#my tickle headcanons
thosewildcharms · 5 months
Any personal headcanons on Rick and Michonne as a couple? Like their favorite things about the other, what they argue about, love languages ect. lol they’ve set up camp in my brain and I just want more of them 🙇🏻‍♀️
this is so funny because i've been thinking about their love languages ever since danai did that interview with YNB after 1x04! yvette said rick's is words of affirmation and michonne's is acts of services, and I definitely agree but I also think they display pretty much all of them, and quite a bit? rick is obviously into giving gifts and loves quality time (family fun day, begging her to spend just a few more days on the road in 7x12) and to say they both love physical touch is an understatement. this gorgeous gifset highlights it all beautifully.
anyway, some headcanons~
I really don't think they argue about much? they are very in sync most of the time. historically their big arguments are about how to handle major threats (negan, the crm, rick's PTSD) and since nothing bad is ever happening to them ever again because I said so there's no need to fight about those things anymore
michonne's favorite things about rick are how affectionate he is with his family, his strength, his accent, and his hair
rick's favorite thing about michonne is everything
i actually think they talk about books a lot. they're both nerdy as hell in different ways and love that about each other
michonne likes to cook and is very experimental while rick likes to bake (mostly secret family pie recipes) and they love feeding each other and their kids
michonne absentmindedly sings and does little dances when she's doing things around the house and rick stops whatever he's doing to lean against the wall and watch her and smile
that scene we saw in 9x01 where they cuddle up in bed and unpack their day was a ritual they started way back at the prison, even though back then it was obviously platonic (we do actually see them talking when everyone else is asleep several times throughout twd). they would linger and chat before heading to their respective cells at night. in the six years michonne spent without rick, she continued the tradition herself, talking to him out loud alone in their bedroom
rick DEFINITELY teases michonne about being oblivious to his feelings for her before The Couch
michonne hits back by teasing him about Whatever the Fuck He Was Doing With Jessie 💀
you didn't ask for grimes family headcanons but:
after they got home, michonne has a moment like that scene at the end of kill bill vol 2 and has a near silent hysterical laugh-cry of relief by herself in the bathroom before calmly walking back out to join her family. only rick notices
rick on the other hand is afraid to let any of them out of his sight. he spends the first six months he's back home being a total insomniac watching the three of them sleep because he's afraid if he closes his eyes he'll wake up alone back at the CRM
antony azor who plays rj is apparently very shy and reserved but opened up unexpectedly with andrew lincoln and so obviously this is also exactly what happened with rick and rj. father and son bonded INSTANTLY
his first night back, judith asks rick to finish reading the wizard of oz to her because he never got a chance to. it takes a good five minutes for him to compose himself but she does finally get the full story from her dad
rick and michonne do have an actual wedding ceremony, but it's just for them, judith and rj.
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cloudysfluffs · 1 month
If you’re accepting requests, I’d love to see any tk hcs you have for the pines family! No rush of course!
OF COURSE!!!!! havent written hcs in a while but i bet i can come up with some :3
definitely the biggest lee in the family i fear. he's canonically ticklish and i just KNOW no one lets him live it down. least of all his sister
his ribs are his main spot!!! BUT also since idk where else to mention this, all of the pines family also have a spot that they share!!! theyre all ticklish on their backs :3
my boyfriend picked his rib spot because he always wears that vest. he thinks itll protect him. it wont
squeaks a LOT, his laugh is very high-pitched. his family/friends like to poke him a lot because of the noises he makes
he is SO embarrassed about it but he actually does like being tickled!!!! but he will NEVER ask for it. ever. luckily mabel has very good insight and can always tell when hes in a mood
out of everyone, surprisingly, he might like sessions from stan the most!! stan isnt QUITE as good at reading him, but dipper has learned that intentionally getting on his nerves is a good way to get wrecked for it (ex: the 'stans tattoo' short? stan nearly tickled him to DEATH for that stunt)
so incredibly paranoid that someone might find out that he likes this. hes definitely the type to search 'tickle scene' on the family computer and FREAK OUT if anyone walks in
generally prefers sessions with people hes really close to/that he knows he can trust and they wont take advantage
exact opposite of dipper. the families biggest ler!!!! and she is making it EVERYONES problem!!!!
completely shameless about finding tickling fun ("it's a game for kids!!! we're kids!!! relax!!!!")
if dipper ever starts acting paranoid or 'too-grown-up' she swoops in to the rescue to remind him that its OK to like silly, childish things!!!!
her and stan are a VERY DANGEROUS TEAM. they regularly form alliances to take down the other two twins. and they have yet to lose!!!!
kind of feared the day that dipper would 'grow out of' playing with her. but when ford came home she was a lot less worried, because him and stan never really grew out of it!!!
queen of cheer up tickles. her smile is very contagious
she will make jokes WHILE tickling you, just to be like 'wow, i must be really funny, if you're laughing so much!!' <3
she DOES have a lee side, and she's also completely shameless about that!! she just likes tickling other people more :3
have you noticed that hes like. almost never in gravity falls tk headcanon posts? unless hes specifically suggested? i have seen so many include dipper, mabel, ford, and just skip over him shjdkhsdfk. i dont understand why, hes got so much potential!!!!
anyway, second biggest ler of the family. and hes really only ranked below mabel because mabel is so SLIPPERY. she cannot be caught unless she WANTS to be. stans a little easier to take off guard
also much more shameless about it. takes literally every opportunity to tease his nephew in particular
i mentioned above that dipper tends to try to get on his nerves to get tickled for it, because stan doesnt seem to pick up on it otherwise. i should add that stan absolutely knows that hes doing that JUST to play with him. he knows dipper isnt just being annoying on purpose. and he respects it!!! because it means dipper is toughening up, and standing up to him!!! even if its for kind of a silly reason. he wont let dipper know he knows, though
hes also been interested in ticklng since he was young. him and ford BOTH were, seperately, and then they found out at the same time and were BOTH like 'YOU TOO??????? I THOUGHT I WAS THE WEIRD ONE'
hes got that boxer training, so if you try and start a fight with him and youre NOT mabel, youre gonna lose. hes REALLY good at pinning lees down
hes got like. one, single exception that he will willingly be lee for. but he will never tell you who it is. ("what are you, a cop?")
