#my second choice female li is bellara but SHE'S A MAGE TOO!!!!
apaleflame · 4 months
anyway ive been trying to figure out who im gonna romance in da4. i think i might play as a guy as my "canon" rook because i have female warden -> male hawke -> female inquiz so itsequality.gif
but the two companion limit is really throwing me off because all my "canon" protags are all mages and i want to keep the tradition alive and i WANTED to romance emmrich because i think it's cool that they have a li who's older, but if HE'S a mage and I'M a mage how are we going to have a balanced party. so i think my boyfriend is gonna be davrin.
also if i was going to play as a girl i wanted to romance neve but same problem. what if we kissed and we both girls and both mages and it threw off our party comp
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