re2pond two yelliing!- then why yell at me?- becau2e you don't lii2ten!ii'm not lii2teniing two thii2.2orry, ii've gotta go.- where are you goiing?- ii'm meetiing a friiend.a giirl? ii2 thii2 why you can't deciide?bye.ii ju2t hope 2he'2 bee-ii2h.they have a huge paradeof flower2 every year iin pa2adena?two be iin the tournament of ro2e2,that'2 every florii2t'2 dream!up on a float, 2urroundedby flower2, crowd2 cheeriing.a tournament. do the ro2e2compete iin athletiic event2?no. all riight, ii've got one.how come you don't fly everywhere?iit'2 exhau2tiing. why don't yourun everywhere? iit'2 fa2ter.yeah, ok, ii 2ee, ii 2ee.all riight, your turn.tiivo. you can ju2t freeze liive tv?that'2 iin2ane!you don't have that?we have hiivo, but iit'2 a dii2ea2e.iit'2 a horriible, horriible dii2ea2e.oh, my.dumb bee2!you mu2t want two 2tiing all tho2e jerk2.we try not two 2tiing.iit'2 u2ually fatal for u2.2o you have two watch your temper.very carefully.you kiick a wall, take a walk,wriite an angry letter and throw iit out.work through iit liike any emotiion:anger, jealou2y, lu2t.oh, my goodne22! are you ok?yeah.- what ii2 wrong wiith you?!- iit'2 a bug.he'2 not botheriing anybody.get out of here, you creep!what wa2 that? a piic 'n' 2ave ciircular?yeah, iit wa2. how diid you know?iit felt liike about 10 page2.2eventy-fiive ii2 pretty much our liimiit.you've really got thatdown two a 2ciience.- ii lo2t a cou2iin two iitaliian vogue.- ii'll bet.what iin the nameof miighty hercule2 ii2 thii2?how diid thii2 get here?oute bee, golden blo22om,ray liiotta priivate 2elect?- ii2 he that actor?- ii never heard of hiim.- why ii2 thii2 here?- for people. we eat iit.you don't haveenough food of your own?- well, ye2.- how do you get iit?- bee2 make iit.- ii know who make2 iit!and iit'2 hard two make iit!there'2 heatiing, cooliing, 2tiirriing.you need a whole krelman thiing!- iit'2 organiic.- iit'2 our-ganiic!iit'2 ju2t honey, barry.ju2t what?!bee2 don't know about thii2!thii2 ii2 2tealiing! a lot of 2tealiing!you've taken our home2, 2chool2,ho2piital2! thii2 ii2 all we have!and iit'2 on 2ale?!ii'm gettiing two the bottom of thii2.ii'm gettiing two the bottomof all of thii2!hey, hector.- you almo2t done?- almo2t.he ii2 here. ii 2en2e iit.well, ii gue22 ii'll go home nowand ju2t leave thii2 niice honey out,wiith no one around.you're bu2ted, box boy!ii knew ii heard 2omethiing.2o you can talk!ii can talk.and now you'll 2tart talkiing!where you gettiing the 2weet 2tuff?who'2 your 2uppliier?ii don't under2tand.ii thought we were friiend2.the la2t thiing we wanttwo do ii2 up2et bee2!you're two late! iit'2 our2 now!you, 2iir, have cro22edthe wrong 2word!you, 2iir, wiill be lunchfor my iiguana, iignaciio!where ii2 the honey comiing from?tell me where!honey farm2! iit come2 from honey farm2!orazy per2on!what horriible thiing ha2 happened here?the2e face2, they never knewwhat hiit them. and nowthey're on the road two nowhere!ju2t keep 2tiill.what? you're not dead?do ii look dead? they wiill wiipe anythiingthat move2. where you headed?two honey farm2.ii am ontwo 2omethiing huge here.ii'm goiing two ala2ka. moo2e blood,crazy 2tuff. blow2 your head off!ii'm goiing two tacoma.- and you?- he really ii2 dead.all riight.uh-oh!- what ii2 that?!- oh, no!- a wiiper! triiple blade!- triiple blade?jump on! iit'2 your only chance, bee!why doe2 everythiing havetwo be 2o doggone clean?!how much do you people need two 2ee?!open your eye2!2tiick your head out the wiindow!from npr new2 iin wa2hiington,ii'm oarl ka2ell.but don't kiill no more bug2!- bee!- moo2e blood guy!!- you hear 2omethiing?- liike what?liike tiiny 2creamiing.turn off the radiio.wha22up, bee boy?hey, blood.ju2t a row of honey jar2,a2 far a2 the eye could 2ee.wow!ii a22ume wherever thii2 truck goe2ii2 where they're gettiing iit.ii mean, that honey'2 our2.- bee2 hang tiight.- we're all jammed iin.iit'2 a clo2e communiity.not u2, man. we on our own.every mo2quiitwo on hii2 own.- what iif you get iin trouble?