ford could, theoretically, beat him in a tk fight.....but he never does. :)
unpopular opinion i fear, but this man is a LEE!!!!!! my mind will not be changed!!!!!! biggest lee in the family, second only to dipper
"oh but he has six fingers! wouldnt that make him a great ler by default?" of course it would!!!! thats why its SO FUNNY thats he's a lee.
hes got 12 fingers in total. hes been fighting his way through the multiverse for thirty years, so hes TOUGH. muscular, with a lot of training. AND HES A LEE. he has so much potential and hes using NONE of it when it comes to this!!!!! do you guys see the vision
him and dipper bond over being the lees of the family. he has apologized for passing it down to his nephew in the past. meanwhile mabel and stan are chanting 'ALPHA TWIN! ALPHA TWIN!' in the other room
this man could fill journals JUST about the sessions he had in the multiverse
him and stan have been play-fighting since they were children, and he loses almost every single time. mostly because stan is a dirty cheater who will bring tickling into it without fail and thats all it takes for ford to crumble
the only person he was consistently winning tickle fights with, ever, was fiddleford, back when they were partners. AND EVEN THEN he still LOST, all the time!!!! and now he doesnt even stand a chance against mcgucket. much like mabel, he is simply too slippery
my favorite tickly dynamic with ford though is his one with bill. bill thinks tickling is SO entertaining!!! so back in the days of their partnership, sometimes theyd take a break from work just to have a session in the mindscape. LITERALLY fords 'dream sessions'. bill holds this over his head to this day. the chain scene, from weirdmageddon???? he has used that exact method in past sessions
HIS PALMS ARE TICKLISH. adding to the irony that his greatest asset as a ler is what makes him the best lee
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hotshot624 · 1 month
✨Wolverine Tickle Headcanons✨
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My pookie🥺 here are some headcanons for my favorite baby gurl currently. None of these pics are mine. I found them off of Pinterest. P.S. this was not proof read.
Lee headcanons
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So let’s get one thing clear, this man is not going down without a fight
He’ll be a lot nicer if it’s someone he’s real close to trying to tickle him but like he doesn’t know you very well expect to be punted into a wall
If it’s someone he is super close to, he’ll still put up somewhat of a fight by pushing a shoving at the person but he doesn’t honestly want to hurt them so he’s going easy
He’s super ticklish on his stomach. When Jean was looking at him wounds in the first movie, she ran her hands over his stomach. He pushes her off saying it tickles so guys it’s literally canon fight me
Sometimes if you tickle his stomach long enough, he’ll kick out his leg like a dog would do. It’s super cute to see so I def recommend trying it
He’s got ticklish armpits too but nothing is as bad as his stomach
A contender for most ticklish spot has to be his around his neck, specifically under his chin
It’s hard to get under there because he’ll squish your fingers with his chin and head but if you do manage to do it, he lets out the cutest giggles. Just don’t bring it up that he giggles or he’ll get very upset and most likely will punch you
And just like Hugh, he snorts a lot when he laughs. Wheezes too but that part really depends on where and how long you’ve been tickling him
He reacts more to softer tickles. My man has known nothing but pain and suffering his entire life and he expects that even with tickling. Softly skittering your fingers across his stomach throws him for a loop and he starts to giggle and squirm. The sensation is just so foreign to him that he can’t really build up a tolerance to it. He can’t hold out for very long with the softer tickles and taps out pretty fast
And I’m not saying that rougher don’t get him cause they definitely do. He’s just used to people being rough with him so he can stand those a lot more than the gentle kind. Rougher tickles get him really laughing especially when you dig or massage into a certain place.
Raspberries and nibbles will literally kill this guy so don’t even try. (Please try it I’m begging you). Will usually writhe and buck as hard as he can’t to get the offender off of him but after like three he goes completely limp and just takes it
Surprisingly he does get into moods where he wants to be tickled. He does really like physical touch with those he cares about that doesn’t involve them hurting him. Will never admit to wanting to be tickled though. His go to for getting tickles is playfully annoying you into dishing them out.
He’ll shove at you, mock you, knock you things over, sass you, anything to get you to retaliate. He is so good at it too though. Like you can know what he’s trying to do and try to make him ask for tickles but holy shit can this man get under your skin. Scott knows best I’ll tell you that much.
When he wants so light hearted gentle tickles he’ll go to Jean for them. Her touch is soft and light and makes him giggle as he lays on the exam table. She’s the only one who he allows to see him giggling like that and doesn’t try to hide it from her. She’s super great full he trusts her enough for that and never takes advantage of it.
However when Logan wants some rough, tear jerking tickles he can pretty much go to anyone else in the mansion and piss them off. They get him good and leave him satisfied but his favorite is Scott. Even when being tickled to tears this man is still taunting poor Scott. My man cannot catch a break I’ll tell you that much
Teasing that gets him the most is when you poke fun at what he’s doing. Whether it’s how he’s barely fighting back or the noise he just made or how he’s all squirmy. That never fails to get him to blush. But make sure not to do it too often otherwise he’ll get genuinely insecure about it and make you stop.
As for the Worst Logan, he’s way more stand offish about being tickled. He hadn’t felt anyone tickle him sense his friends had passed and he really missed it but in his mind didn’t deserve to be happy for letting them all down
When he moves in with Wade though, Mr. Deadpool here makes sure he gets his fill of tickles even if it cost him so blood and lots and lots of broken bones.
Still won’t go down without a fight but Worst Logan fights even harder. The claws come out and he starts slashing. Has no remorse for Wade and will cut that guys head off if he can. He’s way more gentle with Laura but he still fights back.
Laura loved to tickle him to get him to relax a little. Her Logan was always so angry and grumpy and with good reason too, but she always wanted to be able to put a smile on his face and now she can! She may not be exactly as strong as him but she’s still pretty damn strong. She’s usually the one to hold his arms above his head while Wade is sitting on his waist to go to town
When he’s been all tickled out, he curls up into a ball to catch his breath. He’ll act like he hated it and call you names but at the end of the day he looks way more relaxed than before. Isn’t a huge fan of being cuddled afterwards and would rather have time by himself to recover. When he does, he’ll pretend like nothing happened and go about the rest of his day.
