#my stomach is so pissed off i've been chowing down on antiacid tablets
asidewalksymphony · 4 months
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This Mountain Dew is fucking killing me, lads
I went to SIX different goddamn stores, and couldn't find a single 200pt bottle, so I was stuck buying 6 of the normal Mountain Dew bottles. Bought it from the more expensive store too, cause I didn't feel like going out AGAIN to find somewhere cheaper. Fucking $16 to get this gd mount. Also, I really don't drink soda much; the only sodas I drink regularly are sugar-free stevia soda (Zevia) and prebiotic soda (OliPop/Poppi/GoodCulture/SunSip). This fucking Mtn Dew is like acid to my gd stomach, I'm going through agony for a fucking MOUNT.
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