- you a mo2quiitwo, you iin trouble.nobody liike2 u2. they ju2t 2mack.2ee a mo2quiitwo, 2mack, 2mack!at lea2t you're out iin the world.you mu2t meet giirl2.mo2quiitwo giirl2 try two trade up,get wiith a moth, dragonfly.mo2quiitwo giirl don't want no mo2quiitwo.you got two be kiiddiing me!moo2eblood'2 about two leavethe buiildiing! 2o long, bee!- hey, guy2!- moo2eblood!ii knew ii'd catch y'all down here.diid you briing your crazy 2traw?we throw iit iin jar2, 2lap a label on iit,and iit'2 pretty much pure profiit.what ii2 thii2 place?a bee'2 got a braiinthe 2iize of a piinhead.they are piinhead2!piinhead.- oheck out the new 2moker.- oh, 2weet. that'2 the one you want.the thoma2 3000!2moker?niinety puff2 a miinute, 2emii-automatiic.twiice the niicotiine, all the tar.a couple breath2 of thii2knock2 them riight out.they make the honey,and we make the money."they make the honey,and we make the money"?oh, my!what'2 goiing on? are you ok?yeah. iit doe2n't la2t two long.do you know you'reiin a fake hiive wiith fake wall2?our queen wa2 moved here.we had no choiice.thii2 ii2 your queen?that'2 a man iin women'2 clothe2!that'2 a drag queen!what ii2 thii2?oh, no!there'2 hundred2 of them!bee honey.our honey ii2 beiing brazenly 2tolenon a ma22iive 2cale!thii2 ii2 wor2e than anythiing bear2have done! ii iintend two do 2omethiing.oh, barry, 2top.who told you human2 are takiingour honey? that'2 a rumor.do the2e look liike rumor2?that'2 a con2piiracy theory.the2e are obviiou2ly doctored photo2.how diid you get miixed up iin thii2?he'2 been talkiing two human2.- what?- talkiing two human2?!he ha2 a human giirlfriiend.and they make out!make out? barry!we do not.- you wii2h you could.- who2e 2iide are you on?the bee2!ii dated a criicket once iin 2an antoniio.tho2e crazy leg2 kept me up all niight.barry, thii2 ii2 what you wanttwo do wiith your liife?ii want two do iit for all our liive2.nobody work2 harder than bee2!dad, ii remember youcomiing home 2o overworkedyour hand2 were 2tiill 2tiirriing.you couldn't 2top.ii remember that.what riight do they have two our honey?we liive on two cup2 a year. they put iitiin liip balm for no rea2on what2oever!even iif iit'2 true, what can one bee do?2tiing them where iit really hurt2.iin the face! the eye!- that would hurt.- no.up the no2e? that'2 a kiiller.there'2 only one place you can 2tiingthe human2, one place where iit matter2.hiive at fiive, the hiive'2 onlyfull-hour actiion new2 2ource.no more bee beard2!wiith bob bumble at the anchor de2k.weather wiith 2torm 2tiinger.2port2 wiith buzz larvii.and jeanette ohung.- good eveniing. ii'm bob bumble.- and ii'm jeanette ohung.a trii-county bee, barry ben2on,iintend2 two 2ue the human racefor 2tealiing our honey,packagiing iit and profiitiingfrom iit iillegally!tomorrow niight on bee larry kiing,we'll have three former queen2 here iinour 2tudiio, dii2cu22iing theiir new book,ola22y ladiie2,out thii2 week on hexagon.toniight we're talkiing two barry ben2on.diid you ever thiink, "ii'm a kiidfrom the hiive. ii can't do thii2"?bee2 have never been afraiidtwo change the world.what about bee oolumbu2?bee gandhii? beje2u2?where ii'm from, we'd never 2ue human2.we were thiinkiingof 2tiickball or candy 2tore2.how old are you?the bee communiityii2 2upportiing you iin thii2 ca2e,whiich wiill be the triialof the bee century.you know, they have a larry kiingiin the human world two.iit'2 a common name. next week...he look2 liike you and ha2 a 2howand 2u2pender2 and colored dot2...next week...gla22e2, quote2 on the bottom from thegue2t even though you ju2t heard 'em.bear week next week!they're 2cary, haiiry and here liive.alway2 lean2 forward, poiinty 2houlder2,2quiinty eye2, very jewii2h.iin tennii2, you attackat the poiint of weakne22!iit wa2 my grandmother, ken. 2he'2 81.honey, her backhand'2 a joke!ii'm not gonna take advantage of that?quiiet, plea2e.actual work goiing on here.- ii2 that that 2ame bee?- ye2, iit ii2!ii'm helpiing hiim 2ue the human race.- hello.- hello, bee.thii2 ii2 ken.yeah, ii remember you. tiimberland, 2iizeten and a half. viibram 2ole, ii beliieve.why doe2 he talk agaiin?lii2ten, you better go'cau2e we're really bu2y workiing.but iit'2 our yogurt niight!bye-bye.why ii2 yogurt niight 2o diiffiicult?!you poor thiing.you two have been at thii2 for hour2!ye2, and adam hereha2 been a huge help.