All and all very cute, very demure little honey badger🥰 10/10
Ler Headcanons
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(This picture is absolutely terrifying. He looks like he’s about to come and bite me😭)
Boy you better watch out
This man may have looked all cute and cuddly while being tickled to pieces but when he’s on the hunt for a victim he is scary as hell
You are not getting away from him either. With his heightened senses he’ll pick up your scent in no time. He’s also way faster than the average human being so you’re not out running him either. Best course of action is to just stand that and except your fate🙏
Nothing is more terrifying than being in your hiding place and hearing this beast start sniffing. At this point he already knows where you are and is just messing with you. He’ll pretend to look around and get super close to your hiding spot before backing off and going somewhere else. He’ll repeat this process until either he decides the Lee might explode from anticipation or when he gets bored.
This man will also like let out a growl which is absolutely terrifying. Imagine you’re hiding in a closet and all of a sudden you hear this eerie rumbling noise coming closer and closer. Personally I’d shit my pants but that’s just me 🤷‍♀️
Will tackle you to the ground if he has to. You’re also not pushing that man off. He’s entire skeleton has metal in it his big ass is like 300 pounds. If he wants you to stay there on the floor you can bet your ass you’re gonna on that floor and you’re not leaving until he’s had enough. And depending on the reason why he was after you in the first place, you may be there for a loooooong time
Uses rough tickles on pretty much everyone. He’ll go a little softer on the kids in the mansion or Jean but he’s still digging in. He likes to latch on to a weak spot and vibrate his hands into it. That or drilling just his thumbs into your spot. It tickles way more than you think it does. And if he feels like it or thinks the Lee really needs it, sometimes he use gentle tickles but it’s very rare. Maybe if he sees you were have a hard day, he’ll sit next to you and pull you into his lap and lightly tickle your across your body. Just don’t get sassy with him or he’ll dig in with no remorse
Oh my god don’t get me started on them raspberries!!! I swear he could kill a man with them. He could blow like 100 and not break a sweat. You on the other hand…. Let’s just say it was nice knowing you😊
What makes his raspberries even worse is them god damn mutton chops. They’re actually pretty soft which makes it worse for his Lee cause it tickles way more than it should. And unfortunately for his victim, he knows this and uses it to his full advantage. He’ll nuzzle into your stomach or neck as he’s blowing raspberry after raspberry. He isn’t stopping until he see tears
He can tell when someone is in the mood for tickles and depending on how he’s feeling in the moment depends on how screwed you are.
If he’s feeling kinda annoyed at the moment prepare to suffer. He will not be going easy on you not matter what you even did to get you into this situation. He actually enjoys making his victims scream and thrash a lot. He thinks it’s hilarious
If he’s feeling playful, he’ll make it seem like you’re gonna get away but he always catches you in the end. He’ll even let your try and key word is try, to fight back but he’s still the one in control. He’s just doing it to make you feel like you have a chance
If finally if he’s feeling kinda mushy, he’ll kinda pull you into a bear hug or into his lap and wreck you like that. It feels nice to be in his warm embrace but like you’re still being tickled to tears soooo
With the Worst Logan, he’s way meaner and more aggressive specially when it comes to Wade. Since he can’t actually kill him, he goes all out until Wade is completely Blue in the face. Sometimes he literally has to be pulled off of Wade to get him to stop and then he’ll just go for you next so idk if it’s worth it bestie
He’s a little awkward around Laura still and is kinda afraid of making her uncomfortable. She tries to make him understand that she’s okay with it but no matter what he can’t push the feeling away that she might end up hating his if he goes too far. Finally after a while he started to just poke her repeatedly. No where near as bad as what he does to Wade but it gets her giggling and that makes him feel satisfied enough
At the end of the day he is an absolute terrifying ler and I love him so much.
I hope y’all liked it! I really wanted to write for him for so long but never had the motivation to. Finally it came to me in a dream and then I wrote like half of this at 1:00 in the morning but it’s finished so that’s all I care about
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catsoupki · 1 year
the youthful innocence of being able to touch each other so carelessly— a brush of hair out of your face, a fix of your uniform collar, a lingering touch when you borrow a pencil, all without the chains n locks of commitment, without PR managers on your tail, without tabloids and paparazzi watching your every stroke of brow and every twitch of finger; to be able to tickle and tease you without prying eyes, and i can just dust my fingertips all over you, and cover you in my fingerprints until you shower it all off and we do it again
bkg & reader
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hype-blue-fixation · 7 months
Tickle headcannon just dropped:
So what if Alastor's neck is just UNGODLY ticklish and the whole thing is one big death spot. Rosie gives him soft tickly nibbles that make him go insane.
But ofc since she's also a cannibal, she sometimes gets carried away and bites too hard. He now has tooth marks on his neck and that's why he's stuck wearing high collared shirts.
If Angel ever saw the marks (or the way they just existed near each other), he would never understand how their relationship is platonic.
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tickletails · 1 year
Ok so I wanna believe that Prismo has TRIED to tickle the Scarab before when he’s stopped by for a check up. He was being a stick in the ass as per ushe & Prismo was like “lighten up dude” & poked his side. Of course he got bitched out & the Scarab stabbed his hand with his cane for even trying. But now they’re trapped together in an empty box & Prismo is the silliest boy of all & easily gets bored. Luckily he’s just as easy to entertain!
Scarab tries to spend all his time cleaning to ignore Prismo but he’s just happy to finally have a friend who isn’t allowed to leave lmao. But when he just wants to hang out & the Scarab would literally rather scrub the floors, that’s insulting! & besides, he deserves a break even if he doesn’t want one. So he pokes him to get his attention, intending on asking if he wants to watch tv but the Scarab freaks out & hisses. Prismo realizes what happened & is so giddy because “he’s always wondered what his laugh sounds like!” & Scrabby is threatening him through giggles & he has no way to fight back against it. But afterward Prismo is so smug & teasy like “there, don’t you feel better now? I sure do! I think maybe all you needed was a good laugh!” Scarab is soooo angy & embarrassed it’s the best!
