#my store and commissions will still remain up as i can use any extra cash for future stuff
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OC Snippet Tag
Rules of the game: Pick an OC and answer the following 7 Qs!
I got tagged by @theblueskyphoenix
As for an OC… Darnit making me choose between all my babies.
I pick my Spider-Verse OC Athena Parker, because I’ve been wanting to do more with her but am on a bit of a “Don’t do anything new until after nano” so… Yeah.
1. Your OC is at a jazz bar when they see a mysterious, alluring dame being pestered by a joe that just won’t let up. What do they do?
She, really wasn’t supposed to be here in the first place. She was just there to make a trade of goods, with a seller because it was cheaper than shipping.
However, she wasn’t about to sit there and watch that happen. The girl stood up, adjusting her gloves, taking aim.
The guy opened his mouth, for another pickup line, when he was silenced by a glob of web across his mouth. He let out a muffled yell of alarm, as he started looking around, expecting New York’s favorite webslinger to be hanging around the bar somewhere.
Athena tapped the woman’s shoulder gesturing for her to sit next to her.
“Thank you… I have no idea where that came from though.”
She smiled.
“Maybe there’s a friendly neighborhood spider chilling around. Root beer?”
2. The world will be destroyed in three days. What does your OC do with their remaining time?
The world, was going to collapse in three days. No one had expected that blasted device, to be recreated in another universe… Let alone a universe full of danger like no other.
“This is going to be tough.” She remarked, looking down at the ruined city, her hair blowing in the wind.
The man beside her, narrowed his eyes, giving her a nudge.
“You wanna sit and wait for the world to die, or get home in time for dinner?”
Athena smirked, pulling down her mask.
“Let’s stop the zombie apocalypse. I wanna punch zombie you in the face.” She gave a thumbs up, showing she had a capsule in one hand. “We can make a cure rain right?”
Peter patted her head, before pulling his own mask down.
“Let’s roll.”
3. Your OC spends the night in a haunted house for a bet, only to realize that the rumours might be true… What do they do?
She hummed a little under her breath, her mind trying to block out any of the noises coming from around her.
Yarn over, pull through, yarn over pull through…
The air around her went cold, as something icy grabbed her shoulder.
“I, swear if you interrupt my counting I’m gonna sock you.” She growled, turning as a large misty apparition shrunk down behind the couch. “That’s what I thought!”
“Boss…” A voice whispered. “What do we do? She just gets mad!”
“Take her dang yarn!”
Athena held up a spray mister, meant for plants.
“You touch my yarn, I cleanse you out of this dimension.”
4. A character your OC cares deeply about has just passed away. How do they handle their grief?
She supposed, it was too good to be true. To believe she’d ever have a full and happy family, where no one was going to disappear from her life.
She sobbed harder, burying her face into a bundle in her arms. His spare suit, his mask… It still smelled like the laundry soap he used for it and baby powder.
MJ was downstairs, dealing with the press but Athena… Athena couldn’t go down there. It was just a reminder, that in the end…
Spider-Man, chose to save her instead of himself.
Dad… Why? Why did you do this to me?
She sat up, slowly staring down at the mask. No more night time runs in their casual clothes, no more sitting up late watching movies while making jokes.
No more dramatic sighing whenever we go to the craft store…
No more tucking me in at night… No more kissing Mom goodbye before patrol…
“You were supposed to be there for me… I’m not ready for this part…. I’m not ready,...” She growled, her voice shaking as she punched the mask down into her mattress. “You were supposed to give me away at my wedding you jerk!”
She sunk down into her bed, curling up.
“You… You were the only one who got what I’m going through…”
Please come back.
Please let this be a bad dream I can wake up from…
I need you… I’m scared.
Daddy, I’m scared…
I’m scared of the dark...
5. Your OC walks into a coffee shop. What kind of coffee do they order?
Athena hummed a little, strolling into her favorite shop.
“Ah, if it isn’t the weaver!” The barista laughed. “How hard did your dad’s credit card cry this time?”
Athena grinned, holding up a hefty bag from her favorite yarn store.
“Pretty bad. Can I have a mocha frapp with extra java chips, six pumps of vanilla and caramel?” She asked.
The barista winced.
“Oh… Oh, you are terrible. You want actual coffee in that?”
Athena stuck her tongue out.
“Nope. Give me my overly sugary drink fix please!”
6. Your OC finds themselves in a financial pinch - they need money, and fast. Who do they go to or what do they do to get the dough?
Athena sighed heavily, looking up from her laptop, to the people across the room. Her mother met her eyes, as she shook her head getting up quickly. She wanted no part of this upcoming war.
“Daaaad.” She called, in the most sugary sweet voice she could manage. “How much do you love me?”
Peter didn’t look up from the report he was typing up for the Bugle. “How much is this gonna cost me?”
“Just… a hundred and fifty…”
“For what?”
“Freshly dyed, baby alpaca yarn… and angora in some beautiful shades.” She batted her eyes, trying to get him to look her in the eyes. “I promise, I won’t ask for anything else!”
“Athena… I’m gonna teach you a lesson my aunt May taught me.” Peter looked up at her with a stern look. “I’m not made of money. I’ll drop cash gladly on your yarn that doesn’t cost me an arm and a leg but if you want that really fancy crap, either wait until the holidays or your birthday. Or find a way around it. But I am not dropping that much on new yarn, when you have tons of it upstairs.”
Athena sighed heavily, looking down at the skeins she oh so desperately wanted. She already could imagine the sweaters and shawls she could create from them.
Then… she got an idea… Athena looked up at him, giving another innocent look.
“Dad? Can I have an etsy store?”
“By all means, if it gets rid of the yarn you’re stashing in my spider shed go for it.”
A few days later, Athena was listing batches of Spider-Man related memorabilia on her new etsy store, from jackets to order by commission, to premade little plushies of the famous webslinger… and a few of her own persona.
“You think people really are gonna buy Arachne stuff?” She fidgeted, looking at the tiny plushie in her hands, that resembled her costume.
Peter patted her head, taking it and slipping her a twenty. She looked up at him in surprise.
“I know at least one person who will.” He winked, giving her a grin. “I think I’ll make her my little desk guardian at work.”
Athena giggled, hugging him tightly.
“Love you Dad.”
“Love you too Weaver.”
7. Your OC somehow obtains the ability to time travel. Where do they go, and what do they do?
She was going to stop this. She had been so determined to stop it… she didn’t think about what would happen when she did. She saw her younger self, milling around a shop room, singing under her breath.
Before she had been bitten by a radioactive spider, dropped into her dimension… while it sucked her newly divorced future parent into another.
She had been intending to jump back, to stop the divorce from happening in the first place… but it made her pause.
Her younger self, had been so alone… She had her group home, yes. Her fiber art club at school.
But years of accumulating skills, taught to her by people who had said “we promise this is the last home.” Had hurt…
Arachne stared at Athena, spotting a familiar bright green, blue and black spider crawling along the wall.
Soon, I’m gonna get bit… Then in a few months, Mom and Dad are gonna drop in on my life...
Gosh and I was gonna mess up a good thing I had…
I love my parents… but I know if I stop that, then I stop this.
Then I stop my family from existing…
So, she turned away. She jumped back to her own time, throwing away the device that was letting her make the jumps. Trading her costume, for her favorite dress and jacket, bolting down the streets towards home.
Home, with her room that had the special shelves, just for her ever growing collections of yarn and thread.
Home, with the old school sewing machine her aunt May had left to MJ when she passed.
Home, with her weaving loom and her knitting needles and crochet hooks…
With her parents.
Aaaaahhhh this was fun, to explore Athena a little bit, since I do wanna do more for my spider gal. For now… This shall be it. This was fun!
Let’s see…
I taaaaag….
No one. >83
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Buy and Sell Stuff Websites
The down side is that there is an up-front cost associated with this service, and no guarantee that you will find a buyer. After going this route, you may still find that you need to contract a real estate agent which means that you will pay for both this service and the agent's services. To learn how to buy and sell stuff online to make money follow the guide below.
This is a listing of all registered participants - buyers and sellers of the exchange owner company - either by business category or by alphabetical order. An advanced search engine tool can be incorporated in order to find a company based on data provided.
Buy and Sell Stuff
There are high-quality health information websites that offer comprehensive services from symptom checkers to peer-support groups. Despite this, the issue still remains, that aside from those like NHS Choices and Boots WebMD how do patients know which websites to trust? Comprehensive health websites built on knowledge and impartiality such as and Netdoctor and, in the US, the Mayo Clinic , vie for attention among the many forums, blogs and websites providing inaccurate and potentially harmful information.
Many company or business firm sell new car. Day by day individuals are interested buy new car, for this people sell their truck. A car dealership or car local distribution is really a business that sells new or used cars on the retail level, based on a dealership contract by having an automaker or its sales subsidiary. It employs automobile salespeople to accomplish the selling. It may also provide maintenance services for cars, thus employing automobile mechanics, stock then sell spare automobile parts, and process warranty claims.There are several what you require to look at before you purchase a new car.
The big question today, however, is: Will all of Woodman's hard work (and that of his team, shown above accepting an Emmy) pay off when it floats on the market this summer? You can never predict with complete accuracy, but there are certainly many things in its favor. First, and most importantly, the company is already making money, something that puts it way ahead of Twitter, which announced its IPO in September last year. Second, GoPro makes a real-world product. Facebook, that other social powerhouse, and its intangible product famously had something of a stuttered start when it went public Lastly, it's got all the hallmarks of a burgeoning media company, which is no panacea, but it's certainly an area that sets the stage for ongoing expansion. If, somehow, it doesn't work out, though, we hear there might finally be some money to be made in social gaming.
Only problem i see with guild wars 2 so far is the fact that it will be free. Yeah not having to pay is pretty cool. But by having an active account you pay for, you get to a point where you care about it however slightly. This pushes people to act more responsibly and respectfully due to the fact they don't want it banned. Less idiotic childish behavior.
Always buy and sell stuff and ship directly through amazon / ebay. It's about 30% cheaper than going to the post office and much easier. Use media mail when you can (books, DVDs, CDs, etc) and anytime it's under 13oz ship first class. I usually find it cheaper to ship in my own boxes instead of flat rate, but sometimes medium FR boxes come in handy. Order yourself a ton of flat rate padded envelopes. They are about $5.70 to ship an item and you can pack them tight! Also, get yourself a shipping scale and make sure to pack everything tight! You see the posts on the front page about how fed ex and ups deliver items!
Onto the fun part! It's time to build a website so you can sell stuff online. If you're like most budding entrepreneurs and small business owners, you already have your hands full with the day-to-day tasks associated with running your business. You probably don't have time to learn how to code or spend hours teaching yourself how to navigate the back-end of a content management system (CMS). The good news is, you don't have to.
The other cost associated with selling on the Auction House is the AH's cut. This fee is a flat 5% of your item's final sale price. If your item does not sell, the fee does not apply. If your item does sell, 5% of the selling price is automatically deducted from your proceeds. If you're planning to move a lot of merchandise on the AH, you'll want to review all the exact formulae for deposits and fees as well as the variations for neutral-faction Auction Houses.
An important part of furniture restoration is getting rid of oil and grease blemishes. If the marks are small, you can blend in the grease marks by rubbing them with a good furniture wax, then buffing with a clean cloth. To completely remove stains, you will need to strip off the old finish using a good paint or polish stripper, then coat it overnight with a thick paste which combines a talcum powder with methylated spirit. This should draw the oil out of the wood, then you can sand and re-polish the pieces. For valuable pieces and to ensure you don't make any mistakes, it's best to get a professional restorer to do the job.
Sell used car to the companies dealing in purchasing used cars: By contacting such companies, you can sell your property fast and also get the best possible price for your deal. These companies have ready cash and the right professionals for review of the vehicles. You can contact such companies through E-mail or over the phone.
