#my original au for this a few fandoms back was this grand epic fantasy that i'm still quite fond of
sassypantsjaxon · 4 months
Nobody asked about my soulmate's scar au that I'm bringing back for one piece, but I'm telling you anyway. Like any good soulmate au, there's an identifier to let people know who their soulmate is. In this case, it's the first time someone touches their soulmate it causes a scar. So casual touch is little more taboo, and sometimes people will wear gloves if they're not ready to meet their soulmate. Other than that, things are pretty much the same.
Luffy is still the same overly excited, physically affectionate idiot. He has no concept of personal space and often forgets other people might not want to be touched.
It's just another thing that Dadan and Makino and the Mayor get to scold Luffy for as he's growing up. Shanks probably thinks it's hilarious
Zoro's the same old Zoro. He doesn't care. If he meets his soulmate, it's fine. If he doesn't, that's fine too
Nami wears gloves and gets kinda weird about people touching her
Usopp has his soulmate by the time he sets out to sea. Everything's fine with her, but he regrets leaving before realizing they were soulmates
Sanji wears gloves. Constantly. While he's working. Fighting. Eating. He has a pair he wears while he's sleeping. He never bathes with the other guys but there's a (mostly) joking bet about if he even undresses for that
Nami still dresses in her t shirts and shorts, so the gloves are really the only signifier that she doesn't want any physical contact, whereas Sanji is fully covered in his three piece suits. He is not taking any chances.
After Arlong Park, once Nami realizes that having friends and letting people care about her is a thing she's allowed to do, she stops wearing her gloves.
Vivi is wearing gloves when they meet her, because if she's going to find her soulmate, she doesn't want it to be while she's working for Baroque Works
She joins the Straw Hats, and she still wears them usually, but she's not quite as rigid as Nami was with hers
Chopper is a reindeer and animals don't have soulmates like that, but with the human human fruit, he really has no idea if that's changed anything for him? he's not really interested in having a soulmate anyway, so he'll cross that bridge if it ever comes up
Robin doesn't really like being touched, but there's no point in her wearing gloves when they wouldn't carry over to all the extra hands she can grow. She doesn't even know if touching her soulmate with her extra hands would be able to create a scar
She doesn't really believe she has a soulmate anyway, so...
Franky also doesn't know how finding his soulmate will work since so much of his body is artificial. Can his prosthetics leave a scar? Can his skin be scarred? He has no idea
Brook doesn't need to worry about finding his soulmate since he doesn't even have skin to scar (skeleton joke!)
For real though, he never talks about if he found his soulmate in his first life, and they don't ask him about it
Jimbei also doesn't talk about soulmates and, again, the rest of them don't pry
They meet Law at Punk Hazard and he is just as serious about keeping himself covered as Sanji is.
Somewhere between Punk Haz and Dressrosa someone asks them if this is some North Blue thing. They both immediately say yes. They are both lying through their teeth and are now wondering what the other one gains from covering for them
Neither of them are gaining anything, they're just both really weird about the idea of meeting their soulmates
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angermango · 7 years
i’m guessing you want all of ‘em for Kirby? OKEY DOKEY!
(some of them aren’t fandom specific though i noticed because this meme’s format is a lil funky. I cut those out instead.)
1. Name one of your favourite characters
let’s put a bit of variety in and I’ll say Bandana Dee. He’s everyone’s idol, and a cutie pie to boot! When he first became playable in RTDL I was all over that because!!! Waddle Friend!!!
2. Name one of your favourite villains
Customer Service. Ha you think I can make an ask meme about Kirby WITHOUT MENTIONING HIM?!
3. One actor that you look up to and why
Banjo Ginga, perhaps expectedly~ How that man managed to voice both CS and Nightmare in the anime when they’re at least 50 octaves apart in vocal range is a miraculous thing
4. One actress that you look up to and why
Makiko Ohmoto. She’s a lowkey woman of a thousand voices in the series, and the mini-drama with Susie and Sectonia proves she could seriously do a full blown voice OVA with just her playing all those personalities spot on. Not sure if Kirby should go fully voiced in the future, but hell if he hasn’t proved it can be done!
5. Favourite episode from any show you watch? (Or just an episode you love)
Favourite ep of the anime probably still hands down the quiz episode. Troll on, based salesguy
8. Name 3 OTPs
none really stand out to me in Kirby, aside from friendships. Does the Susie/CS FoeTP count?