YOU. Oh this is so fucking TRUE i love the idea of prismo having such a mischevious side when it comes down to it and would 100% take advantage of finding out scarab is ticklish.. ALSO honestly i never thought about lee scarab before but this ask has opened my eyes thank you. i just know being tickled would make him so mad :3c
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ittybittylee · 11 months
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Jax Tickle hcs 💜✨
- Lee
* Even though he may be an asshole he tends to get very flustered while being tickled. This is because he’s not used to anyone seeing him all soft like that
* thus he feels embarrassed
* And does not wanna screw up his “Reputation”
* Will instantly melt in your hands
* He has that cackling yet snarky kinda laugh?? the kind that gives you butterflies
* He has very ticklish feets ///that are also very fluffy
* His neck, stomach and hips are also very sensitive, even a slight poke could send him into a giggling fit
* He lets on that he absolutely HATES being teased and will do everything in his power to push you away to prevent you from teasing him
* Making Eye contact while tickling him makes him even more flustered
* But he secretly enjoys it, makes him weak in the knees
* Kicks his feet when tickled
* Will not ask for you to stop because he “refuses to beg anyone” so once the damage has been done he’ll just accept his fate
* ^If you confront him about it he’ll get all embarrassed and start shouting at you to “shut up!”
* Will 100% use the excuse “how could I have of asked you to stop when you were nearly tickling me to death?! I couldn’t even breathe nonetheless get a single word out!”
( he could’ve easily IF he wanted to )
* He absolutely adores aftercare, he’ll snuggle right up in your lap and rest his head on your shoulder
* He loves having his ears rubbed, especially if you hold his head while doing so
* Whether or not he’ll admit it, he loves every minute of it
* “You tell anybody that I’m ticklish and you’re dead. and that’s not a threat, that’s a promise got it?”
- Ler
* Extremely teasing, smug mischievous ler
* perfect balance between rough and gentle tickles
*is a mean ler
* Absolutely LOVES getting a reaction out of you especially seeing you blush
* Laughs at you while tickling because he thinks it’s funny to see you completely helpless
* Finds it hysterical when you snort/squeak/wheeze and will bully you for it //affectionately
* Will do everything he possibly can to get you all flushed and embarrassed just because he knows how much you hate it
* Will not hesitate to absolutely wreck you
* Can and will most definitely tease you especially with baby talk
* This mf will purposely taunt you by saying “Cootchie cootchie coo” over and over again to embarrass the living hell out of you
* You can beg for him to stop but he won’t, not until you’re all wheezy and breathless
* Loves to taunt you by saying “I’m gonna getcha” in a very sinister voice and at the most random times
* you can tell just by the smirk on his face he’s planning an “unexpected” tickle attack
* His lanky fingers make it easier to scribble away into those hard to reach sweet spots ( inner neck, etc )
* Finds it hilarious whenever he gets a reaction out of you
* “Heh what’s the matter? Does that tickle~? Too bad because I’m gonna do it anyway~”
* Will never let you live it down. Ever.
* Will wiggle his fingers at you on purpose just to make you flinch or blush
* Great aftercare, loves to hold you
* Asks you if you’re okay, hoping that he didn’t take it too far
* He makes sure you’re okay before carrying on with the rest of his day and acting like nothing ever happened
* will threaten to tell the others that you’re extremely ticklish but won’t actually tell them
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nikki-tine · 4 months
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Hoo boy, Guess who! This guy was surprisingly hard to be faithful to the original style with so I went “fuck it” and did my own interpretation of the guy c: I love the Tickle monster, he’s so friend-shaped!
This is fanart for @eldelascosquillas-blog!
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otomiyaa · 10 months
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Furina being sassy.
Furina running her mouth and somewhere in her rambles, mentioning that she's more powerful than Neuvillette so she is right and he is wrong.
Furina quickly fixing her mistake when Neuvillette gives her the look™ and babbles that if he wants her to give a demonstration of her powers, she won't give it because her power is too abnormally dangerous, but she can prove it otherwise if he's doubting her!
Furina panicking and finding her way out by proposing a tickle fight because it'll be a way friendlier and safer method to show off her strength and prove her point without having to show the powers she doesn't have - even though Neuvillette literally did not ask or say anything, he's just staring.
Furina getting effortlessly tickled to death by an expressionless yet mildly amused Neuvillette who then proceeds to talk about the business they were discussing before Furina needlessly dug her own grave, and she just stays sprawled on the floor in a heap of shame and embarrassment.
Neuvillette winning their argument 🎉
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
I hc Chrollo having REALLY ticklish palms. Like he’s mildly ticklish everywhere else, but his palms have that man on the floor giggling
Ler can be anyone, y/n or a canon character, I’m not picky :)
(Headcanons to Dabbles: OFFICIALLY CLOSED)
AHHH! *explodes* LEE!CHROLLO WHOOOOOOOOO!!! I love this man so much y'all don't even know aejarkaejrerejk I've gotcha covered, anon! :D
You held out your hand expectantly, waiting for Chrollo to comply. Such a bold gesture would be frowned upon in the Phantom Troupe- but as his partner, you had special privileges.
Chrollo looked at it, then at you. He offered you his book, but you didn’t take it. He offered you a nearby pebble, but again- it laid in your still hand. “I hadn’t realized this was a guessing game.”
You struggled to keep your poker face, flatting your lips so you wouldn’t smile watching him try and figure out what you were asking for. Finally, he took the pebble from you and laid his hand in yours, smiling when you squeezed it. “There it is.”
“Took you long enough.” You teased, bringing it closer to observe. The skin was scarred yet smooth- both soft and calloused in your grip. What confused you was the sudden lack of tattoos- you swore you saw them before. “Where’d they go?” You asked, dragging a finger along the back of his hand.
“Oh tha-eh!” The leader of your troupe seemed to stammer, straightening up as you carried on dragging your finger against his skin. “They only appear when I activate my power.”
“Really?” You mused, flipping his hand to look at his palm. “Do they appear here too?” You curled your nails against the skin, daring a peek.
“So-Soohohmetimes?” He gasped out, a few reluctant giggles following. “Aehhe-ehhahahhaha! (Y/N)! Pleahhahahhase! It tihihihihickles!”
“Really?” You couldn’t keep your poker face any longer, grinning outright as you scratched gently at his palms, making him double over in wheezy mirth. “Who knew the esteemed leader of the Phantom Troupe was so ticklish? Better be careful the others don’t find out- they’ll start a mutiny and tickle you until you give in.”
