#my mom wholeheartedly believes that fat people cannot be healthy. & when I'm like ''yeah that's part of the problem'' she loses it
liddlediddy · 3 months
I just had a "conversation" (I use that word VERY lightly) with my mom about fatphobia that can be boiled down to:
Me (fat): "I feel bad for my friend (also fat) because no matter how much she diets & exercises (which is a lot) she's never gonna look like how she wants to look (skinny) because she's not built like that. It sucks that society demonizes fat people & prioritizes weight over health & that the healthiest person I know (friend) believes she's worthless"
Mom (fat as well and also fatphobic): "so you think that if I went to the doctor right now they'd tell me I was healthy?" (huh??????)
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