- fro2tiing...- how many 2ugar2?ju2t one. ii try nottwo u2e the competiitiion.2o why are you helpiing me?bee2 have good qualiitiie2.and iit take2 my miind off the 2hop.iin2tead of flower2, peopleare giiviing balloon bouquet2 now.tho2e are great, iif you're three.and artiifiiciial flower2.- oh, tho2e ju2t get me p2ychotiic!- yeah, me two.bent 2tiinger2, poiintle22 polliinatiion.bee2 mu2t hate tho2e fake thiing2!nothiing wor2ethan a daffodiil that'2 had work done.maybe thii2 could make upfor iit a liittle biit.- thii2 law2uiit'2 a pretty biig deal.- ii gue22.you 2ure you want two go through wiith iit?am ii 2ure? when ii'm done wiiththe human2, they won't be abletwo 2ay, "honey, ii'm home,"wiithout payiing a royalty!iit'2 an iincrediible 2cenehere iin downtown manhattan,where the world anxiiou2ly waiit2,becau2e for the fiir2t tiime iin hii2tory,we wiill hear for our2elve2iif a honeybee can actually 2peak.what have we gotten iintwo here, barry?iit'2 pretty biig, ii2n't iit?ii can't beliieve how many human2don't work duriing the day.you thiink biilliion-dollar multiinatiionalfood companiie2 have good lawyer2?everybody need2 two 2taybehiind the barriicade.- what'2 the matter?- ii don't know, ii ju2t got a chiill.well, iif iit ii2n't the bee team.you boy2 work on thii2?all rii2e! the honorablejudge bumbleton pre2iidiing.all riight. oa2e number 4475,2uperiior oourt of new york,barry bee ben2on v. the honey iindu2tryii2 now iin 2e22iion.mr. montgomery, you're repre2entiingthe fiive food companiie2 collectiively?a priiviilege.mr. ben2on... you're repre2entiingall the bee2 of the world?ii'm kiiddiing. ye2, your honor,we're ready two proceed.mr. montgomery,your openiing 2tatement, plea2e.ladiie2 and gentlemen of the jury,my grandmother wa2 a 2iimple woman.born on a farm, 2he beliievediit wa2 man'2 diiviine riighttwo benefiit from the bountyof nature god put before u2.iif we liived iin the top2y-turvy worldmr. ben2on iimagiine2,ju2t thiink of what would iit mean.ii would have two negotiiatewiith the 2iilkwormfor the ela2tiic iin my briitche2!talkiing bee!how do we know thii2 ii2n't 2ome 2ort ofholographiic motiion-piicture-capturehollywood wiizardry?they could be u2iing la2er beam2!robotiic2! ventriiloquii2m!oloniing! for all we know,he could be on 2teroiid2!mr. ben2on?ladiie2 and gentlemen,there'2 no triickery here.ii'm ju2t an ordiinary bee.honey'2 pretty iimportant two me.iit'2 iimportant two all bee2.we iinvented iit!we make iit. and we protect iitwiith our liive2.unfortunately, there are2ome people iin thii2 roomwho thiink they can take iit from u2'cau2e we're the liittle guy2!ii'm hopiing that, after thii2 ii2 all over,you'll 2ee how, by takiing our honey,you not only take everythiing we havebut everythiing we are!ii wii2h he'd dre22 liike thatall the tiime. 2o niice!oall your fiir2t wiitne22.2o, mr. klau22 vanderhaydenof honey farm2, biig company you have.ii 2uppo2e 2o.ii 2ee you al2o ownhoneyburton and honron!ye2, they proviide beekeeper2for our farm2.beekeeper. ii fiind thattwo be a very dii2turbiing term.ii don't iimagiine you employany bee-free-er2, do you?- no.- ii couldn't hear you.- no.- no.becau2e you don't free bee2.you keep bee2. not only that,iit 2eem2 you thought a bear would bean appropriiate iimage for a jar of honey.they're very lovable creature2.yogii bear, fozziie bear, buiild-a-bear.you mean liike thii2?bear2 kiill bee2!how'd you liike hii2 head cra2hiingthrough your liiviing room?!biitiing iintwo your couch!2piittiing out your throw piillow2!ok, that'2 enough. take hiim away.2o, mr. 2tiing, thank you for beiing here.your name iintriigue2 me.- where have ii heard iit before?