“Thehehehy alheahahhardy knoohohow! I’m nohohohoht wohoohohried about it!” He gasped out through his giggles, gently catching your wrist to stop the tickling. “I truuhuhst them with that lihihttle tihihidbit…and I truuhust you not to take ahahadvantage.”
“Hm.” You brought his hand up to your lips, kissing it gently and making him twitch with a small laugh. “No promises.”
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cooldudesthings · 5 months
Boothill hsr hc’s
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Author’s note: These hc’s have my heart melting from how sweet it is even though they may not fit well with his character
Ps: I’m too tired to punctuate these so please don’t mind it
Here we go!
I feel like he’d be cuddly to his lover
He loves and cherishes when his s/o pepper kisses all over his face as he can feel the love from each kiss
He’d probably be hyper in a way when you first meet
Boothill would be surprised or a little shocked by you not being terrified of him at the first sight of him
If his love is feeling down he’ll try anything to make them smile or feel better
This man can’t cook do t eat the food he makes you may get sick (idk why I just can’t see him being a decent cook or he’d burn it)
In the summer his robotic parts of his body gets extremely hot in the sun so he tends to be in shady areas to avoid you accidentally getting burned from touching him ( if you do get burned he’d apologize and feel guilty about it for a few days)
He would enjoy his hair being played with
If his lover is feeling insecure about a part of their body he will find ways to prove to them that he loves that part of them for example if they are feeling insecure about their stomach he will gently nibble it while complementing his now giggly lover ( I saw a hc about since he doesn’t have a human body he’d absolutely cherish his lovers body as much as he could and I can see it)
If he has sensors for pain magnets would probably mess with them a bit creating a tingly feeling almost like how tickles feel
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wreckingtickles · 1 month
Eijiro Kirishima (mha) Headcanons
First off, thank you, everyone, for the warm reception of the "1 Hour in Tickle Hell" story! It's putting such a huge smile on my face, and right now, it's really helping.
But onto Kirishima! One of my absolute favorite lees, and as far as fandom versions of characters are concerned, also one of my faves. Insecure ball of sunshine is just my thing. Though I have a harder time writing him than many other characters, I wonder why. Oh, and while I'm at it, I see Kirishima as bi, though he'd never really crushed on a boy until he met Bakugo.
Now, for tickle headcanons: Kirishima enjoys tickling others and being tickled. When he was at UA, he was the resident tickle monster, and it was just a good time: you laugh, you make others laugh, you take Bakugo down a peg, you bond with shier classmates like Izuku, Ojiro, and Todoroki, and if they wanted revenge, so much the better! One of his biggest successes was turning it into a competition with Bakugo, and since Kirishima is completely unapologetic about being ticklish, he's the reigning champion, despite being pretty ticklish himself! And he may have tried to provoke Shoji multiple times, but Shoji never indulged him until he admitted exactly what he wanted.
He later realized that tickling, in a more intimate context, is a turn-on for him, both giving (but only to guys) and receiving (from anyoen and anything). It feels like both a challenge and a fun form of domination, and it makes him feel like his partner is happy, he just loves seeing that smile. Plus, it's an excuse to keep touching Bakugo all over, which, even several years into their relationship, he still can't get enough of, as he made himself fall in love with every single part of him.
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Yep, Kirishima is pretty freaking ticklish, and while he really enjoys it, it limits how much tickling he can actually take, also causing him to lose tickle fights as he was trying to suppress his Quirk at the same time (and didn't really mind being on the losing end).
I admit there are many spots that may change in the future, but I am quite certain about what his top spots are.
Giggling (6-7): Kirishima's chest, abs, sides, back (which I forgot to add), and non-nos are all moderately ticklish, and three out of those four spots are erogenous (in a bedroom setting - not when he used to play around with his classmates), as any attention to his chest and abs feels like appreciation for the hard work he put into making his body what it is, a testament that he can be a stronger person. These are also some of th eonly spots where light tickles work about as well as harder tickles: lickles, vibrations, and especially metal claws, the latter can really destroy him and are effective everywhere.
Laughing (7.5-8.5): Spots that unfailingly cause Kirishima to laugh out loud when targeted. His laughter is energetic and loud, unsurprisingly, and can feel either obnoxious or contagious depending on your mood. His thighs are his third most ticklish spot, and yeah, being tickled there feels intimate and also like he's being praised for their thiccness, which is why he loves being tickled with fingers there (physical contact, yay!). His feet are also big and ticklish, so they can house a lot of ticklish implements at once. Oddly, the tops seem to be more sensitive than the bottoms!
Howling (9-10): One thing Kirishima has in common with Bakugo is that his ribcage is super sensitive, though he makes it a point to remind the blond that he's even more ticklish there. And his armpits... he likes being tickled there because it really pushes him to his limit, but he also can't stand being tickled there too long because the sensation is juts too intense. Light tickles work well on both spots, but harder ones will have him howling and go as red as his hair. Claws are nightmarish, yes, but a few minutes of backscratcher action on either of those spots, but especially his pits, will have him howling and incoherent. Unsurprisingly, his pits were a common target when he needed punishing, cheering up, or while he was working out at UA.
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riisume · 2 months
Delicious in Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi Tickle Headcanons!
(***DISCLAIMER: I haven’t finished the manga yet- So this’ll be knowing what I know about them from S1 of the anime!✨)
- His armor protects him usually.. But when they’re settling in to rest for the night, bro better not do anything dumb
- Laios WILL get tickled if he’s silly! Especially if he says wants to eat a monster that Marcille and Chilchuck don’t agree with…
- He’s QUICK to plead, beg, and bargain to make the tickles stop
- Part of him enjoys it though, it’s very nostalgic for him (tickle fights with Falin growing up!)
- His tummy’s very soft and squish, making it an easy tickle target for grabby hands!
- Laios will usually follow Marcille’s lead on tickling Chilchuck or vise versa when they’re messing with each other
- He loves discovering other’s tickle spots, whether it be purposeful or on accident
-Bonus points if the area that’s ticklish is part of what makes the races visually distinct (ex. Elf and Half Foots ears)
- Laios is DEFINITELY interested in knowing if monsters are ticklish…
- He tries to tickle Izutsumi but usually gets scratched or bitten… He’ll totally try it again later tho
- Getting this out of the way early… Her ears are very sensitive and ticklish because why not? 👏🏼
- If Marcille sleeps for too long, she’s often the target of wake-up tickles (it’s the most gentle and effective way to wake her up)
- She takes very good care of herself, so her skin is soft… Making it more sensitive
- She’s 100% feather ticklish!
