#my mom and siblings never understood me and my sense of feeling the music idk why it's so strange to me??
eldrichfuck666 · 1 year
for whatever reason the loudest Will Wood songs shut up my intrusive thoughts I absolutely appreciate it because my brain seems to be so strongly focused on loudness screams lyrics notes and instrumental at one time that it can't think of anything else lmaoooo I learned the lyrics of almost all songs from SELF-ish album and I didn't even try to?? I'm so happy I can live without my intrusive thoughts for a few hours while obsessing over his songs while also being super stimulated
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
i was thinking abt how ayano and shintaro r the only two characters who ever die by suicide (shintaro is only in some routes but STILL.) and like how that's a way of showing that they had the potential to understand each other (bc in my opinion they r actually very similar) but not until either of them were dead. idk does this make sense? i just thought of this today so this thought isnt very refined yet i need to think abt it more
they ARE similar!!!!! i totally agree. shintaro and ayano are totally similar people. they're both Justice Seekers but are so depressed and have such horrible self worth they can't actually be proactive about things. but then they are :3
i wish we got ayano pov from hs and why she liked shintaro. I've always thought ayano's crush on him is...cute!!! because she's literally going thru the horrors, her mom died, her dad is being Strange, and she has to take care of the house and her siblings all alone PLUS later learning of all the horrible stuff about the daze and clearing. and yet. she's also a normal hs girl who has a silly crush on her classmate. not that we ever saw it but i definitely think ayano got to see at least once the shintaro we see who fights for good and doesn't let fear get to him like when he yells at the fucking terrorists or acts all cool when they face clearing in the novels. i think ayano got to see shintaro being Heroic or whatever and she was like THIS is the kind of guy we need to be recruiting in the mekakushi dan🔥🔥🔥 like seriously im delusional abt this but i think there should be a shinaya backstory abt this.
man i wish we saw more hs shinaya😭😭😭😭😭 im so mad that they only ever show shintaro being a fucking asshole lord in hs like im not rooting for you bitch FAST FORWARD NOW but the fact ayano knows shintaro likes music and shoujo manga etcetc its clear ayano and shintaro had normal ass conversations all the time. SHOW THEM TO MEEEEEE whatever. i dont even care <- cares
anyways i just wanted to say i think ayano does Kind of understand shintaro. i also wish we saw ayano think of shintaro in the entire conjecture with clearing eyes killing haruka and takane and her sacrificing herself for them and the mekatrio. Go listen to full disclosure from steven universe and you will understand my ayano vision for this. sorry that was weird. i think ayano wanted to keep shintaro as uninvolved as possible, haruka and takane were inevitably already in it. she just wanted to make sure to take them Out of it but shintaro.. i think ayano always had the feeling shintaro would get involved. i think ayano gravitates towards shintaro because she needed help and she needed a hero and deep down she knew this was him. but she never manages to properly reach out or even understand it i guess. but i think ayano did understand shintaro maybe even more he understood himself. on the other hand shintaro DID NOT understand ayano AT ALL but like you said, he could have. who knows how things had gone if shintaro had walked in when he saw ayano crying in the classroom!!! imagine ayano managing to pour her heart out and tell him what's gonna happen to their friends and her family. he would've helped. shintaro would've done something. but ayano wouldn't want him to bc he would get hurt but at the same time she WOULD want him to because she's so scared and alone and desperate for help *holds head *
also i always make myself insane abt shintaro and ayano being depressed legends who wanna die. while haruka and takane struggle with health problems and want to Live So Badly. sorry for bringing up harutaka Hi its me tumblr user yuukei yikes vinnie i will ALWAYS make it about harutaka. i just wanted to say that. shinaya who wanna die and tragedy arises from never meeting in the middle and not being able to understand each other vs harutaka who wanna live more than anything and tragedy arises from being forcibly separated.
ayano's words to takane when she's projecting so hard. there are times you want to tell someone something but you wind up being too late. ayano was never gonna say anything to shintaro because she didnt Want to. she knew what she was going to the roof for. while takane immediately makes a run for it to say something to haruka, she is just too late and has no control over her fate. whatever im normal!
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bom-bombon · 4 years
idk if youre still doing that ask, but if you are do you have anything for virginia?
I have a whole story about Virginia and her complexity.... problem is that most of it is in my head and I can��t put it into words
Name: Elizabeth Henry
Age: 31-34
Gender: Cis female
Ethnicity/Race: European (English, there’s others, I just forgot)
Siblings: West Virginia and Kentucky
Height: 5’5 (165.15 cm)
-Kentucky: She loves him. She adores him. Virginia doesn’t realize this out of him and West Virginia, she loves Kentucky more. Although he was a troublemaker as a kid, she still showered him with gifts of animals and helped him start a farm and planting. Even though she was distant with him when he was growing up, Kentucky understood why and was soon pushed into the responsibility of being a state, leading him to emphasize with her the workload. During the War of 1812, they became closer as Kentucky tried to be at every battle, supporting the country as Virginia took care of him and his wounds. She was proud of him. Nowadays, they are still on good terms. 
-Maryland: She has mixed feelings about Maryland. Mostly negative. Perhaps there was a time when they were colonies that Virginia thought Maryland as a friend but it’s complicated and a wip. Although Maryland’s positive attitude and some of his beliefs rubbed off on Virginia over the years, she finds him annoying. Since the Civil War, he became more wealthy than her which was a blow to her self esteem, seeing how she always bragged how successful she was and was then destroyed. She has hated how much influence Maryland had on DC seeing as they had different aspirations for the boy. Virginia wanted him more of a Southern gentleman and Maryland wanted him to be free and study all his heart desired, even if it included getting in trouble. And finally, and most importantly, she absolutely hates how he drives and how he even got a driver license. She has gotten into countless accidents whenever she is behind him and fights with him nearly every time. She’s tired of him. But she hates other people more so he’s okay for now.