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Artsy Home (Online Gallery; To the Trade) - Offering Original Décor for Home Work and Life,” This website targets interior designers, commercial decorators, upscale homeowners & others with print catalogs as well as online art sales. They take 25% commission.
The first step in this kind of business is always keyword research. You need to find small markets which do not have competition. Wordtrack is a very good tool to use for finding niche opportunities. For every keyword, it tells you the number of searches and how many results are found on each search engine. You need to pay special attention to the KEI column. KEI is the index that balances the number of searches and the number of competitors. The more searches and the fewer the competitors, the better for you. A KEI higher than 10 is good, but you should, ideally, look at keywords with a KEI over 100. More than 400 is a gift.
Before selling Rolls-Royce Holdings plc shares you must ensure that you have a valid Rolls-Royce Holdings plc” share certificate in your possession. If you have a share certificate in the name of Rolls-Royce plc” then this is no longer valid. You should arrange for a replacement certificate before proceeding.
But my worst Craigslist heartbreak of all was when I made an offer on a stunning MCM table, which was accepted, and an hour before I was scheduled to pick it up with the furniture mover, I got an apologetic email explaining that his dad had offered to store it for him and that he had therefore changed his mind and the table was no longer for sale. Nice. Time for a gin & tonic.
Although we have previously said that it's hard to rank for keywords used by large, well established sites, this shouldn't put you off, particularly if you have a unique product or a USP. On marketplaces, you are competing with hundreds, if not thousands, of other sellers and it can be just as hard to stand out. Instead, focus your attention on developing your own site and you'll have a better chance of attracting those customers who are looking for something unique.
Why Sell On eBay And How Best To Start
Online Auction Sites - Basic Tips For Sellers
You might have facts of how much some eBayers make in revenue monthly, in case you have read about eBayIt isn't few and far between to listen for of folks making thousands each month on eBayeBay is often a popular destination for dozens of looking to exchange online or seeking where you should sell online
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In order to find a business selling through internet auctions, you firstly need to decide what target target and figure out how to get a solid product you can sell for profit at the reasonable retail price
Next, you must discover how to sell it
Here, I address the very last issue, which is the easiest: how you can sell online using auction sites
If you follow both of these basic tips then you should succeed in launching your organization, provided there is a suitable product to offer you are sure that has some consumer demand
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Overall, there are typically no listing fees and also the lower commission fees may enhance your profit margin 10% or higher normally, depending on where you stand selling
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8 Ways to Create Email Leads on Facebook & Transform Followers into Customers (Component 1)
Social platforms like Facebook are ideal for engaging users as well as developing solid relationships with fans. Yet with all positives conceals one adverse: social media networks like Facebook own their individuals, not you. Even if you have a dedicated fan base, you still need to utilize Facebook - and spend loan on marketing - to reach them.
So what can you do to transform your Facebook followers right into customers?
In other words: capture their email address making use of list building techniques.
Researches like the Epsilon survey reveal that emails obtain read, opened and clicked more than any kind of various other type of Click&Leads electronic marketing. Why? Due to the fact that accessibility to the email inbox of a possibility is a direct line of interaction. Sector leaders like Sephora, Starbucks, BestBuy, all rely most on email advertising to advertise their offers directly to fans.
According to emarketer, however, e-mail lead generation remains the number one challenge for online marketers today, whether it has to do with B2B list building or obtaining brand-new B2C prospects. Used wisely, Facebook can be an exceptionally powerful tool to get more emails from your prospective consumers.
In this short article I'll share 8 ways to create email baits Facebook as well as turn your followers into clients.
Relevant analysis: Just how to Get Email Leads with Twitter And Facebook Contests
1. Add an e-newsletter Signup Web page
You're in business, so you likely send a newsletter to your consumers. I have actually collaborated with companies from a single person stores, to huge firms, as well as each of them send out newsletters. It belongs to what makes your email leads successful. Typically speaking, the more you keep attached to your consumer in a personal means, the more they will purchase from you. Emailed newsletters do this.
A straightforward means to collect even more e-mail leads is to place an e-newsletter signup type on your Facebook Web page. At Wishpond, one of our much-loved Click&Leads e-newsletter checklist managers is MailChimp. I won't get involved in the thorough steps of setting up an e-newsletter tab, because, well, most email administration providers like Continuous Contact and MailChimp already have simple pre-built Facebook Sign-up Tabs for your email e-newsletters.
Here's one point you can do to increase your sign-up type: Personalize your tab to make it luring and brand relevant. Most e-newsletter monitoring sites give pre-made personalization alternatives. Or, if you have the luxury of a technical group, you can create your very own in CSS or iFrame.
Chili's Grill & Bar, for instance, customizes their e-newsletter register with their logo design. They send out exclusive offers, just readily available to those participants of "The Email Club".
They reveal the newsletter tab prominently, in the 3rd position of their eight tabs. The tab links to a page within Facebook, where customers can join straight for their unique offers.
2. Email-Gated Material
Lots of businesses, specifically B2B companies like Wishpond, make use of free email-gated content to attract new leads. You likely have books, infographics, or perhaps pre-recorded webinars that show your sector knowledge. Offering these away in exchange for your prospective customer's e-mail is a simple way to drive more leads into the top of your sales channel.
Drive a lot more leads to download your email-gated web content by housing the registrations types in Tabs on your Facebook Web page.
Click&Leads Review & Review
Supplier: Ariel Sanders
Item: Click&Leads
Release Day: 2019-Sep-10
Launch Time: 9:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $37
Sales Web Page: https://www.socialleadfreak.com/click&leads-review/
Particular niche: General
What Is Click&Leads?

Click&Leads is a cloud-based application that generates and also provides "FB email-capture" articles and also ads.Each time a person clicks one of these Email-Capture Posts, it is rerouted, as in any kind of various other FB blog post, to the location link, as well as their e-mail is saved money on the method the Click-Leads individual's email-list.
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Action 1: 3 Post Type
Just choose the type of post you desire:
Message themes, Viral News or Trending Videos.
You have limitless possibilities and also variants for social media sites to look as well as create the most appealing and fresh material to be your viral lead-magnets
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The individual can modify the blog post texts and the last LINK location and also the individual likewise can add the FB Pixel to buils his audience.
Click&Leads now gets to work attracting new clicks, engaging them and also constructing your list as well as making sales.
STEP 5: Construct a substantial listing
The Clickers is rerouted to the article web link URL page, yet in the way, all the visitors emails are saved In the user's dashboard and also send out automated their autoresponder, to be able to deliver a follow-up e-mail series promptly.
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Hi! So today I am going to share my must have for cleaning my pores around my nose! I think most people with concerns of blackheads have tried nose strip. I used to love nose strip since it gives me so many achievements. But, I read so many posts and heard a lot of suggestions that we should stop using nose strip since it enlarges our pores if we don’t do the “after nose strip” care properly. Although I can write another post showing how to do this aftercare properly, I want to share a much easier way. It is this Skinmiso Pore Beauty Nose Pack. Recently, they upgrade so the one I am showing here is the old version which is the same as the newest version.
This nose pack comes with 3 steps. The entire pack can remove your blackheads without damaging your skin. It is very gentle and effective. I highly recommend to people with sensitive skin!
1) Blackhead & Whitehead Removal Mask
The first step is a mask sheet. After washing our nose area with water, we put this on for about 10 minutes. It helps to remove blackheads and whiteheads by using eco-friendly plant extracts to melt skin sebum instead of forcefully extracting them. I think this is the biggest difference between this nose pack and a nose strip. It is much gentle and we don’t need to worry if the nose strip gets too dry and makes us so painful to take off, or too wet so it doesn’t stick the blackheads out.
After 10 minutes, we will need to use cotton swabs or comedo remover (a professional tool 😉 ) to remove whiteheads and blackheads that are popping out or melted, and we need to wash our nose with water. I personally like using a comedo remover to take out more deep dirt. By the way, the newest version includes this cotton swabs step and makes the entire pack much more convenient to use while traveling.
2) Contraction & Calming MaskSecond Step mask sheet.
We will need to put this step two on for another 10 minutes. This mask sheet helps tighten up the opened pore and calm the skin pores without any irritation. The essence is definitely thicker and more than step one. I like to use the remaining essence all-over my skin. After the essence gets absorbed, I can feel my skin get tighten up. It is also the aftercare of removing blackheads, and it is the step we always forget or not doing it properly.
3) Pore Beauty Silky Essence.
The last step is this silky essence. It helps to control sebum and face oil to maintain skin moisture balance. I personally think it blocks dirt and makes the pore looks smaller. It has this gel looking texture, but it feels thick and oily on the skin. Interesting enough that this essence doesn’t break me out, and it really helps my nose stay clean until the next day I wash it off.
Comparison (Top: Before, Bottom: After)
I am sorry that I didn’t store enough blackheads and take a much better picture. When looking at my nose in real life, I had a lot of whiteheads and several blackheads around my nose. Actually, if you zoom in the pictures, you will see some visible whiteheads on the side of my nose and blackheads on the middle part of my nose. After I used the pack, I can see it removes 90% of my blackheads and whiteheads. It also makes my pores smaller and my nose brighter. I actually didn’t use it for a
I actually didn’t use it for a lot of weeks. Now, I am going to use it once a week to do an extra cleaning for my nose. I want the pores on my nose get smaller. And this result is not as good as the last time I used it. I think it is because I didn’t spend my time to use the comedo remover to clean. I still remember the first time I used it. I was so shocked because the skin around my nose is so clean and whiter than other parts of my face. It is also why I want Skinmiso make this pack bigger. There are so many places on my face need this to clean blackheads and whiteheads. But, I guess I can cut the mask sheet smaller and put on other areas.
Where you can buy this?
They sell on so many different places. I saw it on Amazon (Here), eBay, Memebox, and much more places.
Important: Below links are affiliate links which mean if you make a purchase through these affiliate links, I will get some commission to support my site and contents, but no extra cost for you. Please keep in mind that these commissions won’t change my thoughts and opinion. Alternatively, you can simply search these items online or buy from sites you trust. 😉
Wishtrend: Skinmiso Pore Beauty Nose Pack
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Javascript Commission Bot Review – Recommended or Not?
Javascript Commission Bot Review – An Introduction
Most folks think that it’s difficult to make money online. These are likely to focus on “top gurus” approaches, which ultimately lead to minimal to none.
They may have lost a lot of time and money in purchasing tools, creating content, building a list … Each adds up a lot of money that causes them to break away before they get even to make money for themselves.
Everyone knows it takes big targeted traffic and evergreen offers to make money online. What about a system that allows you to use the other audiences for specific traffic and gets you hundreds of products paid by an infinite audience?
So, your last all-inclusive solution is JavaScript Commission Bot. This program really changes the game as it simplifies the whole online money making process. For more details, let’s just dive in my honest review.
Javascript Commission Bot Review – Product Overview
Product Name Javascript Commission Bot Product Creator Jono Armstrong Launch Date & Time [2020-Jul-07] @ 09:00 EDT Price $13 Bonus Yes, Best Bonus Available! Refund Period 30-Days Official Site https://javascriptcommissionbot.net/ Product Type Ranking Software Skill Any Levels Recommended Highly Recommended
What Is Called Javascript Commission Bot?
The JavaScript Commission bot addresses the 2 biggest problems facing the MMO space for all newbies; traffic and monetization. You come up with a genuine automated solution which literally provides your accounts with cash on full autopilot.
Element 1 – Traffic: It is generated using a Chrome extension “Javascript,” which “follows” the target followers both on Instagram and on Twitter. This Chrome extension works at a browser level and is 100 percent free. This element guarantees a continuous, 100 per cent free automated flow of targeted traffic.
Element 2 – Monetization: The sellers have created 2 of their best conversion campaigns to send this free traffic.
You will thus see that all the method you need is already set up. And you can speed up the process and maximize its performance once you acquire this awesome program. As a result, you can save yourself more time and money, and spend more time on your job.