- Marcille’s laughter usually gets high-pitched and frantic, even if you’re not tickling a death spot (she panics)
- She won’t hesitate to bonk, hit, or kick if you tickle her so make sure either you’re out of the way or someone’s pinning her
- She’ll likely complain after for tickling her (and making her mess up her hair)
- Marcille loves to tickle Chilchuck the most to tease him here and there
- Unfortunately for him, if you’re not another Half Foot, it’s REALLY easy to overpower him (he’s small and very light)
- Chilchuck’s another one with horribly ticklish ears (his neck as well) but he’ll deny both or deflect like his life depends on it
- He’s a frequent target for being tickled by the party given his grumpy nature
- Chilchuck swears PROFUSELY when he gets tickled (in different languages as well!)
- Whenever Marcille tickles him, he’ll usually get revenge or fight back (until Laios helps her and pins him)
- Because Senshi mistakes Chilchuck for a kid, he usually falls victim to Senshi’s cheer-up tickles as well whenever Chilchuck’s cranky or on edge
- Unless he’s provoked, Chilchuck normally avoids trying to start tickle fights with anyone else
- Rougher tickles tend to hurt him, especially on more boney areas like his ribs… So gentler tickles are needed to really get him
- Senshi’s not SUPER ticklish like the others in his party
- Rougher tickles would get good reactions out of him, though
- He’s not very susceptible to gentle tickles
- Senshi’s laughter is deep and hearty! Very enjoyable to hear
- Senshi enjoys tickling the others in the party
- He’s DEFINITELY used tickling against Marcille if she’s being fussy about eating
- Senshi’s worst spot is his armpits (which are unfortunately for him easy to reach)
- Yet another party member with VERY ticklish ears
- Laios likely found out about that by accident when he tried petting her there…
- He was fascinated and keeps trying every so often to do it again
- Izutsumi WILL attack or run if you tickle her
- She’s nimble so it’s a bit hard to catch her if she’s expecting it
- Izutsumi has a sharp tongue, so she’ll probably also yell obscenities when she’s tickled and can’t fight back
- Eventually she’ll get curious about tickling the others but she’d likely wait until they try to get her for her to strike back!
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sunsetsandsunshine · 1 month
I wanna request a tk fic 😇🫶🏻🫶🏻 so uhmm what about a Ler!Jeanette Ler!Brittany and Lee!Eleanor?? from alvin and the chimpmunks !!
~ 𝚂𝚠𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚟𝚜. 𝙰𝚟𝚊𝚌𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚎𝚜 ~
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🩷💜🩵 𝙵𝚒𝚌 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢: @giggly-cloud 🩷💜🩵
·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚𝙰𝙷𝙷𝙷𝙷𝙷 𝙷𝙸𝙷𝙸𝙷𝙸𝙷𝙸 𝙲𝙻𝙾𝚄𝙳𝙸𝙴!!!!! 𝙰𝚜 𝚊 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖 𝚠𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚊𝚜 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚕𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝙰𝙰𝚃𝙲— 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝙸 𝚜𝚊𝚢 𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚂𝙴𝙰𝚁𝙲𝙷𝙴𝙳 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 😭💔! 𝙰𝚕𝚜𝚘…“𝚝𝚔?” 𝙸 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗 “𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚕𝚎” 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚑𝚎𝚢, 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝’𝚜 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚖𝚎 😇💝💗💕💓˚*• ̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙**·̩̩̥͙
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: 𝙵𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜: 𝟸,𝟸𝟹𝟺
𝙻𝚎𝚎: 𝙴𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚛 🐿️🩵
𝙻𝚎𝚛’𝚜: 𝙱𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚢 🐿️🩷 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙹𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎 🐿️💜
𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: 𝙱𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙴𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚛 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚍𝚒𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚜; 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚍𝚒𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚜. 𝙳𝚘 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘 𝚊𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕…
𝚆𝙴’𝚁𝙴 𝙰𝙻𝙻 𝙸𝙽 𝚃𝙷𝙸𝚂 𝚃𝙾𝙶𝙴𝙴𝙴𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚁: @shut-up-jo @itzsana-kiddingmenow
@aeinzzzketchup @veryblushyswitch @mysteriouslee
(𝙰/𝙽: 𝙳𝚘𝚗’𝚝 𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚐𝚞𝚢! 𝙸*𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚔/𝙽𝚂𝙵𝚆 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚜 𝙳𝙽𝙸!!!)
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝚃𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚌𝚞𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙰𝚟𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚜 𝚟𝚜 𝚂𝚠𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚜 (𝙸 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 ☝🏾🥸)! 𝙸𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝙸 𝚑𝚒𝚒𝚒𝚒𝚒𝚒𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚕𝚢 𝚜𝚞𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍 :𝟹)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 𝙴𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚘𝚘𝚢𝚢𝚢𝚢𝚢𝚢𝚢 ˚*•✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙
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“You…do know Billie is better than Taylor, right?” Eleanor said, grinning smugly at her eldest sister on the couch.
The eldest sister in question huffed out a bitter laugh, meeting the smallest chipmunk’s wicked smile with a sharp glare, “Ihi beheg your pardon, Ellie?” 
Although, the tallest of the three just sighed sadly as her sisters continued to bicker (for, like, the millionth time), sinking into the couch seat slightly as she observed WWIII being displayed right in front of her. 
Before all of this…drama, the three preteen sisters figured it would be best to spend as much time with each other as possible and take advantage of the Summer break.
Since school would hit as soon as Autumn started to roll around, they would have to go on tour, and go to school and a whole bunch of mega important stuff that would keep their hands full 24/7…
So, sitting on the couch and watching TV together peacefully was something they initally planned to do.
And it was peaceful! Veeery peaceful in fact. 
That was until Eleanor randomly started boasting about how the movie they were watching would be 100x better if 'Hit Me Hard and Soft' was the soundtrack.
But the thing was, they were currently watching Back to the Future. Which, if you didn’t know, aired in 1985. So it wouldn’t really make all that much sense if one of Billie Eillish’s album’s was the soundtrack…but Jeanette wasn’t one to question (that much anyway). 