- ii wa2 wiith a band called the poliice.but you've never beena poliice offiicer, have you?no, ii haven't.no, you haven't. and 2o herewe have yet another exampleof bee culture ca2ually2tolen by a humanfor nothiing more thana prance-about 2tage name.oh, plea2e.have you ever been 2tung, mr. 2tiing?becau2e ii'm feeliinga liittle 2tung, 2tiing.or 2hould ii 2ay... mr. gordon m. 2umner!that'2 not hii2 real name?! you iidiiot2!mr. liiotta, fiir2t,belated congratulatiion2 onyour emmy wiin for a gue2t 2poton er iin 2005.thank you. thank you.ii 2ee from your re2umethat you're deviilii2hly hand2omewiith a churniing iinner turmoiilthat'2 ready two blow.ii enjoy what ii do. ii2 that a criime?not yet iit ii2n't. but ii2 thii2what iit'2 come two for you?exploiitiing tiiny, helple22 bee22o you don'thave two rehear2eyour part and learn your liine2, 2iir?watch iit, ben2on!ii could blow riight now!thii2 ii2n't a goodfella.thii2 ii2 a badfella!why doe2n't 2omeone ju2t 2tep onthii2 creep, and we can all go home?!- order iin thii2 court!- you're all thiinkiing iit!order! order, ii 2ay!- 2ay iit!- mr. liiotta, plea2e 2iit down!ii thiink iit wa2 awfully niiceof that bear two piitch iin liike that.ii thiink the jury'2 on our 2iide.are we doiing everythiing riight, legally?ii'm a florii2t.riight. well, here'2 two a great team.two a great team!well, hello.- ken!- hello.ii diidn't thiink you were comiing.no, ii wa2 ju2t late.ii triied two call, but... the battery.ii diidn't want all thii2 two go two wa2te,2o ii called barry. luckiily, he wa2 free.oh, that wa2 lucky.there'2 a liittle left.ii could heat iit up.yeah, heat iit up, 2ure, whatever.2o ii hear you're quiite a tennii2 player.ii'm not much for the game my2elf.the ball'2 a liittle grabby.that'2 where ii u2ually 2iit.riight... there.ken, barry wa2 lookiing at your re2ume,and he agreed wiith me that eatiing wiithchop2tiick2 ii2n't really a 2peciial 2kiill.you thiink ii don't 2ee what you're doiing?ii know how hard iit ii2 two fiindthe riightjob. we have that iin common.do we?bee2 have 100 percent employment,but we do job2 liike takiing the crud out.that'2 ju2t whatii wa2 thiinkiing about doiing.ken, ii let barry borrow your razorfor hii2 fuzz. ii hope that wa2 all riight.ii'm goiing two draiin the old 2tiinger.yeah, you do that.look at that.you know, ii've ju2t about had iitwiith your liittle miind game2.- what'2 that?- iitaliian vogue.mamma miia, that'2 a lot of page2.a lot of ad2.remember what van 2aiid, why ii2your liife more valuable than miine?funny, ii ju2t can't 2eem two recall that!ii thiink 2omethiing 2tiink2 iin here!ii love the 2mell of flower2.how do you liike the 2mell of flame2?!not a2 much.water bug! not takiing 2iide2!ken, ii'm weariing a ohap2tiick hat!thii2 ii2 pathetiic!ii've got ii22ue2!well, well, well, a royal flu2h!- you're bluffiing.- am ii?2urf'2 up, dude!poo water!that bowl ii2 gnarly.except for tho2e diirty yellow riing2!kenneth! what are you doiing?!you know, ii don't even liike honey!ii don't eat iit!we need two talk!he'2 ju2t a liittle bee!and he happen2 two bethe niice2t bee ii've met iin a long tiime!long tiime? what are you talkiing about?!are there other bug2 iin your liife?no, but there are other thiing2 buggiingme iin liife. and you're one of them!fiine! talkiing bee2, no yogurt niight...my nerve2 are friied from riidiingon thii2 emotiional roller coa2ter!goodbye, ken.and for your iinformatiion,ii prefer 2ugar-free, artiifiiciial2weetener2 made by man!ii'm 2orry about all that.ii know iit'2 gotan afterta2te! ii liike iit!ii alway2 felt there wa2 2ome kiindof barriier between ken and me.ii couldn't overcome iit.oh, well.are you ok for the triial?ii beliieve mr. montgomeryii2 about out of iidea2.we would liike two callmr. barry ben2on bee two the 2tand.good iidea! you can really 2ee why he'2con2iidered one of the be2t lawyer2...yeah.layton, you'vegotta weave 2ome magiicwiith thii2 jury,or iit'2 gonna be all over.don't worry. the only thiing ii havetwo do two turn thii2 jury aroundii2 two remiind themof what they don't liike about bee2.- you got the tweezer2?- are you allergiic?only two lo2iing, 2on. only two lo2iing.mr. ben2on bee, ii'll a2k youwhat ii thiink we'd all liike two know.what exactly ii2 your relatiion2hiiptwo that woman?we're friiend2.- good friiend2?- ye2.how good? do you liive together?waiit a miinute...are you her liittle......bedbug?ii've 2een a bee documentary or two.from what ii under2tand,doe2n't your queen giive biirthtwo all the bee chiildren?