9.5 Total Score
Javascript Commission Bot is a software PLUS monetization method rolled into one. It delivers free traffic from 2 powerful social platforms, then monetizes that traffic FOR you with included affiliate offers. Brought to you by Jono Armstrong and his top-shelf development team, this has been generating complete beginners 4 figure profits PER day. Javascript commission bot puts these together to practically automate daily 4 figure commissions.
Unlimited Traffic Potential
Automated & Self-scaling
10 Minute Setup
Zero Learning Curve
No Question Asked Money Back
No Significant Cons Found
User Rating: Be the first one!
What You Have Inside Javascript Commission Bot?
Javascript Commission Bot deserves to be your viable solution! Thanks to its key advantages:
You can cheer up now if you are concerned about security and privacy when using the software, because JavaScript Commission bot is not. It is the case. This software is a Chrome extension which allows you to use your IP anonymously. Moreover, your process does not include annoying ads that will allow you to focus 100% on your work.
The Javascript Commission Bot is designed for newbies or experts, which means that a well-organized gui is super easy to use. And you can make use of it no matter who you are, an expert or a newbie.
Do you wonder where the traffic can come from? Well, the program allows you to use two of Twitter and Instagram’s most powerful social media platforms.
As you know, these two social networks are so ubiquitous that everyone in the world has an account every day and uses them. Therefore, the greater the chance of gaining traffic the longer people join the two platforms!
As soon as the Javascript Commission Bot has conducted your traffic-gaining operation, you don’t need to have anxieties about campaigns because up to 10 campaigns are done for you coordinated by Jono. You can use them when you want to turn your traffic into revenue!
What Javascript Commission Bot Can Do For You?
Without this program, unlimited unsaturated traffic on a tap can not be provided for free by anyone else.
100-per-cent platform compatible and it will always work today and will continue to work unlike other tools that are shut down via platforms.
Premium evergreen groups of products. The campaigns included made me hundreds of thousands to buy commissions from hungry consumers over and over.
Competition? Which competition? Which competition? You profit virtually untouched by traditional marketers who make “money online” in the obscure niches with this system. And there is a large ocean of commissions for selection
Automation of next step. The traffic program will easily redefine the click. Once set up, it runs 24 hours a day and nobody touches you.
Why Javascript Commission Bot Is Recommended?
This revolutionizes how quickly & easily you can profit online. It’s the automated way to turn laser-targeted free traffic into 4+ Figure Daily Commissions. Javascript commission bot is your all-in-one turnkey income solution!
Without making videos
Without a social following
Without learning complicated software
Without building an email list
Without buying ads
Without studying marketing or paying specialists
Without creating products
Without even needing your own social media account!
Without waiting for results
Java gives everything you need to get success online. You have
The brand new, robust software is fully compliant with the included traffic sources – And unlike many other products, it’s guaranteed to remain compliant so it’ll keep working for you!
The DFY affiliate campaigns are proven winners that have made me hundreds of thousands of dollars – In evergreen, WEIRD untapped niches with massive audiences spending BILLIONS of dollars
Your customizable money pages are optimized to maximize your commissions – Just paste in your link, then marketing pros do the selling FOR YOU
Javascript Commission Bot Review – Good & Bad
Good Things
Use Other People’s Audiences For Targeted Traffic Fast
Don’t: Pay For Ads Or Waste A Second Creating Content
Find Products With An Unlimited Audience That Pay Hundreds Per Sale
Don’t: Struggle For Puny Commissions In The Competitive Mmo Niche
Free, Automated Traffic
4+ Figure Profit Potential Per Day
No Video Or Content Creation Of Any Kind
No Surprises Or Extra Stepssmall Call To Action Headline
Done For You Commission Campaigns Bank Up To $400 Per Click
Login & Copy What We Show You, Then The Software Does The Rest
Bad Things
I Didn’t Found Any Bad Things In It.
Who Should You Buy This?
This software is made so simple and efficient that anybody can use this software and produce results, even if they are new to the whole “internet platform” or “making money online.” JavaScript Commission Bot is apparently a good match if you want to easily start up your online business. You should take this seriously, particularly if you belong to the following list:
JavaScript Commission Bot will work for anyone who needs traffic:
Affiliate marketers
Ecom store owners
Sell your own products
Business owner
Local business owners
Javascript Commission Bot Pricing & Evaluation
By paying $13 you can use Javascript Bot Commission. This is the perfect amount. It is obviously a difficult task to generate traffic. Although you know how to sell, you still need to rely on a number of tools to improve your process. And this is why your money is worth this ultimate tech.
Okay, there are plenty of high quality tools that provide the same and perhaps better service, but I am sure you’ve got to pay through your nose. And what is the right option for you? I believe you already have the answer. Without knowing whether it suits them or not nobody want to spend a big fortune in a costly tool.
You’ll get the lightning speed and conversions of paid traffic with JavaScript Commission Bot – without shopping ads. This gives you even untapped, unsaturated traffic – ready for your gives. It is served on a silver plate without uploading or creation of content!
Free, automatic traffic, commissions for change of game and more than 4 figures of profit potential every day. I can tell you that after I check and rely on this product, it works really. It seems simple, but the outcome is unbelievable, because it uses social networks to effectively engage traffic.
If you do not want to miss this chance then go ahead and take immediate action.
Most find it’s difficult to make money online. Perhaps they have been scoffed into dodgy practices, or they have wasted too much time and energy to develop tools , create content, learn new skills, build e-mail lists. The Javascript Board Bot will smash records on how fast ANYONE can make consistent profits online. The platform is fully automated and provides 100 % free traffic for the best possible outcome in influencer marketing. It’s not just technology that is innovation.
You can also organize and optimize affiliate campaigns by Jono Armstrong, the main affiliate marketer. These items have extremely low competition and become nuts … they ‘re a recipe and include to print cash. The only way to get it wrong is not to try, so it’s no brainer with the money back guarantee. Very recommended, very highly.
from SPS Reviews https://spsreviews.com/javascript-commission-bot-review/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=javascript-commission-bot-review from SPS Reviews https://spsreviews.tumblr.com/post/623095198936940544
0 notes
Javascript Commission Bot Review – Recommended or Not?
Javascript Commission Bot Review – An Introduction
Most folks think that it’s difficult to make money online. These are likely to focus on “top gurus” approaches, which ultimately lead to minimal to none.
They may have lost a lot of time and money in purchasing tools, creating content, building a list … Each adds up a lot of money that causes them to break away before they get even to make money for themselves.
Everyone knows it takes big targeted traffic and evergreen offers to make money online. What about a system that allows you to use the other audiences for specific traffic and gets you hundreds of products paid by an infinite audience?
So, your last all-inclusive solution is JavaScript Commission Bot. This program really changes the game as it simplifies the whole online money making process. For more details, let’s just dive in my honest review.
Javascript Commission Bot Review – Product Overview
Product NameJavascript Commission BotProduct CreatorJono ArmstrongLaunch Date & Time[2020-Jul-07] @ 09:00 EDTPrice$13BonusYes, Best Bonus Available!Refund Period30-DaysOfficial Sitehttps://javascriptcommissionbot.net/Product TypeRanking SoftwareSkillAny LevelsRecommendedHighly Recommended
What Is Called Javascript Commission Bot?
The JavaScript Commission bot addresses the 2 biggest problems facing the MMO space for all newbies; traffic and monetization. You come up with a genuine automated solution which literally provides your accounts with cash on full autopilot.
Element 1 – Traffic: It is generated using a Chrome extension “Javascript,” which “follows” the target followers both on Instagram and on Twitter. This Chrome extension works at a browser level and is 100 percent free. This element guarantees a continuous, 100 per cent free automated flow of targeted traffic.
Element 2 – Monetization: The sellers have created 2 of their best conversion campaigns to send this free traffic.
You will thus see that all the method you need is already set up. And you can speed up the process and maximize its performance once you acquire this awesome program. As a result, you can save yourself more time and money, and spend more time on your job.
9.5 Total Score
Javascript Commission Bot is a software PLUS monetization method rolled into one. It delivers free traffic from 2 powerful social platforms, then monetizes that traffic FOR you with included affiliate offers. Brought to you by Jono Armstrong and his top-shelf development team, this has been generating complete beginners 4 figure profits PER day. Javascript commission bot puts these together to practically automate daily 4 figure commissions.
Unlimited Traffic Potential
Automated & Self-scaling
10 Minute Setup
Zero Learning Curve
No Question Asked Money Back
No Significant Cons Found
User Rating: Be the first one!
What You Have Inside Javascript Commission Bot?
Javascript Commission Bot deserves to be your viable solution! Thanks to its key advantages:
You can cheer up now if you are concerned about security and privacy when using the software, because JavaScript Commission bot is not. It is the case. This software is a Chrome extension which allows you to use your IP anonymously. Moreover, your process does not include annoying ads that will allow you to focus 100% on your work.
The Javascript Commission Bot is designed for newbies or experts, which means that a well-organized gui is super easy to use. And you can make use of it no matter who you are, an expert or a newbie.
Do you wonder where the traffic can come from? Well, the program allows you to use two of Twitter and Instagram’s most powerful social media platforms.
As you know, these two social networks are so ubiquitous that everyone in the world has an account every day and uses them. Therefore, the greater the chance of gaining traffic the longer people join the two platforms!
As soon as the Javascript Commission Bot has conducted your traffic-gaining operation, you don’t need to have anxieties about campaigns because up to 10 campaigns are done for you coordinated by Jono. You can use them when you want to turn your traffic into revenue!
What Javascript Commission Bot Can Do For You?
Without this program, unlimited unsaturated traffic on a tap can not be provided for free by anyone else.
100-per-cent platform compatible and it will always work today and will continue to work unlike other tools that are shut down via platforms.
Premium evergreen groups of products. The campaigns included made me hundreds of thousands to buy commissions from hungry consumers over and over.
Competition? Which competition? Which competition? You profit virtually untouched by traditional marketers who make “money online” in the obscure niches with this system. And there is a large ocean of commissions for selection
Automation of next step. The traffic program will easily redefine the click. Once set up, it runs 24 hours a day and nobody touches you.
Why Javascript Commission Bot Is Recommended?
This revolutionizes how quickly & easily you can profit online. It’s the automated way to turn laser-targeted free traffic into 4+ Figure Daily Commissions. Javascript commission bot is your all-in-one turnkey income solution!
Without making videos
Without a social following
Without learning complicated software
Without building an email list
Without buying ads
Without studying marketing or paying specialists
Without creating products
Without even needing your own social media account!
Without waiting for results
Java gives everything you need to get success online. You have
The brand new, robust software is fully compliant with the included traffic sources – And unlike many other products, it’s guaranteed to remain compliant so it’ll keep working for you!
The DFY affiliate campaigns are proven winners that have made me hundreds of thousands of dollars – In evergreen, WEIRD untapped niches with massive audiences spending BILLIONS of dollars
Your customizable money pages are optimized to maximize your commissions – Just paste in your link, then marketing pros do the selling FOR YOU
Javascript Commission Bot Review – Good & Bad
Good Things
Use Other People’s Audiences For Targeted Traffic Fast
Don’t: Pay For Ads Or Waste A Second Creating Content
Find Products With An Unlimited Audience That Pay Hundreds Per Sale
Don’t: Struggle For Puny Commissions In The Competitive Mmo Niche
Free, Automated Traffic
4+ Figure Profit Potential Per Day
No Video Or Content Creation Of Any Kind
No Surprises Or Extra Stepssmall Call To Action Headline
Done For You Commission Campaigns Bank Up To $400 Per Click
Login & Copy What We Show You, Then The Software Does The Rest
Bad Things
I Didn’t Found Any Bad Things In It.
Who Should You Buy This?
