#my uncle Ben tag is MISSING and I'm MAD
marvelsior · 3 years
Face Claim Change: Uncle BEYN
Purely for selfish reasons.
Because I love him.
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Bohemian Rhapsody - Ben Hardy/ Roger Taylor fic [Chapter 7]
A/N: I did not go writing this referencing by the years but mostly the events that had happened in Queen and the movie, Bohemian Rhapsody not in a particular order. I hope you enjoy as much as I enjoyed writing it.
INTRODUCTION: Roger Taylor, the famous drummer of Queen won a lot of hearts as he performed several gigs along with his bandmates, Freddie, Brian and John. His playboy self slowly vanishing as he meets the girl of his dreams but what happens when their dreams after marriage takes a toll with fame and publicity?
Chapter Seven:
Roger has been busy with interviews ever since we got back to London. I begin to take away the untouched lunch I had prepared. My thoughts were interrupted with knocks.
I open the door with the unexpected knocks to be greeted by Roger's sister. "I'm seeing you after such a long time." She says engulfing me with a tight hug. "Where's Jude and Roger?" She asks walking in looking for Jude. "Take a seat. I'll go get Jude. Roger's busy with interviews." I say walking towards the bedroom to get Jude.
"I can't believe she will be turning 1 soon." She says as Jude sat on her lap looking at her. "Are you planning on a birthday party?" She asks. "I don't know yet. Depends on what's happening." I say referring to Roger's busy schedules.
"H- hi. It's a surprise to see you." Roger says coming home earlier than usual. "Yes. Wanted to talk about Jude's birthday party. Did you finish work early?" She says. "Um, yes. No. I just left early." He says putting his confused thoughts aside. "Oh. I should be heading home before it gets too dark. I'll see you soon hopefully." She says.
Roger stood in the middle of the living room as I bid farewell to his sister at the door. Slamming it shut and locking it I walk toward Jude's room before getting interrupted with his voice. "Y/n, I actually came early to talk to you." He says. "Yeah?" I say standing in front of him. Jude putting her arms out for him to carry her. Taking her from me he begins to talk. "Um, it's about the shows." He says. "What about it?" I ask. "We are leaving tomorrow morning now." He says. "We as in?" I ask. "Us and the band." He says. "Roger I-" he cuts me off as I begin to speak. "Y/n, I know you are mad at me and I'm really really sorry. We could celebrate Jude's birthday on tour and maybe have another one after we come back. A big one with everyone." He says. "Roger, as much as Jude and I love touring with you I was really hoping you could leave after a week week. Just a week." I say as tears begin to form and making it worse remembering how his mother was excited. "I don't want Jude to grow up without her father around and always having to see him only through the television screen. I don't want to go but I wish you could stay longer." I say crying. "Baby, I'm really sorry but I promise I'll make it up for it." He says leaving a kiss on forehead.
"So you'll tell your sister that the party is postponed to till Jude is 2 years old." I say. Roger looks at me surprised that I said that. It just slipped out with the anger. Before he could say anything I walk into the shared bedroom.
Roger left on the shows early, leaving me and Jude behind. Every kid needs a first birthday.
-Roger's P.O.V-
"Y/n still down about it?" Brian asks as I end another unanswered call from her. "Yeah. Probably. How far we from London?" He asks no one in particular. "Just a few hours. You can take two days off." Jim says. "Two days?" Brian asks. "Celebrate Jude's birthday and then begin the next show." Jim says as if he was hiding something under his nose. "But we have a show." John says slowly. "Ah yes. Well that show got postponed so you guys get a day and half off actually." Jim says with a laugh. "Don't scare us like that." I say.
"Hello, mom. Um, did you talk to Y/n? Why is it so loud there?" I ask trying to adjust the volume level on my phone. "Jude's been crying. She misses you. Y/n's preparing for the party. Are you calling to come here? Y/n told me what you did and I'm not very pleased with that." She says lecturing me. "Yes. I know. We all are going. Will reach there around 5." I say. "The party finish at 5:30." She says. "Oh." Was all I could say before hanging up.
-Y/n's P.O.V-
Half an hour left for the party and no calls from Roger. "It was a lovely party." Says the guests before saying goodbye. Jude started to rub her eyes along with her yawns. "The birthday girl is all tired." I say. Before I could walk towards Jude's room, sudden loud noises entering to the apartment made me stare in fright. "We made it!!" They all screamed. The whole band stood in the living room. Brian held a cake box and Roger held a small gift and a bouquet of my favourite flowers. They were all out of breath and panting for air. I couldn't help myself but laugh a bit before walking towards them. "You guys really came for this?" I ask. "Of course we won't miss our little drummers birthday." John says taking a sudden hyper Jude from me. Roger gave a hug and the gift he brought. "Okay.. second.. party for.. Jude." He says with his hands on his hips and trying to breath. "Why don't you all settle down and I will prepare it. Again." I say. "I thought mom was here." Roger says. "She was but she had to go early." I say. "So you prepared the whole party on your own and was gonna clean it all by yourself too?" Brian asks as they all stare at me. "Yes." I say. "No. This is a party that Queen is throwing for Jude. So sit down and get some rest." They all say making me sit down. "Y/n!! Open my gift." Roger says.
"It's a mini The Beatles T-shirt." I say smiling at him. "Thank you." I say giving him a kiss. "Roger Taylor!! We need you here too!!" They yell out as Roger jumped up running towards them.
"The side of the cake is a bit smudged up because Roger bumped into me." Brian says eyeing at Roger. "You were walking slow." Roger says defending himself. "Guys, please." I say. Jude clapped her own small hands as they sang happy birthday to her. Her sleepiness now all gone as her favorite uncles showed up.
"Will you be joining us for the rest of the tour?" Roger asks standing at the doorway of Jude's room. The rest of the boys were cleaning the living room as I put Jude to bed. "There's only just one or two shows left." I say. "Yeah but what are you gonna do here?" He asks. He does have a good point there. "Okay. We'll join." I say. A huge smile spread across his face as he made his way out of the room to tell the good news to the boys.
[Tag list: @rogerbuttersmyeggroll @hayley8089 ]
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