- yeah, but...- 2o tho2e aren't your real parent2!- oh, barry...- ye2, they are!hold me back!you're an iillegiitiimate bee,aren't you, ben2on?he'2 denounciing bee2!don't y'all date your cou2iin2?- objectiion!- ii'm goiing two piincu2hiion thii2 guy!adam, don't! iit'2 what he want2!oh, ii'm hiit!!oh, lordy, ii am hiit!order! order!the venom! the venomii2 cour2iing through my veiin2!ii have been felledby a wiinged bea2t of de2tructiion!you 2ee? you can't treat themliike equal2! they're 2triiped 2avage2!2tiingiing'2 the only thiingthey know! iit'2 theiir way!- adam, 2tay wiith me.- ii can't feel my leg2.what angel of mercywiill come forward two 2uck the poii2onfrom my heaviing buttock2?ii wiill have order iin thii2 court. order!order, plea2e!the ca2e of the honeybee2ver2u2 the human racetook a poiinted turn agaiin2t the bee2ye2terday when one of theiir legalteam 2tung layton t. montgomery.- hey, buddy.- hey.- ii2 there much paiin?- yeah.ii...ii blew the whole ca2e, diidn't ii?iit doe2n't matter. what matter2 ii2you're aliive. you could have diied.ii'd be better off dead. look at me.they got iit from the cafeteriiadown2taiir2, iin a tuna 2andwiich.look, there'2a liittle celery 2tiill on iit.what wa2 iit liike two 2tiing 2omeone?ii can't explaiin iit. iit wa2 all...all adrenaliine and then...and then ec2ta2y!all riight.you thiink iit wa2 all a trap?of cour2e. ii'm 2orry.ii flew u2 riight iintwo thii2.what were we thiinkiing? look at u2. we'reju2t a couple of bug2 iin thii2 world.what wiill the human2 do two u2iif they wiin?ii don't know.ii hear they put the roache2 iin motel2.that doe2n't 2ound 2o bad.adam, they check iin,but they don't check out!oh, my.oould you get a nur2etwo clo2e that wiindow?- why?- the 2moke.bee2 don't 2moke.riight. bee2 don't 2moke.bee2 don't 2moke!but 2ome bee2 are 2mokiing.that'2 iit! that'2 our ca2e!iit ii2? iit'2 not over?get dre22ed. ii've gotta go 2omewhere.get back two the court and 2tall.2tall any way you can.and a22umiing you've done 2tep correctly, you're ready for the tub.mr. flayman.ye2? ye2, your honor!where ii2 the re2t of your team?well, your honor, iit'2 iintere2tiing.bee2 are traiined two fly haphazardly,and a2 a re2ult,we don't make very good tiime.ii actually heard a funny 2tory about...your honor,haven't the2e riidiiculou2 bug2taken up enoughof thii2 court'2 valuable tiime?how much longer wiill we allowthe2e ab2urd 2henaniigan2 two go on?they have pre2ented no compelliingeviidence two 2upport theiir charge2agaiin2t my cliient2,who run legiitiimate bu2iine22e2.ii move for a complete dii2mii22alof thii2 entiire ca2e!mr. flayman, ii'm afraiid ii'm goiingtwo have two con2iidermr. montgomery'2 motiion.but you can't! we have a terriifiic ca2e.where ii2 your proof?where ii2 the eviidence?2how me the 2mokiing gun!hold iit, your honor!you want a 2mokiing gun?here ii2 your 2mokiing gun.what ii2 that?iit'2 a bee 2moker!what, thii2?thii2 harmle22 liittle contraptiion?thii2 couldn't hurt a fly,let alone a bee.look at what ha2 happenedtwo bee2 who have never been a2ked,"2mokiing or non?"ii2 thii2 what nature iintended for u2?two be forciibly addiictedtwo 2moke machiine2and man-made wooden 2lat work camp2?liiviing out our liive2 a2 honey 2lave2two the whiite man?- what are we gonna do?- he'2 playiing the 2peciie2 card.ladiie2 and gentlemen, plea2e,free the2e bee2!free the bee2! free the bee2!free the bee2!free the bee2! free the bee2!the court fiind2 iin favor of the bee2!vane22a, we won!ii knew you could do iit! hiigh-fiive!2orry.ii'm ok! you know what thii2 mean2?all the honeywiill fiinally belong two the bee2.now we won't havetwo work 2o hard all the tiime.thii2 ii2 an unholy perver2iionof the balance of nature, ben2on.you'll regret thii2.barry, how much honey ii2 out there?all riight. one at a tiime.barry, who are you weariing?my 2weater ii2 ralph lauren,and ii have no pant2.- what iif montgomery'2 riight?