This software is made so simple and efficient that anybody can use this software and produce results, even if they are new to the whole “internet platform” or “making money online.” JavaScript Commission Bot is apparently a good match if you want to easily start up your online business. You should take this seriously, particularly if you belong to the following list:
JavaScript Commission Bot will work for anyone who needs traffic:
Affiliate marketers
Ecom store owners
Sell your own products
Business owner
Local business owners
Javascript Commission Bot Pricing & Evaluation
By paying $13 you can use Javascript Bot Commission. This is the perfect amount. It is obviously a difficult task to generate traffic. Although you know how to sell, you still need to rely on a number of tools to improve your process. And this is why your money is worth this ultimate tech.
Okay, there are plenty of high quality tools that provide the same and perhaps better service, but I am sure you’ve got to pay through your nose. And what is the right option for you? I believe you already have the answer. Without knowing whether it suits them or not nobody want to spend a big fortune in a costly tool.
You’ll get the lightning speed and conversions of paid traffic with JavaScript Commission Bot – without shopping ads. This gives you even untapped, unsaturated traffic – ready for your gives. It is served on a silver plate without uploading or creation of content!
Free, automatic traffic, commissions for change of game and more than 4 figures of profit potential every day. I can tell you that after I check and rely on this product, it works really. It seems simple, but the outcome is unbelievable, because it uses social networks to effectively engage traffic.
If you do not want to miss this chance then go ahead and take immediate action.
Most find it’s difficult to make money online. Perhaps they have been scoffed into dodgy practices, or they have wasted too much time and energy to develop tools , create content, learn new skills, build e-mail lists. The Javascript Board Bot will smash records on how fast ANYONE can make consistent profits online. The platform is fully automated and provides 100 % free traffic for the best possible outcome in influencer marketing. It’s not just technology that is innovation.
You can also organize and optimize affiliate campaigns by Jono Armstrong, the main affiliate marketer. These items have extremely low competition and become nuts … they ‘re a recipe and include to print cash. The only way to get it wrong is not to try, so it’s no brainer with the money back guarantee. Very recommended, very highly.
source https://spsreviews.com/javascript-commission-bot-review/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=javascript-commission-bot-review from SPS Reviews https://spsreviewscom1.blogspot.com/2020/07/javascript-commission-bot-review.html
0 notes
Amazon sellers brace for layoffs and even worse after coronavirus-related products get top priority
Employees pack and ship customer orders at the 750,000- square-foot Amazon satisfaction center in Romeoville, Illinois.
Getty Images
Amazon sellers are anticipating the worst after the company stated this week it will focus on shipments of family staples, medical materials and other coronavirus-related products over everything else.
In addition to home staples and medical materials, Amazon told sellers it’s prioritizing categories such as child products, health and family, beauty and personal care, grocery, industrial and clinical and pet products. The change entered into impact on Tuesday and is expected to last through April 5.
Amazon’s decision will help serve consumers who require to buy toilet paper, disinfectant wipes and other needs, however it threatens to put third-party sellers who don’t provide those items in a major bind for at least the next few weeks. Lots of small merchants depend on Amazon to sell their products online, and the hit to sales has actually caused some to furlough or lay off staff members to soften the blow.
Third-party merchants can still offer items that fall outside the categories prioritized by Amazon. However they will not be able to lean on Fulfilled by Amazon, or FBA, the service that lets sellers ship their items to an Amazon warehouse, where the business stores the stock and ships orders out to clients, in exchange for Amazon taking a commission from each sale.
FBA likewise allows sellers to benefit from Amazon’s two-day Prime shipping, making it a beneficial service for sellers. Of the top 10,000 sellers on Amazon’s marketplace, 87%of them utilize FBA services, while 13%ship products on their own, according to research firm Marketplace Pulse
Without FBA, sellers will have to manage brand-new stock themselves and deliver their own orders. However, merchant-fulfilled orders aren’t Prime eligible, so consumers won’t have the ability to get two-day free shipping for those products. Sellers will likewise need to charge for shipping, which is usually complimentary for Prime members.
An Amazon representative told CNBC the business is momentarily prioritizing shipments of household staples and medical materials in action to increased need, which triggered much of these items to lack stock The rise in demand has actually triggered Amazon to employ an additional 100,000 storage facility and shipment workers.
Amazon said it will continue to ship out merchants’ existing inventory in its warehouses, along with any deliveries created before March 17.
” We understand this is a change for our selling partners and appreciate their understanding as we momentarily prioritize these items for clients,” the representative included.
Furloughed workers and potential layoffs
Like numerous big and small businesses around the country, the third-party merchants that make up Amazon’s stretching online market have been struck hard by the coronavirus break out.
The virus had actually currently threatened to throw much of their services into a tailspin, as some factories in China shut down in the middle of the outbreak, interrupting the supply chain. Now that the coronavirus has actually infected the U.S., sellers are reacting to even greater need from online consumers and taking additional steps to handle their inventory.
Amazon’s announcement on Tuesday has actually produced fresh issues for many sellers. Users in Amazon’s Seller Central forum said they were concerned about how the restrictions may hurt their companies.
Jerry Kavesh, an Amazon merchant who sells cowboy boots, hats, belts and other products, stated in an interview with CNBC that he has enough staying stock in Amazon’s storage facilities to last him three weeks, however after that, he expects to lack stock of numerous popular products.
Kavesh also stated he was worried that Amazon could extend the constraints beyond April 5, which might make it harder for him to get items to consumers, considering that he primarily utilizes FBA to deliver products.
” Then it starts to become really critical,” Kavesh said. “All of us, we owe individuals cash since of the expense of operating. We need to pay suppliers, brands, rent, employees. That does not stop.”
Other Amazon sellers said they’ve been wanting to cut costs in response to the coronavirus. Last month, that meant slashing advertisement invest and thinking about raising costs to minimize demand on specific listings.
Amazon has likewise recommended sellers on how to handle the impact of the coronavirus on their companies. The business recommended sellers to put their businesses in “holiday status” to safeguard their listings from being benched in search engine result. Kavesh and other sellers told CNBC they’re concerned that their items will lose valuable ranking placement as inventory fluctuates, which will be difficult to recover as soon as the crisis blows over.
As the coronavirus outbreak has actually gotten worse, sellers have taken more serious actions to safeguard their services. Kavesh stated he has stopped brand-new hiring, put capital investment on hold and is seeking to cut any other unneeded costs. If the circumstance continues to intensify, Kavesh stated he might be required to lay off employees.
” Everything is on my mind, and everything has to be considered,” Kavesh stated. “There are no sacred cows at this moment.”
Stephen Roney, CEO of Roney Innovations, told CNBC he might likewise be looking at layoffs if he continues to lack stock of the products he sells on Amazon. Roney Innovations will still have the ability to send to FBA warehouses the food, health and charm and medical products that it provides on Amazon. But other items, such as video gaming keyboards, can’t be restocked while the restrictions are in place.
Joe Stefani, president of Desert Cactus, stated his business, which offers college-themed merchandise on Amazon, has been struck with a double whammy in recent weeks. Stefani stated his sales have been halved on Amazon, as customers stock up on essentials and less on “items that aren’t necessities,” like his company’s sorority product. Then, when institution of higher learnings shut down due to the infection, Stefani’s company was struck even harder.
” We got hit with nearly a 100%reduction of brick-and-mortar store wholesale service and even had stores returning to us asking to do returns,” Stefani stated. “Typically we have orders being available in from book shops up until the middle of April.”
Stefani stated he needed to furlough a “handful” of Desert Cactus staff members that manage outgoing deliveries to Amazon storage facilities after the company announced the new restrictions on Tuesday. The furloughed staff members consist of two full-time and 4 part-time staff members in the U.S., in addition to four full-time employees outside the U.S.
Other sellers are made vulnerable by virtue of the fact that they are a one-person service, or “solopreneurs,” as Amazon seller Lisa Abel calls herself. Abel informed CNBC the brand-new restrictions are “incapacitating” to her business, which offers classroom materials on Amazon. She simply re-upped her stock out of worry that her U.S. providers would shut down due to the infection and now has “countless dollars in stock sitting and waiting.”
” As a small company owner, these minutes are offer breakers,” Abel said. “This whole circumstance has me really, really concerned.”
Abel said she’s thinking about satisfying her own orders for the time being, however discovering a third-party storage facility that can keep and ship out the orders will likely be pricey. “I do not want to bring pallets into my garage,” she included.
Chris McCabe, a previous Amazon employee who now assists sellers get renewed and remain certified with Amazon’s selling guidelines, stated the FBA constraints and the coronavirus outbreak have the possible to impact Prime Day, Amazon’s multiday sale event that takes place in July.
Sellers normally prepare for Prime Day several months in advance by buying extra stock. While the FBA limitations are anticipated to end in April, they have actually created unpredictability for sellers, who are unsure whether they need to stockpile, lest they get stuck with additional item.
” People are fretted about making it everyday vs. doubling or tripling their inventory and having it ready for Prime Day,” McCabe said. “So if this takes two to three months to figure out, and Prime Day is 4 months away, it’s just a causal sequence.”
from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/amazon-sellers-brace-for-layoffs-and-even-worse-after-coronavirus-related-products-get-top-priority/
0 notes
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Look into flight bundles. Purchasing your air travel, hotel, and rental automobile through the very same location usually gives a big discount rate. Using a larger air travel finder will enable you to do all of this on the very same site. I have recommendations for this on my website too.
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0 notes
At Ascent Law LLC, we know that you work your entire life to protect what is yours and not allow it to be destroyed by some predator, so we want you to understand your options. Compared to the FLP, the LLC is the relative newcomer to the field. LLC’s began in the 1970’s in Utah. They create a corporate structure, and give the benefits of a corporation without the downside of double taxation. Prior to the LLC this was accomplished by using an S-Corporation; however, S-Corps have significant restrictions and are therefore difficult to use. With the introduction of the LLC came a true hybrid with essentially all of the benefits of the Corporation and none of the S-Corp restrictions or double taxation downside.
The LLC has the exact same tax options as the FLP. The LLC does not use the term shareholders, but rather “members.” In the standard LLC structure there is only one class of member. This was meant to mirror the corporate stock ownership and creates a majority rule type of management. While this can be changed through careful drafting, it is this distinction that becomes important when comparing it to the Limited Partnership for use in Asset Protection Planning.
Asset Protection and Business Planning
There is much confusion today about which structure is most desirable when it comes to the area of Asset Protection. While both are useful, their differences should not be overlooked. In particular, there is a distinct advantage to the Limited Partnership structure when it comes to designing a truly effective Asset Protection Plan. For example under the laws of Utah, a model state and considered one of the very best jurisdictions for the purpose of Asset Protection, there are the following critical differences between an FLP and an LLC:
An FLP requires “unanimous consent” for dissolution as opposed to a majority in interest (51%) for an LLC. This restriction is advantageous in both a creditor situation and a discount valuation scenario.
It is much easier to obtain “Administrative Dissolution” in an LLC. This is a significant disadvantage with respect to Asset Protection. Among the grounds for administrative dissolution in an LLC are:
Failure to make required amendments to the articles of organization,
Failure to make required publication,
No statutory agent or registered office for a period of 60 days and
Failure to notify the corporation commission of a change in statutory agent or registered office within 60 days.
While these seem minor, they are often overlooked and may be used by a judge to justify dissolving an LLC. There is no corresponding statute for an FLP, which is much more likely to remain intact in a creditor crisis.
A majority of LLC members can require a distribution in an LLC.
There is no right to distribution in an FLP until winding up.
An FLP can allocate income, gain, loss, deductions or credit items in any manner it deems appropriate. This is not the case for an LLC.
For all of the above reasons, when it comes to structuring the most effective Asset Protection Plan possible, the use of an FLP as the primary consolidating entity is preferable. This is particularly true if the planning combines the use of an Asset Protection Trust. Since the APT would typically hold a majority of the FLP interest, using a Limited Partnership share is ideal as opposed to attempting to draft around the LLC rules with a membership interest.
The LLC is, nevertheless, extremely useful. Most often an LLC will be used to hold and shield individual “risky” assets such as real estate, boats, airplanes, and other potentially liability generating assets. These may be held by a multi or single member LLC, which in turn may be held by the master FLP. The clients may directly hold the General Partnership interest of the FLP with the APT serving as the majority Limited Partner. The net effect is that the majority of the client’s assets would be ultimately held in the FLP with the wrap around protection of the APT.