9. One character you have a crush on
10. One of your favourite fandoms to be in and why?
Even though this be a general one, Kirby has legit been the best for me all these years. You just can’t go wrong with Kirby, and pretty much everyone who loves Kirby is chill and friendly.
11. Describe (insert show here) in three words
Kirby = Eat the nightmares
15. If you were a fictional character in (insert universe here) what would you probably be doing and what life do you think you would have?
lol, if I lived in Kirby’s world, I’d be chillaxin for the rest of my life in Dream Land, enjoying the food and the sights. Sure, place gets frequently attacked and invaded by Eldritch Abominations but Kirby always pulls through doesn’t he?
16. Who do you think is a misunderstood character?
Hmm… I think ‘misunderstood’ in terms of ‘people tend to not portray them right’ (rather than ‘poor misunderstood baby’) would have to be… eh, maybe Dark Matter? I’m not against it but sometimes people seem to be quick to assume Dark Matter is like the ultimate source of evil in the Kirby universe, whereas I believe it’s just one of many evil beings that exist - albeit a powerful one. Maybe it’s just because Dark Matter has appeared more than once in the series, giving it an edge over most of the other bosses. I mean there’s a point where people going “X must be Dark Matter/Zero’s reincarnation because look!!! EYEBALL!!!1!” is basically becoming a bit of a meme.
17. Which character do you wish you were siblings/best friends/dating with?
I wish I could adopt Kirby as a sibling/friend. How could you not want that?!
19. What are three things you’ve learned from one of the shows you watch?
damn this is a little deep… But it’s true Kirby has really been an influence on my life in general since I first encountered it. If I have to say something, I’ll probably say:
[1] Being kind and gentle with others goes a long way (Kirby’s ‘All-Loving Hero’ status inspired this)[2] Cute, innocent and simple things should never be equated with weakness and childishness (The Kirby franchise in a nutshell)[3] There’s always going to be bad in the world as well as good, but we can always choose to punch it in the eye
20. If you could be a writer for any show you wish, how might you develop the plot/characters?
If I was a writer on Kirby, especially the anime, y’all know what the hell I’d be up to - BRING BACK CS/KEEP HIM ALIVE GOD FFUCKING DAMMINT!!!
Though the show had a good run, I wouldn’t mind a reboot or a comeback season. Can’t quite decide which would be nicer:
On the one hand, it would be cool seeing a sort of ‘X years later’ after the original ending with all the familiar anime cast back at it and a little older, a chance to introduce other game characters and elements in and maybe even play with adapting in a few of the game’s plots and devices.
On the other hand, reworking the original anime by expanding more into the GSA/Nightmare war and fleshing out some of the characters (like Silica & Knuckle Joe, the vets of the war, hell even those epic one-offs like Rona) as well as still having the chance to introduce game elements/characters into the anime universe.
I’m honestly easy either way, i would love to make either take happen.
Just as long as Customer Service also makes it back in, of course.
21. What’s one of your favourite quotes from a show you watch?
I rather like Sectonia’s establishing monologue during her first appearance. It’s just so… fitting. It’s cold and grand and tells you all about her and her motivation - particularly when she goes “My beauty rivals the divine… And my power shall crush all you hold dear!”
22. Favourite type of AU?
*crawls up slowly and leans very close to your ear* AN AU WHERE CUSTOMER SERVICE LIVES.
23. Write a brief headcanon for one of your OTPs
For the Susie/CS enemy ‘ship’: Both of them love finding ways to get the other’s personal emails/numbers and spamming passive aggressive messages or taunts. No matter how much encryption or changes of details either of them employs, the other always finds their way in.
25. Why do you love the shows you watch/books you read/fandoms you’re in?
What’s not to love about Kirby? Everything Kirby touches turns gold, and honestly the franchise can do just about anything and pull it off to a good level (even the slight duds still had their perks).
I particularly I love how the Kirby games are making this rich fantasy/sci-fi universe of their own - You can have the cute and fluffy and whimsical existing next to some pretty horrific shit, magic and tech working together like nbd, and in the recent games they’ve been hiding some really deep lore and feels under all the adorableness.
As for the anime, it’s still one of my favourite things to watch whenever. It’s like a favourite treasured childhood snack you can keep going back to and smile over, even despite its little hiccups and dated elements. It’s just innocent fun, and actually had a decent plot at times and even interesting characters, all which left room for expansion and the imagination while being enough as it was.
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