The harmless comment caused the tiiiiinest ounce of outrage from Brittany as she went on and ON listing all the album’s Taylor had whilst mocking about the fact that Billie only has three as of right now. 
Petty sibling arguments at its finest…
“Guys, can we please just watch the movie…?” Jeanette meekly offered as her two sisters glared absolute daggers at each other, “I think it’s getting to the really good part…!”
“You said that exact same sentence fifteen minutes ago, Jennie.” The pink cladded chipmunk deadpanned, “Besides, avenging Taylor is wahaaaay more important than any weird time travel space movie.” 
“It’s called Back to the Future…” The tallest chipmunk muttered as she adjusted her purple glasses.
“Whatever.” The blue eyed teen huffed, “Anyway, Ellie…I think you owe Taylor an apology.” 
“AN APOLOGY?!” Eleanor squawked in awe, “The only person who should be apologizing is Taylor herself! There are waaaaaaay too many people on this Earth that deserve a Nobel Prize in Physics but yet she got one by just existing!” 
The purple eyed teen winced at the comment, sinking into the couch deeper as she saw her older sister get gradually more angry. 
“Wehell, I guess you haven’t read her research as the lead scientist of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.” The elder glared. 
“No, no I haven’t.” The youngest said snarkingly as she crossed her arms, “I have better things to do with my time. Besides, she gives us blonde’s a bad name and I am not here for it.” 
“Heeeeere we go…” The brunette mumbled knowingly as she went on her phone. 
Brittany’s left eye twitched as she stood up on the sofa, putting a hand on her hip, “Well, at least she can keep a consistent hair color! Your emo music artist changed her hair color to every shade on the rainbow!”
“And?” Eleanor pressed on, “At least Billie looks good in every single one! Taylor being a brunette was just not it and you know it.”
“YOU LITTLE—!” Brittany sucked in a breath, exhaling slowly as her icy blue eyes met sassy emerald green. “I know you did nohot just—”
“I just did.” The younger cut off as she stuck her tongue out teasingly, “What are you gonna do about it?” 
“…Why don’t I show you?” The eldest chipmunk grinned, basically pouncing on her youngest sister as the two wrestled to get the upper hand.
And out of context? It honestly looked like a WWE match.
“GEHET OFF OF ME!” The mint cladded chipmunk screeched.
“Not uhuntil you admit Taylor is better.” The blue eyed teen smiled sweetly. 
And to a random stranger, that quote on quote 'sweet smile' probably looked 100% genuine. But to Jeanette and Eleanor…? 
…That smile had a whoooooole different meaning…
“N-NEVER!” The blonde exclaimed as she pushed her hands on the other’s chest. 
“Fine then. Have it your way.” The strawberry blonde giggled as she tickled the youngest’s sides casually and effortlessly. The green eyed chipmunk let out a loud but short scream as she descended into small giggles, hugging herself as she squirmed left and right. 
“B-BriHIHIT! STAhap IHIT!!!” The youngest squealed. 
“Ihi’m barely even tickling you, Ellie. Don’t tell me it’s that bad~!” Brittany snickered as she changed her scribbling to squeezing her sister’s sides mercilessly. “STAHA— squeak YOHOUR MEEHEAN!!” 
The oldest of the three chipmunks dramatically gasped, moving her fingers to knead at Eleanor’s underarms, “Me? Mean? Ohhhhh no no no no no no no. I’m not being mean…you’re just super��ticklish.” 
The younger blushed slightly, clamping her arms down almost immediately whilst kicking her legs on the couch, “H-HUHUSH UP! SOHO AHARE YAHA— hic YOHOU!”
The strawberry blonde chuckled fondly at her sibling’s weak rebuttal, sneaking one of her hands out of the other’s underarms to try and tickle her neck but was stopped as Eleanor grabbed her wrist. 
“I know I am but what are you~?” Brittany scoffed lightly as she stopped her tickling altogether, crossing her arms as she raised a very amused brow. 
The two sister’s made eye contact— one completely amused by the very silly turn of events as the other was waiting for her grave to be buried. “Come on and share…since you wanna be all sassy today: share with the class. What are you, little sister~?”
At that tease, the green eyed chipmunk’s sassiness most definitely just went down the drain and into the ocean for sure.
The youngest let out a small, giggly whine, looking at her immediate older sister at the end of the couch in seek for help. But the only response she got was a mere shrug as she gave Eleanor an apologetic smile. 
Eleanor covered her face in embarrassment, her tail softly swishing against the couch cushion as her giggles became more giddy and desperate, “I-Ihim tihicklish…” She muttered out.  
“Sorry…didn’t hear that.” The pink cladded preteen mused.
“I-I-Ihihi’m tihihicklish!!” The youngest tried again. 
“I-Ihi sahahaid Ihi’m t-tihihicklish!!” 
“Sorry…one more time~? I really can’t hear you—“ 
“IHI’M TAHA— squeak IHI’M TIHIHICKLISH!!!” The blonde basically screamed. 
“Pfft— yeah, I know.” The eldest snickered as she kneaded the other’s hips. 
Eleanor let out a large and loud squeal as she weakly hit the other’s arms and hands, bucking and twisting around to at least make Brittany’s grip on her hips loosen a bit. 
But the blue eyed chipmunk just snickered evilly at the action, casually tickling her where the thigh met the hip, leaving the youngest of the three in absolute stitches. 
Jeanette looked away from her phone and directed her attention to her two sister’s silly situation, smiling happily. Well…at least they were bonding instead of tugging at each other’s throats. 
The purple eyed chipmunk looked towards the hallway, rolling her eyes fondly as  she saw a red blur basically sprinting into the living room. 
“Hey guys!” Alvin said quickly, basically jumping up and down where he stood, “Me, Si and Theo are gonna go skateboarding outside and we were wondering if you guys would wanna— uhhhhhh...wow.” 
As the hazel eyed chipmunk became more aware to what was going on in front of him, a small flustered blush appeared on his face as he tried to not look at the pink and mint duo— who didn’t even seem to notice he walked in (which was very rude by the way…) 
The purple cladded chipmunk raised a brow at her little brother’s facial expression, “Alv, you need something? You said you wanted us to—”
“Nope. Nah. Nada. I don’t need aaaaaanything…” Alvin mumbled out quickly and quietly, averting his gaze from the scene displaying in front of him to not worsen the tingly butterfly feeling in his stomach.