This structure is the ultimate in ease of use, protection and lawsuit deterrence, while maintaining the level of comfort and control most clients require. The mere existence of this level of planning is often enough of a deterrent to dissuaded potential plaintiffs’ and their aggressive attorneys.
Free Initial Consultation with a Business and Asset Protection Lawyer
It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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from Michael Anderson http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/flp-vs-llc/
from Utah Bankruptcy Law https://utahbankruptcylaw.wordpress.com/2018/03/30/flp-vs-llc/
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At Ascent Law LLC, we know that you work your entire life to protect what is yours and not allow it to be destroyed by some predator, so we want you to understand your options. Compared to the FLP, the LLC is the relative newcomer to the field. LLC’s began in the 1970’s in Utah. They create a corporate structure, and give the benefits of a corporation without the downside of double taxation. Prior to the LLC this was accomplished by using an S-Corporation; however, S-Corps have significant restrictions and are therefore difficult to use. With the introduction of the LLC came a true hybrid with essentially all of the benefits of the Corporation and none of the S-Corp restrictions or double taxation downside.
The LLC has the exact same tax options as the FLP. The LLC does not use the term shareholders, but rather “members.” In the standard LLC structure there is only one class of member. This was meant to mirror the corporate stock ownership and creates a majority rule type of management. While this can be changed through careful drafting, it is this distinction that becomes important when comparing it to the Limited Partnership for use in Asset Protection Planning.
Asset Protection and Business Planning
There is much confusion today about which structure is most desirable when it comes to the area of Asset Protection. While both are useful, their differences should not be overlooked. In particular, there is a distinct advantage to the Limited Partnership structure when it comes to designing a truly effective Asset Protection Plan. For example under the laws of Utah, a model state and considered one of the very best jurisdictions for the purpose of Asset Protection, there are the following critical differences between an FLP and an LLC:
An FLP requires “unanimous consent” for dissolution as opposed to a majority in interest (51%) for an LLC. This restriction is advantageous in both a creditor situation and a discount valuation scenario.
It is much easier to obtain “Administrative Dissolution” in an LLC. This is a significant disadvantage with respect to Asset Protection. Among the grounds for administrative dissolution in an LLC are:
Failure to make required amendments to the articles of organization,
Failure to make required publication,
No statutory agent or registered office for a period of 60 days and
Failure to notify the corporation commission of a change in statutory agent or registered office within 60 days.
While these seem minor, they are often overlooked and may be used by a judge to justify dissolving an LLC. There is no corresponding statute for an FLP, which is much more likely to remain intact in a creditor crisis.
A majority of LLC members can require a distribution in an LLC.
There is no right to distribution in an FLP until winding up.
An FLP can allocate income, gain, loss, deductions or credit items in any manner it deems appropriate. This is not the case for an LLC.
For all of the above reasons, when it comes to structuring the most effective Asset Protection Plan possible, the use of an FLP as the primary consolidating entity is preferable. This is particularly true if the planning combines the use of an Asset Protection Trust. Since the APT would typically hold a majority of the FLP interest, using a Limited Partnership share is ideal as opposed to attempting to draft around the LLC rules with a membership interest.
The LLC is, nevertheless, extremely useful. Most often an LLC will be used to hold and shield individual “risky” assets such as real estate, boats, airplanes, and other potentially liability generating assets. These may be held by a multi or single member LLC, which in turn may be held by the master FLP. The clients may directly hold the General Partnership interest of the FLP with the APT serving as the majority Limited Partner. The net effect is that the majority of the client’s assets would be ultimately held in the FLP with the wrap around protection of the APT.
This structure is the ultimate in ease of use, protection and lawsuit deterrence, while maintaining the level of comfort and control most clients require. The mere existence of this level of planning is often enough of a deterrent to dissuaded potential plaintiffs’ and their aggressive attorneys.
Free Initial Consultation with a Business and Asset Protection Lawyer
It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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State of Utah Grandparents Rights
How Far Back Can Child Support Go?
What is the Fastest Way to Get Out of Debt?
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/flp-vs-llc/
from Securities Lawyer In Utah https://securitieslawyerinutah.wordpress.com/2018/03/30/flp-vs-llc/
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Gifts for Strength Athletes
With only a few shopping days before Christmas it is crunch time for many of you last minute shoppers. I have to admit before the advent of the internet I was a Christmas Eve buyer myself. I would do my shopping throughout the year so I knew what I was getting. Then on December 24th, being a masochist, I would brave the mall going from store to store and checking off my list. Luckily my “naughty or nice” standards are a bit more lax than the judgmental fat man up North.
Honesty, for some sick reason, I enjoyed it. Part of it was because I was trying to see how quickly I could get it all done. The other part of it was the chance to witness humanity at its absolute worst. Ok, second worst, since I was at a mall and not Walmart. Thankfully none of that is necessary any more. Now that Amazon has arrived and commissioned an army of drones I am sure you can order things on Christmas afternoon and still have them delivered on Christmas Eve.
Unlike my normal 2000 word brain dump this is just a short list of ideas that might help you avoid the pitfall of giving people you care about a “gift card”. I mean when you are a kid, getting cash is pretty cool. When you are an adult getting a gift card means either A) I don’t know you well enough to decide what I should get you, or B) I don’t care that much so go buy your own gift. I mean I understand that it is easier to make sure someone gets what they want if you let them get it themselves, but seriously. Just make an honest effort and keep the receipt. So for the fitness freaks in your life here are some ideas.
Top 10 Gifts for Strength Athletes
Deadlift Jack
Fat Gripz
Band Pack
Massage Stick
Knee Sleeves
Chuck Taylors
Programs that Work Ebook
Bella Forza Workout Wraps
Deadlift Jack - Not to oversell this, but if someone you love is into lifting heavy and they don't have a deadlift jack then this should be your entire list. Literally the worst part of a heavy deadlift day is loading and unloading the bar. Having a proper deadlift jack lets you concentrate on the actual important thing which is pulling heavy weight. The best part is that you can get the smaller version so whoever you buy it for they can carry it in their gym back. I promise you if they are serious about strength training and you get them this they will love you forever.
[Tweet "The Church could reduce Blasphemy by 67% if they bought every strength athlete a deadlift jack"]
Fat Gripz - There is a ton of benefits to far work. Not only does it help grip strength and build bigger forearms; it also can help ease elbow pain on some pressing movements. The problem is that it is inconvenient and expesive to own a set of think handled dumbbells. That is why the Fat Gripz are great. Just like the mini deadlift jack they can fit in your gym bag and turn any bar or dumbbell into a fat bar.
Band Pack- The beauty of bands is their versatility. They can be used to accommodate resistance during max effort or dynamic work. They can also be used for stretching and increasing work capacity with extra workouts. They can even be used for back traction and assisted pullups. Basically the only limit to their use is your imagination. With bands in your gym bag you can change the dynamic of any exercise.
Massage Stick- Recovery and prehab is not sexy at all. In fact most of us, myself included, suck at it from time to time. However they are both necessary, especially if you're an athlete pushing your limits. The massage stick massages and stretches the muscles. I have had mine for over 5 years, and it makes a ton of difference.
Knee Sleeves - Now this gift doesn't only apply to older lifters. Younger lifters can benefit from the knee sleeves keeping the joints warm and loose. While you can get tighter knee sleeves for performance, the Rehband Blue Knee Sleeves are pretty much the gold standard.
Chuck Taylors - I am guess this is now what Chuck had in mind, but his All Stars remain one of the best shoes to squat and deadlift in. The flat sole and strong sides allows an athlete to force their knees out while squatting. While it is true that you could buy other "lifting shoes", the truth of the matter is when you buy these for someone your coolness factor is increased by several orders of magnitude. So it really is a win win situation.
Rogue Dog Sled - Whether you know the importance of conditioning or not; chances are the strength athlete you are shopping for do. There are so many ways to use a sled. Besides typical conditioning you can also use the sled to increase work capacity, strength, and recovery. All of these things add up to a happier, healthier, stronger athlete.
Gymnastic Rings - Since the rings can move in three dimensions, your body works extra hard to stabilize the rings as you move. Any miscalculation in the force a muscle puts out sends the rings swinging, and the opposing muscle group must correct the error to halt the swing. Rings are not only great for upper body strength, but also shoulder strength. Rings can make your upper body virtually bulletproof.
Programs that Work 3.1 - The programs that work is a collection of the best working programs from EliteFts. The first volume (460 Pages) contains plateau-busting, explosiveness-enhancing, and power-building info from some of the smartest and strongest experts, strongmen competitors, athletes, coaches and powerlifters. All revenue (every cent) from this eBook go to Make-A-Wish® Ohio, Kentucky & Indiana, Central Ohio Region. Your purchase (and any added donation) goes to help bring hope to children diagnosed with a life-threatening condition. Thank you for taking a part in changing the life of some of these children.
Bella Forza Workout Wraps - I don't want to sound harsh, but if you don't know who Julia Ladewski is and don't want to support her in EVERYTHING she does, then you may have "Issues". However if you want to impress your lady lifter, or you are a lady lifter yourself then this is a must have stocking stuffer. You're Welcome!!
Bonus Idea: Relentless Minnesota Donation - This is an alternative to making a donation to the Human Fund. Julia and Matt Ladewski are raising money for Relentless Minnesota in March. This powerlifting competition is helping to raise money for HopeKids.org. HopeKids provides ongoing events and activities and a powerful, unique support community for families who have a child with cancer or some other life-threatening medical condition. We surround these remarkable children and their families with the message that hope can be a powerful medicine.
Obviously this is just a short list of possibilities. Hopefully one of them will get the job done, and if not donating to Relentless is probably the best Christmas Gift ever. The bottom line is there is absolutely no reason to get a "gift card" for someone you care about. At least make an effort to get them what you think they want. Just be sure to keep the receipt.