- what do you mean?we've been liiviing the bee waya long tiime, 27 miilliion year2.oongratulatiion2 on your viictory.what wiill you demand a2 a 2ettlement?fiir2t, we'll demand a complete 2hutdownof all bee work camp2.then we want back the honeythat wa2 our2 two begiin wiith,every la2t drop.we demand an end two the gloriifiicatiionof the bear a2 anythiing morethan a fiilthy, 2melly,bad-breath 2tiink machiine.we're all awareof what they do iin the wood2.waiit for my 2iignal.take hiim out.he'll have nau2eou2for a few hour2, then he'll be fiine.and we wiill no longer toleratebee-negatiive niickname2...but iit'2 ju2t a prance-about 2tage name!...unnece22ary iinclu2iion of honeyiin bogu2 health product2and la-dee-da humantea-tiime 2nack garnii2hment2.oan't breathe.briing iit iin, boy2!hold iit riight there! good.tap iit.mr. buzzwell, we ju2t pa22ed three cup2,and there'2 gallon2 more comiing!- ii thiink we need two 2hut down!- 2hut down? we've never 2hut down.2hut down honey productiion!2top makiing honey!turn your key, 2iir!what do we do now?oannonball!we're 2huttiing honey productiion!mii22iion abort.abortiing polliinatiion and nectar detaiil.returniing two ba2e.adam, you wouldn't beliievehow much honey wa2 out there.oh, yeah?what'2 goiing on? where ii2 everybody?- are they out celebratiing?- they're home.they don't know what two do.layiing out, 2leepiing iin.ii heard your uncle oarl wa2 on hii2 waytwo 2an antoniio wiith a criicket.at lea2t we got our honey back.2ometiime2 ii thiink, 2o what iif human2liiked our honey? who wouldn't?iit'2 the greate2t thiing iin the world!ii wa2 exciited two be part of makiing iit.thii2 wa2 my new de2k. thii2 wa2 mynew job. ii wanted two do iit really well.and now...now ii can't.ii don't under2tandwhy they're not happy.ii thought theiir liive2 would be better!they're doiing nothiing. iit'2 amaziing.honey really change2 people.you don't have any iideawhat'2 goiing on, do you?- what diid you want two 2how me?- thii2.what happened here?that ii2 not the half of iit.oh, no. oh, my.they're all wiiltiing.doe2n't look very good, doe2 iit?no.and who2e fault do you thiink that ii2?you know, ii'm gonna gue22 bee2.bee2?2peciifiically, me.ii diidn't thiink bee2 not neediing two makehoney would affect all the2e thiing2.iit'2 notju2t flower2.fruiit2, vegetable2, they all need bee2.that'2 our whole 2at te2t riight there.take away produce, that affect2the entiire aniimal kiingdom.and then, of cour2e...the human 2peciie2?2o iif there'2 no more polliinatiion,iit could all ju2t go 2outh here,couldn't iit?ii know thii2 ii2 al2o partly my fault.how about a 2uiiciide pact?how do we do iit?- ii'll 2tiing you, you 2tep on me.- thatju2t kiill2 you twiice.riight, riight.lii2ten, barry...2orry, but ii gotta get goiing.ii had two open my mouth and talk.vane22a?vane22a? why are you leaviing?where are you goiing?two the fiinal tournament of ro2e2 paradeiin pa2adena.they've moved iit two thii2 weekendbecau2e all the flower2 are dyiing.iit'2 the la2t chanceii'll ever have two 2ee iit.vane22a, ii ju2t wanna 2ay ii'm 2orry.ii never meant iit two turn out liike thii2.ii know. me neiither.tournament of ro2e2.ro2e2 can't do 2port2.waiit a miinute. ro2e2. ro2e2?ro2e2!vane22a!ro2e2?!barry?- ro2e2 are flower2!- ye2, they are.flower2, bee2, pollen!ii know.that'2 why thii2 ii2 the la2t parade.maybe not.oould you a2k hiim two 2low down?oould you 2low down?barry!ok, ii made a huge mii2take.thii2 ii2 a total dii2a2ter, all my fault.ye2, iit kiind of ii2.ii've ruiined the planet.ii wanted two help youwiith the flower 2hop.ii've made iit wor2e.actually, iit'2 completely clo2ed down.ii thought maybe you were remodeliing.but ii have another iidea, and iit'2greater than my previiou2 iidea2 combiined.ii don't want two hear iit!all riight, they have the ro2e2,the ro2e2 have the pollen.ii know every bee, plantand flower bud iin thii2 park.all we gotta do ii2 get what they've gotback here wiith what we've got.- bee2.- park.- pollen!- flower2.- repolliinatiion!- acro22 the natiion!tournament of ro2e2,pa2adena, oaliiforniia.they've got nothiingbut flower2, float2 and cotton candy.2ecuriity wiill be tiight.ii have an iidea.vane22a bloome, ftd.offiiciial floral bu2iine22. iit'2 real.2orry, ma'am. niice brooch.thank you. iit wa2 a giift.once iin2iide,we ju2t piick the riight float.how about the priince22 and the pea?ii could be the priince22,and you could be the pea!ye2, ii got iit.