-North Carolina: Though I don’t have a concrete and satisfying oc of North Carolina, I think that these two are good friends. They just vibe with each other from the start and have great respect for each other. They like to tease each other too.
Virginia: I guess I won once again, huh?
North Carolina, eye twitching: Oh, bless your heart, sweetie.
-Tennessee: She finds him kind of adorable with his optimism, his passion about music, and his habit for always volunteering to help. Virginia always had great respect for him.
-West Virginia: She doesn’t really like him. She used to really love him as she used to raise him but their bond just slowly deteriorated up until the Civil War. Like with Kentucky, she was distant but this had a greater effect on his mental health as West interpreted that Virginia didn’t love him anymore. She had so much to deal with that it physically drained her from wanting to spend time with West Virginia. She always told him she loved him but it wasn’t enough. When West Virginia was becoming his own state, he stole some secrets from Virginia and gave it to the Union. When she found out about this, she felt utterly betrayed. She always thought they were close albeit having opposing opinions. What made this hurt more was that West Virginia was actively participating in the campaign in the East, taking Richmond and causing damage. After the war, she heard some of the things he said about her which was the last straw for her. She began hating him from that point on. He betrayed her, hurt her, and talked absolute trash about her. She didn’t forgive him. Her hatred died down nowadays but she doesn’t really like him. Please know that this was from her perspective, okay?
Things I don’t know how to title but it exists: 
-first wanted to seek wealth
-was incredibly sick when she was young; she promised herself to never get to that point in life at whatever’s cost
-works hard
-makes bomb ass food
-mom friend
-compulsive caretaker
-she was 18 when they declared her independence 
-sorta a history buff
-loves going to festivals
-has an obscure driver license plate, not sure what it is yet, but I just know that it’s probably out of vanity 
-(on the last point wtf is up with your license plate Virginians. Every time I see a plate that says Virginia, your plate always says something weird and I’m just so confused. Also you’re not very good drivers. There. I said it.)
Some things about her (development? idk): 
Due to the living conditions of Jamestown and the rapid growth because of tabacco, she promised herself to never get to that point in her life ever again. She developed a habit throughout the years of saving money and soon became her profession of either business or economics. 
Since she was the oldest compared to the other OG 13 an had two younger brothers, she had to grow up quickly and be the responsible one. She wanted them to be safe while they’re together. For example, when Virginia see anyone hurt, she was always the first to help them and give some sort of lecture. She also provided the food, with some help obviously, but she was the main chef. Whenever the other colonies get upset, Virginia has to step in and comfort them. At the same time, she was also delving more into politics and helping out with her government. With this mindset, she had little time to truly enjoy her childhood or even have one. She had to be the mature one. She had to be the responsible one. She had to be. This ultimately causes her to be stressed and thinking that is normal. It also lead to Virginia being to stubborn and thinks she doesn’t have to be goofy or have fun like the other kids.
Some writing but I’m too shy to show all of it so have this,,,:
She swiftly exited the party held in their shared house. Thoughts raced through her mind. Fun, gentle memories filled her mind with nostalgia only to be struck with regrettable decisions she made. Her breath quickened. Her blue eyes shifted from plant to plant. Her chest grew heavier by the second. 
The booming echoes of gunshots softly dies down, relieving Virginia of her stress. She and most of the female states took refuge at a nearby town from Yorktown. Virginia prayed once more for the safety of her fellow states who are currently in the siege. Pressing her hands together, she began reciting. Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Maryland, South Carolina, and Georgia - her brethren. The thought of them getting hurt distressed her greatly. They don’t always agree on everything but she’ll be damned if they don’t mean anything to her. Little by little, she began relaxing, but that anxiety never left. Once the last words slipped from her mouth, she glanced at the other girls. The tension in the air was palpable. They could only hope that this period of silence would stay silent.
Some quotes,, things?: 
Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico: *closes the windows and curtains fiercely and quickly while peeking out every now and then*
Virginia: *crosses arms with a disappointed look* So what’s your excuse for today? 
Nevada: [whispers] I said shut up! *looks at Arizona and New Mexico who gave her a nod*
Arizona: We’re good. We can talk now.
Virginia: What illegal shit have you done this time?
South Carolina: What are you? Barely 300 years old? Makes sense. You’re so young!
Rhode Island: Careful South, you’ll make the entire void we call Midwest cry *snorts*
Virginia: When Washington wanted us to get along, I’m not quite sure this is what he meant
Virginia: *disgusted by the whole thing*
West Virginia: Oh come on! 
Maryland: Listen, no one will make fun of you.
Virginia: I will though!
DC: How the hell did you get in my house??
Maryland: Not important! As long as we’re together.
DC: Virginia?
Virginia: Like he said, not important.
DC: If you don’t mind a whole house has to be clean.
Maryland: See! He’s not gonna make us work.
DC: Who said I don’t need help?
Virginia: *smacks Maryland*
Maryland: For someone who lived almost practically alone for the past 150 years, he makes some messes.
Virginia: You know, this is your fault.
Virginia: I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again, your brother’s a dick
Delaware: I agree.
Virginia: Why the hell is this here? *points to Maryland*
Virginia: Show me what you have
Kentucky: A gun!
Virginia: NO!
Smith: Ugh, don’t be like that. [sees Virginia] And don’t worry about the kid too. No reason for her to starve under your rule too.
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