Find additional information on: http://mammothstrength.com/
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Credit Card To Payoneer Card Loader
There are numerous companies that provide Virtual Credit card services like Payoneer, EntroPay, NETELLER, Worldcore, NetSpend, and others, but my personal recommendation could be the EntroPay Virtual Visa Card. Because local Bangladeshi banks don't allow to make any sorts of online payments through the use of their existing Mastercard or Visa card. All funds received are then loaded directly to your Payoneer card. Payoneer’s Virtual US Account program remains to be in pilot mode and only available to a select group of cardholders, for whom Payoneer can accurately verify the source and destination of funds. Payoneer – prepaid bank card: In recent times one of the best bank card and hottest mode of online payment is thru Payoneer. This Payoneer review is not going to be complete and not using a take a look at why we firmly hold that Payoneer is one of the best Paypal alternative ever. An individual won't have to bother about getting declined, simply because there may be a very good secured Payoneer Review having confirmed acceptance. There are service charges applied on every transfer which depend upon the amount you send or receive. After getting paid in Payoneer card then it is straightforward to withdraw from ATM machines but charges sucks. So you possibly can withdraw your earnings through your local ATM machine within minutes. This method has an choice to send money overseas via bank transfer or to a pre-paid card where the recipient can withdraw money from an ATM machine. You may then withdraw the payment using an ATM machine or spend it right from the Mastercard. Lesson learned, never use your Payoneer to make purchases or take cash from an ATM in Costa Rica. You too can use that card to purchase from shops and make online purchases. Avoid checking account and bank card fraud. The bank is in no rush to open accounts for foreign currency providers because many of them have a dubious reputation. To order this international credit card in Nepal, you’ll need to sign as much as Payoneer, submit the documents (Passport) to verify your identity, wait until the card is shipped to your address and verify it online. If you’re working with many foreign publishers, your documents won't be available of their specific language. Specific merchants who offer services previous to payment, such as a gas station, ATM or restaurant, have the flexibility to "force post" a charge. More detailed information about cookie management with specific web browsers could be found on the browser's respective websites. Overall we found that as a web based payment platform, Payoneer are probably the greatest and provides an all-in-one payment gateway for their users. I found that it has nasty fees when trying to withdraw money from an ATM, but it’s great to pay things directly in stores. This tutorial video will aid you to fill all the things accurately for Quick Approval. After submitting the form, you will get an email from Payoneer – namely the Account Approval Department. Step 2: Approval » Completed! Next step is to update this information to all amazon marketplaces. Here's a step by step How to use FriendFinder Affiliate program. Click here to visit our home page and learn more about what's the Affluence Network payoneer. Note: if you fill the enroll form just type your correct details like real name, home address because you'll get your card at home by Pakistan post in 30 to 60 days after ordering. Am planning to get the NationHela prepaid card right away. If you’re a professional affiliate, buying traffic, getting paid, then turning around and buying traffic right back up again is your modus operandi. And you’re good to go. Good question. I have tried 5 different ATMs in Karachi South and Karachi Central and they all worked perfectly. That is excellent news to any merchant out there who wants to receive payment for his or her work but don’t have a simple method of collecting the payment. Ethereum is an incredible cryptocurrency platform, however, if growth is simply too quickly, there could also be some difficulties. However, don’t allow the means of collecting payment deter you from being profitable online. Selling on international marketplaces means complying with international taxation laws. I called Payoneer to ask they usually said it's a world wire. This means that you may sign up for an account and get sent a Payoneer debit card without paying a dime. Do not login again and again in your PayPal else it might get Limited. In reality any skill you've may be sold through freelancing and also you make cash. After you have submitted your Payoneer application, you possibly can view your account status at any time by logging in to your Payoneer Account - My Account . You will then have the ability to view your US Checking account details. From here, select the relevant currency with a view to view the main points of your receiving account. Infolinks is CPC based ad network just like Adsense, where you can create your account at no cost, and you can start showing their ads on your website, in order to make some money. Note that you are circuitously using the PayPal account but simple making the payment using the Payoneer Mastercard linked to your PayPal account. A Payoneer MasterCard is a credit card for online transactions. Is Payoneer Safe To use for making all online transactions ? Payoneer does not directly handle the transactions. How are Payoneer transaction fees calculated? What are pay cards? I discovered that many people have been frustrated on getting their Payoneer cards over here in Nigeria by surface mail. Harsh here and welcome to another video episode of ShoutMeLoud. So, you just need to click HERE and you may be taken to the "Sign up Now" button as shown within the screenshot below. Click Enter Payoneer Payment Information. Login to your Paypal account, go to settings and click on on ‘Profile & Settings’, ‘My Money’ then add a brand new bank under bank accounts. Social Coupon for WordPress is a WooCommerce extension that enables you to simply add a social coupon system to your site that permits users to get instant discounts for sharing your pages. If you have any kind of inquiries regarding where and how you can make use of payoneer register, you could contact us at our own internet site. You need not watch for painful days to get your funds in your Payoneer MasterCard, instead of that pain, Payoneer gives you painless fast to get your funds this much quickly. If you're new to Elance and just going to withdraw the funds through wire transfer, it may take 10 to 15 days (depends in your country or region). Don’t leave the page as you will need to print it (instructions at the underside of the page) and take it with you to claim your card. Payoneer debit Card is supported worldwide and you can withdraw funds easily from anywhere and you're going to get cash in your local currency. This is especially helpful for freelancers who work with US companies and must receives a commission in their home country. You'll receive this FREE Payoneer Master Card at your house address without any charges. Like any financial account, Payoneer charges certain fees, but it's worth the price considering the fast withdrawal speed and excellent customer support. Also, I’m very much pleased with their user interface, payment system and the shopper support. I've considered brand equity, Alexa traffic rank, user experience, and my own personal experience to shortlist them. They target a worldwide customer-base and likewise offer a dynamic shopping cart that can convert your prices into local currencies- a feature that may definitely come in handy if you have a world customer-base. Call the phone activation service at 1-888-802-4442 (within the US) or 1-646-386-2392 (International). When choosing a global money transfer provider, assess your needs in three categories: speed of transfer, type of transaction after which, cost. Time-wise, if it takes you greater than 3 hours to finish a ten minute recording, flex those fingers and begin building your typing speed immediately. The duration to receive your Payoneer MasterCard will rely on the situation and the speed of process. It is a number that represents the identification and placement of an internet site. AdFly: is a URL shorter service that means that you can make some extra money with links that you have in an internet site or social networks. The guys behind it claim to have sold 100 000 copies in Zimbabwe alone. Payoneer – these guys have an easy to use API where you can send to multiple people. Reading some details about how certain machines in other parts of town and country will not be accepting Payoneer, but I believe this should sort itself out soon since Al Falah seems to have some sort of deal with MasterCard. We had handy in the cash or the credit card directly to the person intended so the deal could go on well. You will still be able to receive payments into your Payoneer account, even when your card is blocked. While FinTech is changing the landscape, it’s still a comparatively small change. It's among the oldest ptc websites which are still running and growing day by day. This has been one of many oldest payment systems available online. We prefer you to create one on Gmail. Odesk is a type of sites where you can establish an online career and learn new things at the same time. In this post I am going to discuss how oDesk freelancers in Bangladesh, Philippines, India, Pakistan can create an account and use Payoneer Mastercard to receive/withdraw money from oDesk. I've compiled here some frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to Payoneer MasterCard enroll, related fees and other general queries. See the complete list of US and UK companies which Payoneer supports here. The underling ‘bank account’ behind the Payoneer debit MasterCard is a virtual bank account that works to accept deposits from other companies and businesses – especially, US concerns. In regards to the Author: Jeremy Smith is a conversion consultant and trainer, helping businesses like Dow Chemical, American Express, Panera Bread, and Wendy’s improve conversions and strategically grow their testing culture and digital presence. We went on to have a look at other similar services like Oyster Books and Scribd that are currently available on the market. Payoneer markets, manages and services prepaid MasterCard® cards. The Payoneer Prepaid Debit MasterCard® Card can transform the way in which you make payouts. How to Get A Payoneer MasterCard®? If you want your money urgently, then simply loaded your card and within two hour’s get your money into own hand. You possibly can choose which buttons you want the toolbar to contain, add your company’s logo and offer your clients to download your very own toolbar. After you make all verifications, you may as well add your MPESA number in the "Mobile Wallets" section. Listed here are some methods you can use to withdraw money from your paypal account in Nigeria. Listed below are some useful details about price and fees for Payoneer debit card user. Here at MoreNiche we offer a variety of options including Wire, Skrill, Bitcoin, Paxum and Payoneer. Payoneer is an industry-leading global payments company accelerating growth for its customers by improving the way they manage and pay partners, affiliates and independent workers in more than 200 countries worldwide. Over time, we focused our resources and continued to invest more on the B2B side. The escrow solution of Armor Payments fills in a critical missing link for B2B transactions, and moves beyond payments to deal with the trust gap that always exists between trading partners," he added. Latham added that one huge thing a FinTech company can offer the marketplace is to simplify that – to embed that into the technology. You'll be able to contact Payoneer to expedite the process with an added fee. Sign Up to Payoneer is a very simple process that takes only a few moments, and that may be done even by a beginner on the internet. I’m amazed at how few companies there are attempting to develop a bank based model. So’ there may be an option for all of you to work and earn money without Paypal account, you can do work more and more to earn high income like Freelancer or virtual assistant. In this blog post, we covered our favorite freelancer payment methods, but we are always open and happy to learn from our readers. When you open an account with them you can get a Payoneer prepaid Mastercard . This article is open to your contributions and questions. I feel you got everything related to Payoneer Free Credit Card 'refer a friend' program.You probably have any doubt related to this program be happy mail me on this email id [email protected] and i will try to supply best answer on your questions. Lemonade won Best New Startup of the Year on the 2017 Geek Awards. Instead, joining a pool implies that, overall, members can have a greater chance of solving a block, however the benefit will be divided between all members of the pool, based on the quantity of "shares" won. Borderless innovative payment solutions have been widely recognized across the globe due to foreign affiliations. We want to construct on the idea of providing simplified payment solutions to the consumers. Much of this attention will be attributed to the truth that innovators are identifying key gaps within the financial services and technology space, for both businesses and consumers. We've got seen strong interest by many top-tier investors who believe in our vision to rework cross-border commerce by connecting businesses worldwide on an innovative financial platform," said Scott Galit, CEO of Payoneer. More details about Sun Laboratories Dark Sunsation Lotion may be seen online now. A full list of pricing and fees could be seen during your card application process. You don’t have to hire every other lawyer; the trademark application is easy you are able to do it yourself, okay? I then signed up for the card, and after some time the appliance was approved and the card was sent to me in South Sudan. Once you have received and activated the card, you'll be able to receive payments from any Payoneer partner. Please be certain that that you have funds on the card before using it. How do I withdraw funds from Payoneer? The Refer A Friend program is a great option to earn extra cash simply by telling your mates about Payoneer. Pay people to refer their friends and don’t make them wait for his or her friends to enroll. Now it's important to watch for a few minutes (depends in your country) and Payoneer will approve your Checking account. If you chose Acne niche from Clickbank you'll make Alerts for few most popular searches for that niche. You register on clickbank along with your real names and relating to Country, choose a country like USA or UK and supply a fake address. I'm asking because I did that for the first time last week and it's a real pain within the neck. I’ll try to withdraw more cash next week and hopefully can be able to provide a greater comparison between these two methods. Founded in 2005 by Yuval Tal, the corporate had first launched its operations in Israel and US and now has 12 offices globally with greater than 800 employees. But since things change more often than not, this service is now called Global Payment Service. Once you follow the link, the system displays a confirmation of the change, and sends an email confirming the change. There you can even change your debit card’s PIN code, print out a picture of a "void check" which you may give to your employer or anyone from whom you expect to receive recurring ACH payments. Chances are you'll already noticed, there are so much of websites has PayPal as their payment processor and you just must register to your dashboard to makes a payment. Unfortunately, legacy payment infrastructures are not able to efficiently managing the global aspects of these changing economies. Payments received to your US Payment Service account might be loaded to your Payoneer card. Do some guy have to analyze a payment made from my paypal to my card account? I've also used the EU card throughout with no issues at all. After you could add funds to your card or authorize another person to do the identical. These funds are available within two hours of transfer. Most important, you'll be able to integrate it by your personal and start accepting online payments through your invoices in lower than 24 hours. You will get a free MasterCard once you set up a checking account with User Bancorp. Amazon sellers can get more details about Payoneer's payments solution, in addition to a payments tutorial, on the Payoneer blog: blog.payoneer.com. Please bear with me for just a few moments while I pull up your information from our system. Fill ‘cardholder details‘ information. Fill up the form along with your accurate details. My passport was fine for him, but he didn’t like the rental contract I brought him: he wanted a proof of residence within the type of a utility bill. A month after my VA stint, I landed my first contract as a Marketing Strategist for an Australian client. Either we lose the client or incur heavy fees to cover the financial exchange through wire transfers. Sometimes I even had to show down work because the client wouldn’t be paying via PayPal. You do not have to own a Paypal Debit Card so as to use for the Payoneer Card. Debit cards are mailed to the users within 4-15 business days – depending on the country, the process may take 30 calendar days. CEO Scott Galit told Business Insider. M seed round was raised from Payoneer’s CEO himself, Yuval Tal and private investors including Zohar Gilon, Charlie Federman, Michael Loeb and Ilan Kaufthal. As COO, Cameron oversees operations at TUNE, including human resources, global office operations, IT and customer support teams. To make use of this feature, it's a must to send a mail to the e-mail address of Payoneer Customer Support ([email protected]) to request for the expedition option. Business customer fees are negotiable. Once activated , you may begin utilizing it to received payment via Fivver ,Upwork and other online business. You can then add funds to your Payoneer MasterCard. Also, individuals can load funds directly to your card from another credit/debit card. You cannot load the card using a bank transfer as Payoneer only allows bank transfers from company accounts. The bank name could be different because the US company and your luck! In the case of getting paid for your goods and services, one name dominates the sphere — PayPal. About half of Payoneer’s revenue comes from bulk payout. In case you have already registered with Payoneer, simply add your payment email address as a brand new payout method in MyAccount. This low cost mass payout allows you to transfer funds within minutes. Establishing an account is totally free and there is simply an activation fee when the prepaid MasterCard arrives and funds are charged to it.But before that time, the user doesn’t should pay a cent. There's the fear of coping with parties that you really shouldn’t be dealing with," said Zamsky. Yet one more thing… it’s free to hitch the CJ Network and no special website requirements are there. For a full list of where you'll be able to receive payments from check out the list of Payoneer partners as supplied on their website. If you wish to exercise your delayed gratification muscles, go check them out. At this point you may as well make a decision about which membership option you wish to go for. Choose the currency balance or card you wish to withdraw from.