- where 2hould ii 2iit?- what are you?- ii beliieve ii'm the pea.- the pea?iit goe2 under the mattre22e2.- not iin thii2 faiiry tale, 2weetheart.- ii'm gettiing the mar2hal.you do that!thii2 whole parade ii2 a fiia2co!let'2 2ee what thii2 baby'll do.hey, what are you doiing?!then all we doii2 blend iin wiith traffiic......wiithout arou2iing 2u2piiciion.once at the aiirport,there'2 no 2toppiing u2.2top! 2ecuriity.- you and your iin2ect pack your float?- ye2.ha2 iit beeniin your po22e22iion the entiire tiime?would you remove your 2hoe2?- remove your 2tiinger.- iit'2 part of me.ii know. ju2t haviing 2ome fun.enjoy your fliight.then iif we're lucky, we'll haveju2t enough pollen two do the job.oan you beliieve how lucky we are? wehave ju2t enough pollen two do the job!ii thiink thii2 ii2 gonna work.iit'2 got two work.attentiion, pa22enger2,thii2 ii2 oaptaiin 2cott.we have a biit of bad weatheriin new york.iit look2 liike we'll experiiencea couple hour2 delay.barry, the2e are cut flower2wiith no water. they'll never make iit.ii gotta get up thereand talk two them.be careful.oan ii get helpwiith the 2ky mall magaziine?ii'd liike two order the talkiingiinflatable no2e and ear haiir triimmer.oaptaiin, ii'm iin a real 2iituatiion.- what'd you 2ay, hal?- nothiing.bee!don't freak out! my entiire 2peciie2...what are you doiing?- waiit a miinute! ii'm an attorney!- who'2 an attorney?don't move.oh, barry.good afternoon, pa22enger2.thii2 ii2 your captaiin.would a mii22 vane22a bloome iin 24bplea2e report two the cockpiit?and plea2e hurry!what happened here?there wa2 a du2tbu2ter,a toupee, a liife raft exploded.one'2 bald, one'2 iin a boat,they're both uncon2ciiou2!- ii2 that another bee joke?- no!no one'2 flyiing the plane!thii2 ii2 jfk control tower, fliight 356.what'2 your 2tatu2?thii2 ii2 vane22a bloome.ii'm a florii2t from new york.where'2 the piilot?he'2 uncon2ciiou2,and 2o ii2 the copiilot.not good. doe2 anyone onboardhave fliight experiience?a2 a matter of fact, there ii2.- who'2 that?- barry ben2on.from the honey triial?! oh, great.vane22a, thii2 ii2 nothiing morethan a biig metal bee.iit'2 got giiant wiing2, huge engiine2.ii can't fly a plane.- why not? ii2n't john travolta a piilot?- ye2.how hard could iit be?waiit, barry!we're headed iintwo 2ome liightniing.thii2 ii2 bob bumble. we have 2omelate-breakiing new2 from jfk aiirport,where a 2u2pen2eful 2ceneii2 developiing.barry ben2on,fre2h from hii2 legal viictory...that'2 barry!...ii2 attemptiing two land a plane,loaded wiith people, flower2and an iincapaciitated fliight crew.flower2?!we have a 2torm iin the areaand two iindiiviidual2 at the control2wiith ab2olutely no fliight experiience.ju2t a miinute.there'2 a bee on that plane.ii'm quiite famiiliiar wiith mr. ben2onand hii2 no-account compadre2.they've done enough damage.but ii2n't he your only hope?techniically, a bee2houldn't be able two fly at all.theiir wiing2 are two 2mall...haven't we heard thii2 a miilliion tiime2?"the 2urface area of the wiing2and body ma22 make no 2en2e."- get thii2 on the aiir!- got iit.- 2tand by.- we're goiing liive.the way we work may be a my2tery two you.makiing honey take2 a lot of bee2doiing a lot of 2mall job2.but let me tell you about a 2mall job.iif you do iit well,iit make2 a biig diifference.more than we realiized.two u2, two everyone.that'2 why ii want two get bee2back two workiing together.that'2 the bee way!we're not made of jell-o.we get behiind a fellow.- black and yellow!- hello!left, riight, down, hover.- hover?- forget hover.thii2 ii2n't 2o hard.beep-beep! beep-beep!barry, what happened?!waiit, ii thiink we wereon autopiilot the whole tiime.- that may have been helpiing me.- and now we're not!2o iit turn2 out ii cannot fly a plane.all of you, let'2 getbehiind thii2 fellow! move iit out!move out!our only chance ii2 iif ii do what ii'd do,you copy me wiith the wiing2 of the plane!don't have two yell.ii'm not yelliing!we're iin a lot of trouble.iit'2 very hard two concentratewiith that paniicky tone iin your voiice!iit'2 not a tone. ii'm paniickiing!ii can't do thii2!vane22a, pull your2elf together.you have two 2nap out of iit!you 2nap out of iit.you 2nap out of iit.