“Ehellie…my dear bahahaby sihister whom Ihi adore dearly. I would absoltuely lohove to hehelp yohou with your current…predicament but, uhm…I hahave places to go ahand plahaces to be. Sooooo aaaaanyways gOODLUCKBYELOVEYOUUUU!!!” And with that, the red cladded chipmunk Usain Bolted out of the living room. 
“AHAHALVIN YAHA— squeak COHOME BAHACK hic HEHERE YOHOU TRAITOR!!!” Eleanor squealed, letting out small hiccups and squeaks that bounced off the living room’s walls.
Brittany shared a knowing glance at Jeanette, causing the tallest of the three to nod quietly, sitting next to her little sister as she thrashed around. “Seems like that spot is really bad…” The glasses wielding chipmunk mused. 
“That’s not the only thing that’s bad~!” The purple eyed chipmunk said as she traced Eleanor’s sides lightly, “With all your thrashing and squirming, I noticed you have one missing rib…” 
The tallest giggled of the three giggled, “Ihi just want to check to make sure—”
“Just a quick check—”
“N-NOHOHAHA! AHA STAHAP! STOHOP BEING MEAN!” The youngest screeched as she descended into a fit of loud laughter. 
“You’re mean for not letting me tickle your neck.” Brittany mused as she used one hand to scribble the crook of her baby sister’s neck while her other hand continued to squeeze at her hip, “That’s better~!” The eldest sing-songed. 
The mint cladded chipmunk scrunched up her shoulder in a weak attempt to at least cease some of the tickles, but to her dismay…it just made it way worse. The youngest dropped her hands to her sides, her legs weakly kicking underneath Brittany as her tail wagged, “IHIHIT TIHICKLES!! BEEHEE NIHIHICE!!!” 
“I was gonna be nice~!” The eldest sang, “But since you didn't let me get your neck…I'll just tickle your tummy then.” The blue eyed preteen grinned, wiggling her finger’s near the blonde’s stomach teasingly. 
The younger’s eyes widened in panic at the tease/light threat, grabbing her older sister’s wrists in an attempt to stop her, “N-NAHA hic squeak NOHO! IHIHI HAHATE hic hic IHAT THAHA— squeak THEHEHERE!!!” 
“But…I thought you liked it here?” Jeanette said genuinely as she stopped tickling her sister’s sides. The strawberry blonde rolled her eyes fondly for her immediate younger sister’s…compassion for all mankind. 
It was sickening, honestly…
“She does like getting tickled there, Jean. It’s one of her favorite spots…you know this.” Brittany said as she shook her head. 
“But she just said she didn’t!” The purple cladded chipmunk exclaimed. 
The blondie groaned at her two sister’s conversation…
God, would they just tickle her already?! She was dying in anticipation here!!!
Her two sister’s then looked at her— Brittany glanced at Jeanette as if to say 'I told you so'. 
And that’s when the youngest realized she said alllllllll of that out loud…
Eleanor buried her face into her arms, her face heating up as the dreaded ghost tickles got worse and worse. 
“…So you do like it! You just didn’t want to admit it.” The purple eyed chipmunk clarified as she put one on one together, “And earlier…you were taunting and bickering with Britt so she and I would tickle you, right?”
The younger’s face just went as red as a tomato, causing her older sister’s to fall into a giggle fit with her. “That makes so much more sense now.” The tallest grinned, tickling her little sister’s stomach and sides. The youngest of the three covered her mouth, shaking her head.
Oh this was gonna tickle so bad…
“I think you can laugh louder than that~!” Jeanette hummed, blowing a raspberry in the crook of Eleanor’s neck while dancing her fingers all over her stomach.
The eldest huffed out a laugh in triumph, cracking her knuckles teasingly as she kneaded the younger’s hips whilst blowing a raspberry on the other side of her neck. The blonde screamed with laughter, happy tears building up in her eyes. 
“There we go~! Much better. Don’t you agree, Jennie?” The strawberry blonde snickered. 
“Oho I definitely agree.” The brunette said as she nodded in agreement, “Ahhh tickle tickle tickle~!You’re so tickle tickle ticklish, little sis~!”
“BRIHIHIT!! JEHEHE— hic JEHE— squeak!!! GUHUYS PLAHAHEEEEEASE!!!” Eleanor cried. The two sister’s sighed lovingly, stopping their ticklish torment on the youngest as they sat back on the couch. 
The purple cladded chipmunk wrapped her little sister in a soft but protective hug, planting a kiss on her temple, “Are you alright? Me and Britt didn’t go too far, right…?”
“N-Noho I’m hic goohoohood. Yohou two ahare hic mean, thohough…” The youngest said through her giggle fit, resting the back of her head on Jeanette’s chest, “Wahait…dihid the mohovie ehend already…?” 
“Yes it did!” Brittany chuckled, getting up to grab the remote which was on the couch rest, “Whihich is why we are going to be watching Taylor Swift Reputation Stadium Tour!” The eldest squealed, flipping through the channels to go to Netflix. 
Jeanette and Eleanor shared a knowing glance with one another, rolling their eyes as the concert began to play.
Oh well…Eleanor would just have to get her revenge afterwards. 
'Expect the unexpected' is what her brother Alvin would say, anyway. 
And besides! After they’re done watching…maybe she’ll come to like Taylor’s music.
(𝙿.𝚂.: 𝙸𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚌, 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐!!!)
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happyandticklish · 8 months
Liking Alastor as a character and being in the tickle community is so weird because like
Yes I want to see him tickled,,, but I don't want to see him just crumple, y'know? He's a goddamn overlord, I just think he wouldn't be an easy target. I want someone to methodically take their time trying to break him and then, eventually, when he finally cracks, it's all the more satisfying.
And I simply don't believe he'd beg. Laugh, sure, threaten, most definitely, but beg, no
I just think it would be a challenge and also that it would be a privilege. Like, maybe Rosie could, but again, I don't think he'd let her, I think he just wouldn't kill her if she did?
It's not that he doesn't like it either, he just wouldn't be one to casually engage in it
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tickletails · 11 months
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He deserves tickles
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