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Shoot Digital Cameras
The following technology point and shoot camera reviews Narrative Clip is our most advanced Clip yet. This Nikon Coolpix L830 is no doubt among the finest level and shoot cameras ever produced. A few of these housings are backwards suitable with the RX100 IV as well. This camera actually has no nasty surprises to it. It takes wonderful images and decent video, is a good performer, properly-built, great ergonomics, and has an easy to use interface. But things hopefully won't stop there: now that Samsung has signaled its willingness to let third-occasion developers design apps particularly for this digicam module, we are able to envisage a multitude of how in which it might be made higher suited to a spread of area of interest customers - from tech bloggers to realtors, location scouts and untold others who'll want automated scripts for resizing, watermarking and filing images; distant control apps; and who is aware of what else. Its sixteen-megapixel sensor is less detailed than the 20-megapixel chips within the Canon models, and its 20x zoom is shorter than the SX620 HS's, but it additionally produces sharper results and has a wider sensitivity vary, which allows for better low-gentle images. That was beginning to push my finances, particularly after factoring in a second battery and a safety plan. Full hybrid photograph expertise with 30p 4K Extremely HD video and 4K photo mode. Canon's premium S sequence was my go-to compact till Sony's pricier RX100 got here round, and the S120 is the company's latest iteration in a long line of superior shooters. The fixed lens, meanwhile, is a 35mm (f2.zero) ZEISS Sonnar T. What you will not find here is 4K video recording. The Canon PowerShot G7 X and PowerShot G7 X Mark II share a lot in frequent, together with the 24-100mm lens found on the G5 X. Neither, however, affords an EVF like our runner-up or can shoot 4K video like our prime choose. You may still get an affordable compact camera, but we've been underwhelmed by fashions in the sub-$200 price range. But the very best function of this model is its 12X optical zoom lens, which helps to set the Canon ELPH 360 other than smartphone cameras that haven't got an optical zoom capability. In just about every other area that issues to me in the discipline (past silly of us capturing newsprint and brick partitions), the Canon offers the equal or better image high quality of both of the Leicasonic cameras. Whereas 24mm could sound huge to a land based shooter, we typically consider an angle of over 100 levels to be the start line for an underwater large-angle setup. The idea behind that is to help seize that crucial action second, so if you're only a break up second late when some attention-grabbing topic behavior is on show you've gotten a possibility to nonetheless seize the shot. Close-up shots required switching the lens to macro mode and getting extremely near my subject, fairly than flipping the zoom toggle and sustaining a protected distance. It will still be notably higher than your smartphone, and packs a 32x zoom, small dimension, and straightforward to make use of touchscreen. Further features, equivalent to movement blur reduction (which reduces digicam shake), and HD video recording (720P) make this an amazing buy and comfortably among the best compact cameras available for under £100. Relatively than use a mirrorless design to simply scale back the size of the gadget, Panasonic has concentrated on the technology's leaning toward video seize. In case your predominant concern is price, weight, and buying a travel camera that is simple to use, then it would be best to look at buying a Compact Digital Digicam. Many of the level-and-shoot cameras embrace Full HD video capability permitting you to obviously capture anything movement Camera and Photograph store has one thing for everybody on the lookout for a degree-and-shoot digicam. Mirrorless cameras also have a improbable auto-focus system and, with the DSLR adaptor, you need to use them with a myriad of lenses. Whether or not 2017 takes you to the seaside, pool, slope or path, waterproof compact cameras are a unbelievable photography tool for individuals who want to discover a world the place regular compact cameras just aren't designed to go. Built to resist the elements, these rugged cameras are gaining in reputation thanks to their ability to take nice images in places that bigger DSLR and mirrorless cameras can't go with out expensive waterproof enclosures. I'm curious too, but primarily lean toward the cameras between those two and 1.5/1.6x cropped bodies - the nicer four/three Pana and Oly offerings, primarily. We'd have favored to see 4K recording, but this one is restricted to 1080p Full HD video recording. A again-illuminated Exmor R CMOS sensor with 18.2 effective megapixels takes in additional light for better detail in every shot. The £799 price is pretty cheap by CSC standards, and places it squarely between entry-level fashions such as the Canon EOS M3 and premium-priced cameras such as the Fujifilm X-T2 , but the impressive factor is that it performs extra like Fujifilm's high-finish rival in most respects. Such skinny cameras simply fit inside a pocket or purse, leaving your hands free for other duties however protecting the camera inside attain at all times. There are fewer updated fashions launched with DSLR know-how; due to this fact, a photographer can anticipate that this purchase will remain present for a longer period of time. If cash is no object and you need palms down the perfect travel camera on the market, our decide is the brand new Sony a7R II. The original Sony a7 and a7R had been spectacular in their very own proper, but Sony has really honed it in with the a7R II. The digicam encompasses a forty two.4-megapixel again-illuminated picture sensor, 4K video, improved low mild efficiency, and built-in image stabilization. With them, there isn't any extra worrying about sharing pics on social media , as a result of all you must do is shoot, best compact digital camera print and hand out a very good 'ole usual photograph to your friends and family. I simply upgrade to a Sony RX10 iii instead and up to now am very much in love with my results. Using Bluetooth 2.zero connectivity, you possibly can beam your favorite digital pictures from the CL65 on to compatible gadgets, akin to cellphones. Level And Shoot cameras (also referred to as Digital Compact cameras) meant for consumers who need to take snaps. The most recent additions to Sony's Cyber-shot® line of level-and-shoot cameras deliver powerful new features for consumers, ranging from 360° Sweep Panorama and image stabilization technologies to artistic image effects. Some customers wished contact screen, and others missed not having 24p movie filming functionality, but for my part, these are moderately minor quibbles for a digicam at this price. It's tough to argue with the outcomes from the Canon PowerShot G9 X Mark II digital camera. There is a super-high ISO worth of 1,640,000 on provide, whereas 4K video recording can be readily available. The RX100 V presents an improved autofocus system, a 24 fps burst mode (of sixteen fps on RX100 IV), and extra recording settings for video, however it does have a slighly lower battery life than the IV. Maybe the biggest benefit to having a touchscreen is that with the digital camera set to its single- or multi-level AF mode, you simply tap the rear display screen to set focus, a far quicker action than the a number of-step course of required on the Sony RX100 III. Have fun together with your research then check prices at B&H Picture in New York. IFA in Berlin introduced the primary compelling Android-powered model, the Samsung Galaxy Digicam, while Photokina delivered a handful of full-body DSLRs and Sony's jaw-dropping Cyber-shot RX1.
In actual fact all three of the Fuji X10, X20 and X30 fashions still appear to be available from Amazon. Sharing photos on-line is likely one of the largest developments now and Panasonic believes image quality does not should be comprised. Fujifilm XT20 has a panorama mode as well as advanced filter mode, which incorporates 8 filters (Toy, Miniature, Pop Shade, High-key, Low-key, Dynamic Tone, Smooth Focus, and Partial Color). Panasonic refreshes HD camcorder range: 3MOS, 1MOS and Waterproof choices. For travel and avenue photography, the Fujifilm X30 can go head-to-head with any compact digital camera in the marketplace. It was the first Panasonic camera to make use of a sensor that doesn't have an anti-aliasing filter, which mainly means you can get some highly detailed photos from this miniature marvel. The aperture maxes out at f/2.four on the huge end, rising to the not too shabby f/four.zero at the telephoto end, meaning your low light photographs will probably be pretty good. When readers choose to buy our independently chosen editorial picks, we earn affiliate commissions that help our work. If you want to put quite a lot of energy in your pocket, the Nikon Coolpix A900 is a good way to start out. The HS within the Canon Powershot SX700 HS ‘s title refers to ‘excessive-sensitivity‘. The lack of an EVF actually explains how Panasonic has been capable of launch the LX10 at a decrease beginning value than we've ever seen for a equally specced 1-inch-sensor digital camera. But for those who focus on nonetheless images, Fujifilm can't be beat. Taking photos has lengthy been an advanced process, and extremely intelligent individuals all through history have applied their wits to the duty of making photography easier.
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Hi! So today I am going to share my must have for cleaning my pores around my nose! I think most people with concerns of blackheads have tried nose strip. I used to love nose strip since it gives me so many achievements. But, I read so many posts and heard a lot of suggestions that we should stop using nose strip since it enlarges our pores if we don’t do the “after nose strip” care properly. Although I can write another post showing how to do this aftercare properly, I want to share a much easier way. It is this Skinmiso Pore Beauty Nose Pack. Recently, they upgrade so the one I am showing here is the old version which is the same as the newest version.
This nose pack comes with 3 steps. The entire pack can remove your blackheads without damaging your skin. It is very gentle and effective. I highly recommend to people with sensitive skin!
1) Blackhead & Whitehead Removal Mask
The first step is a mask sheet. After washing our nose area with water, we put this on for about 10 minutes. It helps to remove blackheads and whiteheads by using eco-friendly plant extracts to melt skin sebum instead of forcefully extracting them. I think this is the biggest difference between this nose pack and a nose strip. It is much gentle and we don’t need to worry if the nose strip gets too dry and makes us so painful to take off, or too wet so it doesn’t stick the blackheads out.
After 10 minutes, we will need to use cotton swabs or comedo remover (a professional tool 😉 ) to remove whiteheads and blackheads that are popping out or melted, and we need to wash our nose with water. I personally like using a comedo remover to take out more deep dirt. By the way, the newest version includes this cotton swabs step and makes the entire pack much more convenient to use while traveling.
2) Contraction & Calming MaskSecond Step mask sheet.
We will need to put this step two on for another 10 minutes. This mask sheet helps tighten up the opened pore and calm the skin pores without any irritation. The essence is definitely thicker and more than step one. I like to use the remaining essence all-over my skin. After the essence gets absorbed, I can feel my skin get tighten up. It is also the aftercare of removing blackheads, and it is the step we always forget or not doing it properly.
3) Pore Beauty Silky Essence.
The last step is this silky essence. It helps to control sebum and face oil to maintain skin moisture balance. I personally think it blocks dirt and makes the pore looks smaller. It has this gel looking texture, but it feels thick and oily on the skin. Interesting enough that this essence doesn’t break me out, and it really helps my nose stay clean until the next day I wash it off.
Comparison (Top: Before, Bottom: After)
I am sorry that I didn’t store enough blackheads and take a much better picture. When looking at my nose in real life, I had a lot of whiteheads and several blackheads around my nose. Actually, if you zoom in the pictures, you will see some visible whiteheads on the side of my nose and blackheads on the middle part of my nose. After I used the pack, I can see it removes 90% of my blackheads and whiteheads. It also makes my pores smaller and my nose brighter. I actually didn’t use it for a
I actually didn’t use it for a lot of weeks. Now, I am going to use it once a week to do an extra cleaning for my nose. I want the pores on my nose get smaller. And this result is not as good as the last time I used it. I think it is because I didn’t spend my time to use the comedo remover to clean. I still remember the first time I used it. I was so shocked because the skin around my nose is so clean and whiter than other parts of my face. It is also why I want Skinmiso make this pack bigger. There are so many places on my face need this to clean blackheads and whiteheads. But, I guess I can cut the mask sheet smaller and put on other areas.