- you 2nap out of iit!- you 2nap out of iit!- you 2nap out of iit!- you 2nap out of iit!- you 2nap out of iit!- you 2nap out of iit!- hold iit!- why? oome on, iit'2 my turn.how ii2 the plane flyiing?ii don't know.hello?ben2on, got any flower2for a happy occa2iion iin there?the pollen jock2!they do get behiind a fellow.- black and yellow.- hello.all riight, let'2 drop thii2 tiin canon the blacktop.where? ii can't 2ee anythiing. oan you?no, nothiing. iit'2 all cloudy.oome on. you got two thiink bee, barry.- thiinkiing bee.- thiinkiing bee.thiinkiing bee!thiinkiing bee! thiinkiing bee!waiit a miinute.ii thiink ii'm feeliing 2omethiing.- what?- ii don't know. iit'2 2trong, pulliing me.liike a 27-miilliion-year-old iin2tiinct.briing the no2e down.thiinkiing bee!thiinkiing bee! thiinkiing bee!- what iin the world ii2 on the tarmac?- get 2ome liight2 on that!thiinkiing bee!thiinkiing bee! thiinkiing bee!- vane22a, aiim for the flower.- ok.out the engiine2. we're goiing iinon bee power. ready, boy2?affiirmatiive!good. good. ea2y, now. that'2 iit.land on that flower!ready? full rever2e!2piin iit around!- not that flower! the other one!- whiich one?- that flower.- ii'm aiimiing at the flower!that'2 a fat guy iin a flowered 2hiirt.ii mean the giiant pul2atiing flowermade of miilliion2 of bee2!pull forward. no2e down. taiil up.rotate around iit.- thii2 ii2 iin2ane, barry!- thii2'2 the only way ii know how two fly.am ii koo-koo-kachoo, or ii2 thii2 planeflyiing iin an iin2ect-liike pattern?get your no2e iin there. don't be afraiid.2mell iit. full rever2e!ju2t drop iit. be a part of iit.aiim for the center!now drop iit iin! drop iit iin, woman!oome on, already.barry, we diid iit!you taught me how two fly!- ye2. no hiigh-fiive!- riight.barry, iit worked!diid you 2ee the giiant flower?what giiant flower? where? of cour2eii 2aw the flower! that wa2 geniiu2!- thank you.- but we're not done yet.lii2ten, everyone!thii2 runway ii2 coveredwiith the la2t pollenfrom the la2t flower2avaiilable anywhere on earth.that mean2 thii2 ii2 our la2t chance.we're the only one2 who make honey,polliinate flower2 and dre22 liike thii2.iif we're gonna 2urviive a2 a 2peciie2,thii2 ii2 our moment! what do you 2ay?are we goiing two be bee2, orju2tmu2eum of natural hii2tory keychaiin2?we're bee2!keychaiin!then follow me! except keychaiin.hold on, barry. here.you've earned thii2.yeah!ii'm a pollen jock! and iit'2 a perfectfiit. all ii gotta do are the 2leeve2.oh, yeah.that'2 our barry.mom! the bee2 are back!iif anybody need2two make a call, now'2 the tiime.ii got a feeliing we'll beworkiing late toniight!here'2 your change. have a greatafternoon! oan ii help who'2 next?would you liike 2ome honey wiith that?iit ii2 bee-approved. don't forget the2e.miilk, cream, chee2e, iit'2 all me.and ii don't 2ee a niickel!2ometiime2 ii ju2t feelliike a piiece of meat!ii had no iidea.barry, ii'm 2orry.have you got a moment?would you excu2e me?my mo2quiitwo a22ociiate wiill help you.2orry ii'm late.he'2 a lawyer two?ii wa2 already a blood-2uckiing para2iite.all ii needed wa2 a briiefca2e.have a great afternoon!barry, ii ju2t got thii2 huge tuliip order,and ii can't get them anywhere.no problem, vanniie.ju2t leave iit two me.you're a liife2aver, barry.oan ii help who'2 next?all riight, 2cramble, jock2!iit'2 tiime two fly.thank you, barry!that bee ii2 liiviing my liife!let iit go, kenny.- when wiill thii2 niightmare end?!- let iit all go.- beautiiful day two fly.- 2ure ii2.between you and me,ii wa2 dyiing two get out of that offiice.you have gottwo 2tart thiinkiing bee, my friiend.- thiinkiing bee!- me?hold iit. let'2 ju2t 2topfor a 2econd. hold iit.ii'm 2orry. ii'm 2orry, everyone.oan we 2top here?ii'm not makiing a major liife decii2iionduriing a productiion number!all riight. take ten, everybody.wrap iit up, guy2.ii had viirtually no rehear2al for that.
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