Where you can buy this?
They sell on so many different places. I saw it on Amazon (Here), eBay, Memebox, and much more places.
Important: Below links are affiliate links which mean if you make a purchase through these affiliate links, I will get some commission to support my site and contents, but no extra cost for you. Please keep in mind that these commissions won’t change my thoughts and opinion. Alternatively, you can simply search these items online or buy from sites you trust. 😉
Wishtrend: Skinmiso Pore Beauty Nose Pack
*For the month of August 2017, you can use code: WISH3AUG to save $3USD for your purchase without any minimum order!
You can sign up a Wishtrend.com account using my affiliate link HERE, and you will receive a $5 USD cash voucher immediately that can be used right away. 🙂 If you didn’t receive a voucher, you can use my invitation code: 222570706 once you have an account.
Anyway, this is all I have for today! I hope you enjoy reading it. Have you tried any similar product? I know Holika Holika has the similar version of this. They are the nose strip type so it is not as gentle as this one, but it is still better than using nose strip alone. If you are interested to know more about the aftercare, please leave a comment down below. I hope you have a wonderful day, and I will see you in my next post.
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Melt your blackheads away: Skinmiso Pore Beauty Nose Pack Hi! So today I am going to share my must have for cleaning my pores around my nose!
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Variable Annuity Investment Lawyers
Variable annuities are a hybrid investment with features of securities and insurance.
Although they can help provide a fixed income later in life, variable annuities have restrictive, complex, and confusing features that make them inappropriate for many investors. They are also a high-commission investment product, which can lead to aggressive broker sales tactics.
Variable annuities are a leading cause of FINRA investor complaints. If you suffered investment losses from variable annuities and feel that their risks were not properly explained to you, your losses may be recoverable.
Typical features of variable annuities include:
Tax-deferred growth
A death benefit
Periodic payment options that can provide guaranteed lifetime income
When an investor buys a variable annuity, they make either a lump sum payment or a series of payments that are invested into sub-accounts (usually mutual funds). In return, the investor is promised a future benefit. The benefit payments can either begin right away (immediate annuity) or be delayed to the future (deferred annuity).
However, as the name “variable annuity” implies, the investment’s rate of return is not fixed. Rather, it varies depending on the performance of the sub-accounts.
Potential drawbacks of variable annuities are:
The investor will not achieve any gains—and may even lose money—since the rate of return is performance-based.
A lack of liquidity.
Fees and expenses such as surrender charges, sales charges, early withdrawal tax penalties, mortality and expense risk charges, and charges for special features such as guaranteed minimum income and principal protection.
While variable annuities have features similar to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), IRAs offer more tax benefits. Investors are often better off maxing out their IRA contributions before they consider a variable annuity.
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) has specific rules governing the sales of variable annuities.
When recommending a variable annuity to an investor, a broker must inform the customer of the investment’s risks and features, including things like potential tax penalties, market risk, and fees and costs.
Brokers must also understand the customer’s investment profile and have reason to believe that a variable annuity is suitable for a particular investor. As a secondary precaution against unsuitability, a principal broker with the firm must review and approve the customer’s variable annuity application before sending it to the issuing insurance company.
If these steps are not followed—and the client ends up losing money on the investment—the brokerage firm may ultimately be held responsible for the client’s losses under FINRA’s failure to supervise provisions.
Ponzi schemes—investment schemes that use money from new investors to pay off earlier investors, with little or no real earnings—have been around for nearly a century, and are still going strong.
While major Ponzi schemes such as the Bernie Madoff scam make headlines, many smaller, less-publicized Ponzi schemes result in investor losses every year.
Ponzi scheme masterminds may face civil and even criminal charges for investment fraud, but this rarely results in investors getting their money back. A more practical recovery strategy for defrauded investors is to bring a claim against the broker and brokerage firm that sold them shares in the Ponzi scheme.
Ponzi schemes are named after Charles Ponzi, who scammed thousands of New Englanders in a postage stamp scheme in the 1920s.
The investment vehicles have changed over time, but the basics of a Ponzi scheme remain the same: the scammer offers returns to investors, but rather than reinvesting the money and earning profit-based returns, the scammer simply finds new investors and uses their money to pay off existing investors. In short, the Ponzi schemer robs Peter to pay Paul.
As long as there are fresh investors, the scheme keeps going. At some point, however, new recruits dry up, the mastermind takes the money and runs, or numerous investors request to cash out (often during an economic downturn). When any of these occur, the Ponzi scheme collapses—taking investors down with it.
Bernie Madoff became a household name as the perpetrator of the largest Ponzi scheme in history. Madoff’s $65 billion fraud hurt large and small investors alike. Only a few fully recouped their losses.
Madoff’s fraud made investors more aware of Ponzi schemes. It also put more pressure on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) to crack down on Ponzi Schemes, since Madoff flew under regulators’ radar for decades.
But Ponzi schemes are still a major investor threat. In 2016, 59 Ponzi schemes were uncovered in the U.S. with a total of $2.4 billion in losses. Since 2012, about 65 Ponzi schemes per year have been discovered. The mean scheme is worth $6 million.
Recent schemes show that scammers are finding new ways to defraud investors. For example, the SEC has warned about Ponzi schemes using virtual currencies (such as Bitcoin), while FINRA has warned about social media-linked Ponzis.
In 2017, the SEC charged two men with running a Ponzi scheme involving tickets to popular shows like the Broadway musical Hamilton and Adele concerts. Also in 2017, a former NFL player was charged for his role in a Ponzi scheme that targeted professional athletes.
The SEC offers a list of Ponzi scheme red flags that includes:
An offer of high returns with little or no risks
Returns that do not go up and down over time
Investments in unregistered securities
Account statement errors
Promoters offering investors even high returns for not cashing out
When a Ponzi scheme comes crashing down and the schemer is caught, there may be criminal proceedings that result in assets being returned to defrauded investors. But investors are unlikely to recover more than pennies on the dollar through such an action.
It is often more efficacious for Ponzi scheme victims to pursue securities litigation or arbitration against the broker and/or the brokerage firm that promoted investment in the scheme. A defrauded investor may also have viable claims against parties that aided and abetted the scheme, such as banks, attorneys, or accountants.
Free Initial Consultation with an Investment Lawyer
When you need legal help with securities, investments or other business matters, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
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Commercial Real Estate Lawyer
Commercial real estate transactions are often complicated and can involve many moving parts, which makes commission disputes a challenge. Even when a listing agreement is written out in detail, legal disputes can arise during or after the sale of a property. This is why it is always a good idea to have a commercial real estate lawyer in your back pocket when issues arise. The confusion around procuring cause is a common source of disputes in real estate sales, and commercial brokers can easily find themselves embroiled in contentious litigation as a result.
Commercial Real Estate Matters
Procuring cause is a party that is responsible for successfully securing the sale. This concept is often at the heart of real estate disputes involving brokers and property owners.
The Utah Supreme Court has explained that to earn a commission as the procuring cause of a transaction, a broker must perform two essential tasks:
The broker must initiate negotiations by doing some affirmative act to bring buyer and seller together.
The broker must remain involved in the continuing negotiations between the seller and the buyer, unless the seller and buyer intentionally exclude the broker from the negotiations.
Unless the broker has failed to uphold their end of the deal, a property owner who refuses to pay commissions upon the sale of the property is usually found to be in the wrong. Even so, property owners or buyers may use the issue of procuring cause to claim that the broker is not owed any commissions.
Real Estate Commission Disputes Involving Oral Agreements
Though most real estate contacts involve written listing agreements, verbal agreements are still utilized in some circumstances, often in conjunction with a written contract.
Whether oral real estate commission agreements can be upheld in court or arbitration depends in part on the laws of each state; in Utah, these types of contracts are considered legal and binding.
It can be difficult, however, to prove the terms of an oral contract.
Having witnesses other than the two contracted parties can be helpful in demonstrating the validity of these agreements. Any informal correspondence such as emails, faxes, and letters can also prove critical in supporting a broker’s claims to unpaid commissions.
Don’t Wait to Hire a Real Estate Lawyer
Whether your contract was in writing or simply a hand shake agreement, it’s important to have qualified legal representation before entering the litigation or arbitration process.
First and foremost, you’ll want to ensure that you have the necessary legal protections in place so that you and your attorney can figure out the best way to approach your case.
For many clients, that involves initiating a broker’s lien. This is a process whereby the commercial broker can place a lien on the proceeds of the sale, and sometimes the property itself, until any owed commissions are paid. It is possible to file liens for the full value of those commissions.
Acting quickly to find representation will give you the best opportunity to recover what you’re owed under your listing agreement.
If you are involved in a commission dispute, you should contact an attorney with experience in commercial real estate litigation who will make sure that all pertinent documents and witnesses are leveraged to support your case.
Credit Suisse Fined $135M for Forex Misconduct
The Utah Department of Financial Services (DFS) fined Credit Suisse AG $135 million for unlawful conduct that disadvantaged customers.
According to the DFS’s investigation, for nearly a decade Credit Suisse foreign exchange traders secretly shared confidential customer information, coordinated trading activity, and attempted to manipulate currency prices. Through this cooperative effort, these traders sought to diminish competition between banks, allowing them to reap much higher profits at the expense of their customers.
The DFS investigation also uncovered that front-running—which is trading before the trader gets a client’s orders—was encouraged by Credit Suisse executives. From 2010 to 2013, Credit Suisse used an algorithm designed to front-run their client’s limit and stop-loss orders. During this time period, Credit Suisse executed approximately 31,000 limit orders and 41,000 stop-loss orders while employing this front-running tactic.
Internal documents show that Credit Suisse traders were fully cognizant of the potential for harm to customers, but continued to front run trades so long as they could make a profit. On one occasion, a trader wrote to the head of the electronic foreign exchange trading desk that: “we made some money by front running the orders at 25 in euro but probably will show as a loss on the client side.”
“Churning” is excessive investment trading activity by a broker in a client’s account done to generate commissions for the broker.
Account churning is unethical and illegal. A victim of churning can pursue a claim for recovery of any lost money.
Financial advisers’ duties include making suitable investments and placing the interests of their clients above their own.
However, because advisers are sometimes paid commissions when they make trades, some advisers engage in unnecessary and excessive buying and selling. They “churn” a client’s account to generate additional profits for themselves.
The transaction fees, potential tax liabilities, and poorly performing investments that commonly result from churning are not in the client’s interest.
Account churning, whether done in isolation or in combination with unsuitable investments or other unethical practices, violates Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) principles, such as the principle of “quantitative suitability,” as well as various state laws.
An investor wishing to bring a churning claim against a financial adviser/brokerage firm must establish excessive activity and proof of control.
Proof of control means the broker/firm had effective control of the investment account. No single test defines excessive activity, but the following factors may provide evidence:
Turnover ratio: Turnover ratio is the total value of annual purchases made in the account divided by the account’s average monthly balance. An annualized turnover rate of 4 to 6 or higher typically indicates churning, but churning does occur at lower rates.
Cost-equity ratio: The cost-equity ratio (or “break even percentage”) measures how expensive the account’s trading strategy was. To calculate the cost-equity ratio, divide the total annual costs (including commissions and margin interests) by the account’s average balance. Trading that requires an account to earn annual returns of 15-20% or more indicates possible churning.
In-and-out trading: Buying and selling the same investment repeatedly is known as in-and-out trading, or “wash” transactions.
Clients who successfully demonstrate that their account was churned can typically recover damages for excessive commissions or expenses and any portfolio losses caused by the churning (including market gains that should have been realized had the account been properly managed).
Free Initial Consultation with a Commercial Real Estate Attorney
When you need a commercial real property lawyer in Utah, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
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